I will not bow to Black Lives Matter

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @Rational20
    @Rational20 4 роки тому +10

    Finlarq, I've been a subscriber for years and have always thought of you as one of the most logical and thoughtful youtube producers I've come across. I was born outside the U.S. and first time I set foot in the U.S. I was 13 years old. I did not understand why there were white and black churches, why some of my white friends were so fearful of and hateful towards blacks. My best friend is a black man who was raised in Africa, he also couldn't understand the division when he first came to the U.S. as a young adult. I believe we both fully understand now. It pains me to say this, but I only had to watch 45 seconds of your video to realize how absolutely clueless you are on this subject. Watching the rest just confirmed it. I won't unsubscribe, but I'm honestly extremely disappointed, first time ever I have given you a "dislike". BTW, I'm white.

    • @finlarg
      @finlarg  4 роки тому

      Sorry you feel that way. Obviously racism was rife and terrible for a very long time. But I think those who are claiming it is worse than ever in English speaking countries today, are simply wrong. Segregation is no longer legal. Almost all institutions and businesses have long and detailed policy documents detailing how inclusive they are and how opposed they are to any form of discrimination. I don't claim to be an expert, but I have several decades of life experience to draw upon...

    • @Rational20
      @Rational20 4 роки тому

      @@finlarg I don't know who claims that racism is worse than ever, I do know that it still exists. For decades it remained under the surface but with the internet the people in power no longer can hide the injustices so easily. Thirty years ago nobody would have even known about the very public murder of George Floyd. The justice system and law enforcement do not treat blacks and whites the same, regardless of whether segregation and discrimination are legal or not. Just like speeding is illegal, all it takes is a quick ride in an interstate to see how irrelevant that is.

  • @tycho_m
    @tycho_m 4 роки тому +5

    it's a pretty oversimplified generalization to characterize BLM as advocating for abolishing police altogether collectively. Afaik the standpoint is more that police ought not to be armed through the surplus of too-big-to-fail bloated military contractors lobbied deals, incentivized to reach arrest quota by for-profit prison lobbied deals and funded in such a way (by civil forfeiture etc) that police departments become businesses with profit margins. The difficult thing with how human beings categorize and pigeonhole complex issues is that there's always the pitfall of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. For europeans the blind focus on the absolutist false dichotomy of black and white seems a dumbing down of racial and wealth inequality, because it by definition ignores minority demographics that are just as disadvantaged and disenfranchised. You're totally right about that. As I understand it, and this might be wishful thinking on my part, the misnomer of BLM in america has become the banner for an egalitarianism movement that advocates for all people, regardless of background, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or socioeconomic status.
    That said, the type of racism and structural injustice in America is just unfathomable for outsiders. Nothing even remotely comparable exists in Europe due to the different nature of colonial history here. Slave laborers were never imported to Europe on a large scale and there's never been explicit judicial segregation in the form of something like Jim Crowe laws. In a sense, America is lagging behind about 2 centuries when it comes to equal rights and healthcare and taxation and equal opportunities. The focus is on black people and white people because american society disproportionately acts disparate towards those groups. For example, Asian people are a significant demographic in America with vastly fewer societal issues like mass incarceration, sentencing disparity, lack of access to education etc. One can claim this has to do with black people being inherently criminal, but that ignores the history of recent mass scale slavery and literal discrimination by law of black people from white people.
    It's a bit hypocritical to demand one part of BLM to distance themselves from the violent rioting part of BLM, but then you turn around to say you won't bow to a bunch of thugs. The cutting edge of the fallacy of composition cuts both ways. For BLM to advocate for egalitarianism for all marginalized demographics. For not all white people to be labeled terrible racists. For everybody else not to judge BLM as a whole by its rioters. In my country in Europe, there have been multiple BLM solidarity protests and none of them had any significant violence or looting or police brutality. Just some arrests of asswipes by police who kept the peace and protected the right to protest. The societal mentality shift is moving towards egalitarianism and that is a good thing. Adhering too much significance to the label BlackLivesMatter, which was just a twitter hashtag that gained prevalence as a response to when Trayvon Martin got murdered in 2012, is unproductive and missing the point. Those cases of police brutality against black people are datapoints of a larger inequality that has gone unaddressed. Consider that no civilised country has an exception to slavery for the financial greed of prison businesses, but the US constitution does. That alone is reason to support this cause while deriding and despising looters and anarchists and hyperviolent powertripping cops all at the same time. I gotta say, you're usually a bit more nuanced than this..

    • @finlarg
      @finlarg  4 роки тому

      A point I might not have made clear enough in the video is that governments, institutions and businesses are bowing to BLM and seem terrified to say a bad word about BLM, even if it is constructive criticism, because it has become politically incorrect to do so. The fear is that they will be labelled racist or bigoted and they can kiss their career goodbye.

  • @Devious_Dave
    @Devious_Dave 4 роки тому +3

    Well said, Finlarg. Support for diversity & change doesn't necessarily involve a movement like BLM.
    The situation's much worse in the USA where public conversation seems to be almost impossible - the same does not apply in the UK.
    BLM has the potential to bully and it may stunt discussion so my support for it is tentative.

  • @cseguin
    @cseguin 4 роки тому +7

    Yep . . . I wouldn't bow to neo-Marxist either . . .

    • @thelunchbreakkid6582
      @thelunchbreakkid6582 4 роки тому +5

      Don't use words you don't understand or know the meaning of.
      Let me guess, anyone who disagrees with you is a Stalinist, right?
      Get lost goof!

    • @LyzLyzard
      @LyzLyzard 4 роки тому +3

      @@thelunchbreakkid6582 No, BLM has shown to carry Marxist ideas. You can read their manifesto on their website. They're in with Antifa and always seem to ignore or even defend or excuse them when they turn the protests into business-destroying riots

    • @LyzLyzard
      @LyzLyzard 4 роки тому +2

      "It's not Antifa, it's right wingers in Antifa disguises!" Right.
      Maybe there are right wingers and other opportunists infiltrating and instigating riots but leftists are still involved as well. They literally started their own "communist paradise" in Seattle. Like come on you're just deflecting and putting blame on the people you don't like just to feel better about your own side.

  • @TimothyMusson
    @TimothyMusson 4 роки тому +1

    What you've written in the video description is addressed exactly by the sign this kid's holding:
    As a pākehā (non-Māori) New Zealander, I've only slowly (because schools didn't start touching it till recently) come to understand the scale of what's been done to Māori (and other exploited folks) by historic and continued colonial violence - which, of course, includes our police system. (BTW, surely you understand that police abolition doesn't mean chaos, yeah? Nobody's suggesting replacing them with a void: people are suggesting perfectly reasonable alternatives.)
    Anyway, here's a good video (about past and *continued* racism) and some closely related articles...
    "The Dark Side of British History You Weren't Taught in School" - George Monbiot
    "Unequal Impact: The Deep Links Between Racism and Climate Change" - Elizabeth Yeampierre and Beth Gardiner, June 2020
    "Unlearning: From Degrowth to Decolonization" - Jamie Tyberg, May 2020
    And a couple more pics conveying the point...

  • @WorthlessWinner
    @WorthlessWinner 4 роки тому +1

    I look forward to your next video on the topic.

  • @fish56789
    @fish56789 4 роки тому +3

    You are misinformed.

  • @BionicDance
    @BionicDance 4 роки тому +5

    I didn't know they got FOX News whereverinhell it is that you live.

    • @rjbutton2207
      @rjbutton2207 4 роки тому

      It's situations like these that people show their true colors.

    • @finlarg
      @finlarg  4 роки тому +1

      My position has nothing whatsoever to do with fox news. What point are you trying to make? Are you interested in figuring things out via conversation?

    • @BionicDance
      @BionicDance 4 роки тому

      @@finlarg Your position sounds remarkably like that of FOX News; if you reached there without watching it, that's just...sad and disturbing.

    • @LyzLyzard
      @LyzLyzard 4 роки тому


    • @mikeg_123
      @mikeg_123 4 роки тому

      @@finlarg I think that you said Antifa that was causing the rioting and looting. This is misinformation that Fox news is constantly spewing.

  • @GapWim
    @GapWim 4 роки тому

    1:00 _”Even calling people black and white […]”_
    In a small department where I work, of a decent sized company, we have one black collegue.
    When he started working there, no one from other departments knew who he was, and I’ve heard several such conversations:
    - “I’m looking for the guy responsible for [xyz]”.
    - “Oh, for that you need [name]”
    - “Ok, and who exactly is that”
    - “It’s the guy in the middle over there. The one with … euhm … the balding head … and … euhm … with the white green t-shirt on … the … euhm … youngest looking one over there …”
    … ANYTHING to avoid saying the most obviously visually identifiably personal feature which would _immediately_ have made clear who to approach, given the current setting.
    There is such a thing as being too much PC. Being white or black is no different than being a man, woman, bald, blonde, pimpled, wearing a hat, bowtie, hawain pattern dress, or even having so much makup on you look like a picasso painting.
    Please tell me why I can’t call someone black, brown, tanned, white, pale as a personally identifiable feature?

    • @finlarg
      @finlarg  4 роки тому

      You can say whatever you like. My point was more to do with identity politics than describing people's identifiable features.

    • @GapWim
      @GapWim 4 роки тому

      finlarg | Search for “I don’t see color” in your favorite internet search engine.
      I’m guessing I have roughly a decade on you but I’ve seen the same sentiment (as expressed in the search results) since I was a child … so this isn’t something new.

  • @Zentella6
    @Zentella6 4 роки тому +5

    Great video. Nor should you bow. People just like to race bait. I'm more than just my brown skin. It's not race issue. It's a police brutality issue. And it affects all us Americans. Not just blacks.

    • @mikecoffin9236
      @mikecoffin9236 4 роки тому +2

      Yep, I'm white and Canadian and have faced police brutality.

    • @peppermintgal4302
      @peppermintgal4302 2 роки тому

      But here in the US, it disproportionately effects black people. Some of that is because of class warfare, and the fact that black people are, in the US, more likely to be poor. (The average black household has about a twelfth the household wealth that the average white household has, and by current economic trends, that will continue to be the case for another 200 years, by the estimate of some economists.) Some of it IS do to racist cops, particularly in Utah, which itself contributes greatly to the overrepresentation of black people among victims of police brutality.
      I would be perfectly happy if BLM was part of the class struggle, but they by and large have said that's a separate struggle to be handled by others, and its not my place to force BLM to be a proxy for another war.

  • @billjor-strom5354
    @billjor-strom5354 4 роки тому +2

    I’ve loved a lot of your videos in the past but you’re off on this. I would say you might be missing part of the conversation on the topic, I don’t mean to be rude so I’ll try to explain this. So, you mention you don’t see the point of recognizing race because it was a terrible thing “until the last century” because young people are understanding of skin color, that doesn’t really matter all that much because the problem specifically right now is police brutality, not the general public being racist to black people. Social racism =\= systemic racism. Let’s talk about that systemic racism in the US(because that’s where the group specifically started) mappingpoliceviolence.org/ this website maps out a LOT of statistics regarding police brutality(which is the main focus of BLM). It’s systemic and “more young people not caring” doesn’t really change the system. It’s still happening to this day and pretending otherwise is very privileged because we don’t personally experience it doesn’t mean it doesn’t statistically happen to people of color more. Individual experience doesn’t equate the same life as others, as a white person, I also felt that racism wasn’t an issue when I was younger and didn’t pay attention to issues in the POC communities, but now I do and I can recognize the statistics and help how I can. And also, what exactly is bending the knee? Are BLM protestors coming into your home to take your money or are they asking for support to stop police brutality? Calling BLM thugs because there are violent people is really funny because that’s the same argument I could use against cops but mine would be more accurate because in order to become a cop you have to be able to commit violence in a thuggish manner. Unlike Black people who are just born a skin color and figure it out from then, police commit violence regardless of their background because of their choice to become a cop. Also, people riot during protests. People riot after sports games. That’s normal and has happened for years and years and years. It’s a nonissue to me personally because I value lives more than I do the products of others. We should fix the problem, not the outcome. Getting mad at people for civil unrest but not being angry at a policing system specifically built against POC is directing your anger in the wrong direction. MLK jr said “A riot is the language of the unheard”. Picture being a mistreated member of a race for your life, your parents lives, your grandparents lives, their parents lives, and then being told you have to be civil and just accept that your people are killed and harassed by police at disproportionate numbers is obviously not going to instill faith in the society they’re supposed to be following the rules for. My issue is that they aren’t going far enough. You won’t change the system by protesting. You won’t change it by voting. All that’s going to happen is some cities will slightly reform their policing system, they’ll come up with new safety programs, maybe some cops will actually get charged with their crimes but most will be just transferred or fired. Then in a few years, we get to do it again with people not recognizing statistics, so they don’t see it as a personal problem, so they hate the movement, so nobody changes the system entirely, and then we deal with it again and again. It’s been happening for the past 60 years. You can google the names and videos of all the people murdered by cops that got protests and it never changed anything. I’m not really looking to debate since this is a burner account I don’t actually use but I would really appreciate if you looked at the resources, Finlarg. Here’s a second one www.businessinsider.com/us-systemic-racism-in-charts-graphs-data-2020-6#the-employment-population-ratio-measures-the-share-of-a-demographic-group-that-has-a-job-and-its-been-lower-for-black-people-for-years-1

  • @Samsaptaka
    @Samsaptaka 4 роки тому +10

    I understand and sympathize with the sentiment. However, it's actually the case that black lives haven't mattered nearly as much as other folks' lives for a very, very long time in the US. BLM doesn't mean that black lives should matter more than others, but rather that they should matter as much as everyone else's.

    • @LyzLyzard
      @LyzLyzard 4 роки тому +2

      Fine but leave the communist/socialist/cult undertones out of it.

    • @rjbutton2207
      @rjbutton2207 4 роки тому +3

      Shut up.

    • @LyzLyzard
      @LyzLyzard 4 роки тому

      Nah I don't think so

    • @daniellassander
      @daniellassander 4 роки тому

      That is what they say, that is not at all how they act. And actions speaks louder than words.

    • @rjbutton2207
      @rjbutton2207 4 роки тому

      But if actions speak louder than words, then why is the pen mightier than the sword? 🤔

  • @ericvulgate
    @ericvulgate 4 роки тому +1

    'my house is on fire!'
    'all houses are flammable!'

  • @MrSuperGamerz
    @MrSuperGamerz 4 роки тому +3

    Yes, the younger generation is less overtly racist. The life of your grandparents, parents, and your own environment and opportunity are shaped by a racist practices. People live where they live because of their race. Look up redlining.

  • @DeconvertedMan
    @DeconvertedMan 4 роки тому +1

    Ideologies can take over quite quickly.

  • @peppermintgal4302
    @peppermintgal4302 2 роки тому

    Black people are not asking for your shame or your supplication, they are asking for your anger.

    • @peppermintgal4302
      @peppermintgal4302 2 роки тому

      And the anger, btw, is justified.
      Also lmao at the assertion that "hardly anyone seems willing to do anything other than applaud their claimed cause. Without questioning it." Do you even live on the same planet? BLM is incredibly controversial.
      And hey, mob violence sucks, but you know what sucks more? Having literally no other option. Black people tried protesting peacefully, and were cut off and shamed at every opportunity. People complained about black people kneeling (a sign of respect!) for the flag. Cmon.

  • @yadabub
    @yadabub 4 роки тому +5

    Is this a parody of Stefan Molyneux?

  • @denwhitcomb1219
    @denwhitcomb1219 4 роки тому

    Focusing on the superficial (news stories, skin color, violence) you miss the nuance where the meaning lies. People are weak. We need gatherings to give us the strength to act. Granted some act badly, but focus on the cause of the need for action to keep oriented on what really matters. The system is hurting us so badly that we need to change it. It can become a political movement if sustained. This is the hope that this particular movement can appeal enough to the majority that it causes significant change to discard the elements of the system causing the hurt. This time it is started by a racial bias, but there are equal or better causes out there waiting to be included. Let's see if it peters out as most do, or gathers momentum for real political change.

    • @finlarg
      @finlarg  4 роки тому

      If this movement is to be a force for good then it needs to distance itself more effectively from the mob violence and acknowledge that significant progress has already been made in the last half century or so. It would also help to clarify by changing the name from Black Lives Matter to Human Life Matters, simply to avoid the possibility that some will interpret BLM to mean BLM more. Given the current politically correct narrative which emphasizes racism in one direction and flat out ignores it in the other, it runs the risk that the aim for genuine equality will overshoot and repeat the same sorry mess all over again and simply swap the roles of victim and perpetrator.

    • @denwhitcomb1219
      @denwhitcomb1219 4 роки тому

      @@finlarg OK, I agree that individuals can be good. However movements are messy. Can you name one movement that was all good? I'm one of those trying to bend the movement towards wider systemic change that benefits people over profit.

    • @denwhitcomb1219
      @denwhitcomb1219 4 роки тому

      @@finlarg This is how political change happens and history is made. Your personal frame of reference won't match the movements frame which is based on the members give and take toward their goals. Many see it simply as BLM, or Police matter, but I see it as a vehicle for returning political control to the people. If you see how the movement can be good then you should join the scrum and push in the direction you want it to go. I see how the movement can upend our political system to put the people first so I'm in.

    • @finlarg
      @finlarg  4 роки тому

      I struggle to see it that way. The call for banning comedy and movies which might cause offence is patronising. I would rather encourage the descendants of the oppressed to be resilient rather than coddled. There's something Orwellian about the movement which seems to elude most of its members. Free speech, especially in the form of criticism, is hardly encouraged. Also, the collective will of the movement seems to want to tear things down and start again. Police, government and capitalism come to mind. But what of democracy? How does that factor in? if you can help to steer it in a better direction, more power to you!

    • @denwhitcomb1219
      @denwhitcomb1219 4 роки тому

      @@finlarg Was this response to something I said? I'm not familiar with the ban, or the descendants of the oppressed being coddled, or the Orwellian movement. (I have the strong impression of Orwell that he would be encouraging change and would understand the messy nature given his Spanish experience.) You seem to be over reaching a bit there. I agree the movement may look as though it wants only to destroy, but that is one sided and emphasized by the corporate media for eyeballs. The links I sent show a more reasoned approach. Do you really think that we have a well functioning democracy? Essentially we have a single party system designed to maintain the status quo while the wealthy loot the country legally via Congress and the courts. Just take a look at how many seats in Congress are bought by the wealthy donors and the Princeton study that shows all work by Congress is for the special interests! I envy most of the European states that seem to work for their people. I together with other patriots would like to enjoy the same level of benefits that you do. (I suspect that we will be in the same struggle as the international capitalists gain more and more power and gradually undercut your democracies too.)