How Can You Assess Whether You Are Truly Hungry? | Dr. Joel Fuhrman

  • Опубліковано 18 чер 2024
  • 🥬🚀 Join my free, 5-day Nutritarian challenge, and I’ll change the way you think about food - forever.
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    Discover the crucial difference between true hunger and toxic hunger, and how understanding this concept can help you maintain a healthy weight and conquer food addiction. Learn about the science behind changing hunger perceptions on a nutrient-dense diet, and why teaching nutritional science in schools is essential for promoting health and well-being.
    Watch the full podcast here: • Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Sec...
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  • @annemccarron2281
    @annemccarron2281 9 днів тому +5

    Dr. Fuhrman, parents would complain if teachers did not allow junk food in the classroom, if they advocated against olive oil, avacado oil, said that fast food leads to obesity, autoimmune disorders, cancer, hypertension, CVD, etc. They would sue the school district saying that their kids deserve to have cup cakes in the classroom & no teacher has the right to say that fast food causes disease. They are not nutritionist or physicians. I've been there. I worked as a school nurse (one of my worse experiences). Parents resent it if you even tell them their child has an elevated BMI & is overweight. I was reported to the principal (who was grossly obese) more times than I can count. I gave up. Teach the people who want to learn. Don't waste time with those who don 't.

    • @JRawRose
      @JRawRose 9 днів тому

      “Parents often feel sorry for their children when they see them deprived of certain foods, but they are wasting their sympathies. Such sympathies are tantamount to wishing for them a continuance of disease. 'When parents are intelligent enough to know their duty to their children,' says Dr. Tilden, 'they will not feel sorry for them because they are not eating in a way to make them sick.' Too many parents are ruled by their emotions and sentiments and not by knowledge and reason. Give children those foods that are good for them and do not cultivate in them an appetite for harmful foods.” -Dr. Herbert Shelton

    • @JRawRose
      @JRawRose 9 днів тому

      “‘Children's diseases are really parent's mistakes,’ says Dr. Harry Clements (London), and this is very largely true. There are, of course, social and economic factors over which the poor have little or no influence, at least, not in their present unorganized state.
      It may be difficult for the average reader to grasp the thought that parent's mistakes are responsible for the so-called infectious diseases of childhood. Few people have been able to disabuse their minds of the ancient notion, our heritage from our ignorant prehistoric forebears, that a so-called disease can be “caught” from someone else who has it.” -Dr. Herbert Shelton, “THE HYGIENIC CARE OF CHILDREN” - CHAPTER XXII THE ACUTE “INFECTIOUS” DISEASES OF CHILDHOOD
      “Nothing is so soothing to our self-esteem as to find our bad traits in our forbears. It seems to absolve us.” -Van Wyck Brooks

    • @JRawRose
      @JRawRose 9 днів тому

      “The greatest evil that can come into your child's life is the poison-dispensing physician. Carefully guard your child against him and all that he stands for.” -Dr. Herbert Shelton, Vol. I of VII, p. 368

  • @TomFoolery767
    @TomFoolery767 9 днів тому +3

    I love seeing the Esselstyn camp reaching out to Fuhrman! He’s awesome❤

    • @annemccarron2281
      @annemccarron2281 9 днів тому

      Dr. Fuhrman always brings unique information to the table - info you don't hear elsewhere.

  • @chrystalthornton1502
    @chrystalthornton1502 8 днів тому +1

    I've found 18 hour fast every day helps me get used to not constantly snacking just cause it's there and makes me actually enjoy my meals when I do eat. Trying to get blood glucose down and lose some weight it's not too hard to do.

  • @JRawRose
    @JRawRose 9 днів тому +3

    “Losing your ability to sense true hunger sets the foundation for obesity. By feeding them so much caloric-rich food so frequently we have trained our children to disconnect eating from hunger. After enough time goes by continually consuming more calories than they need, they will feel discomfort when they do not have food constantly in their stomach. They must keep their digestive tract going all the time, because the minute it empties, they feel uncomfortable. By the time they become an overweight adult, they are true food addicts.” -Joel Fuhrman, M.D., "Disease-Proof Your Child" pp. 137-138
    “When food addictions drive intake via toxic hunger, we are never satisfied with an empty stomach, because it feels too uncomfortable, so we eat more and more and invariably become overweight. The more unhealthy the diet is, the more toxic hunger drives the person to overeat and put on additional pounds.” -Joel Fuhrman, M.D., "Disease-Proof Your Child" p. 139

    • @JRawRose
      @JRawRose 9 днів тому +2

      “The truth is that hunger is a normal, not an abnormal, sensation and all normal sensations are pleasant. It is an error to think of hunger in the terms of symptoms of disease, just as it would be to think of thirst, or any other of the body’s normal desires, as painful or uncomfortable. Normal hunger is indicated by a general bodily condition--a universal call for food--which is localized, so far as localization takes place, in the mouth, nose and throat, just as is the sense of thirst. There is no “hunger pangs” associated with genuine hunger; there is only a pleasant sensation in the nose, mouth and throat and a watering of the mouth. The hungry person is conscious of a desire for food, not of pain or irritation.
      It is a false appetite that manifests itself by morbid irritation, gnawing in the stomach, pain, the feeling of weakness, and various emotionally rooted discomforts. The dissimilarities between such irritations and a true sense of hunger are quite sharp, the average person tied to the habit of eating at all hours of the day and night rarely permits himself to become hungry and consequently mistakes these morbid sensations for a valid call for food. As eating commonly relieves symptoms of distress, the individual becomes convinced that food was just the thing needed. Often it is a kind of eating binge; the individual eats to cover up psychological miseries, as the drunkard drinks to drown his.” Herbert Shelton, “Fasting Can Save Your Life” p. 32
      “The statement sometimes heard that hunger ceases on the third day of the fast implies that true hunger is present during the first two days of the fast. This is usually not true. It is gastric irritation that ceases on the second, third or fourth day of the fast.” Herbert Shelton, “Fasting Can Save Your Life” p. 32

    • @JRawRose
      @JRawRose 9 днів тому +3

      “The presence of normal hunger is regarded as one of the signs of health, while its absence is a symptom of disease. For us to accept this as a reliable criterion of the state of the body, however, it is necessary for us to recognize that there may be present, in disease, a fictional desire for food that is commonly mistaken for hunger. Herbert Shelton, “Fasting For Renewal of Life” p. 86
      In our present consideration of hunger we shall discuss:
      1. Normal demand for food, genuine hunger.
      2. Fictional desire for food, a morbid craving.
      3. Absence of desire for food, absence of hunger. “FFROL” p. 87
      ...when the well man goes without food he gets hungry before he gets weak; when the sick man goes without food, he gets weak before he gets hungry.” “FFROL” p. 87
      One way to determine real from fictional hunger is to think of the time that has elapsed since the last meal. It is not possible to be “hungry all the time.” If one desires to eat while the stomach is still busy digesting the last meal, one is certainly not hungry. If the last meal was a heavy one, one is not likely to be genuinely hungry for several hours. “FFROL” pp. 87-88
      The most important feature of genuine hunger is comfort. The hungry man has no pain, no gnawing feeling in his stomach, he suffers no “hunger pangs,” he is not weak and he has no headache. If any of these symptoms are present, one should suspect that the hunger is spurious. If he does not get to eat at once, he does not become weak. If weakness follows upon delay in eating, this is a sure sign that “addiction” and not hunger is troubling him. If the weakness is relieved by eating, this is but added evidence that it is addiction.
      An individual with normal nutrition can omit a meal or more at any time without ill-feeling or loss of strength. If discomfort follows missing a meal, this is the surest evidence that the individual is in need of a fast and a change of eating practices. Genuine hunger (a normal demand for food) is never accompanied by any disagreeable feelings whatever. There is no pain, no distress, no weakness--real or stimulated--no gnawing in the stomach. The demand for food is not felt in the stomach, and we are not aware that we have a stomach. an awareness of organs is a sure sign of disease. “FFROL” p. 88
      There are great numbers of people who will assure you that they are hungry before every meal and that if a meal is delayed for a single hour they will grow faint and languid. They often describe pains and discomforts in the abdominal region and some of them say that they suffer with headache. Even physiologists have accepted the popular notion that hunger is a disagreeable sensation, one verging on actual suffering. These symptoms are strikingly like those manifested when a drug addict misses his accustomed dose to which indications has been given the name, withdrawal symptoms. Dr. Page called these “hunger symptoms” a species of “poison-hunger,” thus identifying them with addiction.
      Observations reveal that these “poison-hunger” symptoms are most marked in heavy eaters of highly seasoned viands. The more one is addicted to salt, condiments, coffee, tea, etc., the more severe are these symptoms. The man who eats simple fare escapes them entirely. We also know that these sensations are likely to be most severe in the diseased.
      Dr. Susanna W. Dodds insisted that “The sense of all-goneness in these cases is not from a lack of nutrient material, but owing to the absence of the habitual stimulus.” “No person,” wrote Dr. Chas E. Page, “feels faint upon passing a meal, or has a gnawing stomach, except it be occasioned by an irritated and unduly congested state of that organ. It is a sure proof of dyspepsia. Strictly speaking, the term is a synonym for indigestion.” Dr. Page well says, “A craving appetite should be treated as a morbid symptom, and should weigh in favor of abstinence.” “FFROL” p. 89
      The “hunger” of the poorly nourished person is seldom genuine. It is more often of the same nature as those symptoms of the drug addict who is deprived of his drug that are erroneously called withdrawal symptoms. They are such symptoms as gastric distress, pains in the stomach region, a gnawing in the stomach, weakness, headache, etc. “Hunger pangs” would seem to be cramps and these are certainly abnormal. Normal muscular contractions, even if vigorous, are not painful. On the contrary they tend to be pleasurable. Hunger is not a pathological state and is not manifested by symptoms of disease. “FFROL” p. 90
      We now know that hunger is felt in the mouth, throat and nose, and to some exrent, in the whole body. “FFROL” p. 91
      The depraved stomach, he (Graham) held, its integrity impaired by previous abuse, may give rise to sensations that are mistaken for hunger, but which are, in reality, demands for irritation or stimulation. “FFROL” p. 91
      This alleged demand for food is more properly termed a “perverted appetite.” ...The food addict is in the same boat with the drug addict and suffers similar “withdrawal symptoms” when he does not receive his accustomed meal.
      Much of this supposed demand for food is a craving for coffee, salt, pepper, or other irritant and poison to which the stomach has become accustomed. Much of it is simply irritation of the digestive tract resulting from overeating, wrong eating and eating of stimulating foods. A toxic state of the digestive tract, resulting from indigestion, can set up symptoms galore that are mistaken for hunger. Although true hunger is never manifest in the stomach, always in the nose, mouth and throat, it is common to mistake distress in the region of the stomach for hunger.
      What I have just said should be interpreted to mean that the morbid symptoms that are commonly mistaken for hunger are symptoms of food poisoning. “FFROL” p. 92
      While it is true that the presence of a desire for food is not always a sign of health (this is so, because the demand for food is not genuine) it is true that when hunger is lacking for any great length of time, this manifests a lack of health. One of the first symptoms of acute disease is a suspension of the demand for food. It is a signal that rest of the digestive machinery is needed, a warning that no food is wanted and that, if taken, the nutriment will not be digested and assimilated. ...
      If the acutely ill person, the person with severe inflammation, severe pain anywhere in the body, discomfort in the abdomen, etc., eats, the food decomposes in the digestive tract. If it is not thrown out by vomiting or hurried away by diarrhea, it remains in the stomach and intestine to poison and irritate the invalid, increasing both his discomfort and his danger. Feeding should not be resumed in these cases until at least twenty-four hours after all acute symptoms have subsided.
      In chronic disease there is a frequent complaint: “I have lost my appetite.” It is complained that “nothing tastes good,” “I have to force myself to eat.” What a lot of suffering these people could avoid if they refrain from eating until they get hungry! This rule is also good for the chronic sufferer who is “hungry all the time.” “FFROL” p. 93
      Indeed, genuine hunger is such a delightful sensation that it is worth going on a fast merely for the pleasure of experiencing it. Herbert Shelton, "Fasting For Renewal of Life" p.95
      It is a spurious hunger, the only appeal for food a great number of people have ever known, since overfeeding, frequent feeding by the clock, and between-meal eating were started in infancy and continued throughout their lives. They are deceived by it and are honest in believing they are hungry. They remember a certain pleasure of taste and the sense of appropriating food to themselves and call it hunger, eat until food palls upon the taste, and in the course of two to six hours, whether agreeably occupied or not, begin to think of the pleasures of eating again, and consider themselves hungry.” Herbert Shelton, “Fasting For Renewal of Life” p. 96

    • @JRawRose
      @JRawRose 9 днів тому +2

      “Instead of being eaten when we are physically hungry, food is now consumed to satisfy artificial cravings generated by a brain that isn’t working right and whose receptor sites beg for synthetic stimulation from chemicals. We eat, but we’re never satisfied. We’re full, but aren’t contented.” -Carol Simontacchi - “The Crazy Makers”

    • @deepakguttal
      @deepakguttal 9 днів тому +1

      ​@@JRawRoseThank you for sharing these snippets from your file on Hunger, John!
      Always appreciate everything you share.
      Looking forward to your videos.
      Thank you!

  • @MBosEs
    @MBosEs 9 днів тому

    I'd really like to find a realistic substitute for cheese preferably not to caloric such as nut butters or spreads made with nuts.

    • @annemccarron2281
      @annemccarron2281 9 днів тому

      I doubt there are any. We would all like that. You can find potato recipes with carrot (to simulate the color). Nutritional yeast is supposed to taste like yeast - it does not. I think the goal should be to eat healthy plant based food that may trick your brain into thinking that it tastes somewhat like cheese. Cheese has lots of fat, plant-based products do not so it's hard to even simulate the texture but you could try with tofu or cornstarch. A potato and carrot solution with lots of good spices can taste good.

  • @krisabney
    @krisabney 9 днів тому

    Nutritional knowledge is an inalienable right, for sure! Thank you, Dr. Fuhrman, for ALL you have done and continue to do. I'm so grateful to have found you!

    @COACH-CARBOHYDRATE 9 днів тому +1

    Eat as much as you want not as much as you can and focus on building fitness and eating a zero fat diet is the simplest way don’t eat to the point where your digestion feels burden and you don’t feel like going out and moving your body, Carbs FTW!! 💪💪💪

    • @StephenMarkTurner
      @StephenMarkTurner 9 днів тому

      Zero fat?

    • @greensmoothieparty
      @greensmoothieparty 9 днів тому

      Fats are burned preferentially by the human body during Zone 2 exercise. Look it up.

    • @ahimsa6791
      @ahimsa6791 7 днів тому

      Fat is required for the absorption of many essential nutrients as well as for brain health. The key is to stick with healthy fats from WHOLE foods.

    • @longevitycoach1573
      @longevitycoach1573 7 днів тому

      I love those vegans, they are so stupamazing.

  • @garyharnish2395
    @garyharnish2395 9 днів тому
