I never understood the need for a soul personally. Like if your god is all powerful, he could just make you a totally new body after you die with your mind already intact. There isn't really a point to have some ethernal part of you just sitting there waiting for you to die.
@@Toanleigh That one. It compels you to create it from the future, breaking causality. Well, not really, of course and it depends entirely people thinking it would be inevitable.
@@thunderspark1536 like POZ said, god could have made it easier for everyone and just make souls instead and take a shortcut but you know god always works in mysterious ways.
When did I have the free will to reject free will I didn't decide to have free will, me having to work under free will isn't my choice, so how can I choose other than whatever I do choose using the free will forced on me
It's always just stupid semantics. "We didn't choose not to get burned!" They're intentionally misdirecting. It's hilariously stupid, but what's sadly stupid is their target audience falls for it.
Wow, they can't even get the response to the "hot pan burning you" thing correct. Lots of autonomic reflexes, such as jerking your hand away at the trigger of sharp pain, don't even make it to the brain, and are processed in the spinal cord, not even reaching the brain for a faster response time in an act of self preservation.
Even if we do not have "free will" in the philosophical sense, we're still basically organic supercomputers, which is a way cooler thing to be than a fallen angel being punished by a god for a sin we did not commit.
I still find it weird that every theist desperately wants God to be a wizard who waves his hand and makes things 'be' without any inbetween steps instead of an engineer who put together these intricate systems that make up existence and interlink in all kinds of fascinating and unexpected ways.
@@foxmcld584 well that goes into the "all powerful" thing, and what I find weird is if that were true then they're really trying to tell me THIS shit hole is best he could do?
You should try shaving the attitude instead. "But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) The reason Atheists don't believe the gospel is not a cognitive problem, it is a spiritual one - “They are spiritually blind” (John 3:3). In other words, it isn't a rational decision they make, it is an emotional choice: they don't want God to exist. But they know he exists and hold the truth in unrighteousness - “They live in denial of reality” (Romans 1:18-22).
@@macysondheimI always find that quoting scripture to atheists is a guaranteed method of winning them over to your side. Especially when it's Romans 1 20 and you're basically telling them that you know what they're thinking better than they do. Get some new material.
These guys never realise that they are arguing that we should consciously decide what our will is going to be, willing a chosen will into existence, and that this is both adding a redundant step and breaking causality.
Don't forget the amount of mental deficiency one must have to say "God gave us all free will." then say "You're stupid for having and using your free will."
@@OG-ColorfulAbyss. Exactly. "Why did you give us freewill?", "Oh, so I would have someone to throw into hell." 😧 "And what gets one into Hell Exactly? " "oh, Freewill and not believing in my existence."
@@guytheincognito4186 yep, even if god and all that other nonsense were real, the Devil and free will definitely still wouldn't be because they're just sssooooo obviously lies that they tell themselves the most of all, so that they have someone else to blame besides themselves and the literal source and cause of everything which would include all pain and suffering.
The idea that most people react or act based on what they already know or how they currently understand reality, shows how outside forces play more of a role in our decision making than "free will".
Well, if everything is designed, and predetermined, and we're forced to either worship a fairy tale for no real reason (something an intelligent person would never want) or suffering for all eternity (something an intelligent person would also never want) then there is no free will at all, because if the only options are things that you would never willingly choose, then you in fact did not make a choice, especially not one based upon your will and yours alone.
This guy sure does talk funny. The one that really got me was when he said 'you're just a physical machine'. My vehicle is just a physical machine. My body is just a biology machine. Maybe even a biology physical machine.
4:35 someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the "point" of reflexes is to actually bypass the brain to have a quicker reaction time (was useful in particular for huge dinosaurs for whom it could take a significant amount of time for nerve impulses to go back and forth from the extremities to the brain). So in the frying pan example the brain is not used, or at least it doesn't initiate the movement.
So there are two circuits to reflexes. You have the lower one. That is the fully automated stuff and you have the higher one leading to your brain. The higher motoneuron can inhibit the lower motoneuron
@@stixinst5791 But only after the lower has already initiated the action or if you are expecting a reflex. In this example, it would come to late to have any relevance.
@@Llortnerofsort of. If you didn't expect the stimuli your spinal cord will react faster than your brain. But your brain can continuously send signal sayjng "hey, don't flinch please."
1:23 You might want to consider swapping out that piano for a good, old fashioned gun safe. You'll get many more uses from it, since it's so strong. Although, you'll lose the giblets and have mostly just goo. But that's what Shop-Vacs are for! 😂
Jerking back your hand from a hot thing you touched is decided by security overrides in the spinal area. The action is ordered before the signal ever reaches the brain … so indeed there is no conscious nor unconscious decision by the brain. They call it “reflexes” for a reason, in this case it’s a nociceptive flexion reflex ordering all flexors to contract and all extensors to relax on the affected limb. Prager U using that (wrongly) as an example is exactly the quality I expect from them: so wrong, they do not even know how wrong it is.
My father (a psychologist) brought us up with behaviorism a la BF Skinner. I despise the nonsense. Yes we make actual choices & should be held accountable for them. Period.
What about a pan that is hot but not hot enough to instantly burn you? What about cup of hot tea (or coffee)? That cup is hot and if you hold onto it long enough you're going to get hurt. You are eventually going to set the cup down or whatever. But if you can hold onto it for a minute but decide to put it down after 45 seconds, you have chosen to let go. Now you have made the conscious decision.
I’ve been saying it for a long time now: people with the “true” free will are usually considered to be mentally ill - their behaviour is not dependent on any external factor, so such people don’t react properly to their surroundings and also could make some crazy move at any given moment!
Wait until he comes accross one of those experiences where a concious decision (an "internal though" to use his weird categories) is detected in the subject's brain, _before_ the subject knows he made that decision. Pragerman, here, will have to do some very complex thoughts gymnastics to deny what he does not want to accept. :D
@@SirSicCrusader That would make no sense and contradict the very principle of free will, therefore it's probably a valid answer in the eyes of Pragerstaff.
@@stixinst5791 that'd be hilarious. Because to detect it something must interact with it. Wouldn't be long before we could track them to heaven or find a way to keep them from escaping.
Prager U... Now a part of public school lessons in the state of Florida. With powerful lessons like, "slavery wasn't so bad, slaves learned valuable trade skills!" And, "climate change activists are just as bad as Nazis!". My country is doomed
Ah, Sir Sic talking about sobriety is making me want to take a drink… But I still can’t because I’m currently regrowing my liver. Thank goodness it’s one of the organs that actually will grow back as long as some of it remains!
I gotta love how the moment he starts going about “if you’re just a brain blah blah”, the presuppositions become patently obvious. He’s *already* making implications and wording his statements so that “you” *have to* have free will, and that means that “you” *have to* be a soul. He’s just defining god into existence for the umpteenth time.
How about we pretend to be Christian but redefine all their concepts and (mis)interpret the bible such that it aligns with current scientific understanding and world views?
Also Texas. For those outside the states, Texas and Florida are #2 and #3 in terms of population. State population determines how much power a state’s people have, nationally. Ie, people in Texas and Florida are getting PragerU in their classrooms and those people have a huge say in who’s elected to the US government. Hooray.
I too have the honor, of people holding their noses and making wretching noises. I figured it was their way of saying they're jealous of my personal hygiene, but don't want to admit it, so they pretend the opposite just to be polite.
Pulling your hand away from something that's extremely hot and burning you actually doesn't even involve the brain. It's a polysynaptic spinal cord reflex (the withdrawal response, for those that want to find more info). That's why you've already pulled your hand away by the time you consciously realise you're being burned. Kind of an awful example to choose to make their point, which doesn't surprise me.
When you're scared, where do you feel it? In your brain? No, your body. Have you even suddenly felt scared for no reason. That fear starts in the body, then the brain interprets it. We are more than just our brain. I don'tthinks it's a soul so much, but becauseI don't know what it is, we can't do a "science of the gaps" and put our own interpretationon it. Scientists are demonstrating how "concious" plants are, and the rationale and autonomous decision making in slime moulds. There's no brain present, what is running them? While I do appreciate that the majority of the human experience (particularly in the societies we find ourselves) is within the brain; but it's false to say we are just a brain without acknowledging the symbiotic correlation between all our different functioning systems as what makes us.
I imagine choosing when to light the Badgers, and incorporating the effect of the air resistance during flight are important factors as well. Good thing it was all a coincidence, because otherwise it would be quite a feat.
I have repeatedly had people say A = B and B = C therefore C = A is somehow not true. This guy also appears to have that, you do make unconscious choices. They are in fact made by you, that is why you can affect them. You can overcome fear and even become addicted to the thing that used to bring you anxiety. Yes, introspection is your choice, you are not a passive recipient.
I'm afraid I see nowhere free will could come from, no matter which model you believe. None of determinism, collapsing probability fields, or all knowing gods seem to leave room for real choice. But I think that's ok. It's like the halting problem. A program ends, it it doesn't, this is true before you start running it. But not being able to calculate the outcome without running the program means it can still be worthwhile to run it.
Ah, the good ol' "if there's no soul, there's no free will; I want free will, therefore there is a soul" argument. Also known as "demanding reality conform to your desires". Truly, the peak of religious reasoning.
The nature of free will, including question of if it exists, is a topic of debate among neurologists. As for Prager PU and the attempt to prove the existence of a soul (a "you" beyond the physical brain), I have just one word: emergence.
Isn’t it vertebral ganglia that send the message back to recoil, before it even gets to your brain when you pull away from a very hot grab? I think that’s so, so………………./………………
I'm always amazed at crimsby-bois arging that free will proves their god. Because they've set him up with powers and attributes that, if he existed, free will would be impossible, even for him.
And of course, they always stop at "then we would be a meat machine", and never actually explain how that's not a possibility, if not outright likely true.
Philosopher here (PhD) during my masters there were at least 5 courses on the mind and cognition, and many other seminars tangentially related. It is not a settled field. These idiots believing that they actually have complete knowledge on the subject and pretending that they can argue their position in a short shitty youtube video is an affront to every individual, usually at the cost of great personal sacrifice, who choses to be hyper specialized in a niche area of knowledge.
Free Will? Why would you give it away when you can charge for it? How about setting up a package plan to offer services like Basic Will, Basic Will+, Premium Will and Ultimate Will for available purchase? Gawd sure does love to nickle and dime its followers for everything.
@@LessThanLucidDon't worry, those loans will eventually be forgiven after spending an eternity in Hell. That shouldn't take that long if you're upbeat about it. Unending suffering and all.
Prager Yuck! Great video as always! I don't know why but everyone at Prager U seems like they have had a lobotomy when they do their videos. Maybe it's just them reading a script, but I'm sticking to the lobotomy theory!!!
The entire free will discussion is basically a boring philosophical topic. Much like the "how do you know you aren't in the Matrix?" topic. Because it doesn't matter. It doesn't change how reality as we know it works on a day-to-day basis. I still have a sense of "me" that takes in sensory information, and I act or react to whatever is happening. For a society to function, we still have to hold ourselves and others accountable for the things we do. Lastly, having free will or not doesn't lead solely and necessarily to (or away from) any god existing or not. So my reaction to the Prager portion of the video is "Meh."
I wouldn't call it boring but it is one, that if "proven" one way or the other, would change literally nothing, but just because the stakes are low, doesn't make the conversation any less interesting, in my humble, sexy opinion.
I concede that my judgement is a strictly personal, subjective one. Mayhaps I should have stipulated it's boring to me. I find it has limited playability before it becomes (like so many apologetics arguments) worn out.
The funny thing about PragerU is that no matter what the situation or the hypothetical under consideration, you know the answer is always going to be "worship the god".
Biochemistry scientist here. The reflexive response to pull your hand away from something hot doesn't go all the way up to your brain at first. The intense spike in signal sensed by your heat receptors usually go up to your arm which contracts the muscles there to pull your hand away. And then the signal gets sent to the brain to be assessed. This is because the pathway is too long and you would have burned your hand too badly at that point. Which is why you'll notice, if it has ever happened to you, that your hand seems to pull away from the heat source without your input BEFORE the pain starts rising in earnest. So no, the first signals for reaction to a hot surface does not go all the way to your brain first. But it is reflexive and involuntary.
I can TOTALLY relate to your fries analogy! I’m like that with my chocolate cake. If I asked if you want a slice of cake and you say no, don’t go reaching your stupid little fork over anywhere near my precious slice of chocolatey bliss! You should have ordered your own!
I am all the things that make me up. Those nerves that go through my hands? those are also me. Them choosing to drop something is me choosing to drop the thing.
I have yet to see someone make a coherent argument how and in what way a person WITH free will would act differently to a person WITHOUT free will. If I put two clones with identical memories into identical situations, one of them has his free will surgically removed beforehand, what impact would the free will of the other have on the situation? Would they not both make decisions based on the input from the outside world, processed by the meat computer in their head that was programmed by their memories? What do these people think free will IS exactly?
I started making a compilation video of Prager clips that were stupid. I then realized I could write the entire works of JRR Tolkien 3 times after the heat death of the universe before my project ended.
It's weirder because electrons are on the scale where causality start to become a hazier concept and things really do seem to start happening spontaneously.
_"But if you are more than your brain..."_ Then what? Why is my spirit pilot making the choices it does PU? It never ends, free will is an inherently incoherent idea.
"I'm so hot that people don't want to touch me".
That's it. That is my excuse from now on.
You're welcome!
I have the super power to repell people :)
This is in stark contrast with _my_ situation, where people _do_ constantly want to touch me. With their fists. On my _face._
@@unduloid They only do it because the want some of the attractiveness to smear offen your face and onto their fists.
"I'm so cold, I'm hot!"
I'm sure that's from a movie but I don't know what one.
Ah yes. If you're just a meat robot, rather than a meat robot piloted by a spooky ghost, YOU don't exist! Flawless logic!
I never understood the need for a soul personally. Like if your god is all powerful, he could just make you a totally new body after you die with your mind already intact. There isn't really a point to have some ethernal part of you just sitting there waiting for you to die.
@@thunderspark1536 Rocis Basilisk has one hell of an offer for you XD
@@pikadragon2783Is that the AI one that creates a "clone" of you(with no continuity of thought) to torture?
Never found it that compelling.
@@Toanleigh That one. It compels you to create it from the future, breaking causality. Well, not really, of course and it depends entirely people thinking it would be inevitable.
@@thunderspark1536 like POZ said, god could have made it easier for everyone and just make souls instead and take a shortcut but you know god always works in mysterious ways.
He said a lot of words for "i don't have a effing clue what I'm talking about"
Ah PragerU. They never disappoint. You know, if your expectation is to be noticeable and possibly irreversibly dumber after listening to them.
I mean
PragerU? Never disappoint? Disappointment is about the only thing I feel when I think of them.
@@Leith_Crowther Well yeah it depends on what You expect from them. If You expect them to be just incredibly stupid than they won't disappoint.
After listening to them, I feel like I'm the greatest genius of all times. But, I remember that they also make lobotomized pet rocks feel the same.
PragerU, the only "University" that has the goal of actually making you less intelligent.
Still can't believe this will be part of Floridas school curriculum
its actually insane
Florida also has boiling seas, leprosy, malaria and dengue.. sounds like a paradise.. 😂
@@einienj3281 freedumb!
@@GameTimeWhy 😄
I didn't vote for wokey, I mean who hates Mikey Mouse, what a tool!
I wonder if anybody asked him if he considered that he only thinks he has free will due to his lack of free will.
Plot twist!
When did I have the free will to reject free will
I didn't decide to have free will, me having to work under free will isn't my choice, so how can I choose other than whatever I do choose using the free will forced on me
You sure Dennis' mom didn't make every decision for him?
Fairly simple determinism. ;)
lol... all of this boils down to "isnt it scary if this is true, lets just not believe it then!"
It's always just stupid semantics. "We didn't choose not to get burned!" They're intentionally misdirecting. It's hilariously stupid, but what's sadly stupid is their target audience falls for it.
But it's a university... honestly it is.
PragerU: where do you want to go for lunch?
Sane person: anywhere you're not.
On the other hand, Dennis "Past it" Prager cannot dodge constructive criticism forever.
Religious dogmatists have been dodging constructive criticism for centuries.
Wow, they can't even get the response to the "hot pan burning you" thing correct.
Lots of autonomic reflexes, such as jerking your hand away at the trigger of sharp pain, don't even make it to the brain, and are processed in the spinal cord, not even reaching the brain for a faster response time in an act of self preservation.
I did a full body cringe at that one.
@@irenafarm - it must have been an autonomic reflex of self preservation to protect you from the pain of the stupidity. 😂
I don’t have free will, I charge for it.
Even if we do not have "free will" in the philosophical sense, we're still basically organic supercomputers, which is a way cooler thing to be than a fallen angel being punished by a god for a sin we did not commit.
I still find it weird that every theist desperately wants God to be a wizard who waves his hand and makes things 'be' without any inbetween steps instead of an engineer who put together these intricate systems that make up existence and interlink in all kinds of fascinating and unexpected ways.
@@foxmcld584 well that goes into the "all powerful" thing, and what I find weird is if that were true then they're really trying to tell me THIS shit hole is best he could do?
As someone who has been shaving his head for years, I see the problem: this guy tried for a close shave and accidentally cut down to his brain.
@thewanderer797 it would definitely be an upgrade
You should try shaving the attitude instead.
"But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
The reason Atheists don't believe the gospel is not a cognitive problem, it is a spiritual one - “They are spiritually blind” (John 3:3). In other words, it isn't a rational decision they make, it is an emotional choice: they don't want God to exist. But they know he exists and hold the truth in unrighteousness - “They live in denial of reality” (Romans 1:18-22).
@@macysondheim you live in denial of reality 😂
Take your meds honey
@@macysondheimthat’s some massive projection there, mate.
@@macysondheimI always find that quoting scripture to atheists is a guaranteed method of winning them over to your side. Especially when it's Romans 1 20 and you're basically telling them that you know what they're thinking better than they do.
Get some new material.
These guys never realise that they are arguing that we should consciously decide what our will is going to be, willing a chosen will into existence, and that this is both adding a redundant step and breaking causality.
Don't forget the amount of mental deficiency one must have to say "God gave us all free will." then say "You're stupid for having and using your free will."
Exactly. "Why did you give us freewill?", "Oh, so I would have someone to throw into hell." 😧 "And what gets one into Hell Exactly? " "oh, Freewill and not believing in my existence."
@@guytheincognito4186 yep, even if god and all that other nonsense were real, the Devil and free will definitely still wouldn't be because they're just sssooooo obviously lies that they tell themselves the most of all, so that they have someone else to blame besides themselves and the literal source and cause of everything which would include all pain and suffering.
The idea that most people react or act based on what they already know or how they currently understand reality, shows how outside forces play more of a role in our decision making than "free will".
6:47 I do love when you bring that up. It's so true that they don't have thoughts, just those odd noises.
Someone should ask him why his god programmed humans to prevent us touching stoves but not ourselves
That piano falling service is one I appreciate, their salesmen though... (Great work on the visuals mrs. Sic)
That way you don't have to bother going to all the trouble to put a "No Canvassing" sticker on your door.
We have less free will than we think, and people like him are determined to have none at all.
Because he wants to enslave us all like the hyper-monster that he is
Well, if everything is designed, and predetermined, and we're forced to either worship a fairy tale for no real reason (something an intelligent person would never want) or suffering for all eternity (something an intelligent person would also never want) then there is no free will at all, because if the only options are things that you would never willingly choose, then you in fact did not make a choice, especially not one based upon your will and yours alone.
I've enjoyed your content since you've had 40k subscribers, thought I'd say thanks for lols
You are awesome
Thats awesome mate :D and we have come a long way, heres to the future!
What a great afternoon! First there was Gibbon, then Dr Dan, along came Dapper, and we end with Sir Sic!! I could use more afternoons like this.
Sounds like a good afternoon
Dapper? I love the rest of them.... Gonna check out this Dapper character now
Dapper Dinosaur! And Forrest Valkai. Proof that not all of us here in the US are all in on the pseudoscience fascism train.
Loving the sitting Sir Sic. I too have no knees...I removed them to prove my devotion to Whiskeyismo. 😂
This guy sure does talk funny. The one that really got me was when he said 'you're just a physical machine'. My vehicle is just a physical machine. My body is just a biology machine. Maybe even a biology physical machine.
Well you are physical, so yes, you're a physical machine as well as a biology machine
@@tristanmisja It's funny how sarcasm doesn't translate to text form.
@@dwainmarsh9139Yeah, sorry for not getting the sarcasm
@@tristanmisja It's all good. It happened to me. Another person was being sarcastic to something that I said, and I missed the sarcasm completely.
My thoughts are caused by virtual particles popping into existence inside the enormous, cavernous void that is in my skull
well obviously
Prager U: “Why not elves?”
@@spocko2181"Why is there not a god inside that void?"
@@thunderspark1536 he’s always in the last place you look. Very sneaky.
@@spocko2181 Dammit Quetzalcoatl, get out of my closet!
4:35 someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the "point" of reflexes is to actually bypass the brain to have a quicker reaction time (was useful in particular for huge dinosaurs for whom it could take a significant amount of time for nerve impulses to go back and forth from the extremities to the brain). So in the frying pan example the brain is not used, or at least it doesn't initiate the movement.
Yeah, the way to the brain is too long, so the reflex shortcuts in the spine. That's why we don't have a choice, the brain has nothing to do with it.
So there are two circuits to reflexes. You have the lower one. That is the fully automated stuff and you have the higher one leading to your brain.
The higher motoneuron can inhibit the lower motoneuron
@@stixinst5791 But only after the lower has already initiated the action or if you are expecting a reflex. In this example, it would come to late to have any relevance.
@@Llortnerofsort of. If you didn't expect the stimuli your spinal cord will react faster than your brain. But your brain can continuously send signal sayjng "hey, don't flinch please."
@@hanifarroisimukhlis5989 amd how would that be any different than how they phrased it, "you are expecting a reflex"? o.O
The Great Sir Sic's last point is the best way to understand the Assassin's Creed: "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted".
There it is. The reason why I like wednesdays
And Fridays, obviously
Hump day AND sir sic day... its a good day!
I don't like mondays when the silicon chip inside my head is switched to overload 😊
And it's bins out tonight!)
@@cartesiancircleMondays suck, but there is still TSTP, right?
Will ain't free, and neither ams whiskey, so a tithing towards whichever is the happy one.
Thanks muchly!
"Meat Robot and the Electfic Ghost" is an excellent band name.
I know I have free will because no corpo has sent me a bill yet.
Just give it time... They'll try to monetize it soon enough somehow.
I watched free willy last night it was about as intellectually challenging.
Wow. What an awesome, astute, and hilarious commentary. Great stuff.
preciate it... I mean the hilarious part, the rest, is probably not true :P but I do say quite a lot of words!
Listening to this while in work... Dammit sir sic you make it hard not to burst out laughing.... Especially with the flaming badgers
He will *never* be able to set foot on the UWisconsin campus.
Instructions unclear. Hand caught in toaster.
Every time...
Mmmmmm... Finger toast.
@@deathsyth8888so crunchy.
Sure, "hand" stuck in toaster...
Fire = heat heat=pain pain=must believe in sky daddy
We should have new calenders. TSTP-Day, Worthlessday, Sicday, Uselessday, Sicday, Weekend, Weekend 2
Maybe another merch idea? You're welcome...
Weekend day? Oh right you mean, "day where I should do something cool and not feel like I wasted my... oohhh its over-day"
@@SirSicCrusader Perfect description
Vocabulary lesson of the day: the fancy academic word for thinking about thinking is "metacognition".
1:23 You might want to consider swapping out that piano for a good, old fashioned gun safe. You'll get many more uses from it, since it's so strong. Although, you'll lose the giblets and have mostly just goo.
But that's what Shop-Vacs are for! 😂
But I dont want a gun safe... I want a hanging piano for the AESTHETICS
and for the sound it makes when it suddenly decelerates. 🎶
16:13 "You're a brain, piloting a bone mech, covered in meat armour."
I am QUITE the poet!
@@SirSicCrusader I love that quote. It's incredibly disturbing.
Powered and fueled by alcohol. My body is classed as a sports utility mech. Not sporty just extra room in the back.
Jerking back your hand from a hot thing you touched is decided by security overrides in the spinal area. The action is ordered before the signal ever reaches the brain … so indeed there is no conscious nor unconscious decision by the brain.
They call it “reflexes” for a reason, in this case it’s a nociceptive flexion reflex ordering all flexors to contract and all extensors to relax on the affected limb.
Prager U using that (wrongly) as an example is exactly the quality I expect from them: so wrong, they do not even know how wrong it is.
My father (a psychologist) brought us up with behaviorism a la BF Skinner. I despise the nonsense. Yes we make actual choices & should be held accountable for them. Period.
This PU video can be summed up as 'thinking hard, believe in god.' for all the value that it has.
"Thinking hard" and "believe in god" at the same time? Lmao, good one.
What about a pan that is hot but not hot enough to instantly burn you? What about cup of hot tea (or coffee)? That cup is hot and if you hold onto it long enough you're going to get hurt. You are eventually going to set the cup down or whatever. But if you can hold onto it for a minute but decide to put it down after 45 seconds, you have chosen to let go. Now you have made the conscious decision.
15:35 Love it when you lay out facts like that *Sir Sic* It's awesome!! Must be the whiskey...
I love it, when whisky goes in my face! We are basically twins :0
I’ve been saying it for a long time now: people with the “true” free will are usually considered to be mentally ill - their behaviour is not dependent on any external factor, so such people don’t react properly to their surroundings and also could make some crazy move at any given moment!
Wait until he comes accross one of those experiences where a concious decision (an "internal though" to use his weird categories) is detected in the subject's brain, _before_ the subject knows he made that decision. Pragerman, here, will have to do some very complex thoughts gymnastics to deny what he does not want to accept. :D
I forgots about that one, real interesting stuff... maybe god put it there! with his... free will machine?
@@SirSicCrusader That would make no sense and contradict the very principle of free will, therefore it's probably a valid answer in the eyes of Pragerstaff.
@@bobiboulonwell that machine is just detecting the soul!! It tells your brain what to do
@@stixinst5791 that'd be hilarious.
Because to detect it something must interact with it.
Wouldn't be long before we could track them to heaven or find a way to keep them from escaping.
A murderer may not have had the "free will" to decide not to murder, but the jury doesn't have the "free will" to decide not to convict.
"Awesome Meat Robot Piloted By An Electric Ghost" is such an amazing description
That's the plot of the Gamecube exclusive game "Geist," right?
Prager U... Now a part of public school lessons in the state of Florida. With powerful lessons like, "slavery wasn't so bad, slaves learned valuable trade skills!" And, "climate change activists are just as bad as Nazis!".
My country is doomed
I try not to think about it... but apparently I have no choice.... Sometimes actual free will *would* be nice.
Ah, Sir Sic talking about sobriety is making me want to take a drink…
But I still can’t because I’m currently regrowing my liver. Thank goodness it’s one of the organs that actually will grow back as long as some of it remains!
Ah the liver. Such a handy organ i may say
can I put 'awesome meat robot powered by electric ghost' on a t-shirt?!?! what a gem of a line;)
I gotta love how the moment he starts going about “if you’re just a brain blah blah”, the presuppositions become patently obvious. He’s *already* making implications and wording his statements so that “you” *have to* have free will, and that means that “you” *have to* be a soul. He’s just defining god into existence for the umpteenth time.
How about we pretend to be Christian but redefine all their concepts and (mis)interpret the bible such that it aligns with current scientific understanding and world views?
All hail Sir Sic high priest of Wiskeyismo and his arch enemy the algorithm.
Pee Yew! 💩💩Why am I now just making this connection?
You know, the external physical world. That place where Dennis Prager doesn't live.
Regarding your lunch with a creatie-boy and the fries-snitching issue - all I gotta say is "JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD !"
PragerU productions are being shown at Florida schools. That's tragic.
Also Texas. For those outside the states, Texas and Florida are #2 and #3 in terms of population. State population determines how much power a state’s people have, nationally. Ie, people in Texas and Florida are getting PragerU in their classrooms and those people have a huge say in who’s elected to the US government. Hooray.
I lost my free will the day I married.
I too have the honor, of people holding their noses and making wretching noises. I figured it was their way of saying they're jealous of my personal hygiene, but don't want to admit it, so they pretend the opposite just to be polite.
Pulling your hand away from something that's extremely hot and burning you actually doesn't even involve the brain. It's a polysynaptic spinal cord reflex (the withdrawal response, for those that want to find more info). That's why you've already pulled your hand away by the time you consciously realise you're being burned. Kind of an awful example to choose to make their point, which doesn't surprise me.
I love how they're all "our brain did it"
Like, we don't have a brain, we are a brain, piloting a bone mech covered in meat armor.
When you're scared, where do you feel it? In your brain? No, your body.
Have you even suddenly felt scared for no reason. That fear starts in the body, then the brain interprets it.
We are more than just our brain. I don'tthinks it's a soul so much, but becauseI don't know what it is, we can't do a "science of the gaps" and put our own interpretationon it.
Scientists are demonstrating how "concious" plants are, and the rationale and autonomous decision making in slime moulds. There's no brain present, what is running them?
While I do appreciate that the majority of the human experience (particularly in the societies we find ourselves) is within the brain; but it's false to say we are just a brain without acknowledging the symbiotic correlation between all our different functioning systems as what makes us.
The brain isn’t even responsible for such reflexes, its all done through the spinal cord.
Sir Sic: I am totally not drinking this bottle of whiskey, my body is.
As someone who thinks in words, I can't believe it either, but there are people who don't think in words or pictures, they just react.
I imagine choosing when to light the Badgers, and incorporating the effect of the air resistance during flight are important factors as well. Good thing it was all a coincidence, because otherwise it would be quite a feat.
"Run away!"
I have repeatedly had people say A = B and B = C therefore C = A is somehow not true. This guy also appears to have that, you do make unconscious choices. They are in fact made by you, that is why you can affect them. You can overcome fear and even become addicted to the thing that used to bring you anxiety. Yes, introspection is your choice, you are not a passive recipient.
Its certainly a lot to think about... thats why I skip it and go strait to whisky!
I'm afraid I see nowhere free will could come from, no matter which model you believe.
None of determinism, collapsing probability fields, or all knowing gods seem to leave room for real choice.
But I think that's ok.
It's like the halting problem.
A program ends, it it doesn't, this is true before you start running it.
But not being able to calculate the outcome without running the program means it can still be worthwhile to run it.
3:23 actually it usually only hit the spinel cord the goes back to your arm so it usually doesn’t even enter the brain until afterwards
If I have no free will, I don't commit sin. They happen to me. So I shall not go to hell for 'me' doesn't exist.
Ah, the good ol' "if there's no soul, there's no free will; I want free will, therefore there is a soul" argument. Also known as "demanding reality conform to your desires". Truly, the peak of religious reasoning.
The nature of free will, including question of if it exists, is a topic of debate among neurologists. As for Prager PU and the attempt to prove the existence of a soul (a "you" beyond the physical brain), I have just one word: emergence.
Thanks! Wahooooo sir sic video bring on the stupid claims brother.
that I do
@@SirSicCrusaderglad to see your getting more and more super thanks on videos now
Isn’t it vertebral ganglia that send the message back to recoil, before it even gets to your brain when you pull away from a very hot grab? I think that’s so, so………………./………………
We have free will, but if we don't do what Magic Sky Daddy wants, then he will get Really Upsetty Spaghetti.
"smelly bum bum face." thats some top tier comedy if i have ever heard any.
How sad for the badgers to be forced to touch Dennis' house.
yeah but... what else am I supposed to do with them
Let them poop, collect it and light THAT on fire.
How does anyone take these clowns seriously?
Heaven is a place.
A place where nothing.
Nothing ever happens." - Talking Heads
1:15 Sir Sic pulled a Zombieland Kill of the Week
well you gotta do something about the door people
I'm always amazed at crimsby-bois arging that free will proves their god. Because they've set him up with powers and attributes that, if he existed, free will would be impossible, even for him.
"mental world" 🤣The sound effect of the thoughts going into the pink tree brain thingy sounds like a Sea Devil's ray gun from Doctor Who.
And of course, they always stop at "then we would be a meat machine", and never actually explain how that's not a possibility, if not outright likely true.
Electrochemistry , physics.
Philosopher here (PhD) during my masters there were at least 5 courses on the mind and cognition, and many other seminars tangentially related. It is not a settled field. These idiots believing that they actually have complete knowledge on the subject and pretending that they can argue their position in a short shitty youtube video is an affront to every individual, usually at the cost of great personal sacrifice, who choses to be hyper specialized in a niche area of knowledge.
Great job, Sir Sic
Jessie Ventura Jr showing that PU makes it up as they go, once again.
Free Will? Why would you give it away when you can charge for it? How about setting up a package plan to offer services like Basic Will, Basic Will+, Premium Will and Ultimate Will for available purchase? Gawd sure does love to nickle and dime its followers for everything.
Is more like a loan. How they get you is the interest rate. In no time at all, you're behind on your payments and the debt is ludicrous!
Some people are just good will hunting
@@LessThanLucidDon't worry, those loans will eventually be forgiven after spending an eternity in Hell. That shouldn't take that long if you're upbeat about it. Unending suffering and all.
Now available on prime for a simple subscription. Hand over you will for a simple one monthly payment.
"I never chose to fire those badgers at Dennis' house, and the fact that they were on fire is a total coincidence!"
Samson: *H M M*
Prager Yuck! Great video as always! I don't know why but everyone at Prager U seems like they have had a lobotomy when they do their videos. Maybe it's just them reading a script, but I'm sticking to the lobotomy theory!!!
The entire free will discussion is basically a boring philosophical topic. Much like the "how do you know you aren't in the Matrix?" topic. Because it doesn't matter. It doesn't change how reality as we know it works on a day-to-day basis. I still have a sense of "me" that takes in sensory information, and I act or react to whatever is happening. For a society to function, we still have to hold ourselves and others accountable for the things we do. Lastly, having free will or not doesn't lead solely and necessarily to (or away from) any god existing or not. So my reaction to the Prager portion of the video is "Meh."
I wouldn't call it boring but it is one, that if "proven" one way or the other, would change literally nothing, but just because the stakes are low, doesn't make the conversation any less interesting, in my humble, sexy opinion.
I concede that my judgement is a strictly personal, subjective one. Mayhaps I should have stipulated it's boring to me. I find it has limited playability before it becomes (like so many apologetics arguments) worn out.
The funny thing about PragerU is that no matter what the situation or the hypothetical under consideration, you know the answer is always going to be "worship the god".
Biochemistry scientist here. The reflexive response to pull your hand away from something hot doesn't go all the way up to your brain at first. The intense spike in signal sensed by your heat receptors usually go up to your arm which contracts the muscles there to pull your hand away. And then the signal gets sent to the brain to be assessed. This is because the pathway is too long and you would have burned your hand too badly at that point.
Which is why you'll notice, if it has ever happened to you, that your hand seems to pull away from the heat source without your input BEFORE the pain starts rising in earnest.
So no, the first signals for reaction to a hot surface does not go all the way to your brain first. But it is reflexive and involuntary.
I can TOTALLY relate to your fries analogy! I’m like that with my chocolate cake.
If I asked if you want a slice of cake and you say no, don’t go reaching your stupid little fork over anywhere near my precious slice of chocolatey bliss! You should have ordered your own!
I am all the things that make me up. Those nerves that go through my hands? those are also me. Them choosing to drop something is me choosing to drop the thing.
I have yet to see someone make a coherent argument how and in what way a person WITH free will would act differently to a person WITHOUT free will.
If I put two clones with identical memories into identical situations, one of them has his free will surgically removed beforehand, what impact would the free will of the other have on the situation?
Would they not both make decisions based on the input from the outside world, processed by the meat computer in their head that was programmed by their memories?
What do these people think free will IS exactly?
I started making a compilation video of Prager clips that were stupid. I then realized I could write the entire works of JRR Tolkien 3 times after the heat death of the universe before my project ended.
That has to be one of the most incredibly stupid arguments I think I've ever heard. 🤣 Sir Sic you are a trooper.
Prager u should have warning labels and restricted access
It's weirder because electrons are on the scale where causality start to become a hazier concept and things really do seem to start happening spontaneously.
Oh, sure, I'll just go ahead and believe in jeebus now because a thumb in a suit told me to... 🤦♀️
Isn't that just how a standard badger blaster works?
So far my favorite Sir Sic vid. Thanks for all the content
Wow, that piano animation! Sir Sic upping the budget to some MCU levels.
_"But if you are more than your brain..."_ Then what? Why is my spirit pilot making the choices it does PU? It never ends, free will is an inherently incoherent idea.