Tadalafil 5 mg OD with 50 mg sildenafil on demand has worked tremendously for almost 90% of my patients. I would like to thank you for your suggestion, as no textbook guides one the way you did. Thank you
I get WAY more information from your channel than I could ever hope to get from my own urologist, who just wants to do a cystoscopy every year and sends me on my way.
You are spot on with this info. I personally have followed some of the mentioned ways to make things work and have been very successful. Thank you!!! You are an absolute godsend!!!
Such a complicated subject and I love her scientific explanations and her newsletters. After some experimentation I take 20mg vardenafil as needed and the best times to use it.
Great video . May i list some other ideas ? - L citruline - Beet root extract - Low dose Yohimbine - Picnogenol ( great antioxidant) - Mesterolone - Folic acid - Pentoxiphylline
@ yeah in that 1 rat study that they megadosed dutasteride on lol. Not in humans and humans take far less than the study in rats . If you were right about humans then 100% of dutasteride users will have ED and thats not the casw.
Also, specific exercises help. Among them, leg lifts, deep squats (high reps, no weight or very little weight, and some yoga poses, specifically deep extended child's pose, relax into for several minutes. Good luck.
I tried daily Tadalafil (2.5mg). Worked well but then less effective after 2 weeks. Side effects of heart burn, headache & severe back pain were unpleasant. It also seemed to make Sildenafil less effective. Appreciate the video with great info as always 🙏
Most side effects diminish over time. Suggest taking Tadalafil on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and try fasting until lunch, that should assist with the heart burn. I too suffer from heart burn on 2.5mg Tadalafil, but I notice it is significantly worse when my diet isn't on point.
I have a small daily serving of beets and noticed an increase in nitric oxide as measured by NO test strips. I agree doc, I take daily 5 mg. tadalafil. Thanks for excellent info.
I’ll add my two cents of advice. If you are overweight, inactive and have a low fitness level, you won’t benefit much from ED medications. I’m 63, BMI 24 and I walk between 6 and 10 kilometers every single day. I also hit the gym three days a week. Fitness just makes for better sex, it’s as simple as that.
Yeah it does, but not everyone can. I say that as someone who used to be a total gym rat for 30 years. After multiple injuries (along with a dozen surgeries and several ICU stays) I had to drastically reduce pretty much all my exercises (many of them completely) and I am only in my 50's.
I take 5 mg daily Tadalafil, am on TRT and have had shockwave. TRT seems to have made the biggest difference for me. However, a friend of mine got his biggest benefit with shockwave. So it probably depends on each person's individual characteristics. They are all helpful. TRT, especially, is beneficial in so many different ways.
But if you take TRT, make sure you get on a estrogen blocker bc that will rise also, so you have to balance it all out and get regular blood work done. Did the shockwave not help you? I was wanting to try that.
Eating Watermelon 🍉.. beets .. pomegranate and 100% cocao powder and getting proper rest and hitting gym 3 times a week esp doing squats daily .. should help
Please note if you’re a borderline diabetic watermelon beats bananas, and the fact that you’re possibly overweight? Could give you a lot of energy but won’t do any good for your blood sugar if you’re not overweight and you’re working out 3 to 4 times a week in a gym honestly working out, you could keep your blood sugar down to the point where if you consume some good carbs like beets, watermellon, bananas! I’m 70 this could work for you, as it does me. BUT CHECK WITH YOUR Endocrinologist or GP👍
A book that changed my life in ways that I never could imagine is "Secret Testosterone Nexus of Evolution".Drop whatever you're doing right now and go find that book. Trust me after I implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode
tadalafil and sildenafil are not free of side effects. It should be stressed that these are only after: diet, hotter partner, exercise, direct sunlight, hydration nutrition,.... Of course full blood work to check for vitamin or mineral deficiencies and of course all the hormones (fasting insulin, thyroid, test, SHBG,....) and the general CBC and CMP. Meds should be a last resort. I've been surprised how many guys get a divorce and now have zero issues with the new wife / girlfriend.
Thank you, for so much HONEST answers. I get answers before I can think of the question. I use some "small" doses for a daily (10mg Revatio) in combination of L-Citrulline and L-Arginine to help maintain blood flow, at nearly 70 years old I think it just helps. Thanks again.
My doctor suggested going back and forth between tadalifil and sildenafil but that didn't help, not even taking a half dose of each at the same time. When I was 60 I had no real need for any of that stuff but if I took a small dose of either, I was like a 20 year old. Now I'm 75 and with my wife having chronic pain from a screwed up neck surgery, she never wants to play and I've learned about how true "use it or lose it" is.
I had nerve sparing radical prostatectomy following prostate cancer and now have ED, what caused it since I never had ED before the surgery and what can be done, if anything, to correct it? Is that just the downside to prostate cancer.
@boatersteve Sir I just read your post, I thought nerve damage was inevitable after prostate surgery. I had the same surgery in June of 2019, and certainly experienced nerve damage. I am on Quadmix injections. I am sure you are familiar.
Alternate weekly or bi weekly between the two. I have been on cialis for 12 months and find that it is not working as well so I am going to take Viagra and so the alternating weekly or bi-weekly, any advise ?
I agree. I take a low dose of Tadalafil daily and a full dose when necessary. Generic Tadalafil combined with a Goodrx coupon is ridiculously cheap, less than $1 each. That plus a margarita before the big event and I'm relaxed and good to go!
Love the great info in your videos. My doctor recently switched me to 20MG Tadalafil from 20MG Sildenafil because of the benefits for BPH. However I feel 20mg of the Tadalafil is less effective as an on demand medication. Can taking 2 x 20mg of tadalfil work better and is safe??
@DrRena Malik, M.D. my testosterone number is up to 638 & i am still having problems. I have an order of Shilajit with Ashwaganda & sea moss on order to try to help. Am I on the right track?
You suggest a daily dose of Tadalafil in addition to as-needed doses. Since the as-needed dose could be the "maximum" available (20 mg), this strategy would effectively increase the dose beyond that supposed maximum. That makes me wonder about the possibility of increasing the as-needed dose beyond the 20 mg that the pills come in. How about taking 30, or even 40, mg "as needed"? You could still be taking the 5 mg (or even 10 mg) daily dose, and then, as needed, taking a larger-than-20mg dose. That's what I've been doing as it seems to be working. I know, by the way, that unlike Viagra, which theoretically could harm your eyes in large doses, the same, I was told by one urologist, isn't true of Tadalafil. Any thoughts?
I had the shockwave therapy about 5 years ago. Insurance does not cover it. I paid for it out-of-pocket. And it did absolutely nothing except. Drain my bank account. I did my homework. I read up on it and it sounded like it was a good thing. And apparently there's a couple of different kinds of shockwave therapies?
I hving a ef Ed though for the shock threpy currently can't afford it thought to go for cials is it same as tadalafil? Thought to take it with l arginine l citrulline..
Dr. Malik, my doctor told me that some ED meds can be used to help with Prostate issues and Hypertension. Is this true? But the cost is prohibited in Canada and insurance companies😢 will not cover cost of the cost of the medication.
As a 40 year old, I would and did hop onto low dose Tadalafil. I go gym and eat decent but the lower nightly erections definitely started towards late 30s. 2.5mg every other day. I have low grade varicocele work shifts and have low stress levels.
can low dose of tadalafil (5mg to 10mg on EOD dosage) used along with l-citrulline , boron and testoterone booster (such as tongkat ali, fadogia and such) supplementation ?
It is all very well talking about taking these every day but they are not cheap .I had major heart surgery when i was sixty five and have had ed ever since. The doctor gave me a perception for sildinafil but it did not work that well and cost to much .
They also have side effects ... so it is difficult to use this stuff every day. It is a relief to stop daily use ... but may be necessary for holidays and other special upcoming events.
Tadalifil daily can cause a loss in swallowing modality. The result is very significant acid reflux as the lower valve becomes lax and won’t keep acid out. Keep this in mind.
@adrianhaynes5506 great question regarding T level production. My T level was considered low but normal therefore I was told I am not a candidate for tertestrone rehabilitation therapy. There isn't any research done on over the counter products at all. People perhaps are simply hoping it works.
Vardenafil ( Levitra ) does not cause headaches as often. Sidenafil elicited a significant posterior headache about 6 hpurs after ingestion. Levitria does not result in a headache for me and efficacy is the same as Sildenafil and lasts a little longer. I take on an empty stomach though Levitra supposedly is not effected while taking with food.
I suffer from Mr Softy all the time and have for many years ,have tried various ED meds , I find Vardenafil about 5mg the best for me ,but if I have too much it doesnt work at all ,could be performance anxiety taking over maybe ,but for me its best to leave of it for a good few days for best results , everyone is different though ,so what works for some doesn't work for all,
@jagga10 I am also 70, I have been eating a slice of raw beets and drinking corny goats tee. ( yes that is what it is called), I also take tadalfil sometimes over night, and I have firmness in the morning. I guess during the sleep process the blood flow is better because the artiries are very relaxed and dilated. I am sure you know what I am talking about. Plus very fee carbs.
@@arabionjames9290 Hi Thank you you for your information, l will adhere to your instructions see how my body behaves It's the notorious headache i dread the following day
First, it may depend on your insurance and, of course, country. But my insurance in the US covers Cialis (Tadalafil) and TRT like it would any other prescription (i.e., after deductible and coinsurance). Although for TRT to be covered, you must prove a need for it via two blood tests on separate occasions and must be performed in the morning and have a total testosterone below 300 ng/dL. The antioxidants are supplements and not covered, nor is Shockwave therapy since it's still considered experimental treatment. However, penile implants would be covered.
Interesting information. You neglected to discuss penis pumping, PT-141, and other supplements such as Maca, ginseng, tongkat ali used in combination. with PDE 5 inhibitors.
👋😊 Hi! I'm watching you from the Netherlands, thank you for your useful videos! Please tell me why there is no good libido with high testosterone levels (700-800 ng/dl)? What to do about it? And the next one, what to look for when choosing a portable Shockwave device? Thanks 😊
I've had type 1 diabetes since I was 18, and I have been on antidepressants for over 10 years. They're supposed to be the type that shouldn't interfere, but I take sildenafil, the highest, safe dose possible, and they don't work, I've also tried the lozenges from a well known on line therapy, that are supposed to work in about 15 minutes. Nope, they don't, and they taste awful! I'm 59 now, and I guess my days of sowing oats are done 😢😢😢
I take cialis daily and it hasn’t done much. But if I take 25 mg then it works great. I also noticed that my morning wood is much harder but my erections during sex are not improved. Any input?
What do you you recommend when insurance says no to the meds, because they say it's not medically needed. I have heart problems, prostate cancer, and also taking meds that cause ED. These meds are needed because of the prostate cancer.
The side affects for me are severe indigestion symptoms and I have GERD so the reaction is very uncomfortable, rendering their use almost worse than missing out on having sex! Is there no medication without such side effects?
@@Ange65230I’ve read that Omeprazole can hinder the absorption of Zinc and a couple other minerals which need to present for effective Nitric Oxide production…
Dr. Malik... could you talk about potential hearing problems especially when talking sildenafil... after taking 10mg sildenafil for the first time I lost a good amount of my hearing and the ringing is just terrible... Ive been told there is no treatment... I came across a quote from Huge Hefner ex wife and she said because of his sildenafil use he lost most of his's hearing... something to keep in mind...
Me too on the ringing, not as bad as yours though. Ramps up when dosing, calms down when not. I have some ringing all the time, more noticeable when quiet.
@@houseofstylz I had to start wearing my hearing aids during the day and that helps distract me from the tinnitus. The only place I can get a lot of relief from the head noise is when I take a shower.
Thanks for another great and informative video Dr. Malik. I have low testosterone which is causing my ED. I’m at risk of prostate cancer due to my dad and his father both had it. I was told that higher testosterone could increase the chances of developing cancer. My Dr. still isn’t sure what’s causing my low testosterone levels. I’m 45, very healthy diet of Whole Foods, workout 5 days a week, have a drink maybe twice a week and have an active job. Is there any truth to the testosterone and cancer connection? And any thoughts on my low levels?
An issue with using Arginine and/or L-Citrulline supplements is that it activates the Herpes virus in those who have genital herpes. Some say that you can counter that by consuming L-Lysine but it doesn't always work like that. Also, its' important to note that watermelon contains Citrulline which breaks down into Arginine, and eating too much of it can also cause a herpes outbreak!
I believe my ed is caused from Duloxetine taken for peripheral neuropathy (20 mg/day). We believe my neuropathy is not diabetic driven, but I have had elevated blood sugar over the past. Through a trial I stepped down the Duloxetine and regained ability to obtain an erection. My assumption is that the Duloxetine is also impacting the nerve pathways that provide sensation to the penis and that when taken away stimulation is returned. But - the neuropathy pain became unmanageable and quickly returned to take the drug. Do we believe that a daily tadalafil + sildenafil as needed would work in this case? or is the loss of stimulation a separate cause. thanks
I had ED and things only got any better when I started TRT. I take Durateston, tadalafil daily together with L-citruline. Nocturnal erections and morning woods came back and erections are great now.
I've never used any blue pills , i'm 63, and 3 years ago i had to start taking antidepressants, am now on a high dose of Venlafaxine 300mgs, and pregabalin 2x150mgs daily. I know that the Venlafaxine causes ED, i've had no libido now for 3 years, thats not to say i don't crave it. I don't have heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes or any serious problems. Would you say that a generic brand of what is commonly know as Viagra would help?
Thanks so much for watching! Sign up for my newsletter here: renamalikmd.beehiiv.com/subscribe
11% is not statistically significant
Dr malik let hope u are doing fine! Thax for your lesson so helpful. My question is does eating bananas 🍌 every day cause ED?
Tadalafil 5 mg OD with 50 mg sildenafil on demand has worked tremendously for almost 90% of my patients. I would like to thank you for your suggestion, as no textbook guides one the way you did. Thank you
Is the Tadalfi taken on a daily bases?
I get WAY more information from your channel than I could ever hope to get from my own urologist, who just wants to do a cystoscopy every year and sends me on my way.
He does a cystoscopy every year? Oh my goodness.
No way I would do that every year
Sounds like you really need to get a new doctor!
You are spot on with this info. I personally have followed some of the mentioned ways to make things work and have been very successful. Thank you!!! You are an absolute godsend!!!
Such a complicated subject and I love her scientific explanations and her newsletters. After some experimentation I take 20mg vardenafil as needed and the best times to use it.
And you are beautiful. This is a gold channel, full of amazing information. Thank you for all you do !
Great video . May i list some other ideas ? - L citruline - Beet root extract - Low dose Yohimbine - Picnogenol ( great antioxidant) - Mesterolone - Folic acid - Pentoxiphylline
No one is going to do Mesterolone. Testosterone > DHT . Always
@axlethebody You are completely wrong. DHT is the main androgen for erectile function,this is a proven fact.
@ yeah in that 1 rat study that they megadosed dutasteride on lol. Not in humans and humans take far less than the study in rats . If you were right about humans then 100% of dutasteride users will have ED and thats not the casw.
dude just take damn testosterone. I was taking years all kind of supplements, nothing helped like using testosteron.
Bro taking testosterone externally has tremendous side effects, your body doesn't create natural testosterone, @@jordixboy
Also, specific exercises help. Among them, leg lifts, deep squats (high reps, no weight or very little weight, and some yoga poses, specifically deep extended child's pose, relax into for several minutes. Good luck.
I tried daily Tadalafil (2.5mg). Worked well but then less effective after 2 weeks. Side effects of heart burn, headache & severe back pain were unpleasant. It also seemed to make Sildenafil less effective.
Appreciate the video with great info as always 🙏
She recommended 5mg and trials of every other day
Most side effects diminish over time. Suggest taking Tadalafil on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and try fasting until lunch, that should assist with the heart burn. I too suffer from heart burn on 2.5mg Tadalafil, but I notice it is significantly worse when my diet isn't on point.
I have a small daily serving of beets and noticed an increase in nitric oxide as measured by NO test strips. I agree doc, I take daily 5 mg. tadalafil. Thanks for excellent info.
I’ll add my two cents of advice. If you are overweight, inactive and have a low fitness level, you won’t benefit much from ED medications. I’m 63, BMI 24 and I walk between 6 and 10 kilometers every single day. I also hit the gym three days a week. Fitness just makes for better sex, it’s as simple as that.
Yeah it does, but not everyone can. I say that as someone who used to be a total gym rat for 30 years. After multiple injuries (along with a dozen surgeries and several ICU stays) I had to drastically reduce pretty much all my exercises (many of them completely) and I am only in my 50's.
I just take breaks from it. When i took it everyday it quit working. Your body gets use to things
Yeah I’m dealing with that right now
Been taking 20mg tildalafil almost everyday for a while now
This new relationship is gonna kill me 😂
I take 5 mg daily Tadalafil, am on TRT and have had shockwave. TRT seems to have made the biggest difference for me. However, a friend of mine got his biggest benefit with shockwave. So it probably depends on each person's individual characteristics. They are all helpful. TRT, especially, is beneficial in so many different ways.
what is TRT?
@@gosman949 Testosterone replacement therapy. Basically, it is taking extra testosterone to get your level up.
@@gosman949 testosterone replacement therapy
Testosterone Replacement Therapy @@gosman949
But if you take TRT, make sure you get on a estrogen blocker bc that will rise also, so you have to balance it all out and get regular blood work done. Did the shockwave not help you? I was wanting to try that.
Eating Watermelon 🍉.. beets .. pomegranate and 100% cocao powder and getting proper rest and hitting gym 3 times a week esp doing squats daily .. should help
Please note if you’re a borderline diabetic watermelon beats bananas, and the fact that you’re possibly overweight? Could give you a lot of energy but won’t do any good for your blood sugar if you’re not overweight and you’re working out 3 to 4 times a week in a gym honestly working out, you could keep your blood sugar down to the point where if you consume some good carbs like beets, watermellon, bananas! I’m 70 this could work for you, as it does me. BUT CHECK WITH YOUR Endocrinologist or GP👍
What about taking regular doses of Sildenafil?
A book that changed my life in ways that I never could imagine is "Secret Testosterone Nexus of Evolution".Drop whatever you're doing right now and go find that book. Trust me after I implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode
tadalafil and sildenafil are not free of side effects. It should be stressed that these are only after: diet, hotter partner, exercise, direct sunlight, hydration nutrition,.... Of course full blood work to check for vitamin or mineral deficiencies and of course all the hormones (fasting insulin, thyroid, test, SHBG,....) and the general CBC and CMP. Meds should be a last resort. I've been surprised how many guys get a divorce and now have zero issues with the new wife / girlfriend.
Getting a divorce works wonderfully!
Hotter Partner 🫡
Add physical activity; take a walk, any type of cardio, hit the gym, limit alcohol or even cut it off, cut off smoking and healthy diet
@@MulubaGeneral Absolutely true, especially for us men who are 60+
Thank you, for so much HONEST answers. I get answers before I can think of the question. I use some "small" doses for a daily (10mg Revatio) in combination of L-Citrulline and L-Arginine to help maintain blood flow, at nearly 70 years old I think it just helps. Thanks again.
It would be really nice if you could cover cleveland clinic's penile artery angioplasty & stenting. Seems like it is the gold standard.
What are the Pros and Cons from a PAE Prostate Artery Embolization procedure ? Do you recommend this procedure ?
My doctor suggested going back and forth between tadalifil and sildenafil but that didn't help, not even taking a half dose of each at the same time. When I was 60 I had no real need for any of that stuff but if I took a small dose of either, I was like a 20 year old. Now I'm 75 and with my wife having chronic pain from a screwed up neck surgery, she never wants to play and I've learned about how true "use it or lose it" is.
You are 100%correct ,i already tried
What to do about the ice pick headache I get when taking these drugs? Will it subside?
I had nerve sparing radical prostatectomy following prostate cancer and now have ED, what caused it since I never had ED before the surgery and what can be done, if anything, to correct it? Is that just the downside to prostate cancer.
@boatersteve Sir I just read your post, I thought nerve damage was inevitable after prostate surgery.
I had the same surgery in June of 2019, and certainly experienced nerve damage.
I am on Quadmix injections.
I am sure you are familiar.
Thank you for all your helpful videos..
Thanks for all your videos. Is there any long term negative effects from using these pills daily? Thanks again.
yohimbe works great for me!!!😎
I take 50mg of sildenafil sometimes don’t work can I take 2 off them at same time
Dr malik plz make a video on Nasal TRT (natesto )
Apparently its the safest
But we need your expert opinion
Thanks ❤
Rena. One way is to alternate between Sidefenil and Tadalafil and bingo it works in me.
I agree
Alternate weekly or bi weekly between the two. I have been on cialis for 12 months and find that it is not working as well so I am going to take Viagra and so the alternating weekly or bi-weekly, any advise ?
this is what I plan to do....been on cialis for a while and about to take a break from it and start viagra
I agree. I take a low dose of Tadalafil daily and a full dose when necessary. Generic Tadalafil combined with a Goodrx coupon is ridiculously cheap, less than $1 each. That plus a margarita before the big event and I'm relaxed and good to go!
Just make sure it’s HER who drinks the margarita 😂
How long have you been doing this?
Love the great info in your videos. My doctor recently switched me to 20MG Tadalafil from 20MG Sildenafil because of the benefits for BPH. However I feel 20mg of the Tadalafil is less effective as an on demand medication. Can taking 2 x 20mg of tadalfil work better and is safe??
Good Morning Dr. Malik 🌞 complicado
Thanks for the great info!😁😁
L-Argine has helped me...
I had very low testosterone and found TRT to be helpful. If you try one one of these treatments, give it at least 30-60 days to work.
@DrRena Malik, M.D. my testosterone number is up to 638 & i am still having problems. I have an order of Shilajit with Ashwaganda & sea moss on order to try to help. Am I on the right track?
Improving blood flow is the better option. If anything just drink water and have a healthy diet when taking this
Good madam❤
Thank you for the great information
Hungry root food
You suggest a daily dose of Tadalafil in addition to as-needed doses. Since the as-needed dose could be the "maximum" available (20 mg), this strategy would effectively increase the dose beyond that supposed maximum. That makes me wonder about the possibility of increasing the as-needed dose beyond the 20 mg that the pills come in. How about taking 30, or even 40, mg "as needed"? You could still be taking the 5 mg (or even 10 mg) daily dose, and then, as needed, taking a larger-than-20mg dose. That's what I've been doing as it seems to be working. I know, by the way, that unlike Viagra, which theoretically could harm your eyes in large doses, the same, I was told by one urologist, isn't true of Tadalafil. Any thoughts?
I already take l-arginine, can I or should I add propionyl for better results?
When those meds stop working find a younger partner and 9 out of 10 times problem solved.
Thanks fantastic info
I had the shockwave therapy about 5 years ago. Insurance does not cover it. I paid for it out-of-pocket. And it did absolutely nothing except. Drain my bank account. I did my homework. I read up on it and it sounded like it was a good thing. And apparently there's a couple of different kinds of shockwave therapies?
I hving a ef Ed though for the shock threpy currently can't afford it thought to go for cials is it same as tadalafil? Thought to take it with l arginine l citrulline..
Dr. Malik, my doctor told me that some ED meds can be used to help with Prostate issues and Hypertension. Is this true? But the cost is prohibited in Canada and insurance companies😢 will not cover cost of the cost of the medication.
Tadalafil helps with BPH. Talk to your urologist.
This may be helpful. I will give this a try.
What about using 20 mgs of sidanfil daily then using 60mgs on demand of sidanfil?
Dr. Would the
Phoenix home wave therapy work. Would you recommend it?
As a 40 year old, I would and did hop onto low dose Tadalafil.
I go gym and eat decent but the lower nightly erections definitely started towards late 30s. 2.5mg every other day. I have low grade varicocele work shifts and have low stress levels.
L-citrilene is a better for nitric oxide production
Try Royal Jelly. It's absolutely Brilliant!!!
Burned out trying to find a way to cure my ED.
I hear ya.....I want an implant....Coloplast Titan
Alprostadil injections work GREAT for me. The pills didn’t.
Did you try a penis pump?
@@JAKE3914 I WILL have Tactra Malleable next month in toronto
@@bryanw5951 do you inject before sex or does it last for awhile?
can low dose of tadalafil (5mg to 10mg on EOD dosage) used along with l-citrulline , boron and testoterone booster (such as tongkat ali, fadogia and such) supplementation ?
It is all very well talking about taking these every day but they are not cheap .I had major heart surgery when i was sixty five and have had ed ever since. The doctor gave me a perception for sildinafil but it did not work that well and cost to much .
Could you please tell me ware is your office located
Please make a video about: How can I cure ED for the side effect of antidepressant medicine like olanzapine..
They also have side effects ... so it is difficult to use this stuff every day. It is a relief to stop daily use ... but may be necessary for holidays and other special upcoming events.
All great and good, but insurance will only pay for 12 a month
I am having stress induced erectile dysfunction should I take any meds
There problem is that (a) Tadalafil is very expensive (here in the UK at least), and (b) getting the NHS to approve daily use is impossible.
Sorry to hear that. I get ninety pills for 5 dollars With my prescription plan.
Thankfully we don't have socialized health care.
Tadalifil daily can cause a loss in swallowing modality. The result is very significant acid reflux as the lower valve becomes lax and won’t keep acid out. Keep this in mind.
Wow that explains my burned trachea.
I’ve never heard this. Where are you getting your information?
Can you tell us your information, I am interested!!
This has been my experience also. I guess depends on your body, everyone is different.
A vacuum assisted device is considered more invasive?
What are your thoughts on nitric oxide to help increase testosterone levels?
@adrianhaynes5506 great question regarding T level production. My T level was considered low but normal therefore I was told I am not a candidate for tertestrone rehabilitation therapy. There isn't any research done on over the counter products at all. People perhaps are simply hoping it works.
I am 70 years old finding very difficult to overcome my ED despite taking medication, some ED medication gives me bad headache the following day
Might be due to taking a higher dose of it. Headaches are a common side effect
Vardenafil ( Levitra ) does not cause headaches as often. Sidenafil elicited a significant posterior headache about 6 hpurs after ingestion. Levitria does not result in a headache for me and efficacy is the same as Sildenafil and lasts a little longer. I take on an empty stomach though Levitra supposedly is not effected while taking with food.
I suffer from Mr Softy all the time and have for many years ,have tried various ED meds , I find Vardenafil about 5mg the best for me ,but if I have too much it doesnt work at all ,could be performance anxiety taking over maybe ,but for me its best to leave of it for a good few days for best results , everyone is different though ,so what works for some doesn't work for all,
@jagga10 I am also 70, I have been eating a slice of raw beets and drinking corny goats tee. ( yes that is what it is called), I also take tadalfil sometimes over night, and I have firmness in the morning.
I guess during the sleep process the blood flow is better because the artiries are very relaxed and dilated.
I am sure you know what I am talking about.
Plus very fee carbs.
@@arabionjames9290 Hi Thank you you for your information, l will adhere to your instructions see how my body behaves
It's the notorious headache i dread the following day
I'm just wondering how often insurance will actually pay for these treatments.
Generics paid with cash can be cheaper than insurance.
Sildafinil (generic viagra) only about 60 cents per tablet.
First, it may depend on your insurance and, of course, country. But my insurance in the US covers Cialis (Tadalafil) and TRT like it would any other prescription (i.e., after deductible and coinsurance). Although for TRT to be covered, you must prove a need for it via two blood tests on separate occasions and must be performed in the morning and have a total testosterone below 300 ng/dL.
The antioxidants are supplements and not covered, nor is Shockwave therapy since it's still considered experimental treatment. However, penile implants would be covered.
Where do we find your newsletter with the Yourology?
renamalikmd.beehiiv.com/subscribe thanks!!
What about 10mg Cialis every other day?
Interesting information. You neglected to discuss penis pumping, PT-141, and other supplements such as Maca, ginseng, tongkat ali used in combination. with PDE 5 inhibitors.
👋😊 Hi! I'm watching you from the Netherlands, thank you for your useful videos! Please tell me why there is no good libido with high testosterone levels (700-800 ng/dl)? What to do about it? And the next one, what to look for when choosing a portable Shockwave device? Thanks 😊
Shockwave is not a "do it yourself" treatment. To be effective, it requires professional equipment used in a doctor's office.
@Nordic_Sky Opinions differ on this matter.
High testosterone sometimes causes higher levels of estradiol. You might need a script of Anastrozole… take maybe once a week.
@marklowe5939 Thanks, but Estradiol value is in the norm.
@@Nordic_Sky Opinions differ on this.
FIRST COMMENT AND FIRST LIKE:🥇❤🏅🩵🏆 happy holidays 🎄✨❄️☃️Dr. Rena Malik i love you ❌⭕️❌⭕️
What about pt-141. On sublingual vardanafil, works ok. Your .02 pls n thx
I’ve heard about the beetroot therapy before. Just where do I attach it, and do I need to hollow it out to fit. 🤭
I've had type 1 diabetes since I was 18, and I have been on antidepressants for over 10 years. They're supposed to be the type that shouldn't interfere, but I take sildenafil, the highest, safe dose possible, and they don't work, I've also tried the lozenges from a well known on line therapy, that are supposed to work in about 15 minutes. Nope, they don't, and they taste awful! I'm 59 now, and I guess my days of sowing oats are done 😢😢😢
Does Erecting or beet extract have any benefits
I take cialis daily and it hasn’t done much. But if I take 25 mg then it works great. I also noticed that my morning wood is much harder but my erections during sex are not improved. Any input?
Wait. Was there a #4 I missed?
When u review the Vertica?
Thank You
Hey Dr., what are your thoughts on PT-141?
What do you you recommend when insurance says no to the meds, because they say it's not medically needed. I have heart problems, prostate cancer, and also taking meds that cause ED. These meds are needed because of the prostate cancer.
Have your Dr prescribe cialis for bph, med necessary
The side affects for me are severe indigestion symptoms and I have GERD so the reaction is very uncomfortable, rendering their use almost worse than missing out on having sex! Is there no medication without such side effects?
@@marklowe5939 many thanks, I do take this, doesn't really help sadly.
@@Ange65230I’ve read that Omeprazole can hinder the absorption of Zinc and a couple other minerals which need to present for effective Nitric Oxide production…
I simply do IF, cut out all refined sugars and sweets, work out HARD including HIIT....and tightening exercises....you know....down there..😂
Dr. Malik... could you talk about potential hearing problems especially when talking sildenafil... after taking 10mg sildenafil for the first time I lost a good amount of my hearing and the ringing is just terrible... Ive been told there is no treatment... I came across a quote from Huge Hefner ex wife and she said because of his sildenafil use he lost most of his's hearing... something to keep in mind...
Me too on the ringing, not as bad as yours though.
Ramps up when dosing, calms down when not.
I have some ringing all the time, more noticeable when quiet.
@@houseofstylz I had to start wearing my hearing aids during the day and that helps distract me from the tinnitus. The only place I can get a lot of relief from the head noise is when I take a shower.
Thanks for another great and informative video Dr. Malik. I have low testosterone which is causing my ED. I’m at risk of prostate cancer due to my dad and his father both had it. I was told that higher testosterone could increase the chances of developing cancer. My Dr. still isn’t sure what’s causing my low testosterone levels. I’m 45, very healthy diet of Whole Foods, workout 5 days a week, have a drink maybe twice a week and have an active job. Is there any truth to the testosterone and cancer connection? And any thoughts on my low levels?
Look at the Traverse study. There is no link between TRT and appearance of new prostate cancer. You're good to go.
Thanks 🙏🏼
It’s not the high total, fee test or dihydrotestosterone that is actually the problem but rather the conversion of free t to estrogen.
@@Bob_Lawblaw Yea you should always get medical advice from yt comments lol
@@BloodFlowNutritionDocwow someone else who knows this… amazing! Kudos to you.
If you are having Psychological issues nothing will work. It doesn't make you want to do it. It just helps you to do it.
Doctor, will this work for ED because of prostate removal?
You're a great candidate for Trimix. Ask your urologist about it.
An issue with using Arginine and/or L-Citrulline supplements is that it activates the Herpes virus in those who have genital herpes. Some say that you can counter that by consuming L-Lysine but it doesn't always work like that. Also, its' important to note that watermelon contains Citrulline which breaks down into Arginine, and eating too much of it can also cause a herpes outbreak!
gives me a hangover and headache
I believe my ed is caused from Duloxetine taken for peripheral neuropathy (20 mg/day). We believe my neuropathy is not diabetic driven, but I have had elevated blood sugar over the past. Through a trial I stepped down the Duloxetine and regained ability to obtain an erection. My assumption is that the Duloxetine is also impacting the nerve pathways that provide sensation to the penis and that when taken away stimulation is returned. But - the neuropathy pain became unmanageable and quickly returned to take the drug. Do we believe that a daily tadalafil + sildenafil as needed would work in this case? or is the loss of stimulation a separate cause. thanks
I had ED and things only got any better when I started TRT. I take Durateston, tadalafil daily together with L-citruline. Nocturnal erections and morning woods came back and erections are great now.
I've never used any blue pills , i'm 63, and 3 years ago i had to start taking antidepressants, am now on a high dose of Venlafaxine 300mgs, and pregabalin 2x150mgs daily. I know that the Venlafaxine causes ED, i've had no libido now for 3 years, thats not to say i don't crave it. I don't have heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes or any serious problems.
Would you say that a generic brand of what is commonly know as Viagra would help?
Why not just take Nitric Oxide instead of the precursor L-Arginyne?
How can we get rid of all the YT ads that claim one magic salt or spice or peroxide...yada yada...will send you halfway to priaprism?
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What does cholesterol has to do with it?
Less blood flow
I even feel like mine got bit smaller then before I'm 29 just i dont masterb,
Shockwave therapy worked for me
can you take to much Nitric Oxide ?