Didn’t they said that Mundo was the only champ that released overpowered winrate wise, which isn’t mutually exclusive to having an overloaded kit? A champ can be overloaded but undertuned, or have a minimalist kit that is overtuned which was what release Mundo was. I’m pretty sure Vars even talked about this in one of his video so pretty disappointing that even his viewers don’t understand it.
@@lametrain9667 the question is why do you think riot would TRY to make sense. They legit will make whatever changes they want no matter the back lash and then be like “see it wasn’t that bad” meanwhile everyone is fucking dead and players from high plat are getting inflated to masters. **role queue intensifies**
@@pedrothebanana1292 as a mundo jg one trick who climbed a whole division after picking him up after the rework, I have to say that he is still good in jungle, he's just shifted away from the "perma farm with W" playstyle he used to have, so when people try that and fail because his clear speed is lower they typically say it's weaker
I got Mundo ult in ultimate spellbook as Galio and thought it was a bug. Like, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that MUNDO ULT healed so little. I thought it wasn't even healing me at all.
They reworked his ult so it wouldn't get countered so hard by GW but ironically I think that made it feel like you always had GW tbh. I put him down after that because his ult was just so weaj
Yeah I actually prefer mundo before the rework ability wise, he was actually more fun to play back then because he had a lot of kill power, you could tower dive almost any top laner at level 6, now his ult is sort of.... eh?
Mundo still has "that tank" problem . He doesnt have super strong hard cc and when people realise that the best way to fight you is to not fight you well you get kited all day.
@@smashrosa8111 the difference is a late game illaoi will jump into a team fight press E R Q W and one shot the enemy team or at least leave them at low health. Meanwhile late game Mundo in a team fight is just sitting there and soaking damage. They made him a TANK but then designed him to split push meaning he doesn’t want to be in a team fight in the first place. Landing a mundo Q will never guarantee locking down someone.
@@bruh1704 You didn't understand what we were talking about and I don't know what makes you think Illaoi can manage to jump and destroy a whole team since has no way to keep multiple ennemies around her. Because Mundo is mostly played with the Inspiration Rune that gives bonus ms toward ennemies you cc'ed and his passive has no cooldown at lvl 18 if you pick it up so it's way easier for Mundo to chase/engage than Illaoi. Also buying a Titanic hydra on Mundo gives him a lot of ad which scales with his E passive and Ult.
I played the old Mundo a ton, and I've been able to maintain a ~70% win rate on him after 50 games. The old Mundo was super fun and strong since I was always able to keep up in gold and exp during laning using Q to safe farm, but this new Mundo just isn't the same. He isn't as tanky, and his increased damage is only about 5% more, but his reduction in tankiness is probably around 20-30%. Most of his new abilities are worse than before, which sucks.
I would say that not only is he not as tanky, he also does far less damage. Losing damage on both w and e made his consistency outside of his ult far worse, and losing a lot of his tankiness meant that Mundo would have to invest a lot more gold in building resistances to scale up before he can really go into those heavy team fights. Post rework I feel like I often have to skirt the edge of a fight in order to not get blown up.
Mundo main for 5 years here, cried when he got reworked My main issues with him are his ult, w, and passive Ult should heal more, w should be like tahm e, passive should act like Zac passive
@@grasssnail8348maybe they wanted him to play jungle more. I'll be honest, from watching the reveal I was like he's gonna be squishier than we remember but whatever. He can still stomp and not be stopped once fed
@@Kudo-Joo You can’t know if the guy knew this or was genuinely confused. But you still had to try and embarass someone just for trying to explain what happened. If you insist on whooooshing people, go back to reddit where this god awful trend came from.
@@tripleD2301 also the amount of max hp dmage , true damage, max hp from items , oh did i mention divine which means an insta win vs every tank, runes, scaling hp on q ( sett). They didn't want tank meta, so they implemented to many ways to fuck them, now they are a unplyable class, in Mundos case, people started building frostfire into all ad bruiser, malphite, goes ap most times , cho goes everfrost into some def, nasus builds everything thats has ad or mana attached to it nothing else. maybe if tank meta comes back he will be good
The one thing I loved about old Mundo was that he was just well great, he taught you the basics of league such as wave control, poking, csing, scaling, playing to your strengths/power spikes, auto attack canceling etc. whilst having a different enough kit to Garen where you wouldnt get burnt out/bored as fast whilst learning it. He was a goofy and fun character and late game you felt strong and like an actual threat even if you were super behind, the new Mundo just feels off, he feels like an inferior version of the old one which is really really sad.
Feels bad man. I used to play a lot of Mundo before I quit league. I enjoy playing simple champions and just chill, playing the macro game, but it looks like all of my old mains will eventually just get the boot. Malphite, Nasus, Trundle, Mundo (RIP), Swain (RIP), Poppy (RIP), Volibear (RIP).
@@xCorvus7x it was a lot more linear and straightforward than he is right now. Don't get me wrong, I like new volibear, but there's just something about a simplistic kit that works that makes me really enjoy it.
Dont agree that they should have completely changed him. The fun part about Mundo is being able to turn your brain off and being an unkillable mf. The problem is, they tried to keep it simple and add him more options. Instead he is way weaker as a tank now and to actually utilize his ult and regen well you need to do a lot of stuff right meaning is not that simple anymore. The ult and the new w are just a big mess. Riot was probably thinking: "He heals with passive, w and ult? That's way too much. We said we wanted less sustain. Tune it down" yet most of the times you'll only use the ult. And that's another thing that pisses me off, sustain is way worse in a lot of other champs yet they nerfed the champ known for his incredible sustain. Also other champs have this "I press R I'm all powerful now" ults but if Mundo heals is a problem? And he is suposed to be the most overloaded champ of 2020? How?
ALso if you use that along with the new Chains item, Mundo would feel ALOT better in the laning phase. Someone at the Mundo mains discord has found a build around it that really makes him much more manageable to play compared to just Tank Build.
@@neroforte6183 Basically, you first go to either Anathema Chains or Bamis Cinder before Chains, then you use the active to your lane opponent until someone on the enemy team becomes your main target (Like a Carry for example). Then you either build FrostFire or Divine Sunderer depending on if your team needs Damage or Tank (Usually they have the damage, at least in my case, so I go to Frostfire usually). After that, you either get Hullbreaker or Titantic Hydra depending on if you want to Splitpush or be with your teammates for the rest of the match. If you build Hull, go straight to Hydra, and if Hydra instead of Hull, then just build the typical Tank items depending on the situation for your last two items, such as Force of Nature, Spirit Visage, and so on.
As an old mundo main. Despite how little changed about mundo he honestly feels really unfun to play now. They tried to make him not a statstick when thats what was fun about him. Getting to walk forward and kill the enemy by acting like they didnt exist. And the fact they nerfed him so severely on his whole kit. He got atroxed withouth his kit changing.
My friend used to be a mundo one trick, even going as far as to name his account after the guy. After the rework he played him like twice and never touched him again.
same as Akali, i used to be her OTP, climbed to Diamond, got over 300k of mastery, then after her rework, i picked for like 3 times, never feel the same, stopped playing her ever again, shits feel bad
@@minhkhangta7782 when I started playing in 2015 akali was my favorite champion based on lore/personality stuff. Her rework not only changed her skills but her lore as well. Her stoic personality and life goals were completely trashed. Akali was deleted from the game and we got a new champ imo
They should just make his ult healing "true" healing, not reduced by grievous wounds. It feels like such an easy and such a needed tweak. But why don't they do it? Spaghetti code?
@@TheLokoIl Aye, so I would believe. It would mean having a way of having champions who's core revolves around certain healing can do what they do, but there's still a way of punishing those who shouldnt revolve around healing. Another great candidate for "true" healing in my eyes: the self heal from Soraka Q.
@@Soul-ex8gb well, more of a short term/bandaid solution. If they want to truly fix the issue they have to take the time to remove healing from all the champions that shouldnt be healing such great amounts...
I actually as an old mundo main love the new q and e and the animations make you feel like a badass. I wish w actually matterd and his r kept the big heal but overall mundo is still a blast to play when you want to remind adc players of their place in the world
Maybe they could play with his passive and W, make Heart Zapper last hit to stun nearby targets and Mundo himself, so that he can interact with his own passive within his kit, this adds area pressure, a stun, some more identity and makes him more viable as a tank as he gains hard area CC on the ability that has less pressure. Also they could make his ult increase the area of Heart Zapper.
Mundo has become my favorite Toplaner by far. Idk, there's something so satisfying about tanking all the damage they do to you, only for you to press a button and regenerate all your health back, all while being an unstoppable fucking force because they can't cc you
@@100organicfreshmemes5 in teamfight, sett can still ult mundo into the enemy team and deal like 1k dmg, even if you dont get CC'ed with passive, the dmg still applies.
I feel like it's worth having a discussion about complexity vs depth because League has been failing at that quite a bit. New Mundo sounds like he's slightly more complex than old Mundo but doesn't have any real change in depth. Complexity referring to how much stuff is in a champion's kit while depth refers to how much stuff you can do with a kit. For two extremes, Yone's a champ with a lot of complexity but not a fuck ton of depth while Azir's an a champion with a ton of depth despite not being particularly complex. That's because Yone's abilities all do a million things but he can only apply them in a few ways while Azir's has a super open-ended kit, which results in him having a ton of depth despite all of his abilities being possible to describe in a single sentence (the most complicated part of his kit for me to understand is random weird technicalities about his w because Rito's coding go brr and hates Azir specifically because wth). But yeah, it's not really that every champion needs as much depth as Azir has, there are other elements that make champs fun to play to different people, but Rito's champs should generally have at least as much depth as complexity, regardless of how deep or complex the champ is intended to be. Like, Zoe has a pretty simple kit, she's neither particularly complex or deep, but she's still a fun champion to play because her kit is really cathartic, uses whatever complexity it does have to contribute to her brand of skill expression, and uses randomness really well. If Mundo's identity is meant to be a face-tanking late game brick wall that just walks into people and smacks them, it probably makes sense for his passive to be something similar to death's dance and for him to have a cleanse that also gives him a brief period of hard cc immunity as an ability active (this could also be used to combat the grievous wounds problem if a core aspect of his kit is meant to be %max health healing and being CC immune). He's workable. I don't think he'd need a complete overhaul in identity and kit to be a character in the game that people enjoy.
Дюсеков Ильяс no, but his scaling was better. Mundo jg became the best role for him because now he didn't have to sit under tower/cleave farm against popular champions like fiora/Camille who would still be better than him later on. In jg, he had far better scaling in comparison to meta junglers which, combined with his fast if at first unhealthy clear, gave him a clear win condition. If the enemy tried to invade and kill him, most likely than not he could escape because of his Q and go farm somewhere else, by lvl 11 you would 100% be able to solo kill him. Now that he has more power early on but less later, jungle became far worse because he can't leverage this shift, as most junglers still win early on, but now he can't just pull a karthus either. If he wants to use this new early game power, he has to go top lane, where the original problem just got worse.
I feel like his rework made him more interesting but took a lot of his power away. Before he had just so many free stats that it was hard to win lane against him. Then they changed e and w which don't do that much for him, while he lost a lot of stats. Ult also heals less now so overall he's more fun and interesting while being weaker.
interesting and fun in the way that they butcher a champion so you don't have to have to see them again, rip mundo mains, glad its not me, know a friend who used to play him a lot, haven't seen him play him post rework
@@mtgcalix8977 he's not as tanky anymore, has no free magic resist, ult heals way less now and w isn't permanent anymore I don't see how he is more powerful than before
I began playing mundo 1 year before his rework and basically loved everything about him. But the new things they added and ESPECIALLY the old things they removed made me quit the champion. I was so sad when he old mundo died, i'll genuinely miss him forever. Rip especially the w which was toggleable and very nice for waveclear/jungle farming.
made a acc named mundo mundo played mundo with the mundo mundo skin 3 years later rework played him 3 games got angry sad and just gave up on him so fari have mained shen gankplank and mundo all got reworks and i just gave up on them
I was a mundo jungle one trick before the rework, and when I realized how much he got nerfed jungle, I pretty much benched him. I've picked him back up recently though, and I realized he's still really fun jungle, you just have to put a bit more thought into playing it other than "clear every camp, walk around until you find someone, walk directly at them and throw every ability at them, when the fight is over walk back to your camps."
What I think is funny, is he got reworked right as I started to really figure out what I was doing in league. I didn't realize how much I was getting from his E and W passive until it was too late.
I loved kiting with his old ult, soaking up what the other team had to offer, then using the latter half of the ult to go in for the kill. I think the issue is he was remade to fit the new eastern oriented gameplay goal: Quick, decisive teamfights that are pretty much decided by initial positioning and stats, with "mechanics" coming down to those who can react multiple times a second, which ironically just makes him MORE of a stat stick than he was before, because he either has the stats to all in you, or he doesn't. Absolutely awesome VGFX update though, wish they'd just slap that onto old Mundo and go back to the drawing board. Again I know they remade him for the Chinese audience, but I wish they'd combine his taking punishment/kiting ala drunken man style.
@@mistywww3199 no he is not. a hyper tank is a tank that absolutely shit stomps one thing. rammus and malphite shit stomp ad champs and only do damage by redirecting it. their low damage kits when building tank are more than any other but they are virtually unkillable by that certain thing
As an old mundo main, what really needed preserved was his identity of going where he pleases. Even though his passive supports it, the rest of his kit no longer allows him to just run wherever and do whatever he wants. Honestly my dream would be to have old mundo back in it's entirety other than his new passive. It always felt like you could walk into 5 people, and even if you didn't get a kill, you could make it out alive. New mundo can't even face tank most a 2v1 when even, let alone an entire team.
I may be insane then but he's one of my favourite toplaners and it's quite unstoppable, his laning is very healthy and not aids at all (unlike the meta champs...) plus getting a lead means becoming a force to be recon with at all stages of the game.
Today i did an easy double. People think that because he's an tank, he have no damage. But if you didn't miss the Q, you pretty much can do fighter levels of damage
@@sacha9957 that's because there is a lot of damage in the game right now. Even a non-tank killer that builds right can melt a full build level 18 ornn in 2 seconds
For me it's not even the kit. I like new E with the AoE in lane, W is a much more interesting ability to use, Q is practically unchanged. Just give me the old ult that actually heals. I get enough AD from E, I don't need more damage when I ult, I need to be able to survive being in their face...
In world in which each new champ got 1 to 3 dashes we have mundo rework that nerf his ult. I hope that I do not need to mention that Yone, Yasuo, Samira or other popular champions can easily heal for like 500% max HP during fights just by doing damage. I rest my case.
I used to main mundo when I first started playing back in 2013. Back then my biggest issue with league was that every champion felt squishy to me, even tanks (probably because I was starting out and didn't farm much). Mundos combination of sustain, tankiness, wave clear and raw stats is what carried me through those early learning stages allowing me to actually play the game instead of always staring at a grey screen and getting stomped every game. I never thought his kit was boring, just dumb and simple and thats just what I needed to get a hang of the game and its absolutely brutal learning curve. Old Mundo carried me to level 30 back when you had to grind masteries and I honestly dont think i would play league today where it not for his dumb "mobile turret with infinite health" gameplay. I dont play the new mundo because i expect him to actually tank
Since you mentioned Kench, I have to say that Riot seems to forget what lane a champion was designed for when they do their reworks. Tahm is virtually unplayable botlane after losing his vanguard status by moving Devour to R, but also isn't a great initiator due to the long delay on Abyssal Dive. So while I think the rework was a net positive, it pulled him out of his main lane and forced him into what was arguably his secondary role: toplane.
I'm adamant on that Mundo's passive goes against the idea of "mundo goes where he pleases". As soon as Mundo gets cc'd it turns into "mundo has to retrieve his canister". Unlike old mundo, where even if you get cc'd you'll just keep moving towards your opponent
Wait what i thought he had a super high pickrate, isn't he super good in the meta rn? Or is the reason why he isn't played a lot is cuz hes just boring to play like most juggernauts?
@@Yvädastra oh rly, looks like proguides have no clue what they're talking about then cuz i remember them putting dr mundo in A tier in one of their tier list vids
Worth noting is allocating so much of his survivability into his passive also makes Mundo SIGNIFICANTLY squishier against high damage dealing threats with minimal CC. Your match up against a champion like Fiora has never been "good", but it is significantly worse when your passive is never going to get procced and you are just straight up squishier at all times compared to pre-rework.
I was one off the few mundo mains, I was excited to hear he was getting a rework......then horrified when I saw what they were......I was hoping maby once I tried them out myself they would not be to bad! But he just felt wrong....he felt squishy......mundo should not feel squishy....and his ult is no were near as useful as before, just makes me sad now since I can no longer go were I please.....his old ult really was just more useful.
Well, tanks have been a dead class since 2018. It seems like they're gonna get better in S12 but pre-season just started and we can't say Riot haven't tried to show them some love, so maybe Mundo will get some more popularity. Still, the trend recently is when a tank item is good, a non-tank will probably use it better, break the game and get the item nerfed.
The problem isn't just that tank items are mediocre, but also there are too many items and champions that make tanks useless. Kraken Slayer, Divine Sunderer, Lord Dominik's Regards, Black Cleaver, the list goes on.
@@100organicfreshmemes5 I have said while playing league at times, "what's the point in having tanks in the game if they aren't tanky" i.e. true damage everywhere. If tanks are gonna be in the game, then they SHOULD be hard to kill, yet people are over here Max build tanks vs a half build kraken slayer ADC and just melting.
as an ex mundo main, i think the rework was one of the biggest fails riot ever made. you mentioned how he used to be a massive tank, healed a lot, had tons of free stats, and that all stands. but some things you didnt cover. his old w was indeed a toggle ability. and just like aurelions w, mundos w not being toggle is a crime. it didnt do much damage, but late game doing 200 damage a secont.. ALL THE TIME was a decent thing, he played like ammumu, but instead of using a pull, he slows the enemies to stick to them. old mundo wasnt just a massive stat check, just like garen he had things good players abused, to make him seem unfair to play against. his ult was an engage, disengage, sustain in fights, a reset. it was everything. now he heals like nothing, and there are 20 grevious items now, b4 we had 2, that werent that well optimised for wide spread use. the broken tactic was to get a ton of resistances, go in 1st, eat all of the dmg they have, and the moment u ult, you just dip into backline, heal to full while someone else frontlines, and the enemies were left dry, with no cds or summs, and ur back to full and ur team is full. old w with sunfire made enemies have to flash away from you to stop being microwaved and perma slowed, now its... useless, his old e gave MR and you could eat a 2k ap veigar combo, now you die to basically anything. old q felt better, idk the damage diff bcs i dont play new mundo any more, but it felt better for sure, and his passive is now unfair to play against, but also nothing special when played with.
"It didnt do much damage, but late game doing 200 damage a secont.. ALL THE TIME was a decent thing, he played like ammumu" Mundo doesn't have mana tho? Amumu's W uses a lot of mana, so can't just freely use it or else it will risk all the play.
I played Mundo quite a bit up until his rework. Since then I played him only once, and that was in One For All. Fact is I liked the simple Mundo of hitting enemies and healing self. When I'd feel lazy and didn't want to commit to 400 IQ plays, just pick Mundo and smack your opponents to submission. It was relaxing.
My favorite part of playing him was running around fast af and being an unkillable nuisance. I think it would have been dope had they leaned into that and went full tank with Mundo. Keep his ult, and his Q, but make his W & E skills that give more utlity/cc for the team. I play Mundo even less after the rework because he just feels like a weak version of his old self
As a Mundo main before the rework i gotta say, everything you said in this video is absolutely right. The rework was a disappointment gameplay wise and above all I absolutely hate the majority of his new voice lines and his new backstory. Dear god, riot ruined one of my favorite champs and i will never forgive this atrocity
Dr. Mundo's Passive also can be a literal downside as well if he doesnt pick it up because he loses a large chunk of health for one cc immunity proc which sucks cause hes more of a tank more than any other juggernaught and tanks do not need cc immunity. They are the only class that doesnt mind soaking up cc.
Old Jungle-Mundo onetrick here. You really hit the nail on the head Vars. A few things to note about the new kit that were missed: His passive now does 7% of his max health as damage. This really sucks if for example, he gets hit by two stuns at once. If he cant pick up the canister, the passive literally just does damage to him. Against certain teams it'd actually be better to not even have the new passive. The new W cant clear camps and deletes all Gray health if the end of it doesn't hit something. (So again, does straight up nothing at least half the time.) He really lost his late game scaling aspect with the ult & stats nerf as you mentioned. So yeah we went from simple ultra facetank to gimmicky, bad tank.
This is incredibly fascinating to me. I didn't start playing LoL until after his rework, and I've one-tricked Mundo sense day one. I knew that the Mundo I'm familiar with was different from how he once was, but I didn't realize the changes overall. I think it's fair to say the rework nerfed him. And that's kinda the big issue. Old mundo's identity was "Simple yet effective" and they removed the effective. Now he's just simple. I still have a lot of fun with him, I think the character himself is hilarious and charming, plus the incredibly simple champion play leaves more room in my brain to focus on my game-sense. Top lane to me has always felt like a fight between the players more than it has the champions, and that's why I love it so much. Mundo being so low skill floor means I can focus on the game above the game. Overall, amazing video. It was fun getting a peak into the past and why my beloved purple pal is so unpopular, unfortunate as it may be.
11:34 mans just walked over the wall. He really does go where he fucking damn well pleases. (I know that it was a visual bug; just let me enjoy it) Also, I thought Mundo was a fighter, because he dies in 2 seconds in team fights, rather than in 5, like a normal tank.
I mean it would also help if the game wasn't so completely overloaded with healing that everyone builds anti heal and it's incredibly convenient and a great item, if the item would suck more and all BS healing was removed from the game it would actually have to be a sacrifice to build anti heal and completely neuter healing champion's healing, like as you said ult at max rank is now 20% max health over 10 seconds which is completely worthless and it's like that every game. also there's the fact that late game or even mid game most adcs can melt you in 6 seconds max even popping ult, and that divinde sunderer users get free healing off you and melt you like you're nothing for some reason that's fair. Oh and of course there are these 2 characters in the game that literally make the game completely unplatable if you're in it with them, fiora and vayne which for some reason are allowed to melt tanks in 3 seconds with absolutely no noticeable downside
Mundo's VGU suffers from a catastrophic lack of clear direction imo, especially on the visual side. There's nothing he does that another fighter or tank can't do better, though I will give him credit that he is a good Jack of All Trades.
So I have a friend who literally quit the game over mundo. He was a farming jungler. And when they started removing farming junglers eventually only mundo was left. The reason he was left is because with health regen runes you can offset the damage from w and clear super quickly at full health. While being tanky enough to be useful later on. The old design very much was run at people and use your aoe from W to deal most of the damage while slowing with q. Now that they removed his W I dont think ill ever play the champ again. If they wanted to make mundo fun its easy. Make his passive give movespeed for a second. Redo the ult so hes tanky as before. Make enemy players unable to step on passive level 11 onwards. This way the fun part of mundo (walking at people and being unkillable) is amplified while also giving some skillcap. Players would have to run towards the canister and hope to not get cced while continueing to slow their target. Ofc this allows your opponent to run away more easily. I didnt mention it but also put the fucking w back. New w is worthless.
pretty spot on vid, my top mains were nasus and mundo for their similar gameplay fantasies as mid to late game raid bosses. they gave mundo more interactive tools, but completely killed the late game fantasy and buffed his laning phase, which i didnt give a shit about because i chucked cleavers til 6 where i auto win the lane anyways. i like win conditions based on obtaining an ungodly amount of stats that can not be outplayed, and new mundo simply isnt that anymore
Right now Mundo's power lies mostly in his later stage of laning phase. His ability to push waves and spam you with 30% current health damage cleaver is the most unfun thing to play against, its at the same level as the Malphite lane in terms of degeneracy, another champ who desperately needs a rework. Another issue is that lack of item satisfaction. Mundo gains so little from items, so the reason you pick him in lane is mostly just to shut down the enemy toplaner and make their game unfun, it wont matter too much if he is 10/0 or 1/0, because all he gains from gold is the tankyness from items and an irrelevant AD bonus on E. Mundo is in a wierd spot between a juggernaut and an "Anti carry"(like Malph or Kench). If you want to be a completely unskilled degenerate and ruin the all the fun for the enemy toplaner, Tahm Kench, Poppy and Malphite do a better job at that while still offering utility for their team. If you want to plow down everything in melee range, Illaoi, Urgot and Darius do a much better job, plus they actually feel satisfying to play when you're ahead.
I really like your video (as always :D) but as a Mundo main way before his rework, I don't think he's as squishy as you mentioned, at least he always were in a way, but now you don't really have to build a damage item in order to be a threat in team fights 'cause you have all that bonus AD from ult and E, so you can go all in on defensive items... But that' s way subjective haha
Cause they didn't rework him, in fact they just straight up removed his W, it's not a real ability anymore. He's still outdated since they didn't give him anything to keep up with the newer champions.
no hp true dmage and 15 dashes an execute, revive on w , stealht , attack speed steroid, ms speed on q passive, looking at mundo then looking at all the 200 years bs that came out this year its just a joke
Actually they did. Mainly by making him a lot safer in the laning phase due to his Passive and Ult changes and still isn’t as Feast or Famine due to his scaling being pretty good. It’s kind of hard on making a Juggernaut whose Tankiness is based around Hp when you have so many other things be around percent HP damage. It basically doesn’t make him appealing, but not weak.
@@bulletcola7890 But he still just walks up to you and spams abilities on cooldown and prays he wins, Volibear used to be like that but they gave him more mechanics to make that playstyle more viable.
Counterpoint: Mundo needs to be boring statchecker with little gimmicks to become a bridge from something more simple like Garen to something more difficult like Aatrox or Morde. That's his purpose, and he's doing well
Man, I hadn't seen a newbie like this one in a while. Old Morde is not referring to the one who could take the dragon's ghost, but the one before that.
Would be fun if his weapon had a effect that when he throws in someone it stays in that target for some seconds, so if Mundo autos the target he refunds the CD and does more damage the less health the target has.
I agree with this video. I played a crap load of Mundo prior to his rework, I knew his limits, I knew his matchups, I could even beat a stacked nasus in the lategame with how well I knew the two champions. Mundo's rework stripped so much of Mundo's healing that he can't survive in the late-game. His earlygame has improved massively, he can farm and trade easier than before, but he lost so much of his lategame that you become a liability to your team. Heck, when Grevious wounds was being added to Bramble they buffed Mundo's ultimate to compensate for the amount of anti-heal that was in the game. They shifted the AD from his E onto his ult, moved his tenacity from his w onto his passive, and then made his W worse to compensate. yes, imo his W is worse off now than it was before, you sort of used it for the waveclear and trading, but it was akin to Sunfire without the stats, you kept it on in fights because it gave you tenacity, post rework it's supposed to give some survivability, which is what the prior's tenacity was for, giving you resistance to cc so you can keep running. Now you get so little health back from the damage taken that I forget that I have grey health. I've stood in the middle of 5 people with w active, took champion damage for the full duration (a lot of it), activated W and didn't even get an eighth of my health back, despite being bursted to a sliver of health, and then still die after getting the grey health back. My proposed fix to both? move the grey health onto the ultimate, once the ult ends you get a final burst of healing which would feel similar to what he was originally, I don't know what to do about the w other than make it toggleable with maybe some slight omni-vamp, enough to where you are healing back the health drain when you are damaging something but not enough where you insta win trades while fighting 32 minions and 2 champions in the first five minutes.
As someone who has always loved playing Mundo, they could have just made him immune to grievous wounds when his ult is active. His Q being unreliable when he is in a crowd of minions isn't fun either.
After watching your videos, I realize that I like to play a lot of unpopular champions. I play Mundo, ornn, Trundle, velkoz, ryze, chogath, yorick, tahm (if he still counts, idk tho) and velkoz all a decent amount. Idk what that says about me, but yeah
I mained mundo until the rework, he worked best in the jungle because you could avoid the landing phase and get to late game safely. Now all he has is a landing phase where he throws cleaves at minions and avoids as much interaction as possible just so he can be useless late game. Two things you missed in the video were the instant health on ult denying the low health damage steroid and the ridiculous cool down on his E.
I think they should make him a late game tank, make his ult power up his abilities to have more CC potential Q - now slows damages in an aoe and slight damage increase (Teamfight engage) W - Bigger AoE, and better grey health conversion (Forces people to try get away or he will heal for a large portion) E - Will now stun the target for 1s (More CC and interrupt channels) R - Maybe a grievous wounds cleanse when it detonates?
Main thing I want to say is that Old Mundo was not boring once you learned his limits and constantly played at them. For me Mundo was all about getting into every fight you can when you have R up and using R at the last possible moment to get as much damage out of E and last stand and as much healing out of R as you possibly can. In every fight my goal would be get down to 100 hp while just barely surviving while 4shotting anything I could get my hands on. Playing Old Mundo was an adrenaline high where you can never be 100% sure if you're going to survive and kill everything in sight or just barely die 3 seconds into your ult because you didn't activate it early enough or dodge a key ability. I got really good at this after playing tons of games of the champ. You farm a ton for level 11 and items and then run around baiting people into thinking they can kill you then popping R and destroying them. It was the most fun I've ever had playing a champion. So, I would have to disagree with you on the boring part, if you played old Mundo like new Mundo who's gameplay is basically just throwing Qs and playing like a bitch, I can see your point, but E max Old Mundo was a fucking joy to play it really made you FEEL like an insane masochistic monster man.
I love your videos first of all. I recently played mundo(new mundo) for the first time, and I gotta say it's actually really fun. Like I've always dismissed him as being a tank without hard cc which is dumb and I don't even play tanks, but after playing him I was very surprised with how good his passive felt. Like It feels like a bruiser more than a tank, but it was fun to play for me personally and I added him to my champion roster just for the passive. (I've been an assassin main for like 3 years so switching to mundo just feels really easy and fun by comparison, but thats more a personal thing than an invalidation of your points or opinion)
I especially miss the old w. It was a short range toggle that gave him tenacity while active, if you had warmog's on you could have it on forever since the healing of warmog's beat out its flat cost per second. I will never forget back in wild rift getting a pentakill thanks to w hitting every single person that dared to fight me in melee range and my ultimate working overtime to secure me each and every kill by just full healing every damn second.
Don't forget Tryndamere used to use health as a resource! Back in season 1 his spin cost like 80 health - although even with enough cooldown reduction you couldn't commit suicide. I tried, it just dropped you to 1hp even if you were under 80 at the time. It wasn't until after Renekton was released they looked at Trynd and went "hey, he's a raging barbarian... we've got this whole rage mechanic now..." and he no longer used health.
I was lvl7 mundo Plat Main and tbh i think that a lot of people are missing on one thing. For me the very best change is that when mundo used to use r HE LOST LIKE 20% HP INSTATNLY. it was Making him unable to go out of a lot of situations bcs he could die to next skillshot, and u couldnt use it as tryndamere r for example ( im some cases). Now he INSTATNLY gains HP on ising r and that Makes so much room for more plays, close teamfoghts and aspecialy, early on dives when u dont want to use r instatly B4 diving
The problem I have with Mundo is A tank with no CC Kinda useless imo. You can't peel for your team, you just soak damage , but they just can ignore you
The first time I heard of mundo's rework I was pretty excited in what riot has done to him then I saw his "new" abilities and was really disappointed. I thought that maybe the new minor gimmicks would make him fun but the thing that struck out the most was how significantly squishier he became. I never knew old and new numbers since I don't research it that much but the feeling of playing him alone was enough to indicate how squishier he got like how maokai went from one of the tankiest tanks to one of the squishiest even with full builds but at least then maokai has plenty of cc and zone control going for him, mundo is the type of champion that should've died like old aatrox and old mordekaiser but this time it would be welcomed.
It really bothered me how not only did he become significantly squishier, he also lost a significant amount of damage that used to be on his w and e. A lot of damage on his e was moved to his ult, significantly decreasing his consistency and reducing his scaling by a lot. His passive regeneration was nerfed, and the grey health while cool, is practically irrelevant 90% of the time. It feels like for his gimmicky passive which is arguably less useful than his tenacity, Mundo lost way too much in both damage and tankiness.
People know this by now, but there is too much random healing in the game, forcing the constant presence of Grievous Wounds in every game, which in turn really hurts all the champs that have healing as their main identity - e.g. Mundo, Soraka, etc.
It really does feel like his W and E are quality of life effects rather than real attacks, maybe if they made those more impactful or interesting.... The most annoying thing I found with Mundo is his passive canister seems to love to fly towards enemies at their feet, so in my experience I've never got to pick up and heal from the canister because its automatically destroyed.
Haven't finished the video so not sure if you'll mention it. BUT i feel like Mundo's rework was so bland because Riot was focusing on the Ruination event. They promised Mundo's rework a long time ago, and it was released when Riot was all focused on Viego (+Senna, Gwen, Ruination, etc). If his rework was too good, maybe people just wouldn't care about Ruination. (in the end, pretty much everyone disliked the event anyway so....) Surely I can't just go saying that's the truth, but I wouldn't discard it that the reason they barely put any work on him, is because he was not fit for the "moment" of League. We had skins, cinematics, events, rewards, everything foucsed on the Ruination, and Mundo did not have anything to do with that, so they just plopped anything to fulfill their promises like "there you go, we did it".
I think mundo remains as a very simple character more designed for new players, and that’s kinda ok. I don’t want every champ to have incredible mobility and skill expression, sometimes less is more. That being said, it would’ve been nice to have that one thing to make him a little more appealing
We dont think our champions have overloaded kits overall, with the exception of Dr Mundo
Didn’t they said that Mundo was the only champ that released overpowered winrate wise, which isn’t mutually exclusive to having an overloaded kit? A champ can be overloaded but undertuned, or have a minimalist kit that is overtuned which was what release Mundo was. I’m pretty sure Vars even talked about this in one of his video so pretty disappointing that even his viewers don’t understand it.
@@lametrain9667 rioter spitted
@@lametrain9667 about Sett ?
@@lametrain9667 the question is why do you think riot would TRY to make sense. They legit will make whatever changes they want no matter the back lash and then be like “see it wasn’t that bad” meanwhile everyone is fucking dead and players from high plat are getting inflated to masters. **role queue intensifies**
He is overloaded with elecetricity maybe.
Vars is unbelievably committed to never releasing a Sion video, but my dedication is unwavering. Do it.
"Why only one person plays Sion" Babus
@@Kasfas xd
-Sion, while I'm using his ult to run away
An another perfectly designed episode would be nice
As top 1 Sion in brazilian Server i feel ur pain
To me he feels like the same champ as before but his ult is noticeably worse and his w is useless
He have better laning ,but damn...his W and R are so weak.
yeah, and he is bad in jg, at least u can throw people with e i guess, also his passive is good but i liked old mundo more
@@pedrothebanana1292 as a mundo jg one trick who climbed a whole division after picking him up after the rework, I have to say that he is still good in jungle, he's just shifted away from the "perma farm with W" playstyle he used to have, so when people try that and fail because his clear speed is lower they typically say it's weaker
Well said, he also scales WAY worse than old mundo due most of his power being on R (only lasts 10s) and W being worthless.
Same champ as before except you can't play him jg anymore and his E is way the fuck worse (in the jungle)
I got Mundo ult in ultimate spellbook as Galio and thought it was a bug. Like, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that MUNDO ULT healed so little. I thought it wasn't even healing me at all.
Went from his entire hp to like 30% and gaining a portion of missing hp as instant hp(the 2nd part isn't affected by anti heal, it's like lulu r)
@@soulsemblance3163 it’s not even THAT big, it’s only 20% until level 11 where it goes up to 40%
They reworked his ult so it wouldn't get countered so hard by GW but ironically I think that made it feel like you always had GW tbh. I put him down after that because his ult was just so weaj
Yeah I actually prefer mundo before the rework ability wise, he was actually more fun to play back then because he had a lot of kill power, you could tower dive almost any top laner at level 6, now his ult is sort of.... eh?
Divine sunderer heals for more than rank 2 mundo ult xD
No one plays him because his kit is the most "overloaded" out of all the releases in season 11.
Yeah, his q is so complicated, idk what they were thinking
Not /s
I know, I still don’t even know how to use his insanely complicated and crazy big brain w
You guys have no idea how complicated his Ult is, whenever I press R my mind blows up.
NAHHH thats shaco ;)
he's more complicated than Pot of Greed, a card nobody understands
Mundo still has "that tank" problem . He doesnt have super strong hard cc and when people realise that the best way to fight you is to not fight you well you get kited all day.
Illaoi players know this feeling
@@Betroid Well Illaoi is way worse than Mundo. Mundo actually doesn't get kited that much unless he doesn't hit his Q
Yeah and you can counter that by grabbing a frostfore+ ult and abusing your passive
@@smashrosa8111 the difference is a late game illaoi will jump into a team fight press E R Q W and one shot the enemy team or at least leave them at low health. Meanwhile late game Mundo in a team fight is just sitting there and soaking damage. They made him a TANK but then designed him to split push meaning he doesn’t want to be in a team fight in the first place. Landing a mundo Q will never guarantee locking down someone.
@@bruh1704 You didn't understand what we were talking about and I don't know what makes you think Illaoi can manage to jump and destroy a whole team since has no way to keep multiple ennemies around her.
Because Mundo is mostly played with the Inspiration Rune that gives bonus ms toward ennemies you cc'ed and his passive has no cooldown at lvl 18 if you pick it up so it's way easier for Mundo to chase/engage than Illaoi. Also buying a Titanic hydra on Mundo gives him a lot of ad which scales with his E passive and Ult.
I played the old Mundo a ton, and I've been able to maintain a ~70% win rate on him after 50 games. The old Mundo was super fun and strong since I was always able to keep up in gold and exp during laning using Q to safe farm, but this new Mundo just isn't the same. He isn't as tanky, and his increased damage is only about 5% more, but his reduction in tankiness is probably around 20-30%. Most of his new abilities are worse than before, which sucks.
I would say that not only is he not as tanky, he also does far less damage. Losing damage on both w and e made his consistency outside of his ult far worse, and losing a lot of his tankiness meant that Mundo would have to invest a lot more gold in building resistances to scale up before he can really go into those heavy team fights. Post rework I feel like I often have to skirt the edge of a fight in order to not get blown up.
Completely agree
Mundo main for 5 years here, cried when he got reworked
My main issues with him are his ult, w, and passive
Ult should heal more, w should be like tahm e, passive should act like Zac passive
@@grasssnail8348maybe they wanted him to play jungle more. I'll be honest, from watching the reveal I was like he's gonna be squishier than we remember but whatever. He can still stomp and not be stopped once fed
The old mundo only was tankier vs ap comps dont shit talk
11:35 did mundo just walk over a wall? He really does go where he pleases
Spectator bug, he flashed but it looked like he walked over
@@moshiicat r/woooosh
Glad someone else noticed this
@@Kudo-Joo You can’t know if the guy knew this or was genuinely confused. But you still had to try and embarass someone just for trying to explain what happened. If you insist on whooooshing people, go back to reddit where this god awful trend came from.
@@agilitykissa r/woooosh
Top lane waifu meta. It's Camille,irelia,fiora,vayne,kayle is what a see on most of my games.
Camille, Fiora, Irelia are my holy trinity
You forgot Mundo
Camille, Irelia and Fiora. I always see them on top lane. *ALWAYS*
Trundle, Yorick and Kled. Those are very beautiful ancient fossils.
@@tripleD2301 also the amount of max hp dmage , true damage, max hp from items , oh did i mention divine which means an insta win vs every tank, runes, scaling hp on q ( sett). They didn't want tank meta, so they implemented to many ways to fuck them, now they are a unplyable class, in Mundos case, people started building frostfire into all ad bruiser, malphite, goes ap most times , cho goes everfrost into some def, nasus builds everything thats has ad or mana attached to it nothing else. maybe if tank meta comes back he will be good
I would exchange Vayne for Riven, Vayne is kinda rare compared to the others. But the point stands
Sword ladies in Top never Fall out of meta.
There's nothing as surreal as seeing your main on a "why no one plays" video
I've seen a lot of champs I either main, or have mained on this. I've gotten used to it.
Most champs I like are on "why now one plays". Most champs I don't like are on "Why everyone plays"
yeah, i had that with my 1.1 Million Points Sona :(
Me with the rakan video :')
I decided to go through and count, there are 10 champs that I have mained or currently actively main that have got a "why no one plays" video.
The one thing I loved about old Mundo was that he was just well great, he taught you the basics of league such as wave control, poking, csing, scaling, playing to your strengths/power spikes, auto attack canceling etc. whilst having a different enough kit to Garen where you wouldnt get burnt out/bored as fast whilst learning it. He was a goofy and fun character and late game you felt strong and like an actual threat even if you were super behind, the new Mundo just feels off, he feels like an inferior version of the old one which is really really sad.
This comment hit me in the feels. Mundo was my first main back in late 2014. I loved his super regen. Now he just feels weak. Makes me sad
Feels bad man. I used to play a lot of Mundo before I quit league. I enjoy playing simple champions and just chill, playing the macro game, but it looks like all of my old mains will eventually just get the boot. Malphite, Nasus, Trundle, Mundo (RIP), Swain (RIP), Poppy (RIP), Volibear (RIP).
@@nachochips529 I'm curious, what changed about Volibear that turns you off?
@@xCorvus7x it was a lot more linear and straightforward than he is right now. Don't get me wrong, I like new volibear, but there's just something about a simplistic kit that works that makes me really enjoy it.
Because he isn’t just a hand. That’s it
Hand Mundo.
Mundo hand
Mundo hand
Dr. Hando... hehe
Never forgetti
Fuk off kira yoshikage
Dont agree that they should have completely changed him. The fun part about Mundo is being able to turn your brain off and being an unkillable mf. The problem is, they tried to keep it simple and add him more options. Instead he is way weaker as a tank now and to actually utilize his ult and regen well you need to do a lot of stuff right meaning is not that simple anymore. The ult and the new w are just a big mess. Riot was probably thinking: "He heals with passive, w and ult? That's way too much. We said we wanted less sustain. Tune it down" yet most of the times you'll only use the ult.
And that's another thing that pisses me off, sustain is way worse in a lot of other champs yet they nerfed the champ known for his incredible sustain. Also other champs have this "I press R I'm all powerful now" ults but if Mundo heals is a problem? And he is suposed to be the most overloaded champ of 2020? How?
I bet it is because they were afraid that the Assassin mains that they cater to would cry too much.
Yeah, becoming this unkillable meat wall in the late game was his entire charm, his purpose, and that isn't even broken.
I love playing Mundo! Especially with the s12 tank items, frostfire feels a lot better with the damage they added and now chemtank is usable again!
Same, Mundo's WAY more fun after the rework to be honest
ALso if you use that along with the new Chains item, Mundo would feel ALOT better in the laning phase.
Someone at the Mundo mains discord has found a build around it that really makes him much more manageable to play compared to just Tank Build.
@@bulletcola7890 What build is it? I'm curious
@@neroforte6183 Basically, you first go to either Anathema Chains or Bamis Cinder before Chains, then you use the active to your lane opponent until someone on the enemy team becomes your main target (Like a Carry for example).
Then you either build FrostFire or Divine Sunderer depending on if your team needs Damage or Tank (Usually they have the damage, at least in my case, so I go to Frostfire usually).
After that, you either get Hullbreaker or Titantic Hydra depending on if you want to Splitpush or be with your teammates for the rest of the match.
If you build Hull, go straight to Hydra, and if Hydra instead of Hull, then just build the typical Tank items depending on the situation for your last two items, such as Force of Nature, Spirit Visage, and so on.
I didn't tries out S12 mundo for now, but I will after reading it :)
When almost every meta top can melt you with true damage, Mundo doesn't sound so appealing.
he has health which is the counter to true damage
@@cherno8336 He builds health which is most true damage from toplaners, Fiora % max hp, Vayne % max hp, Camille after sunderer % max hp.
@@milonchello1643 welp 3 out of 146 champs
@@cherno8336 3 out of the 5 champs that are always played
@@alanganon672 vayne has lower pickrate than Mundo
As an old mundo main. Despite how little changed about mundo he honestly feels really unfun to play now. They tried to make him not a statstick when thats what was fun about him. Getting to walk forward and kill the enemy by acting like they didnt exist. And the fact they nerfed him so severely on his whole kit. He got atroxed withouth his kit changing.
Plus playing against him as support also feels worse now. Next rework where they made champion worse to play as and against.
Same. I stopped playing him.. riot ruined him
completely agree
Same problem with Swain's rework 😭 I miss these old characters
@@math_rd Swain is awesome wdym?
My friend used to be a mundo one trick, even going as far as to name his account after the guy. After the rework he played him like twice and never touched him again.
same as Akali, i used to be her OTP, climbed to Diamond, got over 300k of mastery, then after her rework, i picked for like 3 times, never feel the same, stopped playing her ever again, shits feel bad
@@minhkhangta7782 when I started playing in 2015 akali was my favorite champion based on lore/personality stuff. Her rework not only changed her skills but her lore as well. Her stoic personality and life goals were completely trashed. Akali was deleted from the game and we got a new champ imo
They should just make his ult healing "true" healing, not reduced by grievous wounds. It feels like such an easy and such a needed tweak.
But why don't they do it? Spaghetti code?
True healing/shielding would solve a lot of current problems healing based and enchanter champs are facing currently.
@@TheLokoIl Aye, so I would believe. It would mean having a way of having champions who's core revolves around certain healing can do what they do, but there's still a way of punishing those who shouldnt revolve around healing.
Another great candidate for "true" healing in my eyes: the self heal from Soraka Q.
@@Langharig_Tuig They already did that on Soraka ult. I think her ult remove grievous wound before healing take place.
Sounds like the solution to healing being unbalanced is to remove items that reduce it by 60% instead of making half the shit immune to it
@@Soul-ex8gb well, more of a short term/bandaid solution. If they want to truly fix the issue they have to take the time to remove healing from all the champions that shouldnt be healing such great amounts...
I actually as an old mundo main love the new q and e and the animations make you feel like a badass. I wish w actually matterd and his r kept the big heal but overall mundo is still a blast to play when you want to remind adc players of their place in the world
Maybe they could play with his passive and W, make Heart Zapper last hit to stun nearby targets and Mundo himself, so that he can interact with his own passive within his kit, this adds area pressure, a stun, some more identity and makes him more viable as a tank as he gains hard area CC on the ability that has less pressure.
Also they could make his ult increase the area of Heart Zapper.
Mundo has become my favorite Toplaner by far. Idk, there's something so satisfying about tanking all the damage they do to you, only for you to press a button and regenerate all your health back, all while being an unstoppable fucking force because they can't cc you
The number of Setts who learned not to ult me as an opener 😂
@@spencercox9317 Kinda funny that, Mundo is the tank who counters the top laner that uses tanks against their team.
how do you regenerate if you get 60% healing reduction permanently from the e-gril sona player
@@100organicfreshmemes5 in teamfight, sett can still ult mundo into the enemy team and deal like 1k dmg, even if you dont get CC'ed with passive, the dmg still applies.
@@stormdragon2529 Ah, didn't know that. Guess it makes sense though.
I feel like it's worth having a discussion about complexity vs depth because League has been failing at that quite a bit. New Mundo sounds like he's slightly more complex than old Mundo but doesn't have any real change in depth. Complexity referring to how much stuff is in a champion's kit while depth refers to how much stuff you can do with a kit. For two extremes, Yone's a champ with a lot of complexity but not a fuck ton of depth while Azir's an a champion with a ton of depth despite not being particularly complex. That's because Yone's abilities all do a million things but he can only apply them in a few ways while Azir's has a super open-ended kit, which results in him having a ton of depth despite all of his abilities being possible to describe in a single sentence (the most complicated part of his kit for me to understand is random weird technicalities about his w because Rito's coding go brr and hates Azir specifically because wth). But yeah, it's not really that every champion needs as much depth as Azir has, there are other elements that make champs fun to play to different people, but Rito's champs should generally have at least as much depth as complexity, regardless of how deep or complex the champ is intended to be. Like, Zoe has a pretty simple kit, she's neither particularly complex or deep, but she's still a fun champion to play because her kit is really cathartic, uses whatever complexity it does have to contribute to her brand of skill expression, and uses randomness really well. If Mundo's identity is meant to be a face-tanking late game brick wall that just walks into people and smacks them, it probably makes sense for his passive to be something similar to death's dance and for him to have a cleanse that also gives him a brief period of hard cc immunity as an ability active (this could also be used to combat the grievous wounds problem if a core aspect of his kit is meant to be %max health healing and being CC immune). He's workable. I don't think he'd need a complete overhaul in identity and kit to be a character in the game that people enjoy.
They don't play him because he goes wherever he wants...
Except returning to the Jungle.
Pantheon sends his regards
I mean i still think it's possible to play him jungle....
@@gb828 his ganks are so dissapoiting and he can't even 1v1 jglers early
@@sameedahmed3320 his ganks were good before the rework?
Дюсеков Ильяс no, but his scaling was better. Mundo jg became the best role for him because now he didn't have to sit under tower/cleave farm against popular champions like fiora/Camille who would still be better than him later on. In jg, he had far better scaling in comparison to meta junglers which, combined with his fast if at first unhealthy clear, gave him a clear win condition. If the enemy tried to invade and kill him, most likely than not he could escape because of his Q and go farm somewhere else, by lvl 11 you would 100% be able to solo kill him. Now that he has more power early on but less later, jungle became far worse because he can't leverage this shift, as most junglers still win early on, but now he can't just pull a karthus either. If he wants to use this new early game power, he has to go top lane, where the original problem just got worse.
some champs should be allowed to have a "boring" kit and not everyone needs an overloaded champ
"Boring" and "Overloaded" are not mutually exclusive. Champs can be simple and fun at the same time.
@@100organicfreshmemes5 Which in my opinion Mundo is xD
I feel like his rework made him more interesting but took a lot of his power away. Before he had just so many free stats that it was hard to win lane against him. Then they changed e and w which don't do that much for him, while he lost a lot of stats. Ult also heals less now so overall he's more fun and interesting while being weaker.
interesting and fun in the way that they butcher a champion so you don't have to have to see them again, rip mundo mains, glad its not me, know a friend who used to play him a lot, haven't seen him play him post rework
Bro old mundo was a piece of ahí he cant win againt almost any macht up expect the ap
@@jaotrx7163 And new mundo cant win, period.
New mundo is far more powerful
@@mtgcalix8977 he's not as tanky anymore, has no free magic resist, ult heals way less now and w isn't permanent anymore I don't see how he is more powerful than before
I began playing mundo 1 year before his rework and basically loved everything about him. But the new things they added and ESPECIALLY the old things they removed made me quit the champion. I was so sad when he old mundo died, i'll genuinely miss him forever.
Rip especially the w which was toggleable and very nice for waveclear/jungle farming.
made a acc named mundo mundo played mundo with the mundo mundo skin 3 years later rework played him 3 games got angry sad and just gave up on him so fari have mained shen gankplank and mundo all got reworks and i just gave up on them
I was a mundo jungle one trick before the rework, and when I realized how much he got nerfed jungle, I pretty much benched him. I've picked him back up recently though, and I realized he's still really fun jungle, you just have to put a bit more thought into playing it other than "clear every camp, walk around until you find someone, walk directly at them and throw every ability at them, when the fight is over walk back to your camps."
What I think is funny, is he got reworked right as I started to really figure out what I was doing in league. I didn't realize how much I was getting from his E and W passive until it was too late.
who do you play jungle nowadays?
@@leee5487 I don't really have a specific jungle main anymore, but recently I've been playing shaco and ivern.
I loved kiting with his old ult, soaking up what the other team had to offer, then using the latter half of the ult to go in for the kill. I think the issue is he was remade to fit the new eastern oriented gameplay goal: Quick, decisive teamfights that are pretty much decided by initial positioning and stats, with "mechanics" coming down to those who can react multiple times a second, which ironically just makes him MORE of a stat stick than he was before, because he either has the stats to all in you, or he doesn't.
Absolutely awesome VGFX update though, wish they'd just slap that onto old Mundo and go back to the drawing board. Again I know they remade him for the Chinese audience, but I wish they'd combine his taking punishment/kiting ala drunken man style.
I was a Mundo main pre-rework. I hate how squishy he feels now. Dude feels weak now
Cho gath feels tankier now,and he probably is
@@fitmotheyap that is because cho gath is a hyper tank the same way as ornn or sion
@@mistywww3199 no he is not. a hyper tank is a tank that absolutely shit stomps one thing. rammus and malphite shit stomp ad champs and only do damage by redirecting it. their low damage kits when building tank are more than any other but they are virtually unkillable by that certain thing
It's the champ with the highest win rate in the whole game, dafuck
@@mistywww3199 Cho doesn't even have any resistances lol. He's not even a tank let alone hyper tank.
As an old mundo main, what really needed preserved was his identity of going where he pleases. Even though his passive supports it, the rest of his kit no longer allows him to just run wherever and do whatever he wants. Honestly my dream would be to have old mundo back in it's entirety other than his new passive. It always felt like you could walk into 5 people, and even if you didn't get a kill, you could make it out alive. New mundo can't even face tank most a 2v1 when even, let alone an entire team.
I may be insane then but he's one of my favourite toplaners and it's quite unstoppable, his laning is very healthy and not aids at all (unlike the meta champs...) plus getting a lead means becoming a force to be recon with at all stages of the game.
Today i did an easy double. People think that because he's an tank, he have no damage. But if you didn't miss the Q, you pretty much can do fighter levels of damage
@@josevitorag that 20% max health dmg feels good
@@mistywww3199 with 4s cd and minimum damage
Yeah, thats not true at all, Mundo has the most aids laning phase of almost all champs, only Tahm Kench and Malphite are more aids to play against.
@@Dingdong2730 Yeah but as we all know, all champs are aids except the ones we play.
Honestly, I preferred old Mundo's kit. If they gave him that in addition to this VGU he'd be perfect for me. New Mundo feels so damn squishy...
I liked how much of a counter he was to high magic comps before.
You mean like most tanks... As a tank/bruiser main, I keep feeling sooooo squishy.
And then I play as an actually squishy champ and get bent in o.88s.
@@sacha9957 that's because there is a lot of damage in the game right now. Even a non-tank killer that builds right can melt a full build level 18 ornn in 2 seconds
For me it's not even the kit. I like new E with the AoE in lane, W is a much more interesting ability to use, Q is practically unchanged.
Just give me the old ult that actually heals. I get enough AD from E, I don't need more damage when I ult, I need to be able to survive being in their face...
probably building him wrong lol, common place issue with low elo tank players
In world in which each new champ got 1 to 3 dashes we have mundo rework that nerf his ult.
I hope that I do not need to mention that Yone, Yasuo, Samira or other popular champions can easily heal for like 500% max HP during fights just by doing damage.
I rest my case.
I used to main mundo when I first started playing back in 2013. Back then my biggest issue with league was that every champion felt squishy to me, even tanks (probably because I was starting out and didn't farm much). Mundos combination of sustain, tankiness, wave clear and raw stats is what carried me through those early learning stages allowing me to actually play the game instead of always staring at a grey screen and getting stomped every game. I never thought his kit was boring, just dumb and simple and thats just what I needed to get a hang of the game and its absolutely brutal learning curve. Old Mundo carried me to level 30 back when you had to grind masteries and I honestly dont think i would play league today where it not for his dumb "mobile turret with infinite health" gameplay. I dont play the new mundo because i expect him to actually tank
I miss old Mundo so much, he was one of my favorite junglers.
Since you mentioned Kench, I have to say that Riot seems to forget what lane a champion was designed for when they do their reworks. Tahm is virtually unplayable botlane after losing his vanguard status by moving Devour to R, but also isn't a great initiator due to the long delay on Abyssal Dive. So while I think the rework was a net positive, it pulled him out of his main lane and forced him into what was arguably his secondary role: toplane.
I think with tham it was their purpose to completely change him into a top laner
I'm adamant on that Mundo's passive goes against the idea of "mundo goes where he pleases". As soon as Mundo gets cc'd it turns into "mundo has to retrieve his canister". Unlike old mundo, where even if you get cc'd you'll just keep moving towards your opponent
Actually I really liked old Mundo and I used him alot to climb in JG, he was pretty fun. Old Mundo in JG was kinda like playing Yuumi, calming.
Wait what i thought he had a super high pickrate, isn't he super good in the meta rn? Or is the reason why he isn't played a lot is cuz hes just boring to play like most juggernauts?
He had a high pickrate when the VGU dropped because his numbers were crazy, but he's dropped off for at least a few months now, from what I recall.
@@Yvädastra oh rly, looks like proguides have no clue what they're talking about then cuz i remember them putting dr mundo in A tier in one of their tier list vids
Juggernauts are way more fun to play than Mages or Assasins.
@@Yvädastra he is s tier now, into certain matchups he is very strong, the reason i believe people dont play the champion is that its broing.
Worth noting is allocating so much of his survivability into his passive also makes Mundo SIGNIFICANTLY squishier against high damage dealing threats with minimal CC.
Your match up against a champion like Fiora has never been "good", but it is significantly worse when your passive is never going to get procced and you are just straight up squishier at all times compared to pre-rework.
I was one off the few mundo mains, I was excited to hear he was getting a rework......then horrified when I saw what they were......I was hoping maby once I tried them out myself they would not be to bad!
But he just felt wrong....he felt squishy......mundo should not feel squishy....and his ult is no were near as useful as before, just makes me sad now since I can no longer go were I please.....his old ult really was just more useful.
Well, tanks have been a dead class since 2018. It seems like they're gonna get better in S12 but pre-season just started and we can't say Riot haven't tried to show them some love, so maybe Mundo will get some more popularity. Still, the trend recently is when a tank item is good, a non-tank will probably use it better, break the game and get the item nerfed.
The problem isn't just that tank items are mediocre, but also there are too many items and champions that make tanks useless. Kraken Slayer, Divine Sunderer, Lord Dominik's Regards, Black Cleaver, the list goes on.
@@100organicfreshmemes5 don’t forget blade of the ruined king :(
@@100organicfreshmemes5 I have said while playing league at times, "what's the point in having tanks in the game if they aren't tanky" i.e. true damage everywhere. If tanks are gonna be in the game, then they SHOULD be hard to kill, yet people are over here Max build tanks vs a half build kraken slayer ADC and just melting.
@@papertowels9162 Adcs are supposed to deal dmg
@@papertowels9162 dude youre literally comparing mundo to an adc? When mundo cant build full tank and still kill a fed adc, that's also undertower
as an ex mundo main, i think the rework was one of the biggest fails riot ever made.
you mentioned how he used to be a massive tank, healed a lot, had tons of free stats, and that all stands. but some things you didnt cover.
his old w was indeed a toggle ability. and just like aurelions w, mundos w not being toggle is a crime. it didnt do much damage, but late game doing 200 damage a secont.. ALL THE TIME was a decent thing, he played like ammumu, but instead of using a pull, he slows the enemies to stick to them.
old mundo wasnt just a massive stat check, just like garen he had things good players abused, to make him seem unfair to play against.
his ult was an engage, disengage, sustain in fights, a reset. it was everything. now he heals like nothing, and there are 20 grevious items now, b4 we had 2, that werent that well optimised for wide spread use.
the broken tactic was to get a ton of resistances, go in 1st, eat all of the dmg they have, and the moment u ult, you just dip into backline, heal to full while someone else frontlines, and the enemies were left dry, with no cds or summs, and ur back to full and ur team is full.
old w with sunfire made enemies have to flash away from you to stop being microwaved and perma slowed, now its... useless, his old e gave MR and you could eat a 2k ap veigar combo, now you die to basically anything. old q felt better, idk the damage diff bcs i dont play new mundo any more, but it felt better for sure, and his passive is now unfair to play against, but also nothing special when played with.
"It didnt do much damage, but late game doing 200 damage a secont.. ALL THE TIME was a decent thing, he played like ammumu"
Mundo doesn't have mana tho? Amumu's W uses a lot of mana, so can't just freely use it or else it will risk all the play.
@@andreicalegari1837 and that cahnges the point?? Same as ammumu, Mundo ran into multiple enemies to dot them down, dfq you nitpick about mana
I played Mundo quite a bit up until his rework. Since then I played him only once, and that was in One For All.
Fact is I liked the simple Mundo of hitting enemies and healing self. When I'd feel lazy and didn't want to commit to 400 IQ plays, just pick Mundo and smack your opponents to submission. It was relaxing.
Why no one plays mundo but I still see him 1/3 games lmao.
My favorite part of playing him was running around fast af and being an unkillable nuisance. I think it would have been dope had they leaned into that and went full tank with Mundo. Keep his ult, and his Q, but make his W & E skills that give more utlity/cc for the team. I play Mundo even less after the rework because he just feels like a weak version of his old self
As a Mundo main before the rework i gotta say, everything you said in this video is absolutely right. The rework was a disappointment gameplay wise and above all I absolutely hate the majority of his new voice lines and his new backstory. Dear god, riot ruined one of my favorite champs and i will never forgive this atrocity
How can you hate his voice lines?
Dr. Mundo's Passive also can be a literal downside as well if he doesnt pick it up because he loses a large chunk of health for one cc immunity proc which sucks cause hes more of a tank more than any other juggernaught and tanks do not need cc immunity. They are the only class that doesnt mind soaking up cc.
Old Jungle-Mundo onetrick here. You really hit the nail on the head Vars. A few things to note about the new kit that were missed:
His passive now does 7% of his max health as damage. This really sucks if for example, he gets hit by two stuns at once. If he cant pick up the canister, the passive literally just does damage to him. Against certain teams it'd actually be better to not even have the new passive.
The new W cant clear camps and deletes all Gray health if the end of it doesn't hit something. (So again, does straight up nothing at least half the time.)
He really lost his late game scaling aspect with the ult & stats nerf as you mentioned.
So yeah we went from simple ultra facetank to gimmicky, bad tank.
Correction: It's current percent hp, not max.
This is incredibly fascinating to me. I didn't start playing LoL until after his rework, and I've one-tricked Mundo sense day one. I knew that the Mundo I'm familiar with was different from how he once was, but I didn't realize the changes overall. I think it's fair to say the rework nerfed him. And that's kinda the big issue. Old mundo's identity was "Simple yet effective" and they removed the effective. Now he's just simple. I still have a lot of fun with him, I think the character himself is hilarious and charming, plus the incredibly simple champion play leaves more room in my brain to focus on my game-sense. Top lane to me has always felt like a fight between the players more than it has the champions, and that's why I love it so much. Mundo being so low skill floor means I can focus on the game above the game.
Overall, amazing video. It was fun getting a peak into the past and why my beloved purple pal is so unpopular, unfortunate as it may be.
11:34 mans just walked over the wall. He really does go where he fucking damn well pleases. (I know that it was a visual bug; just let me enjoy it)
Also, I thought Mundo was a fighter, because he dies in 2 seconds in team fights, rather than in 5, like a normal tank.
Thanks. I thought no one would mention it in the comments
I mean it would also help if the game wasn't so completely overloaded with healing that everyone builds anti heal and it's incredibly convenient and a great item, if the item would suck more and all BS healing was removed from the game it would actually have to be a sacrifice to build anti heal and completely neuter healing champion's healing, like as you said ult at max rank is now 20% max health over 10 seconds which is completely worthless and it's like that every game.
also there's the fact that late game or even mid game most adcs can melt you in 6 seconds max even popping ult, and that divinde sunderer users get free healing off you and melt you like you're nothing for some reason that's fair.
Oh and of course there are these 2 characters in the game that literally make the game completely unplatable if you're in it with them, fiora and vayne which for some reason are allowed to melt tanks in 3 seconds with absolutely no noticeable downside
Previous Dr. Mundo was fun and still felt pretty good to play. New Mundo feels legitimately aweful to play.
Nobody gonna talk about how Mundo walks through the wall at 11:34? He sure does go where he pleases
Mundo's VGU suffers from a catastrophic lack of clear direction imo, especially on the visual side. There's nothing he does that another fighter or tank can't do better, though I will give him credit that he is a good Jack of All Trades.
He put all his points into Charisma in a game with no speech checks.
11:34 Did anyone else see Mundo miss flash and walk through the wall? The man really can go where he pleases
I never thought I would say this, but I miss old Mundo.
So I have a friend who literally quit the game over mundo.
He was a farming jungler. And when they started removing farming junglers eventually only mundo was left. The reason he was left is because with health regen runes you can offset the damage from w and clear super quickly at full health. While being tanky enough to be useful later on.
The old design very much was run at people and use your aoe from W to deal most of the damage while slowing with q. Now that they removed his W I dont think ill ever play the champ again. If they wanted to make mundo fun its easy. Make his passive give movespeed for a second. Redo the ult so hes tanky as before. Make enemy players unable to step on passive level 11 onwards. This way the fun part of mundo (walking at people and being unkillable) is amplified while also giving some skillcap. Players would have to run towards the canister and hope to not get cced while continueing to slow their target. Ofc this allows your opponent to run away more easily.
I didnt mention it but also put the fucking w back. New w is worthless.
I miss his old w that thing was the best hear pushing lane and being a nuisance all match
It also gave passive tenacity I think
Honestly, I feel like I would be more inclined to play him if his corporate skin was just his default.
Worst part about Mundo is that after the item rework he is one of the best toplaners, but he still feels so bad to play.
11:34 mundo casually walking thru the wall. (Yes I know I see the flash)
I stoped playing him after the update.
He used to be Funny mundo, idk why or who decided to make him Sexy mundo.
The Communists my dude, Damn Commies.
@@Imahaxxxor my comrads would never do such things.
pretty spot on vid, my top mains were nasus and mundo for their similar gameplay fantasies as mid to late game raid bosses. they gave mundo more interactive tools, but completely killed the late game fantasy and buffed his laning phase, which i didnt give a shit about because i chucked cleavers til 6 where i auto win the lane anyways. i like win conditions based on obtaining an ungodly amount of stats that can not be outplayed, and new mundo simply isnt that anymore
I liked more the old mundo. When je camed out i was really disapointed
I'm not trying to be "that guy" but he has the highest win rate in top lane right now, I think Mundo is in a great place and I love the big goon
Right now Mundo's power lies mostly in his later stage of laning phase. His ability to push waves and spam you with 30% current health damage cleaver is the most unfun thing to play against, its at the same level as the Malphite lane in terms of degeneracy, another champ who desperately needs a rework.
Another issue is that lack of item satisfaction. Mundo gains so little from items, so the reason you pick him in lane is mostly just to shut down the enemy toplaner and make their game unfun, it wont matter too much if he is 10/0 or 1/0, because all he gains from gold is the tankyness from items and an irrelevant AD bonus on E.
Mundo is in a wierd spot between a juggernaut and an "Anti carry"(like Malph or Kench).
If you want to be a completely unskilled degenerate and ruin the all the fun for the enemy toplaner, Tahm Kench, Poppy and Malphite do a better job at that while still offering utility for their team.
If you want to plow down everything in melee range, Illaoi, Urgot and Darius do a much better job, plus they actually feel satisfying to play when you're ahead.
I really like your video (as always :D) but as a Mundo main way before his rework, I don't think he's as squishy as you mentioned, at least he always were in a way, but now you don't really have to build a damage item in order to be a threat in team fights 'cause you have all that bonus AD from ult and E, so you can go all in on defensive items... But that' s way subjective haha
Cause they didn't rework him, in fact they just straight up removed his W, it's not a real ability anymore. He's still outdated since they didn't give him anything to keep up with the newer champions.
no hp true dmage and 15 dashes an execute, revive on w , stealht , attack speed steroid, ms speed on q passive, looking at mundo then looking at all the 200 years bs that came out this year its just a joke
Actually they did.
Mainly by making him a lot safer in the laning phase due to his Passive and Ult changes and still isn’t as Feast or Famine due to his scaling being pretty good.
It’s kind of hard on making a Juggernaut whose Tankiness is based around Hp when you have so many other things be around percent HP damage.
It basically doesn’t make him appealing, but not weak.
@@bulletcola7890 But he still just walks up to you and spams abilities on cooldown and prays he wins, Volibear used to be like that but they gave him more mechanics to make that playstyle more viable.
Dr Mundo main here ^-^
Great video. I love maining an unpopular champion
Aw . I played him and he felt so fun ! The playerbase is blind
Fun doesnt mean good
@@kxinix6579 meh it's a really one dimensional kit after a while he gets super boring, to me at least
@@cherno8336 ye idk i never played him but tbh he doesnt look fun i stay at my lillia and taliyah xD
Counterpoint: Mundo needs to be boring statchecker with little gimmicks to become a bridge from something more simple like Garen to something more difficult like Aatrox or Morde. That's his purpose, and he's doing well
He is amazing, loterally runs down 5 people all at once.
Crazy thing is that I used to play Mundo before the rework and now I don’t even want to touch Mundo anymore
Imagine calling Old Morde a stat checker when the man needed a PhD to be played correctly.
Man, I hadn't seen a newbie like this one in a while. Old Morde is not referring to the one who could take the dragon's ghost, but the one before that.
Would be fun if his weapon had a effect that when he throws in someone it stays in that target for some seconds, so if Mundo autos the target he refunds the CD and does more damage the less health the target has.
he feels same but worse imo. Really loved his old W and mr gaining E passive. I dont like new mundo
I appreciate the choice of Vs Ridley as the music for the video on the big angry Purple guy
"still don't" he was like permaban after the rework lmfao
That was because he was broken on release, not because of popularity.
I one trick Dr mundo and people really underestimate his power
Yes XD
I agree with this video. I played a crap load of Mundo prior to his rework, I knew his limits, I knew his matchups, I could even beat a stacked nasus in the lategame with how well I knew the two champions. Mundo's rework stripped so much of Mundo's healing that he can't survive in the late-game. His earlygame has improved massively, he can farm and trade easier than before, but he lost so much of his lategame that you become a liability to your team. Heck, when Grevious wounds was being added to Bramble they buffed Mundo's ultimate to compensate for the amount of anti-heal that was in the game. They shifted the AD from his E onto his ult, moved his tenacity from his w onto his passive, and then made his W worse to compensate. yes, imo his W is worse off now than it was before, you sort of used it for the waveclear and trading, but it was akin to Sunfire without the stats, you kept it on in fights because it gave you tenacity, post rework it's supposed to give some survivability, which is what the prior's tenacity was for, giving you resistance to cc so you can keep running. Now you get so little health back from the damage taken that I forget that I have grey health. I've stood in the middle of 5 people with w active, took champion damage for the full duration (a lot of it), activated W and didn't even get an eighth of my health back, despite being bursted to a sliver of health, and then still die after getting the grey health back.
My proposed fix to both? move the grey health onto the ultimate, once the ult ends you get a final burst of healing which would feel similar to what he was originally, I don't know what to do about the w other than make it toggleable with maybe some slight omni-vamp, enough to where you are healing back the health drain when you are damaging something but not enough where you insta win trades while fighting 32 minions and 2 champions in the first five minutes.
11:33 did I just see mundo clip through the wall?
Someone call Vandiril, the spaghetti has returned
Tip if you want to be good at mundo, max e>w>q, its just better
As someone who has always loved playing Mundo, they could have just made him immune to grievous wounds when his ult is active. His Q being unreliable when he is in a crowd of minions isn't fun either.
After watching your videos, I realize that I like to play a lot of unpopular champions. I play Mundo, ornn, Trundle, velkoz, ryze, chogath, yorick, tahm (if he still counts, idk tho) and velkoz all a decent amount. Idk what that says about me, but yeah
I mained mundo until the rework, he worked best in the jungle because you could avoid the landing phase and get to late game safely. Now all he has is a landing phase where he throws cleaves at minions and avoids as much interaction as possible just so he can be useless late game. Two things you missed in the video were the instant health on ult denying the low health damage steroid and the ridiculous cool down on his E.
I think they should make him a late game tank, make his ult power up his abilities to have more CC potential
Q - now slows damages in an aoe and slight damage increase (Teamfight engage)
W - Bigger AoE, and better grey health conversion (Forces people to try get away or he will heal for a large portion)
E - Will now stun the target for 1s (More CC and interrupt channels)
R - Maybe a grievous wounds cleanse when it detonates?
Main thing I want to say is that Old Mundo was not boring once you learned his limits and constantly played at them. For me Mundo was all about getting into every fight you can when you have R up and using R at the last possible moment to get as much damage out of E and last stand and as much healing out of R as you possibly can. In every fight my goal would be get down to 100 hp while just barely surviving while 4shotting anything I could get my hands on. Playing Old Mundo was an adrenaline high where you can never be 100% sure if you're going to survive and kill everything in sight or just barely die 3 seconds into your ult because you didn't activate it early enough or dodge a key ability. I got really good at this after playing tons of games of the champ. You farm a ton for level 11 and items and then run around baiting people into thinking they can kill you then popping R and destroying them. It was the most fun I've ever had playing a champion. So, I would have to disagree with you on the boring part, if you played old Mundo like new Mundo who's gameplay is basically just throwing Qs and playing like a bitch, I can see your point, but E max Old Mundo was a fucking joy to play it really made you FEEL like an insane masochistic monster man.
I love your videos first of all. I recently played mundo(new mundo) for the first time, and I gotta say it's actually really fun. Like I've always dismissed him as being a tank without hard cc which is dumb and I don't even play tanks, but after playing him I was very surprised with how good his passive felt. Like It feels like a bruiser more than a tank, but it was fun to play for me personally and I added him to my champion roster just for the passive. (I've been an assassin main for like 3 years so switching to mundo just feels really easy and fun by comparison, but thats more a personal thing than an invalidation of your points or opinion)
I especially miss the old w. It was a short range toggle that gave him tenacity while active, if you had warmog's on you could have it on forever since the healing of warmog's beat out its flat cost per second. I will never forget back in wild rift getting a pentakill thanks to w hitting every single person that dared to fight me in melee range and my ultimate working overtime to secure me each and every kill by just full healing every damn second.
Don't forget Tryndamere used to use health as a resource! Back in season 1 his spin cost like 80 health - although even with enough cooldown reduction you couldn't commit suicide. I tried, it just dropped you to 1hp even if you were under 80 at the time. It wasn't until after Renekton was released they looked at Trynd and went "hey, he's a raging barbarian... we've got this whole rage mechanic now..." and he no longer used health.
I was lvl7 mundo Plat Main and tbh i think that a lot of people are missing on one thing. For me the very best change is that when mundo used to use r HE LOST LIKE 20% HP INSTATNLY. it was Making him unable to go out of a lot of situations bcs he could die to next skillshot, and u couldnt use it as tryndamere r for example ( im some cases). Now he INSTATNLY gains HP on ising r and that Makes so much room for more plays, close teamfoghts and aspecialy, early on dives when u dont want to use r instatly B4 diving
The problem I have with Mundo is
A tank with no CC
Kinda useless imo.
You can't peel for your team, you just soak damage , but they just can ignore you
Idk man Mundo deals a fuck ton of dmg :P
The first time I heard of mundo's rework I was pretty excited in what riot has done to him then I saw his "new" abilities and was really disappointed. I thought that maybe the new minor gimmicks would make him fun but the thing that struck out the most was how significantly squishier he became. I never knew old and new numbers since I don't research it that much but the feeling of playing him alone was enough to indicate how squishier he got like how maokai went from one of the tankiest tanks to one of the squishiest even with full builds but at least then maokai has plenty of cc and zone control going for him, mundo is the type of champion that should've died like old aatrox and old mordekaiser but this time it would be welcomed.
It really bothered me how not only did he become significantly squishier, he also lost a significant amount of damage that used to be on his w and e. A lot of damage on his e was moved to his ult, significantly decreasing his consistency and reducing his scaling by a lot. His passive regeneration was nerfed, and the grey health while cool, is practically irrelevant 90% of the time. It feels like for his gimmicky passive which is arguably less useful than his tenacity, Mundo lost way too much in both damage and tankiness.
People know this by now, but there is too much random healing in the game, forcing the constant presence of Grievous Wounds in every game, which in turn really hurts all the champs that have healing as their main identity - e.g. Mundo, Soraka, etc.
The "Vs Ridley" ost in back ground !
I see what you did here ^^
It really does feel like his W and E are quality of life effects rather than real attacks, maybe if they made those more impactful or interesting.... The most annoying thing I found with Mundo is his passive canister seems to love to fly towards enemies at their feet, so in my experience I've never got to pick up and heal from the canister because its automatically destroyed.
Haven't finished the video so not sure if you'll mention it. BUT i feel like Mundo's rework was so bland because Riot was focusing on the Ruination event. They promised Mundo's rework a long time ago, and it was released when Riot was all focused on Viego (+Senna, Gwen, Ruination, etc). If his rework was too good, maybe people just wouldn't care about Ruination. (in the end, pretty much everyone disliked the event anyway so....) Surely I can't just go saying that's the truth, but I wouldn't discard it that the reason they barely put any work on him, is because he was not fit for the "moment" of League. We had skins, cinematics, events, rewards, everything foucsed on the Ruination, and Mundo did not have anything to do with that, so they just plopped anything to fulfill their promises like "there you go, we did it".
I think mundo remains as a very simple character more designed for new players, and that’s kinda ok. I don’t want every champ to have incredible mobility and skill expression, sometimes less is more. That being said, it would’ve been nice to have that one thing to make him a little more appealing
Gotta say, I just love the tower-hit animation Mundo has at 9:10. It's so funny.