It is a shame that Nintendo forgot about this series after Shake it. I have enjoyed all the WL titles more than I ever will 2d Mario platformers. Heck even Wario World was awesome and I would love to see the WL style merge to 3d.
I remember as a kid accidentally hitting the frog at 8:38. I panicked because I wasn't finished exploring looking for the shards. When you hit the frog normally, you're ready to finish the level. But no one truly understands the stress and anxiety of accidentally hitting it while you're still looking for the collectibles. You have NO time to mess around. You either leave the level or panick searching for the hidden gem and then leave.
I played this game as a child, and the music was what I remembered the absolute most. Utterly terrifying, and it’s caused my fair share of childhood fears.
I’m honestly shocked that more indies haven’t tried to recreate the Warioland style of (puzzle?) platformer EDIT: to all those still replying, I do already know about Pizza Tower and Antonblast. Let me know if there are any others out there
This game was the whole reason I bought a GBA when I was a kid. I saw my friend playing it in elementary school, and was immediately intrigued. I saved up money for a whole year to buy it, and played the game to death. 10/10
I heavily disagree with your assessment that Shake It has much less charm than 4 does. The hand-drawn style is gorgeous and it's my absolute favorite design of Wario as a character, with his angular shapes and the fluidity of every one of his actions. Gameplay-wise it's a definite step down but I still its style of charm fits Wario and looks great to this day, even if it's not like 4.
Honestly? Shake It has fantastic, beautiful art, but lost the crude gruesomeness from 4. A bit too cutesy. Otherwise both games have a great style, though I'd easily prefer 4's art style.
@@laylover7621 You've summed up my feelings. "Crude gruesomeness" is a good way of putting it. Someone else said "disgusting" haha, but I know what they mean.
This is one of my favorite games of all time I absolutely love anything about this game I love the game play I love how disgusting wario looks I love the level design I love the weird level concepts this game is a masterpiece
I personally love every Wario game, but Wario Land 4 feel’s really special. One thing I do love about Wario is the fact that every game is different and inventive. Wario Land 4 being a very visually unique, crazy fun masterpiece! Wario’s games are spilling with creativity, which is why his series is my possible favorite Nintendo series, as far as their platformers go.
Wario Land 4 is my comfort game. I’ve 100% it and replay it every year as a tradition. This video made the Wario Fan in me extremely happy. I still wish for a new Wario Land every Nintendo Direct. Amazing video!
A detail that I've always loved here in Wario Land 4 is the evolution of Wario's sprite details and design. He looks way more intimidating in his idle animation, but at the same time he didn't lose the humor and funny poses on every frame. It's something that it kind of was left behind for a more comedic approach with the next games sadly.
My first video game ever, out of the blue one of my parents friends who I didn't even know gifted me a white GBA and Warioland 4. Over 20 years later, I'm 28 years old now and still captivated by this game, I think it will always be a part of me, my comfort game and probably the best game I've ever played to this day.
Thanks for that very well crafted video ! Wario Land 4 definitely had the soul of a masterpiece and was really pushing boundaries in terms of gameplay, art direction, music but also the GBA capabilities.
This game is like a satire of Mario, but at the same time, it intensifies and expands upon the standard "mario platformer" mechanics, making them more's so inane and surreal but at the same time it rewards logical thinking and quick reflexes, and the secrets are so intricate and well hidden...I'll be playing this game when I'm in a nursing home until my thumbs fall off.
Great video! I find myself going back to this game all these years later, still awesome every time! Love the music and attitude this game has. You totally nailed it with your analysis dude, the bizarre nature of this game something Nintendo rarely messes with anymore and that's a shame. Seriously one of the greatest games out there!
Thanks a lot! I've just seen the new Wario Ware E3 announcement. If that goes down well, maybe Nintendo will consider another Wario Land game after that.
@@JohnnyVector You're welcome! The new Wario Ware looks great! It would be amazing to see Nintendo try their hand at a new Wario Land, them bringing back Advance Wars shows they're open to revitalizing older, lesser known franchises, I'd love to see that trend continue!
by the way, if you really want another Wario Land 4, you should try Wario Land 4 Parallel World, a rom hack. It's really fun and basically plays like a part 2 of the original. (great video btw)
I remember seeing a kid play this at a daycare and wanting my mom to get it for me for Christmas. She snatched it up during Black Friday and wrote my name on the end of the cartridge when I opened it. I’ve got still got it and I finally beat it many years later and got the best ending. One of my all time favorite GBA games and favorite games of all time.
You want to know a truly underrated, forgotten gem of a Wario game? Virtual Boy Wario, now there's something Nintendo probably will never touch or acknowledge.
I always loved the Wario series as a kid and wondered why they don't make Wario platformers anymore. I loved how Wario Land 4 started out like a normal platformer, Hall of Hieroglyphics and Palm Tree Paradise were normal, straightforward levels. Sure, the first boss, Spoiled Rotten was weird but all bosses are weird and he(?) was far less weird than the later bosses. As I said, the Hall of Hieroglyphics made a great tutorial level and felt surprisingly normal and Palm Tree Paradise felt like a very normal first "real" level. Then starting with Wildflower Fields, things begin to get wonderfully weird. There was one level that's entirely underwater, you hit the frog switch and the exit path is almost entirely on dry land. I loved how the game even was willing to break its own rules just for the sake of fun. Pinball Zone belonged with the toys and games levels, not the factory levels, so it made a wonderful surprise. And in the horror and mythology levels there's one that at first is like "hey, this is a very normal level, why's it here?", the cave one. And then you hit the frog switch and it's frozen. Then when I got older it dawned on me that level was supposed to be Hell and hitting the switch made Hell freeze over. Brilliant and clever! My favorite level though is probably The Big Board. I love board games and video games, so a combination of the two is just SO AWESOME! Actually, you know what? I'm going to try to find my old copy of this game and my Gameboy Advance and play this a little bit before work today.
I loved this game so much as a kid. It was my first game ever. Back when I first got this game it was before I really knew how to spell and my dad took me to the local Walmart and let me pick one game I wanted. I thought I was getting Mario and was immediately disappointed when I realized where I messed up but after playing it I loved this game!!
this is a game I was really lucky to have picked up at random when I was young, and I had so much fun with it and loved the weird vibe and creepy boss designs
Great video! Wario Land 4 is easily one of my favorite games of all time, even when growing up playing it I knew it had a special approach to level design. It was the first Wario Land game I played, followed by 3, which is another one of my favorite games. Saying that, I suggest you all play Wario Land 4: Parallel World, it's romhack of Wario Land 4 that blew me away with its level design and also includes a lot of throwbacks to previous Wario Land games, if you're wanting to play Wario Land 4 again for what feels like the first time, try Parallel World! It's like Wario Land 3's level design collided with 4.
I think my favourite element in Warioland 4 is how the power-ups are enemy attacks upon Wario rather than special items or magic skills, if Wario wants to fly, he needs to be stung on the head, if he needs to break the ground, he needs to get fat, if he needs a high jump, someone have to bonk him in the head, this playstyle stimulates thinking outside the box as most people prefer to AVOID being hit, but then we realize some enemies are actualy VITAL to hit us and that really innovates the gameplay in this game, so you don't have to go killing everyone in sight but think "hmmm, this enemy might be important for this puzzle...". Obviously having the old-fashioned "enemies respaw between screens" make it easy to forgive mistakes.
Honestly if nintendo were to make another warioland game and have the art style be based around warioland 4, I think the people who worked on the new mario strikers and luigis mansion can pull it off well if they put some effort into it. Luigi's mansion looked amazing on the switch.
WL4 was my first puzzle solving type game and I can still remember how satifying it was to realise where I should throw pinballs or use transformations to move forward
Fond memories playing Wario Land 4 on the GBA as a kid. I think I must of completed it about 5-6 times. Levels had a good design, the boss battles were a good challenge and considering it was a GBA game the boss fights were quite cinematic. Definitely going to give this another go.
As a WL4 speedrunner I both adore and dread the idea of WL5. WL4 has always been my main childhood game from Nintendo. However, aside from my parents who own the GBA and the cassette, literally nobody I know knows about the WL Series. This 2001 puzzle platformer remains my personal favorite Nintendo game for probably forever.
My mom got me this game from Walmart back when it came out. I remember playing it in the car on the way home and could barely see it since it was getting dark, but I didn't care. I always had a fascination with the darker, weirder Wario and Waluigi as a kid, and getting to play as Wario was so cool.
In the two years since this video game out, I'd say people have finally come around on Wario Land 4, though something tells me the meme status of "Living With Wario"/"Games and Wario", in particular the line about Wario showing off his "greatest achievement" helped remind people how great this game was. Is it as good as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Super Metroid? I certainly think so; at the very least, I know those three games have it's detractors as well as people who love it, of which Wario Land 4 is no different. It's also funny how you mentioned Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door at the beginning, because just like that game, that thing is happening where indie game developers who grew up with this stuff is making their own version of those games, each with their own unique spins on the formula. So while I would love a new traditional Paper Mario game and another Wario Land title, I'm at least glad it lead to us getting the likes of Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling, Born of Bread, and "Paperverse" games in general in the case of Paper Mario, and Pizza Tower, ANTONBLAST and other similar "Wario-likes" in the case of Wario Land.
When the GBA first came out, everyone wanted "Super Mario Advance" as their first GBA game, but Wario Land 4 was mine, (I wasn't as interested in SMA, as it was a SMB2 remake, and I already had it on NES & SNES) and it's nice to see WL4 get the regard it deserves. It's only flaw was it was kinda short, but it had alot to do, and very creative stages. The intro and ending scenes were impressive for GBA standards too.
@@JohnnyVector yeah, while SMA is a good game, it's a shame it, and other GBA launch titles kinda stole attention from WL4. The Wario Land series is in itself is underrated, I feel.
Justbstarted watching this because it popped up and I used to love this game and still have it. Maybe ill have to play it again. I love the goofiness of this game.
Been a Huge fan of this game and my Little Brother can test to that some friends and my Mom. glad some people are realizing this is a lost Gem they are on GBA as back then No one really thought of it as much.
Good video! But just confused where you got the info this was a GBA launch title. I was so confused because I vividly remember getting a GBA at launch and was frustrated by the limited options of games. And then I remember looking forward to Wario Land 4 being released. You made me do a double take and it seems GBA came out in June ‘01, Wario Land 4 in November ‘01 for the states.
Thank you for this insight into the past for one of the best games on Gameboy. I agree with the exception of this title in all these aspects. It's a great game that is immortal
This Games Makes Me Cries All Out Loud as 9 Years old and 4th Grader Me Watching Shokora's Passing to Heaven And Comparing This Masterpiece Game to Mario Superstar Saga which was Released 2 Years later : Cackletta's Demon 👹🔥 Inhales Mario and Luigi for Lunch: Mario and Luigi: "Mamamia, How come in our Newest GBA Adventure we are Gotten Eaten by the Ugly Demon Main Villainess!!!" Princess Shokora:" First Time, Super Mario Bros?"
It's far too late for Wario Land 4 to receive any major recognition since the last entry in the Wario Land series was dumped onto the Wii without any promotion.
@@JohnnyVector Even worse was the fact that a year prior, Nintendo ruined the Wario Land series by letting a shovelware company do an original wario platformer on the DS.
I'm glad this game has such a dense, appreciative fan base. Not sure they'd be able to capture the magic again. The 4 means, a 4th iteration of this game, if you play 1 2 and 3 you can see the evolution of gameplay elements. I'm honestly surprised SMW and Pokemon Gen 3 have huge romhacking communities but not Wario 4
I love how in this game instead of saving a princess you guys get money. And as a person I hate puzzles I think they're annoying but this game is the one and only exception I will give. The puzzles feel legit enjoyable to finally solve.
I agree about WL4 but I don't see how Wario Land Master in Disguise and Shake it being clean/hand drawn made them less good. I like the pixelly charm of the GB ones but this is mostly a subjective thing.
I love Wario. I hope to see more Warioland games in the future. I played WarioLand 4 and I loved it and still love it today. It is a unique, quirky, game. Interaction between enemy and Wario is interesting. I am a fan of collectables in general and would love to see more platformer games that are more about puzzles than combat. I like Wario better than Mario and I find WarioLand 4 inspiring.
What I love about Wario games is that, like Wario himself, they’re the anti Mario style platform games. Mario is all about the same old running and jumping, and they’re all annoyingly cute. Wario is rude, crude, greedy and hilarious. The games are smart too, more about clever puzzles than just running and jumping. They feel like they evolved the platform genre. Everything about them is weird and different. Nothing else like them. And 4 is the best of them.
For me, this is the perfect wario land game tho it is short, the pacing is the best. 4>1>2>3 tho all of them are good. Need to replay shake it tho but as far as I remember, shake it is the most challenging wario land game and it is a very good and I might consider it better than 3 or even 2. Master of disguise is garbage thoS
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm not sure how I'd rank all of the original GameBoy games but I have a nostalgic spot for 1 so I think that'd be second-best for me too.
10:48 Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll ever get a proper “Wario Land 5,” because in order to capture that particular style of Wario Land 4, it has to involve the same people who made 4. Unfortunately, this team no longer exists. It was dissolved by Satoru Iwata in 2004 and many of the devs either moved to Nintendo’s EAD department, while many more were moved to Nintendo’s SPD department. The latter supervises development of games made by outside studios. It seems like Nintendo has no interest in developing a new Wario Land internally, so they’d have to farm it out to someone else, like the Metroid franchise. Looks to me like Nintendo were hoping that Wario Land: Shake It!! would end up being the relaunch of the Wario Land series, with Good-Feel as the new developer, but… this did not happen. Thank goodness, because Wario Land: Shake It!! was such a disappointment.
after beating pizza tower i had to come back to the wario land series and i didn't regret it
@Hue28949 the meaning?
It is a shame that Nintendo forgot about this series after Shake it. I have enjoyed all the WL titles more than I ever will 2d Mario platformers. Heck even Wario World was awesome and I would love to see the WL style merge to 3d.
At least we're getting a new WarioWare soon. Hopefully more Wario will follow
Wario 3D land is an awesome idea.
They stopped making Wario Land games because of the massive success of New Super Mario Bros. If not for that, we might've seen Wario Land on the DS.
@@JohnnyVector Wario Ware just isnt the same.
@@purplepoinsett Nintendo ruined Wario Land thanks to letting a shovelware company do an original wario platformer on the DS.
I remember as a kid accidentally hitting the frog at 8:38. I panicked because I wasn't finished exploring looking for the shards. When you hit the frog normally, you're ready to finish the level. But no one truly understands the stress and anxiety of accidentally hitting it while you're still looking for the collectibles. You have NO time to mess around. You either leave the level or panick searching for the hidden gem and then leave.
Haha yeah that was an anxiety-inducing feeling!
I played this game as a child, and the music was what I remembered the absolute most. Utterly terrifying, and it’s caused my fair share of childhood fears.
@@RiskierGoose340 They should remake this game or all of these Wario games for the Switch.
If you don’t make it out in time You will be Blown To Smithereens.
I’m honestly shocked that more indies haven’t tried to recreate the Warioland style of (puzzle?) platformer
EDIT: to all those still replying, I do already know about Pizza Tower and Antonblast. Let me know if there are any others out there
Yeah so am I. One notable one is Pizza Tower, which looks good
@@JohnnyVector thanks so much for leading me to pizza tower! Looks rad as hell!
@@GameoverGamedev Awesome!
@@GameoverGamedev check out Antonball Deluxe too
Did you know that Wario Land 4 is Wario's greatest achievement?
what is abot why does everyone say this
It's a line from a joke video called living with wario
look guys look!
Yes, that’s why someone made a popular game using its concept.
@@TheVideogameRatatouilleForPS2 no it is not.
This game was the whole reason I bought a GBA when I was a kid. I saw my friend playing it in elementary school, and was immediately intrigued. I saved up money for a whole year to buy it, and played the game to death. 10/10
I heavily disagree with your assessment that Shake It has much less charm than 4 does. The hand-drawn style is gorgeous and it's my absolute favorite design of Wario as a character, with his angular shapes and the fluidity of every one of his actions. Gameplay-wise it's a definite step down but I still its style of charm fits Wario and looks great to this day, even if it's not like 4.
Thanks for the comment! It does sound like I'm in the minority regarding Shake It.
Honestly? Shake It has fantastic, beautiful art, but lost the crude gruesomeness from 4. A bit too cutesy. Otherwise both games have a great style, though I'd easily prefer 4's art style.
@@laylover7621 You've summed up my feelings. "Crude gruesomeness" is a good way of putting it. Someone else said "disgusting" haha, but I know what they mean.
(Anime style bias)
This is one of my favorite games of all time I absolutely love anything about this game I love the game play I love how disgusting wario looks I love the level design I love the weird level concepts this game is a masterpiece
Haha yeah, disgusting is a good way of putting it. Disgusting yet endearing
Look guys look, it's one of Warios greatest achievement. Wario Land 4 on the game boy advance
@@JohnnyVector can you go five minutes without saying ‘WAh?’
I personally love every Wario game, but Wario Land 4 feel’s really special. One thing I do love about Wario is the fact that every game is different and inventive. Wario Land 4 being a very visually unique, crazy fun masterpiece! Wario’s games are spilling with creativity, which is why his series is my possible favorite Nintendo series, as far as their platformers go.
Yeah for sure. Nintendo really let their creative juices flow with Wario Land 4.
@@JohnnyVector agree, wario land is something very special.
Wario Land 4 is my comfort game. I’ve 100% it and replay it every year as a tradition. This video made the Wario Fan in me extremely happy. I still wish for a new Wario Land every Nintendo Direct. Amazing video!
That is awesome, what do you play it on?
A detail that I've always loved here in Wario Land 4 is the evolution of Wario's sprite details and design. He looks way more intimidating in his idle animation, but at the same time he didn't lose the humor and funny poses on every frame. It's something that it kind of was left behind for a more comedic approach with the next games sadly.
This was my childhood game. I have so many good memories of it :))
Same. For some reason, I found it more scary and anxiety inducing than most other games I’ve ever played. Maybe it’s the age, maybe it’s the art style
The hurry up music really sets the tone for when the time is ticking down
this game is almost as underrated as this channel
Well said
@@evil_videogamedunkey7719 guys look it's real dunkey
Thanks Spencer, glad you enjoyed the video!
Truly one of the weirdest (mis)adventure(s) I made in a game this game was almost a spiritual journey..
It's a damn good game for sure
My first video game ever, out of the blue one of my parents friends who I didn't even know gifted me a white GBA and Warioland 4.
Over 20 years later, I'm 28 years old now and still captivated by this game, I think it will always be a part of me, my comfort game and probably the best game I've ever played to this day.
My first video game too
Thanks for that very well crafted video !
Wario Land 4 definitely had the soul of a masterpiece and was really pushing boundaries in terms of gameplay, art direction, music but also the GBA capabilities.
Thanks! Yes very true. All the more impressive because it was a launch game as well.
This game is like a satire of Mario, but at the same time, it intensifies and expands upon the standard "mario platformer" mechanics, making them more's so inane and surreal but at the same time it rewards logical thinking and quick reflexes, and the secrets are so intricate and well hidden...I'll be playing this game when I'm in a nursing home until my thumbs fall off.
Great video! I find myself going back to this game all these years later, still awesome every time! Love the music and attitude this game has. You totally nailed it with your analysis dude, the bizarre nature of this game something Nintendo rarely messes with anymore and that's a shame. Seriously one of the greatest games out there!
Thanks a lot! I've just seen the new Wario Ware E3 announcement. If that goes down well, maybe Nintendo will consider another Wario Land game after that.
@@JohnnyVector You're welcome! The new Wario Ware looks great! It would be amazing to see Nintendo try their hand at a new Wario Land, them bringing back Advance Wars shows they're open to revitalizing older, lesser known franchises, I'd love to see that trend continue!
My favorite GBA game. Thanks for the awesome video.
by the way, if you really want another Wario Land 4, you should try Wario Land 4 Parallel World, a rom hack. It's really fun and basically plays like a part 2 of the original. (great video btw)
Thanks and cheers for the recommendation, I'll definitely check that out
I remember seeing a kid play this at a daycare and wanting my mom to get it for me for Christmas. She snatched it up during Black Friday and wrote my name on the end of the cartridge when I opened it. I’ve got still got it and I finally beat it many years later and got the best ending. One of my all time favorite GBA games and favorite games of all time.
History has been made today, wario 4 26.10.2022 hard with 8 treasures
A day to remember
I remember saving money as a kid amd blowing it on this game and being enthralled by its vivid style and all the cool Easter eggs.
Missing my deceased little brother who loved this series and game... thinking of him I wanted to find a video of others that loved it.
Oh no I‘m so sorry. I hope he rests easy now.
You want to know a truly underrated, forgotten gem of a Wario game?
Virtual Boy Wario, now there's something Nintendo probably will never touch or acknowledge.
Man I had this as a kid on GBA what a great game but so few people I have known ever played it.
I always loved the Wario series as a kid and wondered why they don't make Wario platformers anymore. I loved how Wario Land 4 started out like a normal platformer, Hall of Hieroglyphics and Palm Tree Paradise were normal, straightforward levels. Sure, the first boss, Spoiled Rotten was weird but all bosses are weird and he(?) was far less weird than the later bosses. As I said, the Hall of Hieroglyphics made a great tutorial level and felt surprisingly normal and Palm Tree Paradise felt like a very normal first "real" level. Then starting with Wildflower Fields, things begin to get wonderfully weird. There was one level that's entirely underwater, you hit the frog switch and the exit path is almost entirely on dry land. I loved how the game even was willing to break its own rules just for the sake of fun. Pinball Zone belonged with the toys and games levels, not the factory levels, so it made a wonderful surprise. And in the horror and mythology levels there's one that at first is like "hey, this is a very normal level, why's it here?", the cave one. And then you hit the frog switch and it's frozen. Then when I got older it dawned on me that level was supposed to be Hell and hitting the switch made Hell freeze over. Brilliant and clever! My favorite level though is probably The Big Board. I love board games and video games, so a combination of the two is just SO AWESOME! Actually, you know what? I'm going to try to find my old copy of this game and my Gameboy Advance and play this a little bit before work today.
I loved this game so much as a kid. It was my first game ever. Back when I first got this game it was before I really knew how to spell and my dad took me to the local Walmart and let me pick one game I wanted. I thought I was getting Mario and was immediately disappointed when I realized where I messed up but after playing it I loved this game!!
Wario Land was my favorite series on the various Game Boys.
For WL4, it's unironically insanely cool.
Yeah, an awesome series. I'd love to see another game.
this is a game I was really lucky to have picked up at random when I was young, and I had so much fun with it and loved the weird vibe and creepy boss designs
Great video! Wario Land 4 is easily one of my favorite games of all time, even when growing up playing it I knew it had a special approach to level design. It was the first Wario Land game I played, followed by 3, which is another one of my favorite games. Saying that, I suggest you all play Wario Land 4: Parallel World, it's romhack of Wario Land 4 that blew me away with its level design and also includes a lot of throwbacks to previous Wario Land games, if you're wanting to play Wario Land 4 again for what feels like the first time, try Parallel World! It's like Wario Land 3's level design collided with 4.
Along with those games you mentioned at the beginning of the video I’d like to put Yoshi’s island and super mario galaxy 2 up there too
I think my favourite element in Warioland 4 is how the power-ups are enemy attacks upon Wario rather than special items or magic skills, if Wario wants to fly, he needs to be stung on the head, if he needs to break the ground, he needs to get fat, if he needs a high jump, someone have to bonk him in the head, this playstyle stimulates thinking outside the box as most people prefer to AVOID being hit, but then we realize some enemies are actualy VITAL to hit us and that really innovates the gameplay in this game, so you don't have to go killing everyone in sight but think "hmmm, this enemy might be important for this puzzle...". Obviously having the old-fashioned "enemies respaw between screens" make it easy to forgive mistakes.
Honestly if nintendo were to make another warioland game and have the art style be based around warioland 4, I think the people who worked on the new mario strikers and luigis mansion can pull it off well if they put some effort into it. Luigi's mansion looked amazing on the switch.
I agree. I loved Luigi's Mansion 3. Great game.
You're totally right. Wario Land 4 is one of the best platformers ever! It's so crazy, colorful, and creative
I glad I watched this video, it helped appreciate my copy of this game.
Excellent. I'm happy to be spreading love for Wario Land 4.
wario on the og gameboy is pretty epic to.. it was so trippy as a kid, playing it on long car journeys..
WL4 was my first puzzle solving type game and I can still remember how satifying it was to realise where I should throw pinballs or use transformations to move forward
Honestly the entire series is so good. I had to have more so I went back to the virtual boy game!
Toy Block tower theme is my favorite
I'd love to play the Virtual Boy game but honestly...the red palette puts me off. I'd be cool is someone remastered it with a fuller colour scheme.
I’m 29 and randomly thought of how good this game was, so decided to check it out on youtube
You could consider it...
Incredible, incredible!
Wario land 4 was my first gameboy advance game
Mine too! My first and my favourite
Very well put together video. I played this back when I was like 12 and fever dream is a good description of it lol
Fond memories playing Wario Land 4 on the GBA as a kid. I think I must of completed it about 5-6 times. Levels had a good design, the boss battles were a good challenge and considering it was a GBA game the boss fights were quite cinematic. Definitely going to give this another go.
As a WL4 speedrunner I both adore and dread the idea of WL5.
WL4 has always been my main childhood game from Nintendo. However, aside from my parents who own the GBA and the cassette, literally nobody I know knows about the WL Series.
This 2001 puzzle platformer remains my personal favorite Nintendo game for probably forever.
My mom got me this game from Walmart back when it came out. I remember playing it in the car on the way home and could barely see it since it was getting dark, but I didn't care. I always had a fascination with the darker, weirder Wario and Waluigi as a kid, and getting to play as Wario was so cool.
I searched the name of this game to look for someone praising it! One of my favorite games of all time
Awesome, it's definitely up there as one of Nintendo's most underrated games
Boy do I miss Nintendo R&D1.
I really enjoyed Wario Land 4 when I was a kid. The countdown style really added a new touch to videogames.
Thank god i bought this for both of my Wii U consoles before it was too late, thanks to this vid👍
Yes, I like the ending of Waluigi kissing Wario
In the two years since this video game out, I'd say people have finally come around on Wario Land 4, though something tells me the meme status of "Living With Wario"/"Games and Wario", in particular the line about Wario showing off his "greatest achievement" helped remind people how great this game was. Is it as good as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Super Metroid? I certainly think so; at the very least, I know those three games have it's detractors as well as people who love it, of which Wario Land 4 is no different. It's also funny how you mentioned Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door at the beginning, because just like that game, that thing is happening where indie game developers who grew up with this stuff is making their own version of those games, each with their own unique spins on the formula. So while I would love a new traditional Paper Mario game and another Wario Land title, I'm at least glad it lead to us getting the likes of Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling, Born of Bread, and "Paperverse" games in general in the case of Paper Mario, and Pizza Tower, ANTONBLAST and other similar "Wario-likes" in the case of Wario Land.
Great video on a wonderful game.
I feel so nostalgic watching this. I LOVED playing this game as a kid. I think I’m going to have to buy it. 😆
Haha, yeah I'd say go buy it!
When the GBA first came out, everyone wanted "Super Mario Advance" as their first GBA game, but Wario Land 4 was mine, (I wasn't as interested in SMA, as it was a SMB2 remake, and I already had it on NES & SNES) and it's nice to see WL4 get the regard it deserves. It's only flaw was it was kinda short, but it had alot to do, and very creative stages. The intro and ending scenes were impressive for GBA standards too.
Absolutely. I also wasn't particularly interested in Super Mario Advance but couldn't wait to play Wario Land 4
@@JohnnyVector yeah, while SMA is a good game, it's a shame it, and other GBA launch titles kinda stole attention from WL4. The Wario Land series is in itself is underrated, I feel.
Justbstarted watching this because it popped up and I used to love this game and still have it. Maybe ill have to play it again. I love the goofiness of this game.
Underrated vídeo game
Glad you agreed Angel!
nintendo's greatest achievement
It's definitely up there!
It's so sad they never made another good Wario platformer...
Been a Huge fan of this game and my Little Brother can test to that some friends and my Mom. glad some people are realizing this is a lost Gem they are on GBA as back then No one really thought of it as much.
This game has always been a fav of mine. The MUSIC is highly underrated
Good video! But just confused where you got the info this was a GBA launch title. I was so confused because I vividly remember getting a GBA at launch and was frustrated by the limited options of games. And then I remember looking forward to Wario Land 4 being released.
You made me do a double take and it seems GBA came out in June ‘01, Wario Land 4 in November ‘01 for the states.
Good call. I totally misremembered that. I think I got a GBA Christmas that year, must have gotten mixed up.
@@JohnnyVector Hey no big deal! Had me questioning my own memories ha ha. Didn't realize it came out so close after launch though!
Pizza Tower is what you’re looking for if you want a spiritual successor to Wario Land 4.
Absolutely, Pizza Tower looks fantastic. I'm looking forward to it's release.
@@JohnnyVector So how did you like it?
Never beat it as a kid but the music and vibe was really dope and resonated with me
One of my best childhood memories 😍. I've beat the game countless of times, but still enjoy it. Wario land 3 is the best too.
Thank you for this insight into the past for one of the best games on Gameboy. I agree with the exception of this title in all these aspects. It's a great game that is immortal
This game is great I love it I would like Nintendo to remake this game in particular
Please make more retrospectives there amazing
Thank you, I'll be sure to do some more in the future
@@JohnnyVector that’s great
The WL4 gameplay in this video looks like it's half framerate, which makes it look a lot choppier than the actual game!
I haven't thought about this game in years, it was my favorite on the Game Boy Advanced
Pizza Tower is the new Warioland
i guess it really was his greatest achievement...
Haha yeah. Hopefully it won't stay that way forever.
One of my favorite games on the GBA
I preferred 3 because of the awesome system of upgrades and map alteration via items.
I like 4. It's okay. The creativity of it was awesome.
This Games Makes Me Cries All Out Loud as 9 Years old and 4th Grader Me Watching Shokora's Passing to Heaven
And Comparing This Masterpiece Game to Mario Superstar Saga which was Released 2 Years later :
Cackletta's Demon 👹🔥 Inhales Mario and Luigi for Lunch:
Mario and Luigi: "Mamamia, How come in our Newest GBA Adventure we are Gotten Eaten by the Ugly Demon Main Villainess!!!"
Princess Shokora:" First Time, Super Mario Bros?"
The GBA had such an amazing library of games. Superstar Saga was phenomenal!
Wario Land 4 is pure perfection
I never understood why Nintendo doesn’t want to make another Wario Land game.
Warioland 4 was a really good game
Marvelous game. Great assessment. I 100% agree. Gba was certainly a great time to be a gamer
It's far too late for Wario Land 4 to receive any major recognition since the last entry in the Wario Land series was dumped onto the Wii without any promotion.
True. A big shame.
@@JohnnyVector Even worse was the fact that a year prior, Nintendo ruined the Wario Land series by letting a shovelware company do an original wario platformer on the DS.
I'm glad this game has such a dense, appreciative fan base. Not sure they'd be able to capture the magic again. The 4 means, a 4th iteration of this game, if you play 1 2 and 3 you can see the evolution of gameplay elements. I'm honestly surprised SMW and Pokemon Gen 3 have huge romhacking communities but not Wario 4
The Shop Guy is Mr. Game & Watch
I love how in this game instead of saving a princess you guys get money. And as a person I hate puzzles I think they're annoying but this game is the one and only exception I will give. The puzzles feel legit enjoyable to finally solve.
0:01 the amount of time it took me to smash the like button because I f***ing agree
laughing in pizza tower
miles better then pizza tower
@@elvedincatak9557said someone who never played pizza tower
@@Super_magi_c ive played pizza tower
@@elvedincatak9557 no you didn’t
@@Super_magi_c yeah i did its a good game but not better then wario land lil bro
I just Love this Game. Everything about it is Super Special!
I agree about WL4 but I don't see how Wario Land Master in Disguise and Shake it being clean/hand drawn made them less good.
I like the pixelly charm of the GB ones but this is mostly a subjective thing.
Warionland 4 was the first GBA game i owned. Good memories
I love Wario. I hope to see more Warioland games in the future. I played WarioLand 4 and I loved it and still love it today. It is a unique, quirky, game. Interaction between enemy and Wario is interesting. I am a fan of collectables in general and would love to see more platformer games that are more about puzzles than combat. I like Wario better than Mario and I find WarioLand 4 inspiring.
Certainly is a beautiful looking game.
What I love about Wario games is that, like Wario himself, they’re the anti Mario style platform games.
Mario is all about the same old running and jumping, and they’re all annoyingly cute. Wario is rude, crude, greedy and hilarious. The games are smart too, more about clever puzzles than just running and jumping. They feel like they evolved the platform genre. Everything about them is weird and different. Nothing else like them. And 4 is the best of them.
So glad I have this game(CIB) because on eBay, it's an insane amount of $$$$ in 2022.
I remember this game as a kid, definitely 10/10
I absolutely loved this game. So underrated
For me, this is the perfect wario land game tho it is short, the pacing is the best. 4>1>2>3 tho all of them are good. Need to replay shake it tho but as far as I remember, shake it is the most challenging wario land game and it is a very good and I might consider it better than 3 or even 2. Master of disguise is garbage thoS
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm not sure how I'd rank all of the original GameBoy games but I have a nostalgic spot for 1 so I think that'd be second-best for me too.
One day I will play this game. I promise!!!
Johnny Vector and fans: I just wish Nintendo would give us one last hurrah. Give us WarioLand5.
AntonBlast: Hold my beer
10:48 Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll ever get a proper “Wario Land 5,” because in order to capture that particular style of Wario Land 4, it has to involve the same people who made 4.
Unfortunately, this team no longer exists. It was dissolved by Satoru Iwata in 2004 and many of the devs either moved to Nintendo’s EAD department, while many more were moved to Nintendo’s SPD department. The latter supervises development of games made by outside studios. It seems like Nintendo has no interest in developing a new Wario Land internally, so they’d have to farm it out to someone else, like the Metroid franchise.
Looks to me like Nintendo were hoping that Wario Land: Shake It!! would end up being the relaunch of the Wario Land series, with Good-Feel as the new developer, but… this did not happen. Thank goodness, because Wario Land: Shake It!! was such a disappointment.