This was broadcasted on SVT (Swedish state TV), and at the end of the song it says " SVT Humor - Godkänt av staten" or "SVT Humor - Approved by the state"
This song was actually well recieved from both political parts, the left sees the satire that everything is blamed on an absurd reason while the right agrees with the song😁😂
This was broadcasted on SVT (Swedish state TV), and at the end of the song it says " SVT Humor - Godkänt av staten" or "SVT Humor - Approved by the state"
Try out Grotescos "Runka bulle med Jesu Krist"! That's really something... 😂
This song was actually well recieved from both political parts, the left sees the satire that everything is blamed on an absurd reason while the right agrees with the song😁😂
Ehhhh the centre-right in Sweden is generally pro-LGBT, it's only the christian democrats and nationalists who are in any way anti-gay.
The favourite song of the Swedish LGTB-community, from what I understand.
but its true, we dont let the ESC die