I'm subscribed to a lot of channels Preacher, but one thing that drags me to your channel for updates everyday is the fact, that you're always looking on the fun side of the game. Not if Warlocks will be viable, the top dps spec for certain fights and so on so forth. No, you look out for the fun of players, which is awesome. Thanks for the video!
A sick change to rage would be certain attacks help build rage and other attacks will use your rage to deal high damage, but the more damage you have currently the more damage your ability will do at that current state.
@mike preach have you tried 1h fury yet? im loving it atm my guilds MT kinda has a hard time keep aggro with me, and i never seem to have a rage problem
I play a fury warrior in a heroic raid guild and to be honest i think you touched on most of the main points in this video, i like the shieldwall change so that i'll have a cooldown other than the tiny 20% from die by the sword, which i like to have anyway to cheese certain mechanics on bosses. I think dropping the crit dependence of fury isn't neccecary, they just need to up the scaling of crit as a stat into crit as a % to make the 50% mark reachable to most people (Since bloodthirst scalesby2
I enjoy the rage system for the most part however I agree that it sucks that as a warrior you lose out on generating your offensive resource when you're forced in to a defensive position. However I don't really know what resource that warriors could use while still maintaining the feel of a warrior.
I've been arms on my warrior since TBC, and raiding as arms since the end of WotLK. I pull the same numbers as most other dps classes in my raid, and have enjoyed arms for pretty much the whole run of MoP so far. Can't wait for the 5.4 buffs, getting to really smash some face with that Slam
This is so true. Rage progression was an awesome feeling during WOTLK as a Fury Warrior. Sure, you started rage starved and that sucked, but the rage progression as you went up the tiers just felt like your character progressed a lot. I also dislike that fury, while always being a burst DPS class, now relies on its burst every 20 seconds, which okay I can live with... But the sustained DPS relies on luck and sometimes you're stuck just waiting for buttons and hoping for that crit so that you can finally do something else... If they want us to rely on Colossus Smash, I have no issues as long as they make us less rage starved so we can use our Wild Strikes without procs.
I had a friend playing arms PvE warrior MSV -> Start of ToT, actaully worked pretty good. He held the DPS requirements. Warrior with their new stances actually had some depth to it. Change stance when there is big aoe dmg comming, working a bit like vengence soaking.
I agree, I've been raiding as a fury warrior for over 4 years now, and I can tell you, it is sooo frustrating that your rotation is so incredibly dependant on stats (yes, crit). It puts you in a very big disadvantage towards other classes, especially at the start of an expansion. Everyone is doing sick dps, and there you are, ragestarved and utterly frustrated due to the fact that you just have to wait and wait for rage. Warriors want to go berserk, not wait until some rage comes up...
I play a Female Blood Elf Warrior, and by god, she has been quite fun to play this patch. Cant wait for next patch, its going to be so good for my little warrior
I've played both arms and fury at a 565 ilvl and both specs did well over 200k but the numbers jumped around......a lot especially fury. I will always love the warrior but in its current state it's hard to stay with he class I have had my warrior since vanilla and raided every xpac and mists has been the xpac for us. I could not agree more with you preach
Have to agree with you Preach, I loved warrior dps in BC/Wrath/Cata because there was always something to push, the spammy gameplay was really fun. I actually think prot is fine in MoP for rage generation, since they have so many ways to get it, but dps is just miserable sitting around waiting for rage. If they added more ways for dps warriors to generate rage, or buffed the ones they do have, maybe it would be fun again.
Some bosses in SoO normal I can do 220k DPS as a port warrior with this patch. 1.4m excrit, the amount of rage I have now just makes shield block and barrier always up with one million damage SS. Right now I am needing half the heals and I do twice the DPS as our Blood DK tank and Prot paladin with a dodge and parry spec.
the problem with spending offensive resources to survive have just been removed for deathknights (icebound fortitude)(my main class since WotLK), so i can easily see the problem in the part about survivability. i have never had a capped warrior, and i don't quite enjoy them, but i can see the problems they have, and it makes me kinda annoyed that an entire class (exept prot) becomes bad compared to the other alternatives. this is not vanilla anymore.
The rune system is perfectly fine after your level 75 talents roll in. Rage actually is a problem because every other class either has two resources that play off of each other, or a resource that generates quickly enough to not have to worry about it. Rage is slow, and doesn't have synergy with anything outside of your cd'd abilities that you use to generate them (bloodthirst, and mortal strike)
Sad but true, the warrior is not what it used to be. I struggled to get my 3 warriors to 90 over the course of this expansion and only really did it so they are at cap and ready for the next one. Sorry to say but my shammy became my main this expansion, until I decided to have a break until the next ones comes out though. It does sadden me but the warriors just are not fun anymore.
I do like the buff to Storm bolt, and how for fury it now hits with offhand. This bitch now hits harder than execute at times. I find it on recount as 3rd or 4th with main hand, and 6-7th overall with offhand. Combined it's usually my 2nd highest damage done ability on boss fights.
Excellent video of why I don't want to raid at all on my main after years of raiding. The warrior feels like the most passive character in WoW, when he should feel like the front of the line soldiers rushing in to make first blood, like they used to be.
Fury is getting some big hits with storm strike. I'm really enjoying TG fury with the legendary cloak and it's scaling proc that triggers 2 sometimes 3 times a minute.
I have been wanting the mastery of dps warriors to be changed. I believe arms should have some sort of bleed or plus bleed damage and fury should have a chance on hit to strike with an undodge/parry-able offhand strike would make stat prio much more fun. Id also make bloodthirst increase cast time like a dks necro strike and remove the effects of wild strike thus making it somewhat better for pvp. Please like so Preach can see this!
I don't understand how we were crap at the beginning of mop. When mop came out warriors were in really good shape and could even blanket silence with glyph. We did a ton of damage stacking cds and people hated us. I creamed so many players in the patch after mop released and healers hated me.
yeah, i'm constantly in the top 3 in my 25man group. i like the warrior, always have, i'm going to keep playing it as my main. was arms in cata, am fury now, may try arms again to see if i can make it work, but i'm loving fury, maybe i'm just getting lucky crits. =D thåd proudmoore US
He is. You can see the greyish looking buff. Im not sure if he took that into account. Considering he still pulled top dps in every encounter during this video.
Wow preach I love the warrior class but this was pretty disappointing. Does second wind get buffed? Maybe blizz thinks just cause we wear plate that enough to protect us? At least we don't have to macro shield reflect, woop tee doo. I hate rage too I wish we had a new or second resource like how the demon hunter plays on diablo 3 where you balance rage with anger management
i love the damage increase to slam, but the rage cost is ridiculous. all you use is MS, CS and slam, cant even use heroic strike cause of the rage cost of slam.
Been playing my warrior since vanilla, and I have to say that I'm not that concerned with our potential going into this patch. This is all based on what I think will happen for fury. As of right now, Blood Legion's Soy who is BiS has 39% crit unbuffed. The gear from SoO just by power creep should put warriors up high enough to be at 50% crit while raid buffed. This is huge because this is when BT will crit every time, increasing rage and guarenteeing RB's. It also makes mastery a stronger stat.
I've been playing my warrior for some time now, an alt, and I feel and seen other warriors do great dmg. As far as rage goes if you stance dance between zerker and battle you get good gen during aoe something you didnt do at all in this vid during aoe fights like first boss in temple.
the spec design might be crap, but it works if you get decent gear and scales pretty good. the rng component is a bad thing, but i guess it only feels stupid, if you have lots of crit and get an unlucky streak here and there. fury might need a complete overhaul in 6.0
i don't get it at all. I have seen garrosh kills where two warriors dominated the dps meter and my own arms warrior is the best dps char of all my 90s. I know that i dont get to press heroic strike very often, but i burst my whole rage with slam, which feels really really good. I don't have downtimes either because i use overpower when my rage is low and slam when i have a lot of rage.
I don't play a warrior, but imo if you are melee you should have higher max theoretical dps than ranged but also lower survivability. That is just the way that I believe things should work.
I love arms as is the buffs make me happy but buffs to your class always do. I also find while op hits for less then slam its utility of high crit and reducing ms cd it is quite fun. Also compared to fury it seems alot more reliable its aoe is a nightmare for rage but aside from that its really fun asyou see absolutely huge numbers at times and have awesome mobility.
Fury is not always fine, the reliability on crit and the bad luck streaks can really hurt your dps, and your dps should not be fully reliant on 1 spell critting, most classes outdamage an evenly geared warrior
So true. Relying on crit to pull max dps is a bad idea in itself. Totally RNG, The more crit you have the high your dps will be because of gear. I don't want to relying on end-game to pull great dps compared to other classes.
It seems to just be a bad era for warriors, ever since the endgame of WoTLK and blizzard started to see the way warriors were rage capping, never going below 50% rage, HS and Cleave were spammed like no other ability ever, and the removal of ARP. They just started laying into fury with revamps, adding/removing abilities as well as nerfs/buffs. I remember at the start of cata, it was impossible to get anywhere near white hit cap so bloodthirst was just about all we had for rage. It was rough.
I like the ss/slam thing its cool but yes something needs to be done about the proc chance of colossus and we just need to generate more rage man to sustain our dmg... or stop making spells cost so much damn rage???
I loved warrior since release of wow, Fury in WolK was awesome ( dont hate me for it ), cata was still ok, but it feels so static now. I am arround Ilevel 525 with 35% unbuffed crit chance and still unlucky crit streaks happens way to oftten.
i personally find fury so much fun to play, but it does feel strongly underpowered compared to any other melee class, warriors should have higher crit chance as a class and higher crit dmg% baked in the class.. i feel that yes warriors should crit like a boss and big numbers, right now it feels that im a rogue without poisons, combo points or stealth.. just doing my prio rotation with moderate dmg
I understand what your saying, and I love my protection warrior a lot, one I dont know how, except that on shadowsong most tanks of other classes really suck compared to me; but, I have found that an occational skull banner is good, but I have been able to survive fairly well. And I hate DK and pali tanks and monks are another story of flavor of the expansion syndrome. I say preach go back to your warrior roots, and damn the rest, make this class bad ass and show that warriors can power through
A pity really. I really liked the way arms was in Cata. Im not sure how many others share my opinion but arms was in a really good spot in cata and then these changes in mop ruined it for me.
Warrior DPS really rely on Gears, when you have the Crit that keeps you in Enrage for the whole fight, you are unstoppable. Before that, you just need to hold on and bear with it. BTW, Blizzard really should make haste or mastery work on warrior rather than crit, because most of the gear are haste or mastery base.
I always thought it'd be cool if Bloodthirst hit, you'd get a guaranteed Raging Blow. If Bloodthirst crit, you'd get a guaranteed Raging Blow crit. Either that or 2 charges of Raging Blow. I have loved fury since Vanilla, but really hate Raging Blow.
Seems as though the Blizzard attempt to fix rage has failed... again. I agree the that the reliance on crit and CS is miserable. I really enjoyed arms in Wrath, even if it was only ahead of Fury very briefly, but in both Cata and MoP the warrior gameplay just feels lifeless.
Over my many years of playing the master class, I've learned that arms warrior tend to do better dps and have a higher damage output with higher end gear. Even now in this MoP shitfest, I'm doing more dps and more overall damage during fights than fury warrior equally geared as me.
I love all of your videos every time you release one i drop everything i do to watch it
I'm subscribed to a lot of channels Preacher, but one thing that drags me to your channel for updates everyday is the fact, that you're always looking on the fun side of the game. Not if Warlocks will be viable, the top dps spec for certain fights and so on so forth. No, you look out for the fun of players, which is awesome. Thanks for the video!
Man, I stopped playing WoW but I keep watching your videos, so awesome!
A sick change to rage would be certain attacks help build rage and other attacks will use your rage to deal high damage, but the more damage you have currently the more damage your ability will do at that current state.
@mike preach have you tried 1h fury yet? im loving it atm my guilds MT kinda has a hard time keep aggro with me, and i never seem to have a rage problem
I play a fury warrior in a heroic raid guild and to be honest i think you touched on most of the main points in this video, i like the shieldwall change so that i'll have a cooldown other than the tiny 20% from die by the sword, which i like to have anyway to cheese certain mechanics on bosses. I think dropping the crit dependence of fury isn't neccecary, they just need to up the scaling of crit as a stat into crit as a % to make the 50% mark reachable to most people (Since bloodthirst scalesby2
What mods do you use? I like the buffs, UI, and what is that tidy plate skin?
Polearms for fury warriors? I have not played much mist of pandary but does not all polearms have Agi on them now?
As a warrior class I am currently a happy, happy bunny with the patch. ;)
I enjoy the rage system for the most part however I agree that it sucks that as a warrior you lose out on generating your offensive resource when you're forced in to a defensive position. However I don't really know what resource that warriors could use while still maintaining the feel of a warrior.
Arms was quite awesome in Vanilla with old school windfury totem.
oi, can u do a video (or reply to this comment) on what addons you use? Ui and such
I've been arms on my warrior since TBC, and raiding as arms since the end of WotLK. I pull the same numbers as most other dps classes in my raid, and have enjoyed arms for pretty much the whole run of MoP so far. Can't wait for the 5.4 buffs, getting to really smash some face with that Slam
you can download the whole UI pack
This is so true. Rage progression was an awesome feeling during WOTLK as a Fury Warrior. Sure, you started rage starved and that sucked, but the rage progression as you went up the tiers just felt like your character progressed a lot.
I also dislike that fury, while always being a burst DPS class, now relies on its burst every 20 seconds, which okay I can live with... But the sustained DPS relies on luck and sometimes you're stuck just waiting for buttons and hoping for that crit so that you can finally do something else... If they want us to rely on Colossus Smash, I have no issues as long as they make us less rage starved so we can use our Wild Strikes without procs.
I had a friend playing arms PvE warrior MSV -> Start of ToT, actaully worked pretty good. He held the DPS requirements.
Warrior with their new stances actually had some depth to it. Change stance when there is big aoe dmg comming, working a bit like vengence soaking.
Whats wrong with locks and mages right now?
seem pretty good to me mages always toping meters locks never far behind
At the begining of an exp* Warriors rock in pvp and then it's down from there on...aka Catawut ?
I left this game over a year ago and miss my warrior, but I can't believe they still can't give warriors the buffs they need to be true WARRIORS...
I agree, I've been raiding as a fury warrior for over 4 years now, and I can tell you, it is sooo frustrating that your rotation is so incredibly dependant on stats (yes, crit). It puts you in a very big disadvantage towards other classes, especially at the start of an expansion. Everyone is doing sick dps, and there you are, ragestarved and utterly frustrated due to the fact that you just have to wait and wait for rage. Warriors want to go berserk, not wait until some rage comes up...
Last phase on Iron Qon. Consistent high incoming damage.
I play a Female Blood Elf Warrior, and by god, she has been quite fun to play this patch. Cant wait for next patch, its going to be so good for my little warrior
YAY Preach is alive! Also I played my warrior threw the harsh times, even if it was only LFR and randoms.
I've played both arms and fury at a 565 ilvl and both specs did well over 200k but the numbers jumped around......a lot especially fury. I will always love the warrior but in its current state it's hard to stay with he class I have had my warrior since vanilla and raided every xpac and mists has been the xpac for us. I could not agree more with you preach
Have to agree with you Preach, I loved warrior dps in BC/Wrath/Cata because there was always something to push, the spammy gameplay was really fun. I actually think prot is fine in MoP for rage generation, since they have so many ways to get it, but dps is just miserable sitting around waiting for rage. If they added more ways for dps warriors to generate rage, or buffed the ones they do have, maybe it would be fun again.
5.4 is probalby the last patch of MoP braddah?
Blizzard has started to make polearms with strength on them. Specifically the Mastery Expertise one from ToT.
Great video as always, thanks!
Some bosses in SoO normal I can do 220k DPS as a port warrior with this patch. 1.4m excrit, the amount of rage I have now just makes shield block and barrier always up with one million damage SS. Right now I am needing half the heals and I do twice the DPS as our Blood DK tank and Prot paladin with a dodge and parry spec.
What warrior defensives (for dps specs) use rage?
the problem with spending offensive resources to survive have just been removed for deathknights (icebound fortitude)(my main class since WotLK), so i can easily see the problem in the part about survivability. i have never had a capped warrior, and i don't quite enjoy them, but i can see the problems they have, and it makes me kinda annoyed that an entire class (exept prot) becomes bad compared to the other alternatives. this is not vanilla anymore.
Middle of the pack is where all classes should be. Demo banner/rally are huge raid CDs. Skull banner is awesome too. Warriors are in a great place.
warrior till i day playing a warrior makes more sense to me than any other class tbh
I think it would be nice if they did it more like a rogue where you start with a 100 rage and regenerate throughout the fight
Great video preach
I fail to see the problem
The rune system is perfectly fine after your level 75 talents roll in. Rage actually is a problem because every other class either has two resources that play off of each other, or a resource that generates quickly enough to not have to worry about it. Rage is slow, and doesn't have synergy with anything outside of your cd'd abilities that you use to generate them (bloodthirst, and mortal strike)
Sad but true, the warrior is not what it used to be. I struggled to get my 3 warriors to 90 over the course of this expansion and only really did it so they are at cap and ready for the next one. Sorry to say but my shammy became my main this expansion, until I decided to have a break until the next ones comes out though. It does sadden me but the warriors just are not fun anymore.
3 warriors?
I do like the buff to Storm bolt, and how for fury it now hits with offhand. This bitch now hits harder than execute at times. I find it on recount as 3rd or 4th with main hand, and 6-7th overall with offhand. Combined it's usually my 2nd highest damage done ability on boss fights.
Excellent video of why I don't want to raid at all on my main after years of raiding. The warrior feels like the most passive character in WoW, when he should feel like the front of the line soldiers rushing in to make first blood, like they used to be.
Fury is getting some big hits with storm strike. I'm really enjoying TG fury with the legendary cloak and it's scaling proc that triggers 2 sometimes 3 times a minute.
I have been wanting the mastery of dps warriors to be changed. I believe arms should have some sort of bleed or plus bleed damage and fury should have a chance on hit to strike with an undodge/parry-able offhand strike would make stat prio much more fun. Id also make bloodthirst increase cast time like a dks necro strike and remove the effects of wild strike thus making it somewhat better for pvp.
Please like so Preach can see this!
I don't understand how we were crap at the beginning of mop. When mop came out warriors were in really good shape and could even blanket silence with glyph. We did a ton of damage stacking cds and people hated us. I creamed so many players in the patch after mop released and healers hated me.
yeah, i'm constantly in the top 3 in my 25man group. i like the warrior, always have, i'm going to keep playing it as my main. was arms in cata, am fury now, may try arms again to see if i can make it work, but i'm loving fury, maybe i'm just getting lucky crits. =D thåd proudmoore US
theyve just slapped a bandage on warriors atm and the problem is still there
He is. You can see the greyish looking buff. Im not sure if he took that into account. Considering he still pulled top dps in every encounter during this video.
Wow preach I love the warrior class but this was pretty disappointing. Does second wind get buffed? Maybe blizz thinks just cause we wear plate that enough to protect us? At least we don't have to macro shield reflect, woop tee doo. I hate rage too I wish we had a new or second resource like how the demon hunter plays on diablo 3 where you balance rage with anger management
Me too. Those were my glory days.
Weird, duality's fury warrior is topping meters.
go berserk stance found that helped my rage regen a lil better than nothing I guess lol
rage generation was normalized in cataclysm and you get a ´´buff´´ that makes your gear to iLvL 440 in ptr dungeons
Was what needed? A grammar correction?
Warriors probably win the 2013 most frustrating class to play award.
don't underestimate the buffs to prot. Lots of rage = lots of absorb + that sick t16 2p bonus.
i love the damage increase to slam, but the rage cost is ridiculous. all you use is MS, CS and slam, cant even use heroic strike cause of the rage cost of slam.
what do you fail to understand. did you watch the video where he refers to the negatives as to why he left warrior.?
Really? Was that needed?
Been playing my warrior since vanilla, and I have to say that I'm not that concerned with our potential going into this patch. This is all based on what I think will happen for fury. As of right now, Blood Legion's Soy who is BiS has 39% crit unbuffed. The gear from SoO just by power creep should put warriors up high enough to be at 50% crit while raid buffed. This is huge because this is when BT will crit every time, increasing rage and guarenteeing RB's. It also makes mastery a stronger stat.
My Current and WoD Class setup is: Warrior Tank, Rogue Melee DPS, Hunter Ranged DPS, And Shaman Healer.
I've been playing my warrior for some time now, an alt, and I feel and seen other warriors do great dmg. As far as rage goes if you stance dance between zerker and battle you get good gen during aoe something you didnt do at all in this vid during aoe fights like first boss in temple.
the spec design might be crap, but it works if you get decent gear and scales pretty good.
the rng component is a bad thing, but i guess it only feels stupid, if you have lots of crit and get an unlucky streak here and there.
fury might need a complete overhaul in 6.0
can any1 tell me what the addon he is using for hp bars?
i don't get it at all. I have seen garrosh kills where two warriors dominated the dps meter and my own arms warrior is the best dps char of all my 90s. I know that i dont get to press heroic strike very often, but i burst my whole rage with slam, which feels really really good. I don't have downtimes either because i use overpower when my rage is low and slam when i have a lot of rage.
I don't play a warrior, but imo if you are melee you should have higher max theoretical dps than ranged but also lower survivability. That is just the way that I believe things should work.
I love arms as is the buffs make me happy but buffs to your class always do. I also find while op hits for less then slam its utility of high crit and reducing ms cd it is quite fun. Also compared to fury it seems alot more reliable its aoe is a nightmare for rage but aside from that its really fun asyou see absolutely huge numbers at times and have awesome mobility.
Why is it sad the footage is from a heroic? The video was about the mechanics of a class, not a guide for raiding
Fury is not always fine, the reliability on crit and the bad luck streaks can really hurt your dps, and your dps should not be fully reliant on 1 spell critting, most classes outdamage an evenly geared warrior
Make It so you use rage as you attack instead generating when you attack.
I've been playing a warr since vanilla...I never really complained ;o I have always had an enormous amount of fun and success :)
Lol my level 40 war does half a mages hp with a slam crit, so this buff seems fun
So true. Relying on crit to pull max dps is a bad idea in itself. Totally RNG, The more crit you have the high your dps will be because of gear. I don't want to relying on end-game to pull great dps compared to other classes.
I have
YAY ANOTHER VIDEO C:!! thanks preach ^^
"Patch 5.4 brings several changes to my all time class, are they enough?" ...what?
It seems to just be a bad era for warriors, ever since the endgame of WoTLK and blizzard started to see the way warriors were rage capping, never going below 50% rage, HS and Cleave were spammed like no other ability ever, and the removal of ARP. They just started laying into fury with revamps, adding/removing abilities as well as nerfs/buffs. I remember at the start of cata, it was impossible to get anywhere near white hit cap so bloodthirst was just about all we had for rage. It was rough.
5.4 is coming today for US, tomorrow for eu
Same here bro i know the feeling AND i killed the first boss in LFR on the PTR...
I will continue to play my warrior even if almost everything is shit :D
I like the ss/slam thing its cool but yes something needs to be done about the proc chance of colossus and we just need to generate more rage man to sustain our dmg... or stop making spells cost so much damn rage???
I loved warrior since release of wow, Fury in WolK was awesome ( dont hate me for it ), cata was still ok, but it feels so static now. I am arround Ilevel 525 with 35% unbuffed crit chance and still unlucky crit streaks happens way to oftten.
Does anyone play fury now?
i personally find fury so much fun to play, but it does feel strongly underpowered compared to any other melee class, warriors should have higher crit chance as a class and higher crit dmg% baked in the class.. i feel that yes warriors should crit like a boss and big numbers, right now it feels that im a rogue without poisons, combo points or stealth.. just doing my prio rotation with moderate dmg
I understand what your saying, and I love my protection warrior a lot, one I dont know how, except that on shadowsong most tanks of other classes really suck compared to me; but, I have found that an occational skull banner is good, but I have been able to survive fairly well. And I hate DK and pali tanks and monks are another story of flavor of the expansion syndrome. I say preach go back to your warrior roots, and damn the rest, make this class bad ass and show that warriors can power through
A pity really. I really liked the way arms was in Cata. Im not sure how many others share my opinion but arms was in a really good spot in cata and then these changes in mop ruined it for me.
Nice editing! :)
Warrior DPS really rely on Gears, when you have the Crit that keeps you in Enrage for the whole fight, you are unstoppable. Before that, you just need to hold on and bear with it. BTW, Blizzard really should make haste or mastery work on warrior rather than crit, because most of the gear are haste or mastery base.
I always thought it'd be cool if Bloodthirst hit, you'd get a guaranteed Raging Blow. If Bloodthirst crit, you'd get a guaranteed Raging Blow crit. Either that or 2 charges of Raging Blow. I have loved fury since Vanilla, but really hate Raging Blow.
I play pvp warrior arms spec i am having quite a blast in 5.4 en pve indoing oke so i am more then happy
Stormstrike, huh. Yeah, I'm sure Fury is loving Stormstrike.
yeah, it was
are you against proper teachings?
idk about warriors in pve but with 5.4 arms has become the noobslaying-banhammer of the game.
Seems as though the Blizzard attempt to fix rage has failed... again. I agree the that the reliance on crit and CS is miserable. I really enjoyed arms in Wrath, even if it was only ahead of Fury very briefly, but in both Cata and MoP the warrior gameplay just feels lifeless.
I almost quit my DK that I have played since wrath because if how much we sucked, I'm glad I didn't with the huge buff we are getting to marrow
Most OP class.
GIVE US ANOTHER SHOULD YOU ROLL...Pwease*puppy dog eyes*
Over my many years of playing the master class, I've learned that arms warrior tend to do better dps and have a higher damage output with higher end gear. Even now in this MoP shitfest, I'm doing more dps and more overall damage during fights than fury warrior equally geared as me.
the real question is... Is the baby out?