The History of the Kaaba and its Pagan, and Islamic Origins. Is the Kaaba mentioned in the bible?

  • Опубліковано 26 лип 2024
  • Discussing the history of the Kaaba in pre- Islamic paganism, and the Islamic origins. Also discussing the peoples of Arabia in the biblical narrative.
    Some of my research Sources used in my videos:, Baker Bible Dictionary, Lexham bible dictionary, Logos bible software,,, World religions by John Bowker, christianity cults and religions, by rose charts, World Religions and Cults by Bodie Hodge & Roger Patterson, Christianity and world religions: An introduction to the World's Major Faiths by Cooper, Derek, P& R publishing


  • @yahyagirami2533
    @yahyagirami2533 24 дні тому +4

    The Pagen Arbis used to do this in there time. So now the Muslim practice that also.

  • @skuffzy
    @skuffzy 29 днів тому +7

    this is a really biased video rather than being educational which is a little dissapointing

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  29 днів тому +1

      @@skuffzy there is historical fact along with Islamic tradition in my video, but the main purpose was to show that the Kaaba has zero to do with Judaism or Christianity. The claim of Muslims is that is it has always been a place of worship of the God of the Christian’s and the Jews which is not true.

    • @skuffzy
      @skuffzy 29 днів тому +1

      @@Women4Theology i mean if youre interested, theres lots of good scholars and places to learn even online. you mentioned the sirah of the prophet saws, which is a great place to start. it is the last revelation (quran) to monotheists so it kinda makes sense to return a place that became corrupted through idoltry back to its original purpose and establish its continuity so everyone could be united in a place of worship. Im not sure as to who youre talking to or where youre researching with your last claim but no worries, this is not the islamic story of the kaaba :)

  • @user-iw8jd9nu4h
    @user-iw8jd9nu4h 29 днів тому +7

    source : my delusions

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  29 днів тому +1

      Great argument 😂

    • @user-iw8jd9nu4h
      @user-iw8jd9nu4h 29 днів тому

      @@Women4Theology when you said this is where all the jihadis and Islamic fundamentalism hail... you forgot to mention .. algebra ..chemistry astrology surgery the process of algorithm .with which it was made possible to make the internet and hello kitty laptop that u used to make this video..all come from the same region ..CALLING ALL ARABS JIHADIS ?...that's like calling entire USA as K K K ..seriously puts a major question mark on your research and the sources u might have used. and shows that a certain bias is present.

    • @user-iw8jd9nu4h
      @user-iw8jd9nu4h 29 днів тому

      @@Women4Theology also i actually chuckled when you said taking "Muhammad's word for it "?? you seriously have not even read about the preislamic Arabia . you are under the classic western delusion that no civilization existed outside Europe :D hate to burst ur bubble but ARABIA AND MECCA HAD EXISTED LONG BEFORE MUHAMMAD (s) WAS BORN ....they did not simply "take his word" they knew thr history well

    • @user-iw8jd9nu4h
      @user-iw8jd9nu4h 29 днів тому

      entire tribes and families had existed before muhammad (s) was born they did not magically sprung to existance after his birth and they didnt take "his word"
      you can look up archeological findings in saudi arabia mentioning prayers to ALLAH ... IBRAHEEM (ABRAHAM ) ...and all the pagan caves and mountain rocks ...that were radio dated looooonnnggg before Muhammad was born fact :they even had idols of abraham and ishmeel in the kaba

    • @user-iw8jd9nu4h
      @user-iw8jd9nu4h 29 днів тому

      ​@@Women4Theology also you mentioned in the description that you used biblehub as source ...bro cmon hahahahahaha paul john or any other author of the bible never went to those regions of arabia just like they never visited iceland .... would you argue that iceland never existed and has no history just because the bible doesnt say anything about it ? just like theres no mention of texas in the quran i cant claim it doesnt exist both bible and quran are religious texts not books of history

  • @yahyagirami2533
    @yahyagirami2533 24 дні тому +2

    What about white kaba? What happened to it?

  • @tompeters8696
    @tompeters8696 21 день тому

    So, even when there was no written Koran, suras were there? The Kuran was written some years after Muhammad had died.

  • @wonderfulherennow
    @wonderfulherennow 29 днів тому +2

    From what I know about the relatively young religion of Islam, it was created in year 7AD. Authenticity=credibility.
    Christ be our Light!

    • @muslimabdullah-l4w
      @muslimabdullah-l4w 29 днів тому

      Jesus never say he was Christian or Jews, he was Muslim = someone who summit to the Will of God, Jesus Alaihi Sallam fell on his face to the ground in the garden asking God

    • @wonderfulherennow
      @wonderfulherennow 29 днів тому

      @@muslimabdullah-l4w don't give your own gob. Read the Gospel where you'll find the truth.

    • @muslimabdullah-l4w
      @muslimabdullah-l4w 29 днів тому

      @@wonderfulherennow it's on your Bible by the way, Jesus never say to his followers to worship him and never call himself god, jesus say pray to the one God, Jesus also say "don't call me good, no one is good but God alone" -Mark 10:18, we know about your beliefs because God tells us in His Book

    • @wonderfulherennow
      @wonderfulherennow 29 днів тому +1

      @@muslimabdullah-l4w that garbage you typed in your comment earlier isn't the Word of God. And it would be better for you if you stopped misinterpreting the Word of God by quoting the gospel.

    • @mustafaeh
      @mustafaeh 29 днів тому

      The gospel said Jesus told us to worship God. He said he was a prophet. He said he could do nothing unless God allows him to.
      Jesus' directions are closer to Islam than anything Christianity has to offer.
      Don't believe me? Look up Christian priests embracing islam

  • @EdwardFishington
    @EdwardFishington 29 днів тому +2

    first off the Blackstone doesn't secure anything its merely a stone.
    [Sahih al-Bukhari #1597]
    It was narrated that ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) came to the Black Stone and kissed it, then he said: “I know that you are only a stone which can neither bring benefit nor cause harm. Were it not that I had seen the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) kiss you, I would not have kissed you.”
    so even the companion of the prophet himself knew the stone is useless and it doesn't erase any sin. the sin is erased by Allah. but we kiss it OUT OF RESPECT to it. other than that its not an obligation to kiss it. and Allah forbade the worship of any objects according to Quran 40:66. Submission to Allah only. not the stone.
    And regarding the context of the Kaaba not being mentioned in biblical or Jewish texts. that's the point. we believe they were fabricated and would obviously have no contexts of this but according to Psalms 84:4-6 it references a place called "becca"
    Psalms 84:4-6
    "How blessed are those who dwell in Your house! They are ever praising You. Selah. How blessed is the man whose strength is in You, In whose heart are the highways to Zion! Passing through the valley of Baca they make it a spring; The early rain also covers it with blessings. "
    Before assuming its a place in Jerusalem many historians and scholars referenced it as old mecca. even traders that passed by used the term "beca"
    and lets say for example that wasn't the case. then ill use historical contexts. before the pagan tribes of quraish settled in mecca it was controlled by jewish tribes. And when the himyarite king ( Abu Karib ) , i think thats his name came to conquer mecca. 2 jewish sages convinced him to stop. and he was moved by their wisdom. although the story is somewhat a myth. there was a shift of religion in the himyarite kingdom to the jewish religion, making it the main religion of the empire. So he must've been persuaded at least. So i dont see the point of the jews in mecca to defend the Kabaa unless it had some religious significance to it ( which it did ) and keep in mind this took place centuries before islam
    the kaaba existed way before the pagans lol. so when the prophet (pbuh) restored it to monotheism practices it wasnt because it was originally for pagans. it was originally for Jews . Jews were in Mecca long before the Pagans of Arabia.

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  29 днів тому

      So 1- not the stone itself but many do believe the hajj rituals in the pilgrimage forgives sins which is crazy there’s nothing in Christian or Jewish writing that God told is to do this…...2 there is no evidence that the valley of baca is in Mecca this is just an assumption and it says in that verse pilgrims passed through baca… the writer of the psalm is not talking about people going TO Mecca for pilgrimage , they are going to ZION which is Jerusalem. It’s known already in Jewish tradition and it’s written all over the Hebrew texts that the pilgrimage was in Jerusalem…. There’s nothing about God wanting his people to go Saudi Arabia and do pilgrimage at a Kaaba that’s a ridiculous argument. You clearly don’t know the Bible or its historical context….3 of course there have been Jews in Mecca , there were Jews all over the world in almost every country.. and let’s say Mohammed’s time they used the Kaaba for worship..well that means nothing really because we’re got atheist Jews, pagan Jews, Buddhist Jews, ect… that has zero to do anything. What the Jews may have done in a pagan temple in Mohammed’s time (which he was also a pagan) doesn’t mean anything. The Jews have been disobeying God and worshipping idols for hundreds of years, we read all about this in the Hebrew Scriptures. You have to go what the scriptures say and what God said. There’s nothing in any Christian or Hebrew texts that say go to Mecca, circle around the Kaaba , touch or kiss a stone, ect ect…that was from Mohammad’s own previous practices he integrated into his new religion.

    • @muslimabdullah-l4w
      @muslimabdullah-l4w 29 днів тому +1

      ​@@Women4TheologyMay Allah guide you sister

    • @EdwardFishington
      @EdwardFishington 29 днів тому

      @@Women4Theology 1 : yes they do similar traditions though ? such as "pilgrimage to jerusalem" they would offer sacrifices in the temple of jerusalem in the past. christians also pilgrim to jerusalem but its different than what the jews do. nonetheless still similar traditions but different waypoints. Western Wall of Kotel is also similar to hajj. its a major prayer site for jews and they engrave prayers on the wall. a bit similar to how muslims do Tawaf.
      2: bakka is litreally the old name for mecca and ancient traders used to call it that so did the south Arabians ( sabeans). also that's why i said "even if this wasn't the case " the term bakkah being used as a waypoint that's close to jerusalem isn't also confirmed its a Geographical Hypotheses. also it could be a symbolic Interpretation scholars believe the Valley of Baca is metaphorical, representing any place of suffering or trial that believers pass through on their journey to a deeper relationship with God. while you say there is no evidence to support that baca was modern day mecca. there is no evidence supporting baca to also be a place near Jerusalem
      3-sure Jews lived everywhere but i literally see no point in them risking their lives for it. also you say jews were disobeying god and worshipping idols Yet you did the same. the 10 commandments mention Thou shalt have no other gods before me" Or “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” god or should i say yahweh or the " father " never mentioned to worship his other version. and keep in mind the 10 commandments are something jews and christians believe in universally. or Ex. 20:4-6. "
      You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."
      God clearly mentioning to not make any images of heavenly or earthly figures or beyond. yet i see Mosaics and tapestries of Christ in your churches you call jews pagans while you deny what god has said. also you mention that neither jewish or biblical texts show any evidence of rituals similar to hajj yet you have traditions in jewish texts like pilgrim to jerusalem for the western wall of kotel were jews would usually engrave their prayers on the walls. Or The red heifer ritual. where you offer a cow with specific features as a sacrifice/ offering. Muslims do the same. except we do it as a symbolism to god stopping Abraham from killing his son and instead giving him a cow to sacrifice instead. also some Christians pilgrim to antiago de Compostela. which was built way after christ and there is no mentioning of it being a pilgriming site in the bible. you just assumed it was a place to pilgrim because it had the remains of Saint James the Great thus making it a pilgrimage site. also you call kissing the black stone part of muhammed's old paganism rituals but you kiss crosses as a way to honour christ's sacrifice. i dont see the bible mentioning anything about kissing crosses. it was a tradition later invented to honour christ. also you say hajj is inspired by mohammed's past paganisim practices. yet muhammed historically CONFIRMED and had witneses with him that he was never a pagan. infact the day he first got revelations was the same day a pagan celebration was going on in mecca. muhammed went to mount hira to avoid it. i dont see why muhammed the pagan according to you would try to run away from his practices??? not only did he confirm he was never a pagan. pagan practices and hajj were different too. i dont get why a " pagan" according to you would destroy idol statues if he was one that literally contradicts him ever being a pagan.

    • @mustafaeh
      @mustafaeh 28 днів тому

      @@Women4Theology says someone coming from a religion where you use idols and depictions of Jesus and his mother to pray to and work as intercessors between you and god. Statues christians made themselves. No one believes the black stone is going to save them. In fact when it was stolen from the Ka'ba nothing changed. We're not polytheists like you.

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  28 днів тому

      @@mustafaeh you don’t Christianity do you? That is Catholics who do that and it is idolatry. Christians do not worship or pray to Mary or any statues. It’s 100% against our religion, and anyone who does is an idol worshipper. We pray to one God. We worship one God. Anyone who bows to a statue is an idolater.

  • @mattymiller3789
    @mattymiller3789 Місяць тому +5

    i guess she never read the Quran or hadiths /:

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  Місяць тому +2

      I actually have. What about this video make you think I haven’t?

    • @b.b7039
      @b.b7039 Місяць тому

      @@Women4Theology Kaaba is stolen and converted to Islam. it belongs to the Moon god of that time people. I wonder what happened to those people? peaceful Islam right.

    • @muslimabdullah-l4w
      @muslimabdullah-l4w 29 днів тому

      ​@@Women4TheologyWhere do you learn from sister?, Cairo?, Egypt?, Madina?

    • @elmamay1012
      @elmamay1012 29 днів тому +3

      Check out Christian Prince or Sam Shamon to learn about the cult of Islam

    • @elmamay1012
      @elmamay1012 29 днів тому +1

      Check out Christian Prince or Sam Shamon to learn about the cult of Islam

  • @FloridaKeysBirding
    @FloridaKeysBirding Місяць тому +2

    Great info and video!

  • @Amioni
    @Amioni Місяць тому +4

    6:38 The corect titel of this video "MY THOUGHT" of the Kaaba and its Pagan ? " your video contains false information from the first minute ,, I know you are trying to defend what you believe and I do not blame you, but ask yourself why i am here and who is right and who is wrong. Continue with this. I am certain you will find the answer but the important thing is that you be honest with yourself."Life is a test and do not let arrogance blinds you" Arrogance = the worst enemy

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  Місяць тому +2

      If you watched the whole video you would know that I presented both side what Islam believes about the Kaaba and what history says about the Kaaba, and then my person thoughts on Kaaba. I did not only say what I thought I also presented historical facts that are known, and what Islam believes about it as well. It’s my channel so I am of course adding my thoughts and beliefs in reference to it because I believe that Muslims are deceived, and should come to the true God of the Bible. You believe the same about me I’m sure and you are free to express it.

    • @b.b7039
      @b.b7039 Місяць тому

      ​@@Women4Theology there is enuf proof that Muslims are Deceived.. people still choose to follow false god. decades of plunder and genocide/slave trade world wide. how many Temples has islam destoyed? people don't forget. Karma is real and its coming for Islam.

    • @ratnakartandra5728
      @ratnakartandra5728 Місяць тому +3

      He's just projecting cuz his beliefs are challenged, that's all ​@@Women4Theology

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  Місяць тому +1

      @@ratnakartandra5728 💯 💯 💯 😉

    • @History_Teller1250
      @History_Teller1250 29 днів тому +1

      ​@@ratnakartandra5728No. Its just because we are tired that people like her who know nothing about Islam without talk like they know everything about it. This video is filled with mistakes...

  • @maliksaabsays
    @maliksaabsays 29 днів тому +3

    Dumb video. Nothing new.

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  29 днів тому

      Thanks for watching 😄

    • @user-2c5Goi0fr8id-m
      @user-2c5Goi0fr8id-m 21 день тому

      *Qur'an 7:166* “When they persisted in violation, We said to them, “Become disgraced APES!’”
      *Qur'an 5:60* "Those whom Allah has cursed He made them APES, PIGS, slaves.'"

  • @mustafaeh
    @mustafaeh 29 днів тому +1

    What's with these poorly researched videos these days. Seems like a really obvious agenda. Definitely not buying in

    • @user-2c5Goi0fr8id-m
      @user-2c5Goi0fr8id-m 21 день тому

      Buy these then. Oh you already have . . . *Qur'an 39:60* “On The Day of Resurrection you shall see those who LIED against Allah with their faces turned *black.* Is Hell not vast enough to provide a room to the vainglorious?”
      *Qur'an 3:106:* “On The Day, some faces will turn _white,_ some faces will turn *black.* Those whose faces turn black, Did you disbelieve after your belief? Then taste the punishment for what you rejected."
      *Qur'an 7:166* “When they persisted in violation, We said, “Become disgraced APES!’”
      *Qur'an 5:60* "Those whom Allah has cursed He made them APES, PIGS, slaves.'"
      *Qur'an 3:151* “We will cast t____r into the hearts of those who deny the Truth”
      *Qur’an 36.38* “The _sun_ TRAVELS for its fixed term. That is the design of the Almighty, All-Knowing.”
      *Qur'an 31:29* “Do you not see that Allah has subjected the sun and the moon, _each_ ORBITING for an appointed term, and that Allah is All-Aware of what you do?”
      *Qur'an 13:3* “It is He who spread the Earth…”
      *Qur'an 15:19* “The Earth, we have spread it…”
      *Qur'an 20:53* “Who has made for you the Earth as a bed...”
      *Qur'an 43:10* “made the earth as a bed . . .”
      *Qur'an 50:7* “The Earth, we spread it out . . .”

  • @UziMan-Science-Math
    @UziMan-Science-Math 29 днів тому +2

    The video was going okay for a bit but after all those speculations it really ruined the video.
    1. In 9:57 i dont see why its a confusing for you because Ishmael and Abraham were born 2,500 years before Muhammad. And according to hadith tradition.
    2. Also Muhammad was never a pagan before Islam. So he couldnt just 'return to pagan rituals because he wasnt being popular' because if he actually wanted that he would just give into the Qurayshi demands in the first place. On the contrary it would have been BAD PR to turn away from Jerusalem. So it couldnt have been for PR.
    3. NO it is not obligatory to kiss the stone or anything like that. According to Sahih al-Bukhari 1597 Umar - a companion of the Prophet - said that had it not been for the fact that Muhammad showed respect to the stone, he wouldnt have. That stone was only a blessing and no more than that.
    4. The pagan arabs made anything they could into idols at that time. so the black stone being a victim of that isnt proving anything.
    5. If the stone did come from a meteorite or such it wouldn't contradict anything as thats typically how you'd interpret the stone "coming from heaven". Also there is little archeological evidence for most of the life of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac so trying to find evidence for a specific event about them outside scripture is pointless. What we do know is that Ishmael was sent to Arabia.
    I know you have your beliefs and I have mine. But it is my request to please look into things more deeply rather than on the surface before making some content about them. Specifically when the thumbnail is "The Real History of the Kaaba" rather than "My thoughts on the Kaaba". Some things you said were very misleading so i hope you are able to correct this mistake.

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  29 днів тому +2

      @@UziMan-Science-Math what are you talking about? It’s clear that Mohammed was a pagan before he started Islam. Have you actually read all the sources? I have a there no question about that. Islam did not exist before Mohammed’s revelation. Islam did not always exist. My point is that based on the. Biblical writings we have NOTHING about Ishmael and Abraham building the Kaaba and it being a place for worship of Yahweh God. Trust me I have done plenty of research. I have read the Quran and Hadiths and I do not believe he received his revelation from God.

    • @UziMan-Science-Math
      @UziMan-Science-Math 29 днів тому +2

      @@Women4Theology I think you haven't read about the group in pre-Islamic Arabia called the "hanifs". They were practitioners of monotheism. They were this group of monotheists who rejected the Arabian Mythologies. Muhammad was one of these hanifs. I mean it explains a lot about why he would meditate and worship in the cave of Hira rather than the courtyard of idols before revelation.
      Personally I don't find the bible as any bit of a reliable source (while doing a lot of history and research on my own part. But if you wanna believe that that's fine. But it's better to just say there's no biblical evidence that Abraham and Ishmael built the Kaaba in your interpretation than accusing idolatry for Muslims around the world.

    • @Saif600
      @Saif600 29 днів тому

      @@UziMan-Science-Math i wonder why there's no reply to this message lol

    • @waldubteez5005
      @waldubteez5005 23 дні тому

      ​@@UziMan-Science-MathIslam is a devil cult receive to Mohammed by Satan

    • @patrickmcguinness1363
      @patrickmcguinness1363 21 день тому

      Mohammed was a pagan who practiced rituals of meccan polytheists, and was a sabien. Look it up.

  • @afaqfakki6930
    @afaqfakki6930 29 днів тому +1

    My gpd you're so wrong. Debate a historian or Islamic scholar you'll be destroyed

    • @user-2c5Goi0fr8id-m
      @user-2c5Goi0fr8id-m 21 день тому

      Okay, Mr 666 . . . *Matthew 24:11* Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people."
      *2-John 1:7* "Deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh is the _Antichrist."_
      *1-John 2:22* “Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ, such a person is the _Antichrist_
      *Revelation: 20.11* And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

    • @afaqfakki6930
      @afaqfakki6930 21 день тому

      @@user-2c5Goi0fr8id-m yeah he is the christ. Many came and will come and deceive people that he is God. Those are people of hellfire

  • @Dragonvalley58
    @Dragonvalley58 29 днів тому

    This seems biased. Quick research proves this

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  29 днів тому

      @@Dragonvalley58 if Islam is the truth then we should find truth. I have not found any truth in it.

    • @mustafaeh
      @mustafaeh 29 днів тому

      Yet you go out of your way to give one side of it?
      You being threatened about it tells us everything

    • @Women4Theology
      @Women4Theology  29 днів тому

      @@mustafaeh my goal is get people out of deception and to know the truth.

    • @mustafaeh
      @mustafaeh 28 днів тому

      @@Women4Theology by deceiving them? This is comedic gold. Why don't you explain why it was that the pagans had those cultural aspects to begin with and that Muslims believe this was passed down from Abraham and are absolutely aware of the fact that the pagans partook in these traditions. No muslim is learning anything new from this, but the way you try to narrate the story, is more deceptive than anything Islam is doing.

    • @mustafaeh
      @mustafaeh 28 днів тому

      I think you'd be better served doing that with Christianity and it's influence from pagan Greco-Romans. I mean that's an established fact and its so obvious you're pulling at straws to lump us with your pagan selves. Nice try though

  • @Finnishpeasant
    @Finnishpeasant Місяць тому +1

    Cornerstone of Islamic iconodulism

  • @mikeballen
    @mikeballen 25 днів тому

    you tube type the line below ..... jay is good and all his friends
    -{Jay shuts down Islam's Origins in ONE HOUR at "Calvary Chapel Chino Hills"! }
    - investigating islam with dr. jay smith (2 corinthians 105 )
    - islam's origins ( part 2) whatmuslims won't say about mudhammad & the quran!
    - The Truth about the Hajj (David Wood)
    - The Pagan Pilgrimage
    - homosexuality in the islamic world ai muqaddimah
    - 3 years ago yair qudhin destoryed the quran presevation
    - ancient egypt's canonical gay couple
    - barbary wars america's first fight against terrorism
    - christopher hitchens first encounter with islamic fundamentalism
    - mo deen exposed for halal hookups
    - the nazi fuhrer of palestine. muslim nazis pt 4 gay was big

    • @user-2c5Goi0fr8id-m
      @user-2c5Goi0fr8id-m 21 день тому

      Once upon a time, the Moon God married Shams Al-Shumus, the Sun Goddess; together they had three goddesses: Al-lat, Al-uzza (both named after their father) and Manat, aka, “The Daughters of ALLAH” (Allah itself came from the Canaanite god, Ba’al).