Need of the Chicks for Best Performance हिन्दी मे

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Today’s Broiler Chick’s Genetic potential is beyond imagination. They are reaching 2Kg in less than 30 days under excellent management condition. Now question is, what is the need of today’s chicks to produce results as per genetic potential. They are nothing but the following:
     Disease Free House
     Comfortable House Environment
     Breed Specific Feed
     Safe Drinking water
     Protection from dreaded Diseases
    The need is simple and can be arranged in farm situation easily where there is a will.
    • Disease Free house means housing of chicks in a disease free house (follow SOP of Shed Cleaning) and Health Maintenance throughout the Production cycle
    • Comfortable House is one where the chicks remain under comfort zone from day one to harvesting. One need to take care of House Temperature, Ventilation, Space, Light, Bedding, Stocking Density, welfare to provide comfort to chicks to extract 100% genetic potential.
    • Feed must match with Age wise recommendation of the breed. Moreover, feed must be palatable & easily digestible.
    • Safe drinking water means sanitize drinking water without any chemical or bacterial contamination. Safe water must be available from day one to culling and has to be easily assessable
    • Protection from potentially harmful disease can only be done by scientific vaccination program against all dreaded disease for which vaccines are available, e g avian Influenza, ND, IB, IBD, IBH, FC, IC, MD, Pox, etc.