Very impressive your Coach authenticating skills. It is quite amazing looking and the color is very vibrant. I have a red on too that was a gift many years ago that is a fake bag. Tfs 🥰💗🙏🏾
I’m late here , I just received a “ vintage “ Coach pouch bag today it’s a saddle type bag creed no# J8B-9170 made in the United States, it looks great but yeah, I saw another of your videos saying the start of J was a dead giveaway of a fake, I immediately googled my bags creed no# and zilch came up, Seller has 100% feedback, I’m going to assume she’s unaware of her mistake because it’s a second hand sale, Thank you so much for these informative videos ❤
And #9170 is a classic shoulder Bag. You can also share this info on Facebook in the Vintage Coach EyeCandy group for help authenticating or Coach Counterfeits. TPF also can help to determine authenticity
I am so glad to learn more about spotting fake bags. I have owned mine for 20-30 years and had no idea at time of purchase that there was such a thing as fake bags. Luckily I have had mine authenticated on the counterfeit group. So NOW I want to get more bags!!!!
Hi! Very interesting video. I learned a lot. Great tips. Thank you! And thank you for the Creed codes to be aware of. Your tips are a big help to me . Thank You!! ❤️ Thank for sharing
The leather looks good. Depending on the price, I would consider keeping. But then certain things might irritate me too much. The bag does 'look' good! 😊
Hi! So nice to see your video! Great catch! Thank you for all the great advice. I am a member of your Eye Candy group. If you have another group, I can’t remember the name, please let me know. So good to watch your videos again. Thank you sharing ❤
Very impressive your Coach authenticating skills. It is quite amazing looking and the color is very vibrant. I have a red on too that was a gift many years ago that is a fake bag. Tfs 🥰💗🙏🏾
I’m late here , I just received a “ vintage “ Coach pouch bag today it’s a saddle type bag creed no# J8B-9170 made in the United States, it looks great but yeah, I saw another of your videos saying the start of J was a dead giveaway of a fake, I immediately googled my bags creed no# and zilch came up, Seller has 100% feedback, I’m going to assume she’s unaware of her mistake because it’s a second hand sale, Thank you so much for these informative videos ❤
J does not mean it’s fake, certain J combos do however. Can you email me a photo of your bag with a picture of the creed?
And #9170 is a classic shoulder Bag. You can also share this info on Facebook in the Vintage Coach EyeCandy group for help authenticating or Coach Counterfeits. TPF also can help to determine authenticity
I am so glad to learn more about spotting fake bags. I have owned mine for 20-30 years and had no idea at time of purchase that there was such a thing as fake bags. Luckily I have had mine authenticated on the counterfeit group. So NOW I want to get more bags!!!!
Yes that site is a huge resource!!
Hi! Very interesting video. I learned a lot. Great tips. Thank you! And thank you for the Creed codes to be aware of. Your tips are a big help to me . Thank You!! ❤️ Thank for sharing
The leather looks good. Depending on the price, I would consider keeping. But then certain things might irritate me too much. The bag does 'look' good! 😊
Thank you for educating me. I purchase for myself to enjoy but don't want to waste my money on fakes.
I have a couple other videos on authentication to help add to this one!
Hi! So nice to see your video! Great catch! Thank you for all the great advice. I am a member of your Eye Candy group. If you have another group, I can’t remember the name, please let me know. So good to watch your videos again. Thank you sharing ❤
I hadn’t noticed you in there! How did I miss that? No just the one group that is mine but as you know, I belong to a few others!