Cain & Abel - The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture Book Trailer

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • Yoram Hazony discusses his new book The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture. In this trailer, the author offers a fresh perspective on the story of Cain & Abel. Hazony posits that Abel's legacy inspired the great leaders and thinkers who built the world we live in.
    From the Author:
    Most people think what the Bible's all about is miracles, people talking to God in a burning bush and all sorts of supernatural things. Which is okay if you want a Big Book of Jewish Stories for when you're tired of reading Holes and Where the Wild Things Are to your kids.
    But outside religious circles, there aren't a lot of adults today who think the Bible could have something important to say to them.
    My name's Yoram Hazony. I'm an Orthodox Jew from Jerusalem. I went to Princeton and majored in Japanese and was North American debate champion. I have a Ph.D. in political philosophy. And I've devoted the last twenty-five years to trying to understand why reading the Bible in a satisfying way is so incredibly hard for people to do, and what we can do to change that.
    Purchase the book now:
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  • @tomilalankina1434
    @tomilalankina1434 3 роки тому

    Fantastic! Made me want to buy this book right away and read it with my 10 year old son.

  • @KaosEspada
    @KaosEspada 12 років тому +1

    this man is obviously not a Christian. he is making the story say what its not saying. epic fail!

  • @bmike104
    @bmike104 12 років тому +1

    Nice thoughts but it's incorrect. God accepts Abel's sacrifice (an animal sacrifice) & reject's Cain's (from the soil) b/c Biblically, sin always must be paid for by blood (see Gen. 3:21, when the first killing in Scripture is referenced - a killing of an animal to properly cover Adam & Eve's nakedness & shame, as the fig leaves the two of them sewed together wasn't proper covering not just for their body, but for their sin, shame, & guilt).

    • @setapartpam9614
      @setapartpam9614 5 років тому

      Except it was a free will offering not a sin offering. There are many different kinds of offerings and grains was one of them: "If you offer a grain offering of your firstfruits to the Lord, you shall offer for the grain offering of your firstfruits green heads of grain roasted on the fire, grain beaten from full heads." Leviticus 2:14. However, it's not about what kind of offering it was, it was about the condition of their heart when giving the offering. Cain probably kept back his best to eat or sell while Abel gave his best to God. If it was about the kind of offering it would be unfair because Cain wasn't a shepherd and didn't have first fruits to offer from flock only from fruit. Our first fruits come from our yield from whatever profession we are in and we offer it to God because it came from Him and He gets the first and best back.

  • @bmike104
    @bmike104 12 років тому

    will have life more abundantly “in this lifetime on earth” [John 10:10] & “will have everlasting life” in heaven [John 3:16]. God’s gift of eternal life is free & cannot be earned, but it was graciously given to us by the sending of His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • @bmike104
    @bmike104 12 років тому

    The reason that blood is always the sufficient offering/payment to God is “because the life of every creature is its blood” [Leviticus 17:14]. The Hebrew Old Testament writings in its entirety foreshadow this very concept that leads into the New Testament - where Jesus Christ, the spotless, blameless, sinless man that came as the God of the universe in human flesh would shed His precious blood as the ultimate offering for all sin of all time. He rose again & whoever repents of sin & turns to Him

  • @UnpopOpinionator
    @UnpopOpinionator 11 років тому

    It's obvious the author hasn't a clue what the story of Cain & Abel is about. God doesn't prefer shepherds over farmers. What! The Israelites were too good to till the soil in Canaan?
    And God doesn't prefer innovation & leisure over piety & obedience either. Not everybody gets to be the chief. Indians are needed as well, and their work has value. "The laborer is worthy of his hire."

    • @rstoneburn
      @rstoneburn 5 років тому

      A biblical shepard is one that leads and protects others. Rather than just sitting around, a shepard is a person that is actively serving the flock; a spiritual leader.
      Working a field or tilling the soil is a euphaism in the bible for studying scripture. Cain was a scholar. He invested in studying scripture, instead of living it.
      Cain, like his father, struggled with scripture intellectually. It was (intellectual) hard work. Abel, described as righteous by Jesus in the NT didn't struggle because he lived it. It is this living according to God's teachings (as opposed to focusing on religious doctrine) that is seen as an acceptable offering.

  • @UnpopOpinionator
    @UnpopOpinionator 11 років тому +1

    Here's a suggestion for understanding why God approved of Abel's sacrifice and despised Cain's. Genesis clearly says that Abel offered the "firstlings" and "fat portions" of his flock, while it says Cain offered "fruits of the earth" only. I suggest that the proper contrast is located not in the matter but in the *quality* of the offerings, and hence, the intent of the offerers.

  • @TheBladedvault
    @TheBladedvault 11 років тому +3

    This guy doesn't know the bible at all. The reason why God chose Abel Over Cain is because Abel gave the best of his flock while Cain gave his worst sacrifice. It had nothing to do with occupation. Duh

    • @joeyalfaro2323
      @joeyalfaro2323 5 років тому


    • @georgechristiansen6785
      @georgechristiansen6785 5 років тому

      Where in the text is this assumption?

    • @setapartpam9614
      @setapartpam9614 5 років тому

      @@georgechristiansen6785 This is not an assumption. To understand why Cain's offering was rejected you need to understand tithes and offerings in the rest of scripture where it explains the accepted and rejected offerings. But for the text to prove it is here: "Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat." But it doesn't say that Cain brought his first and best of his fruit. We can't pick out one section and isolate it from the rest of the Word, we need to look at the entirety of Scripture to have a deeper understanding. The only assumption made here was by Yarom Hazony about why Cain's offering was rejected. Nowhere does it say in that piece of scripture or anywhere else in scripture that we should be innovative and choose different (more lazy) careers or that our occupation matters in any way or to even do anything contrary to what God told us to do. In fact the entire Bible is telling us otherwise... to obey God - all of His Word with all our heart, mind and soul. That is to truly love Him. Hope this clarifies it for you :) May God bless you.

  • @calvaryguitars4868
    @calvaryguitars4868 9 років тому +2

    Great book, easy to read and very well explained. While I don't agree with everything he says, the patterns in the biblical narrative that Hazony draws out make sense. If you read the Bible purely philosophically in the way that Hazony pushes (although I don't think he really thinks this), you miss a lot of the surface narrative, however if you take the Bible as multi-layered, then Hazony's ideas not only make sense, but are compelling. He offers a fresh way of reading passages that draws out deeper meaning. I personally think that a lot of what he says is really interesting. I particularly like the way that he doesn't press his own views, but simply looks at a set of passages, draws links between them, and offers explanations of what they mean when viewed together. I recommend you buy his book, even if you reject everything he says, it'll make you fall in love with scripture again.

  • @ferreirap.
    @ferreirap. Рік тому

    Why the need for that disturbing "soundtrack"?

  • @teressavance777
    @teressavance777 4 роки тому

    I thought got loved everyone tho🤔

  • @Muffinfordinner
    @Muffinfordinner 12 років тому

    So God liked Abel because he was more like Steve Jobs? This scheme seems to reflect the biases of a capitalist culture.

  • @RichardJDuncan
    @RichardJDuncan 12 років тому +2

    This video is very insightful. It really opened my eyes to a deeper meaning of this story. :)

  • @GuitarWithBrett
    @GuitarWithBrett 12 років тому

    Wow, this is quite a different reading of the Bible and biblical figures than anything I've ever come across. Most Christians I know do pride themselves on obedience, viewing scientists and free-thinkers in general as a potential threat to their relatively close-minded views of the world.

  • @nothing-2-live-4
    @nothing-2-live-4 7 років тому +1

    you said "God told him to work the fields" then "the moral is God wanted him to not work the fields."

    • @nothing-2-live-4
      @nothing-2-live-4 3 роки тому

      @@agadirand4four347 its in the video. at about the 1 minute mark they explain that it was god's will for cain to be farmer, and then at the end the person explaining the story says "god liked abel more because cain should have left the fields to be more ambitious." I think the person who made the video didnt realize they were contradicting themselves. Because basically to the video maker, the moral is "do what your told unless you dont want to, then you'll be rewarded for not doing what youre told".

  • @thewordofgod2010
    @thewordofgod2010 11 років тому

    It's true that God was more pleased with the work of a Lamb over the work of man. Jesus Christ being God's ultimate Lamb, the "Lamb of God" who did all the work on our behalf to please God for us by taking away our sins. John 1:29.

  • @christofu92
    @christofu92 11 років тому

    God favored Abel's sacrifice because it is through the shedding of innocent blood that there is remission of sin (Lev 17:11, Heb 9:22). God is not pleased with works but faith. Hence Abraham's justification (Gen 15:6) by faith. So Cain got it wrong because he produce the fruit of HIS works, which is something God will never be pleased with because of sin. This has nothing to do with shepherding. These themes are found throughout the entirety of the Bible.

  • @OKandNOWwhat
    @OKandNOWwhat 12 років тому

    2:19 U SAY: "[God]'s saying, 'I don't want simple-minded obedience & piety, people who will just do what their told. What I want is people independent & strong enough to be My partners in creation."
    Read Deuteronomy 28 to see if God concurs. Obedience is where most people fail.
    3:29 Karl Marx is one of your heroes, a man who hated God so much he was determined that no one should worship him? David Hume? OK, I see where you're coming from.
    Abel offered God's perfect sacrifice: Firstborn Lamb.

  • @UnpopOpinionator
    @UnpopOpinionator 11 років тому

    According to Hazony, Cain pioneered the ritual of sacrifice. But for Hazony's god, this innovation is valueless. Cain didn't innovate in the right area, apparently. When Cain made his offering, Hazony's god despises it because it was the product of mindless menial labor. In contrast, Abel's offering was accepted because it was "creative." The message is clear: Abel was the first Steve Jobs advancing mankind on a path of progress toward a better material future.

  • @prodosworldwide
    @prodosworldwide 10 років тому

    Recently purchased this book on Kindle after reading several of Yoram Hazony's essays.
    Looking forward to studying it!
    (Great "trailer", by the way!)

  • @terpjelle
    @terpjelle 8 років тому

    Thanks Yoram. (I enjoyed your book)

  • @Muffinfordinner
    @Muffinfordinner 12 років тому

    It's the Bible, not Atlas Shrugged.

  • @Tudor4398
    @Tudor4398 9 років тому

    It's a lot of nonsense in this video. One can suffer brain damage if it listens too much of these talks. I think it's not true that god of the bible want people to be independent (do things the way they want, make their own choices) and is evidence for that in the bible.

    • @MyOwnYTAccount
      @MyOwnYTAccount 9 років тому +1

      Tudor4398 the God of the Bible doesn't want people to be independent of him. He wants them to be independent of the world he created. Humanity is the crown of God's creation - unique among all things - possessing the most unique and supernatural attribute of free will.
      Our individual free will is an image of God's own transcendent free will. Without it - we would never be able to create anything and would be nothing more than primitive beasts - slaves to the circumstances of the created world (just like Cain).
      Instead, like our creator whom we are made in the image of, we possess a creative spirit that comes from our ability to think and speak into existence new, novel ideas that otherwise could not and would not come into existence following any natural process.

    • @Tudor4398
      @Tudor4398 9 років тому

      MyOwnYTAccount It's just a story man, just a story. And it's not the only one.

    • @Tudor4398
      @Tudor4398 9 років тому

      That's why in prayers it says "I believe..."
      Some believe this story others believe other stories.

  • @speechless00
    @speechless00 12 років тому

    this sound OFF.

  • @MrZulucharlie
    @MrZulucharlie 9 років тому


  • @Tudor4398
    @Tudor4398 9 років тому

    First, it's not even proved that what's written in the bible is true.
    It's been rather proved that it's not true.

  • @silvielawrence875
    @silvielawrence875 8 років тому

    Biggest lie.