Missing the Gospel in John 3 | Theocast

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024


  • @kenanplunk357
    @kenanplunk357 3 місяці тому +8

    Christ is the blessed man of Psalm 1. We are blessed as we take refuge in Him (Psalm 2:12).

      @THEOCAST  3 місяці тому +2

      Episode coming next week!

  • @carolpagotto5395
    @carolpagotto5395 3 місяці тому +7

    Listening from Australia 🇦🇺, I'm a 76yr old great grandma and love your teaching and praying for God to bless your witness and use you mightily for His Kingdom. Go to Reformed Baptist and the preaching is great . Keep up the format boys which is terrific. Love in Jesus.

  • @jeffwatt4684
    @jeffwatt4684 3 місяці тому +4

    Proper exegesis and historical theology strikes again. Thank you gentlemen

  • @to.be.haunted
    @to.be.haunted 3 місяці тому +2

    Encouraging!! So clear and helpful.

  • @ryanjamietaylor1134
    @ryanjamietaylor1134 3 місяці тому +1

    Yall are sooo clear and distinct, something that is hard to find! Thank you for truth in love.

  • @cynthiahunter2570
    @cynthiahunter2570 3 місяці тому +4

    Oh, truly do hope that you do a series on complicated passages dealing with the Law/Gospel distinction so I can share them!

  • @SojournerDidimus
    @SojournerDidimus 3 місяці тому +1

    Beautiful exegesis! ❤

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 3 місяці тому +1

    Great Job,if some1 doesnt understand that is seeking this video should save them🙏

  • @dwaynejohnson4662
    @dwaynejohnson4662 3 місяці тому

    oh saints pray for me as im going through a rough patch at self looking. im working at staying in the word to distract me from my condemning flesh. thanks, i love you in christ

  • @christophercatiller2422
    @christophercatiller2422 3 місяці тому +2

    Thanks for the discussion, guys. Great stuff as always.

  • @garymc201
    @garymc201 3 місяці тому +2

    Absolutely wonderful!

  • @chrisarmstrong3200
    @chrisarmstrong3200 Місяць тому

    where it says we will loath our sin is the same as romans chapter 7 and this is a good indicator that we have been born again and we are not just foolish virgins

  • @chrisarmstrong3200
    @chrisarmstrong3200 Місяць тому

    we are supposed to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith ,not examine our works of righteousness which we have done ,but to see as paul describes in romans chapter 7 ,do we now loath the sin in us we once loved and love the things of god we once despised ? if so then we can know that neither life nor death nor principalities nor powers no rulers or demons or anything in all creation can separate us from the love of god in christ our lord

  • @DumbSheep88
    @DumbSheep88 2 місяці тому

    Hey im in Dickson Tn ,your church is about 1 hr away do you know of any confessional baptist close to me im looking for a home church. I have a family wife 4 girls and one is a 9 month old.

  • @AdamsTaiwan
    @AdamsTaiwan 3 місяці тому

    Would like to hear your thoughts on Ps. 23, since Ps. 22 and 24 are about Jesus... sure seems to be a flow there.

  • @NicholasproclaimerofMessiah
    @NicholasproclaimerofMessiah 3 місяці тому

    Come and see.

  • @blank-964
    @blank-964 3 місяці тому

    Think the compilation of episodes on hard passages is a good idea

  • @davidelgeti517
    @davidelgeti517 3 місяці тому

    Is the new birth, regeneration and conversion all the same thing? If to seek God you must be born again or regeneration must have occurred or you wouldn’t have the desire to seek. So now in hearing the Good News, One of the means of Grace, we hear and believe by faith received in the new birth and exercised at the hearing of the Gospel.
    The demands of the Gospel should be understood as the Golden Chain of salvation, Romans 8:29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.
    What is required is met in and by Christ alone, all the demands are fulfilled in Christ but are seen working through faith in the Gospel. Like you guys say, Done! We are the Harold’s of good news, indeed, even as we are the recipients working out our salvation in the telling of the old, old Story of Jesus and His Love.

  • @tammyerste6350
    @tammyerste6350 Місяць тому

    All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Working together with him, then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says, “In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
    ❤🎁 ✝️ 💦🕊🙌 (ESV)
    2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2

  • @KeithGreenshields
    @KeithGreenshields 3 місяці тому

    35:13 NOPE, this is bad, do not say you felt something like the wind blew on you. Now everyone needs the wind. As for me, I am truly saved not because wind blew on me but because I believed what I heard. You guys must be more careful.
    Isaiah 53, John 3:16 and also thief on the cross was saved not by a wind, get it? You are saved because you believed that Jesus died for you and obviously rose again.

    • @dann285
      @dann285 3 місяці тому

      T was the thief on the cross born again? Did the thief on the cross come to believe without 'the wind"? Does anyone?

    • @KeithGreenshields
      @KeithGreenshields 3 місяці тому

      @@dann285 I believe and no wind for me. If it makes you feel better Jesus spoke to me and his voice is exactly like revelation says. Also much more to say but I won't other then, the way to be saved is only believe and has no feelings involved. I could give you a dozen scriptures on that, as a matter of fact the HS put in my brain last night (maybe for you?) to look up: 2 Tim 2:25 repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; (means simply believe). this fits with many versus but my favorite is Isiah 53:1Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

    • @dann285
      @dann285 3 місяці тому +1

      @@KeithGreenshields Thank you for sharing and all true based on belief in Jesus. Jesus also said all men need to be born again for salvation and he said " 8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is EVERYONE who is born of the Spirit." EVERYONE includes you me and the thief on the cross. Most respectfully your incorrect and the scripture the truth.

    • @KeithGreenshields
      @KeithGreenshields 3 місяці тому

      @@dann285 It is funny how people take words literally. The wind blows is just a meaning of nobody knows who is God's true born again child but God and the individual themself, nor does anybody know where God will led them in sanctification in life via HS after being born again. This is what Jesus really meant.

    • @dann285
      @dann285 3 місяці тому +1

      @@KeithGreenshields Got ya. True the wind is not literal wind. I am not so sure I have ever heard form another person that they thought it means literal wind. Im thinking the wind is analogous with the holy spirit. "The spirit gives life"

  • @thomasalbinholmes2538
    @thomasalbinholmes2538 3 місяці тому

    Pietism tends to make people weary and afraid and hopeless. The reformed gospel tends to make people casual, unaware of the danger that still exists, and unresponsive to the teaching of Jesus. The biblical gospel brings us into a relationship with God in which we both love him and take him as serious as a heart attack. We know both the love of God and the fear of God. We have both the comfort of the Spirit and also great sobriety and urgency in light of the coming judgment.

    • @medic4christ777
      @medic4christ777 3 місяці тому

      Please tell me how your gospel is anything other than a works based pietism? Do you even hear yourself? The judgement for Christians is not life and death. We are clothed in the righteousness of Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. Read it and understand what the judgement for the Christian is.

    • @thomasalbinholmes2538
      @thomasalbinholmes2538 3 місяці тому

      @@medic4christ777 works based salvation would say that we must earn our way to God on our own steam. Reformed, grace alone salvation says that God does it all and we contribute nothing.
      Biblical salvation is not either. It teaches that we are saved through a relationship with Jesus. He makes it possible. He initiates through his life, death, and resurrection. But we must respond. None of us deserves to have this saving relationship. At the same time, we must take him seriously and walk in obedience to him or we will lose that saving connection to him. We cannot expect to ignore a Kings commands and remain in his kingdom and in good standing with him. God is merciful to all who turn to Jesus in faith (embrace his authority and follow him). And he will continue to be merciful to them as long as they continue to walk with his Son.
      So biblical salvation is based on God's grace in the sense that if he were not gracious, none of us would have a chance. But God also requires that we RESPOND in a certain way.
      1 Cor 3 is not about the judgment of Christians' personal lives, but is about the judgment of the work they did to build the church, make disciples, etc. Paul says that they, the Corinthians, are the field, and he and Apollo were the ones doing "the work." This is the context in which he goes on to discuss the judgment. If the disciples Paul made, in this case the Corinthians, do not make it, if they "burn up", then the worker himself, in this case Paul, will still be saved. It is not talking about the obedience or lack thereof of the individual doing the work, but the fruit their ministry bore in the lives of others. If that fruit does not endure, that person who disciples those people will still be saved if THEY lived a godly life.
      But when Paul speaks of the judgment in terms of his own personal life being evaluated, he makes it very clear that there is a conditional nature to it.
      He says that he disciplines himself so that he will not be disqualified after preaching to others (Please read 1 Cor 9:24 - 10:14 for full context).
      He tells Felix in his defense that he strives to keep his own conscience clear before God and man in light of the coming resurrection of the righteous and wicked.
      He scares Felix later on when he speaks to him and Drusilla of "faith in Jesus." It says he talked to Felix about righteousness and self control and the coming judgment, and Felix becomes afraid and no longer wants to talk. Think about that carefully...
      Paul tells us in Romans 2 just what Jesus told us about the judgment - that God will give to each according to what they did, and that those who do good will be saved while those who do evil will be under wrath.
      Why would Paul warn the churches so seriously and so often if he thought they were all out of danger in the sense that they'd be saved no matter what?

    • @medic4christ777
      @medic4christ777 3 місяці тому

      @@thomasalbinholmes2538 You keep contradicting yourself. You don’t see that the theology you are preaching is exactly the same as the first example you give. You ARE telling people they need to EARN salvation.
      By telling people they must obey, keep rules and regulations, live a lifetime of obedience to certain decrees, etc, and if they do a good enough job by the end of their life they will be saved; that is the exact same thing as EARNING salvation. You keep trying to create a division between what you teach and works salvation. But they are exactly the same. It’s actually rather funny watching you fall all over yourself trying to justify your method as anything but works salvation.
      Your interpretation is also wrong. The passage says “EACH MAN” should be careful how he builds on the foundation of Christ, and their work will be judged. Why would the passage say they will “still be saved, but as through fire”, if it’s simply referring to sharing the gospel and building the church? Why would being saved even be mentioned, if he was referring to building up the church? He was interjecting what he started the chapter discussing (sinful behavior) into the end of the passage. The whole point of 1 Corinthians 3 is a rebuke of SINFUL BEHAVIOR.

    • @jeffwatt4684
      @jeffwatt4684 3 місяці тому

      ​​@@thomasalbinholmes2538 You are correct that reformed grace alone salvation says that God does it all and that we contribute nothing. I would add however that the belief in the monergistic work of God in salvation then enables us to respond with Everything. Therefore a casual or cavalier attitude is the antithesis of a sound reformed view.

    • @thomasalbinholmes2538
      @thomasalbinholmes2538 3 місяці тому

      @@medic4christ777 to clarify, we all need God's grace. If he were not willing to forgive our past sins and then help us learn a new way of life, if he were not patient, we'd all be with out hope.
      But because he Is gracious, he is willing to overlook the sins of those who repent and believe in Jesus. At that point they are forgiven for all their past sins and empowered through the Spirit for a new life.
      This is the beginning of their saving relationship with Jesus. This is when they "get on the Vine." They have become a new branch, and are now connected to Jesus in a saving way.
      God will be gracious to them from that point on if they walk in obedience. As Jesus says, "IF you keep my commandments, you will REMAIN in my love." How could he be more clear?
      Suppose a boss catches an employee stealing from the company. What doew that employee deserve? They deserve to be fired without any discussion.
      But suppose the boss decides to be GRACIOUS. He says, "Listen, I know you've had a rough life and that you've learned all kinds of wrong ways of thinking. And I believe you can change. If you'd be willing to take this seriously and let me mentor you, I'd be willing to let this go. Deal?"
      Now you cannot deny that this would be a gracious thing for an employer to do for someone. That employee's job would be "saved by grace". Yet it seems that you think there would be no grace there since there is a condition involved.
      A wife forgives her husband for cheating on her repeatedly. But she also says, "I won't move out as long as you cut all ties with that woman. But if you keep talking to her, I don't know if I can handle that." Again, that is a gracious thing for her to do. She could have just moved out. But there's a condition there isn't there. Does that mean she isn't being forgiving and merciful?
      Please see the distinction between works based salvation and biblical salvation. One involves no grace. We are cut off without any way forward as soon as we make a mistake.
      But on biblical salvation, God mercifully and graciously forgives us when we turn to Jesus. But those who have done so are then warned over, and over, and over again throughout the New Testament.
      We do not earn salvation by our obedience because God will never be obligated to give it to us. But he will GRACIOUSLY give it to us IF WE turn to Jesus, and he will continue to be gracious to us and bear with us as we continue to grow and change IF WE keep walking with Jesus.
      God could at any point, cut us all off as soon as we make the slightest mistake, and he would be doing us no wrong since we all deserve his wrath anyway. But in his kindness he continues to be gracious to those who walk with him in humility and obedience. But those who become lukewarm, or who become greedy, or who become proud, or who disobey his commands, and who do not repent, will eventually be cut off the Vine. But if a Christian does those things and repents, God is even then willing to be gracious and forgive and keep helping them to move forward.
      You have been taught an extreme form of grace which has made the real biblical teaching of grace sound bad in comparison. You and I learned that God forgives and saves unconditionally. And so when you see someone warning people as Paul did and using conditional language to describe salvation as he did, it sounds like bad news and works salvation to you. But in reality it is just what the Bible says.