Psalm 1 Is NOT About You | Theocast

  • Опубліковано 2 лип 2024
  • One of the most famous Psalms that nearly everyone reads is Psalm 1. Jon and Justin want to highlight the distinction between the law and the gospel in Psalm 1, showing that it is not about how God blesses those who obey Him. Psalm 1 is not about you! You don't appear until Psalm 2, and that is where the gospel is!
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    #psalms #gospel #christian


  • @thenarnian
    @thenarnian 23 дні тому +9

    Psalm 1 is about Christ and those who have been united to Christ.
    There is an Augustinian “Totus Christus” - head and body reality here.
    I get the “it’s not about you” point, but it is about you in Christ. And that’s actually good news.

  • @cordel_ringani
    @cordel_ringani 23 дні тому +4

    Its either my Bible is broken or my reading of it is broken, BUT my money is on me reading it it the wrong way 🤣
    Thank you gentlemen for this awesome revelation!

  • @davoforrest5
    @davoforrest5 24 дні тому +8

    This is true of Proverbs . We are the foolish son of Proverbs and Christ is the righteous son. ❤

  • @jordanmiller7095
    @jordanmiller7095 22 дні тому +2

    Discovering your guys’ podcast has been a massive blessing for my family. Such encouragement that has brought joy and rest in the Lord to the forefront of our home. I’m grateful that God has placed you gentlemen where He has.

  • @SethYoderMusic
    @SethYoderMusic 22 дні тому +4

    Psalm 1:1 is about Jesus, yet in verse 5, we see an assembly or congregation of the righteous. Contradiction? Nope. :) The Gospel. 🙌🏼 And then you brought it to the end of chapter 2. Excellent work, brothers.

  • @jeffwatt4684
    @jeffwatt4684 23 дні тому +4

    This was so encouraging gentlemen. You guys really shine when you exegete using a reformed hermeneutic. This is where the power lies and where persuasion happens. Stay on the high ground, it looks good on you,
    "And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself." Lk 24: 27

  • 23 дні тому +3

    On the plus side, beautiful and encouraging: praise God for the blessed man, the word who became flesh, Jesus Christ, the Righteous. On the down side, I cannot get that old song out of my head... "I bet you think this psalm is about you...don't you? don't you? don't you?" 🤣

  • @scottsinger273
    @scottsinger273 24 дні тому +9

    Are you kidding me!
    Of course you guys are spot-on, but this stuff you guys teach seems entirely new to me!
    I've just basically had gotten bits and pieces of truth my whole life!
    Thank you Lord for these dudes!

    • @According_To_Matt
      @According_To_Matt 24 дні тому

      If it seems new, that might be because it's wrong.

    • @MetzyMetz
      @MetzyMetz 23 дні тому +1

      @@According_To_Matt What is right then?

    • @lai7527
      @lai7527 21 день тому

      You are using a strawman argument. You're assuming either your interpretation of scripture or the teachings of the denomination you adhere to are right.

  • @dwaynejohnson4662
    @dwaynejohnson4662 23 дні тому +2

    As for God, His way is blameless;
    The word of the LORD is tried;
    He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.
    - Psalm 18:30

  • @JesusISdaonlyway
    @JesusISdaonlyway 24 дні тому +2

    This is good news! Joy, rest, peace, and food for the soul Jesus is.
    Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

  • @einestimme9039
    @einestimme9039 24 дні тому +2

    Thank you guys for redirecting my focus on Jesus. You help me a lot with your teachings and clarifications. God bless you and your ministry.

  • @dkert0b05n0
    @dkert0b05n0 24 дні тому +1

    God is good who creates anew His people in Christ! May God be praised

  • @thomasalbinholmes2538
    @thomasalbinholmes2538 24 дні тому +5

    Guys. This is something evangelicals do often. They make what God calls us to sound impossible. As though Psalm 1 is calling us to something we cannot do, which is meant to crush us. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that Psalm 1 ULTIMATELY points to Jesus who was THE Righteous One. But it's obviously ALSO speaking about people like Daniel, Job, Abednego, Shadrach, Mishaq, Abraham, David, Jonathan, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Nehemiah, Enoch, Abel, John the Baptist, John the Baptist's parents Zechariah and Elizabeth, Nathaniel, Cornelius, etc, etc. People who aren't PERFECT, but who walked in obedience, who delighted in God's law, who sought God earnestly and walked with him in humility, who wouldn't bow the knee to idols or cave under the pressure of persecution.
    Most of the people I listed here lived that way BEFORE the resurrection of Jesus and outpouring of the Spirit. You're telling me that we can't live that way POST resurrection and giving of the Spirit?
    Again, it's not perfection that it's requiring of us (though we should aim for that), but faithful obedience, which is something we CAN attain if we're willing and obedient.
    On your interpretation, anyone who isn't Jesus is excluded from being a righteous man, and would go into the other category that Psalm 1 talks about, which is the wicked.
    So are you really prepared to say that the people I listed above would go into the "wicked" category?
    Were Daniel and Job and Isaiah and Jeremiah and Enoch and Abel and Abraham and Jonathan and John the Baptist all evil mockers, who will not stand in the judgment? Are they like chaff that will blow away? Are they people whom the righteous should not associate with? Does their way lead to destruction?
    Or do you agree with me that these people lived righteous lives and that, while they needed grace since they weren't perfection, they are not among the chaff which will blow away or the evil mockers Psalm 1 speaks about?
    I think you are projecting things into the text that aren't there and going to far. And it does a disservice to people because it conditions them to expect very little of themselves, as though they are not capable, even with the Spirit, of living up to the high call of the bible.
    I'm not saying we can earn salvation. I'm saying that if Psalm 1 speaks of Jesus ultimately, it clearly also speaks of those who walk in obedience, who were Christ's forerunners, who came before him, and who now walk in the path he carved out for us. God gives his grace to those who listen to and obey him. He's merciful about their imperfections because of their humble submission to him.

    • @josephpchajek2685
      @josephpchajek2685 24 дні тому +1

      "Most of the people I listed here lived that way BEFORE the resurrection of Jesus and outpouring of the Spirit. "
      I just wanna touch on this misconception, Jesus was breathing the spirit onto people BEFORE the outpouring of the spirit at pentecost. Likewise, the spirit was indwelling people since the beginning. It was always available by faith.
      That said, you're definitely more on track then the creators of this video. :)

    • @thomasalbinholmes2538
      @thomasalbinholmes2538 24 дні тому

      @@josephpchajek2685 okay yes. Good point. I agree that the Spirit would come upon people and empower them. But I don't THINK it is quite the same as what happened at pentacost. I don't think these people in the Old Testament had been born again of the Spirit in the same way New Covenant believers are. But I could be misunderstanding that. Please explain to me more how you see that.
      One clear and obvious advantage we have is the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, which is intended to produce people like Paul and Timothy, not people who just can't muster the will to will to go all out for Jesus and who hobble along in depression and anxiety and addiction. If that's happening to us, something is terribly wrong, and the answer is not this sort of theology that Theocast is trying to spread, which in my opinion mostly keeps people stuck rather than setting them free in the kind of way Jesus can.
      What do you think?

    • @KnightFel
      @KnightFel 24 дні тому +1

      @@thomasalbinholmes2538 I have no idea how you think their message keeps you stuck. This gives you freedom because if salvation depends on your performance, that is NOT good news. When God is talking about righteousness, it's usually talking about perfect righteousness, His standard. He does not accept 99% righteousness. Faithful obedience is not what is required for salvation. You will never be obedient enough. Looking to your faithful obedience is not good, that's just depressing. Those people you mentioned were up right, good moral, righteous people, and they were all sinners that would be damned if not for the righteousness of Christ. I mean Isaiah said he is a man of unclean lips. Habbakuk felt rottenness enter his bones when he beheld the holiness of God. Everyone who encounters Him falls in terror, they see their own wickedness. I don't think you're grasping just how holy God is. Yes, all of them would be blown away like the chaff if they were not hidden in Christ, thankfully they were by God's grace. Obedience comes after salvation, seeking the kingdom is something already saved Christians do. It's not to be relied upon. Its ALL Christ or nothing. This is very difficult for people because they want to work. Remember, there is absolutely no room for boasting. If this doesn't bring overwhelming joy in your heart, you may need to reevaluate your understanding of the gospel and your own sinfulness.

    • @thomasalbinholmes2538
      @thomasalbinholmes2538 24 дні тому

      @@KnightFel I understand that way of seeing it, but it does not flow from scripture. It flows from reformation theology.
      Yes, all of those righteous people are sinners in a sense because they were not perfect. Yes, when even the most righteous human being comes into direct contact with God, they are immediately aware of their need for mercy. And yes even the most righteous would be lost if God were not merciful but required perfection of us. But because he IS gracious and merciful, he is willing to forgive and save those who repent and become obedient to him from the heart. And he is willing to work with them and help them keep moving in the right direction going forward as long as they continue in humble obedience.
      Think about it... What if Abraham had ignored God's call? What if Isaiah had decided to walk away and enjoy a life of pleasure and drunkenness? What if Daniel had decided to bow to an idol any time he needed to in order to save his skin? Would these men have been considered righteous by God if they had done those things and not repented? Of course not.
      It's because they walked with him in obedience that God was merciful to them about whatever shortcomings and imperfections they had. Whatever you think Jesus' blood accomplishes for us, it only applies to us if we are obedient to him. But if we become lukewarm or disobedient and do not repent, the end result will not be that we enter his kingdom.
      What do you think...
      And the gospel is not good news because salvation is unconditional. The gospel is good news because Jesus has conquered and has all authority and his kingdom will replace all of these earthly kingdoms. This IS wonderful news for all who submit to his authority and embrace him as king. But it also has a sobering element to it that will have his followers walking in the fear of the Lord, not only the comfort of the Spirit. But of course it is not good news for those who oppose or disobey him and do not repent.

    • @KnightFel
      @KnightFel 24 дні тому +3

      @@thomasalbinholmes2538 No, it doesn't flow from reformed theology. This is just biblical, and I am not trying to sound like a jerk (I just say this because my tone in person is not how it comes across here). They were not sinners in a sense. They were sinners, period. If you are not perfect, you are not in the kingdom. They all would be cast away if not for the imputed righteousness of Christ. That is the only righteousness that matters when it comes to entering the kingdom. All of those people you mentioned acted the way they did because they believed. They were already saved. It was not the action that saved them in conjunction with their faith. Every single of one of those men disobeyed God even after having real faith. If they all walked away it would have been because of unbelief, not that they were born again and then became unborn. It is not your obedience working with faith that saves you because you would never obey enough. There will always be sin, and like I said, no one has ever kept the greatest commandment as Christ kept it. There is no grading on a curve here.
      The reason why Christ came was to fulfill the law and impute that righteousness to you.
      What you are proposing is the Roman Catholic system along with Eastern Orthodox, Mormonism, Jehovah's' Witness, etc. It's all faith + cooperation.
      Paul states in Romans 4:2-8 "For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.” 4 Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due. And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness, just as David also speaks of the blessing of the one to whom God counts righteousness apart from works:
      “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven,
      and whose sins are covered;
      blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin.”
      Now, do Christians strive for obedience, holiness, keeping of the law? Yes! Why? They are regenerate, indwelt by the Spirit of God. They are convicted when they fall and live a life of repentance. But they already have been saved. Obeying and keeping the law amounts to good works, which glorify God and are profitable for men, i.e., your neighbor.
      Titus 3: 3-8 "For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people."
      The Prophet Jeremiah applies Psalm 1 to the believer: Jeremiah 17: 7-8 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
      whose trust is the Lord.
      He is like a tree planted by water,
      that sends out its roots by the stream,
      and does not fear when heat comes,
      for its leaves remain green,
      and is not anxious in the year of drought,
      for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
      The blessed man is the one who trusts in the Lord, who takes refuse in Him. Not the one who obeys or keeps the law. And yes, the gospel is good news because Christ fulfilled what needed to be done. All you said is true about Christ conquering. But you don't do the conquering or aid in it. It is finished, and your job is to take refuge in Him. In Exodus with the plagues, the blood on the doorpost and being passed over by the angel of death points to Christ. The angel saw the blood of the spotless lamb on the door post and passed over. There was no checking to see levels of obedience, etc.
      This in no way gives license to sin, for how can you? This realization should bring you on your knees in fear and trembling, awe and joy and joyful obedience and a heart full of love for Christ to live for His glory and in a manner worthy of your calling. The Puritans were hardcore reformed and they preached a TON on obedience, but they all knew that salvation comes through faith alone. People who believe this gives them a free license to sin are damned, they are missing the point of the gospel. Obedience is a fruit, you are no longer a slave to sin but a slave of righteousness, that's the consequence of salvation. In other words it is going to happen in some degree or another. Some produce fruit 30 fold, some 60, some 70, etc., as Christ told in parable of the Sower, but they all bore fruit.

  • @Dean-bx8mv
    @Dean-bx8mv 24 дні тому +2

    Wow thank you guys that is so good that really blessed my soul today

  • @lai7527
    @lai7527 21 день тому

    I just recently learned about your channel and love your ministry! I'm looking forward to watching all your videos! I believe you are teaching the true Gospel and not complicating it with entering One Door with entry fees and backloading salvation with "good works." And to all the naysayers who accuse you of antinomianism, they could not be more wrong. I believe you both are being like Paul and exhorting believers to let their minds be transformed, to draw closer to Christ, to turn from our sins, and serve Him. Your channel and a few more like yours has reinforced that Christ must be the object of our faith and not of ourselves. Keep fighting the good fight Brothers! ❤

  • @chrisland4023
    @chrisland4023 22 дні тому +3

    Yes, Jesus is the one who perfectly obeyed the Word of God, but that does not mean we shouldn't strive to be the man Psalm 1 describes. We should be meditating on the Word and keep away from sin. There will be times we stumble, but we can confess our sins and God is faithful to forgive because we have Christ as our advocate. We can be obedient Christians while resting in Christ. We can have piety without being legalistic.

    • @mpprod6631
      @mpprod6631 20 днів тому +1

      So, that is true. The third use of the law is necessary. The law governs how we are to operate together as believers. However, that’s not really the point of this video. The point of the video is to crush the self justifiers. There is NO justification outside of Christ. Yet, people will lower the standard of the law and erect their own standard and attempt to have others obey their standard to be good “Christians.” This happens alot. Things like don’t go to movie theaters, don’t wear jeans, use a certain Bible version, don’t listen to certain music, and etc. and etc. The message of the Bible is that you are inadequate. God has saved you. Now live in light of that reality. Think of Matthew 18 and the slave that has been forgive an unimaginable debt. That is us. Of course we will strive to point others to that reality and seek to glorify God for what He has done for us. Not so that we may be blessed to bring it back to Psalms 1. Why? Because you already ARE blessed because of Christ.

  • @MeiravBerale
    @MeiravBerale 19 днів тому

    Amen! Understanding this truth is what made it possible for me to actually read the psalms without feeling crushed. I'm not that person, but I know the One who is.

  • @blank-964
    @blank-964 23 дні тому +2

    really enjoyed this one

      @THEOCAST  22 дні тому

      Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @feltonite
    @feltonite 15 днів тому

    This is so good!

  • @jburghau
    @jburghau 24 дні тому +2

    Excellent. Thank you.

  • @DanDelzell
    @DanDelzell 24 дні тому +4

    We're doing a summer sermon series out of Psalms this summer. We have a great, reformed, expository teacher as our pastor and he tought Psalm 1 exactly like this. God blesses me tremendously through teaching like this.

  • @NicholasproclaimerofMessiah
    @NicholasproclaimerofMessiah 24 дні тому +1

    Luke 24 v27 must be the most underutilized verse in all of Scripture.
    "And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he [Lord Jesus after His resurrection] expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself."

  • @thenonprofitprophet588
    @thenonprofitprophet588 24 дні тому +1

    I kiss your feet. ihave been reading p1 as myself in light of being IN Him, so it has always been a comfort not a condemnation to me, i quote this to myself on many a day. you combining of p1=2 is beautiful.
    i have been teaching this idea of of find Christ first in the Word rather than look from what am i responsible for. the gospel is truly finished. Praise His name forever. i am overcome with joy.
    i was brought up in a Calvinist tradition but doctrine did not line up with lots of scripture to me, so i decided to take of my Calvin glasses and put on my Christ glasses. Luther was a dreat help with his comentary on Galations and passive ( alien) righteousness. then Andrew Murray's Abide in Christ.
    Romans ! says being ungreatfull is the begining of the decline of man. how sn we not be graetful with the finished work of Christ'
    thank you for your much need work.

  • @pandiario1
    @pandiario1 20 днів тому

    Psalm 1 is about the attributes of a godly man and the destruction of the ungodly. Jesus is the Lord

  • @SG483
    @SG483 21 день тому


  • @NorfairEbay
    @NorfairEbay 24 дні тому +2

    Haven't watched yet, but I hope "you probably think this Psalm is about you" is quoted at least once 😂

    • @chrisjohnson9542
      @chrisjohnson9542 24 дні тому

      You're so vain you probably think this comment is about you. Lol
      I always four the song kinda ironic if you really think about it because obviously the song was about someone. So if the person who the song was about heard it and wondered if it was about them then it would be true and not vain at all. 😅

  • @otaKUsportsJP
    @otaKUsportsJP 23 дні тому +2

    I have a serious question. I had never heard that Psalm 1 & 2 were originally read as one psalm. My question is, why does Paul, when quoting Psalm 2:7, refer to it as the "second psalm" in Acts 13:33 (ESV) if they were to be read as one psalm? I do not mean that to be argumentative, but I am seriously wondering.

  • @billdiaper8039
    @billdiaper8039 23 дні тому +1

    I love this song. I’m a poet and it’s a incredible song and therefore it easily encourages one to apply to oneself which I totally agree is not the way to go. We have a blessed man who we can run to in our time of need and find Grace and Mercy that is the joy

  • @joeywampler298
    @joeywampler298 24 дні тому +1

    Well, that was awesome!

    • @scottsinger273
      @scottsinger273 24 дні тому

      They got quite a few to seriously save for the "go to library"!
      These guys have been extremely helpful!
      You obviously see that too!!

  • @danielkim672
    @danielkim672 24 дні тому +1


  • @DwainDippel-st9be
    @DwainDippel-st9be 24 дні тому +2

    This is just a wonderful balance of law and gospel! A great start to my day!

  • @forresterj
    @forresterj 24 дні тому

    I am the vine, you are the branches. I am blessed if i see that i am in Christ.

  • @garithstelly9145
    @garithstelly9145 24 дні тому

    People that believes that their works is part of their salvation will stay loss and will not here unless they repent-meaning change their mind🙏

  • @Luis_Barrios
    @Luis_Barrios 24 дні тому +1

    Wow, I have literally been wrestling with this Psalm these past few weeks, over some decisions I have to make in my life, and you brought light to it!

  • @ChristianMusicByDallas
    @ChristianMusicByDallas 24 дні тому +2

    Most of the bible isnt about us. In this day. The parts that are about us are stated with explanations like "the whole earth" and "for all generations", etc.
    I groan when people claim promises that have been historically fulfilled.

  • @robertsullivan6656
    @robertsullivan6656 20 днів тому

    Just wondering about Mary who was called highly favoured. How does your take on blessedness translate to the blessedness of Mary ie is she on par with Jesus. Or can blessed be used in different ways.

  • @jessaalyawan6411
    @jessaalyawan6411 12 днів тому

    Amen!! 🤍

  • @robertlotzer7627
    @robertlotzer7627 21 день тому

    The blessed man is the son whom the nations must kiss less he become angry and they perish in the way. Bookends!

  • @brucedavenport7016
    @brucedavenport7016 21 день тому

    Virtually nobody could get past the standard set in the first verse!
    Isaiah 30:9 That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:
    Daniel 9:11 Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice; therefore the curse is poured upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him.
    Hosea 4:6 ¶ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
    and on and on and on....

  • @Dee-lm5ov
    @Dee-lm5ov 22 дні тому

    So what did the original audience understand when they read or heard this Psalm ? Because that is always the starting point. How did it fit with in the context of the covenant God had with his people in their time? The timeless truth in verse 6 for new testament believer is that I don't have a righteousness of my own. But a righteousness that has been inputed onto me by grace through faith in Jesus. And I am sanctified and I am being sanctified. But I am righteous before God by grace a righteousness not of my own from the law but that which is through faith in Jesus Christ, the righteousness from God on the basis of faith. Praise the Lord! Walk, stand and sit of verse 1 is growing comfort with the people, places and activities of the world system who are hostile to God. As opposed to having a new heart with new desires and a new love and reverence for God and the things of God and his living word.

  • @davidrussell631
    @davidrussell631 23 дні тому +1

    If the righteous, blessed man of Psalm 1 is exclusively Christ, then why the mention of the “congregation of the righteous” in verse 5?

    • @mullcorin6810
      @mullcorin6810 22 дні тому +1

      The same way that in the Gospel there is only one man righteous by his own deeds, and yet there is a congregation of those made righteous through him.

    • @psalms.j4025
      @psalms.j4025 20 днів тому

      @@mullcorin6810 but that’s not the point of the psalm. It’s point is to show a contrast between the ways of the wicked and the ways of the righteous. The righteous do no listen to the advice of the wicked or walk in their path but they meditate on Gods law (Torah). The wicked on the other hand continue to delight in their wickedness. I get that we should view Psalms with the lens of looking for the Messiah, but that’s only a select few of psalms, such as Psalm 2, psalm 8, etc.

    • @mullcorin6810
      @mullcorin6810 20 днів тому

      ​@@psalms.j4025 I disagree with you because Psalm 1 is intimately linked with Psalm 2. Yes, principle can be drawn from it, and for us who are in Christ it should spur us on to meditate on his law, and to reject the way of the wicked. But your assertion doesn't change that, grammatically, the one blessed man is contrasted with the many wicked - you even had to remove that distinction to make your point. Ps.1 is not the language of principle.
      Methodologically, I am curious how you decide whether a Psalm is about Christ (primarily and intentionally). Is Psalm 16? Is Psalm 22?

  • @yeshuaneitheristheresalvat8018
    @yeshuaneitheristheresalvat8018 23 дні тому +1

    Certainly it pertains to the God Man IN AN ABSTRACT WAY. But to the saints in any age that stands, sits, and walks in holiness and not with the wicked.
    There are contrasts in this instruction concerning good and evil, life and death, blessing and cursing.
    This one is not shut up completely to Christ (WHICH IS IN AN ABSTRACT WAY), but also with the saints walking in Him. After all, if we are, it is Christ in us isn't it.
    Some things beling soley to Him, others soley to us, still others to both.
    Bring forth fruit in its season. Christ always brought fruit, IMMEDIATELY. THERE WAS NO WAITING. With us, yes sometimes a waiting period for fruit to surface. Abraham many years later. And yes we are aware that it takes in the type of early and latter harvest, but it certainly takes in the saint also by the very context of the Psalm.
    Did Enoch walk in the council of the ungodly, or stand with them, or sit with them, no.
    Notice the conditions.
    "But now, the righteousness of God revealed, APART FROM THE LAW, BORNE WITNESS TO BY THE LAW AND PROPHETS..."
    They found their fulfillment in Him. THEY WITNESSED HIM.
    Own no one anything, exceot to love...".

  • @dwaynejohnson4662
    @dwaynejohnson4662 24 дні тому +1

    so in christ im perfectly obedient and righteous before god because what christ accomplished is credited to me?

    • @shannonmorgan2866
      @shannonmorgan2866 24 дні тому


    • @charlesgilbert5682
      @charlesgilbert5682 22 дні тому


    • @charlesgilbert5682
      @charlesgilbert5682 22 дні тому

      I John 3:7 ...let no man deceive you, he that doeth righteousness is righteous...

    • @mpprod6631
      @mpprod6631 20 днів тому

      @@charlesgilbert5682who does righteousness though?
      9 What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin,
      10 as it is written: "None is righteous, no, not one; (Romans 3:9-10, ESV)
      If your ultimate conclusion from scripture is “do this and you will live,” there is no possible way to be saved. Because no one is capable of doing perfectly. That’s the message of the law. You must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect. You can slice it or dice it any way you want, but there is no way for you to obtain that. So the obvious answer is that someONE had to do it for you. That is the gospel. It’s not what you have done, but what has been done for you. Either accept or deny, but there is no way for you to obtain without perfection.

  • @mirainelaplace
    @mirainelaplace 23 дні тому +1

    Thank you for explaining Psalms 1 in a Gospel-centered manner. Thank you also for addressing the objections related to the "authorial intent". It really helps a lot on honing my skill in Biblical interpretation. Keep up the good work!

      @THEOCAST  23 дні тому

      You are so welcome!

  • @markrademaker5875
    @markrademaker5875 23 дні тому

    The new heavens and the new earth is a synonym for New Covenant living, in other words, our present reality. Notice that there is sickness [Rev.22:2] death and sinners [Isaiah 65:17ff] in The New. The New is all about the betterness/greaterness of life in Christ post Old Covenant...the book of Hebrews fleshes this out quite well.
    1 John 4:10,11

  • @KrazyJojo4594
    @KrazyJojo4594 24 дні тому

    The law of the Lord is to believe in Jesus. That’s what we meditate on. If we believe, we are counted righteous and blessed.
    This psalm is about us.
    Romans 7
    25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the MIND I myself serve the law of God; but with the FLESH the law of sin.
    Galatians 3
    9 So then THEY WHICH BE OF FAITH ARE BLESSED with faithful Abraham.

  • @forresterj
    @forresterj 24 дні тому +1

    You shall love the Lord your God with All Your Heart.
    Who shall save me from this body of death. Thanks be to God who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

    • @dedios03
      @dedios03 24 дні тому +2

      Therefore, my brethren, ye also have become dead to the law by the body of Christ, that ye should be married to another, even to Him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.

    • @forresterj
      @forresterj 24 дні тому +1


  • @josephpchajek2685
    @josephpchajek2685 24 дні тому +16

    Actually I'd definitely say you don't understand psalm 1.

    • @dedios03
      @dedios03 24 дні тому +5

      actually I say they do Describe and you may be self righteously deceived

    • @KnightFel
      @KnightFel 24 дні тому

      Oh, they do understand it just like St. Augustine.

    • @lai7527
      @lai7527 21 день тому

      You need to read Augustine's writings to truly know that these guys are teaching a better Gospel than Augustine. Augustine came out of Gnosticism and mixed scripture with Gnostic beliefs. Augustine's version overcomplicates the Gospel with philosophies that block the view of the Gospel.

    • @andyspaulding5102
      @andyspaulding5102 20 днів тому

      @@InTruthandLoveHey now, I’m Baptist and totally agree with you! And the King Baptist CH Spurgeon would also agree!😅

    • @tfisher7467
      @tfisher7467 14 днів тому

      ​@@andyspaulding5102 could you please reference where Surgeon agrees? I've been looking but cannot find. I would like it to be clearer that the blessed man is speaking about Jesus.

  • @thomasalbinholmes2538
    @thomasalbinholmes2538 24 дні тому +1

    You may not be telling people not to pursue righteousness. But your theology does not generally result in the sort of pursuit of righteousness that Jesus calls us to.

    • @AaWa-dp4oq
      @AaWa-dp4oq 24 дні тому

      That is typical of Calvinist theology. It’s why I left Calvinism aka “reformed theology”. There is no hope under their ideology. Once we are saved, we can, by the power of the Holy Spirit choose to do what we ought (but that doesn’t seem to be what I’ve heard reformed people teach). Conversely, we can grieve the spirit and obey the flesh.

    • @KnightFel
      @KnightFel 24 дні тому +1

      Please, tell that to the Puritans. It's the weak preaching of the US evangelical churches that has the effect you are saying. Reformed theology doesn't do that. You should read The Valley of Vision. If the overwhelming love of God does not control you, something is wrong.

    • @KnightFel
      @KnightFel 24 дні тому +2

      @@AaWa-dp4oq If you see no hope in this then you are totally lost on what Reformed theology teaches. This is nothing but pure hope and joy and desire for holiness. No clue what you guys are talking about.

    • @AaWa-dp4oq
      @AaWa-dp4oq 24 дні тому

      @@KnightFel I’m not talking about this particular video. I’m talking about the totality of Calvinism and exhaustive divine determinism, among other issues with reformed doctrine.

    • @thomasalbinholmes2538
      @thomasalbinholmes2538 24 дні тому

      @@KnightFel I am not an expert on the Puritans. But from what I know, they were willing to engage in warfare and witch hunts. Apparently a good number of people died at the hands of Puritans, which reveals a total failure to grasp one of the most important principles Jesus taught. And while that is a different form of disobedience from the licentiousness and laxity that marks many of today's conservative churches, it still reveals a loose approach to the commands of Christ. Luther and Calvin were like that, too. They were very serious about personal holiness and prayer and certain spiritual disciplines. But when it came to love for enemies, they either ignored or totally misunderstood what Jesus commanded. And I think it is their theology that produced that loose handling of the teaching of Christ. If they had grasped the true gospel, I think it would have produced in them a serious application of Jesus' command to love our neighbor and our enemies.

  • @waynemershon4622
    @waynemershon4622 24 дні тому +3

    I wonder if these 2 didn't have some type of traumatic experience in a hyper-fundamentalist church which led them to over-correct and land at the other extreme.
    This is a common issue in which people leave hyper-legalist churches and end up doing a "zero to sixty" transformation.
    However, this leads to theologically and morally compromised outcomes.
    No doubt this podcast has given the validation to many who wish to indulge themselves in sin while
    "resting in Christ".
    The irrefutable reality is that while we are saved 100% by grace, there is a degree of responsibility we have to remain in Christ by making godly choices in our everyday lives.

    • @thomasalbinholmes2538
      @thomasalbinholmes2538 24 дні тому

      Well said.

    • @scottsinger273
      @scottsinger273 24 дні тому

      These guys posted this truth the other day....
      We didn't do anything to save ourselves!
      Nor do we do anything to maintain ourselves!
      Christ secures our future and inheritance!
      Pretty simple, anything else taught is pure heresy!

    • @scottsinger273
      @scottsinger273 24 дні тому

      These guys posted this truth the other day....
      We didn't do anything to save ourselves!
      Nor do we do anything to maintain ourselves!
      Christ secures our future and inheritance!
      Pretty simple, anything else taught is pure heresy!

    • @scottsinger273
      @scottsinger273 24 дні тому

      These guys posted this truth the other day....
      We didn't do anything to save ourselves!
      Nor do we do anything to maintain ourselves!
      Christ secures our future and inheritance!
      Pretty simple, anything else taught is pure heresy!

    • @scottsinger273
      @scottsinger273 24 дні тому +1

      My bad, my phone messed up, didnt mean to make it 3 times!

  • @Psalm37-
    @Psalm37- 22 дні тому

    This is incorrect

  • @Christian-vq8rd
    @Christian-vq8rd 19 днів тому +2

    You're unbalanced, not confessional.

  • @Aaronservant0
    @Aaronservant0 24 дні тому +2

    Any gospel presentation without the Law is not the gospel. I encourage any on the journey to come to Christ to listen to John MacArthur's Gospel presentation and/or Ray Comfort. The Theocast guys teach like antinomians leading you to believe there is no problem with drugs, fornication, or lewd carousing.

    • @dedios03
      @dedios03 24 дні тому +1

      That is not true at all and you are condemned in your own.Filthy sin conscious mind.
      Rate comfort in john mccarther , along with every other religion teaches like you do damning people to hell Because of trust in their own righteousness
      Rom 7
      Therefore, my brethren, ye also have become dead to the law by the body of Christ, that ye should be married to another, even to Him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.
      Galatians 3:21-25
      King James Version
      21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.
      22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.
      23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
      24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
      25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

    • @Aaronservant0
      @Aaronservant0 24 дні тому

      @@dedios03 Baptists dismiss swaths of NT discourses under the chant of "no works based righteousness". They lose perspective of the true Christian life that respect's God's law as sinners in faith. They dont understand that. They are total antinomians/satanists (do whatever thy will) in personal conduct doctrine.
      They bear a logical fallacy where one cant lose their salvation in a free will universe; that you cant sin your way out or have a wrong take on sin that leads to a complete loss of faith and rejection of God. What's more of a common problem of theirs is the ratio of false conversions they invite with this doctrine.
      They claim the scriptures teach you are to realize God will take you no matter how carnal, unfruitful and disobedient you are. Only you have to ignore the NT apostasy teachings and fruit bearing requirements that are...everywhere.
      If you lose a gift, you didnt earn it. If you lose salvation, you didnt earn salvation to begin with; you just lost it. You gain salvation thru faith. You lose it through carnality, unfruitfulness, disobedience leading to loss of faith.
      Faith is dependency on God in obedience, not trust he will save you in disobedience.

    • @Aaronservant0
      @Aaronservant0 24 дні тому

      @@dedios03 The Law of Moses for Jew Justification was the subject of thise verses cited. We side with Paul and this is not being argued. What is being argued is Baptists accuse Christians of "works based salvation" who acknowledge the scope of scripture pertaining to holiness after coming to faith. These are based in God's moral law which in the NT does not save but is the template for conduct of Christians bearing fruit. There are apostasy discourses, and God's rejection for unfruitfulness...everywhere in the NT but are dismissed by Baptist clinging to the mantra"Once saved always saved".
      The sum is Baptist that teach that carnality to no end and fruitless living in building the kingdom is logically fine for saved persons, "God will have you anyway."

    • @danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb
      @danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb 24 дні тому

      ​ @Aaronservant0
      Man you dont know nothing. 1st if you know the Scripture,you would never send anyone to other man to teach them. Because none of those 2 were went trough the door. None was taught by God John 6 : 45
      Those are the once Jesus speak in John 10 : 1
      2nd. God never gave no law,or commandments. You said it yourself Law of Moses. And because its not Gods law,Jesus did not follow that man made rules that have appearance of godliness . That´s why minions followed Him around complaining that He does not keep nothing..
      Who cares what Baptist ,Catholic,or any teach..Its the same man made religious fairy tale that caused IL to stumble.
      Or you gonna be taught by God,or dont speak...Because you dont know what you are talking about..Only the Truth shall set people free from religious fables.
      Do you even know what the fruits are?

    • @KnightFel
      @KnightFel 24 дні тому +2

      You are 100% factually wrong. Paul was accused of the same as well. Let that sink in.