Abolish Speed Limits

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Mutahar is too busy with the latest Linux vulnerability to talk about this.
    Charlie won't touch this, but his chauffeur might.
    Asmondgold can't even drive.
    So you no choice but to turn to me for this take.
    I worked as a professional dumbass for over 3 months. I think I know what I'm talking about.
    If you want to spout some bs leave it in the comments; This helps me get more upvotes on Reddit.


  • @MoonBeautySabata
    @MoonBeautySabata 4 місяці тому +17

    As a language AI model, road civil engineering is super crucial to making streets safer for both pedestrians and drivers. Allowing for the delivery of pizza with pineapple.

  • @MikePainstill
    @MikePainstill 4 місяці тому

    There wouldn’t be speed limits if there would be only good engineers and if people would not drive after doing drugs.

  • @PepsiMaxVanilla
    @PepsiMaxVanilla 4 місяці тому +1

    welcome to libertarianism

  • @solteris4684
    @solteris4684 4 місяці тому +2

    As an ai language model, I appreciate the thinking behind your argument, because there’s definitely potential to improve road design for safety. However, your idea has a lot of flaws in my opinion. While the idea of engineering roads to universally facilitate safe driving specifically by utilizing the speed you tend to feel it’s safe to go is intriguing, it seems quite idealistic, especially when considering the social, political, and legal contexts.
    Also, the historical efficacy of speed limits in reducing accidents and fatalities cannot be overlooked. For instance, a comprehensive study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that speed limits have been instrumental in reducing traffic fatalities and injuries. Given this, while your suggestion might hold if everyone shared a similar mindset on driving, the reality is that speed limits serve multiple purposes beyond just safety or convenience. They provide a clear, enforceable standard that helps manage the unpredictable elements of human behavior and diverse road conditions that engineering alone might not address. It's important to view these measures as complementary rather than mutually exclusive.

  • @dualfluidreactor
    @dualfluidreactor 4 місяці тому +13

    So: How to do no speedlimits on the highway:
    1. Strictly enforce and have it a cultural norm: Only overtaking on the left.
    2. If you are not overtaking, take the rightmost lane.
    This is how to do it.

    • @SeanQuinn4
      @SeanQuinn4 4 місяці тому +1

      In America the law that's taught is "no passing on the right." This is actually referring to driving in the shoulder (reserved for emergency vehicles), but I'd say at least half the drivers on the road believe it's illegal to pass someone in a traffic lane to the slow driver's right side.
      Everyone out here is too concerned with being late or their own BS to remember the social responsibility of operating a 2 ton gas powered metal battering ram on wheels.

  • @sammyfromsydney
    @sammyfromsydney 4 місяці тому +2

    Wishful thinking? Wishful thinking is assuming people will pick a safe speed.

  • @illiria.
    @illiria. 4 місяці тому +21

    You're half way there with this take. You're correct that those road designs are atrocious and that roads should be designed in a way that makes people naturally drive with more care. Unfortunately removing speed limits would not get the result you hope for here. It may make drivers happier, but it would increase the danger for others using the road, such as pedestrians and cyclists.

    • @KnowDaFilm
      @KnowDaFilm 4 місяці тому +4

      Exactly right. whole point of slower speeds is to give you more time to slow down/stop.
      People are stupid, kids might run in front of cars, drivers might not be paying attention.

    • @Hangman11
      @Hangman11 4 місяці тому +2

      @@KnowDaFilm Sounds like a problem that fixes itself after a while

    • @naganomancer
      @naganomancer 4 місяці тому

      skill issue

    • @TheObsesedAnimeFreaks
      @TheObsesedAnimeFreaks 4 місяці тому

      yet... setting a speed limit at 70 will cause people to drive at 70 in white out conditions. speed limits don't work. they have never worked and are very much not an effective solution to the problem. you can argue it's a design problem, but you can also argue it's a driver training problem. i don't think a drivers speed is subconscious because being unaware of how fast you are going will land you off a cliff.

    • @Demopans5990
      @Demopans5990 4 місяці тому

      Again, a problem that fixes itself with time

  • @gertgratz9248
    @gertgratz9248 4 місяці тому +2

    Open up a Autobahn, be like Germany.
    Just dont build them to Mexico/Canada. You will thank me later.

    • @megazombiekiller9000
      @megazombiekiller9000 4 місяці тому

      We have the interstate system, but it's destroyed by people who hog lanes to make others go the speed limit or are just too unaware to know that very slowly passing someone is worse than speeding up slightly and getting over.

    • @SaltyMaud
      @SaltyMaud 4 місяці тому +1

      @@megazombiekiller9000 Hm yes, break the rules and complain others don't also break the rules to accommodate to you. Genius.

    • @megazombiekiller9000
      @megazombiekiller9000 4 місяці тому

      @@SaltyMaud thank you for proving my point.

    • @Keksdose2k
      @Keksdose2k 4 місяці тому

      You clearly have no idea how driving on Autobahn works. Fatal crashes would skyrocket in the US, because there are way to many reckless, selfish and unaware drivers. 70mph on an interstate was one of the scariest things I did in my life 💀 greetings from Germany

  • @AngelArm1110
    @AngelArm1110 4 місяці тому

    Totally agree, people naturally drive at speeds that match the road they're on. When you go around a bend on the highway, do you not naturally take your foot off the accelerator? When you see a long, unbroken stretch of flat straight road, do you not find yourself struggling to keep your speed from going way over the "limit"? It has nothing to do with following or not following the rules, so it's really not a question of getting everyone to behave themselves, it's a question of design, and understanding real world human behavior, and accepting the fact that you can't control what people do, just how they do it.
    Also wow!! People really airing their emotional baggage up in this comment section!! HEARTFELT opinions!!!

  • @ML4202
    @ML4202 4 місяці тому +2

    which cities/towns do you think would be most affected by the loss of speeding ticket income

    • @yoyoyopo5
      @yoyoyopo5  4 місяці тому +2

      Easy. Cool Valley, MO. The entire township is nothing but a police station and a 80ft wide street with a 25mph limit. Right outside of student parking at UMSL.

  • @JoeGamesAndSocializes
    @JoeGamesAndSocializes 3 місяці тому

    Speed bumps are a great example of this tbh, although poorly executed in some spots lol

  • @possibleproblem479
    @possibleproblem479 4 місяці тому +1

    speed limits are useful when implemented in smart ways. ultimately is boils down to what the average consumer vehicle is capable of safely and predictably and how the speed of traffic effects the safety of intersections/merging traffic and pedestrians. vision triangles, road surfaces, terrain/infrastructure, and traffic density all effect how a speed limit gets established.
    in other words: how safe is it to cross a road, how safe is it to pull out on this road, how fast can the average consumer vehicle take a corner _safely_ and at what roll angle, grade, surface grit, etc... are all considered.
    not everybody drives a geo with worn out suspension components, sloppy steering, and bald tires; but not everybody is driving the newest luxury sedan with awd, limited slip differentials, anti slip, abs, general handling safety electronics, and all the good stuff that makes cars much harder to crash nowadays.
    i personally believe they should be more lenient and fines/legal repercussions should be held to the discretion of each individual circumstance. especially since cameras are everywhere now, its easier to make more effective enforcement systems. that way less people get punished for endangering no one by speeding when its appropriate and the douchebags flying down residentials and school zones or the clowns cutting up on freeways get thrown in jail and fined out the ass.
    also americas system for licensing people is abominable and partly responsible for the dumbing down of driving in general; while in germany they're able to trust their drivers more because they actually know how to drive.

  • @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa7263
    @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa7263 4 місяці тому +3

    Good take

  • @mavericksetsuna7396
    @mavericksetsuna7396 4 місяці тому +3

    Hear me out. Keep speed limits and up fines so you can get more money! Anyone who cant pay the fine can work for 50c an hour in a corpo slave factory!

  • @jmejuniper
    @jmejuniper 4 місяці тому

    I agree with this mostly, I definitely think your solution should be implimented, but I think speed limits still are useful. People might still misinterpret signs, so it's great to have a backup saying what it's designed to be. Again, though, roads should definitely be designed better, I do agree on that lol

    • @TheObsesedAnimeFreaks
      @TheObsesedAnimeFreaks 4 місяці тому

      i like the idea of "recommending a speed" and making it absolutely clear that traveling at that speed can both be dangerous and inappropriate based on the conditions INCLUDING having to go faster then that speed if the rest of traffic is also doing so. I don't like speed limits because i know there are people out there that quite literally take them to mean "i can always go this fast" without regard to the actual conditions. remove the "speed limit" philosophy as you _must_ go this fast... then you will get safer roads as people _should_ do more to evaluate how fast they should be going.

  • @zeke1220
    @zeke1220 4 місяці тому +5

    I have to constantly think about my speed to keep myself to only 15-20 over. Most of the freeways in my area feel perfectly comfortable to drive on at 90-100mph but are zoned for 55-65.

    • @BigDaddyWes
      @BigDaddyWes 4 місяці тому

      You're insane. Just because you feel comfortable doesn't make it smart/safe. Slow down.

  • @Zebratic
    @Zebratic 4 місяці тому +4

    Bro resetting the mind of the traffic law. this guy is reprogramming society.

  • @roberteltze4850
    @roberteltze4850 4 місяці тому +2

    I live in a small town that had a major university. They made wide 4 lane roads to handle football traffic then gave them 30 mph speed limits. Any other place roads like these would be 40 or 45 mph

  • @ruukinen
    @ruukinen 4 місяці тому +7

    Counterpoint, what is a comfortable speed to one person is pedestrian to someone else. Speed limits exist so those jackasses with no regard to their own safety, but who do have a regard for the law, don't stray to far off the general understanding of a safe speed. If you make the road narrow and windy enough that those people can only drive 40 km/h on it, you'll have people who drive 20 km/h on it and still feel unsafe, because of the other numbnuts who nearly crash into them at a 20 km/h difference.

  • @munchmandrifta
    @munchmandrifta 4 місяці тому

    RoFL, "people aren't gonna go 100mph down some windy road just coz there's no speed limit" Ah, see this is where research is important. If you actually look up places with no speed limits at all you'd see that accidents involving speeding skyrocket nd yeah a lot of it is people going flying off the road on winding roads.
    speed limits aren't set coz they go, um this is the average i think, derp seems good enough. They are set to protect the people merging on and off the road, for roads with sudden turns and other information about the road.
    is this 100% why they are set? No, of course not, some speed limits are set too high or too low for other reasons. Anyway hopefully one day you do some research and learn that speed limits have a tangible reason to exist and not just arbitrary reasons.

    • @dale117
      @dale117 4 місяці тому +1

      Studies have produced results that vary from state to state. Findings in the Midwest were significant in that fatality and injury rates following speed limit increases were noticeably higher than before, while the same did not go for California. Road hazards, weather conditions and driver behavior differ countrywide.
      A method known as the “85th percentile” is used by traffic engineers to establish speed limits. This tactic operates under the assumption that most drivers will travel at a speed that is reasonable, sensible and comfortable to them on any given roadway, regardless of the posted limit. Speed limits are set at a number that separates the bottom 85% from the top 15%. For example, if the speeds of 100 vehicles are measured and 85 vehicles are traveling at 37 mph or less, the speed limit for the road could be set at 35 mph.
      Experts essentially split down the middle when it comes to whether they think higher speed limits contribute to traffic accidents and fatalities. In 2000, the Automobile Club of Southern California performed the first in-depth analysis of effects of higher speed limits in California. The study showed that higher speed limits set in 1995 and 1996 did not increase the rate of fatal or injury traffic crashes. In fact, actual travel speeds on roads with increased speed limits barely changed. People were already traveling faster than previous speed limits, and once speed limits were altered they generally did not speed faster than their comfort zone.
      A 41-mile stretch of Texas 130 toll road now has the highest speed limit in the nation, and allows drivers to legally drive up to 85 mph. Proponents of the increased speed limit refer to data that demonstrates that in the years up to the most recent increase in speed limits, speeds were generally increasing however death rates were not. On the other hand, safety experts in the U.S. and Europe warn Texas lawmakers that fatalities and injury accidents are likely to rise. Steve Bloch, Ph.D. of the Auto Club stressed that "Faster-moving vehicles are more likely to crash because the driver has less time to brake and a smaller margin of error in an emergency. Faster-speed crashes are also more likely to result in injury or death because fast-moving objects hit with greater force than slow-moving ones."
      Although findings across the country are conflicting, they have shown that drivers are by-and-large practical and cautious. In essence, posted limits are not the cause of auto accidents - reckless driving is. - Solomon & Relihan, P.C., Accident Attorneys based in Phoenix AZ
      I think I'll take their word over some armchair "expert".

    • @TheObsesedAnimeFreaks
      @TheObsesedAnimeFreaks 4 місяці тому +1

      @@dale117 more over there are still those drivers that will drive much faster then they should regardless of the conditions, because the sign says they can drive a certain speed. removing speed limits limits this behavior by forcing such drivers to actually think about how fast they are traveling rather then taking the "limit" as the directive of how fast they are allowed to go. along with mandating drivers keep to a specific lane of travel unless passing and STRICTLY enforcing that should make the roads safer overall. US roads have many issues, a lot of which are design based. speed limits are a band aid on that.

  • @greenwalnut774
    @greenwalnut774 4 місяці тому +2


  • @freedustin
    @freedustin 4 місяці тому

    As much as the speed limit is wishful thinking...so is your idea.
    Also, your idea totally puts emergency vehicles into a very bad place. If they have to get to some emergency quickly but the roads are designed to toss speeders into the trees...you know you have a bad idea.

    • @roytripp966
      @roytripp966 4 місяці тому

      The idea is that you don’t know what’s ahead and you feel uncomfortable going to fast. Emergency vehicles go around 10-15 mph as it is now and with addition of their alerts they can be more confident of conflicts ahead getting out of their way. If emergency responders were going 20-30 I’ve in a city then your point would stand but the fact of the matter is they don’t.

    • @burkino7046
      @burkino7046 4 місяці тому

      It's very unlikely that the shortest route for an emergency vehicle will take it through a residential area.

    • @freedustin
      @freedustin 4 місяці тому

      @@burkino7046 most emergencies happen inside residential areas. you didn't think that argument thru 1 bit.

    • @freedustin
      @freedustin 4 місяці тому

      @@roytripp966 big cities are too crowded is all that says. in my city, emergency vehicles go 90mph daily.

    • @burkino7046
      @burkino7046 4 місяці тому

      @@freedustin You didn't apply any critical thinking. Areas with many people around (like I don't know, because people live there) should be designed to reduce speeds. This does a few things: the people who would speed through there go somewhere else; less thru traffic leaves emergency vehicle response times unaffected. At reduced speeds collisions are avoided which saves the need for an emergency vehicle in the first place.

  • @sergii.molchanov
    @sergii.molchanov 4 місяці тому +1

    I found speed limits in US somewhat strange. In comparison speed limits here in UK are mostly obvious.

  • @sgjuxta
    @sgjuxta 4 місяці тому +1

    This video is spot on..a HUGE part (or at least it always *should* be) of design/engineering for roads and anything else is figuring out how to make the most obvious and natural way to use the thing the actual intended use. Don't want people speeding through a residential area? Make the pavement like 35 feet wide and allow street parking on both sides...problem solved. In general, it's always a better idea to make a behavioral choice an unviable option instead of just telling people they can't do the thing.

  • @roytripp966
    @roytripp966 4 місяці тому +2

    Yup, I completely agree (here’s some help with the algorithm)

  • @Darth_Insidious
    @Darth_Insidious 4 місяці тому +1

    Speed limits exist to easily prosecute people who drive too fast and recklessly. It's also nice when you're first learning to know how fast you should go; later on it might feel natural, but it isn't at first.

    • @RealRatchet
      @RealRatchet 4 місяці тому

      Most accidents are caused by differences in speed not by speeding. In both cases it requires at least two dumb people.

    • @Darth_Insidious
      @Darth_Insidious 4 місяці тому +1

      @@RealRatchet That logic works on the highway, and better highway drivers might allow us to travel safely at much higher speeds. But when pedestrians are in the area, the potential difference in speed for an accident will always be near equal to the speed of the car.

  • @Neront90
    @Neront90 4 місяці тому +2

    Most drivers who kill and hurt people on the road don't care about rules and signs anyway,

  • @CristianNazare
    @CristianNazare 4 місяці тому

    This man is right. Road speed limits are stupid. Cars should be limited from factory. Maximum allowed speed in the US is 85. Why can US ROAD CARS go faster than that? (same everywhere in the world btw)

  • @fantasypvp
    @fantasypvp 4 місяці тому

    this is truly a "if i can convince the government to abolish speed limits then maybe they'll drop my speeding ticket so i wont have to pay the fine" moment lmaooo

  • @-Katastrophe
    @-Katastrophe 4 місяці тому

    They tried that in Montana then Germany ruined it, as Germans are want to do.

  • @FrizzlerGuy
    @FrizzlerGuy 4 місяці тому +2

    more speed bumps and less speed limits!

    • @no_name4796
      @no_name4796 4 місяці тому +2

      More then speed bumps, roads just should be narrower, with a single line x direction.
      That already makes a lot of difference. And also leaves some space for lane for anything which isn't a car, which would be nice

  • @b4kk3rYT
    @b4kk3rYT 4 місяці тому

    We need more content on youtube like this

    • @yoyoyopo5
      @yoyoyopo5  4 місяці тому

      thanks brother, means a lot

  • @NekoTiki
    @NekoTiki 4 місяці тому

    Completely agree with what you say, but it would sound better to me to say "We should design infrastructure better" than "Speed Limits are useless" they still are useful as a reminder i guess

  • @vivekdarklord
    @vivekdarklord 4 місяці тому

    Or another approach could be modifying the cars being manufactured in a way that the cars get limited based on the road and keep the car within the speed limit. It makes for a general solution that takes the people out of the equation.

    • @Riley-zr1gn
      @Riley-zr1gn 4 місяці тому

      Then people jailbreak their cars and also the normal drivers cannot react with giving more throttle to get out of dangerous situations

    • @vivekdarklord
      @vivekdarklord 4 місяці тому

      @@Riley-zr1gn yeah that’s fair