Bishop Barron... I can't even begin to say what your work has done in my life and the ripple effect its had on the lives of my friends and family. Thank you for all you've done in your " yes " to God.. Amazing year for word on fire and many more to come. Your biggest fan! God bless you Bishop and Happy Holidays!
Bishop Barron hasn't earned any praise. He's a product of the common breath (smoke of satan) that has infiltrated the Church. Mr. Barron should denounce satan and take on the armor of God. Although I don't agree with him, I will pray for Bishop Barron and I ask you to pray with me. God bless you all.
Thank you, Bishop Barron and his team. Yes, God became man not because of our sin ('happy fault'), but because of his overflowing humble love to make us share his divine nature for which 'he predestined us before the world began', as st. Paul would say. And this magnificent Incarnation has saved us from our sin. O happy love! O humble love! Thank you! Merry Christmas!
Bishop Barron, you are so special and amazing. Your depth of wisdom and unshakable faith are inspiring me and many others. You speak the Truth with authority and it's captivating. I owe my renewed faith to you and Fulton Sheen. Thank you. Thank God for you. I will pray for you, especially after viewing this show. You work SO hard, giving everything for the mission of selfless evangelization. I sense the effort you're giving and commend your enthusiasm even when, I'm sure, progress seems slow. It's a fantastically challenging mission you have and the opposition must be fierce, but you never waver. You ARE making a great difference in the world. I will never stop praying for you. Come Holy Spirit.
There are few Mysterii Fidei that blow my mind more than that of the Incarnation .God became Man .The Infinite Creator became like one of the Finite Created .The one Who Is and forever Was and Shall Be became like those that had beginning .The one who is perpetually Above All and Superior to All and Rules All chose to enter the World He is above of and enter it as a Humble Working class Man of Poverty in a conquered Nation .The One Who is the definition of True Power and Glory beyond all comprehension chose to serve the Powerless , Pathetic and Undeserving .And that is not even touching His Passion and Resurrection . What a perfect time Christmass is to remember the perfection of the Gift of the Incarntion .The King of Kings and God Above All chose to be like us because he loves us so much .
I don't know what Bishop Barron will think of this, but I have come to find the doctrine of the Trinity easier to accept because of my interest in Eastern religions, particularly Daoism and Zen (disclaimer: I come from an evangelical background). In various ways, both religions like to point out how things that seem to be mutually exclusive opposites are actually codependent. The very idea of self implies other, for example. So, the Trinity shouldn't be too surprising. God is at once one, but also plural (that may not be the most orthodox way to phrase it). That's contradictory on the surface of it. But God, not A BEING but rather BEING itself, must be both one and more than one. That seems to describe the very nature of being as we experience it. We perceive ourselves as separate and unique, and we are. But we also, simultaneously, feel ourselves as the same as everyone else. At least, I do. I am a big fan of Alan Watts. He used to describe being as an ocean. We are like the waves breaking on a shore. It is perfectly valid to distinguish between the waves and see them as separate objects. But, substantially, they are all the same ocean.
Bishop Barron thank you for your excellent homilies reflections on the gospels May God bless you and the word of fire team for the beautiful work on evangelization. I bought the magnificent Bible for myself and for my family and friends . Happy and blessed New Year to you and your family.
Merry Christmas to Bishop Brron, word on fire team wish you all wonderful Christmas with peace and joy of child Jesus! May you all be bless with every strength and vigour to continue with the evangelization of culture in the coming year and for many years to come. I am a SriLankan expatriate,from Oman a blessed country in middle east having the freedom to practice religion, thanks be to God, the leader of this country and the beautifully tolerant citizens. Faith is very vibrant and I pray that peace prevail all over the world for our Lord to incarnate as in a big fat crib mange eventually divinizing the whole humanity. God loves you all!
Great EXPLANATION...Thank you Bishop Barron... It's good that you were able to explain well to us, how could we understand the mystery of the Incarnation in a simpler and profound way.
Bishop Barron I loved your own becoming an uncle analogy to the Incarnation ...not that God is...changing into a new form, rather a new relation to God has begun to obtain which didn't previously obtain but that would not affect the very essence of God which remains unchangeable. 18:30
Instead of eliminating suffering by eliminating desire (or any other means), I feel that Jesus showed us that the way to triumph over the unavoidable worldly suffering is to have a greater purpose beyond the suffering. I think that's behind a lot of Jordan Peterson says in some of his lectures. The 'trap' there which both the atheist philosopher Nietzsche and the Christian/Lutheran philosopher Kierkegaard pointed out (as I understand them) is that many 'Christians' use that as an excuse not to address the worldly suffering of others that we CAN mitigate, by feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, etc, etc. That, to me, seems to lapse back almost into a type of Gnosticism, that the worldly things don't matter at all, only the spiritual, and, of course, there are numerous scriptures that directly oppose that type of thinking. There IS a "higher purpose," yes, but reaching out in love (charity) to our fellowman IS part of that purpose. Faith without works is dead. James 2: 14-26 is pretty unequivocal about that!
@Steve McQueen Oh, absolutely they do, nowadays, but there were times when even religious people felt the poor were poor because it was the "will of God" or other excuses, and declined to help them in any worldly way. There's a definite thread in much of the OT that worldly success or failure reflected, or was a result of a person's (or nation's) spiritual state. In fact, while we should always read the Bible for what IS there and be EXTREMELY cautious when making assumptions about what ISN'T explicitly written there, the general sense I get of James 2 is that this isn't just a 'hypothetical' case, but something that James was actually observing, so he felt the need to address. BTW, cool SN. Have you heard the song "Steve McQueen" by Sheryl Crow? You can probably pick out a half-dozen or so McQueen movies the video references, I'll bet!
The problem is not eliminating suffering by eliminating desire. It is to have untamed desire that blind you because it cause imbalance like a drunk driver that is not sober driving a car not noticing that he is doing dangerous things to himself and other and cause suffering to himself and other. Because Gnostic means knowledge. some are on the milk and other on the meat. 1 cor 3 2 The real trap is easy to find out look at the Pharises look at what they are trying to do for what motive do they try to appear good on the outside Jesus told them. Mathiew 23 26. you can also see it in the tax collector the pharises saying: thank God I am not a hypocrite like that tax collector. God choose the tax collector over the pharises. Why because the tax collector was humble enough to say that he was not perfect and was not going around accusing people of fault that he also commit to appear good on the outside. The worldly things will pass away you are in this world for just a little while. James 4 4 also in the other book. Help your self and other with a good heart and mind.
Great episode, since the Incarnation is essential in grasping the Trinity. I'd like to add that the Incarnation also makes me realize the importance of calling God "Father" and addressing Him in the masculine. God is spirit, without a sex, of course. But if the Son is “one in being” or "consubstantial" with the Father, then it makes sense to call the Father as Father, as opposed to Mother. Also, a human Mother plays a most vital & special & intimate role, as Mary is the Mother of the Incarnate Son.
There is a need for a show like this that reaches the "nones" who have never been. Quoting Saints doesn't strengthen the message with them, does just the opposite.
Merry Christmas to you Mr. Vogt and Bishop Barron. Watched both mentioned videos. Hoping you'd have a conversation with Dr. Peterson. Sending prayers from the Philippines!
In the Mystery of the Incarnation, we profess with the infallible Church that there are in Christ two distinct nature's ..., one human like ours... and one divine. Even with the posession of these two nature's, each is united in such a way that each nature remains truly itself. This is called the hypostatic union.*
He came personally and was it preparing us middle the Prophets, history and law for we could recieve him in Our lives and He shown us how go with him living when He resurrected order the Aposttles teach us as He does it with them living Real love giving his lives one to each others, to the end without selfish only in grace, pureless and donating them selves for us to know. We must be apreciating this sacrifice from love and follow Christ as the Aposttles with all God give us, with happiness and joyfull not shy or scare. 😇😇😇
Sam czarina baron Incarnation is a difficult subject because it is NOT TRUE. I don’t want to offend but this is a very important concept that has been twisted into a ridiculous confusing falsehood, not sure why, but just remember that our God is not a God of confusion. That’s not what he wants for his children! Life’s hard enough!
Dear Bishop, God be with you. I send you a message of love and understanding. My dear Bishop, Vicar of God, please, for the love of God and YOUR eternal soul, please stop trying to be the smartest man in the room and start living by your vocation. I implore you with the love of my Holy Church, please teach as our God Jesus taught and let your yes's be yes and your no's be no. God bless you and please, keep your head held high with Lord guiding you.
Would your mission ever become a television project, more geared to the college age verses EWTN whose power in my opinion is with really bolstering prayer and devotional practices. So a different Catholic Station?
God enters into our humanity so that we may be lifted up, He divinizes our flesh. Yes, that is a description of Jesus but to me it also describes the great Mahatmas of India.
Isn't rather odd that so many thought Jesus had two natures? Does the Bible does present him that way? Weren't his miracles from the Father working in and through him? He never took credit for his miracles, but always deferred it to the Father. "Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father” (John 10:37-38). Wasn't he given the Holy Spirit without measure, so the Father worked through the Holy Spirit? The Kenosis theory is more accurate in that he left his divine attributes when he became a man. What was deity in Jesus? His identity as the Logos did not change in the Incarnation, so wasn't he always deity? Now in his exalted state doesn't he have all attributes back again?
Father, somehow o remember someone telling me that the incarnation was enough to redeem the world and that Jesus accepted the cross . It’s a little confusion.
Jordan Peterson is superficial and a teacher of youth. He gives practical advice to teenage boys to be chaste. He stands alone. He is not Catholic. Bishop Barron is a far deeper, erudite Catholic theologian to support the spiritual maturity of thinking Catholic adults and catechists. He is also articulate and enormously ducated in Catholic history. He has so much to offer in the role of a teaching authority for serious Catholics.
The only question the new liberal Church will never answers is, if we are to believe this new hate the sin; love the sinner that by passes the doctrine of repentance. Namely, why did Christ not take the good thief off the cross but allowed him to suffer the consequences of his sins and promise him salvation because of his repentance?
Uncle Sam ... do you think Christ did not love the good thief? Loving the good thief does not necessitate removing him from his cross. Christ loves you. Do you think because Christ loves you, he will remove all your "crosses" in this life? Blessings and peace. Also, why do you apply political terms (liberal) to the bride of Christ, who is neither liberal nor conservative in those political senses?
@@angelicdoctor8016 You twisted this all up in your mind. I agree loving the good thief does not require removing him from the cross. My point is that today's liberal churches do believe that! You are not in touch with the times if you fail to see that the Church is indeed quite liberal, and in decline by this lack of a moral conscience. Why, the very issue we have here is a case in point, illegal immigration is condoned and supported by the Church while enriching itself. The example of Christ not removing the good thief from the cross is vastly different then supporting this unlawful act and the good thief having to pay the consequence for his crimes. Why a certain Bishop said recently anyone against illegal immigration should be excommunicated; never heard that about active supporters of abortion . It is the doctrine of repentance I speak of, wherein St Paul said not to permit sinners ( one who has not ask God for forgiveness) within the Christianity community. The modern Church is all about numbers, anything goes just pass the collection plate. As the Bible says, the blind leading the blind!
Uncle Sam. The laws of men are not the laws of God. Case in point: immigration. Careful analysis of each individual case would have to show that coming to the U.S. is a "sin". Yes, countries have a right to reasonably control who enters a country. Are you saying that U.S. immigration laws currently reflect the approach of Christ regarding respecting the dignity of persons? I think we could rather easily point out areas in which these laws are inadequate. What I'm saying is, to be a Christian nation in imitation of Christ, the U.S. must imitate Christ on the cross, not put immigrants on the cross. You, friend, have it twisted in your mind, don't you think?
@@angelicdoctor8016 @Angelic Doctor When a person, such as yourself, takes a simple argument as to what is morally right or morally wrong and attempts to sow confusion with ' dignity of person', laws are inadequate' and 'imitation pf Christ; attempting to justify what clearly is unjustifiable. Of course, you offer no clear example of Christ telling someone to lie, cheat or do whatever they feel is necessary to fulfill what they want. Nowhere in the Bible do the poor ever receive the blessing to take anything to fulfill their needs. You on the other hand feel that not acquiescing to their demands is, 'put immigrants on the cross. Which in fact supports my original argument that the Church has taken up a liberal mindset. You should seriously read and study the St. Paul and the the works of less modern Catholic writers. Such study will show how a Church in decline was once rapidly expanding. Kindly review The Antichrist by Ven. Fulton Sheen | THE WILD VOICE ( ) . You may find here a yardstick for comparison as to an outspoken knowledge of the direction the Church was headed. Imagine a Catholic leader today on a national forum speaking out on the evils currently confronted by the faithful. You would be hard pressed to find one Catholic priest to speak out against abortion from the pulpit. You have fallen victim to the philosophy that anything goes ( even sin) as long as it is done in the name of social justice as you see it. I prefer to call sin and wrongdoing for what they are. You see it is a slippery slope indeed when wrong outweighs the goodness of charity by placing your hand on one side of the scale of justice.
Not quite, Uncle Sam. I'm not saying that everyone who wants to enter the U.S. (or any other country) should have their demands met, but rather every single case should be evaluated with the mind of Christ, which is articulated by the official teaching of the Catholic Church, not by conservative interpretations of that teaching. Given that the U.S. is not a Catholic country, American Catholics should be lobbying ONLY for an authentic Catholic position regarding immigrants, which of course is articulated well by the USCCB, which I'm not sure that you've seen (and which you owe religious assent to, under Lumen Gentium 25): "Most Reverend Joe S. Vásquez, Bishop of Austin and Chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) Committee on Migration, issued the following statement in response: "Forcibly separating children from their mothers and fathers is ineffective to the goals of deterrence and safety and contrary to our Catholic values. Family unity is a cornerstone of our American immigration system and a foundational element of Catholic teaching. 'Children are a gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb, a reward.' (Psalm 127:3) Children are not instruments of deterrence but a blessing from God. Rupturing the bond between parent and child causes scientifically-proven trauma that often leads to irreparable emotional scarring. Accordingly, children should always be placed in the least restrictive setting: a safe, family environment, ideally with their own families. My brother bishops and I understand the need for the security of our borders and country, but separating arriving families at the U.S./Mexico border does not allay security concerns. Children and families will continue to take the enormous risks of migration-including family separation-because the root causes of migration from the Northern Triangle remain: community or state-sanctioned violence, gang recruitment, poverty, and a lack of educational opportunity. Any policies should address these factors first as we seek to repair our broken immigration system." Blessing and peace, Uncle Sam.
I would add to my previous comment that it is reputed that Gandhi did not regard himself as s Mahatma, probably because he knew his personal flaws. Christ was flawless of course being pure love.
The greatest suffering you will know is because of love, the dog dies they suffer, why, because they love that which was lost, remove love from the equation, and in loss there is no suffering, the Christ in the garden is the mother weeping for her child, the child being the world, the child being you, Christ on cross, the mother being crucified by the child she is weeping for. If I love and you love then we are bound together as one, love is a spiritual place and that place is the Holy Spirit, it binds all people as one, God's light lives in and through all things. In the beginning was the father the invisible God, and the father gave birth to a son the Christ, he is the love of the father the light of the father, the son comes into being because of the flesh and blood, but the light which dwells within the flesh and blood, is the light the father who now becomes the son, as are all who are born of the light of the Christ within, is the father the Holy Spirit of Truth, thus, I Michael one with the father one with the son by The Power of the Holy Spirit, Michael son God.
I had to wait until 17:32 to hear THE question I was looking for: How does divine immutability square with the incarnation? Sorry, but I find the bishop's analogy of becoming an uncle wholly unsatisfactory. Humans did NOTHING that "made God" a man. When the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman. The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and CAUSED her to conceive. The bishop's analogy makes it sound like God was reading the newspaper when Michael runs in and says, "Congratulations! You're human!" We really need a better explanation of the metaphysical justification here.
Americans are saturated with Protestant theology and ideals which have shaped our secular understanding. It’s a curse. From my understanding as a Catholic, the incarnation of god taking a form of man is a reflection of the love of god and his nature as love. My understanding of god’s salvation is that god through Jesus Christ wishes to live in humans and with humans to be his body on earth (as a community of believers). In this way humans are lifted up along with our sin on earth for the greater glory of god the father. This is a complex concept that I am trying to hint at. On UA-cam... Protestants and Catholics do not like any idea that man and his humanity in any way is remade better to reflect and participate in god’s plan of salvation.
That God Himself would take on a human nature and live the life of a servant on earth all the way to giving His life on the Cross truly is scandalous to fallen humanity! As prideful creatures, we have a hard time grasping the the revelation that God IS Love!
@Richard Benitez, Regarding your comment, "In this way humans are lifted up 'along with our sin' on earth for the greater glory of god the father. Our sin, which causes separation from The Most High God, does not glorify The Most High God. Our sin defiles His temple which is our body. You are preaching a different gospel...your own.
Megyn - I only meant that Christians as sinners are lifted up. I was trying to distinguish Catholics from the Protestant take that humans have no free will and that humans are depraved. With Protestants there is no lifting up. I am only repeating bishop Barron’s comments.
Except the Trinitarian dogma is nonsensical on its face. Christ constantly refers to his father, glories his father, does his father's work, begs his father to take the cup from him, asks why he has abandoned him etc...etc...If Christ is God actual, then why all of this? When Christ is baptized, what happens, "This is my son in whom I am well pleased", and the holy spirit descends like a dove. There is no logic to the Trinitarian position. Also in Judaism, there is zero speculation that such a thing might happen in the future. The Messiah is never associated as God himself. So, how does that square? One would think if such a radical reality was going to come to pass, some prophecy of preparation, might be in order.
Or, dissolving the Substance. Every spirit which confesseth that Jesus Christ is come IN THE FLESH, is of God. 1Jn.4:2. It's talking about Jesus Christ's personal, joined flesh. This is denied in Guadium et spes, number 22. Pope Benedict would divide the Holy Name also. To the Church nowadays, the word flesh means all flesh or everyone's life. The human condition. This is not the flesh that pertains to Our Lord Jesus Christ. It's a dividing one, one that dissolves Jesus!
You refer to Bart Ehrman as one of those bozos. When you resort to an ad hominem attack you reveal your incapacity to successfully challenge his arguments.
I’m sorry sirs but the incarnation or whatever u call it is completely beyond understanding in any way shape or form. I’m just asking that good Christians everywhere please give yourselves permission to read your bibles with sincere and heartfelt thought , and you will see that the scriptures will lead you to the only conclusion that makes PERFECT sense, the father and the Son are two totally different people! The very words FATHER AND SON tell the truth, how can it be possible to be your own son or father. The very thought begs confusion! Our Father and his Son are two different people, the same only in their purpose of bringing salvation to us! Why do Catholics feel they shouldn’t read their bibles?
Bishop Barron... I can't even begin to say what your work has done in my life and the ripple effect its had on the lives of my friends and family. Thank you for all you've done in your " yes " to God.. Amazing year for word on fire and many more to come. Your biggest fan! God bless you Bishop and Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas Bishop Barron, may you remain steadfast in the service of God. Amen
Bishop Barron hasn't earned any praise. He's a product of the common breath (smoke of satan) that has infiltrated the Church. Mr. Barron should denounce satan and take on the armor of God. Although I don't agree with him, I will pray for Bishop Barron and I ask you to pray with me. God bless you all.
@@dr.brooksie8959 No, it's OK. You pray for Bishop Barron and we'll all pray for you.
@@liannesadler5771 Who?
@@Basilisk4119 Thank you.
You can see a beautiful connection between these 2.
I’ll have to watch this carefully to gain a better understanding.
Thank you, Bishop Barron and his team.
Yes, God became man not because of our sin ('happy fault'), but because of his overflowing humble love to make us share his divine nature for which 'he predestined us before the world began', as st. Paul would say. And this magnificent Incarnation has saved us from our sin. O happy love! O humble love!
Thank you! Merry Christmas!
Such profound wisdom you have fr. Barron, you are an inspiration to a generation. Lord bless you and your ministry.
Bishop Barron, you are so special and amazing. Your depth of wisdom and unshakable faith are inspiring me and many others. You speak the Truth with authority and it's captivating. I owe my renewed faith to you and Fulton Sheen. Thank you. Thank God for you.
I will pray for you, especially after viewing this show. You work SO hard, giving everything for the mission of selfless evangelization. I sense the effort you're giving and commend your enthusiasm even when, I'm sure, progress seems slow. It's a fantastically challenging mission you have and the opposition must be fierce, but you never waver. You ARE making a great difference in the world. I will never stop praying for you. Come Holy Spirit.
So good to hear our faith so clearly explained.May Bishop Barron be abundantly blessed in the coming year
There are few Mysterii Fidei that blow my mind more than that of the Incarnation .God became Man .The Infinite Creator became like one of the Finite Created .The one Who Is and forever Was and Shall Be became like those that had beginning .The one who is perpetually Above All and Superior to All and Rules All chose to enter the World He is above of and enter it as a Humble Working class Man of Poverty in a conquered Nation .The One Who is the definition of True Power and Glory beyond all comprehension chose to serve the Powerless , Pathetic and Undeserving .And that is not even touching His Passion and Resurrection .
What a perfect time Christmass is to remember the perfection of the Gift of the Incarntion .The King of Kings and God Above All chose to be like us because he loves us so much .
I don't know what Bishop Barron will think of this, but I have come to find the doctrine of the Trinity easier to accept because of my interest in Eastern religions, particularly Daoism and Zen (disclaimer: I come from an evangelical background). In various ways, both religions like to point out how things that seem to be mutually exclusive opposites are actually codependent. The very idea of self implies other, for example. So, the Trinity shouldn't be too surprising. God is at once one, but also plural (that may not be the most orthodox way to phrase it). That's contradictory on the surface of it. But God, not A BEING but rather BEING itself, must be both one and more than one. That seems to describe the very nature of being as we experience it. We perceive ourselves as separate and unique, and we are. But we also, simultaneously, feel ourselves as the same as everyone else. At least, I do. I am a big fan of Alan Watts. He used to describe being as an ocean. We are like the waves breaking on a shore. It is perfectly valid to distinguish between the waves and see them as separate objects. But, substantially, they are all the same ocean.
Bishop Barron thank you for your excellent homilies reflections on the gospels May God bless you and the word of fire team for the beautiful work on evangelization. I bought the magnificent Bible for myself and for my family and friends .
Happy and blessed New Year to you and your family.
Awesome the Encarnation, transfiguration and glorious body! Thank you Mommy Mary! Thank you to God Father, Son and Holy Spirit! 😇😇😇👼🔥☄️
Merry Christmas to Bishop Brron, word on fire team wish you all wonderful Christmas with peace and joy of child Jesus! May you all be bless with every strength and vigour to continue with the evangelization of culture in the coming year and for many years to come. I am a SriLankan expatriate,from Oman a blessed country in middle east having the freedom to practice religion, thanks be to God, the leader of this country and the beautifully tolerant citizens. Faith is very vibrant and I pray that peace prevail all over the world for our Lord to incarnate as in a big fat crib mange eventually divinizing the whole humanity. God loves you all!
Great EXPLANATION...Thank you Bishop Barron... It's good that you were able to explain well to us, how could we understand the mystery of the Incarnation in a simpler and profound way.
Bishop Barron I loved your own becoming an uncle analogy to the Incarnation ...not that God is...changing into a new form, rather a new relation to God has begun to obtain which didn't previously obtain but that would not affect the very essence of God which remains unchangeable. 18:30
What a beautiful Christmas gift thanks Bishop and WOF 🙂
Thanks be to God!
❤️🙏🏼🎄Merry Christmas Bishop Barron 🙏🏼
Thank you Bishop, thank you Brandon. Merry Christmas. Pray for me †
Yes Fr. Joseph, I will pray for you! ❤😊
@@Eowyn3Pride Thanks, appreciate that. Merry Christmas ;)
me too .. right now :)
"We're like broken toasters"
-Bishop Barron, 2018
amazing. Praise God.
Merry Christmas Dear Bishop Barren! May Lord keep you happy, healthy and blessed always. Happy new year! from Pakistan
Instead of eliminating suffering by eliminating desire (or any other means), I feel that Jesus showed us that the way to triumph over the unavoidable worldly suffering is to have a greater purpose beyond the suffering. I think that's behind a lot of Jordan Peterson says in some of his lectures.
The 'trap' there which both the atheist philosopher Nietzsche and the Christian/Lutheran philosopher Kierkegaard pointed out (as I understand them) is that many 'Christians' use that as an excuse not to address the worldly suffering of others that we CAN mitigate, by feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, etc, etc. That, to me, seems to lapse back almost into a type of Gnosticism, that the worldly things don't matter at all, only the spiritual, and, of course, there are numerous scriptures that directly oppose that type of thinking. There IS a "higher purpose," yes, but reaching out in love (charity) to our fellowman IS part of that purpose. Faith without works is dead. James 2: 14-26 is pretty unequivocal about that!
Good post, in my humble opinion
@Steve McQueen Oh, absolutely they do, nowadays, but there were times when even religious people felt the poor were poor because it was the "will of God" or other excuses, and declined to help them in any worldly way. There's a definite thread in much of the OT that worldly success or failure reflected, or was a result of a person's (or nation's) spiritual state. In fact, while we should always read the Bible for what IS there and be EXTREMELY cautious when making assumptions about what ISN'T explicitly written there, the general sense I get of James 2 is that this isn't just a 'hypothetical' case, but something that James was actually observing, so he felt the need to address.
BTW, cool SN. Have you heard the song "Steve McQueen" by Sheryl Crow? You can probably pick out a half-dozen or so McQueen movies the video references, I'll bet!
The problem is not eliminating suffering by eliminating desire. It is to have untamed desire that blind you because it cause imbalance like a drunk driver that is not sober driving a car not noticing that he is doing dangerous things to himself and other and cause suffering to himself and other. Because Gnostic means knowledge. some are on the milk and other on the meat. 1 cor 3 2 The real trap is easy to find out look at the Pharises look at what they are trying to do for what motive do they try to appear good on the outside Jesus told them. Mathiew 23 26. you can also see it in the tax collector the pharises saying: thank God I am not a hypocrite like that tax collector. God choose the tax collector over the pharises. Why because the tax collector was humble enough to say that he was not perfect and was not going around accusing people of fault that he also commit to appear good on the outside. The worldly things will pass away you are in this world for just a little while. James 4 4 also in the other book. Help your self and other with a good heart and mind.
I enjoyed the explanations that put our inner jargon in order. Thank you very much
Hello Emily
Great episode, since the Incarnation is essential in grasping the Trinity. I'd like to add that the Incarnation also makes me realize the importance of calling God "Father" and addressing Him in the masculine.
God is spirit, without a sex, of course. But if the Son is “one in being” or "consubstantial" with the Father, then it makes sense to call the Father as Father, as opposed to Mother. Also, a human Mother plays a most vital & special & intimate role, as Mary is the Mother of the Incarnate Son.
There is a need for a show like this that reaches the "nones" who have never been. Quoting Saints doesn't strengthen the message with them, does just the opposite.
Loved the Shapiro interview. Merry Christmas, Word on Firites 🎄
Didn't know Bishop Barron until Rubin and Shapiro, so it was successful PR.
You do you believe you have to be born again to be saved
@@lucky12589 ...of water and spirit, as Christ told Nicodemus. And, if I might ask, how is it that you know this?
Merry Christmas to you Mr. Vogt and Bishop Barron. Watched both mentioned videos. Hoping you'd have a conversation with Dr. Peterson. Sending prayers from the Philippines!
Merry Christmas eve to everyone
In the Mystery of the Incarnation, we profess with the infallible Church that there are in Christ two distinct nature's ..., one human like ours... and one divine. Even with the posession of these two nature's, each is united in such a way that each nature remains truly itself. This is called the hypostatic union.*
Happy Christmas everyone
Jesus is embodying me
Wow. Excellent clarifications,, taken as gifts for Holidays. Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Bishop Barron and Company!😇😇😇👼🍼☄️🔥💎💗💗💗
The history lesson is a great counter to the Zeitgeist argument.
Merry Christmas Bishop Barron and Branden. Thank you so much for sharing.
Love that St. Thomas Aquinas explanation.
Urgent !! Unite with Lover of Jesus prechers and lead the nation in Revival
Brandon’s smile at the beginning made me smile
He came personally and was it preparing us middle the Prophets, history and law for we could recieve him in Our lives and He shown us how go with him living when He resurrected order the Aposttles teach us as He does it with them living Real love giving his lives one to each others, to the end without selfish only in grace, pureless and donating them selves for us to know. We must be apreciating this sacrifice from love and follow Christ as the Aposttles with all God give us, with happiness and joyfull not shy or scare. 😇😇😇
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Many blessings to you and family Brandon, Bishop Barron
Very Good. Incarnation is a difficult concept for most. I am still learning. Thank you and Happy Christmas.
Sam czarina baron
Incarnation is a difficult subject because it is NOT TRUE. I don’t want to offend but this is a very important concept that has been twisted into a ridiculous confusing falsehood, not sure why, but just remember that our God is not a God of confusion. That’s not what he wants for his children! Life’s hard enough!
Merry Christmas Bishop Barron! Good news. My Church is doing a book study on one of your books. I’m hoping I can go to it.
Thank you for sharing.
Learned a new word at 15:05 : heresiarch (the founder or leader of a heresy)
Can you address the claim that God took on human flesh in Jesus, but was already enfleshed in everything.
Merry Christmas...
Dear Bishop, God be with you. I send you a message of love and understanding. My dear Bishop, Vicar of God, please, for the love of God and YOUR eternal soul, please stop trying to be the smartest man in the room and start living by your vocation. I implore you with the love of my Holy Church, please teach as our God Jesus taught and let your yes's be yes and your no's be no. God bless you and please, keep your head held high with Lord guiding you.
Would your mission ever become a television project, more geared to the college age verses EWTN whose power in my opinion is with really bolstering prayer and devotional practices. So a different Catholic Station?
Good video have a nice day
Would not a miracle be an example of Incarnation, Bishop Barron?
God enters into our humanity so that we may be lifted up, He divinizes our flesh. Yes, that is a description of Jesus but to me it also describes the great Mahatmas of India.
Bishop Robert Barron is an Athanasius of our times.
Isn't rather odd that so many thought Jesus had two natures? Does the Bible does present him that way? Weren't his miracles from the Father working in and through him? He never took credit for his miracles, but always deferred it to the Father. "Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father” (John 10:37-38). Wasn't he given the Holy Spirit without measure, so the Father worked through the Holy Spirit? The Kenosis theory is more accurate in that he left his divine attributes when he became a man. What was deity in Jesus? His identity as the Logos did not change in the Incarnation, so wasn't he always deity? Now in his exalted state doesn't he have all attributes back again?
Merry Christmas Bishop Barron
Hello Regina
Father, somehow o remember someone telling me that the incarnation was enough to redeem the world and that Jesus accepted the cross . It’s a little confusion.
This is like the mystery of the Trinity 🤯
I wonder what .Msgr.Ronalald would do with the internet?
What are the consequences of not believing in Jesus incarnation?
*When will Bishop Barron have a sit-down with Jordan Peterson?? Now that is something that many of us would be very interested in seeing!!! Cheers!*
Jordan Peterson is superficial and a teacher of youth. He gives practical advice to teenage boys to be chaste. He stands alone. He is not Catholic.
Bishop Barron is a far deeper, erudite Catholic theologian to support the spiritual maturity of thinking Catholic adults and catechists. He is also articulate and enormously ducated in Catholic history. He has so much to offer in the role of a teaching authority for serious Catholics.
Have you seen Bishop Barron's positive UA-cam video on Jordan Peterson?
@@angelicdoctor8016 thanks
Minute 1:48 Ignatius of Antioch.
The only question the new liberal Church will never answers is, if we are to believe this new hate the sin; love the sinner that by passes the doctrine of repentance. Namely, why did Christ not take the good thief off the cross but allowed him to suffer the consequences of his sins and promise him salvation because of his repentance?
Uncle Sam ... do you think Christ did not love the good thief? Loving the good thief does not necessitate removing him from his cross. Christ loves you. Do you think because Christ loves you, he will remove all your "crosses" in this life? Blessings and peace. Also, why do you apply political terms (liberal) to the bride of Christ, who is neither liberal nor conservative in those political senses?
@@angelicdoctor8016 You twisted this all up in your mind. I agree loving the good thief does not require removing him from the cross. My point is that today's liberal churches do believe that! You are not in touch with the times if you fail to see that the Church is indeed quite liberal, and in decline by this lack of a moral conscience. Why, the very issue we have here is a case in point, illegal immigration is condoned and supported by the Church while enriching itself. The example of Christ not removing the good thief from the cross is vastly different then supporting this unlawful act and the good thief having to pay the consequence for his crimes. Why a certain Bishop said recently anyone against illegal immigration should be excommunicated; never heard that about active supporters of abortion .
It is the doctrine of repentance I speak of, wherein St Paul said not to permit sinners ( one who has not ask God for forgiveness) within the Christianity community. The modern Church is all about numbers, anything goes just pass the collection plate. As the Bible says, the blind leading the blind!
Uncle Sam. The laws of men are not the laws of God. Case in point: immigration. Careful analysis of each individual case would have to show that coming to the U.S. is a "sin". Yes, countries have a right to reasonably control who enters a country. Are you saying that U.S. immigration laws currently reflect the approach of Christ regarding respecting the dignity of persons? I think we could rather easily point out areas in which these laws are inadequate. What I'm saying is, to be a Christian nation in imitation of Christ, the U.S. must imitate Christ on the cross, not put immigrants on the cross. You, friend, have it twisted in your mind, don't you think?
@@angelicdoctor8016 @Angelic Doctor When a person, such as yourself, takes a simple argument as to what is morally right or morally wrong and attempts to sow confusion with ' dignity of person', laws are inadequate' and 'imitation pf Christ; attempting to justify what clearly is unjustifiable. Of course, you offer no clear example of Christ telling someone to lie, cheat or do whatever they feel is necessary to fulfill what they want. Nowhere in the Bible do the poor ever receive the blessing to take anything to fulfill their needs. You on the other hand feel that not acquiescing to their demands is, 'put immigrants on the cross. Which in fact supports my original argument that the Church has taken up a liberal mindset.
You should seriously read and study the St. Paul and the the works of less modern Catholic writers. Such study will show how a Church in decline was once rapidly expanding. Kindly review The Antichrist by Ven. Fulton Sheen | THE WILD VOICE ( ) . You may find here a yardstick for comparison as to an outspoken knowledge of the direction the Church was headed. Imagine a Catholic leader today on a national forum speaking out on the evils currently confronted by the faithful. You would be hard pressed to find one Catholic priest to speak out against abortion from the pulpit.
You have fallen victim to the philosophy that anything goes ( even sin) as long as it is done in the name of social justice as you see it. I prefer to call sin and wrongdoing for what they are. You see it is a slippery slope indeed when wrong outweighs the goodness of charity by placing your hand on one side of the scale of justice.
Not quite, Uncle Sam. I'm not saying that everyone who wants to enter the U.S. (or any other country) should have their demands met, but rather every single case should be evaluated with the mind of Christ, which is articulated by the official teaching of the Catholic Church, not by conservative interpretations of that teaching. Given that the U.S. is not a Catholic country, American Catholics should be lobbying ONLY for an authentic Catholic position regarding immigrants, which of course is articulated well by the USCCB, which I'm not sure that you've seen (and which you owe religious assent to, under Lumen Gentium 25): "Most Reverend Joe S. Vásquez, Bishop of Austin and Chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) Committee on Migration, issued the following statement in response:
"Forcibly separating children from their mothers and fathers is ineffective to the goals of deterrence and safety and contrary to our Catholic values. Family unity is a cornerstone of our American immigration system and a foundational element of Catholic teaching. 'Children are a gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb, a reward.' (Psalm 127:3) Children are not instruments of deterrence but a blessing from God.
Rupturing the bond between parent and child causes scientifically-proven trauma that often leads to irreparable emotional scarring. Accordingly, children should always be placed in the least restrictive setting: a safe, family environment, ideally with their own families.
My brother bishops and I understand the need for the security of our borders and country, but separating arriving families at the U.S./Mexico border does not allay security concerns. Children and families will continue to take the enormous risks of migration-including family separation-because the root causes of migration from the Northern Triangle remain: community or state-sanctioned violence, gang recruitment, poverty, and a lack of educational opportunity. Any policies should address these factors first as we seek to repair our broken immigration system."
Blessing and peace, Uncle Sam.
I would add to my previous comment that it is reputed that Gandhi did not regard himself as s Mahatma, probably because he knew his personal flaws. Christ was flawless of course being pure love.
Jesus is the son of God, savior who came on earth to save the humanity. I think Bible has got all the answers sadly there are few of followers .
Primum quaerite regnum Dei, et omnia adjicientur vobis, dicit Dominus.
Wanna read Sokolowski now
Tomorrow is may 2nd.
St Athanasius day
The greatest suffering you will know is because of love, the dog dies they suffer, why, because they love that which was lost, remove love from the equation, and in loss there is no suffering,
the Christ in the garden is the mother weeping for her child, the child being the world, the child being you, Christ on cross, the mother being crucified by the child she is weeping for.
If I love and you love then we are bound together as one, love is a spiritual place and that place is the Holy Spirit, it binds all people as one, God's light lives in and through all things.
In the beginning was the father the invisible God, and the father gave birth to a son the Christ, he is the love of the father the light of the father, the son comes into being because of the flesh and blood, but the light which dwells within the flesh and blood, is the light the father who now becomes the son, as are all who are born of the light of the Christ within, is the father the Holy Spirit of Truth, thus,
I Michael one with the father one with the son by The Power of the Holy Spirit, Michael son God.
Want hear
I need help
I liked the old format better
Connor m It hasn’t disappeared. Don’t worry.
I had to wait until 17:32 to hear THE question I was looking for: How does divine immutability square with the incarnation? Sorry, but I find the bishop's analogy of becoming an uncle wholly unsatisfactory. Humans did NOTHING that "made God" a man. When the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman. The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and CAUSED her to conceive. The bishop's analogy makes it sound like God was reading the newspaper when Michael runs in and says, "Congratulations! You're human!" We really need a better explanation of the metaphysical justification here.
Man, all I can say is listen again!
Americans are saturated with Protestant theology and ideals which have shaped our secular understanding. It’s a curse. From my understanding as a Catholic, the incarnation of god taking a form of man is a reflection of the love of god and his nature as love. My understanding of god’s salvation is that god through Jesus Christ wishes to live in humans and with humans to be his body on earth (as a community of believers). In this way humans are lifted up along with our sin on earth for the greater glory of god the father. This is a complex concept that I am trying to hint at. On UA-cam... Protestants and Catholics do not like any idea that man and his humanity in any way is remade better to reflect and participate in god’s plan of salvation.
That God Himself would take on a human nature and live the life of a servant on earth all the way to giving His life on the Cross truly is scandalous to fallen humanity! As prideful creatures, we have a hard time grasping the the revelation that God IS Love!
@Richard Benitez, Regarding your comment, "In this way humans are lifted up 'along with our sin' on earth for the greater glory of god the father. Our sin, which causes separation from The Most High God, does not glorify The Most High God. Our sin defiles His temple which is our body. You are preaching a different gospel...your own.
Megyn - I only meant that Christians as sinners are lifted up. I was trying to distinguish Catholics from the Protestant take that humans have no free will and that humans are depraved. With Protestants there is no lifting up. I am only repeating bishop Barron’s comments.
Richard, there is depth in the C faith and Eucharist.
Except the Trinitarian dogma is nonsensical on its face. Christ constantly refers to his father, glories his father, does his father's work, begs his father to take the cup from him, asks why he has abandoned him etc...etc...If Christ is God actual, then why all of this? When Christ is baptized, what happens, "This is my son in whom I am well pleased", and the holy spirit descends like a dove. There is no logic to the Trinitarian position.
Also in Judaism, there is zero speculation that such a thing might happen in the future. The Messiah is never associated as God himself. So, how does that square? One would think if such a radical reality was going to come to pass, some prophecy of preparation, might be in order.
There can be no God without the atom (flesh).
Or, dissolving the Substance. Every spirit which confesseth that Jesus Christ is come IN THE FLESH, is of God. 1Jn.4:2. It's talking about Jesus Christ's personal, joined flesh. This is denied in Guadium et spes, number 22. Pope Benedict would divide the Holy Name also. To the Church nowadays, the word flesh means all flesh or everyone's life. The human condition. This is not the flesh that pertains to Our Lord Jesus Christ. It's a dividing one, one that dissolves Jesus!
the catholic robert california
You refer to Bart Ehrman as one of those bozos. When you resort to an ad hominem attack you reveal your incapacity to successfully challenge his arguments.
What challenge?
What that rabbi said about the Holy Trinity was very stupid and impertinent.
Heresy! Confounding the Person. Dividing the Substance.
Hindus believe that Krishna is god incarnate and Christians believe Jesus is god incarnate .
I’m sorry sirs but the incarnation or whatever u call it is completely beyond understanding in any way shape or form. I’m just asking that good Christians everywhere please give yourselves permission to read your bibles with sincere and heartfelt thought , and you will see that the scriptures will lead you to the only conclusion that makes PERFECT sense, the father and the Son are two totally different people! The very words FATHER AND SON tell the truth, how can it be possible to be your own son or father. The very thought begs confusion! Our Father and his Son are two different people, the same only in their purpose of bringing salvation to us! Why do Catholics feel they shouldn’t read their bibles?
Hi im sorry, just wana ask if are you believing in 2 Gods? Father and son ?
Merry Christmas Bishop Barron, may you remain steadfast in the service of God. Amen