I realised there is an issue on the bridge tone that I need to fix, it isn't as strong as the other pickups (I suspect I have got the pinout wrong on the Mega). Plus all the tones and volumes affect each other when the pickups are active, just like they do in a normal guitar. I would need a summing amp to get round this, which might be a good idea for the future.
Thanks! It was quite a moment when I fixed the volume issue and suddenly it sounded like a guitar :-) That and cleaning up the RF noise and it became a usable instrument.
Gracias, buena info...por favor continúe con el gran material
I realised there is an issue on the bridge tone that I need to fix, it isn't as strong as the other pickups (I suspect I have got the pinout wrong on the Mega). Plus all the tones and volumes affect each other when the pickups are active, just like they do in a normal guitar. I would need a summing amp to get round this, which might be a good idea for the future.
Well done for persevering with this. Glad you got it all working. Interested to see if you decide to take it any further with the fx. 👍🏼
Thanks, I am a bit stuck for space now in the guitar, but there might be room for a DSP board of some sort in there!
Well done!
Thanks! It was quite a moment when I fixed the volume issue and suddenly it sounded like a guitar :-) That and cleaning up the RF noise and it became a usable instrument.
Maybe a sustain pickup
Wow! Great content :D! Do what the pros do = 'Promo SM' !