Najzdravija posna supa od koprive 🍲 Healthiest Nettle Soup
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- Najzdravija čorba / Posna supa od koprive
200-300 g koprive
2 šargarepe
1 crni luk
2 kašike kukuruznog brašna
1 kašičica soli
malo bibera i kurkume
malo ulja
Koprivu oprati i očistiti, pa obariti u vrućoj vodi 10-15 minuta. Procediti, ali sačuvati tečnost.
Narendati šargarepe i sitno iseckati crni luk. U drugu šerpu sipati malo ulja, i dodati luk pa pržiti dok ne postane staklast. Zatim dodati rendanu šargarepu i dinstati još 5 minuta. Dodati obarenu koprivu i proceđene tečnosti (koliko želimo).
Razmutiti kukuruzno brašno (može i 1 jaje) i tu dodati 2-3 kutlače tečnosti iz čorbe, pa dobro razmutiti i dodati u šerpu. Dodati so, biber i kurkumu, pa kuvati još 15 minuta. Na kraju izmiksati štapnim blenderom.
Ukoliko pravite mrsnu verziju, možete servirati sa kiselom pavlakom. Prijatno!
Ukusna i zdrava posna/veganska supa od koprive bez glutena. Odličan izvor vitamina A i C, gvožđa i folne kiseline. Daje mnogo energije, pomaže u stvaranju crvenih i belih krvnih zrnaca, čisti krv i poboljšava imunitet.
The healthiest nettle soup
200-300 g of stinging nettle
2 carrots
1 onion
2 tablespoons of corn flour
1 teaspoon of salt
some pepper and turmeric
some oil
Wash and clean the nettle, then soak in hot water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then strain the nettle, but keep the liquid.
Grate the carrots and finely chop the onion. Pour a little oil into another pot, add the onion and fry until it becomes translucent. Then add the grated carrot and fry for another 5 minutes. Add the chopped nettle and strained liquids (as much as you wish).
Mix the corn flour (you can also add 1 egg) and add 2-3 ladlefuls of liquid from the broth, then mix it well and add it to the pot. Add salt, pepper and turmeric, then cook for another 15 minutes. Finally, blend with a stick blender.
If you're not fasting you can serve it with sour cream. Enjoy!
Vegan, gluten-free, plant-based soup, full of iron, vitamins C & A and folate. Nutrient-dense, energy-boosting broth, great for fasting. Nettle supports the production of both red and white blood cells, which help keep the blood, body and immune system functioning well.
#plantbased #dairyfree #vegan #vegetarian #healthyrecipe #helathyfood #easyrecipe #recept #zdravlje #zdravaishrana #posno #hrana
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