I love how matt says “Darwin believed that some people groups are inferior to others” yet he despises gay people and definitely thinks they are inferior.
Darwin was so lazy that he finished 10th out of 178 in his degree course at university, and then the same year set off on a 5 year voyage on the Beagle at the age of 22.
One thing people also miss is that there was not much to study , you could get doctorate in theology , law or medicine , that was it . Both Charles Darwin , father Robert and grand father Erasmus were MDs and scientists , Erasmus book , Zoonomia , was basis for Mary Shelleys Frankenstein. Do people think that university studies looked anything as they do now ? Rich people send their boys to these schools before they were 15 year old . In US first doctorate was from Yale in 1861 , Harvard few years later , Lincoln was lawyer without any degrees .
Should have studied harder, and set out on that voyage when he was 10 and still passed school by the age of 12, and run a marthon. And built a whole school all by himself... seriously lazy
Women inferior to men: Darwin = no, Bible = yes Certain people groups are inferior: Darwin = no, Bible = yes Exterminate savage races: Darwin = no, Bible = yes Only got his job because of his father: Darwin = debatable, Jesus = yes
Dang, Matt actually makes Darwin sound like even more of a genius legend. He's an unemployable tourist on a boat who happens to spot a few generic island birds, and with that he changes all of science. I'd be absolutely astounded with Darwin if I didn't know just how big an asshat Matt is.
@@minisimian you'd have to Czech with a higher Christian authority than Matt, like, say, Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, and Abbott of St Thomas' Abbey in Brno, a contemporary of Darwin iirc
Imagine the worst lies you can come up with for your lazy character assassination being damning for your own self. He may as well have said "Darwin am dumb because he thunk God real and voting Republican."
That's VERY ironic considering Sir Sic has another video on Matt where Mattio claims atheism is racist. Literally just replace "African American" with "monkey", because religitards say "If we all came from monkeys then why are there still monkeys?" ALL the time. When we "came" from neither like one day they were monekys, then black people, then white people. We "came" from them as in they existed first, then they went off and procreated with something else, then that went off and procreated and so on and so forth. Religitards, don't know how "cousins" work.
"But I am very poorly today and very stupid and hate everyone and everything" is the full quote, and may very well be the most relatable thing said by anyone ever.
It takes a level of intelligence to recognise when one is feeling stupid, due to illness, frustration, poor sleep or some other reason. Something that actually stupid people like Matt Powell will never understand.
"Darwin was so lazy his dad had to get him a job" is such a 21st-century-capitalist take. Further to Sic's own comment, absolutely correct as it is, it's worth keeping in mind that Europe operated on systems of patronage for centuries. Patrons, whether family or not, getting their clients jobs was entirely normal throughout European history, certainly as far back as the Romans. We might now deride it as nepotism, but not that long ago it was just how society worked.
Alfred Russell Wallace did none of the things Matty Boy said of Darwin and he came up with literally the same hypothesis, at basically the exact same time, on the literal other side of the planet Earth.
Yep, and Darwin, being a gentleman in the best sense of the word, presented the theory of natural selection at the Royal Society under both his own and Wallace's names. He did not want to be accused of doing something underhanded to a younger, less well off naturalist who was still living in the southwest Pacific. (New Guinea, if I recall correctly.)
As did a number of other people, unknown to Darwin at the time. By the 6th edition of "On the Origin of Species" in 1872, Darwin had added a introductory section ("AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE PROGRESS OF OPINION ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES") covering the development of the ideas.
According to Matt Powell, Matt Powell turned down a promising career in professional basketball to become a religious UA-camr. So Matt Powell questioning someone else's resume lies and lack of career prospects is quite the chuckle.
I'm absolutely appalled that a 19th Century man had a 19th Century mindset! This obviously invalidates everything he ever said and we should all immediately revert to 1st and 2nd Century writers because they were, inevitably, more progressive and have a far greater understanding of 21st Century mores than Darwin could have had!
Bill Nye isn't really a scientist himself, he's a science ambassador. A title he's very happy to accept. He is very well educated and good at distilling science down for non-specialists to be able to understand.
"Bill Nye isn't really a scientist himself, he's a science ambassador. A title he's very happy to accept. He is very well educated and good at distilling science down for non-specialists to be able to understand." He was a mechanical engineer, which very much deals scientific principals. I do not know what credentials one has to be to considered one, but at least we can agree that Hovind sure as shit aint one.
He is not a research PhD who can defend at least one branch of science from First Principles using all the special techniques like REAL math, from personal experience DOING science in a laboratory and as is accepted for publican, and from WHAT HIS PEER SCIENTISTS do and think. He is good for Lies We Tell to Children, but if you're listening to him instead of coming here or Googling REAL scientist to find BOOKS you can read and savour for DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE, you're really short-changeing REAL SCIENCE. That's from a nuclear engineer who got there through mechanical engineering. Nye is a Children's Talking Head for Science.
Yes, that helps for a moment, then I remember that Matt Powell exist so I start worrying about human regression. Because that has to be the cruelest joke that evolution has ever made.
It's hard to think of anyone more disingenuous/dishonest than Banana Matt. He could tell me my own name and I'd have to double check my birth certificate to make sure that was correct.
That was a joke in the original _Night Court_ Harry: _Are there any other questions?_ Random Person in the Gallery: _Why is the sky blue?_ Harry: _So we know when to stop mowing._
I'd say the existence of people like Matt Powell actually proves Darwin wrong. If the "fittest" ie strongest and/or smartest, survive and thrive then why is the majority of population so: stupid, cowardly and/or evil, and yet benefit the most from society.
"I feel very poorly today, and very stupid, and hate everybody and everything". Darwin had a chronic and at times utterly debilitating health condition that made it incredibly hard for him to work. The quote is referring to one of the periods that this illness was flaring up. It wasn't a genral opinion, and by all accounts he was actually a very compassionate man who among other things abhorred slavery and was incredibly loving and attentive to people he was close to.
Darwin was many things but being lazy wasn’t one of them. Like many brilliant people he was interested in everything. Newton had many strange ideas. Do they make his laws of gravity and motion and the math techniques he developed to describe them wrong?
Newton was quite widely disliked by his contemporaries, not because of his knowledge but because he was a bit strange, a bit anti-social and generally not terribly nice. Which of course means that absolutely all of his achievements were utterly wrong. According to Powell, at least.
@@lidbass indeed. When he took over the royal mint he acted like a tyrant, but that’s what it took at the time to get it straightened out. His other strange ideas sure make his physics and math insights all wrong according to idiot Powell Powell has called for homosexuals to be murdered, literally, what a nice chap he is.
Even though I confess to being a Darwin fan boy, I personally think Sir Isaac Newton is the greatest scientist of all time (if such a thing even exists).
The quote about Darwin hating people is an excert(?) from his diary from where he had a terrible headache and was in a foul mood. Yet ANOTHER misquote, well done Matt... 👏👏👏
Back in Darwin's day, it was far mor common for a man to be apprenticed to his father, learning the ropes of his work. It was also far more common for a guy to try and get his son an apprenticeship with one of his friends in a field that interested him. In fact, these men who had a father to rely on often succeeded more often than those who didn't.
The phrase "the atheist messiah" is such a weird one for me. They really think that "atheism" is some kind of monolith, huh? Even if we take "atheism" as an identity (along with all the cultural baggage that includes), it's still far from monolithic.
"I don't see anything wrong with quote mining" Matt, quote mining AND misquoting. "But I am very poorly today & very stupid & hate everybody & everything. One lives only to make blunders." The actual quote sounds like Darwin was in a bad mood that day, Matt makes it sound like it's his general disposition.
This was a series called "Greatest Discoveries with Bill Nye" and this one happened to focus on the origin and evolution of life. And he even admits in the episode that some things don't get on the list that may deserve to be there. And to be sure, he's not saying this is #1 across all of science, just that particular topic.
Matt Powell doesn't know how rough sea voyages could be, or why Darwin was there. The captain needed someone of the appropriate social status to talk to, as he feared for his mental state otherwise.
That last quote, "I hate everybody", was again taken completely out of context and has an utterly different meaning in context. I'm going from memory here but he was basically very sick, and tired from being sick. He wrote to a friend and expressed that when he was in that condition he basically woke up in a bad mood and stayed in a bad mood all day. In essence, he was grumpy. I get that way too. Who doesn't? By the way, there is an awful lot of hatred and anger in Matt's eyes, pretty much all the time, at least when he is on video. edit - Okay, I went ahead and looked it up. It was Darwin's letter of 1 October, 1861 to Charles Lyell. Darwin writes, "But I am very poorly today & very stupid & hate everybody & everything. One lives only to make blunders.- I am going to write a little Book for Murray on orchids & today I hate them worse than everything so farewell & in a sweet frame of mind, I am | Ever yours | C. Darwin" So Darwin hated orchids too! Scandalous!
Matt Powell is the perfect example of what the U.S. can make when ignorance is celebrated by a culture. He combines basically every negative value a person can possess. How anyone could agree with him or give him money to support his beliefs is beyond my understanding.
"News flash, man in 1800s is sexist and racist." -- Matt Powell Man, no one tell him that the holy bibble wasnt just xenophobic, but also advocated slavery.
Darwin was a “gentleman” at a time when that meant limited career options anyway. Gentlemen didn’t do “work” in the way that the lower classes did. They could be lawyers,doctors or clergymen but almost everything else was beneath them.
If I remember correctly from biology in school Darwin would have waited even longer to research and publish Origin except he got a letter about Alfred Russell Wallace who had done very similar work and was on the cusp of publishing his own book. Darwin's publisher told him he needed to publish his works asap or risk being gazumped by the other scientist and lose his place in history. I wonder how Matt Powell can explain two scientists working in separate places on earth working independently of each other could come up with the same hypotheses and back it up with provable data and come to almost identical conclusions ? That's a head scratcher which he can pick up with his opposable thumb and satisfy that itch.
Quick question: what does Matty do to make a living? Preacher, eh. Remember Sir Terry Pratchett's definition of the call to the priesthood? "It's indoor work with no heavy lifting." And he smirks into a camera calling Darwin lazy?
What makes all this so frustrating, is the whole point of him arguing against Darwin and evolution is to replace it with magic. It's profoundly dumb. No matter how you spin it, magic isn't real!!
Darwin was not great at school, where the curriculum consisted of Latin, Greek, and a little theology. He wasn't interested in these, and who can blame him? But he was very keen on things that weren't on the curriculum, like collecting insects and plants, and even experimenting in chemistry. He wasn't great at math either, and always had huge respect for people who were. But he was very curious about nature, and willing to spend many years studying it, unpaid. (Fortunately he was rich enough to do this) One of his studies (on earthworms) stretched (intermittently) for over 40 years.
That line was in a note Darwin wrote to a friend. The full sentence is “I am very poorly [sick] and stupid today & hate everyone and everything.” He’s literally just saying he’s having a bad day, not stating a life philosophy, but Matt “Nothing Wrong with Quote-Mining” Powell took out “today” and the context. What a crusty assflap he is
Having someone who understands sciencing in general with a profound mastery of evolution in particular as Kent Hovind’s estranged Catamite destroy the lazy sod Darwin is a wonder to behold. Creation it is, then.
The more of Matt I see on your channel, Sic, I get the feeling he purposefully disregarded your warning to not touch _the_ ... And now look what happened - let that be a warning to the rest of you out there
It's just crazy and kind of dumb for these folks to believe you can disprove the different fields of study surrounding evolution, by just trying to make Darwin look bad.
Also Bill Nye's show, partially because it was aimed at kids. Had a lot of emphasis and while nothing factually incorrect, did use exaggerated language, because it's a kids show. They want to keep your 8 year olds attention. Which apparently not even Matt Powell can match if he genuinely thinks scientists talk like this in an academic setting or That Bill Nye trying to keep kids interested in the topic at hand is what science genuinely believes
I don't know, man, Bill Nye has stated some pretty incorrect things about biology that wasn't on a show meant for kids, or at least I hope it wasn't a show meant for kids because if it was, that's really f**ked up show for kids to watch.
@@Princess_Celestia_ Yeah but I think the point is that you shouldn't treat stuff that's obviously simplified for kids ,or even the words of a single scientist, as the be-all-end-all for what science as a whole says. Just as Darwin isn't the messiah of evolution/atheism, neither is Bill Nye or Neil Tyson etc. the indisputable final word or authority on anything. That's the great thing about science, it's a collaborative effort working to refine our understanding.
Matt should get interviewed by Ray Comfort with Ray's classic interview script. To quote Comfort, "Have you ever told a lie? Well what does that make you?".
For the good purpose of Matt Powell's faith in the alternative truths in the Bible and his defence of these, I will quote Mark Twain: “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." Maybe a critical look upon his own beliefs with the same scrutiny as he looks upon others might be relevant? Maybe his banana called "Dr. Peel" is in the way for his clear insights?
We certainly won't argue about Matt being the only candle on the cake that can't be lit, no matter what and how hard you try. But nevertheless, I bet every evening he meets with Kent, they get drunk and laugh to the thought that there are actually people out there who regard those two professional grifters as the shinig intellectual stars of their universe. Social media are in desperate need of some tests and access rules to protect the gullable...
misinterpreting means that you understood something wrong, so not intentionally. I do not doubt that Peelboy lacks education, however he is twisting and turning and denying facts that even he cannot deny, so I'd stick with lying
17:46 that (jesus christ, matthew!) sounded so serious as if you broke out of character, your mocking personality for these videos... and I had to laugh out loud!! Thanks for that Siccy!! 👍 Edit: his mother would say it exactly like that if she opened his bedroom door and catched little Matt with his finger deep inside the exit hole of his pet bunny)
That Bill Nye clip is from like a top ten discoveries in science as voted on by the audience kind of thing. So all Bill was saying is Darwin got the most votes in this particular contest.
As Darwin isn't around to defend himself, and he was a local boy, I'm quite prepared to go to the States, and give Matty a well deserved smack in the mouth!
Creationists: "if Atheists dont believe in God why do they talk about him so much. Matt "Let's talk about Darwin" Powell: Darwin, Darwin, Darwin, Darwin. Darwin go brrrrr.
It's almost like Matty here wasn't able to get a job, and possibly had to distance himself from his former friend who took him on as an apprentice. Ah well, at least he'll always have Dr. Peel.
Matt's video came out and directly stated what I long thought of Christian belief. They think Darwin is the Jesus of the atheist "religion". I've communicated with many Christians who went off as if Darwin was the final authority on evolution. They sincerely believed if they could somehow put Darwin in a bad light or debunk some of his ideas that the atheist would crumble and submit to Jesus in true repentance of their evil ways. Then I'd break the bad news to them that I didn't really care all that much about Darwin. Sure. He was a pioneer of the field. Just like the Wright brothers were pioneers in controlled, powered flight. But we have come a very long way since these men lived. I don't idolize them. I recognize their contributions, just as many people since then have made valuable contributions that moved their respective fields forward. So.....jabber on with your nonsense about Darwin this or that. I could not care less. None of it changes the science nor the many discoveries made since Darwin passed away.
Is Matt trying to imply Darwin was the captain's special friend? I thought Matt, being such a fan of biblical marriage, would have more respect for Charles' cousin-wife than that
Matt's whole video is just one big ad hominem. It's too hard to discredit evolution, so let's just discredit the guy most associated with it. Even if everything Matt said was true, that doesn't invalidate the groundbreaking work Darwin did.
Small correction: Darwin did sign on the Begel as the captain's companion. He had studied as a naturalist but did not have that degree. The real naturalist for the vogue got badly seasick and resigned at the first land fall in South America. Dawin took over. After the vogue the first thing he did was study barnacles for five years and write the definitive book. This work earned him the equalivant of a PHD so he could then write is major work.
Spokesman for all of science? Yeah, I'd probably go with Francis Bacon or Carl Popper. Y'know, the people who developed and refined the scientific method that's at the foundation of all of science?
"Gives the captain someone to ""talk to"" " Did he he just call Darwin a ship borne sex worker? As opposed to the compound residing intimacy sleeve with a inflatable banana that answers to Matt?
How convenient, im currently on the toilet, perfect place for a powell movement
Enjoyed that new euphemism for talking shit, right there 😂
Don't forget to wipe or the hair might matt
See, the toilet seat is perfectly made by god for your butt to sit in at this moment.
I love how matt says “Darwin believed that some people groups are inferior to others” yet he despises gay people and definitely thinks they are inferior.
Or non-Christi Bois.
Or women.
Ah, the rank hypocrisy. They know we hate that, but don’t care that they do the same thing.
Darwin was so lazy that he finished 10th out of 178 in his degree course at university, and then the same year set off on a 5 year voyage on the Beagle at the age of 22.
One thing people also miss is that there was not much to study , you could get doctorate in theology , law or medicine , that was it .
Both Charles Darwin , father Robert and grand father Erasmus were MDs and scientists , Erasmus book , Zoonomia , was basis for Mary Shelleys Frankenstein.
Do people think that university studies looked anything as they do now ? Rich people send their boys to these schools before they were 15 year old .
In US first doctorate was from Yale in 1861 , Harvard few years later , Lincoln was lawyer without any degrees .
Should have studied harder, and set out on that voyage when he was 10 and still passed school by the age of 12, and run a marthon. And built a whole school all by himself... seriously lazy
@@crwydrynyand a school for children, NOT ANTS!
@@pete_lindMCAT in 1800s Question 1:
A patient with big hole in chest. What do?
A. Rock
B. Paper
C. Scissors
D. Shoot
Women inferior to men: Darwin = no, Bible = yes
Certain people groups are inferior: Darwin = no, Bible = yes
Exterminate savage races: Darwin = no, Bible = yes
Only got his job because of his father: Darwin = debatable, Jesus = yes
"descended from a single cell". Someone should point out to mat that he descended from a single cell....and in only 9 months.
I'd say more like in 6 or 5 months considering the intelligence
Something definitely didn't get cooked properly in there
Dang, Matt actually makes Darwin sound like even more of a genius legend. He's an unemployable tourist on a boat who happens to spot a few generic island birds, and with that he changes all of science. I'd be absolutely astounded with Darwin if I didn't know just how big an asshat Matt is.
smash it!
Maybe it's Genetic ?
@@minisimian you'd have to Czech with a higher Christian authority than Matt, like, say, Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, and Abbott of St Thomas' Abbey in Brno, a contemporary of Darwin iirc
"Darwin couldn't get a job"... but he had the money to pay for a global tour... so... it's not like he _needed_ one either... right?
Poor Matty. In hundred years Darwin will still be in every biology textbook, while no one will remember someone named Matt Powell ever lived.
Damn... Brutally true.
Matt who?
Nah, as long as the internet exists to immortalize his stupidity, people will remember him as a bad example.
@@pigpuke I don´t know, stupidity evolves too. The idiots of the future probably will be even more stupid than we could ever imagine.
When a character assassination is even lazier than the person you are attacking, there is only one that is unrivaled, Dr Peel's roommate, Matt Powell.
That's "Matt Powell Official" to you!
Does Matt still have a banana in his back yard that he calls dr peel?
@@ThoughtandMemory more his "backyard", but yes.
Imagine the worst lies you can come up with for your lazy character assassination being damning for your own self. He may as well have said "Darwin am dumb because he thunk God real and voting Republican."
Let’s look up Matt Powell’s job title.
Hmm, “Apprentice to a woman-beating convicted felon.”
He seems trustworthy.
Yep, he critcize Darwin for a quote mined “sexist affirmation”, then his sugar daddy Kent bodyslams his sixth (?) wife.
Ah yes lazy, he only ever read a single book and decided it was the only possible explanation for absolutely everything … oh wait that’s Powell
I suspected someone made this point, so I read through the comments before saying the same thing for the 16th time.
Don't be silly. Matt may swear by that book, but he never actually read it. Otherwise he wouldn't be saying so much dumb.
I swear, Matt here is projecting so hard he could get a job as an AA searchlight..
@@Bird_Dog00 Nah, he's not bright enough for that.
His "If we all came from African Americans then why are there still other Americans?" gets me every single time. 😁
That's VERY ironic considering Sir Sic has another video on Matt where Mattio claims atheism is racist. Literally just replace "African American" with "monkey", because religitards say "If we all came from monkeys then why are there still monkeys?" ALL the time. When we "came" from neither like one day they were monekys, then black people, then white people. We "came" from them as in they existed first, then they went off and procreated with something else, then that went off and procreated and so on and so forth. Religitards, don't know how "cousins" work.
"But I am very poorly today and very stupid and hate everyone and everything" is the full quote, and may very well be the most relatable thing said by anyone ever.
It takes a level of intelligence to recognise when one is feeling stupid, due to illness, frustration, poor sleep or some other reason. Something that actually stupid people like Matt Powell will never understand.
"Darwin was so lazy his dad had to get him a job" is such a 21st-century-capitalist take. Further to Sic's own comment, absolutely correct as it is, it's worth keeping in mind that Europe operated on systems of patronage for centuries. Patrons, whether family or not, getting their clients jobs was entirely normal throughout European history, certainly as far back as the Romans. We might now deride it as nepotism, but not that long ago it was just how society worked.
Alfred Russell Wallace did none of the things Matty Boy said of Darwin and he came up with literally the same hypothesis, at basically the exact same time, on the literal other side of the planet Earth.
Don’t confuse Matt with Facts!!!
I agree, they both had similar ideas and communicated with one another.
Yep, and Darwin, being a gentleman in the best sense of the word, presented the theory of natural selection at the Royal Society under both his own and Wallace's names. He did not want to be accused of doing something underhanded to a younger, less well off naturalist who was still living in the southwest Pacific. (New Guinea, if I recall correctly.)
As did a number of other people, unknown to Darwin at the time. By the 6th edition of "On the Origin of Species" in 1872, Darwin had added a introductory section ("AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE PROGRESS OF OPINION ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES") covering the development of the ideas.
Another classic case of the pot calling the silverware black.
According to Matt Powell, Matt Powell turned down a promising career in professional basketball to become a religious UA-camr. So Matt Powell questioning someone else's resume lies and lack of career prospects is quite the chuckle.
Isn't Matt's father also a professional apologist? I mean his real father, not his "daddy" Kent.
@@sledzeppelin I was about to mention this, thanks for doing it.
who wouldve thought that boy could ball? 🏀
He was also going to be an astronaut, a fireman, and a cowboy.
I'm absolutely appalled that a 19th Century man had a 19th Century mindset! This obviously invalidates everything he ever said and we should all immediately revert to 1st and 2nd Century writers because they were, inevitably, more progressive and have a far greater understanding of 21st Century mores than Darwin could have had!
And he’s beign exposed by a 21st century moron with a 12th century (BC) mentality, too.
We Atheist should offer our apologies for Darwin sexism
As defence we can only offer that he was raised by christians.
And what damning praise that is. XD
Bill Nye isn't really a scientist himself, he's a science ambassador. A title he's very happy to accept. He is very well educated and good at distilling science down for non-specialists to be able to understand.
"Bill Nye isn't really a scientist himself, he's a science ambassador. A title he's very happy to accept. He is very well educated and good at distilling science down for non-specialists to be able to understand."
He was a mechanical engineer, which very much deals scientific principals. I do not know what credentials one has to be to considered one, but at least we can agree that Hovind sure as shit aint one.
He is not a research PhD who can defend at least one branch of science from First Principles using all the special techniques like REAL math, from personal experience DOING science in a laboratory and as is accepted for publican, and from WHAT HIS PEER SCIENTISTS do and think.
He is good for Lies We Tell to Children, but if you're listening to him instead of coming here or Googling REAL scientist to find BOOKS you can read and savour for DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE, you're really short-changeing REAL SCIENCE. That's from a nuclear engineer who got there through mechanical engineering.
Nye is a Children's Talking Head for Science.
Lets admit it Matt Powell found his purpose in life and that Is if you feel you are dumb or stupid you can always remember Matt Powell exist.
Yes, that helps for a moment, then I remember that Matt Powell exist so I start worrying about human regression.
Because that has to be the cruelest joke that evolution has ever made.
Every time I've done something stupid, I think of Matt for a second and I'm okay again.
According to Matt: Jesus was lazy until his dad got him a job.
It's hard to think of anyone more disingenuous/dishonest than Banana Matt. He could tell me my own name and I'd have to double check my birth certificate to make sure that was correct.
What about Ray Comfort?
@@tomokolovecraft3792 We could play this game forever, so much raw material! Ready! Set! Go!
@@tomokolovecraft3792 I think even Ray isn't as bad as Matt, but it's certainly close.
@@capthavic I suppose Ray losses out due to posting his Ls on UA-cam.
@@tomokolovecraft3792 I heard he at least admitted the slavery stuff in the bible was bad, which is harder for some theists to say than it should be.
Darwin: Sails a wooden ship around the world.
Matt: Sails his keyboard around UA-cam.
Yeah, Darwin was the lazy one...
Try to name a contribution, just one contribution this dude has made, other than making us laugh.
Standard levels of extreme projection from Matty.
thats what he do
HDMI cable up his ass?😂
Projection isn't enough, he astrally project himself into fractal wrongness
I feel the racist stuff Darwin did would actually endear him to people of Matt’s audience.
Matt Walsh: "Darwin is a stupid, sexist, racist! He's also probably some things that I don't like, too!"
hahaha goddamnit...
Matt calling Darwin dumb is like the grass calling the sky green.
That was a joke in the original _Night Court_
Harry: _Are there any other questions?_
Random Person in the Gallery: _Why is the sky blue?_
Harry: _So we know when to stop mowing._
The pot calling the silverware black.
I like how he uses a Bill Nye clip that is probably like 30 years old, instead of modern material
theres that too
30 years ago is modern material for YECs. It's normally them claiming that evolution begins and ends with On the Origin of Species.
Like Kwnt "Deja-vu" Hovind ... his material is so fresh u can only find it somewhere in the geological column that he dosnt believe exists
Matt Powell being a prime example of why Darwin learned to hate people.
Matt Powell is a good example of Evolution , unfortunately he's descended from the Dodo bird.
I'd say the existence of people like Matt Powell actually proves Darwin wrong. If the "fittest" ie strongest and/or smartest, survive and thrive then why is the majority of population so: stupid, cowardly and/or evil, and yet benefit the most from society.
@@gordonlynn8300You take that back! At least the Dodo was too delicious for its own good.
Matt Powell calling Matt Powell please come to the podium to except your Darwin Award .
he cant .... hes ineligible as he has bred .... shuddering at the thought!
Oh hey! That Darwin statue sits outside my local library, and more importantly right up the road from a damn good pizza and bagel joint
"I feel very poorly today, and very stupid, and hate everybody and everything". Darwin had a chronic and at times utterly debilitating health condition that made it incredibly hard for him to work. The quote is referring to one of the periods that this illness was flaring up. It wasn't a genral opinion, and by all accounts he was actually a very compassionate man who among other things abhorred slavery and was incredibly loving and attentive to people he was close to.
Darwin was many things but being lazy wasn’t one of them. Like many brilliant people he was interested in everything. Newton had many strange ideas. Do they make his laws of gravity and motion and the math techniques he developed to describe them wrong?
Everyone who I disagree with is wrong, and evil... that's just science
Newton was quite widely disliked by his contemporaries, not because of his knowledge but because he was a bit strange, a bit anti-social and generally not terribly nice. Which of course means that absolutely all of his achievements were utterly wrong. According to Powell, at least.
@@lidbass indeed. When he took over the royal mint he acted like a tyrant, but that’s what it took at the time to get it straightened out. His other strange ideas sure make his physics and math insights all wrong according to idiot Powell Powell has called for homosexuals to be murdered, literally, what a nice chap he is.
Even though I confess to being a Darwin fan boy, I personally think Sir Isaac Newton is the greatest scientist of all time (if such a thing even exists).
Don't you mean World 's Greatest Discoverer-Drawer of Finches?
The quote about Darwin hating people is an excert(?) from his diary from where he had a terrible headache and was in a foul mood. Yet ANOTHER misquote, well done Matt... 👏👏👏
Back in Darwin's day, it was far mor common for a man to be apprenticed to his father, learning the ropes of his work. It was also far more common for a guy to try and get his son an apprenticeship with one of his friends in a field that interested him. In fact, these men who had a father to rely on often succeeded more often than those who didn't.
Yep, nepotism has been considered the act of grooming a successor for centuries.
The phrase "the atheist messiah" is such a weird one for me.
They really think that "atheism" is some kind of monolith, huh?
Even if we take "atheism" as an identity (along with all the cultural baggage that includes), it's still far from monolithic.
"I don't see anything wrong with quote mining" Matt, quote mining AND misquoting.
"But I am very poorly today & very stupid & hate everybody & everything. One lives only to make blunders."
The actual quote sounds like Darwin was in a bad mood that day, Matt makes it sound like it's his general disposition.
I'd understand why that'd be his general disposition if he had seen the future.
This was a series called "Greatest Discoveries with Bill Nye" and this one happened to focus on the origin and evolution of life. And he even admits in the episode that some things don't get on the list that may deserve to be there. And to be sure, he's not saying this is #1 across all of science, just that particular topic.
Wait, you mean context and nuance are important? Banish the thought!
Matt Powell doesn't know how rough sea voyages could be, or why Darwin was there. The captain needed someone of the appropriate social status to talk to, as he feared for his mental state otherwise.
18:00 ish - "I hate everyone and everything" ~Literally Matt Powell just then, 2023
That last quote, "I hate everybody", was again taken completely out of context and has an utterly different meaning in context. I'm going from memory here but he was basically very sick, and tired from being sick. He wrote to a friend and expressed that when he was in that condition he basically woke up in a bad mood and stayed in a bad mood all day. In essence, he was grumpy. I get that way too. Who doesn't?
By the way, there is an awful lot of hatred and anger in Matt's eyes, pretty much all the time, at least when he is on video.
edit - Okay, I went ahead and looked it up. It was Darwin's letter of 1 October, 1861 to Charles Lyell.
Darwin writes, "But I am very poorly today & very stupid & hate everybody & everything. One lives only to make blunders.- I am going to write a little Book for Murray on orchids & today I hate them worse than everything so farewell & in a sweet frame of mind, I am | Ever yours | C. Darwin"
So Darwin hated orchids too! Scandalous!
Matt Powell is the perfect example of what the U.S. can make when ignorance is celebrated by a culture. He combines basically every negative value a person can possess. How anyone could agree with him or give him money to support his beliefs is beyond my understanding.
"Darwin couldnt get a job" says the preacher
"News flash, man in 1800s is sexist and racist." -- Matt Powell
Man, no one tell him that the holy bibble wasnt just xenophobic, but also advocated slavery.
I feel like calling Matt here a penis is an insult to penises everywhere.
Yep, character attacks for the win. SURELY his big brain has ACTUAL refutation.
Darwin was a “gentleman” at a time when that meant limited career options anyway. Gentlemen didn’t do “work” in the way that the lower classes did. They could be lawyers,doctors or clergymen but almost everything else was beneath them.
Like how all humanity is beneath me... I must be the greatest gentleman EVER!
@@SirSicCrusader Throwing your knighthood in our faces, Sir Sic? Daisies for the Aristos! ...(w/apologies)
And definitely NOT a surgeon. That was beneath a "real" doctor back then. And surgeons in UK only use Mr or Mrs as a title not doctor.
If I remember correctly from biology in school Darwin would have waited even longer to research and publish Origin except he got a letter about Alfred Russell Wallace who had done very similar work and was on the cusp of publishing his own book. Darwin's publisher told him he needed to publish his works asap or risk being gazumped by the other scientist and lose his place in history. I wonder how Matt Powell can explain two scientists working in separate places on earth working independently of each other could come up with the same hypotheses and back it up with provable data and come to almost identical conclusions ? That's a head scratcher which he can pick up with his opposable thumb and satisfy that itch.
The atheist messiah 🤣 that’s awesome. Everyone knows that’s Christopher Hitchens and not Darwin
Heretic! we all know who it really was. Hail Sagan!
@@silvrtaln oh sweet baby Hitchens, get out of here with your saganism! Old and archaic relic of the past!!
Blasphemer! True followers of Athiesmo follow the holy gourd of Sagan!
@@Ithaca-vv5dy is this the atheist schism? 😂
Quick question: what does Matty do to make a living?
Preacher, eh.
Remember Sir Terry Pratchett's definition of the call to the priesthood?
"It's indoor work with no heavy lifting."
And he smirks into a camera calling Darwin lazy?
Yelling "hit him you coward!" at a kids play is now on my bucket list XD! Right up there with hurling a spongecake wildly at Matty boy!
What makes all this so frustrating, is the whole point of him arguing against Darwin and evolution is to replace it with magic. It's profoundly dumb. No matter how you spin it, magic isn't real!!
Who better than the narrative genius of Matt Powell to do an exposé of Charles Darwin. Great work, Matty boy.
If Matt told me the sky is blue, I'd have a look to check if he is lying again.
Darwin was not great at school, where the curriculum consisted of Latin, Greek, and a little theology. He wasn't interested in these, and who can blame him? But he was very keen on things that weren't on the curriculum, like collecting insects and plants, and even experimenting in chemistry. He wasn't great at math either, and always had huge respect for people who were. But he was very curious about nature, and willing to spend many years studying it, unpaid. (Fortunately he was rich enough to do this) One of his studies (on earthworms) stretched (intermittently) for over 40 years.
He knows his audience and he is aware of their intellectual abilities.
Every time I hear Matt Powell's name, I think of how Matt Damon was portrayed in Team America World Police. _"MaTt PoWeLl!"_
You know who else got his job from his daddy? It's the guy who saw some dudes, said some words and then died on some wood.
You know the guy.
Darwin has never been more relatable than saying "I'm dumb and hate this whole living thing", don't we all hate it here sometimes? 🤣
That line was in a note Darwin wrote to a friend. The full sentence is “I am very poorly [sick] and stupid today & hate everyone and everything.” He’s literally just saying he’s having a bad day, not stating a life philosophy, but Matt “Nothing Wrong with Quote-Mining” Powell took out “today” and the context. What a crusty assflap he is
@@alisaurus4224 "Crusty Assflap" ... you have just expanded my personal dictionary ... thanks 😁
".... don't we all hate it here sometimes?"
Not since I ditched religion.
Having someone who understands sciencing in general with a profound mastery of evolution in particular as Kent Hovind’s estranged Catamite destroy the lazy sod Darwin is a wonder to behold.
Creation it is, then.
The more of Matt I see on your channel, Sic, I get the feeling he purposefully disregarded your warning to not touch _the_ ...
And now look what happened - let that be a warning to the rest of you out there
I mean...
It's just crazy and kind of dumb for these folks to believe you can disprove the different fields of study surrounding evolution, by just trying to make Darwin look bad.
Also Bill Nye's show, partially because it was aimed at kids. Had a lot of emphasis and while nothing factually incorrect, did use exaggerated language, because it's a kids show. They want to keep your 8 year olds attention. Which apparently not even Matt Powell can match if he genuinely thinks scientists talk like this in an academic setting or That Bill Nye trying to keep kids interested in the topic at hand is what science genuinely believes
Yeah I'm sure it was fine, but to hood it up as an example of what all science says is a little bit dishonest... not that matt would do such a thing
I don't know, man, Bill Nye has stated some pretty incorrect things about biology that wasn't on a show meant for kids, or at least I hope it wasn't a show meant for kids because if it was, that's really f**ked up show for kids to watch.
Matty needs science books written for babies.
In any case, all of this is utterly irrelevant to actual science.
@@Princess_Celestia_ Yeah but I think the point is that you shouldn't treat stuff that's obviously simplified for kids ,or even the words of a single scientist, as the be-all-end-all for what science as a whole says. Just as Darwin isn't the messiah of evolution/atheism, neither is Bill Nye or Neil Tyson etc. the indisputable final word or authority on anything. That's the great thing about science, it's a collaborative effort working to refine our understanding.
Matt should get interviewed by Ray Comfort with Ray's classic interview script. To quote Comfort, "Have you ever told a lie? Well what does that make you?".
Excellent thumbnail. It really captures the essence of Matt Powell.
For the good purpose of Matt Powell's faith in the alternative truths in the Bible and his defence of these, I will quote Mark Twain: “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
Maybe a critical look upon his own beliefs with the same scrutiny as he looks upon others might be relevant?
Maybe his banana called "Dr. Peel" is in the way for his clear insights?
We certainly won't argue about Matt being the only candle on the cake that can't be lit, no matter what and how hard you try.
But nevertheless, I bet every evening he meets with Kent, they get drunk and laugh to the thought that there are actually people out there who regard those two professional grifters as the shinig intellectual stars of their universe.
Social media are in desperate need of some tests and access rules to protect the gullable...
Speaking of "daddy" getting someone a job, what's the deal with Matt and Kent ?
Or is Matt more of a "companion" ?
@@CD_Character You mean as in Kent *knows* Mattie?
"Did you know that Matt Powell is so incompetent?....."
Everyone before the end of the sentence " Yes"
Oh, a Matt Powell video, and it's full of nonsense! Colour me surprised! He never disappoints when it comes to misinterpreting everything.
Matt the village idiot gives science lessons .
misinterpreting means that you understood something wrong, so not intentionally.
I do not doubt that Peelboy lacks education, however he is twisting and turning and denying facts that even he cannot deny, so I'd stick with lying
@johnscaramis2515 agreed. Powell is misrepresenting not misinterpreting.
Matt Powell is the poster boy of willful ignorance
17:46 that (jesus christ, matthew!) sounded so serious as if you broke out of character, your mocking personality for these videos... and I had to laugh out loud!! Thanks for that Siccy!! 👍
Edit: his mother would say it exactly like that if she opened his bedroom door and catched little Matt with his finger deep inside the exit hole of his pet bunny)
Thanks for that indelible image there ... im not sure what the squealing bunny would sound like but its not gonna leave me lol
Let's recap Matt's career. Matt Powell spent his time lying to kids online in hopes that he'll live forever after death.
That Bill Nye clip is from like a top ten discoveries in science as voted on by the audience kind of thing. So all Bill was saying is Darwin got the most votes in this particular contest.
He really just can’t comprehend that science doesn’t have a Jesus.
As Darwin isn't around to defend himself, and he was a local boy, I'm quite prepared to go to the States, and give Matty a well deserved smack in the mouth!
Good shout. Top tip though: when you get to immigration over there, and they ask the purpose of your visit, don't go into too much detail 😉
@@jackspringheel9963My lips will be sealed, just like Mattys are destined too become!
The Matt Powell clip compilation that Viced Rhino has put together is just .
I can only imagine, its painful
Creationists: "if Atheists dont believe in God why do they talk about him so much.
Matt "Let's talk about Darwin" Powell: Darwin, Darwin, Darwin, Darwin. Darwin go brrrrr.
Darwin go brrrr 🤣
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."
Matt lives next to darwin? Weird...
Matt sure does like to project. 🙄
and do big stoopid
"You shall not bear false witness". Oh well, I guess he didn't read that bit in the only book in his reference library.
He sounds like that Simpsons episode where Ned Flanders and Lisa Simpson got into it about evolution.
Il have to watch that.
Sounds like Flanders in the latter stages of Flanderization with the brains of Cleetus.
It's almost like Matty here wasn't able to get a job, and possibly had to distance himself from his former friend who took him on as an apprentice. Ah well, at least he'll always have Dr. Peel.
Matt's video came out and directly stated what I long thought of Christian belief. They think Darwin is the Jesus of the atheist "religion". I've communicated with many Christians who went off as if Darwin was the final authority on evolution. They sincerely believed if they could somehow put Darwin in a bad light or debunk some of his ideas that the atheist would crumble and submit to Jesus in true repentance of their evil ways. Then I'd break the bad news to them that I didn't really care all that much about Darwin. Sure. He was a pioneer of the field. Just like the Wright brothers were pioneers in controlled, powered flight. But we have come a very long way since these men lived. I don't idolize them. I recognize their contributions, just as many people since then have made valuable contributions that moved their respective fields forward. So.....jabber on with your nonsense about Darwin this or that. I could not care less. None of it changes the science nor the many discoveries made since Darwin passed away.
UA-cam should have an award for best self-own, and that award should be given to Sir Sic.
Yeah but does it count if I do it on purpose?
Well then, make it two! @@SirSicCrusader
Is Matt trying to imply Darwin was the captain's special friend? I thought Matt, being such a fan of biblical marriage, would have more respect for Charles' cousin-wife than that
I wonder what Matty and Kent do when they’re alone together
@@kellydalstok8900 please no..... pretty please?....
So, like Matt and Hovind.
7:14 That's one way to pull a Jim Jones...stealthily deliver spirits to everyone
Matt Powell's voice is as enjoyable as a beige wall.
That's an insult to beige, and...walls
I feel sorry for Matt Powell. The only thing worse than being a dishonest charlatan is being so bad at it.
Matt's whole video is just one big ad hominem. It's too hard to discredit evolution, so let's just discredit the guy most associated with it. Even if everything Matt said was true, that doesn't invalidate the groundbreaking work Darwin did.
Im gonna have to sue Matt for stealing my projector.
Last time I was this early MATT POWEL ripped on an evolutionist from the year 2000!
Time to break out the whiskey, ice, glass, and drink the stupid away
nom nom
Jesus was lazy too. He totally got help from his pops getting a job.
His 2 dads to be precise.
Small correction: Darwin did sign on the Begel as the captain's companion. He had studied as a naturalist but did not have that degree. The real naturalist for the vogue got badly seasick and resigned at the first land fall in South America. Dawin took over. After the vogue the first thing he did was study barnacles for five years and write the definitive book. This work earned him the equalivant of a PHD so he could then write is major work.
Ah yes time for Matt "diamond subatomic particle" Powell. I wonder who is actually lazier, him or Darwin 🤔
Bannana boy every time. He has never done a days work in his pathetic life.
Spokesman for all of science? Yeah, I'd probably go with Francis Bacon or Carl Popper.
Y'know, the people who developed and refined the scientific method that's at the foundation of all of science?
Pretty sure I'd rather get a job from my dad than big daddy hovind
Absolutely the best debunk of a liar in history 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Hard to believe, but it says ‘no views as I watch this. 😄👍👍
@@SirSicCrusaderI’m going to apply Matt “logic” and pretend no one else will watch this. 🤔🤷♂️
"Gives the captain someone to ""talk to"" " Did he he just call Darwin a ship borne sex worker?
As opposed to the compound residing intimacy sleeve with a inflatable banana that answers to Matt?