Yes! Which is why it rubbed me the wrong way when the moderator said that he didn't even need the translation. I get he's excited but no need to say that, she's working. But oh well, she killed it.
Not only the translator is awesome, Master Bong’s manner for the translator is amazing too. I used to work as translator before. The problem with this job was not interpreting itself but the person kept talking talking without any breaks into sentences for me to translate, and I ended up losing the track of the conversation (even though I took a note once you lose the timing, the translation doesn’t sound realistic or genuine)...I told them to give me a break time to time to translate, but they forget while speaking, which I understand but I am sad it just looks like the translator’s ability. I am sure the translator and Bong worked together pretty many times as I can see her in other interviews as well.
there's one time where the director was talking nonstop for almost 3 minutes, and when he stops for me to interpret everyone had their eyes on me, glad I managed to pull it off, haha. I think one thing we can try to do before the session, is to try and find time to have conversation. with the director and establish rapport with each other, I find it helpful to do so 😊
와... 이렇게 감독이 말하는 디테일 놓치지 않고 명료하게 전달해주는 통역가 대단한듯. 물론 봉감독도 적절하게 말을 끊어가면서 통역을 할수 있도록 템포를 조절하는게 보임. 아무래도 봉감독이 영어을 잘하니까 통역가도 더 빡쎄게 한것도 있을듯. 여튼 통역가 멋지당... 봉감독도 멋지고...
Yes, I agreed that Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and great interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but had gained a lot of recognition during all his interviews and events. Please watch this video which explained < >
Meet the son of Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho, Korea’s upcoming filmmaker Hyomin 🎬 It’s his first video interview! Check it out :)
Meet the son of Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho, Korea’s upcoming filmmaker Hyomin 🎬 Check out his first video interview ever!!!📢
Yes, I agreed that Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and great interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in the US. Please watch this video which explained < >
Yes, I agreed that Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and great interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in US. Please watch this video which explained < >
I agree that the translator is doing a great job. But also, I want to point out that the 'good translation' owes a lot to the 'clarity' of Bong's answers to the questions. Bong's answers are never long, never opaque. He answers concisely, entertainingly, and precisely.
Even though Mr. Bong is answering in spoken Korean, she is neatly and almost perfectly translating his every single word in formal English. That’s why he sometimes chuckled right after he listened to her accurate translation that he would have said by himself. :)
Meet the son of Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho, Korea’s upcoming filmmaker Hyomin 🎬 It’s his first video interview! Check it out :)
i think her proficiency may be specifically because it’s her second language. i read a short profile on her in the korean press and i’ve had a very similar upbringing(born in korea, first language korean, lived in the states at a young age, came back to korea and later studied in english in higher education) and this environment allows you to approach the english language studiously and with a kind of sophistication, because you aren’t exposed to colloquial changes and pop culture influences on the language very much. all the english she learned between living in the states as a child then going to an american university probably was through books, films and lessons only. that kind of second language acquisition makes you very developed in vocabulary and expression
@@sessariem3904 Tbf it was more of a conversation for the host by going on and off script vs Sharon whose job is stick to the script (aka BJH's words) as closely as possible as to not lose overall meaning and rhythm, and also not take any more time away and attention from him. It's a different level of concentration for sure, made more impressive by the fact that this isn't even her profession to begin with. But watch her be interviewed by someone in return, she gets a little nervous too and uses uhmms as thinking queues just as much.
Meet the son of Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho, Korea’s upcoming filmmaker Hyomin 🎬 Check out his first video interview ever!!!📢
1. Bong Joon-ho is incredibly articulate in Korean. That's why she can make so perfect translation. He understands almost every questions from interviewer in English, so that he knows where to pause for the interpreter. 2. The lady interpreter doesn't miss any words or nuance from Korean to English. Because she must be literally perfect bilingual as well as well-trained.
Yes, I agreed that the whole interview was very enjoyable and educational. Bong Joon-ho is a very amazing director. Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and great interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in the US. Please watch this video which explained < >
@@bin5480 I think this is the most important thing, besides being bilingual. She understands cinematic language as well as being a creative, which enables her to be expressive in English.
This interviewer is one of the best I’ve seen- impeccable understanding of the movie, so much natural affection for the director, and truly detailed was all reflected and conveyed. Literally teared up hearing the emotion in the interviewers voice!!!
Meet the son of Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho, Korea’s upcoming filmmaker Hyomin 🎬 It’s his first video interview! Check it out :)
21:24 LOL I'm really impressed that the interviewer knows the Korean nickname, Bong-teil. He actually knows quite a lot about Bong. I've watched many interviews of Bong joonho, and this one is my favorite.
같은 영화계 전문가니까 이 정도로 할 수 있는 거죠. 일반 전문 통역사들은 대부분 전문지식이 떨어지기 때문에 이런 통역은 오히려 못해요. 사실 웬만한 전문통역사들보다 그 분야에 몸담고 있으면서 영어도 어느 정도 하는 사람들이 통역은 훨씬 매끄럽게 하죠. 기본 배경지식과 맥락에 대한 이해가 거의 다 되어 있으니. 거기에 전문용어들도 훨씬 정확하게 알고 있고.
맥북 사실 통역은 특정 분야의 지식보다는 전문적인 통역 능력이 더 필요해요 그 분야를 아무리 잘 알고 그 나라 언어에 능통하더라도 통역 스킬이 없으면 제대로 된 통역을 할수가 없어요 시도도 힘들죠.. 그래서 통역가들은 방대한 양의 지식을 사전에 쌓아서 갑니다 아예 그 분야에 대해서는 마스터를 하고가요 그렇지 않으면 통역 시장에서는 살아남기 힘들죠.. 그런데 저렇게 통역을 전공하지 않은 사람이 저정도의 통역실력을 보여준다는 건 같은 업계 사람이 봐도 정말 놀라울 정도입니다..
@@감-n6x 그 분야에 대해 '마스터'를 하고 간다는 거 자체가 말이 안 되는 거죠. 뭐 별로 깊이가 없는 분야들의 경우 단시간의 자료조사와 공부로 어느 정도 커버가 될 수 있을지는 모르나, 그렇지 않은 분야들의 경우는 기껏해야 일부 전문용어들 공부하고 가는 건데 그마저도 그 분야에서 쓰이는 의미를 제대로 안다고 할 수 없죠. 제가 Sharon의 통역 영상을 거의 다 봤는데 탁월한 첫번째 이유는 무엇보다 본인이 영화를 공부하고 영화감독을 준비하는 업계 사람이라 전문용어나 배경지식이 완벽하기 때문입니다. 여러 인터뷰 자리들 중에 특히 감독이나 비평가 등 영화 전문가들과 전문적 수준의 문답을 할 때도 Sharon은 그 설명들을 적절히 통역해 내는데 전혀 어려움이 없었습니다. 가끔씩 영화 촬영 현장이나 영화 산업 메카니즘과 관련해 업계 사람들만이 알 수 있는 표현이나 맥락도 등장하는데 이건 아무리 전문 통역사가 공부를 많이 하고 간다 한들 커버가 안 되는 부분이죠. 둘째로 감정표현에 관한 순발력 있는 영어표현력이 훌륭합니다. 어떤 느낌이나 감정의 의미를 영어로 최대한 가깝게 설명해내는 강점이 있더군요. 구어체 표현들도 적절하게 잘 사용하는 편이구요. 이는 대학교부터 미국에서 공부하며 생활한 덕분인 것 같구요. 물론 인터뷰 영상들을 보면 어디서나 봉준호 감독이 하는 말들과 대답들이 대부분 비슷한 내용의 반복이기 때문에 통역자가 시간이 지나며 훨씬 수월하게 통역할 수는 있었을 것입니다. 나아가 사전에 어느 정도 예상되는 봉감독의 답변 내용을 전달받아 충분히 준비를 할 수도 있었을 것이구요.
전 일본어 통역일을 오랫동안 해왔습니다. 통역은 모국어를 더 잘 알아야 해야함을 실감합니다. 때에 따란 오히려 삭제할 필요도 있고 직역이 아니라 서로의 문화를 포함해 뜻을 전달하는 유연성이 관건인데 정말 완급조절을 잘 하시는 듯. 특히 저런 예술적이고 추상적인 말을 통역하시기 쉽진 않으셨을 듯 해요. 통역은 심플할수록 완성도가 높다는게 묘한 일이죠.
다른 영상에서도 이렇듯 통역으로 칭찬받는 분은 첨인거 같아요. 젤 인상적인 것은 봉준호의 말을 하나도 빼놓지 않고 모두 통역해 전달하는다는 거에요. 전에 보면 긴 말은 중간에 빼먹고 줄여서 하는 통역도 많이 봤거든요.저 영어 전공임 그만큼 통역자가 않은 것을 이해하고 있다는 거죠.이해력이 뛰어난거 같아요. 자기 얘기가 아닌 이야기를 옮기다보면 생략 오류가 있게 마련이잖아요.
통역하는 여자분이 샤론 최 라고 하는데, 심지어 전문 통역사도 아닌 그냥 유학생이고 단편 영화도 제작했던 경력이 있다네요. ㅎㅎ 진짜 대단함. 전문 통역들도 자칫 전달과정에서 빼먹는 부분이 있을수 있는데, 하나도 놓치지 않고 전달하는데 딜레이도 없이 즉각 통역하는 신속함과 적절한 영어적 표현으로 유연하게 전달하는 능력까지 👏
I totally applaud the interpreter, attention given about her is so deserved. The reason why she's really good at translation becoz her job is not professional interpreter but instead she's a filmmaker herself and understands very well the nuances of the filmmaking language. She graduated in the US so she's bilingual and captures American colloquialism into her translations of Director Bong. Moreover, her vocabulary dexterity is undoubtedly undeniable, already above average from many other interpreters. Director Bong specifically chose her not only for her English ability but her overall sensibility of the film industry -- which very few people can express fluently in their own words. Kudos to her!
GREAT interview, the interviewer is clearly passionate and excited about the director and the movie, the director is extremely well spoken and charming, and the translater is equally as charming and accurate and seemlessly translating WELL DONE!
Love every element of this interview. An interviewer who already knows so much because he appreciates the film. An interviewee who is very interesting. A translator who's precise and on point. And the audiance that understands the humors
As a person who was born and raised in Poland he reminds me so much of polish directors specially Kieslowski i think thats why hes movies are so popular in Poland , Memories of murder still to this day is one of the best movies ever made , Mother is something like a poety on screen and Snowpiercer and Host are both great action movies with deeper meaning all i can say Bong Joon Ho is one on the best directors working today most likely top 5
Thank you Bong Joon-ho for your perception, reflection and exceptional creativity in showcasing the world of capitalism that has led to 90% of people living in relative poverty and .1% having unimaginable wealth to the deprivation of others. Your unique style gives a memorable cinema experience and does indeed encourage the audience to internalise and remember the movie. A little movie has the power to change an audience's understanding of the reality so many people face in this uncertain world. To the translator, you were so present and eloquent in your translation.
Yes, I agreed that Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and great interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in the US. Please watch this video which explained < >
Thank you Mr. Bong for explaining the Great movie “PARASITE” in detail. Best movie of year 2019. I also deeply appreciate the translator who did terrific job in translating complicated and concise korean expression into very proper and exact english. Everyone who watch this interview will appreciate her so much.
Director Bong Joon-ho is an amazing director so is his interpreter, Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) who is very articulate and precise. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in the US. Please watch this video which explained < >
Yes, I agreed that Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and amazing interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in the US. Please watch this video which explained < >
Hi all Bong Joon-ho fans! Bong will be returning to Santa Barbara for a FREE screening of Parasite followed by a Q&A on Thursday, January 23, at 4:30 PM at the Lobero Theatre. Get your SBIFF 2020 film tickets at and show up early!
The translator made me come watch this video again :) and im happy to see mr.durling again. He is one of my favorite and the best professors ive ever met.
대놓고 깃발 휘날리지 않고 영화적 아름다움을 보여주되 집에 가서 잘려고 누우면 생각나고 찝찌무리한 거를 의도하셨다는 설명에 정말 내가 감독님 영화를 보며 경험한 대로구나 싶었음. 다 계획하신대로 되었구나. 그럼에도 개인적 느낌으로는 영화적 아름다움과 오락을 맘껏 누리기에는 영화의 사회 정치적 메시지가 많이 찐하심. 찝찌무리함이 너무 쎔.
Bong Joon Ho : He is just a legend not only in my country but also in the world Sharon Choi(Translator) : I love her translation, voice, smile, and everything I love you unnie
Translator was really precise, loved it. A lot of times things lost in translation, but she was quite close to what he actually said.
Yes! Which is why it rubbed me the wrong way when the moderator said that he didn't even need the translation. I get he's excited but no need to say that, she's working. But oh well, she killed it.
I was gonna say that. The translation was mint.
@@whatisreading Yeah moderator was just trying to complement his English.
Right on.
Not only the translator is awesome, Master Bong’s manner for the translator is amazing too. I used to work as translator before. The problem with this job was not interpreting itself but the person kept talking talking without any breaks into sentences for me to translate, and I ended up losing the track of the conversation (even though I took a note once you lose the timing, the translation doesn’t sound realistic or genuine)...I told them to give me a break time to time to translate, but they forget while speaking, which I understand but I am sad it just looks like the translator’s ability. I am sure the translator and Bong worked together pretty many times as I can see her in other interviews as well.
정말 공감하는 부분. 한국어와 영어를 적절하게 섞어 주시고 짧게 짧게 통역사를 배려한 리듬. 역시 위대한 봉테일 감독님!
혹시.. 예전 이선미스피치랩에서 같은 반이셨던 언니 아니신가요? 아니라면 죄송하지만 맞다면 너무 반가워요! :)
there's one time where the director was talking nonstop for almost 3 minutes, and when he stops for me to interpret everyone had their eyes on me, glad I managed to pull it off, haha.
I think one thing we can try to do before the session, is to try and find time to have conversation. with the director and establish rapport with each other, I find it helpful to do so 😊
Ara Cho 수고 많으셨어요 ~
It's funny to see that everyone comes to watch Parasite videos and always ends up with commenting about the translator. I'm not the exception.
S Brad , spectacular translator
She is so good it overwhelms me esch time and I just have to make a comment.
와... 이렇게 감독이 말하는 디테일 놓치지 않고 명료하게 전달해주는 통역가 대단한듯. 물론 봉감독도 적절하게 말을 끊어가면서 통역을 할수 있도록 템포를 조절하는게 보임. 아무래도 봉감독이 영어을 잘하니까 통역가도 더 빡쎄게 한것도 있을듯. 여튼 통역가 멋지당... 봉감독도 멋지고...
the translator is very terrific and her job! also the interviewer is very engaging and on points with the questions.
Indeed, I really want to know her name at least. Amazing.
Yes, I agreed that Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and great interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but had gained a lot of recognition during all his interviews and events. Please watch this video which explained < >
Meet the son of Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho, Korea’s upcoming filmmaker Hyomin 🎬 It’s his first video interview! Check it out :)
Meet the son of Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho, Korea’s upcoming filmmaker Hyomin 🎬 Check out his first video interview ever!!!📢
Little does the interviewer know that Bong Joon-Ho's translator is one of the most accurate translators the world has ever seen.
Yes, I agreed that Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and great interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in the US. Please watch this video which explained < >
larry89 , agree 100%
통역 하시는 분 굳!!
그리고 통역하시는 분의 배려를 위해 대답의 완급 조절 생각하는 봉감독의 배려 굳!!
오~나랑 같은 생각하시는 그대~
통역사 때문에 뭘 본 것은 처음이다
정말 잘한다
She is amazing!
Youngchan Yun 제말이요!!!
저도여 ㅎ
I am in love with this translator's speed and skill of translation
Yes, I agreed that Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and great interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in US. Please watch this video which explained < >
Slava Kim , spectacular translator
진짜 통역사와 봉준호감독이 뇌를 공유하는 것같다..
봉감독의 아바타인듯!! 👍👍👍
I agree that the translator is doing a great job. But also, I want to point out that the 'good translation' owes a lot to the 'clarity' of Bong's answers to the questions. Bong's answers are never long, never opaque. He answers concisely, entertainingly, and precisely.
통역하시는분 와 정말 능력 있으시네,,, 봉감독 코멘트를 하나도 안놓치고 다 커버하면서 자연스러운 통역까지... 존경스럽네요 영어만 잘한다고 할수 있는 일이 아닐텐데
nick kim 영화나 문학적 소양이 있는분인듯
저분 영화 공부하시는 분이래요.
통역사분 미국에서 영화공부 하시고 독립영화도 만드셧다고 하네요
진짜 책도 많이 읽고 생각을 많이 하시는 분이신듯
저도 그냥 왔다가 저분 통역에 감동...
통역사 실력이 장난 아님
저 분 이름 좀 알수 있나요? 저런 정도 통역은 처음 보는듯 해서 계속 보게 되네요
리얼 월클 ㅇㅈ
통역보면서 영어공부해도 될정도.. 진짜 잘하심
샤론 최 입니다
Even though Mr. Bong is answering in spoken Korean, she is neatly and almost perfectly translating his every single word in formal English. That’s why he sometimes chuckled right after he listened to her accurate translation that he would have said by himself. :)
JohnJHPark , spectacular translator
Meet the son of Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho, Korea’s upcoming filmmaker Hyomin 🎬 It’s his first video interview! Check it out :)
Amazing. Sharon Choi is not even a professional intrepreter herself. Her English as a second language is even better than the host himself.
right? the host kept saying uhmm and it seemed like he was nervous
i think her proficiency may be specifically because it’s her second language. i read a short profile on her in the korean press and i’ve had a very similar upbringing(born in korea, first language korean, lived in the states at a young age, came back to korea and later studied in english in higher education) and this environment allows you to approach the english language studiously and with a kind of sophistication, because you aren’t exposed to colloquial changes and pop culture influences on the language very much. all the english she learned between living in the states as a child then going to an american university probably was through books, films and lessons only. that kind of second language acquisition makes you very developed in vocabulary and expression
@@sessariem3904 Tbf it was more of a conversation for the host by going on and off script vs Sharon whose job is stick to the script (aka BJH's words) as closely as possible as to not lose overall meaning and rhythm, and also not take any more time away and attention from him. It's a different level of concentration for sure, made more impressive by the fact that this isn't even her profession to begin with. But watch her be interviewed by someone in return, she gets a little nervous too and uses uhmms as thinking queues just as much.
Meet the son of Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho, Korea’s upcoming filmmaker Hyomin 🎬 Check out his first video interview ever!!!📢
봉테일까지 사회자가 아는거 보니까 저 사회자는 찐팬이다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
통역 실력이..깜짝 놀랐네요. 한국어 피상적인 표현을 즉각적으로 눈치있게 영어로 통역하는게 통역 센스인데. 막힘없이 잘 하시네요. 수준좀 있는 유학생정도겠지하고 봤는데 전문 통역가보다 더 잘하시네요. 인정.
게다가 비전공자래요.
"I'm not a control freak, but I control everything"
봉감독님 이번 기생충 관련 해외 인터뷰 영상들 보고있는데 통역사분 정말 대단하십니다, 존경스러워요.
계속 한 분이 통역하고 계시는거죠? 목소리도 참 좋으시고 통역 정말 깔끔하신거 같아요 ㅎㅎ 봉감독님 특유의 유머도 잘 전달하시는것 같고? ㅎㅎㅎ
정말 대단하신듯..
동선을 blocking, 시네필을 씨네파일로 번역하는거 보니까 영화용어를 잘 아시는분이네요. 대단합니다.
저 통역사 나중에 봉감독 영화에 나올듯 봉취향
진짜 어떤 인터뷰들 했을까 봤는데 뜻밖에도 통역분한테 엄청 감명받게 됐어요ㅋㅋ
Wow she is the best translator I've seen so far.
gorgebridge , agree 100%
1. Bong Joon-ho is incredibly articulate in Korean. That's why she can make so perfect translation. He understands almost every questions from interviewer in English, so that he knows where to pause for the interpreter.
2. The lady interpreter doesn't miss any words or nuance from Korean to English. Because she must be literally perfect bilingual as well as well-trained.
Yes, I agreed that the whole interview was very enjoyable and educational. Bong Joon-ho is a very amazing director. Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and great interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in the US. Please watch this video which explained < >
3. she is also a film director who understands the language of films
@@bin5480 I think this is the most important thing, besides being bilingual. She understands cinematic language as well as being a creative, which enables her to be expressive in English.
진짜 내가본 통역사중 최고인듯...
봉준호감독도 대단하고
30분짜리 영상이라 조금 보고 끝내려했는데 통역사분 통역 기대돼서 듣다보니 다봤음;
ARA KO 내가 지금 그러네요 ^^~
보통 통역사 포함 동영상물을 보면 답답할 때가 참 많은편인데 이번 통역사 분은 눈치도 있어 보이고 빠르고 센스 있게 잘해주셨네요.
통역사님 실화냐..진짜 씹고퀄+타고난센스 통역이시다 영어만 잘한다고 될 수 없는 통역사의 험난한 길.. 대박!
This interviewer is one of the best I’ve seen- impeccable understanding of the movie, so much natural affection for the director, and truly detailed was all reflected and conveyed. Literally teared up hearing the emotion in the interviewers voice!!!
Meet the son of Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho, Korea’s upcoming filmmaker Hyomin 🎬 It’s his first video interview! Check it out :)
와 다른 인터뷰에서도 느꼈지만 통역사분 능력이 진짜 개오지는듯.. 존나 정확하게 바로바로 끊김없이 통역하시는데 뉘앙스같은것도 너무나 잘 캐치해내시고... 대단하시다
21:24 LOL I'm really impressed that the interviewer knows the Korean nickname, Bong-teil. He actually knows quite a lot about Bong. I've watched many interviews of Bong joonho, and this one is my favorite.
The interviewer is fanboying so hard, it’s adorable
lol ya late to the party he's sweating
통역하시는 분 대박. 한국 표현을 이렇게 쉽고, 간결하고, 거의 정확 하게 통역이 동시에 가능 하구나를 봄. 매번 TV에서 동시통역을 끊기면서 하는 전문 통역사 보다 더 낫다.
그런데 저여자분은 주업이 영화감독. 정말 대박.
엥 훈련받은거같은데.. 통역공부하시지않알을까요
같은 영화계 전문가니까 이 정도로 할 수 있는 거죠. 일반 전문 통역사들은 대부분 전문지식이 떨어지기 때문에 이런 통역은 오히려 못해요. 사실 웬만한 전문통역사들보다 그 분야에 몸담고 있으면서 영어도 어느 정도 하는 사람들이 통역은 훨씬 매끄럽게 하죠. 기본 배경지식과 맥락에 대한 이해가 거의 다 되어 있으니. 거기에 전문용어들도 훨씬 정확하게 알고 있고.
사실 통역은 특정 분야의 지식보다는 전문적인 통역 능력이 더 필요해요 그 분야를 아무리 잘 알고 그 나라 언어에 능통하더라도 통역 스킬이 없으면 제대로 된 통역을 할수가 없어요 시도도 힘들죠..
그래서 통역가들은 방대한 양의 지식을 사전에 쌓아서 갑니다 아예 그 분야에 대해서는 마스터를 하고가요 그렇지 않으면 통역 시장에서는 살아남기 힘들죠.. 그런데 저렇게 통역을 전공하지 않은 사람이 저정도의 통역실력을 보여준다는 건 같은 업계 사람이 봐도 정말 놀라울 정도입니다..
@@감-n6x 그 분야에 대해 '마스터'를 하고 간다는 거 자체가 말이 안 되는 거죠. 뭐 별로 깊이가 없는 분야들의 경우 단시간의 자료조사와 공부로 어느 정도 커버가 될 수 있을지는 모르나, 그렇지 않은 분야들의 경우는 기껏해야 일부 전문용어들 공부하고 가는 건데 그마저도 그 분야에서 쓰이는 의미를 제대로 안다고 할 수 없죠. 제가 Sharon의 통역 영상을 거의 다 봤는데 탁월한 첫번째 이유는 무엇보다 본인이 영화를 공부하고 영화감독을 준비하는 업계 사람이라 전문용어나 배경지식이 완벽하기 때문입니다. 여러 인터뷰 자리들 중에 특히 감독이나 비평가 등 영화 전문가들과 전문적 수준의 문답을 할 때도 Sharon은 그 설명들을 적절히 통역해 내는데 전혀 어려움이 없었습니다. 가끔씩 영화 촬영 현장이나 영화 산업 메카니즘과 관련해 업계 사람들만이 알 수 있는 표현이나 맥락도 등장하는데 이건 아무리 전문 통역사가 공부를 많이 하고 간다 한들 커버가 안 되는 부분이죠. 둘째로 감정표현에 관한 순발력 있는 영어표현력이 훌륭합니다. 어떤 느낌이나 감정의 의미를 영어로 최대한 가깝게 설명해내는 강점이 있더군요. 구어체 표현들도 적절하게 잘 사용하는 편이구요. 이는 대학교부터 미국에서 공부하며 생활한 덕분인 것 같구요. 물론 인터뷰 영상들을 보면 어디서나 봉준호 감독이 하는 말들과 대답들이 대부분 비슷한 내용의 반복이기 때문에 통역자가 시간이 지나며 훨씬 수월하게 통역할 수는 있었을 것입니다. 나아가 사전에 어느 정도 예상되는 봉감독의 답변 내용을 전달받아 충분히 준비를 할 수도 있었을 것이구요.
한국말을 그짧은 시간에 외우는것도 대단하네요
The interviewer, the director and the translator are all of world class!
통역사 분도 너무 잘 해주셨어요.
통역에 대한 칭찬 일색인데, 정말로 통역 완벽하고 환상적이다. 정교하고 정확한 통역이다. 통역사가 누구인지 궁금하다.
전 일본어 통역일을 오랫동안 해왔습니다. 통역은 모국어를 더 잘 알아야 해야함을 실감합니다. 때에 따란 오히려 삭제할 필요도 있고 직역이 아니라 서로의 문화를 포함해 뜻을 전달하는 유연성이 관건인데 정말 완급조절을 잘 하시는 듯. 특히 저런 예술적이고 추상적인 말을 통역하시기 쉽진 않으셨을 듯 해요. 통역은 심플할수록 완성도가 높다는게 묘한 일이죠.
다른 영상에서도 이렇듯 통역으로 칭찬받는 분은 첨인거 같아요.
젤 인상적인 것은 봉준호의 말을 하나도 빼놓지 않고 모두 통역해 전달하는다는 거에요.
전에 보면 긴 말은 중간에 빼먹고 줄여서 하는 통역도 많이 봤거든요.저 영어 전공임
그만큼 통역자가 않은 것을 이해하고 있다는 거죠.이해력이 뛰어난거 같아요. 자기 얘기가 아닌 이야기를 옮기다보면 생략 오류가 있게 마련이잖아요.
인터뷰어가 준비를 많이 한거 같네요. 영화전반 뿐만아니라 봉준호와 한국영화에 대해서까지.. 대단하네요
화이트잭 저분도 영화감독이시라 하네요
통역 진짜 잘하신다....
통역하는 여자분이 샤론 최 라고 하는데, 심지어 전문 통역사도 아닌 그냥 유학생이고 단편 영화도 제작했던 경력이 있다네요. ㅎㅎ 진짜 대단함.
전문 통역들도 자칫 전달과정에서 빼먹는 부분이 있을수 있는데, 하나도 놓치지 않고 전달하는데 딜레이도 없이 즉각 통역하는 신속함과 적절한 영어적 표현으로 유연하게 전달하는 능력까지 👏
와 진짜요?몰랐어요
Man you tell how much a fan the interviewer is and I'm all for it
어느 예언가의 "한국의 문화가 세계적으로 퍼져나갈것이다" 라는 말이 생각나 소름이 돋네요. 세계는 숨어있던 한국이라는 보석에 주목하라~!
한동석 우주변화의 원리 작가 그분
Wow interpreter is killing it!
I totally applaud the interpreter, attention given about her is so deserved. The reason why she's really good at translation becoz her job is not professional interpreter but instead she's a filmmaker herself and understands very well the nuances of the filmmaking language. She graduated in the US so she's bilingual and captures American colloquialism into her translations of Director Bong. Moreover, her vocabulary dexterity is undoubtedly undeniable, already above average from many other interpreters. Director Bong specifically chose her not only for her English ability but her overall sensibility of the film industry -- which very few people can express fluently in their own words. Kudos to her!
GREAT interview, the interviewer is clearly passionate and excited about the director and the movie, the director is extremely well spoken and charming, and the translater is equally as charming and accurate and seemlessly translating WELL DONE!
He chose the best translator to best deliver his thoughts and answers
통역분 정말 쵝오!!! 👍👍👍😎😎😎
Sharon Choi is nice translator. Bong can understand English, but he answered in Korean for exact nuances and she delivered it so so nicely.
i love that lady. she is not professional translator but has perfect sense for it.
I love how much this director respects and cares for his actors! ❤❤he is truly the Best Director.
최고의 통역사네요. 침착하고 통역 완벽하고요. The interpreter is unblievably excellent !
You're the only replier who used a word 'interpreter ', and that is the correct terminology. Good job!!
통역가분 사랑합니다
He is a genius and 'Parasite' is a perfect movie.
Love every element of this interview. An interviewer who already knows so much because he appreciates the film. An interviewee who is very interesting. A translator who's precise and on point. And the audiance that understands the humors
저정도의 레벨의 통역을 할 수있기까지 얼마나 피나는 노력을 했을지ㅜㅜ 통역사분 존경해용❤️
She is the best translator who perfectly can carry the director's words.
good translator.
Excellent, natural, talented, professional
She is amazing, simply.
she looks average
봉준호 인터뷰는 항상 뭔가 새로운 생각을 접할 수 있는 것 같다. 기생충 인터뷰 몇 십개를 봤지만 늘 새로운 부분이 나오네.
퉁역사분이 작가수준의 어휘력이 잇으십니다....영어지문공부할때 나오던 어휘 , 문장 ㄷㄷ
한국 학생들 영어공부 소재로 너무 좋네요. 대부분 유투브로 나온 영상들 다 보았는데 영국에서 사는 사람으로 많이 배우고 갑니다. 통역사 때문에 더 집중해서 보았어요. 영어 선생님들 꼭 수업교재로 쓰시길 몇몇 표현은 미국인들도 신선하다고 느끼는 표현들 많습니다.
샤론최 통역사는 언어을 통역하는 게 아니라
사상과 정서를 통역하네.
정말 통역의 교과서 같은 인재다^^
댓글 단 많은 분들처럼,
통역사분의 유려하고 명료한 감성번역에
그저 감탄을 금치 못 하고싶은데. 영어를 못한다니TT
i am very satisfied with the translator! great job!
As a person who was born and raised in Poland he reminds me so much of polish directors specially Kieslowski i think thats why hes movies are so popular in Poland , Memories of murder still to this day is one of the best movies ever made , Mother is something like a poety on screen and Snowpiercer and Host are both great action movies with deeper meaning all i can say Bong Joon Ho is one on the best directors working today most likely top 5
저는 한국인인데 키에슬로프스키 감독님 영화를 정말 좋아합니다! 한국에서 그의 기획전이 열렸을때 전 작품을 다 봤어요👍
Thank you Bong Joon-ho for your perception, reflection and exceptional creativity in showcasing the
world of capitalism that has led to 90% of people living in relative poverty and .1% having unimaginable
wealth to the deprivation of others. Your unique style gives a memorable cinema experience and does indeed
encourage the audience to internalise and remember the movie. A little movie has the power to change an audience's
understanding of the reality so many people face in this uncertain world.
To the translator, you were so present and eloquent in your translation.
I love his interviews so much
이 통역사는 정~말 디테일하고, 센스있고, 똑똑한 사람이다. 봉테일에 꼭 맞는 통역사이고, 봉감독은 통역사 선택만 봐도 괜히 봉테일이 아니다.
That translator is brilliant. Wow. Kudos to her.
Yes, I agreed that Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and great interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in the US. Please watch this video which explained < >
What a fantastic translator! She delivers almost 100% of what Director Bong said.
통역사분도 대단하시지만 봉감독님 영어도 잘하세요
I could honestly watch bong and her talk all day.
통역가분 쵝오. 통역이 필요 없어도 된다니 사회자분 나빴어ㅠㅠ
저도 그말듣고 식겁했어요.. 무례하게들려서
그만큼 봉감독에 대한 찬사네요. 통역사분도 웃고 넘기시고.
그만큼의 팬심을 유머러스하게 말한거같은데요 ㅋㅋ기분나쁠게 전혀 아님
유머도 유머 나름이지...
저도 기분 나빴어요
저건 오프더레코드로 봉감독한테 말할 일이지 통역사분 같이있는 자리에서 말할건 아니라고 생각함
Thank you Mr. Bong for explaining the Great movie “PARASITE” in detail. Best movie of year 2019. I also deeply appreciate the translator who did terrific job in translating complicated and concise korean expression into very proper and exact english. Everyone who watch this interview will appreciate her so much.
Director Bong Joon-ho is an amazing director so is his interpreter, Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) who is very articulate and precise. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in the US. Please watch this video which explained < >
The translator amazed me. I have been looking for other translated interviews. Good job!
i'm a korean and the translator blows me away. she's gotta be better than korea's presidential translator.
Yes, I agreed that Ms Choi Sung-jae (Sharon) is a very articulate and amazing interpreter. Actually, she is not a professional interpreter but has gained a lot of recognition during Director Bong Joon-ho’s various interviews and events in the US. Please watch this video which explained < >
영화 안에서 전형적 인물이 없다는 게 항상 좋은 부분 같음.
통역해주시는분과 인터뷰어까지 너무 좋은 인터뷰에요
와이프가 보내줘서 중간부터 보다가 통역사 때문에 처음부터 끝까지 시청했는데 봉감독이 말하는 내용을 너무 충실하게 통역을 해서 감탄했네요.
I want to give huge applause to the translator. She did an excellent job.
Hi all Bong Joon-ho fans! Bong will be returning to Santa Barbara for a FREE screening of Parasite followed by a Q&A on Thursday, January 23, at 4:30 PM at the Lobero Theatre. Get your SBIFF 2020 film tickets at and show up early!
The interpreter is a student majoring film making in US I heard she went abroad to study several yrs ago.
I agree with Yuriy. I'm bilingual with Korean & English. She is one of the best interpreters I've ever seen or heard. Amazing skill she has. Yoda.
17:30 love her smile :) I love Bong, but she really helped me to finish 30 mins long video. thank you
I could feel the interviewer was so ready for his interviewee! And what art of translation! Huge thanks!
The translator made me come watch this video again :) and im happy to see mr.durling again. He is one of my favorite and the best professors ive ever met.
The interview was absolutely fantastic. I'm so glad I could witness this.
사회자가 완전 봉준호에게 빠지셨어요... 그런 사람 정말 많죠..
사회자분 목소리가 완전 떨려요 ㅠㅠ 진짜 설레하는게 느껴짐
Everyone here came for parasite but stayed for the translator
edit: ok also for Bong Joon-ho
Lol. Shoutout to your profile pic.
Lauri Ketonen , agree
absolutely. Demonstrating a highly developed skill with languages: virtuoso performance!
다들 정말 대단하십니다
I came back to hear the interviewer's trembling voice haha he just loves Mr.Bong so much
Harim Jang
I can tell he is a little star-struck and nervous lol
와 나 칭찬에 인색한데요. 저 통역사분 정말 훌륭합니다! 우수하세요!
Someone give the translator an award as well
To use a mud mask for the flood scene. Genius and safe!!😂😂😂
통역도 좋지만 봉감독도 호스트한테 마치 한국인한테 말하는 것 처럼 자연스럽게 말하는게 눈에 들어오네요
amazing word choices by the translator. She is awesome, wow!
Very inteliigent questions but also very smart translations!
봉테일 스스로 생각해낸 거 소름 ㅎㄷㄷ 인터뷰어 진짜 찐덕후인게 너무 귀엽고 인터뷰 질 너무 좋다
제가 본 통역관중 최고인듯! 두 분다 멋집니다!
It is a great interview about the movie! The interpreter has done a FANTASTIC job!
대놓고 깃발 휘날리지 않고 영화적 아름다움을 보여주되 집에 가서 잘려고 누우면 생각나고 찝찌무리한 거를 의도하셨다는 설명에 정말 내가 감독님 영화를 보며 경험한 대로구나 싶었음. 다 계획하신대로 되었구나.
그럼에도 개인적 느낌으로는 영화적 아름다움과 오락을 맘껏 누리기에는 영화의 사회 정치적 메시지가 많이 찐하심. 찝찌무리함이 너무 쎔.
Bong Joon Ho : He is just a legend not only in my country but also in the world
Sharon Choi(Translator) : I love her translation, voice, smile, and everything I love you unnie