Hey all, I want to add something here real quick: as of this video's making, the slide blind on Exalted Blade can blind Eximus units, but I opted to not include this in the video as I am reasonably certain it's a bug. I decided to just put it in a pinned comment so that I wouldn't have to mess with the video if it ever gets patched, hope you all understand. See you for Hysteria's episode here soon! I also swear I have a pop filter, I think this mic just needs replaced at this point lol
Having two color to use for energy color completely fixes the "messes with your fashion" issue people have with Chromatic Blade. For example, I use a very dark brown to get heat, then my favorite blue energy color completely covers it up, as if there was no difference in my energy color.
I think the annoying thing is the fact that I needed to set up 3 different color-sets & 3 different arsenals with him just to keep up a few umbra playstyles.
@@aquamarinerose5405 Sure, it's a bit annoying, and I think they should change it, but it's only a mild inconvenience, rather than an actual hinderance.
Honestly man I have build my excal with rolling guard, two augment and forced myself to subsume wrathful advance on slash dash......now I get huge damage output always get damage in millions
@@wolfofwarframe3807 I'm actually quite happy to see someone else using Wrathful Advance on Umbra. It feels -so- nice with him, arguably better than on Kullervo
@wolfofwarframe3807 90% of the time, WA. 10% of the time I'm using xatas. I only swap to xatas when I am extraordinarily bored of clicking 1 then 3 over and over again. But my build is schizo due to me also using sht like Blade Charger and primary charger. I swap build every patch according to my mood.
Personally. The only changes umbra needs (if they are going to continue to refuse allowing Exalteds to use the same tools other frames have such as arcanes/combo multi scaling/acolyte mods) Then please raise the base stats to compare TO THE OTHER EXALTEDS. Every other exalted has a ridiculous base crit chance . Exalted blade is the only one with subpar/trash stats. My SKANA hits harder.
@@UmbralWuju Oh 100% agree! That's what I've been doin' too. Prisma Skana, Incarnon, and like, 306% power strength to murder everything 160+ on Steel Path. rarely do I use my Exalted Blade
Another point in cold's favour for chromatic blade is that it's proc increases critical damage, and iirc, primary frostbite can be raised by outside sources. They probably aren't huge game changers, but worth remembering
Some extra things i've noted from my heavy use of Excal in chromatic state: - Attack speed alters how far the Waves can travel by account of them you know, going faster. - Base Attack Speed of Exalted Blade is afftected by Natural Talent, although you may not want to mod for that. - Xata's Whisper affects Exalted Blade, this is excellent for adding a flat buff to chromatic blade, as well as allowing Exalted Blade to more easily strip Overgaurd by both dealing Void Damage and creating it's bubble effect. - Modding for Excess power strength with Chromatic gives the blade more than enough to have 712% status chance at just 205% strength, allowing for some insane multi-stacks of corrosive, fire and other useful snapshotting statuses and strippers. - For Chromatic Blade, most dark reds, blues, purples and greens all still count as Fire Toxin, Cold, and Electric respectively, even if the visual emissive is nigh indistinguishable from black. (useful for maintaining a fashionframe and redcucing colour clash.)
There will never be a rework like Excalibur in Warframe history ever again. You just had to be there. All the past Reworks before 16.9 were always stat shifts and numbers changes with *some* alterations of powers and some shifts in them but never to the level of Exalted Blade. It was flashy, cool, vibrant, exciting. Eventually becoming the new standard for a while.
For those looking for another way to survive with Excalibur, I've been liking subsuming Lycath's Hunt over his Slash Dash, running one purple archon shard for equilibrium, and Health Conversion. It lets me run Arcane Battery and Arcane Blessing while freeing up the Primed Flow slot and any potential blue shards for more options in those spots. Also means I can free up Synth Deconstruct on my companion for another mod that would increase its utility. :3
good idea, i have been trying to make him work recently and survivality is my biggest problem on him. i think pairing him with vasca or panzer vulp would work well on him but i havent gotten into it yet. i tried arcan reaper + grace but he cant really keep up and still gets one to two shotted by a random emanity.
For a brief moment before starting the video I forgot how in depth Warframe's mechanics can be, so I questioned how in the world a video talking about one ability on one frame could be 20 minutes long. It's one of those things I've just become so used to after putting so many hours in over the years that it doesn't feel "complex" until I see it broken down again.
My main gripe with the weapon swap buff is that it removed the sound of exalted blade being deactivated. That sound was equally as cool as the activation sound and i miss it soooo much.
A good way to handle his energy issue if you have both gloom and exalted blade on is actually arcane battery if you’re using all three mods, it gives you a crap ton of armour which arcane battery can take use of to give you a bunch of energy you get it from the Ascension game mode I use it quite a bit for ranking up war frames just because spaming abilities, ranks them up faster (if there are any typos that it’s not my fault I use speech to text)
Waow, Exalted blade is so cool! I hope there isn't another ability in Excalibur's kit that has less downsides, is just as strong, and is more straight forward due to the ever powercrept stats stick tools!
Holy shit this video is soooo good for making builds. I was concerned when you said you would be giving no builds on the previous video but I don't need builds if you tell me everything like this. I am so happy that you will be doing this for every exalted.
Just want to say for survivability advice, DE recently patched slash dash in 1999 to make Excalibur fully invulnerable during it’s duration instead of only making his health invulnerable, so it’s good in a pinch to use. Haven’t tested it much to see if it was actually patched since I haven’t been able to play the update but it’s a nice tool for survivability when paired with other methods.
One thing I wish they'd do is give synergy with Radial Blind that makes Slash Dash either perform a Finisher or at least do increased damage on Blinded enemies. I feel like that'd give Slash Dash better usefulness in a fight.
@@DragonxFlutterSlash Dash is actually the better and safer DPS ability compared to Exalted Blade thanks to the ability to piggyback off acolyte melee mods and Incarnon perks, the ability to better clear groups without the help of tight grouping, and the ability to be cast without breaking Shade/Huras Kubrow invisibility.
@@gvmesa That's the thing that the devs want to _get rid of._ Why use Exalted Blade and have it's Synergy with Slash Dash when you can use the Ceramic Dagger Incarnon and Helminth over EB?
@@DragonxFlutterfortunately DE is not going to remove this interaction until they can make sure frames like Khora and Atlas won't be absolutely ruined. Also, changing pseudo Exalted abilities like these won't solve the main issue, which is Exalted Blade just doesn't clear that fast compared to proper AOE melees. Slash Dash has the benefit of being able to be cast without breaking companion invis (very useful for not getting carpal tunnel during scaling content from spamming shield gate now that you can't just Radial Blind Eximus units), while Exalted Blade doesn't really have any advantage over bringing something like a Xoris other than being cool.
Excalibur ain't all that glassy. External Healing sources like Operator Arcanes still exist, ya know. And so does Warrior's Rest augment. As for Chromatic Blade - it's a crutch. With a good primer like Cedo you can proc enough Statuses to quickly delete mobs with a Gladiator+FuriousJavelin buff combo. Imho, Exalted Weapons should get a rework where their starting starts like Crit Chance and Status chance also grow with their Strength, not just their Base Damage like it is rn. Thus changing how some Augments work. So Baruuk and Ex could get their Augments slightly changed - both get the Status Chance increase removed, but both also get the Elemental Damage as Extra Damage, not as a Base Damage replacement. Oh, and also Acolyte Mods should be allowed. Because that outdated restriction is just dumb.
I haven't tried it yet because I don't have extras of Cyte-09 yet, but I heard that Cyte-09's evade is very good on excalibur for survivability, and the mods we got this update regarding extra boosts while invisible can help in the damage department.
Yet another well made video ChillGuy369. I genuinely think that splitting the wider video idea into a seperate series will make it both much easier on you and much more benefitial as well, given that it would be easier for people to binge, watch videos for warframes they care about, rather than have to sit through a massive 3 hour long documentary on guns made of fungus war crime bones. Probably give you a better pay out too, getting the same viewer base on a dozen shorter videos. lol
Glad to see more videos videos for excal, I brought the exalted blade to level cap recently and it went really well I do wish excal would get 1 or 2 more QoL changes
Chromatic Blade is more useful than anyone gives it credit for. I've got mine running Precision Intensify and Warrior's Rest with Corrosive and Fire Status with high attack speed and critical chance/damage and believe me it can make short work of most foes thanks to armor strip stacking. Aside from that, any enemy that has two elemental weaknesses (yes I know there are few) you can use Chromatic Blade to get both and deal triple damage, making it hit well above its weight clase. My Magnetic-Gas combo has been making a mockey of Techrot beasties in Hollvania. To me, its not that Excalibur is "underpowered" but rather that his is the most versatile. Look at the other options. Wukong's Staff is monstrous, easily one of the best contenders, but its pretty much committed to Impact alone. Can be a problem. Desert Wind is easily the strongest, but the time limit of his meter makes it demand careful usage. Hysteria is monstrous, but energy drain lmao. Peacemakers are monstrous but Mesa's movement restriction definitely hinders her, even with Mesa's Waltz. Hildryn's Exalted weapon can be effective and can deal great single target damage but it struggles against crowds, even heavily built. Excalibur's Blade can be customized to fit into logically any situation, optimized to hit really hard and really fast and deal melee damage at range, pile up preferable statuses, and thanks to its energy consumption allows it to be held basically the entire mission in most circumstances. Dont think of it as a sledgehammer for every nail, but as the perfect swiss army multitool, to integrate into the rest of his loadout for the task at hand.
6:17 I think the primary advantage of Exalted Blade in this regard is the fact that even if the waves *technically* do less damage, they're still capable of extending your effective AoE. Slashing everything in a line in front of you, primarily dealing the highest damage to the guy you're actually cutting while also cutting 4 dudes behind him is better than it seems.
In my experience, tharros strike is actually pretty good with excal, as it strips armor, has a smidgen of cc potency, and bumps your surviability. For some reason though when I was building it I pumped range instead of duration (and strength ofc) which made furious javelin a little harder to manage, but definitely more potent. Also made him a thirsty boy, but that’s pretty solved with flow/equilibrium and arcane energize. Should revisit that I think Edit: I also subsumed over his 2??? Not a big deal cause of the slide radial blind but the range on his 1 makes it a very funny movement option (~50m)
For energy imo run Hunter Adrenaline and Arcane Battery. Long as ur still running the umbral set mods you'll be able to bash through hordes and spam the entire kit.
As my main i can agree that Exalted blade along Excalibur are really strong and fun to play, but with enemies becoming stronger and new Warframes becoming more powerful, it starts to show he needs some adjustments, but its still a good Warframe, i use him with full corrosive and its a funny thing, i might add the new magnetic mod so it can deal better with eximus, cool vid
Chromatic blade is not bad for exalted blade, its literally the best dps mod for it, its bad because exalted blade itself(in the current meta at least) is so ...wanting. Excalibur with nami+solo is just such an absolute world of difference and makes you wish he had a way for exalted blade to just do a budget melee influence with chromatic blade - the status spreading mod.
Hey CoolKid, I've got a lore question. So the Jade Light was an ancient Orokin execution method, right? And that's an unfathomable amount of time after Warframe 1999. And even further still, the Jade Light Eximus weren't made until Parvos Granum got his hands on the tech for it, even FURTHER into the future, right? So WHY THE FRICK-FRACK PADDYWHACK GIVE-A-D0G-A-BONE do the Scaldra and Techrot have Jade Eximus, and more importantly why do they feel like the most common eximus type? I can't go 3 minutes into a 1999 mission without seeing that tell-tale green laser telling me I gotta play Where's Waldo or die trying. Is the lore that Parvos Granum hates me (specifically me) so damn much that he sent jade eximus units back in time just to fuck with me???
this may be slight spoilers if you haven’t completed the full hex quest but in the finale mission it seems to hint that 1999 is either involved with some conceptual embodiment shit, or at the very least there is a blurred line between the current time in the game and 1999, likely due to the involvement of the man in the wall.
Gameplay and story brushing up against each other, probably. If I recall you can run into Jade Light Eximus before you even do Jade Shadows, where the event canonically immediately after the quest is where the Jade Light Eximus are finally made. And since we got rid of almost all of Jade’s Volatile Motes in the event, Jade Light Eximus probably should be a lot rarer, but same problem. Also the seasons gimmick in 1999 influences which Eximus units are most common, as last week deluged you with Arctic Eximus to the point you can barely move at some points, Summer’s going to have a lot of Blitz or Arson Eximus and Fall a lot of the other one.
@@fluorideinthechat7606 I played some more 1999 yesterday and there were so many Jade eximus. It wasn't uncommon to find groups of 4-5 of them at once, with another hiding around a corner after you thought you got rid of the one tracking you. I'm sure Nyx, Revenant, and anyone with the right hound precept (or anyone that subsumed Mind Control) are absolutely thrilled about it, but for me it's just an annoyance.
You really did your research, I felt so smart with my Toxin-Blast Exalted blade😂, mod Viral-Heat on a Magnetic Kuva Nukor and Gas-Cold with Shivering Contagion on my Sentinel Weapon and I'm easily hitting in the millions, which gets multiplied further thanks to Blast being as broken as it is. Great video keep up the good work 👏👏
13:14 tazicor with contagion and duplex bond primes really quick on any sentinel so you can replace the diriga for any other companion. Coolant leak with manifold bond is pretty pog to also spread status effects, you can have viral rad magnetic electric with tazicor
If I'm remembering correctly, Hysteria wasn't originally an exalted weapon. It was a timed ability rather than a channel, and the claws couldn't be modded.
Heat on exalted blade can also be used with heat inherit setups! Which scales pretty well on longer mission settings/priority targets (demos, higher lvl thrax etc).
Hi ! Excal main since 2015 (before his rework) here ! So ! That's a good video, you cover a lot of things while keeping a relatively short video, that's nice. It doesn't allow you to cover everything of course, and that's why I'm here ! I'm gonna talk about my own build (Steel path and Deep Archimedian viable, Last Breath is strongly recommended tho but that's just in case you didn't developped your parkour skills in the game : I barely die because I'm jumping around ! First thing I wanna say here is : I'm surprised that you just mention Wrathful Advance as a viable subsume. To me this is an absolute must have on excalibur, when I don't use it it's because I'm doing a spy or rescue mission and so I put the auto-hack helminth ability. But if I have to kill anyone, I just go with WA augment, this spell is just way too overpowered. Dealing red crit whatever you build your blade is neat, and by just puting WA and Life Steal you have a viable build in steel path or anywhere in the game. Tho I personnally go for the chromatic blade augment only, WA taking place on the javlins so I can proc mass damage then flash then dassh to become unvulnerable during my whole slash dash attack while getting life back. It doesn't happen often, but it saved my arse a load of times during the Netracells/Deep Archimedian missions. Also I use a green energy to go poison on the blade so I can proc Corrosive too by putting Archon Continuity on the build. About the blade itself, I go for a last Radiation status with Focus Radon, so the waves can create crowd control while this destroys murmur enemies (told you it's for archimedian, but you can use this pretty much anywhere on the map, the 105% status chance + red crit makes it so strong against anything. Just for fun I should try it on the Eidolon bosses lmao). Also I don't use Sacrificial Steel cause I use Condition overload, most of my unique status coming from my companion. Of course a use of Galvanaized Elementalist is welcome as it strengthen the toxin damage, which will be strong against pretty much any enemy : facing corpus they'll just hit life instantly so they're one-shhoted; against grineer the combination of poison AND corrosive will strip their armor while dealing DOT ecreasing further everytime a corrosive status procs, and usually they die in two taps but eximus can be a bit tougher so this makes them die pretty fast too. I also put Primed Fever Strike so I can go max toxin damages. Condition overload of course, I don't deal a load of unique status with my blade, but I have a nautilus prime with a burst rifle : while the weapon will deal loads of status, the cordon precept mod will grab everyone in front of me every 15 seconds. On Nautilus tho I put Manifold bond, so everytime I kill an enemy affected by 3 or more unique status effect, it reduces the pull by 3s/enemy, so it recast every 2 to 5 seconds depending on the enemies I'm facing (2s in most case as I play only on steel path and there are plenty of those little mobs around in it). About the Burst Rifle, you can use pretty much anything on it to put status, especially now that we can combine an element with 2 mods + have a third flat one for cold and put on top of that both Radiation and Magnetic with the mods we got released during last year. But the core is the combo cold + gas : gas is a status I put on no other weapon slot so it's a way to have one unique status that will create an AOE that deals damage over time, not only gas damages : the clouds it creates can proc other status from the weapon, cold in my case. So more crit damages. So, cold status + radiation + gas = 3, it's enough to proc the manifold bond mod. If you want to swap off the radiation from the burst rifle you can do it tho, I just like it when there's plenty of sources of chaos to control opponents but you do you =) About the archon shards, I use 3 tauforged purple to increase critical damages, and I use primed flow to activate the bonus (+75 critical damage when max energy is over 500), and because I like warframe for the fun I can take from parkour, I use 2 yellow tauforged shards for parkour speed cause the build works like this, but if you want to go max potential add another purple and you're fairly free about the last one : another purple is probably the strongest, but I like to go with an orange archon for more critical damage from heat status because I use Cascadia Flare and Scorch on my secondary weapon (dual toxocist most of time, laetum can happen a lot too). A yellow for some casting speed may be viable, but honestly I don't think it's needed. If you don't have enough purple sshardsss, you can just go with crimson shards until you can fuse them into purple : they do the same thing, but without the 37.5 crit damage over 500 max energy, so it's just halfed critical damages. That works well enough until the upgrade ! :) In short : a blade that deals a whole load of damage, generate a bit of crowd control so if they don't die in the second they just shot their friends instead of me, and a companion that allows me to deal even more final damages while packing mob in front of me like a pocket mag, life steal and mostly parkour maneuver for survivability. If you want more details about the build, /w TheXoraS in game ! :) (If I'm offline, just add me as friend and try again later, I play everyday during the afternoon and the evening)
Minor note, the lotus vanished in the kuva tile set because the transition from the grineer queen uses the same system. As a result when lotus and the queen try to play dialogue at the same time funny stuff happens. I have seen the lotus colored red on the fortress screens.
I know most UA-cam creators shudder at the thought of not using the meta, but I _love_ the idea of taking a Warframe and their kit (including signature weapons) and building around what they're good at (in Hildryn's case, Balefire would come out as soon as I run outta Larkspur ammo). So I shall be watching this video with great interest. And, as a Story Mode Excalibur, I appreciate any video that talks him up.
Something I haven't seen anyone talk about anywhere is using Archon Continuity with a green energy chromatic blade, giving you a DOT and free corrosive armour strip while allowing space to mod another combo element on. With that set up you can have armour strip whilst still putting damage onto enemy types where armour is less of a problem, ie corpus and infested. I do toxin/Rad. Also abandoning crit chance to use Kullervo's Advancing strike for free crits and being able to spec solely for CD through use of 4-5 purple archon shards and Arcane Battery allowing spec into high crit damage while leaving the frame's mod slots free for both Rj augment and Chromatic blade alongside other choices. With RJ aug and the Molt Augmented arcane you can hit into the millions easily and get more crit than can ever be provided through avenger while still having all the status from chromatic. Arcane reaper, Adaptation, and Healing return with Umbral modset will give all the survivability you can ask for as long as you hit literally anything with your blade. Exalted Blade is stupid powerful minus its sometime strange behaviour (wave fall off) and good modding will chunk anything in front of you, not to say it couldn't use some TLC cough cough melee arcanes pls DE
After the survivability section, i want to point out my favorite way of doing that with basically any warframe: Health Convertion and Arcane Blessing. It's enough in most situation but you can even combine it with Adaptation or Gloom or my favorite Quick Thinking. It's enough for steel path non-endurance content especially if you can get more health orbs than normally with things like Synth Deconstruct and using that even opens up Equilibrum strategies and such
I just dived deep into remaking my umbra build. I farmed more mods for power strength and shoved 5 power strength shards right up his gooch. Ended with 400% power strength which with chromatic blade means I have 1200% status chance for exalted blade. The kicker? I have an electric emissive and turned it into corrosive. The damage is fun. I put hildryns pillage on him in place of his 1 to increase survivability. I also have arcane battery maxed out on him to make use of his 900+ armor value I’ve got. If all goes well I blend anything I come in contact with. Bonus points if I can get more boosts like from jade or Dante. I love Excalibur, there’s always something special about your first and most used frame. Update : got growing power and furious javelin. Changed my damage types to viral and heat for the chromatic blade. Arcane blessing I’m hoping boosts my hp enough to help my adhd ahh with hitting pillage on time.
I like your build, i prefer health tanking with Adaptation and Hunter adrenaline while slotting Arcane Battery. Always seemed the most obvious way to make survivability work on excal to me so I'm curious about how he performs for you as a shield tank?
@ he wasn’t much of a shield tank tbh. I mainly popped pillage to keep myself from dying instantly and to armor strip. I’d also use radial howl to blind enemies for extra damage and then furious javelin just to put any hope of them having a bloodline into the grave. It worked pretty well and I rarely went down unless I wasn’t paying attention. I’m currently experimenting with having gloom instead of pillage.
> way fewer status effects viral corrosive toxin blast magnetic radiation sword build moment edit, realized someone would question nourish for viral, toxin from modding, corrosive from archon continuity, blast from cold+heat modding, and magnetic and radiation from the respective dual element mods
Pretty sure he was saying if you don't run Chromatic Blade, you won't be getting the Status Chance increase, and therefore have way fewer status effects applied.
I don't use Excal but this was very informative, there's always more to learn in Warframe! Can't wait for the Baruuk's Desert Wind and Cyte-09's Neutralizer
People : You should use this to help with Excalibur's survivability. My crazy ass : What if I gave Excal cold element so I can use Chroma's subsume and give it extra armor
As soneone who stills plays excalibur umbra here or there when needed he can still hold his own just fine even if he's already that old of a frame but in terms of his exalted sword i mainly use it as like crowd control whenever the enemies got me cornerd and thiers abunch of em also you jus gave me a good idea on adding healing return on the sword which i wished I did that earlier
This game really needs an operation health. The amount of weird interactions (or lack therefore) with mods/weapons/arcanes and abilities that need probably a slight tightening of the screw to be really good is kinda funny. But also frustrating. Even the devs have admitted by now that stat sticks for PE's are confusing at the best of days as it stands now. And multishot and gun co not triggering (or triggering) for specific weapons for no apparent reason is a mild annoyance. We also have such a wide arsenal of destruction, most exalteds feel kinda pointless. Especially stuff like Blade and balefire. I could name you a billion secondaries and melee's that can kill better, and that's before looking at all the "meta" stuff and incarnons. I know that there'll always be a degree of "doing what's fun" else we'd all run torid and revenant while holding LMB. Doesn't mean it should stay as it is tho. I love fashion and excal especially is very fashionable, so i just want him to feel a little closer to what he deserves to be.
My favourites are Mesa's Regulators and Titania's Dex Pixia (dual autopistols). The former because I built it with the most basic mods yet it melted high-level enemies, that now I upgraded with Mesa Prime and proper galvanized mods. The latter just because they're by default really pack a punch
Isn't that kinda trumped by just running both for greater damage? I've never taken either off and the status from CB opens up many more build opportunities
I've used Gloomcalibur, and honestly while it solves his healing, the extra energy drain is miserable and it doesn't really stop him from getting bullied from outside off its range, which you want to keep manageable so it doesn't annihilate your energy pool, so it also affects his blind and javelin indirectly negatively. For a while I was using Xata's Whisper, and it was certainly funny in terms of damage, but hardly necessary. The neatest thing about it is that it turned individual enemies in a crowd into blade wave blenders due to the magnetism bubble, but the same quality also nerfed the blade waves versus lines. That said, in hallways you could turn individual enemies into meat shields to block fire from further away. I've tried a variety of ways to make Excalibur less squishy in endurance content, but there was only one build that was really reliable in that regard. Shooting Gallery, with Muzzle Flash and Arcane Trickery. As it happens, melee will charge up the blind bonus, and all you have to do is keep holding down melee if you don't want it to fire off prematurely. Releasing and repressing the melee button is a split-second process that doesn't even break your animation. You will also get multiple blinds going off per full duration of Shooting Gallery, making it very energy efficient. Arcane Trickery's invis lasts 30 seconds, and the only thing holding it back is the rng and finisher speed. I'm going to have to see if Evade ends up being a better option in the long run by getting energy wave headshots.
My suggestion is Umbral set mods, Arcane Battery, Adaptation, ARcane Reaper, Hunter Adrenaline on the frame and Healing Return on the Exalted blade. Hit anything and you'll never fall over. IMO its way easier to make Excal tankier than try to play with an invis ability or Shooting Gallery gimmick. That set up will fix your energy and make him eat hits to stay healthy. I'd always pick Nautilus over Xata though so I can run a different helminth.
@@kyewardrop2603 I've tried both. Really, I have, and the number of times I just randomly die is way higher on a tanking build than it is on an invis build. It's not even comparable. The umbral mod set can only make you so tanky when the warframe's stats are so horribly average, and Adaptation only protects you reliably against damage types you're taking really consistently. The moment a bombard rolls up with blast, or an elemental eximus rolls up with one of those at a sufficiently high level, all that resistance you've built up to IPS flies out the window. Adaptation works best on frames that you can expect to take a hit and not die. That ISN'T EXCALIBUR. That's Valkyr, Lavos, Qorvex, Nidus, Inaros, Hildryn. Excalibur is a frame where you go fast and move around to avoid getting attacked, is a frame where you blind enemies to prevent them from attacking in the first place. Adaptation is _not_ a good mod for him, and all it really does is prevent you from going harder on anything else you could improve without it. Meanwhile on an invis build, getting 30 seconds of invis per trigger of Arcane Trickery, with Muzzle Flash blinding even eximi, I was able to go like a full 2 hours steel path survival without dying, which is more than enough for most content. That's one arcane, one helminth ability, one mod slot dedicated to survivability. That said, Evade has been way more accessible and can be maintained without having to do finisher shenanigans, so that's an option now, even if you do have to aim slightly up with Exalted Blade or use another weapon to get headshots, like Kunai Incarnon.
@@Nogayaranah let’s be real here umbral polarities are basically pointless nowadays and makes builds less cohesive. Galvanized mods replaced umbral and no one uses other umbral mods except for intensify
If anyone wants to try a weird non-meta setup (if you could ever even call Excalibur “meta”) I’ve found that Chroma’s Elemental Ward with the cold color + adaptation makes Excalibur pretty tanky. You get a lot of armor anyway from the umbral mods so leaning into that just felt right.
Im glad we have multiple loadouts too. I agree with heat being best, but I love the look of lightning so if im going low lever stuff for fun or farming, Ill run electricity.
I only really use two of the combos, the moving combo (for most situations) or the crouching variant of neutral combo for chokepoints. I have not used the chokepoint strategy (basically gonto a dead end, hide behind a door and spam) in a long time, ever since the Orokin Void got rewirked.
Great video, can't wait to see video covering Ivara, maybe if youtuber will point out that augment isn't working DE will fix it so i can play it again, as with new weakpoint mods she could be really really good and even have some synergy in kit which she currently hasn't
@@beenis08 after aoe nerf aoe weapons can't headshot, and so artemis bow with aug, but 50% cc bonus works only on headshots, i mean it's not like 100% bug, the mod description doesn't say that cc is added to explosion, but before aoe nerf it wasn't that way, and having cc on aug that makes your weapon aoe, without applying it to aoe doesn't makes sense
Life Strike on the Exalted Blade plus Arcane Reaper, Arcane Blessing and some Armour Shards has just about solved Excalibur's issue of squishiness. Throw a Tennokai mod on the EB and you can make use of Life Strike without giving up Combo. Not that Combo means much, like you said. Please DE, give us BR and WW.
i like running eclipse on him for the versatility of DR/dmg buff, even if the dmg buff is strictly worse than roar one is that its visually very buggy with gemini skins, only affects heads, makes skin textures go crazy
Hot take: Shattering impact should be percent based not a flat 6, and the effects double or triples when impact damage is triggered by heavy attack Also this mod would work wonders as a gun mod but either make it percent based or raise the armor strip to atleast 50 armor removed per impact proc because impact is going to fight other IPS and elemental procs or have the weapon not deal any elemental damage for this mod to work hence the need to have a high armor strip to compete with viral and corrosive builds.
Here is how you get bets of both worlds, change color to toxin, use Archon mod that procs corrosive with toxin, use 2 green archon shards to increase corrosion procs to fully strip enemy (or one tauforged to get 90% strip). Mod exalted blade with the new radiation, magnetic mod and add the 60% heat and cold for blast. You get, blast, mag, rad, toxin and corrosion procs. Have your vulpaphyla deal the viral stacks as well as mod his claws for the ips and condition overload away.
Great video! I was just trying to understand Exca again, since I stopped using him a while ago (11 years playing this game makes you forget how to use certain things) About the power of the exalted waves... I think it's reasonable that it's so low power? I had a friend who used to sit on a corner spamming E and doing nothing during survivals. "The game plays itself" he used to said, then quitted and never played Warframe again.
Hey all, I want to add something here real quick: as of this video's making, the slide blind on Exalted Blade can blind Eximus units, but I opted to not include this in the video as I am reasonably certain it's a bug. I decided to just put it in a pinned comment so that I wouldn't have to mess with the video if it ever gets patched, hope you all understand. See you for Hysteria's episode here soon!
I also swear I have a pop filter, I think this mic just needs replaced at this point lol
sell the mic like it’s gamer girl bath water.
Please, let Pablo know that Exalteds need their arcane slots (as well as stance capacity for melee exalteds). We have been waiting too long.
Exalted Blade & Mass Vitrify are my two favorite ability sounds in the game fr fr, I do be casting them just to hear the sound too.
@@CoolKid369 is this a simulacrum bug or does it work in missions
Pop filter seems to me to be audibly doing its job. No harshness on the Ps or Bs.
john warframe
I like the skin that lets you turn into Arthur "John Warframe" Warframe
Having two color to use for energy color completely fixes the "messes with your fashion" issue people have with Chromatic Blade. For example, I use a very dark brown to get heat, then my favorite blue energy color completely covers it up, as if there was no difference in my energy color.
The first color is actually the secondary color. Because of people like excal and chroma
I think the annoying thing is the fact that I needed to set up 3 different color-sets & 3 different arsenals with him just to keep up a few umbra playstyles.
Sure, it's a bit annoying, and I think they should change it, but it's only a mild inconvenience, rather than an actual hinderance.
You can also use any black color or the darkest red in the valentine color pallete, they sometimes are just invisible
exalted blade's base stats have been so powercrept that it's not even funny anymore, it's just sad.
Yeah. Slash dash and exhaled blade really suck. Radial blind and javelin are fine, I guess.
To the point that Slash Dash can be scaled to do more damage than Exalted itself due to a lot more stuff that buffs Slash Dash damage.
@@davidmingle5910 slash dash is better, since it's a pseudoexalt, which can leverage stat sticks.
true but if you do it right you can hit for 30mil consistently with wrathful advance
Honestly man I have build my excal with rolling guard, two augment and forced myself to subsume wrathful advance on slash dash......now I get huge damage output always get damage in millions
As a 70% Use rate Umbra main with 5K hours in game.
I have been crying about this stuff for a LONG time.
From one main to another, are you a Wrathful advance user or something else?
@@wolfofwarframe3807 I'm actually quite happy to see someone else using Wrathful Advance on Umbra. It feels -so- nice with him, arguably better than on Kullervo
@wolfofwarframe3807 90% of the time, WA.
10% of the time I'm using xatas.
I only swap to xatas when I am extraordinarily bored of clicking 1 then 3 over and over again.
But my build is schizo due to me also using sht like Blade Charger and primary charger.
I swap build every patch according to my mood.
Personally. The only changes umbra needs (if they are going to continue to refuse allowing Exalteds to use the same tools other frames have such as arcanes/combo multi scaling/acolyte mods) Then please raise the base stats to compare TO THE OTHER EXALTEDS. Every other exalted has a ridiculous base crit chance . Exalted blade is the only one with subpar/trash stats. My SKANA hits harder.
@@UmbralWuju Oh 100% agree! That's what I've been doin' too. Prisma Skana, Incarnon, and like, 306% power strength to murder everything 160+ on Steel Path. rarely do I use my Exalted Blade
Another point in cold's favour for chromatic blade is that it's proc increases critical damage, and iirc, primary frostbite can be raised by outside sources. They probably aren't huge game changers, but worth remembering
I've been loving Archon Vitality for the double fire damage.
my excal's survivability is killing the enemies before they kill me
Some extra things i've noted from my heavy use of Excal in chromatic state:
- Attack speed alters how far the Waves can travel by account of them you know, going faster.
- Base Attack Speed of Exalted Blade is afftected by Natural Talent, although you may not want to mod for that.
- Xata's Whisper affects Exalted Blade, this is excellent for adding a flat buff to chromatic blade, as well as allowing Exalted Blade to more easily strip Overgaurd by both dealing Void Damage and creating it's bubble effect.
- Modding for Excess power strength with Chromatic gives the blade more than enough to have 712% status chance at just 205% strength, allowing for some insane multi-stacks of corrosive, fire and other useful snapshotting statuses and strippers.
- For Chromatic Blade, most dark reds, blues, purples and greens all still count as Fire Toxin, Cold, and Electric respectively, even if the visual emissive is nigh indistinguishable from black. (useful for maintaining a fashionframe and redcucing colour clash.)
There will never be a rework like Excalibur in Warframe history ever again. You just had to be there. All the past Reworks before 16.9 were always stat shifts and numbers changes with *some* alterations of powers and some shifts in them but never to the level of Exalted Blade. It was flashy, cool, vibrant, exciting. Eventually becoming the new standard for a while.
It was how I became an Excalibur main.
1:09 thanks for making the video adhd accessible
I like that the Exalted Blade is one of the simpler ones, but you still had 20 minutes of talking about it in you. I love this community.
For those looking for another way to survive with Excalibur, I've been liking subsuming Lycath's Hunt over his Slash Dash, running one purple archon shard for equilibrium, and Health Conversion. It lets me run Arcane Battery and Arcane Blessing while freeing up the Primed Flow slot and any potential blue shards for more options in those spots. Also means I can free up Synth Deconstruct on my companion for another mod that would increase its utility. :3
good idea, i have been trying to make him work recently and survivality is my biggest problem on him. i think pairing him with vasca or panzer vulp would work well on him but i havent gotten into it yet. i tried arcan reaper + grace but he cant really keep up and still gets one to two shotted by a random emanity.
he stopped procrastinating boys we finally got the exalted weapon video cant wait to watch it
For a brief moment before starting the video I forgot how in depth Warframe's mechanics can be, so I questioned how in the world a video talking about one ability on one frame could be 20 minutes long. It's one of those things I've just become so used to after putting so many hours in over the years that it doesn't feel "complex" until I see it broken down again.
My main gripe with the weapon swap buff is that it removed the sound of exalted blade being deactivated.
That sound was equally as cool as the activation sound and i miss it soooo much.
Xata's whisper is really good with his sword. It procs the void bubbles and hits targets multiple times with the waves, I use elec/gas and its so fun
Didn’t know that the waves bounce off bubbles, will definitely use this once I get my helminth unlocked
omg i use this too! (but with corrosive/fire) its so handy for Duviri and onward with tons of overgaurded enemies too.
Excited for Sabuuchi’s all mods tier list. Amen 🙏
One good use of the wave is nullifier bubbles , it allows you to break them without ended the exalted
A good way to handle his energy issue if you have both gloom and exalted blade on is actually arcane battery if you’re using all three mods, it gives you a crap ton of armour which arcane battery can take use of to give you a bunch of energy you get it from the Ascension game mode I use it quite a bit for ranking up war frames just because spaming abilities, ranks them up faster (if there are any typos that it’s not my fault I use speech to text)
Waow, Exalted blade is so cool! I hope there isn't another ability in Excalibur's kit that has less downsides, is just as strong, and is more straight forward due to the ever powercrept stats stick tools!
is the move in question slash dash
@ yeah, I personally find it equally viable to Exalted.
Stat sticks my beloathed
Holy shit this video is soooo good for making builds. I was concerned when you said you would be giving no builds on the previous video but I don't need builds if you tell me everything like this. I am so happy that you will be doing this for every exalted.
Just want to say for survivability advice, DE recently patched slash dash in 1999 to make Excalibur fully invulnerable during it’s duration instead of only making his health invulnerable, so it’s good in a pinch to use. Haven’t tested it much to see if it was actually patched since I haven’t been able to play the update but it’s a nice tool for survivability when paired with other methods.
One thing I wish they'd do is give synergy with Radial Blind that makes Slash Dash either perform a Finisher or at least do increased damage on Blinded enemies. I feel like that'd give Slash Dash better usefulness in a fight.
@@DragonxFlutterSlash Dash is actually the better and safer DPS ability compared to Exalted Blade thanks to the ability to piggyback off acolyte melee mods and Incarnon perks, the ability to better clear groups without the help of tight grouping, and the ability to be cast without breaking Shade/Huras Kubrow invisibility.
@@gvmesa That's the thing that the devs want to _get rid of._ Why use Exalted Blade and have it's Synergy with Slash Dash when you can use the Ceramic Dagger Incarnon and Helminth over EB?
@@DragonxFlutterfortunately DE is not going to remove this interaction until they can make sure frames like Khora and Atlas won't be absolutely ruined. Also, changing pseudo Exalted abilities like these won't solve the main issue, which is Exalted Blade just doesn't clear that fast compared to proper AOE melees. Slash Dash has the benefit of being able to be cast without breaking companion invis (very useful for not getting carpal tunnel during scaling content from spamming shield gate now that you can't just Radial Blind Eximus units), while Exalted Blade doesn't really have any advantage over bringing something like a Xoris other than being cool.
Excalibur ain't all that glassy.
External Healing sources like Operator Arcanes still exist, ya know. And so does Warrior's Rest augment.
As for Chromatic Blade - it's a crutch. With a good primer like Cedo you can proc enough Statuses to quickly delete mobs with a Gladiator+FuriousJavelin buff combo.
Imho, Exalted Weapons should get a rework where their starting starts like Crit Chance and Status chance also grow with their Strength, not just their Base Damage like it is rn. Thus changing how some Augments work. So Baruuk and Ex could get their Augments slightly changed - both get the Status Chance increase removed, but both also get the Elemental Damage as Extra Damage, not as a Base Damage replacement.
Oh, and also Acolyte Mods should be allowed. Because that outdated restriction is just dumb.
I haven't tried it yet because I don't have extras of Cyte-09 yet, but I heard that Cyte-09's evade is very good on excalibur for survivability, and the mods we got this update regarding extra boosts while invisible can help in the damage department.
Hey caracal! Thanks for making this video, I bet it took quite some time to research everything. I really like your videos!
i miss when channeling was still in the game and with Life Strike it gave pretty good healing
Life strike was the shit back in the day, I don't mind that they removed channeling but I wish it got a better rework :(
Really impressed by how thorough, well-explained and even funny this video is. Can't wait for Artemis Bow.
oh hell, coolkid mini series. cant wait for the others!
Yet another well made video ChillGuy369. I genuinely think that splitting the wider video idea into a seperate series will make it both much easier on you and much more benefitial as well, given that it would be easier for people to binge, watch videos for warframes they care about, rather than have to sit through a massive 3 hour long documentary on guns made of fungus war crime bones.
Probably give you a better pay out too, getting the same viewer base on a dozen shorter videos. lol
Glad to see more videos videos for excal, I brought the exalted blade to level cap recently and it went really well I do wish excal would get 1 or 2 more QoL changes
Chromatic Blade is more useful than anyone gives it credit for. I've got mine running Precision Intensify and Warrior's Rest with Corrosive and Fire Status with high attack speed and critical chance/damage and believe me it can make short work of most foes thanks to armor strip stacking.
Aside from that, any enemy that has two elemental weaknesses (yes I know there are few) you can use Chromatic Blade to get both and deal triple damage, making it hit well above its weight clase. My Magnetic-Gas combo has been making a mockey of Techrot beasties in Hollvania.
To me, its not that Excalibur is "underpowered" but rather that his is the most versatile.
Look at the other options. Wukong's Staff is monstrous, easily one of the best contenders, but its pretty much committed to Impact alone. Can be a problem.
Desert Wind is easily the strongest, but the time limit of his meter makes it demand careful usage.
Hysteria is monstrous, but energy drain lmao.
Peacemakers are monstrous but Mesa's movement restriction definitely hinders her, even with Mesa's Waltz.
Hildryn's Exalted weapon can be effective and can deal great single target damage but it struggles against crowds, even heavily built.
Excalibur's Blade can be customized to fit into logically any situation, optimized to hit really hard and really fast and deal melee damage at range, pile up preferable statuses, and thanks to its energy consumption allows it to be held basically the entire mission in most circumstances. Dont think of it as a sledgehammer for every nail, but as the perfect swiss army multitool, to integrate into the rest of his loadout for the task at hand.
6:17 I think the primary advantage of Exalted Blade in this regard is the fact that even if the waves *technically* do less damage, they're still capable of extending your effective AoE. Slashing everything in a line in front of you, primarily dealing the highest damage to the guy you're actually cutting while also cutting 4 dudes behind him is better than it seems.
this is a really great vid CK!!
In my experience, tharros strike is actually pretty good with excal, as it strips armor, has a smidgen of cc potency, and bumps your surviability. For some reason though when I was building it I pumped range instead of duration (and strength ofc) which made furious javelin a little harder to manage, but definitely more potent. Also made him a thirsty boy, but that’s pretty solved with flow/equilibrium and arcane energize. Should revisit that I think
Edit: I also subsumed over his 2??? Not a big deal cause of the slide radial blind but the range on his 1 makes it a very funny movement option (~50m)
For energy imo run Hunter Adrenaline and Arcane Battery. Long as ur still running the umbral set mods you'll be able to bash through hordes and spam the entire kit.
As my main i can agree that Exalted blade along Excalibur are really strong and fun to play, but with enemies becoming stronger and new Warframes becoming more powerful, it starts to show he needs some adjustments, but its still a good Warframe, i use him with full corrosive and its a funny thing, i might add the new magnetic mod so it can deal better with eximus, cool vid
9:36 spent to much money on galvanized steel bedframes to fit in his new 1m x 1m new york apartment
Chromatic blade is not bad for exalted blade, its literally the best dps mod for it, its bad because exalted blade itself(in the current meta at least) is so ...wanting. Excalibur with nami+solo is just such an absolute world of difference and makes you wish he had a way for exalted blade to just do a budget melee influence with chromatic blade - the status spreading mod.
Great Content, Keep up the Good Work!
Hey CoolKid, I've got a lore question. So the Jade Light was an ancient Orokin execution method, right? And that's an unfathomable amount of time after Warframe 1999. And even further still, the Jade Light Eximus weren't made until Parvos Granum got his hands on the tech for it, even FURTHER into the future, right? So WHY THE FRICK-FRACK PADDYWHACK GIVE-A-D0G-A-BONE do the Scaldra and Techrot have Jade Eximus, and more importantly why do they feel like the most common eximus type? I can't go 3 minutes into a 1999 mission without seeing that tell-tale green laser telling me I gotta play Where's Waldo or die trying. Is the lore that Parvos Granum hates me (specifically me) so damn much that he sent jade eximus units back in time just to fuck with me???
this may be slight spoilers if you haven’t completed the full hex quest but in the finale mission it seems to hint that 1999 is either involved with some conceptual embodiment shit, or at the very least there is a blurred line between the current time in the game and 1999, likely due to the involvement of the man in the wall.
Gameplay and story brushing up against each other, probably. If I recall you can run into Jade Light Eximus before you even do Jade Shadows, where the event canonically immediately after the quest is where the Jade Light Eximus are finally made. And since we got rid of almost all of Jade’s Volatile Motes in the event, Jade Light Eximus probably should be a lot rarer, but same problem.
Also the seasons gimmick in 1999 influences which Eximus units are most common, as last week deluged you with Arctic Eximus to the point you can barely move at some points, Summer’s going to have a lot of Blitz or Arson Eximus and Fall a lot of the other one.
@@fluorideinthechat7606 I played some more 1999 yesterday and there were so many Jade eximus. It wasn't uncommon to find groups of 4-5 of them at once, with another hiding around a corner after you thought you got rid of the one tracking you. I'm sure Nyx, Revenant, and anyone with the right hound precept (or anyone that subsumed Mind Control) are absolutely thrilled about it, but for me it's just an annoyance.
You really did your research, I felt so smart with my Toxin-Blast Exalted blade😂, mod Viral-Heat on a Magnetic Kuva Nukor and Gas-Cold with Shivering Contagion on my Sentinel Weapon and I'm easily hitting in the millions, which gets multiplied further thanks to Blast being as broken as it is.
Great video keep up the good work 👏👏
17:37 Forget Gloom, throw Eclipse on weak frames life good
Man i love your vídeos!
Good shit so far 👌
Edit: video complete, good shit man keep these coming 🎩
13:14 tazicor with contagion and duplex bond primes really quick on any sentinel so you can replace the diriga for any other companion.
Coolant leak with manifold bond is pretty pog to also spread status effects, you can have viral rad magnetic electric with tazicor
When i first saw the thumbnail I didn't see how cool the X is, subtle yet effective
If I'm remembering correctly, Hysteria wasn't originally an exalted weapon. It was a timed ability rather than a channel, and the claws couldn't be modded.
Heat on exalted blade can also be used with heat inherit setups! Which scales pretty well on longer mission settings/priority targets (demos, higher lvl thrax etc).
As an Excalibur main, I'm not asking for a rework or buffs anymore, I'm on my knees BEGGING for anything
Hi ! Excal main since 2015 (before his rework) here !
So ! That's a good video, you cover a lot of things while keeping a relatively short video, that's nice.
It doesn't allow you to cover everything of course, and that's why I'm here ! I'm gonna talk about my own build (Steel path and Deep Archimedian viable, Last Breath is strongly recommended tho but that's just in case you didn't developped your parkour skills in the game : I barely die because I'm jumping around !
First thing I wanna say here is : I'm surprised that you just mention Wrathful Advance as a viable subsume. To me this is an absolute must have on excalibur, when I don't use it it's because I'm doing a spy or rescue mission and so I put the auto-hack helminth ability. But if I have to kill anyone, I just go with WA augment, this spell is just way too overpowered. Dealing red crit whatever you build your blade is neat, and by just puting WA and Life Steal you have a viable build in steel path or anywhere in the game.
Tho I personnally go for the chromatic blade augment only, WA taking place on the javlins so I can proc mass damage then flash then dassh to become unvulnerable during my whole slash dash attack while getting life back. It doesn't happen often, but it saved my arse a load of times during the Netracells/Deep Archimedian missions.
Also I use a green energy to go poison on the blade so I can proc Corrosive too by putting Archon Continuity on the build.
About the blade itself, I go for a last Radiation status with Focus Radon, so the waves can create crowd control while this destroys murmur enemies (told you it's for archimedian, but you can use this pretty much anywhere on the map, the 105% status chance + red crit makes it so strong against anything. Just for fun I should try it on the Eidolon bosses lmao).
Also I don't use Sacrificial Steel cause I use Condition overload, most of my unique status coming from my companion.
Of course a use of Galvanaized Elementalist is welcome as it strengthen the toxin damage, which will be strong against pretty much any enemy : facing corpus they'll just hit life instantly so they're one-shhoted; against grineer the combination of poison AND corrosive will strip their armor while dealing DOT ecreasing further everytime a corrosive status procs, and usually they die in two taps but eximus can be a bit tougher so this makes them die pretty fast too. I also put Primed Fever Strike so I can go max toxin damages.
Condition overload of course, I don't deal a load of unique status with my blade, but I have a nautilus prime with a burst rifle : while the weapon will deal loads of status, the cordon precept mod will grab everyone in front of me every 15 seconds.
On Nautilus tho I put Manifold bond, so everytime I kill an enemy affected by 3 or more unique status effect, it reduces the pull by 3s/enemy, so it recast every 2 to 5 seconds depending on the enemies I'm facing (2s in most case as I play only on steel path and there are plenty of those little mobs around in it).
About the Burst Rifle, you can use pretty much anything on it to put status, especially now that we can combine an element with 2 mods + have a third flat one for cold and put on top of that both Radiation and Magnetic with the mods we got released during last year.
But the core is the combo cold + gas : gas is a status I put on no other weapon slot so it's a way to have one unique status that will create an AOE that deals damage over time, not only gas damages : the clouds it creates can proc other status from the weapon, cold in my case. So more crit damages.
So, cold status + radiation + gas = 3, it's enough to proc the manifold bond mod. If you want to swap off the radiation from the burst rifle you can do it tho, I just like it when there's plenty of sources of chaos to control opponents but you do you =)
About the archon shards, I use 3 tauforged purple to increase critical damages, and I use primed flow to activate the bonus (+75 critical damage when max energy is over 500), and because I like warframe for the fun I can take from parkour, I use 2 yellow tauforged shards for parkour speed cause the build works like this, but if you want to go max potential add another purple and you're fairly free about the last one : another purple is probably the strongest, but I like to go with an orange archon for more critical damage from heat status because I use Cascadia Flare and Scorch on my secondary weapon (dual toxocist most of time, laetum can happen a lot too). A yellow for some casting speed may be viable, but honestly I don't think it's needed.
If you don't have enough purple sshardsss, you can just go with crimson shards until you can fuse them into purple : they do the same thing, but without the 37.5 crit damage over 500 max energy, so it's just halfed critical damages. That works well enough until the upgrade ! :)
In short : a blade that deals a whole load of damage, generate a bit of crowd control so if they don't die in the second they just shot their friends instead of me, and a companion that allows me to deal even more final damages while packing mob in front of me like a pocket mag, life steal and mostly parkour maneuver for survivability.
If you want more details about the build, /w TheXoraS in game ! :) (If I'm offline, just add me as friend and try again later, I play everyday during the afternoon and the evening)
Minor note, the lotus vanished in the kuva tile set because the transition from the grineer queen uses the same system. As a result when lotus and the queen try to play dialogue at the same time funny stuff happens. I have seen the lotus colored red on the fortress screens.
I know most UA-cam creators shudder at the thought of not using the meta, but I _love_ the idea of taking a Warframe and their kit (including signature weapons) and building around what they're good at (in Hildryn's case, Balefire would come out as soon as I run outta Larkspur ammo). So I shall be watching this video with great interest.
And, as a Story Mode Excalibur, I appreciate any video that talks him up.
Something I haven't seen anyone talk about anywhere is using Archon Continuity with a green energy chromatic blade, giving you a DOT and free corrosive armour strip while allowing space to mod another combo element on. With that set up you can have armour strip whilst still putting damage onto enemy types where armour is less of a problem, ie corpus and infested. I do toxin/Rad.
Also abandoning crit chance to use Kullervo's Advancing strike for free crits and being able to spec solely for CD through use of 4-5 purple archon shards and Arcane Battery allowing spec into high crit damage while leaving the frame's mod slots free for both Rj augment and Chromatic blade alongside other choices. With RJ aug and the Molt Augmented arcane you can hit into the millions easily and get more crit than can ever be provided through avenger while still having all the status from chromatic.
Arcane reaper, Adaptation, and Healing return with Umbral modset will give all the survivability you can ask for as long as you hit literally anything with your blade.
Exalted Blade is stupid powerful minus its sometime strange behaviour (wave fall off) and good modding will chunk anything in front of you, not to say it couldn't use some TLC cough cough melee arcanes pls DE
Me at 9:30 when my entire exhalibur build is slash damage triggering crits triggering slash damage triggering crits:
Thanks for the video dude.
You forgot that cold grants crit damage now, not that much, but just a note.
After the survivability section, i want to point out my favorite way of doing that with basically any warframe: Health Convertion and Arcane Blessing. It's enough in most situation but you can even combine it with Adaptation or Gloom or my favorite Quick Thinking.
It's enough for steel path non-endurance content especially if you can get more health orbs than normally with things like Synth Deconstruct and using that even opens up Equilibrum strategies and such
I didn't even know the slide blind existed holy SHIT
i cannot wait for the Artemis bow video in 6 years
I just dived deep into remaking my umbra build. I farmed more mods for power strength and shoved 5 power strength shards right up his gooch. Ended with 400% power strength which with chromatic blade means I have 1200% status chance for exalted blade.
The kicker? I have an electric emissive and turned it into corrosive. The damage is fun.
I put hildryns pillage on him in place of his 1 to increase survivability. I also have arcane battery maxed out on him to make use of his 900+ armor value I’ve got.
If all goes well I blend anything I come in contact with. Bonus points if I can get more boosts like from jade or Dante.
I love Excalibur, there’s always something special about your first and most used frame.
Update : got growing power and furious javelin. Changed my damage types to viral and heat for the chromatic blade. Arcane blessing I’m hoping boosts my hp enough to help my adhd ahh with hitting pillage on time.
I like your build, i prefer health tanking with Adaptation and Hunter adrenaline while slotting Arcane Battery. Always seemed the most obvious way to make survivability work on excal to me so I'm curious about how he performs for you as a shield tank?
@ he wasn’t much of a shield tank tbh. I mainly popped pillage to keep myself from dying instantly and to armor strip. I’d also use radial howl to blind enemies for extra damage and then furious javelin just to put any hope of them having a bloodline into the grave. It worked pretty well and I rarely went down unless I wasn’t paying attention.
I’m currently experimenting with having gloom instead of pillage.
> way fewer status effects
viral corrosive toxin blast magnetic radiation sword build moment
edit, realized someone would question
nourish for viral, toxin from modding, corrosive from archon continuity, blast from cold+heat modding, and magnetic and radiation from the respective dual element mods
Pretty sure he was saying if you don't run Chromatic Blade, you won't be getting the Status Chance increase, and therefore have way fewer status effects applied.
I don't use Excal but this was very informative, there's always more to learn in Warframe! Can't wait for the Baruuk's Desert Wind and Cyte-09's Neutralizer
7:11 golden nova jumpscare
People : You should use this to help with Excalibur's survivability.
My crazy ass : What if I gave Excal cold element so I can use Chroma's subsume and give it extra armor
Combo it Arcane reaper/grace for healing and avenger for the cold boosting the crits.
Depending on your armor value, may be better to use the same strategy with heat for more effective hp and psuedo healing
First thought after watching the Devstream and hearing that they’re reworking exalteds was “OH NO COOLKID STOP NOW QUICK QUICK QUICK”
Spittin a lil bar right here was sneaky 11:44
Ichigo could teach Excalibur a lot, from poster boy to poster boy.
As soneone who stills plays excalibur umbra here or there when needed he can still hold his own just fine even if he's already that old of a frame but in terms of his exalted sword i mainly use it as like crowd control whenever the enemies got me cornerd and thiers abunch of em also you jus gave me a good idea on adding healing return on the sword which i wished I did that earlier
This game really needs an operation health. The amount of weird interactions (or lack therefore) with mods/weapons/arcanes and abilities that need probably a slight tightening of the screw to be really good is kinda funny. But also frustrating.
Even the devs have admitted by now that stat sticks for PE's are confusing at the best of days as it stands now.
And multishot and gun co not triggering (or triggering) for specific weapons for no apparent reason is a mild annoyance.
We also have such a wide arsenal of destruction, most exalteds feel kinda pointless. Especially stuff like Blade and balefire. I could name you a billion secondaries and melee's that can kill better, and that's before looking at all the "meta" stuff and incarnons. I know that there'll always be a degree of "doing what's fun" else we'd all run torid and revenant while holding LMB. Doesn't mean it should stay as it is tho. I love fashion and excal especially is very fashionable, so i just want him to feel a little closer to what he deserves to be.
My favourites are Mesa's Regulators and Titania's Dex Pixia (dual autopistols). The former because I built it with the most basic mods yet it melted high-level enemies, that now I upgraded with Mesa Prime and proper galvanized mods. The latter just because they're by default really pack a punch
The best argument agaisnt chromatic blade is that Furious Javellin outperforms it
Isn't that kinda trumped by just running both for greater damage? I've never taken either off and the status from CB opens up many more build opportunities
I've used Gloomcalibur, and honestly while it solves his healing, the extra energy drain is miserable and it doesn't really stop him from getting bullied from outside off its range, which you want to keep manageable so it doesn't annihilate your energy pool, so it also affects his blind and javelin indirectly negatively.
For a while I was using Xata's Whisper, and it was certainly funny in terms of damage, but hardly necessary. The neatest thing about it is that it turned individual enemies in a crowd into blade wave blenders due to the magnetism bubble, but the same quality also nerfed the blade waves versus lines. That said, in hallways you could turn individual enemies into meat shields to block fire from further away.
I've tried a variety of ways to make Excalibur less squishy in endurance content, but there was only one build that was really reliable in that regard.
Shooting Gallery, with Muzzle Flash and Arcane Trickery. As it happens, melee will charge up the blind bonus, and all you have to do is keep holding down melee if you don't want it to fire off prematurely. Releasing and repressing the melee button is a split-second process that doesn't even break your animation. You will also get multiple blinds going off per full duration of Shooting Gallery, making it very energy efficient. Arcane Trickery's invis lasts 30 seconds, and the only thing holding it back is the rng and finisher speed.
I'm going to have to see if Evade ends up being a better option in the long run by getting energy wave headshots.
My suggestion is Umbral set mods, Arcane Battery, Adaptation, ARcane Reaper, Hunter Adrenaline on the frame and Healing Return on the Exalted blade. Hit anything and you'll never fall over. IMO its way easier to make Excal tankier than try to play with an invis ability or Shooting Gallery gimmick. That set up will fix your energy and make him eat hits to stay healthy.
I'd always pick Nautilus over Xata though so I can run a different helminth.
@@kyewardrop2603 I've tried both. Really, I have, and the number of times I just randomly die is way higher on a tanking build than it is on an invis build. It's not even comparable. The umbral mod set can only make you so tanky when the warframe's stats are so horribly average, and Adaptation only protects you reliably against damage types you're taking really consistently. The moment a bombard rolls up with blast, or an elemental eximus rolls up with one of those at a sufficiently high level, all that resistance you've built up to IPS flies out the window.
Adaptation works best on frames that you can expect to take a hit and not die. That ISN'T EXCALIBUR. That's Valkyr, Lavos, Qorvex, Nidus, Inaros, Hildryn. Excalibur is a frame where you go fast and move around to avoid getting attacked, is a frame where you blind enemies to prevent them from attacking in the first place. Adaptation is _not_ a good mod for him, and all it really does is prevent you from going harder on anything else you could improve without it.
Meanwhile on an invis build, getting 30 seconds of invis per trigger of Arcane Trickery, with Muzzle Flash blinding even eximi, I was able to go like a full 2 hours steel path survival without dying, which is more than enough for most content. That's one arcane, one helminth ability, one mod slot dedicated to survivability.
That said, Evade has been way more accessible and can be maintained without having to do finisher shenanigans, so that's an option now, even if you do have to aim slightly up with Exalted Blade or use another weapon to get headshots, like Kunai Incarnon.
umbral polarity should be universal.
for excalibur... right?
@@Nogayaranah let’s be real here umbral polarities are basically pointless nowadays and makes builds less cohesive. Galvanized mods replaced umbral and no one uses other umbral mods except for intensify
Omg I heard the mass effect music that plays when u have the navigation pulled up
If anyone wants to try a weird non-meta setup (if you could ever even call Excalibur “meta”) I’ve found that Chroma’s Elemental Ward with the cold color + adaptation makes Excalibur pretty tanky. You get a lot of armor anyway from the umbral mods so leaning into that just felt right.
He's done it. He's lost his mind.
Im glad we have multiple loadouts too. I agree with heat being best, but I love the look of lightning so if im going low lever stuff for fun or farming, Ill run electricity.
I only really use two of the combos, the moving combo (for most situations) or the crouching variant of neutral combo for chokepoints.
I have not used the chokepoint strategy (basically gonto a dead end, hide behind a door and spam) in a long time, ever since the Orokin Void got rewirked.
Great video, can't wait to see video covering Ivara, maybe if youtuber will point out that augment isn't working DE will fix it so i can play it again, as with new weakpoint mods she could be really really good and even have some synergy in kit which she currently hasn't
If you dont mind me asking, whats broken with her augment? (Besides the fact that it kinda sucks)
@@beenis08 after aoe nerf aoe weapons can't headshot, and so artemis bow with aug, but 50% cc bonus works only on headshots, i mean it's not like 100% bug, the mod description doesn't say that cc is added to explosion, but before aoe nerf it wasn't that way, and having cc on aug that makes your weapon aoe, without applying it to aoe doesn't makes sense
As an Excalibur main, i feel personally attacked by this, and have contacted my attorney.
His exalted should have a second option for moveset aura that focuses on the waves
For survivability, I use the full umbra set, adaptation, arcane reaper and defensive eclipse on his 1st ability.
Exalted blade went from the most broken weapon in warframe to a wet noodle.
You can thank DE Scott for nerfing the shit out of all exalted melee
i am terrified to use excal in SP for reasons, but in duviri he can be stupid. build with decrees for finishers, ability and melee. perfection
Make sure to let people know that corrupted mods like killing blow does work on sevagoth shadow claws
11:50 speaking of other combos I think blast and toxin is a great combo mainly for beam weapons
DE needs to give Excal some love, touch him up a bit.
Life Strike on the Exalted Blade plus Arcane Reaper, Arcane Blessing and some Armour Shards has just about solved Excalibur's issue of squishiness. Throw a Tennokai mod on the EB and you can make use of Life Strike without giving up Combo.
Not that Combo means much, like you said. Please DE, give us BR and WW.
Add in quick thinking and you much more tankier than your hp tanking
i like running eclipse on him for the versatility of DR/dmg buff, even if the dmg buff is strictly worse than roar
one is that its visually very buggy with gemini skins, only affects heads, makes skin textures go crazy
Hot take: Shattering impact should be percent based not a flat 6, and the effects double or triples when impact damage is triggered by heavy attack
Also this mod would work wonders as a gun mod but either make it percent based or raise the armor strip to atleast 50 armor removed per impact proc because impact is going to fight other IPS and elemental procs or have the weapon not deal any elemental damage for this mod to work hence the need to have a high armor strip to compete with viral and corrosive builds.
i use cold for chromatic blade, it helps strengthen crits and doesnt mess with fashion (black emissive counts as cold)
Me too brother, me too. 0:50
One survivability method these days is slash dash since they finally gave it true invincibility
Here is how you get bets of both worlds, change color to toxin, use Archon mod that procs corrosive with toxin, use 2 green archon shards to increase corrosion procs to fully strip enemy (or one tauforged to get 90% strip). Mod exalted blade with the new radiation, magnetic mod and add the 60% heat and cold for blast. You get, blast, mag, rad, toxin and corrosion procs. Have your vulpaphyla deal the viral stacks as well as mod his claws for the ips and condition overload away.
Ah, so that's how you're going to approach the exalted weapons! Welp. That's a lot of videos. I bid you good luck.
Great video! I was just trying to understand Exca again, since I stopped using him a while ago (11 years playing this game makes you forget how to use certain things)
About the power of the exalted waves... I think it's reasonable that it's so low power? I had a friend who used to sit on a corner spamming E and doing nothing during survivals. "The game plays itself" he used to said, then quitted and never played Warframe again.
i guess this was only the blade video ight onto the other exalted video from today
I remember those brief months when Exalted Blade didn’t have damage falloff 😔
blue shade + 225 Defence X 5, Wrathful Advance (*Helminth) = Exalted Blade + Smash = END of Umbra