I spent some time in Russia before this bright young star rose in the musical firmament. I am now 79 and will be unable to visit that wonderful country again. As I understand it Alexander has no plans to visit the equally sacred shores of my beloved England. I now have covid 19, so my long cherished desire to hear him play live and, who knows, to meet him, will have to wait till the next world.! Till then, Alexander, thank you for the joy your music gives me and may much joy fill your young life.
@nogatram1 ...Your post was 1 week ago. I do hope you are recovering! I will pray for you dear. Any A.M. fan is a friend as far as I'm concerned, so prayers for you daily, throughout the day. Also, I love reading your posts on A.M.'s videos.
@@penniesfromheaven9724 Thank you for your prayers - they change things! Both I and my wife have now emerged from Covid and have also been vaccinated. My heart goes out to those in many countries where is no vaccine. As to our young hero, may he stay safe in body, mind and spirit - to bless us and to bring glory to God who has so wonderfully blessed him.
@@nogatram1 Dear Sir,so glad to hear that you and your family have emerged from the Covid!Your comments on AM’s music are always amazing and just when I'm missing them,I find your words here. I burst into tears while reading the first one,but it’s truly good that you’re safe now. Wish you & your family are all fine. My best wishes to you!Expect more of your beautiful comments appear here.❤️
I am so grateful you and your wife have recovered and are safe! I always relish your comments. I hope you may yet hear this wonderful young man in person. I hope that for myself as well. Blessings to you from Philadelphia.
Я вчера случайно имела удовольствие открыть для себя этого потрясающего пианиста. В Вене заболела заявленная в программе солистка, и краткосрочно, за один день до концерта специально из США прилетел в Вену Александр в качестве замены. В программе 3й фортепианный концерт Рахманинова. Один из моих любимых. На сцене объявили о замене пианиста и сообщили, что вчера ему исполнился 21 год. Я удивилась и подумала: "Интересно, никогда этого имени не слышала. Как он исполнит? Послушаю." Сказать, что я в восторге- это ничего не сказать. В конце третьей части пришлось достать носовой платок. Слезы лились ручьем. Эта красивейшая музыка в просто шедевральном испонении. Есть пианисты, которые просто быстро по клавишам бьют и показывают свою ловкость рук. А вот эмоций в исполнении ноль. Но это не в случае Александра. Такое эмоциональное и в то же время виртуозное исполнение! Я подошла в антракте к Александру, выразила свою благодарность за доставленное удовольствие и море эмоций и поздравила его с дебютом в золотом зале Венского общества любителей музыки. У этого пианиста будет блестящая карьера. Очень надеюсь услышать его еще много раз в Вене и, возможно, на Зальцбуржском фестивале. А сейчас наслаждаюсь его исполнением Грига здесь на youtube. Спасибо родителям и учителям Александра за то, что подарили миру такой талант. От души желаю этому юному дарованию многочисленных концертов по всему миру, творческих успехов и благополучия.
@Olga D. What a wonderful comment, spasibo. Alexander misses Russia and his family he told me last year. So good that you could speak to him in your language. In Holland we love him too. 🌷
Unbelievably talented and gifted 17-yo. Precious look from conductor Sladkovsky to Alexander at the end of the performance, obviously very proud of the young maestro. Beautiful performance!
Alexander brings extraordinary joy to us all. I believe he will become one of the greatest concert pianists of all time. Mr Malofeev is already out of this world in brilliance and his depth of understanding of the greatest piano works. A very great Russian artist.
Oh Alexander! Apollo's son, God of the Music and the Beauty, thank you for coming down to the Earth to soothe the suffering of the simple mortals. I love you.
There are no words in the English language that can do justice to this performance. Alexander's technical mastery at the keyboard, is beyond belief. In his interpretation of the music he has found his way in to the mind of the composer. Grieg would not only be smiling he would be impressed. Between the pianist, the conductor and the orchestra, we are blessed. David, South Africa.
Нет у России не будет конца проявлению Таких одаренных музыкантов ! БРАВИССИМО Храни Вас Господь Будь здоров Счастье слушатьваше исполнение окт 2022 К Т В
This is not just a talented musician - Mr. Malofeev's talent is beyond! He has been touched by the hand of god to be able to perform the way he does, it's just breathtaking and absolutely beautiful, left me in tears.
Yes...me too. I blubbered through most of it. So glad I wasn't in the audience. Couldn't contain myself! He hits all the heart chords with profound precision! He is a gift to the world. Да... И я тоже. Я прочитал большую часть этого. Так рад, что меня не было в зале. Не мог сдержаться! Он поражает все сердечные струны с глубокой точностью! Он - подарок миру.
Вновь и вновь возвращаюсь к концертам этого гениального мальчика за глотком свежести, чистоты, безоглядной самоотдачи! О технике уж и говорить не приходится : он с роялем как единый организм. . БРАВО!
This kid makes it hard to breathe!!! Such talent, humbleness and grace at such a young age. It always thrills me to watch his performances, I hope that he tours the USA soon. I would be head over heels proud of him if he was my son!!!
You simply gotta love this dear boy (now a young man actually). He has got to be one of the best ambassadors Russia could have to the entire world...not only because of his amazing talent, but also his wonderful kindness and sincere humility. What a joy and a true blessing to hear him perform.
I agree 100%. Alexander is a joy to behold and hear - for all Russians and the world. Well, those that appreciate the beauty and sensibility of classical music and this particular passionate and emotionally rich music! He is such an exciting artist and amazes with his musical and technical maturity. May he delight us for many years to come! Bravo!
Alexander Malofeev and Grieg - a match made in musical heaven. I love Griegs stirring compositions and to hear Alexander playing it like the master intended is sheer untold joy and bliss. I was transported to a planet where music is the air they breathe. Just heaven !!! Bravo Alexander !!!
So well said , Natalie . I feel exactly the same about Alexander's magnificent performance , conversing in unison & perfection with the wonderful orchestra & conductor . Very moving & uplifting . Played with soul & feeling .
This young man can stirr emotions that are deeply hidden within the soul-there really are no words to express his wonderful offering-the great composers live within his frame.
Гордись Россия, ты родила великого Сына!!! Все в этом юноше от Создателя, сколько любви и труда, благородства, внутренней мощи и достоинства!!! Браво исполнителю и оркестру, дерижеру - все на одном дыхании, в гармоничном и безупречном звучании!!! Хочется быть всегда в этой бесконечности, полетности, благозвучности...
Today, 21st October 2021, we say Happy 20th Birthday Alexander! You are no longer a teenager. But who has achieved more in their phenomenal and brilliantly inspiring musicianship during their teens (well, Mozart perhaps) than you? Thank you so much for all the blessings your fans and admirers receive from being able to relive your performances of Grieg, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Gershwin, Chopin, Mozart and much more. May God continue to give you His more and more blessings as you enhance 21st century music with your committed practice and performance.
I am completely speechless. What an incredible performance by Alexander Malofeev...and this entire orchestra. I don't think I've ever heard this performed any better by anyone!! BRAVO!!!
It's incredible to watch his sheer genius while playing. The level of concentration this man has is on a level I've never seen. There is almost a sixth sense level of awareness between he and the orchestra that is rare. Brilliant performance!
Дорогой мой Русич я сегодня проснулась в 3 часа что бы Послушать концерт в твоём исполнении.Я плачу ...Благодарю Бога что он наделил тебя Талантом .Береги Себя.Береги Свою Бессмертную душу до того кто Так Много Тебе Дал.
Maestro Malofeev made me cry. He is extraordinary. His playing, his presence, both moved me to tears. Alexander Malofeev I applaud you, scream bravo and stomp my feet. You are brilliant and will be known as one of the greats. Thank you.
Прекрасное творческое содружество, очень деликатная психологическая проникновенная атмосфера единства в интерпретации произведения и в тончайших нюансах. Огромное спасибо за эстетическое наслаждение, которое возможно только на таком высочайшем уровне Вашего исполнительского уровня. Александр - чудо -пианист!!! Григ еще такого не знал. Держись Солнышко! Дай Боженька тебе здоровья!!!
Incredible style and profoundness in every single note. All the passion and intensity are there, with no unnecessary superfluous dramatic emotions. Alexander is poised and noble throughout his performance.
@Mauritius Dunfagel - Oh, my, YES!!!!! It was if he was Alexander's father proclaiming, "Isn't Alexander not the best--and he is my progeny and prodigy who I have raised, nurtured, supported, encouraged and trained--he is My son" I love that conductor and was pleased to see so very clearly that he really is proud of young Alexander. But for sure his reaction at the end was, indeed, priceless.
Если бы Григ написал только этот фортепианный концерт, он всё равно бы остался в мировой музыке!!! Это потрясающее произведение!!! Исполняет его юный талантливый пианист!!! Сто раз браво!!!
Господи, как ему удаётся выдать такой звук у рояля? Это эталон для меня. Мягкий, бархатистый! Проникающий в самое сердце. Я в шоке! Концерт потрясающий! Спасибо огромное всем участникам выступления! Особенно Александру! Боюсь слова гений. Но тут без вариантов! ❤
Фантастика, я ничего подобного не слышала! А слушала я многих выдающихся исполнителей.Храни Вас Всевышний, и Вы, Александр, себя тоже храните. Больше отдыхайте
Была бы возможность, поставила бы миллион лайков. !!! Какая у Александра великолепная музыкальная память!! Техника исполнения!!выразительность каждого звука! Гений!!!!
Le bonheur absolu grâce à la musique.... du Compositeur aux Interprètes ! bravissimo à Alexandre qui a conjugué un travail intense à ce don exceptionnel que la providence lui a offert !
It's now been a full year since I first listened to this performance, and now I tell you, there will never be another as great as this one. Every nuance here is perfect; and the orchestra and the soloist are perfectly in sync with one another. That makes for a very great listening experience, because not only the soloist, but every single member of the orchestra -- and certainly as well as its conductor -- gets this piece exactly right. In my opinion, Grieg himself would have applauded it. I'm both left without words and humbled; it is rare, in the course of producing any art, that performers manage this kind of achievement. Congratulations to all.
Applies for every single performance of Malofeev. He just brings out the best of every composer's work. His own presence on camera only enhances the experience.
I am listening again today. I have known since I first found Malofeev that his technical skills are huge. I wanted to know if he had yet developed his wonderful lyricism. His ‘touch’ Yes! Quite evident in the beginning of the second movement. Today, I think he has become more willing to take risks. The results? I Love them
Te bendecire siempre Alexander. Para mi la forma como interpretas esos hermosos conciertos es un alimento espiritual. Proyectas un cúmulo de emociones preciosas y las recibimos con mucho amor. Eres el virtuoso de este siglo.
Поражена исполнением, с наслаждением слушаю. 2-й концерт Рахманинова просто потрясающее исполнение, теперь слушаю все; как он играет, здесь и мастерство, и вдохновение, огромное спасибо за возможность услышать это
только музыкой можно выразить самые тонкие чувства а по добное исполнение как чистый родник для ДУШИ благодарю за радость ЖИЗНИ храни тебя ПРОВИДЕНИЕ гениальный музыкант!!! любовь
Maestro Malofeev will have a place in the history of the greatest pianists in the world, He is a prodigy, an extraordinary artist who combines mastery of the piano, fierce passion in each performance, a unique elegant, precise style. He incarnates intellect plus deep emotions in each of the pieces he executes. He makes the audience vibrate spiritually, intellectually, mentally with the clear, perfect, all intellect and heart in each of his concertos around the world. To attend Maestro Malofeev's concertos is a feast for the mind and the spirit. Long Live, Maestro Malofeev !!!
Виталий Лесин There have always been many great pianists at the top of their profession. The truly great ones KNOW their own worth and couldn’t care less about the way others played, or how popular they were. Rachmaninov, Horowitz, Rubinstein, Hofmann, Lhevinne and friends all played in their own way, and totally poo-poo-ed the idea that one was any better than the other. Besides, good luck trying to define “better” in these golden days of 2020. 🙄 I’ll risk saying there are very few pianists “better” than Malofeev. Different, perhaps, but not better.
I truly believe that Alexander Malofeev is one of the world's greatest pianists! He reflects all that is wonderful about the mystery of music. Technically, he is without peer. However, it is his incredible ability to translate the intent and individuality of the composer's design and purpose that is breathtakingly memorable and unique. I predict that he will be one of the greatest interpretors/performers of all time. Rest assured that great music has a brilliant future in his phenomenal hands.
I must've listened to this concert at 15 times since the first time I heard it."Wunderbar" indeed,performed astoundingly beautiful by a brilliant,genial pianist.I can't get enough of it.This was indeed a truimph and it could be clearly seen by that brilliant smile Alexander gave us when he took his bows.He knew that he aced it and so did everyone else.aThe music transports me to a place that is hard to describe and excites me in places so that I can hardly contain my emotions.It is exquisetly beautiful and performed to perfection!Bravo Alexander!!!!
I agree exactly with you…he becomes the music from the mind of the composer better than anyone younger than 80 years old…and only his hands are the most efficient and perfect at his work, his mind and body seem completely possessed by the music which is transformative…you will never hear or watch another pianist with the softest touch at once with the most forte of moments. Not one drop of misplaced energy or pretense is felt when he plays…compared with so many great pianists of the day, he is incomparable my view..
@@marirogers0153 I can't agree with you more. The softest touch, the very slight pauses at the perfect places, the utter lack of pretense, the complete absorption in the music. It is exquisitely beautiful. He does indeed show us a beautiful wonderful world, where I linger happily.
This is the concerto that Alexander first played when he was only 12. It made him want to be a concert pianist. He's still only 17 here, and is such an incredible artist already. This Grieg concerto is so beautifully played by Alexander, it's wonderful to listen to. He is a unique and talented pianist, performing all over the world today.
Alexander Malofeev had mastered this difficult work before the age of twelve! (You can also see that performance on UA-cam). This - more recent performance - is a magnificent example of his exquisite musicianship, technical mastery and thrilling enjoyment of its glorious perfection. Alexander himself is a great artist with an amazing future ahead of him. We are all so fortunate to be alive in his time!
A wise, brilliant, heart as deep as the ocean, old man in a young man’s body. You just run out of superlatives with this guy. An incredibly sensitive accompaniment by the ladies and gentlemen in the orchestra. And the conductor isn’t too bad either.
Además de sus maravillosas manos, tiene una memoria increíble. En pocas palabras, es un ser excepcional, no me canso de verlo y escucharlo y darle gracias a Dios por su vida, para deleite de millones de personas. Gracias Alexandre!
А я горжусь его талантом и его красотой, смотрите все! Какие красавцы настоящие породистые наши русские парни!! Какие они талантливые. Не оторвать глаз от его игры, его красивого лица!! Браво Александр! Успехов к достижению высших результатов.!!
У меня складывается впечатление, что у Александра есть потребность реализовать свой грандиозный творческий потенциал на ниве дирижерского искусства. И мне кажется, что интуиция меня не обманывает, и может быть, что через некоторое время он успешно реализует себя в этой области музыкального искусства❤❤❤.
@@samkent122 Perhaps we can stream live, really fully LIVE, from our Heavenly dwelling places, prepared for the believer s in the true and loving Eternal One.
I noticed too that the audience applauded between movements. Which usually only happens with audiences unaccustomed to concert hall protocol. But I suppose it could happen also when the music is extraordinarily moving...which this was. His touch is amazingly light and clear at times , then firm and powerful by turns. Also he has a depth of emotion unusual in one so young.
@@jeremyfinch8541 Well said indeed, Sir! Plus, of course, "autre pays; autres moeurs". I gather that, in Germany, applause after a performance can start off quite "calmly" and increase in 'enthusiasm' and volume according to the greatness of the performance just witnessed, rather than [our] explosively thunderous start, often with cries of 'Bravo' : and yet one might perhaps expect ['reserved'] Brits to follow the German model...
This handsome Russian lad delicately dominates the intricacies of this powerful concerto and holds his own throughout; Grieg is somewhere smiling perhaps, a bit amazed by this lad’s prodigiousness.
Сашенька, мальчик, береги себя! Ты - олицетворяешь собой всё лучшее, что есть в русском народе : благородство души, полёт и страстность сердца, невероятную одухотворённость и щедрость чувства! Пожалуйста, все, кто с ним рядом - учителя, родители- берегите его, как зеницу ока, он - достояние России, её надежда и гордость
Судя по твоей фамилии Renneberb, ты вестимо будешь из запроданок, сваливших на запад под мужиков-инородцев? Олицетворяешь ты собой очевидно не лучшее и явно более не русское.
Сашенька,Вы ЧУДО ДАРОВАННОЕ ПЛАНЕТЕ ЗЕМЛЯ ВСЕВЫШНИМ !!! Но без Вашей воли и трудолюбия,воли Ваших родителей,профессионализма И Таланта ваших учителей, ВОЛИ БОЖЬЕЙ не было бы возможности у нас всех Почувствовать Высшую Степень Восторга,Эйфории И Благодарности БОГУ ЗА ВСЁ,ЧТО ДАНО НАМ В ЭТОЙ ЖИЗНИ!!! ГОСПОДИ, СПАСИ И СОХРАНИ ДУШИ НАШИ,ДАРУЙ НАМ ЛЮБОВЬ КО ВСЕМУ СУЩЕМУ !!! ДАРУЙ НАМ РАЗУМ ,ЧТОБЫ НЕ РАЗРУШИТЬ ДАРОВАННОЕ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВУ!!! БРАВОООО!!!БРАВООО!!!!БРАВИССИМООООО!!!! АЛЕКСАНДР ВАМ И ВСЕМ,КТО ВМЕСТЕ С ВАМИ ........!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love watching him play... I love his facial expressions, I love how he expresses the music throughout his entire body... he looks like he loves the piano...
Большое спасибо родителям и педагогам этого молодого человека! За их труд и терпение! От всех нас, людей, которые слушают и наслаждаются этими волшебными переливами, исходящими из под пальцев! Дай Бог ему здоровья и долгих музыкальных лет!
Какой прекрасный исполнитель! Сколько сил, экспрессии и одновременно мягкости и лиризма! И какой замечательный оркестр, как он чутко отзывается на игру молодого исполнителя! Браво!!!
@@pete3816 I don't think so. All his early videos show a very happy lad. I'm sure he had a wonderful childhood - just one that was perhaps very different from yours or mine in many respects. But the obvious joy and sense of fulfilment that he shows at the end of this performance and others, indicate a well-rounded personality who has a clear and untroubled vision of his destiny as one of the worlds leading pianists. Whatever price he has had to pay, is clearly a trifle in his mind, when compared with the joy that it brings - to him and his audiences.
@@pete3816 @Pete let me quote the words of Evgeny Kissin, another enfant prodige who's become a wonderful pianist, when he was asked what he missed most: " I'm not lacking anything. Sacrificing oneself doesn't mean to lose something, on the contrary it means to lose nothing and to use everything in order to discover the truth about oneself. I spend my time going deep inside of me. Through the music."
Слёзы и мурашки...За 75 лет жизни - партитура в голове в компилированном в памяти звучании великих музыкантов 20 -21 века, но Грига услышал другого, совсем -волшебство, чудо, я потрясен в очередной раз Вами, спасибо Вам...
Уму не постижимо насколько шедеврально исполнение муз.произведения этого,если так можно выразиться, - композитора-фантаста. У кого есть хоть мало-мальски навыки профессионального муз.образования - тот поймет насколько мягко, кажущеся легко,профессионально и волшебно исполнение такой сложной музыки. Так волшебно легко мог исполнить только такой молоденький пианист. Гениально. Иначе не смотрелось бы и не слушалось. Спасибо оркестру,солисту и автору видео за полученное эстетическое удовольствие. Просто потрясающе.
Браво исполнителю , браво оркестру такое единение и понимание гениального произведения Эдварда Грига. Как хорошо, что наша фортепианая школа находится на таком высочайшем уровне.
Еще также романтично могут исполнять женщины. Послушайте Татьяну Николаеву. Чтобы музыка звучала мягко, нежно, ласково и волшебно, нужна выразительность, а главное - исполнение куда более качественное чем просто техничная игра. Нужно любить произведение, нужно проживать его, чтобы нежность рук передавалась слушателям.
Every tome I watch and listen to Alexander Malfeev, he astounds me. I am a very amateur classical piano player. This piece is one of the top piano concertos in history and Alex plays it better than many of the famous pianists that proceeded him. Whenever I watch and listen to Alex, I am motivated to go to the piano and learn a few more bars of one of these pieces. He has caused me to download so many piano scores that he plays so I can imagine myself even for a few seconds playing these works.
Edvard Hagerup Grieg was born in Bergen, Norway (1843 -1907). He is widely considered one of the leading Romantic era composers. I am sure that Mr. Grieg is looking down on this brilliant young pianist and smiling with great joy and elation at the interpretation of his Piano Concerto in A minor, Op.16. How truly inspiring to see the passion, discipline and mastery of this young superb Russian pianist command such beautiful tones from the American made Steinway & Sons Concert Grand Model D (which is my favorite to play). A union of global excellence that has transcended the ordinary to reminds us all of what is possible when united for the greater good. What a rare musical treasure he has given us!!!
Mr Fresh, whoever you are, he most certainly did NOT miss the first note or any notes thereafter. Don’t start bashing a genius if you don’t thoroughly know the music by studying the orchestra score. 😡 Hahaha?? Not funny. At ALL.
I am 15, I just performed the first movement which received a standing ovation and brought tears to the audience. I will never forget this because now I understand just how powerful music can be.
At last! Not only a fabulous performance we expect from Alexander. But an excellent video of his performance - wide-angle shots, medium shots and plenty of close-ups from various angles. And more than one camera employed. Please will others who video his concerts learn from this video. Also, look at Herbert Von Karajan's videos. He was a grandmaster when it came to filming music. Modern-day filmmakers can learn a lot from his techniques. There's no excuse for sloppy technique when dealing with a superlative musician such as Alexander.
I spent some time in Russia before this bright young star rose in the musical firmament. I am now 79 and will be unable to visit that wonderful country again. As I understand it Alexander has no plans to visit the equally sacred shores of my beloved England. I now have covid 19, so my long cherished desire to hear him play live and, who knows, to meet him, will have to wait till the next world.! Till then, Alexander, thank you for the joy your music gives me and may much joy fill your young life.
I wish you a quick recovery.
@nogatram1 ...Your post was 1 week ago. I do hope you are recovering! I will pray for you dear. Any A.M. fan is a friend as far as I'm concerned, so prayers for you daily, throughout the day. Also, I love reading your posts on A.M.'s videos.
@@penniesfromheaven9724 Thank you for your prayers - they change things! Both I and my wife have now emerged from Covid and have also been vaccinated. My heart goes out to those in many countries where is no vaccine. As to our young hero, may he stay safe in body, mind and spirit - to bless us and to bring glory to God who has so wonderfully blessed him.
@@nogatram1 Dear Sir,so glad to hear that you and your family have emerged from the Covid!Your comments on AM’s music are always amazing and just when I'm missing them,I find your words here. I burst into tears while reading the first one,but it’s truly good that you’re safe now. Wish you & your family are all fine. My best wishes to you!Expect more of your beautiful comments appear here.❤️
I am so grateful you and your wife have recovered and are safe! I always relish your comments. I hope you may yet hear this wonderful young man in person. I hope that for myself as well. Blessings to you from Philadelphia.
Я вчера случайно имела удовольствие открыть для себя этого потрясающего пианиста. В Вене заболела заявленная в программе солистка, и краткосрочно, за один день до концерта специально из США прилетел в Вену Александр в качестве замены. В программе 3й фортепианный концерт Рахманинова. Один из моих любимых. На сцене объявили о замене пианиста и сообщили, что вчера ему исполнился 21 год. Я удивилась и подумала: "Интересно, никогда этого имени не слышала. Как он исполнит? Послушаю."
Сказать, что я в восторге- это ничего не сказать. В конце третьей части пришлось достать носовой платок. Слезы лились ручьем. Эта красивейшая музыка в просто шедевральном испонении. Есть пианисты, которые просто быстро по клавишам бьют и показывают свою ловкость рук. А вот эмоций в исполнении ноль. Но это не в случае Александра. Такое эмоциональное и в то же время виртуозное исполнение! Я подошла в антракте к Александру, выразила свою благодарность за доставленное удовольствие и море эмоций и поздравила его с дебютом в золотом зале Венского общества любителей музыки.
У этого пианиста будет блестящая карьера. Очень надеюсь услышать его еще много раз в Вене и, возможно, на Зальцбуржском фестивале. А сейчас наслаждаюсь его исполнением Грига здесь на youtube.
Спасибо родителям и учителям Александра за то, что подарили миру такой талант.
От души желаю этому юному дарованию многочисленных концертов по всему миру, творческих успехов и благополучия.
@Olga D. What a wonderful comment, spasibo. Alexander misses Russia and his family he told me last year. So good that you could speak to him in your language. In Holland we love him too. 🌷
Как вам повезло! Я из Санкт Петербурга.
Дорогие восторженные друзья....сразу понятно,что вы никогда не слышали записи Дину Липати и Эмиля Гилельса.
Господи, Ольга, как же Вам повезло!
@@teoviolin, а я бы добавила Рубинштейна!!!
Unbelievably talented and gifted 17-yo. Precious look from conductor Sladkovsky to Alexander at the end of the performance, obviously very proud of the young maestro. Beautiful performance!
Alexander brings extraordinary joy to us all. I believe he will become one of the greatest concert pianists of all time. Mr Malofeev is already out of this world in brilliance and his depth of understanding of the greatest piano works. A very great Russian artist.
Счастье слушать Грига в ТАКОМ исполнении !!! Спасибо, Александр !
One of the joys of being 75 years old is that I have lived to hear true musical genius !
Oh Alexander! Apollo's son, God of the Music and the Beauty, thank you for coming down to the Earth to soothe the suffering of the simple mortals. I love you.
There are no words in the English language that can do justice to this performance. Alexander's technical mastery at the keyboard, is beyond belief. In his interpretation of the music he has found his way in to the mind of the composer. Grieg would not only be smiling he would be impressed. Between the pianist, the conductor and the orchestra, we are blessed. David, South Africa.
Additional words in English at best can only take.us.back to what must.be.the.most.nearly celestial 🎉🎉sounds my 82
Years have experienced
Without a doubt, this young man will someday be remembered as one of the greatest pianists of the 21st century.
Yes,yes You are absolutely right !!!!
SO beautiful, excellent his talent!
Amen for sure
Хороший мальчик! Это будущее русской фортепьянной музыки.
Нет у России не будет конца проявлению
Таких одаренных музыкантов !
БРАВИССИМО Храни Вас Господь Будь здоров
Счастье слушатьваше исполнение окт 2022 К Т В
This is not just a talented musician - Mr. Malofeev's talent is beyond! He has been touched by the hand of god to be able to perform the way he does, it's just breathtaking and absolutely beautiful, left me in tears.
Yes...me too. I blubbered through most of it. So glad I wasn't in the audience. Couldn't contain myself! He hits all the heart chords with profound precision! He is a gift to the world. Да... И я тоже. Я прочитал большую часть этого. Так рад, что меня не было в зале. Не мог сдержаться! Он поражает все сердечные струны с глубокой точностью! Он - подарок миру.
Вновь и вновь возвращаюсь к концертам этого гениального мальчика за глотком свежести, чистоты, безоглядной самоотдачи! О технике уж и говорить не приходится : он с роялем как единый организм. . БРАВО!
Сам Господь Бог вложил душу в этого ребёнка!
This kid makes it hard to breathe!!! Such talent, humbleness and grace at such a young age. It always thrills me to watch his performances, I hope that he tours the USA soon. I would be head over heels proud of him if he was my son!!!
You simply gotta love this dear boy (now a young man actually). He has got to be one of the best ambassadors Russia could have to the entire world...not only because of his amazing talent, but also his wonderful kindness and sincere humility. What a joy and a true blessing to hear him perform.
I agree 100%. Alexander is a joy to behold and hear - for all Russians and the world. Well, those that appreciate the beauty and sensibility of classical music and this particular passionate and emotionally rich music! He is such an exciting artist and amazes with his musical and technical maturity. May he delight us for many years to come! Bravo!
Alexander Malofeev and Grieg - a match made in musical heaven. I love Griegs stirring compositions and to hear Alexander playing it like the master intended is sheer untold joy and bliss. I was transported to a planet where music is the air they breathe. Just heaven !!! Bravo Alexander !!!
So well said , Natalie . I feel exactly the same about Alexander's magnificent performance , conversing in unison & perfection with the wonderful orchestra & conductor . Very moving & uplifting . Played with soul & feeling .
One of the greatest pianists of all time !!!!!
Astounding performance by Alexander and the orchestra!
This young man can stirr emotions that are deeply hidden within the soul-there really are no words to express his wonderful offering-the great composers live within his frame.
Гордись Россия, ты родила великого Сына!!! Все в этом юноше от Создателя, сколько любви и труда, благородства, внутренней мощи и достоинства!!! Браво исполнителю и оркестру, дерижеру - все на одном дыхании, в гармоничном и безупречном звучании!!! Хочется быть всегда в этой бесконечности, полетности, благозвучности...
Не перевелись самородки в России !!!
Не перевелись самородки в России !!!
Today, 21st October 2021, we say Happy 20th Birthday Alexander! You are no longer a teenager. But who has achieved more in their phenomenal and brilliantly inspiring musicianship during their teens (well, Mozart perhaps) than you? Thank you so much for all the blessings your fans and admirers receive from being able to relive your performances of Grieg, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Gershwin, Chopin, Mozart and much more. May God continue to give you His more and more blessings as you enhance 21st century music with your committed practice and performance.
I am completely speechless. What an incredible performance by Alexander Malofeev...and this entire orchestra. I don't think I've ever heard this performed any better by anyone!! BRAVO!!!
It's incredible to watch his sheer genius while playing. The level of concentration this man has is on a level I've never seen. There is almost a sixth sense level of awareness between he and the orchestra that is rare. Brilliant performance!
Прекрасная музыка! Прекрасное, открытое, русское лицо юного маэстро...
Дорогой мой Русич я сегодня проснулась в 3 часа что бы Послушать концерт в твоём исполнении.Я плачу ...Благодарю Бога что он наделил тебя Талантом .Береги Себя.Береги Свою Бессмертную душу до того кто Так Много Тебе Дал.
Maestro Malofeev made me cry. He is extraordinary. His playing, his presence, both moved me to tears. Alexander Malofeev I applaud you, scream bravo and stomp my feet. You are brilliant and will be known as one of the greats. Thank you.
I absolutely agree...
Me too👍
I agree
So emotional, such mature playing of this lush, gorgeous, melodic masterpiece.
I am crying too.
Потрясающее юное божественное создание! Спасибо создателю за такой щедрый подарок в трудные времена.
....он как глоток свежего ветра наполняет меня радостью и становится так легко душе ❤ Браво, дорогой наш Талант- талант от Бога
Прекрасное творческое содружество, очень деликатная психологическая проникновенная атмосфера единства в интерпретации произведения и в тончайших нюансах. Огромное спасибо за эстетическое наслаждение, которое возможно только на таком высочайшем уровне Вашего исполнительского уровня. Александр - чудо -пианист!!! Григ еще такого не знал. Держись Солнышко! Дай Боженька тебе здоровья!!!
Alexander touches each key with his soul . . . a gift from God!
and with his heart. simply an amazing talent.
Yes David, I agree! I just finished telling him the same thing, his talent is a gift from God!
Humanity is blessed in having such a gifted pianist.
Да хранит тебя Александр Господь Бог! Спасибо тебе!!!!!
In the presence of genius , the mastery of his piano skill and sensitivity to this piece is exceptional.
Это можно слушать вечно!!!! Гениальная музыка, великолепное исполнение!!!!!
One of my most favorite performances by this young man! Every thing he does is remarkable!
Incredible style and profoundness in every single note. All the passion and intensity are there, with no unnecessary superfluous dramatic emotions. Alexander is poised and noble throughout his performance.
That admiring look from the conductor at the end of the first movement was priceless.
@Mauritius Dunfagel - Oh, my, YES!!!!! It was if he was Alexander's father proclaiming, "Isn't Alexander not the best--and he is my progeny and prodigy who I have raised, nurtured, supported, encouraged and trained--he is My son" I love that conductor and was pleased to see so very clearly that he really is proud of young Alexander. But for sure his reaction at the end was, indeed, priceless.
Если бы Григ написал только этот фортепианный концерт, он всё равно бы остался в мировой музыке!!! Это потрясающее произведение!!! Исполняет его юный талантливый пианист!!! Сто раз браво!!!
Спасибо всем за поддержку Александра. Сашенька дерзай. Твори. Все хранители с тобой и восторг всего пространства. Моя Душа благодарит тебя
Господи, как ему удаётся выдать такой звук у рояля? Это эталон для меня. Мягкий, бархатистый! Проникающий в самое сердце. Я в шоке! Концерт потрясающий! Спасибо огромное всем участникам выступления! Особенно Александру! Боюсь слова гений. Но тут без вариантов! ❤
Фантастика, я ничего подобного не слышала! А слушала я многих выдающихся исполнителей.Храни Вас Всевышний, и Вы, Александр, себя тоже храните. Больше отдыхайте
Была бы возможность, поставила бы миллион лайков. !!! Какая у Александра великолепная музыкальная память!! Техника исполнения!!выразительность каждого звука! Гений!!!!
Le bonheur absolu grâce à la musique.... du Compositeur aux Interprètes ! bravissimo à Alexandre qui a conjugué un travail intense à ce don exceptionnel que la providence lui a offert !
Он непросто играет, он ЧУВСТВУЕТ музыку!!!
It's now been a full year since I first listened to this performance, and now I tell you, there will never be another as great as this one. Every nuance here is perfect; and the orchestra and the soloist are perfectly in sync with one another. That makes for a very great listening experience, because not only the soloist, but every single member of the orchestra -- and certainly as well as its conductor -- gets this piece exactly right. In my opinion, Grieg himself would have applauded it. I'm both left without words and humbled; it is rare, in the course of producing any art, that performers manage this kind of achievement. Congratulations to all.
Applies for every single performance of Malofeev. He just brings out the best of every composer's work. His own presence on camera only enhances the experience.
I am listening again today. I have known since I first found Malofeev that his technical skills are huge. I wanted to know if he had yet developed his wonderful lyricism. His ‘touch’ Yes! Quite evident in the beginning of the second movement. Today, I think he has become more willing to take risks. The results? I Love them
Well said!
Love this performance. I'm here to support a bright young RUSSIAN pianist! Wula!!
Malofeev is the absolute Angel of Music!
Et il est RUSSE !!!.🎉🎉🎉
Te bendecire siempre Alexander. Para mi la forma como interpretas esos hermosos conciertos es un alimento espiritual. Proyectas un cúmulo de emociones preciosas y las recibimos con mucho amor. Eres el virtuoso de este siglo.
SI ! desde luego, un prodigio de Dios !
Спасибо вам, что вы есть!
Спасибо за, наверняка, нечеловеческий труд и любовь к музыке.
Вы делаете нас счастливее.
о боже ! какое чувство! какая техника! какой талантище!!!! спасибо дирижеру и оркестру за прекрасную поддержку Саши! браво все !!!
Браво всем!!!
Поражена исполнением, с наслаждением слушаю. 2-й концерт Рахманинова просто потрясающее исполнение, теперь слушаю все; как он играет, здесь и мастерство, и вдохновение, огромное спасибо за возможность услышать это
Спасибо! Счастье слушать ТАКУЮ МУЗЫКУ в ТАКОМ ИСПОЛНЕНИИ!
только музыкой можно выразить самые тонкие чувства а по добное исполнение как чистый родник для ДУШИ благодарю за радость ЖИЗНИ храни тебя ПРОВИДЕНИЕ гениальный музыкант!!! любовь
О, это великолепно! Особенно это развитие, крещендо... Божественная музыка! Александр Малофеев браво!
Maestro Malofeev will have a place in the history of the greatest pianists in the world, He is a prodigy, an extraordinary artist who combines mastery of the piano, fierce passion in each performance, a unique elegant, precise style. He incarnates intellect plus deep emotions in each of the pieces he executes. He makes the audience vibrate spiritually, intellectually, mentally with the clear, perfect, all intellect and heart in each of his concertos around the world. To attend Maestro Malofeev's concertos is a feast for the mind and the spirit. Long Live, Maestro Malofeev !!!
_so have you been to his concerts..._
this is nice for you, but you talk too little about his emotions...
as they are even obvious from the records.
MyLovedWildAnimals m
Perfectly said ! 👍👍
No, Berezovsky is better: ua-cam.com/video/oc6UmqgF94E/v-deo.html
Виталий Лесин There have always been many great pianists at the top of their profession. The truly great ones KNOW their own worth and couldn’t care less about the way others played, or how popular they were. Rachmaninov, Horowitz, Rubinstein, Hofmann, Lhevinne and friends all played in their own way, and totally poo-poo-ed the idea that one was any better than the other. Besides, good luck trying to define “better” in these golden days of 2020. 🙄
I’ll risk saying there are very few pianists “better” than Malofeev. Different, perhaps, but not better.
Когда я слушаю гениальное исполнение Александра, я начинаю верить в Бога... Спасибо. Это не возможно объяснить, это можно только почувствовать.
Да, Вы на правильном пути.
I truly believe that Alexander Malofeev is one of the world's greatest pianists! He reflects all that is wonderful about the mystery of music. Technically, he is without peer. However, it is his incredible ability to translate the intent and individuality of the composer's design and purpose that is breathtakingly memorable and unique. I predict that he will be one of the greatest interpretors/performers of all time. Rest assured that great music has a brilliant future in his phenomenal hands.
I must've listened to this concert at 15 times since the first time I heard it."Wunderbar" indeed,performed astoundingly beautiful by a brilliant,genial pianist.I can't get enough of it.This was indeed a truimph and it could be clearly seen by that brilliant smile Alexander gave us when he took his bows.He knew that he aced it and so did everyone else.aThe music transports me to a place that is hard to describe and excites me in places so that I can hardly contain my emotions.It is exquisetly beautiful and performed to perfection!Bravo Alexander!!!!
He ranks with Lang Lang of China
I agree exactly with you…he becomes the music from the mind of the composer better than anyone younger than 80 years old…and only his hands are the most efficient and perfect at his work, his mind and body seem completely possessed by the music which is transformative…you will never hear or watch another pianist with the softest touch at once with the most forte of moments. Not one drop of misplaced energy or pretense is felt when he plays…compared with so many great pianists of the day, he is incomparable my view..
@@marirogers0153 I can't agree with you more. The softest touch, the very slight pauses at the perfect places, the utter lack of pretense, the complete absorption in the music. It is exquisitely beautiful. He does indeed show us a beautiful wonderful world, where I linger happily.
Sublime , divin Alexander Malofeev , bravo!!!
Шедевр исполнительского искусства. Любимый молодой музыкант.
Гениально, а сколько чувств в исполнении А. Малофеева! Браво! Брависсимо!
Татарстан гордится оркестром и прекрасным дирижёром А.Сладковским.
Браво!!! Александр берегите себя!
До такой степени хорошо, что кажется, что есть только он и музыка!
This is the concerto that Alexander first played when he was only 12. It made him want to be a concert pianist. He's still only 17 here, and is such an incredible artist already. This Grieg concerto is so beautifully played by Alexander, it's wonderful to listen to. He is a unique and talented pianist, performing all over the world today.
Alexander Malofeev had mastered this difficult work before the age of twelve! (You can also see that performance on UA-cam). This - more recent performance - is a magnificent example of his exquisite musicianship, technical mastery and thrilling enjoyment of its glorious perfection. Alexander himself is a great artist with an amazing future ahead of him. We are all so fortunate to be alive in his time!
У него не только удивительное будущее, но и удивительнейшие настоящее и не менее удивителен его опыт.
A wise, brilliant, heart as deep as the ocean, old man in a young man’s body. You just run out of superlatives with this guy. An incredibly sensitive accompaniment by the ladies and gentlemen in the orchestra. And the conductor isn’t too bad either.
Además de sus maravillosas manos, tiene una memoria increíble. En pocas palabras, es un ser excepcional, no me canso de verlo y escucharlo y darle gracias a Dios por su vida, para deleite de millones de personas. Gracias Alexandre!
I've never seen anyone play Grieg like the genius Alexander Malofeev. Congratulations from Brazil!
Великолепный, чудесный пианист.... Александр Малофеев... Брависсимо... Успехов, здоровья... Оркестр... Прекрасный......
There are no words to describe this genius. I think he will be making us cry for hopefully a long time. A gift.Thank you
If you were listening to the music instead of making a fuss with your crying you might like it even more.
Сашенька Это Божественно Дай Боже Тебе здоровья на долгие годы
А я горжусь его талантом и его красотой, смотрите все! Какие красавцы настоящие породистые наши русские парни!! Какие они талантливые. Не оторвать глаз от его игры, его красивого лица!! Браво Александр! Успехов к достижению высших результатов.!!
А если талант некрасив?
30/7/23. No lo conocía y es excelente!!!! Sencillo y sumamente expresivo. Es hermoso ver un joven tan talentoso.
Феноменальный талант! От всего сердца желаю Александру успехов и признания, он этого заслужил.
ceux qui n' ont pas de succès et reconnaissance ne le méritent pas ?
Это службой назвать нельзя , это - талант и больше ничего .
@@Жихарка-ю9и It is the result of many hours of hard work, practice and dedication AND of course, a God-given talent.
У меня складывается впечатление, что у Александра есть потребность реализовать свой грандиозный творческий потенциал на ниве дирижерского искусства. И мне кажется, что интуиция меня не обманывает, и может быть, что через некоторое время он успешно реализует себя в этой области музыкального искусства❤❤❤.
Absolutely amazing! My only regret is that as an 83 year old I will not be able to follow this young maestro's career.
Yes, I too at 81, but I have great hope beyond this life.
Enjoy the moment enjoy what joy this brings now and hope for more he is truly amazing great skills we all hope for more to come.
I'm 82 and I feel exactly the same! I feel young Alexander could well become the greatest pianist ever.
@@samkent122 Perhaps we can stream live, really fully LIVE, from our Heavenly dwelling places, prepared for the believer s in the true and loving Eternal One.
I am so grateful to have discovered this nonpareil in my 83rd year.
Its never too late!
R u ded yet?
Me too in my 79th.
I noticed too that the audience applauded between movements. Which usually only happens with audiences unaccustomed to concert hall protocol. But I suppose it could happen also when the music is extraordinarily moving...which this was. His touch is amazingly light and clear at times , then firm and powerful by turns. Also he has a depth of emotion unusual in one so young.
Grieg is one of my favorite classical composers. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this talented young man play his music!
The applause was well deserved. Not usual but reserved for exceptional performances, this was one of those.
@@jeremyfinch8541 Well said indeed, Sir!
Plus, of course, "autre pays; autres moeurs".
I gather that, in Germany, applause after a performance can start off quite "calmly" and increase in 'enthusiasm' and volume according to the greatness of the performance just witnessed, rather than [our] explosively thunderous start, often with cries of 'Bravo' : and yet one might perhaps expect ['reserved'] Brits to follow the German model...
@@maozella7291 Alexander adds a new dimension to already beautiful music. He has a wonderful gift developed to perfection.
נער מדהים עומק ריגשי בלתי מובן מאליו לגילו ויחד עם זאת יכולת טכנית מדהימה ויטואוז אמתי. תענוג עילאי להקשיב לנגינה שלו.
This handsome Russian lad delicately dominates the intricacies of this powerful concerto and holds his own throughout; Grieg is somewhere smiling perhaps, a bit amazed by this lad’s prodigiousness.
Сашенька, мальчик, береги себя! Ты - олицетворяешь собой всё лучшее, что есть в русском народе : благородство души, полёт и страстность сердца, невероятную одухотворённость и щедрость чувства!
Пожалуйста, все, кто с ним рядом - учителя, родители- берегите его, как зеницу ока, он - достояние России, её надежда и гордость
Художники принадлежат всему миру. Их родина - лишь его часть.
@@walshamite но именно этой части и ее образовательной системе он обязан своим успехом. Я тут не умаляю его заслуг и его родителей. Мир в долгу у них
Судя по твоей фамилии Renneberb, ты вестимо будешь из запроданок, сваливших на запад под мужиков-инородцев? Олицетворяешь ты собой очевидно не лучшее и явно более не русское.
@@No-bz5ub и вы слушаете классику, обладая такой грязной душой? На чистом глазу оскорблять незнакомую женщину, это низко.
Но без Вашей воли и трудолюбия,воли Ваших родителей,профессионализма
И Таланта ваших учителей,
ВОЛИ БОЖЬЕЙ не было бы
возможности у нас всех
Почувствовать Высшую
Степень Восторга,Эйфории
И Благодарности БОГУ ЗА
ВМЕСТЕ С ВАМИ ........!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love watching him play... I love his facial expressions, I love how he expresses the music throughout his entire body... he looks like he loves the piano...
He indeed mentioned in the interview that piano is his lover.😄
But not as over the top as Lang Lang.
@@deirdrekiely6187Это ревность.
Мой самый любимый современный исполнитель! Спасибо Александр! Браво стотысяч раз!!!👏👏👏
Сашенька, здоровья, успехов Вам, творчества, пусть Ангел Господень хранит Вас ❤
Эдвард Григ это волшебная красота а Александр волшебно е исполнение❤
Oh my God I've never seen anything like it. Only read about them in history books. Love it. Amazing!!!
Великолепное исполнение Александра Малофеева и любимого дирижёра Александра Сладковского!Браво!!!
Это волшебство! Какое счастье слышать эту прекрасную музыку в таком прекрасном исполнении.!
Большое спасибо родителям и педагогам этого молодого человека! За их труд и терпение! От всех нас, людей, которые слушают и наслаждаются этими волшебными переливами, исходящими из под пальцев! Дай Бог ему здоровья и долгих музыкальных лет!
Горжусь, что я современница АЛЕКСАНДРА!
0:31 I. Allegro molto moderato
12:55 II. Adagio
18:55 III. Allegro moderato molto e marcato
Этот юноша исполняет настолько поразительно, что я никогда такого не слышала. Каждую ноту, со своими эмоциями. Гордимся, привет из Казани!
Why do Russians write in all capital letters??? Are you guys mad or something?
@@caleblauber1441 and your comment is kind of rude, don't you think? IF PEOPLE USE CAPS, IT's OK! NO FEAR, THEY'RE NOT "Mad." LOL
@@caleblauber1441 NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!
@@lttrhd VERY WELL SAID. 😍 (holland-europe) 👍
Он повсюду открывает музыкальные сочинения заново, как будто их прежде никто и не исполнял! Чудо чудное!
Малофеев Александр Гениальный. Исполнитель🌐🌏🌍🌎 Музыки ВЕКА!!! 2021 ГОД!!!
Точно .
Какой прекрасный исполнитель! Сколько сил, экспрессии и одновременно мягкости и лиризма! И какой замечательный оркестр, как он чутко отзывается на игру молодого исполнителя! Браво!!!
It seems he has already lived a life, the way he plays.
@@pete3816 I don't think so. All his early videos show a very happy lad. I'm sure he had a wonderful childhood - just one that was perhaps very different from yours or mine in many respects. But the obvious joy and sense of fulfilment that he shows at the end of this performance and others, indicate a well-rounded personality who has a clear and untroubled vision of his destiny as one of the worlds leading pianists. Whatever price he has had to pay, is clearly a trifle in his mind, when compared with the joy that it brings - to him and his audiences.
@@pete3816: Alex has a God given talent that wants to get out and live, for most of us to enjoy and respect.
@@pete3816 @Pete let me quote the words of Evgeny Kissin, another enfant prodige who's become a wonderful pianist, when he was asked what he missed most: " I'm not lacking anything. Sacrificing oneself doesn't mean to lose something, on the contrary it means to lose nothing and to use everything in order to discover the truth about oneself. I spend my time going deep inside of me. Through the music."
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that young Alexander is the reincarnation of some immortal keyboard giant like Gilels or Richter.
I know !!! Scary in a way ! Lol.
Yes, very handsome outside, very beautiful inside. Intoxicating young man ...
Браво, Александр! Гениальное исполнение! Благодарю за удовольствие слышать эту великолепную музыку в таком высоком качестве исполнения!
Alexander the Great...
Такой юный молодой человек и так гениально передаёт все нюансы произведения. Александр и оркестр в данном случае это единое целое!
Это волшебство! Великая музыка в прекрасном исполнении. Благодарю.
Слёзы и мурашки...За 75 лет жизни - партитура в голове в компилированном в памяти звучании великих музыкантов 20 -21 века, но Грига услышал другого, совсем -волшебство, чудо, я потрясен в очередной раз Вами, спасибо Вам...
Уму не постижимо насколько шедеврально исполнение муз.произведения этого,если так можно выразиться, - композитора-фантаста. У кого есть хоть мало-мальски навыки профессионального муз.образования - тот поймет насколько мягко, кажущеся легко,профессионально и волшебно исполнение такой сложной музыки. Так волшебно легко мог исполнить только такой молоденький пианист. Гениально. Иначе не смотрелось бы и не слушалось. Спасибо оркестру,солисту и автору видео за полученное эстетическое удовольствие. Просто потрясающе.
Браво исполнителю , браво оркестру такое единение и понимание гениального произведения Эдварда Грига. Как хорошо, что наша фортепианая школа находится на таком высочайшем уровне.
And he is so pretty and noble to look at
Еще также романтично могут исполнять женщины. Послушайте Татьяну Николаеву. Чтобы музыка звучала мягко, нежно, ласково и волшебно, нужна выразительность, а главное - исполнение куда более качественное чем просто техничная игра. Нужно любить произведение, нужно проживать его, чтобы нежность рук передавалась слушателям.
Какой молодец!!! И смотреть и слушать приятно...
Every tome I watch and listen to Alexander Malfeev, he astounds me. I am a very amateur classical piano player. This piece is one of the top piano concertos in history and Alex plays it better than many of the famous pianists that proceeded him. Whenever I watch and listen to Alex, I am motivated to go to the piano and learn a few more bars of one of these pieces. He has caused me to download so many piano scores that he plays so I can imagine myself even for a few seconds playing these works.
Amazing how this young Russian captured and expresses the soul of Grieg and Norway. Just wonderful 😊
Left me speechless...incredible massive talent! .
Edvard Hagerup Grieg was born in Bergen, Norway (1843 -1907). He is widely considered one of the leading Romantic era composers. I am sure that Mr. Grieg is looking down on this brilliant young pianist and smiling with great joy and elation at the interpretation of his Piano Concerto in A minor, Op.16. How truly inspiring to see the passion, discipline and mastery of this young superb Russian pianist command such beautiful tones from the American made Steinway & Sons Concert Grand Model D (which is my favorite to play). A union of global excellence that has transcended the ordinary to reminds us all of what is possible when united for the greater good. What a rare musical treasure he has given us!!!
The piano is his throne. His kingdom, his place. You couldn't imagine this prince in other place because he is the sun of the orchestra.
But he missed th very first note if the concert hahaha. Nevertheless a good performance
Mr Fresh, whoever you are, he most certainly did NOT miss the first note or any notes thereafter. Don’t start bashing a genius if you don’t thoroughly know the music by studying the orchestra score. 😡 Hahaha?? Not funny. At ALL.
@@stefan208 l
@@jeffreymiller4814 I FULLY AGREE with YOU .
@@jeffreymiller4814 No pianist ever missing the first chord of the Grieg Concerto of course.
I am 15, I just performed the first movement which received a standing ovation and brought tears to the audience. I will never forget this because now I understand just how powerful music can be.
I am happy for you. May you continue to learn and play music. Music is the soul’s delight.
Such power! Such depth! Such command and feeling overwhelms the soul. Thank you, Maestro, for lifting us all.
Внешне тоже красавчик...браво браво браво!!!
At last! Not only a fabulous performance we expect from Alexander. But an excellent video of his performance - wide-angle shots, medium shots and plenty of close-ups from various angles. And more than one camera employed. Please will others who video his concerts learn from this video. Also, look at Herbert Von Karajan's videos. He was a grandmaster when it came to filming music. Modern-day filmmakers can learn a lot from his techniques. There's no excuse for sloppy technique when dealing with a superlative musician such as Alexander.