Ahh thanks man. I've spent more time needed googling how to test the coils on a V8 Vortec. This will definitely help me out tomorrow when I try to diagnose my 6.0.
Hey guys I will give you an idea I have a chevy 2000 7.4 silverado I change 3 coils already and I came to the conclusion that it wasn't the coil, it was one of that connectors the big connect that goes to the coil I move it and my truck turn off and that's how I find out it was the connector ❤
Search google for "Chevy battery" many have connections on the side, and some have both side and top. This one is connected from the side. Great question and observation! I hadn't noticed I had apparently been starting the car with the battery disconnected 😂
Ahh thanks man. I've spent more time needed googling how to test the coils on a V8 Vortec. This will definitely help me out tomorrow when I try to diagnose my 6.0.
I did that test was the coil 💯
Hey guys I will give you an idea I have a chevy 2000 7.4 silverado I change 3 coils already and I came to the conclusion that it wasn't the coil, it was one of that connectors the big connect that goes to the coil I move it and my truck turn off and that's how I find out it was the connector ❤
Did the wires still receive spark when coil is bad ??? Or does it shut off spark ?
Why is the battery not connected? How do you start the engine?
Search google for "Chevy battery" many have connections on the side, and some have both side and top. This one is connected from the side. Great question and observation! I hadn't noticed I had apparently been starting the car with the battery disconnected 😂
Pull Start
Your truck was literally running the same as it was before you unplugged the coil pack