Omg. I just found your Channel Now. Whish I had found it a year and a half ago when I had my First Inguinal Hernia Surgery. I live in Toronto so I went to Local Hospital here. It was an open Surgery. I had 8 stitches across my waistline. The First 4 Days were very painful even with the Drugs they gave me. I was fully healed in a month. Then a year and a Half later It came back. I just went for my Second Hernia Surgery Yesterday at the same hospital. This time is was laposcopic. I think the open was less invasive inside but more invasive outside. This time around it's less invasive outside but more invasive inside. I feel a lot more uncomfortable this time around. My entire lower torso is sore, bloated, red and just very aqwuard feeling. This is day 2. I'm walking around a bit but it hurts even with the meds. I will take the Senakot laxative tommorow as I havnt gone to the washroom since the morning of the Surgery. I'm afraid to go. Will it rupture anything? I have gas pain too. I'm using ice packs for the swelling. Any advice?
*Tips and information for recovering from Hernia Surgery if you live alone.* These are things you should do before you leave the house to go for surgery. This includes but is not limited to: Cook and prepare a week’s worth of meals and snacks before surgery. Meals that will be easy to pass through your digestive system. Things like vegetable soup with beans, carrots, celery…, oatmeal with prunes, egg salad, chicken salad, steamed carrots, broccoli, asparagus… low fat and low grease type foods. Snacks like apples, oranges, *ripe* bananas, all kinds of fruits and berries are good to keep things moving. Start taking a stool softener one or two days before surgery and then continue taking it when you get back home. Wear loose fitting clothes to the hospital and continue to do so when you get back home. Example: I took a shower that morning with an antibacterial soap, I wore clean socks, slippers, sweatpants with no underpants, a T-Shirt, and no jewelry of any kind. In a ziplock bag place your keys, ID card, a credit card, medical insurance cards, and give it to your driver to hold. Do not take your phone to surgery. Leave your phone at home, on your nightstand, and fully charged. Place something next to your toilet you can grab onto to help you get on and off the toilet. Do the same for your bed and other areas you may sit. Have toothpaste, toothbrush, and floss out and ready to use. A glass to use for water to rinse out your mouth. You’re not going to be able to bend over to _cup water_ into your hands. If you don’t already have a _grabber,_ get one. Place a thermometer on your nightstand and make sure it is in working order. Have on hand at least two ice packs that you can wrap a clean cloth around to put over the location of surgery and rotate them from the freezer as needed. This will keep the swelling down. Read your after surgery instructions and follow them. Listen to your doctor and follow his/her orders. Keep the wound area clean and GENTALY clean it with an antibacterial soap every morning and again before you go to bed at night. Have clean sheets on your bed. The next day get up and walk but be careful. I walked outside twice around the cul-de-sac four times a day starting the day right after surgery. Twice in the morning, once in the afternoon, and then again in the evening. Have plenty of water and Gatorade on hand, and before you leave for surgery place a few bottles on your nightstand, computer desk, kitchen table, kitchen counters, your television chair, and in your refrigerator. Drink plenty of liquids. At least four bottles per day. Take pain medication as needed but don’t overdo it. All pain medications can cause constipation and trust me, you don’t want that. A list of movies you may want to watch. I am not going to sugarcoat this for you. It’s going to be hard. The first three days are not going to be pretty, they are hard and tough, so be ready. It gets easier on your fourth day. Good luck and I hope this helps.
My right inguinal hernia would pop in and out as I transitioned from sitting or lying down to standing, and I also felt the mild burning sensation described in this video. I’m 3 days post-op as I write this. So far so good following my laparoscopic surgery using Bard 3D mesh. I’m 57.
Shouldice Hospital Markham Ontario Canada 🍁 . Outside Toronto. agree. No mesh. Steel sutr 👌 Great food. The place is more like a resort and so relaxing. They keep you for 4 days so you can recover easily and faster. Check the Google map reviews. By putting in your Google maps. Shouldice hospital Markham Ontario Canada. And read the reviews and see the pics
I am reaching out to you with a very strong suspicion Yoni. Our microbes process the food we eat. Certain foods cause the microbes to expel quite a bit of gas, aka, farts. This is held inside the region where the hernia pops through the fascia and other tissue. I believe the constant pressure eventually forces a rub and burst through this tisssue. I am on my 2nd inguinal hernia. It popped when I yelled and sneezed at the same time in 2008. My first was in 1963, no mesh back then and it was on the right side. I was 9 back then. My mother blamed milk for my epilepsy. They wrote in the report that they thought she was basically a nut. But milk proteins have been connected to epileptic seizures in some. I stopped the milk and so did my seizures. I chose to quit phenol barbital on my own at 12. As you know Doc, dairy and certain foods cause extreme amounts of gas formed by the microbes in our guts. Fasting on water for a time allows the microbial activity to calm down. During that time, the body begins to mend the tissue that was gently burst open. This is no different than a laceration on the skin. The body seeks to protect itself and repair what it can. Stupidly and fearful of permanent damage by some surgeon, I have waited 16 years while trying to figure this out. I suggest the genetic predisposition is a stretch in the vast majority of all hernias. Many humans just stuff their guts and hope it all comes out okay. It blows my mind how stupid our human civilization has become. Is it possible that a beef only diet may help? All the garbage chemicals and sugars pot in body buildimg powders cause intestinal gas production. Small clean meat meals and water may mitigate the bloat and allow the abdominal tears to heal. I am open to a call with you if you want to explore this theory further. I am the "Only Man" that has ever said this. You are the first I share it with because of my wife's incredible trust in you. Thanks Doc, Art
I too believe that keeping the intestines as clean as possible may be the ultimate answer though I can’t see how one could accomplish this with animal products. We are Great Apes and were not designed to eat animal proteins which go rotten in our long gut designed for greens and fruits.
In 2022 I had a laparoscopic appendectomy. I have had recurring pain in the left abdominal area for almost 2 years. For about 3 months I have often felt increased pain and hardening when bending over, which disappear after about a minute and I can push this thickening back into the abdomen. It also seems to me that the food stays in the system longer. I'm now sure that I have a hernia and tomorrow I'm going straight to the hospital for a diagnosis.
had mesh done in 2020.In 2021 i had a fibroid myomectomy and the gyn surgeon cut through the mesh repair so now i have a new hernia. I hate to do another surgery again.
I've read somewhere that ca. 20% of mesh hernia repairs cause problems afterwards. If need be, go for a non-mesh repair. In Amsterdam, it costs about 2.500 euros incl. 2 days for Hotel recovery incl. surgeon check-up visits.
Great info concerning hernias. Are there ways of protecting from further damage if you had a partially torn repair & don't want further surgery. I have had a previous surgical repair of an umbilical hernia...repaired at 60..but now at 72 is partially torn again ...but not much in the way of symptoms & a mild deformity in the area. Should I wear a compression belt or something ? Is breathing technique useful to reduce pressure on effort. How to avoid surgery ...for cowards Thank you
Thanks for asking, Richard! Factors that will strain/contribute to a hernia include: carrying extra weight around the midsection, chronic coughing, tobacco use, straining associated with constipation & heavy lifting. Controlling all of those would of course, positively influence surgical outcomes. According to hernia experts like Dr. Yunis, surgery is only way to actually repair the underlying structural issue.
Thanks Josephine! For the record, the desire to avoid surgery (whenever possible) is a good thing and is no indication of cowardice. I worry the a compression belt could create a false sense of security and allow you do things that might lead to bigger problems down the line. For those unwilling to undergo surgical correction, controlling the various factors that contribute to hernia would certainly be helpful - things like being overweight/obese, tobacco use, chronic coughing, heavy lifting & straining under load.
@@painfixprotocol Unfortunately, Dr. Whitten, none of those conditions exist in my life now, though I was morbidly obese when the hernia formed. Lost 110 pounds five years ago and have kept 90 percent off. But that umbilical hernia budded again...maybe because I religiously stretch and try to use my abdominal muscles.
I would be very interested in learning more about which type or types of hernias they're treating, the techniques they're using and seeing imaging studies that demonstrate hernia repair without surgery. Please share references for any research you've read on this topic.
I’ve had this Inguinal Hernia for around 5 months and it’s been a real pain even with the use a truss and an extra belt to tighten the truss at the site of the bulge. Lately it’s been easier to deal with as I’ve begun dry fasting , Having less liquids and solids to get stuck in the hernia site has been a relief. I do need more time to do more research before committing to any form of Surgery. If I have any nutrition, it will be fresh juices only at bedtime. I believe that if I can become a breatharian like Elitom Elamin or Jasmuheen , I won’t be bothered by this hernia at all and it might even heal itself. I also use an inversion table and a device that is supposed to fix the neck and restore the correct curve to help the posture which is critical to hernia prevention.
Very early stage of a inguinal hernia on my right side. I don’t have any pain, but I’m afraid to go 100% at the gym. I know it only gets worse over time. A big part of me wants to just get a surgery done so I can heal faster and be back to working out hard. I’m just not sure if I should do anything if I’m not in pain right now, but from what I hear it’s better to address this earlier than later. Any thoughts? Also I can’t decide if mesh is the way to go. At first I thought it was, but I keep seeing negatives about it. Thanks 🙏
Such good questions! The research and experts like Dr. Yunis are in agreement. These injuries do not tend to get better on their own and, as much as it pains me to say it (as a rehab specialist), it doesn't seem possible to rehab/strengthen your way out. Early surgical intervention - before problems become severe - appears to be the best option. As for mesh versus no mesh, the success rates are almost identical. Which is best depends on the individual (type/severity of the problem) and the surgeon's expertise.
I enjoy the information My mother was 93 years old they did a hundred year 100 year a repair on her which this hernia developed after she got sick and she she had a hernia in her navel from a baby but then she was hurting really bad and I took her to the emergency room they said that she had kidney stones or something not kidney stones it was some some other kind of stones that she had in her lower colon was going through the hernia before she went to the emergency room we had been I've been trying to work on her with her she had to shake out and rector cancer it was very rare and evidently on the growth where it started Laurel: and she developed the second hernia down right before her growing area underneath her belly and the colon the small intestines went through the hernia they went in they repaired the hernia but the intestines got muster got a little hole in it because my mother body started getting septic and she passed away
Iv been diagnosed with an epigastric hernia just above my belly button. Dr says it’s too small to operate. But I am experiencing extreme pain sometimes in the area. He told me to continue with heavy lifting in gym as normal. I’m worried i’ll put myself at serious risk doing this. But gym is my life, I absolutely love it and don’t want to give it up. Any advice? Thanks!
Sorry to hear about your injury, Laura! My first step would be to get a second opinion. Second step would be to modify training to reduce pain as much as possible.
@@painfixprotocol thanks so much. I will definitely look into a second opinion. I’m not 100% sure what exercises are more risky, but I’ve stopped ab exercises and will look into how else I can modify things. Thank you :)
I appreciate all your vids Yoni...such vital info, especially after my injuries from a drunk driver t-boning me last summer....still on a walker with tibia healed but have scar tissue preventing my right knee from bending more than 85% and my r foot cannot bend too you know any non-invasive therapy to remove internal scars? I really want to walk without my walker! Thanks for all you do!
I have an inguinal hernia and one surgeon wants to use the robot and another wants to do it by hand because she says it is more reliable and she can see exactly where the mesh is placed... So I decided to just wait.
After speaking to Dr. Yunis, I came to understand that using the robot is a skill unto itself, it requires lots of training and practice and ultimately, it's only as good as the surgeon operating the machine.
I had laposcopic bilaterial hernia repair in 202, obvious bulges on both sides, and then in December 2024, had open inguinal hernia on right side due to a "recurrence" bulge. However, during the open surgery, the surgeon stated he had difficult time isolating the hernia (used valsalva procedure), layed patch and sewed me up. Healing went well, but still have a bulge directly over the scar. I thought this was just the healing ridge but it is now about 9.5 months. It is a squishy lump that after a long day of activity appears larger and then shrinks after sleeping. Does anyone have a clue what this could be - it is obviously not a true hernia per say.
Good question, Matt. I believe the answer is yes - assuming your surgeon is trained in the technique and it lends itself to your situation. But I would recommend reaching out to an expert like Dr. Yunis to confirm.
While targeted rehab and strengthening can be helpful for reducing pain and disability, surgery is the only way I'm aware of to actually repair the tissue.
Bless you sir, I've a hernia the size of a grape fruit just above my belly button. Came with pregnancy 2022 gave birth through CS. MY CHILD is barely two years old. Don't know if I can withstand full Anastasia. Pls I really need it advis. Am so scared
wat can u do to void surgery as I just got a hernia dr st hospital just told me to relax and going on almost 3 months now since it started and hurts to the touch ???
Good question! I was very interested in this myself going into this conversation. My clinical experience matches up with what Dr. Yunis said - once a hernia has occurred, the only way to fix it completely, is with surgery.
Thanks for sharing and that's great! But, it's important to clarify the terms. It is certainly possible to relieve symptoms/decrease pain and even return to activity using exercises and rehabilitation. However, I have not seen a case where before and after imaging demonstrates that an inguinal hernia has repaired itself through rehab alone.
I just have a hernia that has probably been developing over the years. I consider myslef pretty fit… I cough a lot when I get a cold, or when I got covid. That surely didn’t help. :(
@@painfixprotocolso many studies (hundreds out there) where modern natural tissue repair (Desarda, Shouldice) have similar recurrence rates (sometimes Desarda even statistically lower) than mesh based repair
Maybe not universal research, but plenty of personal real life experiences out there. Most doctors are dismissive of mesh concerns which makes you not want to trust.
Yes indeed Sew the breached open area up using strong sutures? Maybe even transplanted muscle fibres from same patient (donor) then all the patient needs to do is take it easy and show discipline for the duration to allow ample healing time
@@TineSkrede So sorry, Swedish to English translation doesn't recognize that word. What I can tell you is that there are no reliable methods non-surgical methods for repairing a hernia.
Omg. I just found your Channel Now. Whish I had found it a year and a half ago when I had my First Inguinal Hernia Surgery. I live in Toronto so I went to Local Hospital here. It was an open Surgery. I had 8 stitches across my waistline. The First 4 Days were very painful even with the Drugs they gave me. I was fully healed in a month. Then a year and a Half later It came back. I just went for my Second Hernia Surgery Yesterday at the same hospital. This time is was laposcopic. I think the open was less invasive inside but more invasive outside. This time around it's less invasive outside but more invasive inside. I feel a lot more uncomfortable this time around. My entire lower torso is sore, bloated, red and just very aqwuard feeling. This is day 2. I'm walking around a bit but it hurts even with the meds. I will take the Senakot laxative tommorow as I havnt gone to the washroom since the morning of the Surgery. I'm afraid to go. Will it rupture anything? I have gas pain too. I'm using ice packs for the swelling. Any advice?
Wonderful information I have abdominal hernia need surgery
So glad this video was helpful for you, Donna! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
*Tips and information for recovering from Hernia Surgery if you live alone.*
These are things you should do before you leave the house to go for surgery. This includes but is not limited to:
Cook and prepare a week’s worth of meals and snacks before surgery. Meals that will be easy to pass through your digestive system. Things like vegetable soup with beans, carrots, celery…, oatmeal with prunes, egg salad, chicken salad, steamed carrots, broccoli, asparagus… low fat and low grease type foods. Snacks like apples, oranges, *ripe* bananas, all kinds of fruits and berries are good to keep things moving.
Start taking a stool softener one or two days before surgery and then continue taking it when you get back home.
Wear loose fitting clothes to the hospital and continue to do so when you get back home.
Example: I took a shower that morning with an antibacterial soap, I wore clean socks, slippers, sweatpants with no underpants, a T-Shirt, and no jewelry of any kind.
In a ziplock bag place your keys, ID card, a credit card, medical insurance cards, and give it to your driver to hold.
Do not take your phone to surgery. Leave your phone at home, on your nightstand, and fully charged.
Place something next to your toilet you can grab onto to help you get on and off the toilet. Do the same for your bed and other areas you may sit.
Have toothpaste, toothbrush, and floss out and ready to use. A glass to use for water to rinse out your mouth. You’re not going to be able to bend over to _cup water_ into your hands.
If you don’t already have a _grabber,_ get one.
Place a thermometer on your nightstand and make sure it is in working order.
Have on hand at least two ice packs that you can wrap a clean cloth around to put over the location of surgery and rotate them from the freezer as needed. This will keep the swelling down.
Read your after surgery instructions and follow them. Listen to your doctor and follow his/her orders. Keep the wound area clean and GENTALY clean it with an antibacterial soap every morning and again before you go to bed at night.
Have clean sheets on your bed.
The next day get up and walk but be careful. I walked outside twice around the cul-de-sac four times a day starting the day right after surgery. Twice in the morning, once in the afternoon, and then again in the evening.
Have plenty of water and Gatorade on hand, and before you leave for surgery place a few bottles on your nightstand, computer desk, kitchen table, kitchen counters, your television chair, and in your refrigerator. Drink plenty of liquids. At least four bottles per day.
Take pain medication as needed but don’t overdo it. All pain medications can cause constipation and trust me, you don’t want that.
A list of movies you may want to watch.
I am not going to sugarcoat this for you. It’s going to be hard. The first three days are not going to be pretty, they are hard and tough, so be ready. It gets easier on your fourth day.
Good luck and I hope this helps.
Thanks for sharing!
@@painfixprotocol Glad I could help.
Cheers @@im1who84u!
Great Tips. I'm on my end of second day
@@Life-With-Mikey Glad I could help.
Wow! What a great service, making this expertise more broadly available. I am in midst of decision making regarding umbilical hernia.
I'm so glad this was helpful for you! Wishing you a speedy resolution!
Very important and well done. Thank you!!!
So glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you both very much.
You're welcome, James!
My right inguinal hernia would pop in and out as I transitioned from sitting or lying down to standing, and I also felt the mild burning sensation described in this video. I’m 3 days post-op as I write this. So far so good following my laparoscopic surgery using Bard 3D mesh. I’m 57.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Joe!
The gold standard of hernia repair is the Sholdice method
Thanks for sharing!
Shouldice Hospital Markham Ontario Canada 🍁 . Outside Toronto. agree. No mesh. Steel sutr 👌
Great food. The place is more like a resort and so relaxing. They keep you for 4 days so you can recover easily and faster.
Check the Google map reviews. By putting in your Google maps. Shouldice hospital Markham Ontario Canada. And read the reviews and see the pics
Dr Yunis is very inexperienced and knowledgable in hernia repair i enjoy hearing his advice
100% Dr. Yunis is a wealth of knowledge. So glad this was helpful for you!
I am reaching out to you with a very strong suspicion Yoni. Our microbes process the food we eat. Certain foods cause the microbes to expel quite a bit of gas, aka, farts. This is held inside the region where the hernia pops through the fascia and other tissue. I believe the constant pressure eventually forces a rub and burst through this tisssue. I am on my 2nd inguinal hernia. It popped when I yelled and sneezed at the same time in 2008. My first was in 1963, no mesh back then and it was on the right side. I was 9 back then. My mother blamed milk for my epilepsy. They wrote in the report that they thought she was basically a nut. But milk proteins have been connected to epileptic seizures in some. I stopped the milk and so did my seizures. I chose to quit phenol barbital on my own at 12. As you know Doc, dairy and certain foods cause extreme amounts of gas formed by the microbes in our guts. Fasting on water for a time allows the microbial activity to calm down. During that time, the body begins to mend the tissue that was gently burst open. This is no different than a laceration on the skin. The body seeks to protect itself and repair what it can. Stupidly and fearful of permanent damage by some surgeon, I have waited 16 years while trying to figure this out. I suggest the genetic predisposition is a stretch in the vast majority of all hernias. Many humans just stuff their guts and hope it all comes out okay. It blows my mind how stupid our human civilization has become. Is it possible that a beef only diet may help? All the garbage chemicals and sugars pot in body buildimg powders cause intestinal gas production. Small clean meat meals and water may mitigate the bloat and allow the abdominal tears to heal. I am open to a call with you if you want to explore this theory further. I am the "Only Man" that has ever said this. You are the first I share it with because of my wife's incredible trust in you. Thanks Doc, Art
I too believe that keeping the intestines as clean as possible
may be the ultimate answer though I can’t see how one could accomplish this with animal products. We are Great Apes and were not designed to eat animal proteins which go rotten in our long gut designed for greens and fruits.
@@vegan4life532 That is a very old Natural Hygiene myth started at least in the 1800s. Most of those folks died younger and very unhealthy. Research.
I have abdominal hernia and plan to get it treated ASAP
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
In 2022 I had a laparoscopic appendectomy. I have had recurring pain in the left abdominal area for almost 2 years. For about 3 months I have often felt increased pain and hardening when bending over, which disappear after about a minute and I can push this thickening back into the abdomen. It also seems to me that the food stays in the system longer. I'm now sure that I have a hernia and tomorrow I'm going straight to the hospital for a diagnosis.
So sorry to hear about the surgical complications! Wishing you a speedy resolution.
had mesh done in 2020.In 2021 i had a fibroid myomectomy and the gyn surgeon cut through the mesh repair so now i have a new hernia. I hate to do another surgery again.
So sorry to hear about the surgical complications! I wish you a speedy resolution!
I've read somewhere that ca. 20% of mesh hernia repairs cause problems afterwards. If need be, go for a non-mesh repair. In Amsterdam, it costs about 2.500 euros incl. 2 days for Hotel recovery incl. surgeon check-up visits.
Great info concerning hernias.
Are there ways of protecting from further damage if you had a partially torn repair & don't want further surgery.
I have had a previous surgical repair of an umbilical hernia...repaired at 60..but now at 72 is partially torn again ...but not much in the way of symptoms & a mild deformity in the area.
Should I wear a compression belt or something ?
Is breathing technique useful to reduce pressure on effort.
How to avoid surgery ...for cowards
Thank you
Almost identical question: umbilical hernia repaired at age 67, and now it is making a less dramatic but evident reappearance at 73.
Thanks for asking, Richard! Factors that will strain/contribute to a hernia include: carrying extra weight around the midsection, chronic coughing, tobacco use, straining associated with constipation & heavy lifting. Controlling all of those would of course, positively influence surgical outcomes. According to hernia experts like Dr. Yunis, surgery is only way to actually repair the underlying structural issue.
Thanks Josephine! For the record, the desire to avoid surgery (whenever possible) is a good thing and is no indication of cowardice. I worry the a compression belt could create a false sense of security and allow you do things that might lead to bigger problems down the line. For those unwilling to undergo surgical correction, controlling the various factors that contribute to hernia would certainly be helpful - things like being overweight/obese, tobacco use, chronic coughing, heavy lifting & straining under load.
@@painfixprotocol Unfortunately, Dr. Whitten, none of those conditions exist in my life now, though I was morbidly obese when the hernia formed. Lost 110 pounds five years ago and have kept 90 percent off. But that umbilical hernia budded again...maybe because I religiously stretch and try to use my abdominal muscles.
That's what I call making good use of your resources. I can't think of anything you didn’t ask the doctor.
Thanks Kaboom!
@@painfixprotocol Aren't there exercises one can do to prevent a hernia from happening? The 'Diastasis recti' situation?
Soooo informative. Grateful for all you do for us. Have hernia from constipation all is painless.
You're most welcome, Tatiana! I'm so glad your hernia is not causing pain.
You should also know there is a movement and many people are sharing and healing without any surgery at all!
I would be very interested in learning more about which type or types of hernias they're treating, the techniques they're using and seeing imaging studies that demonstrate hernia repair without surgery.
Please share references for any research you've read on this topic.
I’ve had this Inguinal Hernia for around 5 months and it’s been a real pain even with the use a truss and an extra belt to tighten the truss at the site of the bulge. Lately it’s been easier to deal with as I’ve begun dry fasting , Having less liquids and solids to get stuck in the hernia site has been a relief. I do need more time to do more research before committing to any form of Surgery. If I have any nutrition, it will be fresh juices only at bedtime. I believe that if I can become a breatharian like Elitom Elamin or Jasmuheen , I won’t be bothered by this hernia at all and it might even heal itself. I also use an inversion table and a device that is supposed to fix the neck and restore the correct curve to help the posture which is critical to hernia prevention.
Wishing you an excellent result!
Very early stage of a inguinal hernia on my right side. I don’t have any pain, but I’m afraid to go 100% at the gym. I know it only gets worse over time. A big part of me wants to just get a surgery done so I can heal faster and be back to working out hard. I’m just not sure if I should do anything if I’m not in pain right now, but from what I hear it’s better to address this earlier than later. Any thoughts? Also I can’t decide if mesh is the way to go. At first I thought it was, but I keep seeing negatives about it. Thanks 🙏
Such good questions! The research and experts like Dr. Yunis are in agreement. These injuries do not tend to get better on their own and, as much as it pains me to say it (as a rehab specialist), it doesn't seem possible to rehab/strengthen your way out. Early surgical intervention - before problems become severe - appears to be the best option. As for mesh versus no mesh, the success rates are almost identical. Which is best depends on the individual (type/severity of the problem) and the surgeon's expertise.
I enjoy the information My mother was 93 years old they did a hundred year 100 year a repair on her which this hernia developed after she got sick and she she had a hernia in her navel from a baby but then she was hurting really bad and I took her to the emergency room they said that she had kidney stones or something not kidney stones it was some some other kind of stones that she had in her lower colon was going through the hernia before she went to the emergency room we had been I've been trying to work on her with her she had to shake out and rector cancer it was very rare and evidently on the growth where it started Laurel: and she developed the second hernia down right before her growing area underneath her belly and the colon the small intestines went through the hernia they went in they repaired the hernia but the intestines got muster got a little hole in it because my mother body started getting septic and she passed away
Iv been diagnosed with an epigastric hernia just above my belly button. Dr says it’s too small to operate. But I am experiencing extreme pain sometimes in the area. He told me to continue with heavy lifting in gym as normal. I’m worried i’ll put myself at serious risk doing this. But gym is my life, I absolutely love it and don’t want to give it up. Any advice? Thanks!
Sorry to hear about your injury, Laura! My first step would be to get a second opinion. Second step would be to modify training to reduce pain as much as possible.
@@painfixprotocol thanks so much. I will definitely look into a second opinion. I’m not 100% sure what exercises are more risky, but I’ve stopped ab exercises and will look into how else I can modify things. Thank you :)
I've same hernia, but mine us very big. Scared
I appreciate all your vids Yoni...such vital info, especially after my injuries from a drunk driver t-boning me last summer....still on a walker with tibia healed but have scar tissue preventing my right knee from bending more than 85% and my r foot cannot bend too you know any non-invasive therapy to remove internal scars? I really want to walk without my walker! Thanks for all you do!
Thanks Bryan!
I have an inguinal hernia and one surgeon wants to use the robot and another wants to do it by hand because she says it is more reliable and she can see exactly where the mesh is placed... So I decided to just wait.
After speaking to Dr. Yunis, I came to understand that using the robot is a skill unto itself, it requires lots of training and practice and ultimately, it's only as good as the surgeon operating the machine.
No mesh .way to many issues.
I had laposcopic bilaterial hernia repair in 202, obvious bulges on both sides, and then in December 2024, had open inguinal hernia on right side due to a "recurrence" bulge. However, during the open surgery, the surgeon stated he had difficult time isolating the hernia (used valsalva procedure), layed patch and sewed me up. Healing went well, but still have a bulge directly over the scar. I thought this was just the healing ridge but it is now about 9.5 months. It is a squishy lump that after a long day of activity appears larger and then shrinks after sleeping. Does anyone have a clue what this could be - it is obviously not a true hernia per say.
Pls I really need to one, my hernia is very big I need to know my chance of recurrence
can you do a robotic inguinal hernia repair if there was an open inguinal hernia repair with mesh 20 years ago?
Good question, Matt. I believe the answer is yes - assuming your surgeon is trained in the technique and it lends itself to your situation. But I would recommend reaching out to an expert like Dr. Yunis to confirm.
Is surgery the best way for hiatal hernia?
While targeted rehab and strengthening can be helpful for reducing pain and disability, surgery is the only way I'm aware of to actually repair the tissue.
Is there an old age where inguinal repair is not recommended? Im good health but have double h. I want bilateral laproscopic repair
If there's a pain, posture or rehab-related topic that you'd like to see a video about, leave your suggestion down below. Cheers!
I would like for you to do a video on Hiatal Hernia Surgery. I’ve got to have that surgery in June but would like more info on it. Thanks Yoni!
Thank you @@constance4065! It's a good suggestion for a future video.
Bless you sir, I've a hernia the size of a grape fruit just above my belly button. Came with pregnancy 2022 gave birth through CS. MY CHILD is barely two years old. Don't know if I can withstand full Anastasia. Pls I really need it advis. Am so scared
is it safe to fly with inguinal hernia, i have no pain as such
Good question! Here's a resource that talks all about that topic:
wat can u do to void surgery as I just got a hernia dr st hospital just told me to relax and going on almost 3 months now since it started and hurts to the touch ???
Good question! I was very interested in this myself going into this conversation. My clinical experience matches up with what Dr. Yunis said - once a hernia has occurred, the only way to fix it completely, is with surgery.
(Tom Maher channel ) Natural healing of his inguinal hernia after 2 years. Tom used Yoga postures and other exercises.
Thanks for sharing and that's great! But, it's important to clarify the terms. It is certainly possible to relieve symptoms/decrease pain and even return to activity using exercises and rehabilitation. However, I have not seen a case where before and after imaging demonstrates that an inguinal hernia has repaired itself through rehab alone.
I just have a hernia that has probably been developing over the years. I consider myslef pretty fit… I cough a lot when I get a cold, or when I got covid. That surely didn’t help. :(
I know what you mean, Charlie. Hope you can get help & a resolution soon - I'm sure your fitness level will help speed along your recovery.
All nonsense, just sow the open area up . ABSOLUTELY NO MESH. Way to many issues with mesh.
Thanks for commenting! I haven't read any research that stated this as a universal truth for all hernias. Please share your resources.
@@painfixprotocolso many studies (hundreds out there) where modern natural tissue repair (Desarda, Shouldice) have similar recurrence rates (sometimes Desarda even statistically lower) than mesh based repair
Maybe not universal research, but plenty of personal real life experiences out there. Most doctors are dismissive of mesh concerns which makes you not want to trust.
@@painfixprotocolabsence of research does not mean an option is invalid. Who is interested in doing the research anyway??
Yes indeed Sew the breached open area up using strong sutures? Maybe even transplanted muscle fibres from same patient (donor) then all the patient needs to do is take it easy and show discipline for the duration to allow ample healing time
Why does noone talk about exercise the muscle, Use Iqorio
I'd like to help. But would you please clarify which muscle you're referring to? And what "iqorio" is?
@@painfixprotocol difficult explain, google it ,dont know word for it, It is a swadish tool to train the muscle in stomach
@@TineSkrede So sorry, Swedish to English translation doesn't recognize that word. What I can tell you is that there are no reliable methods non-surgical methods for repairing a hernia.
@@painfixprotocol no Its for prevent reflux, Iqoro
Feels like someone hit me in stomach
Nobody wants to use the absorbable and I live in Houston which has an amazing medical center. I would prefer the absorbable.
Sorry to hear that, Janice. You might try reaching out to Dr. Yunis' office to see in they can make a recommendation for someone in your area.
7.30 Question The low key words anal stress to the bowls ohh my oh my 🤣 .! That strain causes hernias ..... hahaha
Not sure what you're referring to but happy it put a smile on your face.
As always surgery is only as good as your Doctor. 😂
Its scary when you never know is the expert performing the surgery or is it his student?
Nobody wants to use the absorbable and I live in Houston which has an amazing medical center. I would prefer the absorbable.
You might try reaching out to Dr. Yunis' office to see in they can make a recommendation for someone in your area.