3-Ingredient Keto Coconut Macaroons (0.6g net carbs!)

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • 3-Ingredient keto coconut macaroons recipe that comes out light and crispy on the outside while remaining soft and chewy on the inside. They are made with 3 basic simple ingredients that most ketogenic diet followers will already have in their cupboard.
    The low carb coconut macaroons only contain 31 low calories and 0.6 net carbs per cookie and they're also gluten-free and sugar free budget friendly low carb treats that are a sure crowd pleaser!
    This easy keto coconut cookies recipe will quickly become one of your favorite coconut recipes so give it a try today! :)
    Ingredients for the coconut macaroons recipe:
    - 3 egg whites
    - 2 cups of desiccated coconut (or shredded coconut)
    this one has the lowest carbs and best for ketogenic diet:
    - 1/3 cup of sweetener
    my go to sweetener for all keto dessert recipes:
    Receta de macarrones de coco ceto de 3 ingredientes que sale ligera y crujiente por fuera mientras permanece suave y masticable por dentro. Están hechos con 3 ingredientes básicos simples que la mayoría de los seguidores de la dieta cetogénica ya tendrán en su armario.
    ¡Los macarrones de coco bajos en carbohidratos solo contienen 31 calorías y 0.6 carbohidratos netos por galleta y también son golosinas bajas en carbohidratos sin gluten y sin azúcar que complacen a la multitud!
    Esta receta fácil de galletas de coco cetogénicas se convertirá rápidamente en una de tus recetas de coco favoritas, ¡así que pruébalo hoy! :)
    Ingredientes para la receta de macarrones de coco:
    - 3 claras de huevo
    - 2 tazas de coco desecado (o coco rallado)
    - 1/3 taza de edulcorante
    Рецепт 3-х ингредиентов кето-кокосовых миндальных печений, которые выглядят легкими и хрустящими снаружи, но остаются мягкими и жевательными внутри. Они сделаны из 3 основных простых ингредиентов, которые у большинства приверженцев кетогенной диеты уже есть в шкафу.
    Кокосовые макароны с низким содержанием углеводов содержат только 31 калорию и 0,6 чистых углеводов на печенье, а также они не содержат глютен и не содержат сахара, бюджетные низкоуглеводные лакомства, которые несомненно понравятся публике!
    Этот простой рецепт кето-кокосового печенья быстро станет одним из ваших любимых рецептов кокосового ореха, так что попробуйте его сегодня! :)
    Ингредиенты для рецепта кокосового миндального печенья:
    - 3 яичных белка
    - 2 стакана сушеного кокоса (или тертого кокоса)
    - 1/3 стакана подсластителя
    Выпекайте при 160 C (320F) 17-20 минут.
    3-घटक कीटो नारियल मैकरून रेसिपी जो बाहर से हल्की और कुरकुरी होती है जबकि अंदर से नरम और चबाने वाली रहती है। वे 3 बुनियादी सरल सामग्रियों से बने होते हैं जो अधिकांश कीटोजेनिक आहार अनुयायियों के पास पहले से ही उनके अलमारी में होंगे।
    लो कार्ब नारियल मैकरून में केवल 31 कैलोरी और प्रति कुकी 0.6 नेट कार्ब्स होते हैं और वे ग्लूटेन-फ्री और शुगर फ्री बजट फ्रेंडली लो कार्ब ट्रीट भी होते हैं जो एक निश्चित भीड़ आनंददायक होते हैं!
    यह आसान कीटो कोकोनट कुकीज रेसिपी जल्दी ही आपकी पसंदीदा कोकोनट रेसिपी में से एक बन जाएगी, इसलिए इसे आज ही ट्राई करें! :)
    नारियल मैकरून रेसिपी के लिए सामग्री:
    - 3 अंडे का सफेद भाग
    - 2 कप सूखा नारियल (या कटा हुआ नारियल)
    - 1/3 कप स्वीटनर
    १६० सी (३२० एफ) पर १७-२० मिनट के लिए बेक करें।
    طريًا ومضغًا من الداخل. إنها مصنوعة من 3 مكونات أساسية بسيطة والتي سيكون لدى معظم متابعي النظام الغذائي الكيتون بالفعل في دولابهم.
    ماكرون جوز الهند منخفض الكربوهيدرات يحتوي فقط على 31 سعرة حرارية و 0.6 كربوهيدرات صافية لكل ملف تعريف ارتباط ، كما أنها خالية من الغلوتين وخالية من السكر منخفضة الكربوهيدرات منخفضة الكربوهيدرات وهي بالتأكيد ممتعة للجمهور!
    ستصبح وصفة كوكيز جوز الهند السهلة هذه بسرعة واحدة من وصفات جوز الهند المفضلة لديك ، لذا جربها اليوم! :)
    مكونات وصفة حلوى الماكرون بجوز الهند:
    - 3 بياض بيض
    - كوبان من جوز الهند المجفف (أو جوز الهند المبشور)
    - 1/3 كوب محلي
    Receita de macaroons de coco ceto de 3 ingredientes que sai leve e crocante por fora, mas permanece macia e em borracha por dentro. Eles são feitos com 3 ingredientes básicos simples que a maioria dos seguidores da dieta cetogênica já terá em seu armário.
    Os macaroons de coco com baixo teor de carboidratos contêm apenas 31 calorias e 0,6 carboidratos líquidos por biscoito e também são guloseimas com baixo teor de carboidratos, sem glúten e sem açúcar, que agradam a todos!
    Esta receita fácil de cookies de coco ceto rapidamente se tornará uma de suas receitas favoritas de coco, então experimente hoje mesmo! :)
    Ingredientes para a receita de macaroons de coco:
    - 3 claras de ovo
    - 2 xícaras de coco ralado (ou coco ralado)
    - 1/3 xícara de adoçante
    Asse a 160 C (320F) por 17-20 minutos.
    3 种成分的酮椰子杏仁饼配方,外表清淡酥脆,而内部保持柔软和耐嚼。 它们由 3 种基本的简单成分制成,大多数生酮饮食追随者的橱柜中已经有了这些成分。
    低碳水化合物椰子杏仁饼每块饼干只含有 31 卡路里和 0.6 净碳水化合物,而且它们也是无麸质和无糖预算友好的低碳水化合物零食,肯定会取悦大众!
    这个简单的酮椰子饼干食谱将很快成为您最喜欢的椰子食谱之一,所以今天就试试吧! :)
    - 3个蛋清
    - 2 杯椰蓉(或椰丝)
    - 1/3 杯甜味剂
    在 160 摄氏度(320 华氏度)下烘烤 17-20 分钟。


  • @KetoMillenial
    @KetoMillenial  3 роки тому +7


    • @rabiaumer7240
      @rabiaumer7240 2 роки тому

      Y u hvnt mentioned quantity on screen

  • @beverlylabastide5021
    @beverlylabastide5021 3 роки тому +27

    This will need a little bit of vanilla extract or almond essence.

    • @christinepizzi6197
      @christinepizzi6197 3 роки тому +3

      Somebody forgot extract! Makes all the difference. But I am sure that young woman is experienced and likes having her own fans.

    • @brownie3992
      @brownie3992 3 роки тому

      Great idea

  • @clarika8129
    @clarika8129 3 роки тому +23

    I think I found my new favourite keto dessert recipe!! It was so delicious and I can't believe how easy it was to make. Will definitely keep this on my rotation:)

  • @KetoCookbooksCorner
    @KetoCookbooksCorner Рік тому +6

    *It's amazing how such a simple combination of ingredients can create such a delightful and keto-friendly treat. Thanks for sharing!*

    • @KetoMillenial
      @KetoMillenial  Рік тому +1

      Simple recipes are the best! Thank you for your lovely comment :)

  • @lacastro1988
    @lacastro1988 3 роки тому +17

    I just made these, and OMG! They are so delicious and super easy to make. Thank you so much for sharing 🙌🏻

    • @pervindaboo9393
      @pervindaboo9393 2 роки тому

      You made these without ingredients measurements you must be a genius

    • @pervindaboo9393
      @pervindaboo9393 2 роки тому +1

      Sorry just found the measurement

    • @KetoMillenial
      @KetoMillenial  Рік тому

      Glad you like them!

  • @veronikavartanova4044
    @veronikavartanova4044 3 роки тому +10

    Do you use dry or moist shredded coconut in your recipe? I've only had dried shredded coconut, and it simply absorbed the egg whites, killing off the texture. The dough became dry, and though I still liked the taste of these coconut macarons in the end, they did came out unpleasantly gritty...
    Should I use less of my dried shredded coconut next time, or go for the same amount but soak it (in coconut or almond milk perhaps) beforehand a bit? Or maybe pulverise it first in the food processor? It'll likely become even more absorbant then, but this can potentially fix the grittiness issue?
    PS: chilled eggwhites beat much more easier than room temp. I usually even put mine in the freezer for 5-10 minutes before beating, and get stiff peaks in about 30 sec as a result. Beating room temp eggwhites into a decent fluffy cloud is a pain.
    I'll also definitely use at least 15-20% less sweeteners and add a pinch of fine salt next time. These were pleasant, but seemed a bit too sweet for my keto palate as is.

    • @fantasybeats1681
      @fantasybeats1681 3 роки тому +3

      This was helpful though

    • @l0l4s72
      @l0l4s72 3 роки тому +1

      Mayb to b more moisturize who knows u add a bit of coconut oil onto it

  • @gilliangreen7097
    @gilliangreen7097 4 роки тому +43

    I found it absolutely ridiculous not to give the ingredients first, I searched for 5 minutes and still couldnt find the ingredients. Instead of giving so much lecture on Keto simply first give the ingredients with measures and if the person has interest can read the rest. 😣

    • @shakibzz
      @shakibzz 3 роки тому +20

      3 egg whites. 2 cups coconut shreds. 1/3 cup sweetener. I scrolled down to the bottom comment and read the replies

    • @Saldana_real
      @Saldana_real 3 роки тому

      Exactly my point👍🏽

    • @beesknees5913
      @beesknees5913 Рік тому +3

      Uh, you searched five minutes to find the information that is shown in a 92 second video?

    • @EveRhiii
      @EveRhiii Рік тому +2

      Lmao the video is so short wdym

  • @HelenEk7
    @HelenEk7 3 роки тому +16

    3 egg whites medium-sized, at room temperature
    2 cups of shredded coconut
    1/3 cup Sweetener
    (almond extract / vanilla extract?)
    Preheat oven to 320°F (160°C). Line a big baking sheet with parchment paper.
    Separate egg whites from egg yolks and put all the whites into a large bowl.
    Whip the egg whites with a hand mixer until they have stiff peaks. This should take around 3-5 minutes.
    Carefully fold in the shredded coconut and sweetener to the egg whites being careful not to over mix too much.
    Take a 1 tablespoon measuring spoon and with that, scoop out small portions of the cookies, shaping them into balls as you go. Place them on your baking tray with about 1/2 inch in between each macaroon, they won't rise much so don't worry about leaving big gaps. This recipe should make about 20 cookies.
    Bake for 17-20 minutes until they are golden and crispy.

    • @tammykosiancic
      @tammykosiancic 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for the recipe! You’d think it would be offered by the video producer! 🙄

    • @anniehuckerby9281
      @anniehuckerby9281 Місяць тому

      Was wondering how much of ingredients to use. Thank You 😊

    • @Terri_2.0
      @Terri_2.0 21 день тому

      @@tammykosiancic And you could have scrolled down from where it says ´more´ and you would have found the entire recipe right there.

    • @Terri_2.0
      @Terri_2.0 21 день тому

      @@anniehuckerby9281 The recipe is there when you click on ´more´.

    • @tammykosiancic
      @tammykosiancic 20 днів тому

      @@Terri_2.0 Being that was 2+ years ago…

  • @yolandahebert2350
    @yolandahebert2350 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for such a short and sweet video and treat!

  • @revolutionsbytylerJ
    @revolutionsbytylerJ 2 роки тому +2

    I really love the guitar music used in the video, it flows very beautifully with the reflective drum beats 🎶🎶🥰

  • @Foodiechef1235
    @Foodiechef1235 2 роки тому +1

    What kind of sweetener does this recipe? Use!

  • @jhulialandown8516
    @jhulialandown8516 3 роки тому +5

    If only people know how to read 😂 scrolled down to the bottom comments then you will see the ingredients 😆 3 egg whites, 2 cups unsweetened coconut, 1/4 c sweetener

  • @rabiealsukhon6427
    @rabiealsukhon6427 2 роки тому +2

    Sorry and with all my due respect: but not proving the egg whites in gram is not helpful at all, this is a recipe of two major ingredients and egg whites must be in grams to give accurate result!!

  • @sassygoesketo7438
    @sassygoesketo7438 3 роки тому +13

    Omg love this recipe thank you for sharing I made them tonight for new years and omg!!!! So good

  • @manasaacharya6770
    @manasaacharya6770 4 роки тому +5

    Does this harden after cooling down?

  • @bluespruce679
    @bluespruce679 3 роки тому +15

    Wow! No commercials! That is a Super Treat!! Thanks for the information and Zero adds!!! 💖

    • @user-fb3rn4lc6o
      @user-fb3rn4lc6o 3 роки тому +2

      Video has to be over 10 minutes to have ads on UA-cam lol

    • @bluespruce679
      @bluespruce679 3 роки тому +1

      K-1....I didn't know that a video has a time frame for ads....10 minutes or longer....then come the ads. Thank you for reducing my ignorance! 😆

    • @yuliiaklmtsv5575
      @yuliiaklmtsv5575 3 роки тому +1

      If there's no adds - no money for the youtuber. Byt if commercials bother you just pay for UA-cam premium, and every video will be without the adds 😉

  • @jessimoleapen7471
    @jessimoleapen7471 3 роки тому +3

    Good recipe. Thanks.
    What comes written in white against a white background is not very visible

  • @cap871
    @cap871 3 роки тому +20

    HATE IT when people do recipes, do not give the recipe and instead try to force you to go to their website. There are too many other cooks on here NOT doing that

    • @shakibzz
      @shakibzz 3 роки тому +7

      3 egg whites. 2 cups coconut shreds. 1/3 cup sweetener. I scrolled down to the bottom comment and read the replies

    • @seecanon5840
      @seecanon5840 3 роки тому

      Why don’t you write down what is shown on the screen? Same recipe in your time.

    • @shakibzz
      @shakibzz 3 роки тому +1

      @@seecanon5840 they didn't say how much of what to put in lol

    • @bigmort6916
      @bigmort6916 3 роки тому +2

      @@shakibzz Thank you for this , it is quite poor that someone posts a recipe but didn’t bother telling audience how much of all the ingredients are needed 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

  • @kassimkhankhan3875
    @kassimkhankhan3875 2 роки тому +2

    Gotta be the easiest keto recipe that I know how to create. Thanks a billion

  • @kindolgentleman3109
    @kindolgentleman3109 3 роки тому +3

    These look tasty

  • @gazlansahmeiy7983
    @gazlansahmeiy7983 4 роки тому +3

    Thks dear

  • @gemdaassuncao1659
    @gemdaassuncao1659 2 роки тому

    Am I missing the mount for each ingredient somewhere?

  • @emelangmars7547
    @emelangmars7547 2 роки тому +1

    can i use honey as a sweetener?

  • @SedraSamehFouad
    @SedraSamehFouad 3 роки тому +1

    How many egg whites did you use?

  • @janicesmith1956
    @janicesmith1956 3 роки тому +1

    I make these by shaping them in egg cups so they are like hay stacks. My Nana made them.

  • @brassy49er37
    @brassy49er37 4 роки тому +5

    Well, I have to say that with hand mixer after 20 mins you’re still not going to have any kind of peak! Yes, the white were room temp as directed. I just gave up.

    • @dcmt3
      @dcmt3 4 роки тому +3

      lol try adding a 1/4 tsp of tartar to your egg whites maybe this will help

    • @billd3356
      @billd3356 3 роки тому +4

      The cream of tartar tip below is a good idea. I had this happen to me once and the bowl I used was clean but still had slight traces of butter or some kind of fat. The bowl has to be COMPLETELY clean. Any speck of fat will not give you peaks.

    • @aslamkhan7882
      @aslamkhan7882 3 роки тому +3

      Use fully chilled egg whites (3-4 hours keep in refrigerator) then u will get perfect peaks...

    • @bimber83
      @bimber83 3 роки тому +1

      Don't see the point of having peaks as seen in video all the air was pressed out.

  • @vistadelvolcan
    @vistadelvolcan Рік тому

    The sweeteners are not so healthy and you can skip them.

  • @imissy0umdyt49
    @imissy0umdyt49 3 роки тому +1

    0.6 net carbs for each piece? thank you

  • @marciamanning7788
    @marciamanning7788 3 місяці тому

    What sweetner do you use?

  • @brendahowe1898
    @brendahowe1898 Рік тому

    You forgot vanilla

  • @nicheblondie
    @nicheblondie Рік тому +1

    Love it when I already have all the ingredients 😊😊❤

    • @KetoMillenial
      @KetoMillenial  Рік тому

      I'm so glad! I always try to post recipes with just a few ingredients :)

  • @desleykakoulidisgallaway3382
    @desleykakoulidisgallaway3382 3 роки тому +1

    Looks good I’ll make them

  • @yuurishibuya4797
    @yuurishibuya4797 2 роки тому

    That’s it?

  • @menahilcookingworld
    @menahilcookingworld Рік тому

    Wow looks so tasty 😋😋 stay connected my friend

  • @couldbecooking
    @couldbecooking 2 роки тому +1

    I love your keto coconut macaroons! 😊

  • @kensleylewis
    @kensleylewis 4 роки тому +5

    Finally! an easy way to get rid of the coconut flour buried in the back of my pantry without going through a dozen eggs!

  • @melushcca
    @melushcca 3 роки тому

    all these angry comments about the „no receipe“ 🤣
    we used to make those at school in cooking class, thanks for reminding me of these again!

  • @la9229
    @la9229 4 роки тому +2

    It try going to the link it's not working for me

  • @dajmjbtlluver93
    @dajmjbtlluver93 4 роки тому +4

    If i am using bob evans egg whites how many cups of egg whites do i need?

  • @FreeDom-fv8wy
    @FreeDom-fv8wy 2 роки тому

    Really weird that it doesn't have measurements...

  • @outoftheforest7652
    @outoftheforest7652 Рік тому

    I want to try this but in the air fryer

  • @amira3650
    @amira3650 2 роки тому

    Too sweet and very crumbly

  • @chocopam_01
    @chocopam_01 4 роки тому +1

    Yummers wow sna mkatanggap ako sa kuboko nyan hehehe

  • @babybaby2381
    @babybaby2381 3 роки тому +4

    Seems you forgot to put the amount on each ingredients

  • @aqsayasir212
    @aqsayasir212 2 роки тому

    Qunatity bht dain chezon ki

  • @johnwaraich7648
    @johnwaraich7648 3 роки тому

    Isn't sweetener harmful ?

  • @dianal.1279
    @dianal.1279 4 роки тому +13

    I've made them twice already. Easy and tasty. I've used a little less erythritol, because I don't like when it's too sweet.
    Thank you very much for the recipe!🌻🌹

  • @saigoneturro
    @saigoneturro 2 роки тому

    Thanks for this recipe. Can we bake these in a regular oven toaster?

  • @zobasaeed
    @zobasaeed 2 роки тому

    Without B.B??

  • @gulyaswift1503
    @gulyaswift1503 3 роки тому +1


  • @elizabethbabu1768
    @elizabethbabu1768 3 роки тому +1

    Will it change anything if i not add the sweetener?

  • @kateymac1253
    @kateymac1253 3 роки тому +4

    I done have esp ! how much of everything do I use !

  • @komalkoms6225
    @komalkoms6225 3 роки тому

    No measurements ?

  • @hanifjones4914
    @hanifjones4914 3 роки тому

    Get the #$%&@ out 😯

  • @RS-we6dc
    @RS-we6dc 2 роки тому


  • @anamariapunzi2214
    @anamariapunzi2214 3 роки тому

    Receta en castellano por favor ??

  • @rebecabarrios
    @rebecabarrios 3 роки тому +1

    Buenas tardes se podria reemplazar el azucar por otro?

    • @jbello9398
      @jbello9398 3 роки тому +1

      Si, es con cualquier azucar que tu prefieres. Yo uso una que se llama Swerve pero le pongo mas porque esta no endulsa mucho, pero no engorda :)

    • @rebecabarrios
      @rebecabarrios 3 роки тому +1

      @@jbello9398 ok gracias

  • @FatiFati-gp8mz
    @FatiFati-gp8mz 2 роки тому

    Un délice merci beaucoup

  • @steveo44
    @steveo44 2 роки тому

    I'll be trying these. Can't wait!

  • @fimaa5986
    @fimaa5986 4 роки тому +4

    what are the measurements???

  • @Gmoobsay10
    @Gmoobsay10 3 роки тому

    Can I just use coconut flakes??

  • @commonsense7938
    @commonsense7938 2 роки тому

    Please share more recipes🌸
    Your recipes are simple and healthy easy to folllow😊

    • @KetoMillenial
      @KetoMillenial  Рік тому

      Thank you so much for your lovely comment, you have motivated me to start posting again, so I'm posting new easy keto videos weekly 🥰

  • @AdorableKitchen
    @AdorableKitchen 4 роки тому +7

    I'm sure it taste good because I have a keto coconut flour cookie I made on my channel and the taste was out of this world. Thanks for sharing.

  • @angelawaldron5511
    @angelawaldron5511 3 роки тому

    I don't eat eggs, what can I replace them with?

    • @rojas2868
      @rojas2868 2 роки тому

      try this ua-cam.com/video/s3DnTl3NBTc/v-deo.html

  • @ЕкатеринаСмирнова-р4д

    1 cup is how much grammes?

  • @name-kx9qc
    @name-kx9qc 3 роки тому

    Pretty pog.. Pretty pog..

  • @raphaelainezlangomez6293
    @raphaelainezlangomez6293 3 роки тому

    Can i add chocolate chips?

  • @eyesofthetiger3568
    @eyesofthetiger3568 2 роки тому

    I made it and turned out yummy. Thanks 🇬🇧

  • @gladyshappi8049
    @gladyshappi8049 3 роки тому +2

    What is the exact dosage please? How many egg whites? How many cups of coconut and sweetener? Thanks

    • @critter4004
      @critter4004 3 роки тому

      3 egg whites
      2 cups coconut
      1/3 cup sweetener

  • @bronxwarrior3281
    @bronxwarrior3281 3 роки тому

    Yes 👍🏾

  • @elizetedeaguiararaujo15
    @elizetedeaguiararaujo15 3 роки тому


  • @vivio.g.4693
    @vivio.g.4693 3 роки тому +3

    No measurements?

  • @zahavailan3782
    @zahavailan3782 4 роки тому +3

    I still wanna make these for Passover this week

  • @standup_jokes
    @standup_jokes 3 роки тому

    What kind of sweetener (no sugar) to use? thanks

    • @becausemynameiscommon5609
      @becausemynameiscommon5609 3 роки тому +1

      The printed recipe just says sweetener. This looks like a 1: 1 recipe though. I guess any kind of sweetener that measures a cup of sweetener for every cup of sugar you'd usually use. I like to use Swerve, because it lacks that weird aftertaste of Stevia and the like. It's pretty spendy, but it's keto and diabetic friendly.

    • @standup_jokes
      @standup_jokes 3 роки тому +1

      @@becausemynameiscommon5609 Great. Thanks

    • @janechen3400
      @janechen3400 3 роки тому

      @@becausemynameiscommon5609 l

  • @pradnyagaikwad2736
    @pradnyagaikwad2736 3 роки тому +1

    My favourite

  • @voltha2
    @voltha2 4 роки тому +3

    Can this recipe work on an Oven Toaster?

    • @nortonvilledrive3279
      @nortonvilledrive3279 3 роки тому

      I cook everything in my toaster oven even and entire organic chicken in a pie pan

  • @caccarlac9014
    @caccarlac9014 3 роки тому +1

    Recipe is worthless without the quantities.

  • @vanessasilvestre.oficial
    @vanessasilvestre.oficial 3 роки тому +6

    Oh my...! it's so good! Thank you for that. I added some grated Parmesan cheese. It was wonderful!

  • @sandramorales6421
    @sandramorales6421 4 роки тому +3

    thank you for your recipe!

    • @dragons8822
      @dragons8822 3 роки тому

      They didn't give you the recipe !

    • @tishasobhax
      @tishasobhax 3 роки тому

      @@dragons8822 It's in the description

  • @dragons8822
    @dragons8822 3 роки тому

    Where's the recipe ? Thanks for wasting my time when you clearly don't want the recipe posted for people......

  • @dragons8822
    @dragons8822 3 роки тому

    There's so many people that would like this recipe & others but evidently you'd rather none of us have them, so maybe don't post any recipe video's since you're Not gonna post the recipe for the viewers......

  • @ahmediunnisa1146
    @ahmediunnisa1146 3 роки тому

    If oven is not available, how to bake

  • @anushkajoshi2711
    @anushkajoshi2711 3 роки тому +2

    1 egg without yolk
    Beat until fluffy
    Add sweetner probably 1 cup
    Add shredded coconut 2 cup
    Make balls and bake at 180°c probably 10-12mins ( this is my assumption, I don't know if this is accurate but most of cookies are baked at 180°C for 15mins )

  • @stormer6364
    @stormer6364 3 роки тому

    Looks good, but it would be helpful if post the recipe in the in the description, the link is extremely long winded for such a simple recipe..

  • @RaumBances
    @RaumBances 3 роки тому

    No like for making me search all over your web page just to find out how many egg whites to use. Simply annoying. Is that to get people to scroll past a bunch of adds or something? I thought about pasting the ingredients here but decided not to. You have your methods of forcing ad revenue and 3k subscribers. Consider that.

    • @AK-zw8yp
      @AK-zw8yp 2 роки тому

      l try it , didn't work eggs and coconut does not bind

  • @verawarngmailcom
    @verawarngmailcom 4 роки тому +1

    how many egg whites?

    • @krismartinez174
      @krismartinez174 4 роки тому +1

      verawarn1@gmail.com 3

    • @anythingunderthesun7207
      @anythingunderthesun7207 4 роки тому +3

      full recipe please thanks

    • @krismartinez174
      @krismartinez174 4 роки тому +8

      Anything Under The Sun
      3 egg whites medium-sized, at room temperature
      2 cups of shredded coconut
      1/3 cup Sweetener

    • @krismartinez174
      @krismartinez174 4 роки тому +5

      Ebtehal PCY
      3 egg whites medium-sized, at room temperature
      2 cups of shredded coconut
      1/3 cup Sweetener

    • @ginalynasalan4243
      @ginalynasalan4243 4 роки тому +3

      kris Martinez
      Thank you so much 😊