I had the Devo’s and after 1 year, the stand fell apart. A random plastic piece just fell out of the stand. I emailed Devos and they said send me a picture of it. I did and never heard back. That was about 4 months ago. Last night I had charged it all night and tried to use it the following day and it only lasted about 4 minutes before it kept shutting off. I am over it. I bought the Goal Zero light yesterday,
I bought the devos 1200 about 2 months ago and now they have the 2000 that I ordered. The 2000 works on an app and doesn't need filters the leds themselves change from white amber and red.
There are things I like about both but I just ordered the Devos bundle, which is on sale and includes a filter set, for three colors (Yellow, Amber and Red) and a motion detector!
I've chosen the skylight. My choice was also based on that I already own the yeti 400 which I've connected two external batteries. With that in mind I am able to run the skylight for a few days before needing to recharge my yeti.
I have the Devos and love it. Seeing the comparison and I would still choose the Lightranger. It's lighter, more compact amd cheaper than the Gola zero
I use the STKR Fli-Pro for camping and general use, smaller and lighter weight (2.5 lbs, 27.5” x 3” when packed), 8’ max height, aluminum body and tripod/fiberglass composite pole, 900 lumens on high for 1.5 hours (all night 12-15 hours on low), white light 5400K and red light mode, flashlight mode (400 lumens for 4.5 hours), IP54 water proof, remote control, USB-C charging $139; STKR also makes an overlanding specific light, 10’ max height, 2600 lumens white (5400K) and amber lights instead of red, 25” x 3” packed, 4lbs 6oz, battery 6 hours on high/72 hours on low, battery can also be used to charge other devices, aluminum body and tripod/fiberglass composite pole, USB-C charging, IP54 waterproof, remote control, $199; I don’t think you could go wrong with any of these telescoping lights, main thing is to always have at least one in the field because having 30’ wide area lighting is always very welcome and/or essential esp. when trying to set-up or pack down at night, or just for general lighting
I have the Devos 1200 twin set and I wouldn't change a thing about it. The add ons is what makes the Devos so much better for overlanding. The solar panels in conjunction with the motion sensors makes these run nearly perpetually, and completely worry free. The last thing I need is another device sucking up power from my power banks. Also, I've dropped these guys from 15-20ft and they are still solid, barely a scratch. I doubt any other light can stand that kind of abuse. The Goal Zero seems like it would be better suited for project sites, where you can have unlimited power and you need to be blinded by the lights, and to me, is just overkill for my needs. Devos just released their 2000 series and although I don't need any of the new upgrades and features to justify the cost, the bluetooth connectivity sounds so tempting, but not for double the price. If I didn't have the 1200 with every add on, I'd def go for the 2000.
I had the Devo’s and after 1 year, the stand fell apart. A random plastic piece just fell out of the stand. I emailed Devos and they said send me a picture of it. I did and never heard back. That was about 4 months ago. Last night I had charged it all night and tried to use it the following day and it only lasted about 4 minutes before it kept shutting off. I am over it. I bought the Goal Zero light yesterday,
That's unfortunate to hear hopefully the Goal Zero works out for you better.
I bought the devos 1200 about 2 months ago and now they have the 2000 that I ordered. The 2000 works on an app and doesn't need filters the leds themselves change from white amber and red.
Yeah I've seen it, it's super cool
I like the feature of adding a motion sensor to the Devos.
There are things I like about both but I just ordered the Devos bundle, which is on sale and includes a filter set, for three colors (Yellow, Amber and Red) and a motion detector!
Good choice 💪
I've chosen the skylight. My choice was also based on that I already own the yeti 400 which I've connected two external batteries. With that in mind I am able to run the skylight for a few days before needing to recharge my yeti.
Nice good choice
No one that I'm aware of offers the motion sensor feature for these style of lights. I plan on purchasing 2 in the near future.
It is a good option with the new light they offer
I have the Devos and love it. Seeing the comparison and I would still choose the Lightranger. It's lighter, more compact amd cheaper than the Gola zero
100% it is definitely our go to.
I use the STKR Fli-Pro for camping and general use, smaller and lighter weight (2.5 lbs, 27.5” x 3” when packed), 8’ max height, aluminum body and tripod/fiberglass composite pole, 900 lumens on high for 1.5 hours (all night 12-15 hours on low), white light 5400K and red light mode, flashlight mode (400 lumens for 4.5 hours), IP54 water proof, remote control, USB-C charging $139; STKR also makes an overlanding specific light, 10’ max height, 2600 lumens white (5400K) and amber lights instead of red, 25” x 3” packed, 4lbs 6oz, battery 6 hours on high/72 hours on low, battery can also be used to charge other devices, aluminum body and tripod/fiberglass composite pole, USB-C charging, IP54 waterproof, remote control, $199; I don’t think you could go wrong with any of these telescoping lights, main thing is to always have at least one in the field because having 30’ wide area lighting is always very welcome and/or essential esp. when trying to set-up or pack down at night, or just for general lighting
Can I use this light in the camping ⛺️ tent?
Which one
@ both
I have the Devos 1200 twin set and I wouldn't change a thing about it. The add ons is what makes the Devos so much better for overlanding. The solar panels in conjunction with the motion sensors makes these run nearly perpetually, and completely worry free. The last thing I need is another device sucking up power from my power banks.
Also, I've dropped these guys from 15-20ft and they are still solid, barely a scratch. I doubt any other light can stand that kind of abuse.
The Goal Zero seems like it would be better suited for project sites, where you can have unlimited power and you need to be blinded by the lights, and to me, is just overkill for my needs.
Devos just released their 2000 series and although I don't need any of the new upgrades and features to justify the cost, the bluetooth connectivity sounds so tempting, but not for double the price. If I didn't have the 1200 with every add on, I'd def go for the 2000.
Yes they have their pros and cons and the new Devo's series is sweet indeed.
You never talked about the price
I never mention price as they are always fluctuating.
Great comparison. p.s. you could just keep your phone plugged in while recording
Thank you
Do you have an option on either of these to run off a generator? Or standard AC power? Thanks
You could get a 110v to 12v converter and run the GoalZero of off standard ac power
The Devos now ships with an AC power adapter.
Devos and its not even close. Goalzero is a joke with the size it is packed up.