I was born into a Baptist family. For 51 years I NEVER heard anything like this teaching. It makes PERFECT sense! Praise be Jesus Christ for His mercy and grace by bringing me into the Catholic Church!
@@NMDecember1 Niamh, Jesus is right! He founded just one Church. God wanted our existence united to Him and opposed to all division instigated by the devil, whose name means: "The divider". The Greek words “dia” & “bolos” mean “across” & “who throws across” to describe the DEVIL in the New Testament. He’s the one who throws children & other vulnerable souls across the sea, creates chaos, ruptures relationships & breaks down human connections. Protestantism, as you well know, is DIVIDED into more than 68,000 churches and sects because of Martin Luther's "Sola Scriptura" doctrine, INEXISTENT in the Bible. What exists is unity and authority under ONE Apostolic Magisterium named by Jesús, which is transferred throughout the centuries by imposition of hands, as described by St. Paul, to contínuos future successors until the end of times, just like the Bible describes. Adopting the unbiblical doctrine made up by Martin Luther, contradicts the promises made by Jesus who is God. Who must we believe? I say, we must believe God! ▪︎MATTHEW 16:18-19 18. “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. 19. “I will give YOU the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in HEAVEN, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.” In fact, Jesús gave a catholic mission to His ONE and only Church, to go to ALL nations, promising never to abandon, remaining with Her until the end of times, in spite of any imperfections of individual members: ▪︎MATTHEW, 28:19-20 19. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, 20. teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you ALWAYS, until the end of the age.” The word Catholic originates from the Greek adjective καθολικός (katholikos), meaning "universal". Not thousands of divided churches and sects around the world. Jesus founded just one Church, the Catholic Church. Such, is an undeniable biblical and historical fact. Furthermore Christ's Church, the Catholic Church, will never go wrong; in spite of individual failures, keeping the truth until the end, just as in apostolic times: ▪︎JOHN 16:12-15 12. “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into ALL the Truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. 15. All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you. The Truth is sanctified in just ONE Church: ▪︎JOHN 17:17-19 17. Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth. 18. As you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world. 19. And I consecrate myself for them, so that they ALSO may be consecrated in truth. Unity will always identify Christ's Church, because God is ONE: ▪︎JOHN 17:20-23 20. “I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21. so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. 22 And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are one, 23. I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to perfection as one, that the world may know that you sent me, and that you loved them even as you loved me. Any doubts we must be one Church? May God bless your discernment.
So, have you been disobeying the command of Jesus Christ to drink his blood ever since you became catholic because they deny it to you as a lowly non priest?
@@brianhale3678 Brian, It is understandable you being non-Catholic that you can only speculate through your limited knowledge and extreme prejudice. When we eat and drink the bread and the wine of the Lord's Supper at Mass with expectant faith, we have communion with the body and blood of our Lord and receive forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. The bread and wine are rightly Christ's body and blood soul and Divinity, which he gave to his disciples and now to us at every Mass. The fact is no Catholic thinks of the Eucharist as symbolic. All communicants know is the Body and Blood of our Lord in us, once received. So when God the Father see us, He sees His Son in us. Remember: ▪︎JOHN 6: 48-50 48. I am the bread of life. 49. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. 50. This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and NOT DIE. How is that possible? Jesus lets us know that even though the souls of the dead, having been judged, are in their final destination for good or evil, the BODIES of the just who believe Jesus' promise will live forever in Heaven in imitation of Him, with glorified BODIES united to their respective souls. ▪︎JOHN 6: 51-50 51. I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.” Then the unbelieving "protestants" of those days, surely enough, said, in: ▪︎JOHN 6: 52 52. The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” But Jesus never retracted: ▪︎JOHN 6:53 53. So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless YOU EAT the flesh of the Son of man and DRINK his blood, you have NO life in you; 54. he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal LIFE, and I will raise HIM up at the last day. Therefore, if you want to be raised up on the last day, belueve and do what our Lord says. That's it! May God bless your discernment.
@@joecastillo8798 Every Catholic knows you're lying, Joe. Regardless of your flowery interpretation of John chapter 6, you do not obey your own words. Every Catholic knows that you as a lowly non-priest are not allowed to drink... find a church that allows you to obey God. (pay attention to those last three words) Matthew 26:27 ESV - "And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you,"
@@brianhale3678 Brian, You have the right to think as you please. We in the Diocese of Charlotte, prior to the pandemic, received communion under both species: Bread and Wine. This practice will return soon. Furthermore, it is a FACT, that our Lord is fully present in both, the consecrated bread and the consecrated wine. Therefore either form provides a viable communion. On the other hand, it is a bit arrogant of your part to tell someone you don't know what he does or doesn't do. Straighten your mind and leave arrogance to fanatical "talibans". May God bless your discernment.
Matthew 7: 13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Please I implore you to read bible and cling to Jesus. You make your decision about God in this life and if you are wrong you CAN'T change that decision. #john316
Same! I love Jesus and his mother. I feel sad for the people who think Mary was just a simple woman. She will lead us to her son. And the beauty of the rosary is that you meditate on the life of Christ through the eyes of his mother. She also is depicted with the half moon at times. She like the moon is nothing without the son. And God trusted her so much that he used her as a vessel for his most son to enter the world. I also feel that is is blasphemous to speak bad of Jesus mother.
FACTS: God NEVER commanded a Sabbath change. Christ NEVER worshiped on Sunday. Christ does the will of his father. Christ NEVER taught Mary to be a mediator/intercessor. NO disciple taught Mary to be a mediator/intercessor NO disciple ever worshiped on Sunday. Mary NEVER claimed to be sinless. Mary never claimed to hav e remained a virgin. Peter was NEVER the given the title of Pope. No mention in THE BIBLE of Mary assumption into heaven. Christ NEVER Taught Mary would go to heaven.
@@ishmaelwore8197 >>>QUOTE------If Jesus is holy, all powerful, God and sinless, would he enter earth through a sinful and filthy rug? .....unquote So. you want to say Mary was a "filthy rug"?????? FACT: When was Mary told she was full of grace??? BEFORE Jesus was born!!! About age 14!!!! FACT: She lost Him when He was age 12. Is that a sin to loose your child!!! NO thought to be sure He was with someone in the group???? She believed ans she was wrong!!!!! FACT: >>>>WEDDING AT CANA!!!! "Jesus did his first miracle because Mary asked" -- ME: Jesus was a JEW under the Law Covenant of Moses (Galatians 4:4), and therefore HAD to "honor his mother" in public -- in front of the servants and his disciples. Mary was SINNING at the wedding in Cana because the Messiah had DIRECTLY TOLD her that the wedding having no wine had NOTHING to do with Messiah because it was NOT TIME for the Messiah to do miracles -- Mary stubbornly IGNORED Messiah's statement and instructed the servants to stand there staring at Messiah until he told them how to achieve the miracle that Mary pridefully wanted done at the wedding anyway. Mary was guilty of the SAME SIN OF PRIDE that Adam committed in the Garden. But under the LAW, Jesus HAD to honor his Jewish mother in public or Jesus would be a SINNER under the Law. *******Mary was a SINNER for getting into PRIDE and insisting HER will be done. Jesus was SINLESS for obeying the Law perfectly and honoring his mother. >>>>>Romans 3:23 for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God >>>>1 John 1:8-10 ESV If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. THAT IS what the Catholic church insists that Mary was sinless!!!!! MARY NEVER claimed to be without sin!! No. Common sense, right?
I've been a Catholic all my life and facilitate a bible study and have never known anyone who teaches the word of God in such a beautiful and understandable way. God be with you always.
Quote---I've been a Catholic all my life and facilitate a bible study and have never known anyone who teaches the word of God in such a beautiful and understandable way. God be with you always- unquote But, he does NOT teach this: About the catholic church: Change the Sabbath" Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her,- she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."- "A Doctrinal Catechism," by Rev. Stephen Keenan, page 174. "The Catholic Church of its own infallible authority created Sunday a holy day to take the place of the Sabbath of the old law."- Kansas City Catholic, Feb. 9, 1893. "The Catholic Church, . . . by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."- Catholic Mirror, official organ of Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893. "Ques.- Which is the Sabbath day? "Ans.- Saturday is the Sabbath day. "Ques.- Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? "Ans.- We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A. D. 336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday ."- "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine," by Rev. Peter Geiermann, C. SS. R.., page 50, third edition, 1913, a work which received the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X, Jan. 25, 1910. What was done at the Council of Laodicea was but one of the steps by which the change of the Sabbath was effected. The date usually given for this council is 364 A. D. **NOR this: Biblical Proof the seventh day (Saturday) IS the Sabbath Matt 27:62 The next day, the one after Preparation Day......(.Saturday) Mat 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, (Sunday) Mark 15:42 - It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath). Mark 16:1-2 - When the Sabbath was over,(After sunset Saturday) Mark 16:9 When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week (Sunday) Luke 23:54 It was Preparation Day, (friday) and the Sabbath was about to begin Luke 23:56 Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.( Just before sunset Friday) Luke 24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, (Sunday) John 19:31 Now since it was preparation day (Friday), in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath, for the sabbath day of that week was a solemn one, John 19:42 because of the Jewish day of Preparation (Friday), since the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there. 42 And so, because it was the day of preparation for the Jewish Passover -NOR THIS: FACTS" --The ONLY day GOD RESTED ON--Seventh day!! Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11 --The ONLY day GOD BLESSED--Seventh dayt---Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11 --The ONLY day GOD SANCTIFIED--Seventh day--Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11 --The ONLY day GOD NAMED--Seventh day--SAbbath--Isaiah 58:13 --The ONLY day GOD DECLARES as HIS HOLY DAY--Seventh day--Isaiah 58:13, Matthew 24:36-41 THose are the topics that SHOULD BE TAUGHT!!!
FACTS: God NEVER commanded a Sabbath change. Christ NEVER worshiped on Sunday. Christ does the will of his father. Christ NEVER taught Mary to be a mediator/intercessor. NO disciple taught Mary to be a mediator/intercessor NO disciple ever worshiped on Sunday. Mary NEVER claimed to be sinless. Mary never claimed to hav e remained a virgin. Peter was NEVER the given the title of Pope. No mention in THE BIBLE of Mary assumption into heaven. Christ NEVER Taught Mary would go to heaven.
It's a curse to be a Catholic because Catholicism is full of lies and blasphemy. Do you call your pope "Holy Father?" Do you go to a Catholic priest to ask forgiveness? Do you pray to dead people? Do you believe in second chance purgatory and think the blood of Christ is no better than animal sacrifice that isn't enough to forgive and cover all sin? Do you believe a manmade wafer of wheat and water of the earth is the body of God ALMIGHTY? Do you believe you actually commit the sin of drinking blood and honor the death of cross? If you believe any of these, and I could say more of all the false doctrines, but if you believe these wicked teachings, then you blaspheme and dishonor God because you call his Holy Spirit a lying spirit!
@@shiduschannel5151 quote---meaning you never ask someone to pray for you and your family right--unquote Yes--when they are alive. I suggest you Google: The Dead Know Nothing Scroll down to the site of 32 verses about the Dead Know Nothing But, am sure you wil not.
I am appalled at the hatred towards Mary from the Protestants on this thread. Regardless of what ROLE you think she plays... it never excuses speaking of Jesus’ mother like that. Her gracious “yes”... the sword that pierced her own soul... She deserves respect and gratitude. Protestants, remember the argument between us is about her ROLE. Be careful not to turn that to hatred. For your own sake. 15 Then from his mouth the serpent poured water like a river after the woman, to sweep her away with the flood. 16 But the earth came to the help of the woman; it opened its mouth and swallowed the river that the dragon had poured from his mouth. 17 Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her children, those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus. Revelation 12:15-17 | NRSVCE (So sad tonight by all these vitriolic comments. Forgive them, my Lord Jesus Christ, for they know not what they do.)
Also disclaimer: check your bible translations against the original Greek lexicon because (as the devil will have it) the Protestant bible translations do some very odd things around Mary. For eg. the wedding at Cana Jesus says to Mary “what is to me is to thee” not “why are you concerning me with this” as I have seen in some Protestant translations. Jesus is not in opposition to Mary here. He is saying “what happens to me is what happens to you” or “what concern is this to US”. Calling her “Woman” is also a mark of respect. (Also assuming you might not know, John’s gospel parallels genesis from in the beginning was the word... right up to calling Mary “Woman” as Eve was called... count the days and the parallels.)
just another idiot who doesn't even bother to look at the video, he just sees "catholic" and starts attacking...I made the mistake of debating one of these guys for 2 days straight until a couple minutes ago, when I realized he wasn't listening at all
@@askmemakeup Why wouldn't these things be made explicit if they were essential doctrine to the Christian faith? Even an unbelieving reader could see the unique relationship between Father, Son, and Spirit. And they could easily see how Jesus is Lord without outside help. I doubt anyone could find the Catholic doctrines of Mary without someone forcing those interpretations. And i don't hate Mary btw. I thank God for her contribution to the church of Jesus Christ
@@bobpolo2964: Why did Jesus speak in Parables? They were not very explicit...maybe so those with Faith would search out the true meaning....Luke piles ALL kinds of Mariology into Luke 1 (try comparing Elizabeth's words in Luke 1 with David's words about the Ark in 2 Sam 6)...I would suggest you go much deeper into typology....
@@glennlanham6309 The disciples asked Jesus that very question and He provided a clear answer (Mtt 13:10-11). They didn't have to wonder about it because He told them directly. This clear communication can't be compared to the Catholic doctrines of Mary in any shape or form. Again, i respect Mary and thank God for her
Soo bless today. While im watching this video just opened my amazon package with three books by Brant... Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist. Jesus the bridegroom Jesus and the jewish roots of Mary. Thank you and God bless.
@Patrick Montgomery Who Taught you Christianity. The whole story is NOT in the SOLA SCRIPTURA. Read The Whole Bible IN Context. Otherwise you are lost.
This man knows what he's talking about. Not only that, he has an excellent way to let the truth be known throughout the entire world. God bless you Dr. Pitre
The enemy also knows what he’s talking about as he was there with the Word. He knows The Word inside and out. More so than 90 % of creation. God Bless Jesus Christ. Call every man a liar says God
@@alison2161 🌹👉 Any human named Jesus is MY ADOPTED SON! 👈🌹 (2:104) O you who believe, do not say, "Raa`ena" (be our shepherd). Instead, you should say, "Unzurna" (watch over us), and listen. The disbelievers have incurred a painful retribution. www.submission.org 1) (2:177) 📌 Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteous are those who believe in GOD, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets; and they give the money, cheerfully, to the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the traveling alien, the beggars, and to free the slaves;🗃📣📡 and they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat); and they keep their word whenever they make a promise; and they steadfastly persevere in the face of persecution, hardship, and war. These are the truthful; these are the righteous. www.submission.org ⚡🗃⚡ Followers of Jesus have different contact prayers than Muhammad's do. 🐍😎🐍 Appendix 33 😵 1. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have been corrupted beyond recognition. 2. All God's messages have been delivered; the 📣 Quran is the Final Testament. 😵 ⭕⚜🔯 Star of David www.haaretz.com/whdcMobileSite/jewish/holocaust-remembrance-day/the-star-of-david-isn-t-just-jewish-1.5323219 (2) The Disbelievers [2:6] As for those who disbelieve, it is the same for them; whether you warn them, or not warn them, they cannot believe.* *2:6-7 Those who make a decision to reject God are helped in that direction; they are prevented by God from seeing any proof or guidance for as long as they maintain such a decision. The consequences of such a disastrous decision are spelled out in Verse 7. 🚫 Jesus was to be your FRIEND & BROTHER! 🚫 36 Jesus answered, *My kingdom (kingship, royal power) belongs not to this world.* If My kingdom were of this world, My followers would have been fighting to keep Me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, *My kingdom is not from here* (this world); [it has no such origin or source]. John 18:36 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) ⚡🌹⚡ Ezekiel 8:16 Then he brought me into the inner court of the Temple, and there at the door, between the porch and the bronze altar, were about twenty-five men standing with their backs to the Temple of the Lord, *facing east, worshiping the sun!* 🔺 It'll cost you ua-cam.com/video/5JQOBMi4QS8/v-deo.html EVERYTHING 🕯 💃🔱🗽🔱💃 *Jesus WAS the way truth and life; Muhammad WAS a messenger. THE BUCK STOPS WITH US!* Pope has been Vicar. I offered to hold hands in '15. He and russian patriarch met for first time in 1,000 years back in '16. 📌 Warning from ua-cam.com/video/4LWPcEo2gV0/v-deo.html 1965. 👉 EVERY human faces fire; spiritual refinement or physical. Here's 8 minutes ua-cam.com/video/rkgunX_Sa_0/v-deo.html in hell. THERE ARE OPENINGS AROUND THE PLANET.👈 🙊 MONKEY MIND ua-cam.com/video/4PkrhH-bkpk/v-deo.html
We are warned that there will be MANY not a few deceived. Look what Mary says and who she points to: Luke 1:46-55 NKJV 46 And Mary said: “My soul magnifies THE LORD, 47 And my spirit has rejoiced in GOd MY 🚨 Savior🚨 (See she needed a Saviour too) 48 For HE has regarded the lowly state of HIS maidservant; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.(🚨this is NOT an instruction to pray to Mary🚨) 49 For HE who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is HIS name. 50 And HIS mercy is on those who fear Him From generation to generation. 51 (HE has shown strength with His arm; HE has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. 52 HE has put down the mighty from their thrones, And exalted the lowly. 53 HE has filled the hungry with good things, And the rich He has sent away empty. 54 HE has helped HIS servant Israel, In remembrance of HIS mercy, 55 As He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and to HIS seed forever.” No where in bible does it say she is new Eve. If anything it fulfills prophecy of #revelation17 like #thyatira church. Mary did not hang on cross for your sins. There's only one true God so don't believe in Mohammed but it's equivalent of praying to his mother. #john316 #eternity ua-cam.com/video/o7y6U-bN-Bg/v-deo.html
I’m trying to understand the nonsense part: * asking for blessing for Brant Pitre and his team? * that personally videos by him thrill me? Clearly, you’re just here spitting venom. 2 proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost PATIENCE in teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2 | NRSVCE Perhaps be kinder in how you approach other people online. I am not at all offended, but your intention is transparent. And it tends to make people dismiss you rather than engage in debate. God bless you and peace be to you. This is one Catholic you won’t break.
Patrick Montgomery ... Also ... I must say I take issue with your belief that asking for blessing for some one YOU deem as not in the kingdom as nonsense is really horrible a thought. Every single one of us was made to meet our Maker. We are called to love our neighbour. And how we judge is how we will be judged. I ask you to keep your mind open that asking for blessing for every single soul in this world is a good thing to do. I believe Brant is very right in this video, but you don’t... still that doesn’t mean asking for blessing is nonsense. Judgement is God’s department. Leave it to Him.
Robert ... Robert... again, basic apologetics 101. Think for a moment. The catholic church gave you the bible. Do you know how the bible was even put together? Do you know what the purpose of the bible was? Do you know who decided the canon that is in the bible? How do you know it is inspired? How do you know the collated books are inspired? Do you even know the history of how the Jews considered books as inspired? Do you know the history of the fictitious council of Jamnia didn’t even disagree on the deuterocanonicals? Did you know the King James Bible of the 1600s had ALL the books of the bible including the deuterocanonicals and they were only officially removed from your bibles a hundred years ago? Did you know that the original King James even had the saint feast days listed in it? Again, basic basic refutation... where does it say in the bible that the bible is the only AUTHORITY? What the bible does say is the church is the pillar and foundation of truth (1 Tim 3:15) and the scriptures are inspired and USEFUL/PROFITABLE (2 Tim 3:16-17). It also says to hold to the tradition taught either by word of mouth or by letter (2 Thess 2:15). Surely you’ve heard all these bible verses? The Catholic Church believes in the PRIMACY of scripture but there is also tradition. Sola scriptura is a circular reasoning argument which means it is an invalid argument. Now.... we did not add. We gave the bible. Luther tried to add the word alone to Romans 3:28 which would outright contradict James 2:24. Inspired word has no contradictions so Luther’s addition made error which is dangerous. Again, if you’re interested in evangelising Catholics learn more nuanced arguments. We hear the same basic refutations everyday and comments like yours highlight you don’t understand what we actually believe. Primacy of scripture not sola scriptura. Again, not attacking you, Robert. I’m sure you’re lovely... just frustrated to hear the same generic arguments laden with error and no nuance. Learn what we believe so you know what it is you are rejecting.
@Patrick Montgomery ok now I understand better your agenda Brother. You are right I do not have a Blessed Mother but a Thrice Blessed and eternally Blessed Mother in Heaven and so do you! It's rather ungrateful you chose not to acknowledge her but she has had experience with stubborn children..LOTS in fact! If it were up to me every month would be in her honor..in fact every Saturday is dedicated to her and rightly so. Not by me though but by the Church and with her God given authority - but this is not a dictatorship so I would force nothing on anyone..treat it as a suggestion! One rooted undeniably in Scripture.. You do believe do you not that the Bible is God's word as inspired by the Holy Spirit? If so "All generations shall call me Blessed..and Holy is His Name" My poor Biblically illiterate Catholic mind cannot even remember the verse...please pray tell remind me? And explain to me how you are going against this prophecy inspired by the Holy Spirit while the Divine Infant lay hidden deep within the Virginal Womb of Our Blessed Lady?
Patrick Montgomery Nope, your wrong. Apparently, your the one that doesn’t have a blessed mother by your rejection. In ( John 2:5), Mary said to the servants; “ Do whatever he tells you.” In ( John 19:27), Jesus said to John, who represents all of us; “Behold your mother.” And finally, Mary Prophesied in Luke 1:48; “ For all generations shall call me blessed.” So, Patrick, as you see, we do have a blessed Mother. Of course anti- Catholics will always say; When Jesus told John to behold your mother, Jesus was only talking to John and no one else. However, when Jesus said to Peter, and to Peter alone, tend my sheep’s and feed my lambs, ( John 21:16-17), non-Catholic Christians will always say that Jesus is talking to them as well. Go figure.
@@gjj655 quote--- ok now I understand better your agenda Brother. You are right I do not have a Blessed Mother but a Thrice Blessed and eternally Blessed Mother in Heaven and so do you! It's rather ungrateful you chose not to acknowledge her but she has had experience with stubborn children..LOTS in fact! If it were up to me every month would be in her honor..in fact every Saturday is dedicated to her and rightly so. Not by me though but by the Church and with her God given authority - but this is not a dictatorship so I would force nothing on anyone..treat it as a suggestion! One rooted undeniably in Scripture.. You do believe do you not that the Bible is God's word as inspired by the Holy Spirit? If so "All generations shall call me Blessed..and Holy is His Name" My poor Biblically illiterate Catholic mind cannot even remember the verse...please pray tell remind me? And explain to me how you are going against this prophecy inspired by the Holy Spirit while the Divine Infant lay hidden deep within the Virginal Womb of Our Blessed Lady?- unquote \ AND NOT ONE SCRIPTURE QUOTED--That makes ALL you said as OPINIONS!!! i.e.---You are right I do not have a Blessed Mother but a Thrice Blessed and eternally Blessed Mother in Heaven What does GOD SAY?? John 3:13 "No one has gone up to heaven except the one who came down from heaven, the Son of Man who is in heaven. ... UNtil judgement day--NO ONE goes to heaven!!! ------in fact every Saturday is dedicated to her and rightly so. unquote OPINION--NOT BIBLICAL!!! Every Sabbath POINTS backwards to Creation and to GOD!!! ----quote--Not by me though but by the Church --unquote Excatly--by the CC and NOT by GOD!!! ---quote---One rooted undeniably in Scripture..--unquote But--you DO NOT quote it!!!! ---quote---You do believe do you not that the Bible is God's word as inspired by the Holy Spirit? If so "All generations shall call me Blessed..and Holy is His Name" - unquote Yes, Mary was blesed, but so was Moses, David, Soloman, Jacob, Isaac, and ,many others!!!! Along with many places.
@Patrick Montgomery I know that I am blessed by the Most High. You are too. Listening to this Dr is my choice and I appreciate his sharing. I also appreciate you. thank you for your concern. may you continue to be blessed...
Dr.Brant Pitre you are the best apologist i’ve ever heard of. Within a spam of few days i’ve watched most of the your videos. Holy Spirit is truly working in you and you’re beautifully explaining the Word of God. Loads of Love from Pakistan
Baptist here, just wanted to say this was a very interesting video! While we may not see eye to eye on Mary’s role, it’s really cool to see an OT basis for this that I never would’ve even noticed otherwise. God Bless!
Yes sir, “Gebirah” is in Tanakh 15X, means “Queen Mother” or “Great Lady” (Genesis 16:4, 8, 9, 1 Kings 11:19, 15:13, 2 Kings 5:3, 10:132 Chronicles 15:16, Psalm 123:2, Proverbs 30:23, Isaiah 24:2, 47:5, 7, Jeremiah 13:18, 29:2) In Judah the KING’S MOTHER sits as Queen Mother (1 Kings 15:13) @ his “Right hand the queen in gold.” (Psalms 45:9, 110:1) (CCC 663-664), intercedes peoples’ PRAYERS to the king (1 Kings 2:17, 20) wears a CROWN (Jeremiah 13:18), has a Kis·’ōw (THRONE) (Tanakh), the king BOWS to her (1 Kings 2:19), teaches the king (Proverbs 31:1) Mary is eternal QUEEN MOTHER because Jesus is Judah’s eternal king (CCC 488, 966) (Luke 1:27, 31-33) (Romans 1:3) St. Paul: “Pray for all Saints.” (Ephesians 6:18) “Pray for us.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1) “Pray one for another.” (James 5:16) Includes Mary, a Saint? YES!
@@MUSIC-MARY Genesis 16:4 4 He slept with Hagar, and she conceived. When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress. Zero to do with Mary. Genesis16: 8-9 has nothing to do with Mary. 1 Kings 11:19, Noithing to with Mary. 1 Kings 15: 13, nothing to do with Mary. Not any of your scriptures have anything to do with Mary. Most of them deal with women who were evil. So no none of these are a picture of Mary. Any person with any knowledge of the Bible would see this. They are not even close to what Mary was. She has no crown in heaven. She is no queen mother on earth or in heaven. Ephesians 6:18 is not about Mary or any queen's mother. Paul is speaking to all of the Ephesians. So your proof is not proof of anything. It is a stab in the dark and it misses badly.
This is the most powerfull stuff I have ever heard from our side as an answer to the lack of respect for Mary as the queen mother from our evangelical brothers... In the end times Jews will see the one whom they pearced but the Protestants will see his mother at his right hand waiting for them.
@@donaldcooley897 is your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ King of kings and Lord of lords to be reigning over universe? Yes. Well... Mary is his mother. Mother queen. Hell is fourious about this fact. It does not produce it... it want's to erase it. But it won't prevail...
@@donaldcooley897 BTW... Psalm 45 might be considered prophetic as to the wedding ceremony of Christ as bridegroom... his mother comes with him on his right side (ps 45,9) which confirms dogma about her being caught up in heaven and her being queen mother... so much for 'where does it say...' one verse suffices
@@petersonnenberg9526 You are a biblical illiterate Catholic . that believes the dogmas and Mariology. garbage and the marian doctrines and the catechism . which is not scriptural .Mary is not queen of heaven she is The Mother of Christ and his brothers and sisters . No where is she spoken of as queen in the scriptures . and why would Hell be furious about a lie that was started in hell ? You can not erase something that was not there to start with ARE YOU SAVED BY FAITH IN CHRIST ? He is the only way of salvation .
@@petersonnenberg9526 What does Psalm 45 have to do with Mary being queen .? The Queen here is the bride of Christ which stands at the right hand of of Jesus her husband .It is very simple Christ is the King The Church is his bride so Jesus is king and the Bride the Church is the Queen The dead woman Mary is not in the picture Her spirit like all others are around the throne . So now stop fabricating lies about the dead woman mary only her spirit is in heaven with every one else who have died in Christ . You should stop commenting until become Biblical literate because you are showing your Biblical ignorance .
The Purpose why God allowed His WORD to be written down called SCRIPTURE (written WORD of God) and SEALED them both (O.T./N.T.)... is just like having S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) for establishing Doctrines, for reproofing, for correcting, for instruct if the CHURCH is doing RIGHTFULLY in the Sight of God... or a SCALE/GUIDE (measuring stick) for "CHECKING and BALANCING" everything regarding FAITH (Spiritual Aspect) and RELIGION (Physical Practices)... Facts and Truth of the Matters, Biblically, Historically, and Logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
Patrick Montgomery ... Patrick... this is getting really weird. Every single person who has said thank you to Brant you have attacked. And I still maintain you don’t even know what we actually believe and do. I have just looked at a whole bunch of posts and there you are verging on harassment now. Not one person have I seen you have an intelligent/considered conversation with. This isn’t evangelising what you’re doing.
@@lenormand4967 quote---Dr. Pitre has the light of Jesus in abundance. He is also very diligent to seek the truth. unquote Truth?? He wouldn't know truth if it slapped him in him in the face!!! Here are some truths: FACTS" --The ONLY day GOD RESTED ON--Seventh day!! Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11 --The ONLY day GOD BLESSED--Seventh dayt---Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11 --The ONLY day GOD SANCTIFIED--Seventh day--Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11 --The ONLY day GOD NAMED--Seventh day--SAbbath--Isaiah 58:13 --The ONLY day GOD DECLARES as HIS HOLY DAY--Seventh day--Isaiah 58:13, Matthew 24:36-41 FACTS: Biblical Proof the seventh day (Saturday) IS the Sabbath Matt 27:62 The next day, the one after Preparation Day......(.Saturday) Mat 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, (Sunday) Mark 15:42 - It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath). Mark 16:1-2 - When the Sabbath was over,(After sunset Saturday) Mark 16:9 When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week (Sunday) Luke 23:54 It was Preparation Day, (friday) and the Sabbath was about to begin Luke 23:56 Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.( Just before sunset Friday) Luke 24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, (Sunday) John 19:31 Now since it was preparation day (Friday), in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath, for the sabbath day of that week was a solemn one, John 19:42 because of the Jewish day of Preparation (Friday), since the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there. 42 And so, because it was the day of preparation for the Jewish Passover. FACTS: About the catholic church: Change the Sabbath" Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her,- she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."- "A Doctrinal Catechism," by Rev. Stephen Keenan, page 174. "The Catholic Church of its own infallible authority created Sunday a holy day to take the place of the Sabbath of the old law."- Kansas City Catholic, Feb. 9, 1893. "The Catholic Church, . . . by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."- Catholic Mirror, official organ of Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893. "Ques.- Which is the Sabbath day? "Ans.- Saturday is the Sabbath day. "Ques.- Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? "Ans.- We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A. D. 336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday ."- "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine," by Rev. Peter Geiermann, C. SS. R.., page 50, third edition, 1913, a work which received the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X, Jan. 25, 1910. What was done at the Council of Laodicea was but one of the steps by which the change of the Sabbath was effected. The date usually given for this council is 364 A. D.
Psalm 45:7-17 (8-18) 7 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of joy above Your companions. 8 All Your garments are fragrant with myrrh, aloes, and cassia; From ivory palaces stringed instruments have made You joyful. 9 Kings’ daughters are among Your noble women; At Your right hand stands *THE QUEEN IN GOLD FROM OPHIR* . 10 Listen, daughter, look and incline your ear: Forget your people and your father’s house; 11 Then the King will crave your beauty. Because He is your Lord, bow down to Him. 12 The daughter of Tyre will come with a gift; The wealthy among the people will seek your favor. 13 THE *KING’S DAUGHTER IS ALL GLORIOUS WITHIN* ; Her clothing is interwoven with gold. 14 She will be brought to the King in colorful garments; THE VIRGINS, HER COMPANIONS WHO FOLLOW HER, WILL BE BROUGHT TO YOU. 15 They will be brought with joy and rejoicing; They will enter into the King’s palace. 16 In place of your fathers will be your sons; You shall make them princes in all the earth. 17 *I WILL MAKE YOUR NAME KNOWN AMONG ALL GENERATIONS THEREFORE THE PEOPLES WILL PRAISE YOU FOREVER AND EVER* . Compare with: Luke 1:40-41, 46-50 she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and *Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit* 46 And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord, 47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. 48 For He has had regard for the humble state of His bond-servant; *FOR BEHOLD FROM NOW ON ALL GENERATIONS WILL CALL ME BLESSED FOR THE MIGHTY ONE HAS DONE GREAT THINGS FOR ME AND HOLY IS HIS NAME* . 50 And His mercy is to generation after generation Toward those who fear Him.
Awesome as always. Is there a kids catechetical book that teaches biblical typology? I’d love to reach my kids (and myself) the numerous types in the Bible.
This is EXACTLY why we have so many Christian denominations-founded by people with little or no Old Testament knowledge, and who therefore throw out anything that doesn’t make sense to them but makes PERFECT sense when the entire picture is seen. Thank you, Dr. Pitre!
He still didn't give the entire picture as Mary is the Queen of Heaven and why pies 🥧 were baked for her according to the people and their traditions. It's ok. They can't tell all just yet, can they? Because they require the string a long totalitarian tiptoe in order to keep their corruptive systems alive out of fear
AGREED!!! Protestants don’t agree with each other’s doctrines, they have 30K denominations! Why should I as a Roman Catholic agree with them when they can’t agree with each other? (412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
Beautiful God bearer,Queen mother beautiful title,although she never sought it God honoured her.Bathsheba is honoured that you discussed her and Solomon in reference to the real Queen Mother Mary and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
I got this book about a week ago and I highly recommend it. It was very informative and contained many examples of Old Testament figures and how they were different "types" of Jesus and Mary.
@@NMDecember1 Who said that Mary did not need a Savior? That is why the church teaches the Immaculate Conception, Mary being saved in advanced by God so the Holy Spirit can conceive Jesus in Mary's womb. 2ND, Mary is Queen Mother/ NT Gebirah and that is by Tradition and the Royal Davidic Line. God chose to have a mother in the bubble of space and time (earth). Mary is queen mother because Jesus is a Davidic king. (Luke 1:32) In the Davidic line of kings, the mother of the king was the Queen. (1 Kings 2:19, Jer 13:18) Since Jesus is our King in the Kingdom of Heaven, His mother Mary is the Queen. The role of the Queen Mother (the Gebirah in Hebrew) is one of intercession (1 Kings 2:17) Mary is not just The Queen Mother / NT Gebirah and a saint, she is also the Ark of the New Covenant and the woman of revelation that is why we pray for her protection and intercession just like the old covenant i-s-ra-elites praying to the ark for protection against their enemies. HAIL FULL OF GRACE is a a salutation by Angel Gabriel to Mary in LUKE 1:28. "Blessed are you among women" was a greeting from Elizabeth in LUKE 1:42-43. Mary is queen because Jesus is the Son of David, all mothers of the kings of i-s-ra-el were called "queen mothers". The queenship in heaven is in PSALM 45:9 SIRACH 24. Mary is the queen crowned with 12 stars seen by John in Revelation 12.
@@alfray1072 I deleted my comment. I'm not sure what I believe anymore. I think I'm an atheist but if I was to believe still as a Christian Jesus should always be the focus not Mary.
@@NMDecember1 Mary leads you to the real Jesus. Intercessory prayers are instructed by St. Paul in 1 TIMOTHY 2:1. What does EPHESIANS 6:18 says? MAKING SUPPLICATION FOR ALL THE SAINTS ! Mary is not just a saint, she is the Ark of the New Covenant, The NT Gebirah, Daughter of Zion and the woman of revelation that is why we pray for her protection and intercession. SUPPLICATION (DEFINITION) - The action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly. EPHESIANS 6:18 Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, LUKE 1:28 HAIL FULL OF GRACE ROMANS 16:6 Salute Mary, who hath laboured much among you. Saints and angels in heaven interceding for us in REVELATION 4, 5, 6, 8. "Mediator" is Christ alone in one sense. As intercessors all members are " mediators". according to Catholicism and Scripture: 1- The Church is the body of Christ 2- There is only one body of Christ, not one on earth and another one in heaven. 3- Death does not separate the members of the body. 4- Christians are bound by the Law of Christ to love and pray for one another.
@@alfray1072 Only God can lead someone to Jesus. No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:44
Indeed, of all Christians, even those who do not call themselves Catholic. They just are blinded to the fact by their pernicious tradition of modern Protestantism which neglects honoring God's greatest creature, our Queen and Mother in heaven.
@@AmericanBerean Mary is no grater than any other mother To Christ Luke 11 : 27 - 28 ; Luke 8 : 21 ; Mark 3 : 35 ; Marr 12 : 50 ; and there is no scriptures stating Mary is our mother or Queen of Heaven that is fabricated lies of the Catholic Church and not scriptural . where do you get all of this garbage from . don`t tell me from false teachers Dr Pitre and DR.Hahn who use typology fabricate stories about the Dead woman named Mary .
@@donaldcooley897 Mark 3:35 and Matt 12:50 are not reducing Mary, that statement of Jesus' elevates those who believe and obey God's will. In this, Mary is the exemplar, above all other human beings! And this, by God's grace (as she herself emphasized, in saying "My soul doth magnify the Lord, 47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his andmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."), not any power of her own. You say "there is no scriptures stating Mary is our mother or Queen of Heaven". But there is, as in Scripture as a whole. You see, Jesus is king over the restored/renewed Kingdom of Israel, aka kingdom of David, kingdom of the LORD, kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven. Jesus restored/renewed it and called it His Church. If you study the OT, (Samuels, Kings, Chronicles, psalms), you'll notice that the queen of that kingdom was always the king's mother, not a wife. For example, Solomon's mother was queen of the kingdom ('gebira' in Hebrew). Flash forward to Jesus, descendant of David. He is now and forever king of the kingdom, known as the kingdom of Israel, kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, His Church. Mary is his mother. Therefore Mary is the queen of heaven. It's God's doing, not man's. It doesn't elevate her to divine, but God blessed her in that role. The Christian Church has always practiced this doctrine. Rejection of it is the new (less than 500 years) and novel doctrine here. Get deep in Scripture and history, my friend, then you will know the full Gospel Truth.
@@AmericanBerean You can stop with that typology garbage about Mary it is no scriptures to back any fabricated stories about Mary She was the woman God used to bring his son into the world Gal.4 :4 ; that all she was and she had no other mission here on earth or in heaven She was the mother Christ and other sons and daughters . Matt , Mark , and Luke does not elevate her above others . Christ says that any one that does the will of God is my mother . and the will of God is to believe on his son for everlasting . Yes Mary was honored and blessed to be the mother of Christ but Christ is saying she is no grater or blessed above those that do what the word of God , Which is to believe on his son .Luke 11 : 27 - 28 ; what I am saying is her place in heaven is not above the other we are all one in Christ , that includes Mary . Think about it she is never mentioned in the letters to the Churches or after Acts 1 :14 ;
@@donaldcooley897 Typology is a true feature of the OT. Your denial of it is the new and novel idea here, my friend. Nowhere in Scripture does it say Jesus Mary and Joseph had other sons and daughters. Let me explain... You will find references to Jesus' brothers or sisters, but when you consider all the Scriptures, you find that in the Jewish culture all near relatives were called brothers and sisters. For example, Lot is referred to as Abraham's brother. In Hebrew and Aramaic there weren't words for nephew, niece, cousin. This carried over into the Greek of the NT, the cultural custom was to call all near relatives by the Greek word for brother or sister, not Greek cousin. That, coupled with the fact that men who were called Jesus' brothers are explicitly described as sons of other women or men, elsewhere in Scripture. Further, all Christians accepted Mary's perpetual virginity, until recent centuries. Even the first 'Reformers' believed it! Only in the last few centuries do you find folks denying it. Therefore, it is a false doctrine, that Mary had other sons or daughters. Again, get deep in Scripture and history, brother, then you will know Truth. Peace.
Dear ... You need to know that Saint are mediators between this earth and the heaven. For once the belong to this earth... Mary was totally human and Lord God has exalted her .. talking to your mother could never be adultery. So she is to us.
quote---Right explaination for our faith in our mother an in her intercession. unquote How did Mary intercede?? She made a statement of fact!!! Same as someone saying,"It's raining out".
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
matt tenney Mary's hearing of the word of God and obedience to it is incomparable. The obedience and faith was so deep that the word became flesh in her. Elizabeth also bore testimony to her faith(Lk 1:45). Jesus's divinity is also displayed in scripture that you have quoted. Jesus praised His mother while speaking the truth simultaneously.
It does not say blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nurses you. It literally says blessed is the womb that birthed you and the paps that gave thee suck. They were glorifying Mary’s body parts. He said, not not her body parts but her.
Jesus was actually affirming their statement by adding to the statement by saying that His Mother was obedient when she was told of her being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. ❤
Who did the Devil attack first? - Eve. Since the Devil couldn't hurt God, the Devil zeroed in on the person most precious to God. God had created Eve last within creation somewhat like saving the best for last. Therefore in order to have the last laugh God set up the humiliation of the Devil by bestowing favors upon Mary and arranging for His own Son take flesh from Mary's flesh. Eve said, "No" to God but Mary said, "Yes." Thus Jesus Christ establishes our salvation, but He is very content to watch the Devil's strongholds crumble under the blessedness that God bestows on us because we stay close to Mary. "The dragon went to wage war against the rest of her offspring: those who keep God's commandments bear witness to Jesus" - Revelation 12:17. To bear witness to Jesus means to know His plans and intentions and to carry them out; consequently, no one knows the plans of a man like the mother who is held in high honor by her son. "Behold your mother" - John 19:27. Jesus meant the full significance of mother who is someone who gives life, but of course someone (God) must instill life within her. Water sustains life but it is the well that holds the water so that one may draw out the life-giving water.
Martin , You don`t know what you are talkin about . Mary was a vessel or a woman that brought Christ in to the world that all she was . she is not our mother Christ says to his disciple be hold thy mother and he took her home with him how do you get that she is every ones mother from , that only the catholic think and believe that lie Jesus didn`t mean any thing about his mother being every ones mother she was a mother to her other sons and daughters and that is one of the last time you will here of her in the scriptures she didn`t go to the Grave or was she there when he was resurrected Only Mary Magdalene and she was the first to see and talk to him before any one else Mary was last seen in the upper room with her son waiting for the Holy Spirit . The writers of the New Testament Never mention her . because she has nothing to do with redemption or salvation or mediating or our relation with Christ or with Christians worshiping God She dead only her spirit lives
Only two times does Scripture refer to Jesus as the Word (and the second time does not specially name Jesus), yet that does not prohibit us from exulting Jesus as the fullness of God’s Revelation. So your reason that all the New Testament writers fail to mention Mary is not really a good argument. Ultimately it comes down to your personal interpretation with thousands of other divided Protestant interpretations VS the one Catholic interpretation. When Revelation mentions the “woman” has other offspring (and interestingly enough Jesus only ever referred to His mother as “woman”), Catholics find this passage of Revelation to be a strong reinforcement by John that Mary is the mother of those who bear witness to Jesus and fulfill the commands of God (Revelation 12:17).
Martin , It is not my interpretation , it is the word of God . You Catholic are so in love with a dead woman who has nothing to do with us worshiping God . No where in the scriptures is she still alive in the body her body ,her body is dead in the Grave only her spirit is in heaven with other spirits of dead saved people Rev. 12 has nothing todo with Mary she has been dead2000+ years when this take place . The woman is Israel that is not my interpretation it is backed up by scriptures . Rev. 12 : 17 talk is still talking about the 144000 Jews that God sealed and took into the wilderness verse 17 the remnant is the 144000 Jews you catholic always seem to find something that is not in the scriptures Gal. 4 : 4 God refers to her as a woman that he used to bring his son into the world that all she was nothing else she has nothing else to do with salvation , mediating , answering our prayers , or bringing us to Christ or God its not in the scriptures what make you think that the apostate Roman Catholic interpretation is right when it is not scriptural it is like I said the New Testament never mention her because she has nothing to do with the Churches and the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls what does the fact that she went home with a disciple have to do with her being called mother of the world ? nothing , only in the minds of you poor misguided Catholic sheep who listen to and believe in traditions and writings of people and not the inspired scriptures
Here is a timeline to help you understand why Paul did not have much insight into Mary unlike Luke who wrote Acts and also worked closely with Paul. Once Paul was under house arrest in Rome, Luke must have left Paul and lost track any further activities of Paul since Luke couldn’t be in two places at once. Luke hasn’t written anything yet because he wants to investigate everything from the beginning as he states to Theophilus at the beginning of Luke’s Gospel. Therefore while Psul is somewhere in Rome, Luke goes to investigate things about Jesus that Paul never took time to investigate such as the details of Jesus infancy. Luke was not in the stable in Bethlehem and could not have known about the shepherds who came to see Jesus and the hosts of angels proclaiming His birth. So how was Luke able to write about this? As stated before, Paul was arrested in Rome and Luke went get the back story before beginning his writing. Therefore Paul who never took time to learn about the extra details of Jesus life did not talk to Mary. However Luke would have had to taken time to meet her in order to know the details if Jesus’ infancy. Paul never took time to learn about Mary unlike Luke. If you read Luke’s Gospel, he is the one who includes Mary’s prophecy that “all generations will call me blessed” -Luke 1:48. Luke is the one who includes the angel Gabriel’s greeting to Mary, “Kecharitomene” which incorporates in it the word “chariots” = “grace”. The mystery being revealed here if your eyes are open is that Mary shared in God’s redeeming grace even before the Holy Spirit has conceived Jesus within her. As for the harlot woman no where does it say she represents an “apostate church”. That is a completely unscriptural thought. Jerusalem itself was the apostate and the chosen people of God failed to acknowledge Jesus are the harlot which corresponds to Scriptures terminology of sometimes calling Israel’s people a harlot (like in the book of Hosea to mention one place). This is the true understanding of God’s word. Israel cannot be both the woman who gave birth to Jesus and also the harlot who got drunk on the blood of martyrs. You would understand more of the historical context of Revelation if you took the time to listen to Scott Hahn who is a learned scholar of scripture and history and studied closely the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the end of the Jewish culture in Jerusalem for many centuries. Catholics where the first Christians and became known as Catholics only as a necessary distinction when other Christians came along (such as Gnostics) and people needed a way distinguish groups of Christians. Unfortunately today we still need the term Catholic in order to distinguish the first Christians from other Christians who haven’t held the fullness of the Christian revelation which includes Sacred Tradition such as worshipping God in Sunday which Scripture never explicitly states or to be blunt the very real connection in God’s living family in heaven and on earth plus in purgatory. I’ve said a lot now for this post so I’m ending it.
Martin , Don`t add any thing to the time line that is not in the scriptures . Paul was an apostles to the Churches and the Gentiles don`t assume that Paul didn`t know any thing about Christ `s infancy . and Mary, beside there is no prophecy of Mary . Mary has nothing to do with his mission to the establish Churches and preach the Gospel . Paul was being lead by the Holy Spirit and preached and taught what God wanted him to do , and mary had nothing to do with the salvation of sinners and the establishing of the Churches Mary didn`t have any thin to do with redeeming the lost sinners Christ is the only redeemer mary has nothing to do with it . Your Scott Hahn is a false teacher , teaching false doctrine that are not in the scriptures . You don`t know any thing about Rev 12 or Rev. 17 and 18 only what the apostate Roman Catholic Church teaches Rev. 12 talks about the woman that is crowned with 12 stars which is Israel the Crown represent the 12 tribes of Israel not Mary she is dead and has nothing to do with any of this ,no one said mary is the Harlot in Rev. 17 Rev 17 is talking about the apostate universal ecclesiastical Babylon which headed up by the papacy . the apostate Roman Catholic Church become apostate when it become the universal Catholic Church when the Emperor Constantine Mixed pagan religion with Christian religion and it become known at Rome that as the New Babylon , the MYSTEYS BABYLON THE GREAT , THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND THE ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH and also the Great Whore . This is the Roman Catholic Church along with all other apostate denomination and religions and there unsaved members that have not put their Faith in Christ for salvation God says Come out from her and be not partakers of her sins
Good distinction at the end there about honor and worship, never even heard of the Collyridians....must of missed it the first go’round through “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist.” Highly recommend it!
Patrick Montgomery ok. I hear ya. To be “only” the mother of Jesus is pretty special though, right?!. I hope to be “only” a brother of Christ. I like the Bible too, let’s do that, 3 things, 1) who is the lady in Rev 12 wearing a crown? Why would she be wearing a crown, birthing a son who would rule the nations? 2) why in Luke 1:48 did Mary say, “all generations will call me blessed”? As far as I know, only RC’s & Orthodox and some Protestants do that, which fulfill that prophecy. And 3) why did our Blessed Lord give Mary to us at the Crucifixion? “Woman, behold your son, Son behold your Mother.” To be a brother with Christ means to have Mary as a mother. (Jn 19:26-27) so it seems to me. Peace PM!
Yes! Catholics honor NOT worship images & statues? YES! “Honour all men.” (1 Peter 2:17) (Luke 24:4-5) (CCC 2132) “The honor paid to sacred images is a ‘respectful veneration’, NOT the Adoration due to God alone.”
Brothers and Sisters in Christ never listen to protestants who troll Catholic podcasts to ruin souls. God teaches us in 1 Peter 5:8-11, "8 Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour. 9 Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experience of suffering is required of your brotherhood throughout the world. 10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, establish, and strengthen you. 11 To him be the dominion for ever and ever. Amen." The Bible is a Catholic book. It always was and always will be. Brilliant video. The demons are screaming in pain. God bless you all.
quote----Brothers and Sisters in Christ never listen to protestants who troll Catholic podcasts to ruin souls. God teaches us in 1 Peter 5:8-11, "8 Be sober, be watchful. .......... unquote Peter ALSO SAYS--Acts 5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. Do you??? NOPE!!! HYPOCRITE!! Ex 20:3-6 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition 3 “You shall have no other gods before[b] me. 4 “You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. AND: Ex 20:8-11 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition 8 “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your maidservant, or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; 11 for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it.
Dear DR. BRANT PITRE I have something to share and I hope You agree. Most of the Protestants quote the verse from Gospel that Jesus refused to call Mary His Mother when Holy Mother Mary and His cousin Brothers came to meet Him while Jesus was teaching. Though they neglect to understand the rest of the verses, in which Jesus clearly says that those who obey The Commandments are my Mother, Brothers and Sisters. It makes perfect sense that Jesus had given an open invitation to all to be His relatives by obeying The Word of God. Through ages many have become His relatives as considering Male and Female Saints, Righteous and Pious persons. The Holy Mother Mary is the Blessed Queen of all.
Thank you so much Dr Brant Pitre. You said that your wife grew up a Baptist. Now a good friend of mine was brought up as a Presbyterian are planning to get married. However, I am planning to tell her that if she is not ready to accept all the Catholic teachings, then we can't get married to each other. Both of us are currently doing our doctorate studies abroad. She attends mass because her church is not close by. Please I need your advice
Luke 2 -34-35 34. and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, 35. and you yourself a sword will pierce so the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed."
Revelation 12:17 “Then the dragon was angry with the woman, * and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus...”
Patrick Montgomery Every verse in the Bible is only a single verse, but I thought this one may help to shed some light on your current stance. Being in opposition to Christ Mother is being in opposition to Christ and to align with the dragon. Unless you know this already?,... which would explain your most rude and irrational posts. Unless maybe English and it’s related grammar and punctuation are not your native language.
I love Dr. Brant Pitre's teaching method because it is so authetic to the Queen Mother. Dr. Brant reminds me of Scott Hahn. It is strange that so many Protestants see all the ancient flood stories echoing of the Great Deluge in Genesis. Yet so few see the ancient Queen Mother stories echoing the Protoevangelion in Genesis. The Immaculate of Mary will Triumph. ❤ Like Abraham I hope and trust my belief in God is counted to me as righteousness so that I would be called a friend of God, like James 2:21-23 I hope we're all welcomed in the Bosom of Abraham. ❤ If we do not live in the Spirit of Love, then we are doing this all for show. Dear Lord Jesus, please petition God Our Father in Heaven that He forever fills us with the authentic Spirit of Love in the Holy Spirit. Numbers 12:3 -Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth. But the Virgin Mother clearly superseded Moses in Ancient Palestine -- and the Whole world -- with the Birth of Christ. Mary is the perfect fulfilment of Colossians 1:24. While Jesus was in Mary's Womb, the Heart of Christ was beating in unison with the Heart of Mary. It needs to be strongly cautioned that this is going to be the most painful event in human history. And it is going to require the strongest labor of love we have ever given. But we will get through this -- if we but live by the Holy Spirit. I believe this is what the Early Church meant when they spoke, both male and female, about Spiritually being Pregnant with Christ. Mary's physical pregnancy with Christ is the typology of our spiritual pregnany with Christ. ❤ To the Africans, the Sacred Virgin Mary is African. To the American Indians, the Sacred Virgin Mary is American Indian. To the Asians, the Sacred Virgin Mary is Asian. To the Australians, the Sacred Virgin Mary is Australian. To the Europeans, the Sacred Virgin Mary is European. To the Indians, the Sacred Virgin Mary is Indian. To the Melanesians (of New Guinnea), the Sacred Virgin Mary is Melanesian. To the Micronesians (of Mariannas), the Sacred Virgin Mary is Micronesian. To the Polynesians (of Hawaii), the Sacred Virgin Mary is Polynesian. But God our Father in Heaven clearly fell in love with the Hebrew Woman Mary. ❤ From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me- holy is His name. His mercy extends to those who fear Him, from generation to generation. - Luke 1:48-50 ❤
“Gebirah” is in Tanakh 15X, means “Queen Mother” or “Great Lady” (Genesis 16:4, 8, 9, 1 Kings 11:19, 15:13, 2 Kings 5:3, 10:132 Chronicles 15:16, Psalm 123:2, Proverbs 30:23, Isaiah 24:2, 47:5, 7, Jeremiah 13:18, 29:2) In Judah the KING’S MOTHER sits as Queen Mother (1 Kings 15:13) @ his “Right hand the queen in gold.” (Psalms 45:9, 110:1) (CCC 663-664), intercedes peoples’ PRAYERS to the king (1 Kings 2:17, 20) wears a CROWN (Jeremiah 13:18), has a Kis·’ōw (THRONE) (Tanakh), the king BOWS to her (1 Kings 2:19), teaches the king (Proverbs 31:1) Mary is eternal QUEEN MOTHER because Jesus is Judah’s eternal king (CCC 488, 966) (Luke 1:27, 31-33) (Romans 1:3) St. Paul: “Pray for all Saints.” (Ephesians 6:18) “Pray for us.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1) “Pray one for another.” (James 5:16) Includes Mary, a Saint? YES!
@Patrick Montgomery Let's begin here, Patrick. Who decided which books belong in your Bible (and when exactly); also, who gave you authority to interpret the Bible (and when exactly)?
@Patrick Montgomery Patrick ... you sadly don't know much even about the formation of the Bible. Let's ask this question. Who had authority to close the canon of the Old Testament and when was that done. I'll give you a hint - watch this short video: ua-cam.com/video/0k0UV2Zi5X0/v-deo.html
Patrick Montgomery that do not have the truth to stand on the . The Catholics have been changing and miss leading the masses from the beginning to distort the truth and keep the truth from the people
@Patrick Montgomery by your comment, I suppose you are a Protestant. If so, let me tell you something: Christianity didn't start in XVI Century, my friend. Accept it! And if you show some intelectual curiosity, try to read Saint Ignatius of Antioch (direct disciple of Saint John), or Saint Policarp (also direct disciple of Saint John), or Clemens of Rome (direct disciple of Saint Peter), or the Didaché, or anyother writing of the primitive Church (anything wrote before Constantine). If you are truly commited to the Truth and have enough courage to do so, like mr. Brant Pitre did when he was a Protestant, you'll learn how much Catholic the first christians were: the Eucharist, the hierarchical priesthood, the submision to the Bishop of Rome (i.e., the Pope), the veneration of the Saints and everything else Luther, your "father", rejected is present there. Enjoy! It's better for you to repent and come back home... while you have time. Finally, stop making stupid replies in every comment other people do. I know this may be ok for you, Protestants, but, honestly, it's idiotic and show nothing but bad manners. By the way you behave I'd bet you may have 12 or 13 years old, 15 at maximum. That's not ok, little man! Stop or I'll talk to your daddy!
@Patrick Montgomery well, well, look who is back! The 12 years old boy that has very bad manners! And maybe some of my comments on idiotic behaviour, as it seems, have "landed". Did you like it, little boy? I suppose not. Learn something then: be polite and don't act like a child. If you are not a Protestant, what are you? An atheist? The "smart" guys who believe that matter is everything? The ones that, by proclaiming this, implicitly declare themselves as automatons? And if you are an automaton and all your actions are determined by matter, why are you so proud of your own positions? More: why should I waste my time with your "rubbish"? Do you really consider yourself a machine? If so, why you waste your own time making stupid comments on UA-cam videos? Is this the climax of your evolutionary process? And why bother if the other "machines" are also pre-determined to do what they do? Do you have a bug in your own "program" that prevents you to understand basic logical implications? Continuing on intelectual curiosity: how do you explain Miracles? Or you really think they don't exist? Or you negate them just because you know that their existence will make your castle of cards ruin? Well, try these: Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano (researched by scientists), Miracle of the Sun in Fatima (witnessed by 70,000 people, including reporters, polititians, members of Academia, etc), the many cures of Lourdes (all confirmed by medics), the bilocations and cures of Padre Pio of Pieltrecina (confirmed by American military during WWII), the Shroud of Turin (researched by Nasa scientists; read what they had written), the materialization of a Holy Host in Garabandal (filmed and available on UA-cam), etc, etc, etc. Enjoy!
@Patrick Montgomery sorry I can't decipher your 12 years old way of typing. But you are so, so funny! I think you have multiple personas inside you. Regards.
Ave Maria 🙏 Hail Holy Queen Mother of Mercy. God forgive and have mercy on those who blaspheme against her perpetual virginity, her holy image, against her Immaculate Conception, against the divine and spiritual maternity of Mary. Amen
I personally think Bathsheba knew exactly what Adonijah was up to when he asked her to intercede---she knew he had to go (be executed), so she asked Solomon for David's youngest wife for A. (whoever marries the king's wife is the king, right). Bathsheba knew she was forcing Solomon to deal with his eldest brother before he could attempt to take her son's throne from him. Just my opinion...….!
We are warned that there will be MANY not a few deceived. Look what Mary says and who she points to: Luke 1:46-55 NKJV 46 And Mary said: “My soul magnifies THE LORD, 47 And my spirit has rejoiced in GOd MY 🚨 Savior🚨 (See she needed a Saviour too) 48 For HE has regarded the lowly state of HIS maidservant; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.(🚨this is NOT an instruction to pray to Mary🚨) 49 For HE who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is HIS name. 50 And HIS mercy is on those who fear Him From generation to generation. 51 (HE has shown strength with His arm; HE has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. 52 HE has put down the mighty from their thrones, And exalted the lowly. 53 HE has filled the hungry with good things, And the rich He has sent away empty. 54 HE has helped HIS servant Israel, In remembrance of HIS mercy, 55 As He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and to HIS seed forever.” Mary did not hang on cross for your sins. #john316 #eternityisforever
AND YET: Luke 8:19-21 19 Then his mother and his brothers came to him, but they could not reach him because of the crowd. 20 And he was told, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, desiring to see you.” 21 But he answered them, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.” So much for that theory.
That's a spiritual teaching. Do/obey/follow the work of the Father and you become a brother, a sister, a mother Funny how protestantism forgets the very commandment to honor thy mother. If they actually put this into practice....they would realize all their points on Mary, are false...... because in all their points, they do not honor thy mother. Jesus would never break a commandment yet in protestantism, the logic has Jesus breaking that commandment. Thus.........debunking protestantism
The universal church consists of all believers worldwide whom Christ has saved from the Day of Pentecost until He returns. bible.org/seriespage/lesson-1-what-church-various-scriptures #John316
St. Ignatius an apostle of St. John: (107 A.D.) “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the CATHOLIC church.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2) (110 A.D.) “Repent and return into the unity of the church, follows a SCHISM he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” (Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4) (412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
(253 A.D.) Bishop Cyprian: “Throne of Peter, the chief church, the Romans.” (Epistle 54:14) “One Church, one chair… another altar cannot be set up, nor a new priesthood… whoever gathers elsewhere scatters.” (Letters 43[40]:5) “He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” (Mathew 12:30) “Serpent (Satan) invented heresies and schisms he might corrupt the truth.” (De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate 1, 3-4) (e.g., orthodox, protestants etc.,) (367 A.D. St. Optatus): “Rome… sat Peter, the head of all the Apostles… ONE Cathedra (Chair)… Apostles might claim separate Cathedras, he would already be a schismatic and a sinner.” (Against the Donatists, Book 2 Chapter 2) (CCC 552) (412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
Studying the gospel of John where Mary (THE MOTHER OF JESUS ACCORDING TO JOHN) is mentioned twice, in the wedding of Cana and at the foot of the cross. The 2 texts are linked in many ways but I have no time to go through all of their details, I will attract your attentions to the titles given by Jesus to his mother, WOMAN, never encountered in the Bible that a man calls his mother Woman, and the second title MOTHER, when he told the disciple: Behold your mother. Those happen to be the two titles given to Eve by Adam. "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." "...Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living." The same way Jesus is the new Adam, Mary is the new Eve.
Don't bother reading the entire account of the Council of Ephesus below then...Protestants always tell me how incorrect I am then ultimately only rely on their "opinion" to disprove my ideas (rather the long-thought out reflections of the Church)....
Glenn , what the council of Ephesus does not over ride the inspired word of God There is no mention of Marian devotion in the scriptures or Marynology or any thing that mary has to do with worshiping God or our relation with Christ That is not my opinion it is not scriptural
@@donaldcooley897: it was a Council that decided which Books ARE the Word of God...did you notice the video above? His whole point is to show Marian devotion, not worship, you are wrong there, is entirely Scriptural....
"The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger." ---Jeremiah 7:18
You notice here that these people is Jeremiah are offering sacrifice to this "queen of heaven". This pagan goddess was a thing that these people believed to be a god. Of course this angered the true God. But if you look in Revelation 12, you'll find a woman who is also considered a queen because of the crown she wears, and this woman is known as Mary, the mother of Jesus. If you listened to Brant Pitre talk about the queen mother, then you would have heard that Mary's title is the mother of God and also the queen of Heaven.
Just get his book. It’s all there. One fallacy in your thought process, though, is the idea that the Church has to be explained in the Bible. The Church didn’t come from the Bible - the Bible came from the Church. Jesus told us he came to establish his Church (Matt 16:18). And, he told us that his Church is to be the final arbiter of any disagreements between believers (Matt 18:17). This Church existed before any of the New Testament was written and it is this Church which, nearly 400 years later, gave us the Bible.
@@ST-ov8cm Again, the WORD of God was/is with God/YHWH before it became a SCRIPTURE (Handwritten/Manuscript)... long before God/YHWH established His CHURCH through Christ Jesus (The Rock)... The "WORD of God" built the CHURCH of God in Christ and not the other way around... The closest to the Early 7 Churches in Asia Minor of the 1st Cent. A.D. were the Greek Orthodox Churches of the 2nd Cent. A.D. ... Proof?... the Original Scriptures (O.T/N.T.) were all written in Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Languages only ... and not in Roman LATIN... The Scriptures (o.T./N/T) were translated only in the 4th Cent. A.D. upon the creation of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH under the leadership of the Roman Emperor Constantine... The WORD of God became a Complete Individual Manuscripts (SCRIPTURE) in Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Language only around 110 A.D. after the last Apostle (John) died at the END of the 1st Cent. A.D.... God/YHWH through Christ Jesus built His CHURCH for the purpose of IMPLEMENTING and EXECUTING the WILL (Prerogatives) of God/YHWH that was written in God's WORD/SCRIPTURE... The Authority to "BIND and LOOSE" means to "BIND (accept)" the implementation and practices of the WORD of God... and to "LOOSE (reject)" the implementation and practices that were not in the WORD of God... on Earth and in Heaven... The R.C. CHURCH has NO Authority to create/make their own SCRIPTURE (Word of God/Doctrines/Dogmas)... and nothing to be ADDED nor SUBTRACTED (taken away)... ALL SCRIPTURE is GOD-BREATHE (Inspired)... the O.T. was sealed by Prophet Daniel through the Angel. (ref. Daniel 12:4)... and the N.T. was sealed by Apostle John through the Angel. (ref. Rev. 22:18-19)... The SCRIPTURE (Word of God) is COMPLETE and SUFFICIENT enough, lacking nothing thereof... (ref. 2 Timothy 3:16)... The Purpose why God allowed His WORD to be written down called SCRIPTURE (written WORD of God) and SEALED them both (O.T./N.T.)... is just like having S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) for establishing Doctrines, for reproofing, for correcting, for instruct if the CHURCH is doing RIGHTFULLY in the Sight of God... or a SCALE/GUIDE (measuring stick) for "CHECKING and BALANCING" everything regarding FAITH (Spiritual Aspect) and RELIGION (Physical Practices)... Facts and Truth of the Matters, Biblically, Historically, and Logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
Yes.......thank you for being the perfect example of why protestantism is false.. Now, let's go with your logic that it has to be PLAINLY WRITTEN in scripture Show me exactly what verse in the Bible does it say to worship Jesus. Thanks in advance for proving the falsehood of protestantism.........
@@user-fc9iq6le2g Ref. John 10:30... "I AND MY FATHER (GOD/YHWH) ARE ONE.".... therefore, if you Worship the Father God/YHWH, you are also automatically worshipping the Son/Word/Christ Jesus at the same time... logically with a little common sense.... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
It’s crazy to think Jesus needs a mediator to god or to Jesus . Jesus Christ is god . This is part of the big deception I will pray for all of you my long lost relative
I’m sorry if I sound frustrated because there’s really really common basic Protestant objections to things and very little nuanced conversation. You think we haven’t heard these objections before but it’s apologetics 101. You will not convert anyone with what you said here in this comment and if that’s your hope and goal try to actually learn what is happening and reform your argument. Mary is INTERCESSOR. Just as I might ask someone to pray for me, so I ask Mary. The prayers of the righteous are powerful (James 5:16). We also know the saints are in heaven offering their prayers to God. Who is more righteous than Mary? She was “kacharitomene” to God the Father (full of grace, highly favoured), mother of God the Son and mystical spouse of God the Holy Spirit. No creature comes closer to God than that. We also know that Jesus does not refuse his mother and honours her (wedding at Cana and the finding in the temple). Mary is the archetype of a Christian. She is the very very first Christian. Her will is 100% aligned to Jesus. It is thanks to her “yes”, her unbelievable sacrifice of her life that we have our Messiah. As we know a soul pierced her own soul too. She IS the woman in Rev 12 as primary symbol (and before you say yes the woman is secondary symbol of the church... she IS the archetypal Christian). If you hold to the testimony and keep God’s commandments then she is also YOUR mother. She is the new ark of the covenant (learn your typologies). She is Lady Wisdom. She is the gebirah. So what does this all mean?.... she is a powerful saint to implore. Mortal sin separates you from God. But Mary is able to help intercede when you are not so righteous. Now you know a vague understanding of the Catholic position of Mary. Worship to God contains sacrifice (the end of this video talks about this). We do not sacrifice to Mary. We honour her just as I would honour my own mother with praise and gifts etc. God is the only person we sacrifice to. We venerate and honour her. We Catholics also spend most of our time talking directly to Jesus. God calls us to be a family. It’s like you’re saying I should only talk to my dad and no one else in my family. It’s not that talking to Mary means we are taking away from Jesus. Mary is ALWAYS pointing to Jesus. As she said her souls magnifies the Lord. When you realise Mary and her role the whole bible narrative will show its chiastic structure to you and it will help you understand the mysteries of salvation. I pray for YOU my long lost relative. I hope you figure it out. I know you are a dear brother in Christ. God bless. 21 How very unpleasant is wisdom to the unlearned, and the unwise will not continue with her. 22 She shall be to them as a mighty stone of trial, and they will cast her from them before it be long. 23 For the wisdom of doctrine is according to her name, and she is not manifest unto many, but with them to whom she is known, she continueth even to the sight of God. Sirach 6:21-23 | DRBn
Robert ... I can’t believe you are speaking about Jesus’ mother like this... again.... think very carefully about how you speak about her... God the father calls her kacharitomene... a very unique name... meaning full of grace, past, present and future She is the mother of God the Son She is mystical spouse of the Holy Spirit How on earth is the woman who for all generations shall be called blessed (Luke Ch 2) have anything to do with the antichrist? BLESSED FOR ALL GENERATIONS! It is unbelievable what you have just said. Your idea is a very demonic idea. Unbelievable.
I'm sorry but this is kinda frustrating actually. First off, God did NOT set Israel up to have kings see Samuel where God tells his people that he the Lord is King and the people still wanted a physical King. God actually took offense at this request because of thier constant rejection but tells them essentially fine you want a King I will give you. But know this, as the Lord further explains that Kings will demand much from them and if a bad King comes God will ignore their complaint. David was blessed by God because through the root of Jesse and through the line of David God will be made flesh. The linage in Mathew is to demonstrate that Jesus is the awaited Messiah by showing the line of both Jospeh and Mary. This is showing what has been spoken of by the prophets has been fulfilled. Secondly, the magnificat is not a self glorification in any way. It is common to acknowledge that it is the Lord who sets up kingdoms of men and thrusts them down to raise up another. Nebuchadnezzar, King Saul, and among others are prime examples of how the Lord throws Kings down and raises up new ones due to sin. Multiple thrones is because Mary is referring to all those who were in thrones and removed by God. This is not Mary glorifying herself but glorifying God who does these things.
I was born into a Baptist family. For 51 years I NEVER heard anything like this teaching. It makes PERFECT sense! Praise be Jesus Christ for His mercy and grace by bringing me into the Catholic Church!
Jesus is right!
He founded just one Church.
God wanted our existence united to Him and opposed to all division instigated by the devil, whose name means: "The divider".
The Greek words “dia” & “bolos” mean “across” & “who throws across” to describe the DEVIL in the New Testament. He’s the one who throws children & other vulnerable souls across the sea, creates chaos, ruptures relationships & breaks down human connections.
Protestantism, as you well know, is DIVIDED into more than 68,000 churches and sects because of Martin Luther's "Sola Scriptura" doctrine, INEXISTENT in the Bible. What exists is unity and authority under ONE Apostolic Magisterium named by Jesús, which is transferred throughout the centuries by imposition of hands, as described by St. Paul, to contínuos future successors until the end of times, just like the Bible describes.
Adopting the unbiblical doctrine made up by Martin Luther, contradicts the promises made by Jesus who is God.
Who must we believe?
I say, we must believe God!
▪︎MATTHEW 16:18-19
18. “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.
19. “I will give YOU the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in HEAVEN, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”
In fact, Jesús gave a catholic mission to His ONE and only Church, to go to ALL nations, promising never to abandon, remaining with Her until the end of times, in spite of any imperfections of individual members:
▪︎MATTHEW, 28:19-20
19. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit,
20. teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you ALWAYS, until the end of the age.”
The word Catholic originates from the Greek adjective καθολικός (katholikos), meaning "universal". Not thousands of divided churches and sects around the world.
Jesus founded just one Church, the Catholic Church. Such, is an undeniable biblical and historical fact. Furthermore Christ's Church, the Catholic Church, will never go wrong; in spite of individual failures, keeping the truth until the end, just as in apostolic times:
▪︎JOHN 16:12-15
12. “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.
13. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into ALL the Truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
14. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.
15. All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.
The Truth is sanctified in just ONE Church:
▪︎JOHN 17:17-19
17. Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth.
18. As you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world.
19. And I consecrate myself for them, so that they ALSO may be consecrated in truth.
Unity will always identify Christ's Church, because God is ONE:
▪︎JOHN 17:20-23
20. “I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word,
21. so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.
22 And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are one,
23. I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to perfection as one, that the world may know that you sent me, and that you loved them even as you loved me.
Any doubts we must be one Church?
May God bless your discernment.
So, have you been disobeying the command of Jesus Christ to drink his blood ever since you became catholic because they deny it to you as a lowly non priest?
It is understandable you being non-Catholic that you can only speculate through your limited knowledge and extreme prejudice.
When we eat and drink the bread and the wine of the Lord's Supper at Mass with expectant faith, we have communion with the body and blood of our Lord and receive forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. The bread and wine are rightly Christ's body and blood soul and Divinity, which he gave to his disciples and now to us at every Mass.
The fact is no Catholic thinks of the Eucharist as symbolic. All communicants know is the Body and Blood of our Lord in us, once received. So when God the Father see us, He sees His Son in us.
▪︎JOHN 6: 48-50
48. I am the bread of life.
49. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died.
50. This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and NOT DIE.
How is that possible?
Jesus lets us know that even though the souls of the dead, having been judged, are in their final destination for good or evil, the BODIES of the just who believe Jesus' promise will live forever in Heaven in imitation of Him, with glorified BODIES united to their respective souls.
▪︎JOHN 6: 51-50
51. I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
Then the unbelieving "protestants" of those days, surely enough, said, in:
▪︎JOHN 6: 52
52. The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”
But Jesus never retracted:
▪︎JOHN 6:53
53. So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless YOU EAT the flesh of the Son of man and DRINK his blood, you have NO life in you;
54. he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal LIFE, and I will raise HIM up at the last day.
Therefore, if you want to be raised up on the last day, belueve and do what our Lord says. That's it!
May God bless your discernment.
Every Catholic knows you're lying, Joe.
Regardless of your flowery interpretation of John chapter 6, you do not obey your own words.
Every Catholic knows that you as a lowly non-priest are not allowed to drink... find a church that allows you to obey God.
(pay attention to those last three words)
Matthew 26:27 ESV - "And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you,"
You have the right to think as you please. We in the Diocese of Charlotte, prior to the pandemic, received communion under both species: Bread and Wine. This practice will return soon. Furthermore, it is a FACT, that our Lord is fully present in both, the consecrated bread and the consecrated wine. Therefore either form provides a viable communion.
On the other hand, it is a bit arrogant of your part to tell someone you don't know what he does or doesn't do. Straighten your mind and leave arrogance to fanatical "talibans".
May God bless your discernment.
Even though I come from a strong Catholic family I cannot believe I’ve grown expediently in my faith just on listening to you Dr Pitre! Thank you 🙏!!
Matthew 7: 13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Please I implore you to read bible and cling to Jesus.
You make your decision about God in this life and if you are wrong you CAN'T change that decision. #john316
Same! I love Jesus and his mother. I feel sad for the people who think Mary was just a simple woman. She will lead us to her son. And the beauty of the rosary is that you meditate on the life of Christ through the eyes of his mother. She also is depicted with the half moon at times. She like the moon is nothing without the son. And God trusted her so much that he used her as a vessel for his most son to enter the world. I also feel that is is blasphemous to speak bad of Jesus mother.
God NEVER commanded a Sabbath change.
Christ NEVER worshiped on Sunday.
Christ does the will of his father.
Christ NEVER taught Mary to be a mediator/intercessor.
NO disciple taught Mary to be a mediator/intercessor
NO disciple ever worshiped on Sunday.
Mary NEVER claimed to be sinless.
Mary never claimed to hav e remained a virgin.
Peter was NEVER the given the title of Pope.
No mention in THE BIBLE of Mary assumption into heaven.
Christ NEVER Taught Mary would go to heaven.
If Jesus is holy, all powerful, God and sinless, would he enter earth through a sinful and filthy rug? No. Common sense, right?
@@ishmaelwore8197 >>>QUOTE------If Jesus is holy, all powerful, God and sinless, would he enter earth through a sinful and filthy rug? .....unquote
So. you want to say Mary was a "filthy rug"??????
FACT: When was Mary told she was full of grace??? BEFORE Jesus was born!!! About age 14!!!!
FACT: She lost Him when He was age 12. Is that a sin to loose your child!!! NO thought to be sure He was with someone in the group???? She believed ans she was wrong!!!!!
"Jesus did his first miracle because Mary asked" -- ME: Jesus was a JEW under the Law Covenant of Moses (Galatians 4:4), and therefore HAD to "honor his mother" in public -- in front of the servants and his disciples. Mary was SINNING at the wedding in Cana because the Messiah had DIRECTLY TOLD her that the wedding having no wine had NOTHING to do with Messiah because it was NOT TIME for the Messiah to do miracles -- Mary stubbornly IGNORED Messiah's statement and instructed the servants to stand there staring at Messiah until he told them how to achieve the miracle that Mary pridefully wanted done at the wedding anyway. Mary was guilty of the SAME SIN OF PRIDE that Adam committed in the Garden. But under the LAW, Jesus HAD to honor his Jewish mother in public or Jesus would be a SINNER under the Law.
*******Mary was a SINNER for getting into PRIDE and insisting HER will be done.
Jesus was SINLESS for obeying the Law perfectly and honoring his mother.
>>>>>Romans 3:23 for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
>>>>1 John 1:8-10 ESV
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
THAT IS what the Catholic church insists that Mary was sinless!!!!!
MARY NEVER claimed to be without sin!!
No. Common sense, right?
I've been a Catholic all my life and facilitate a bible study and have never known anyone who teaches the word of God in such a beautiful and understandable way. God be with you always.
Quote---I've been a Catholic all my life and facilitate a bible study and have never known anyone who teaches the word of God in such a beautiful and understandable way. God be with you always- unquote
But, he does NOT teach this:
About the catholic church: Change the Sabbath"
Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her,- she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."- "A Doctrinal Catechism," by Rev. Stephen Keenan, page 174.
"The Catholic Church of its own infallible authority created Sunday a holy day to take the place of the Sabbath of the old law."- Kansas City Catholic, Feb. 9, 1893.
"The Catholic Church, . . . by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."- Catholic Mirror, official organ of Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893.
"Ques.- Which is the Sabbath day?
"Ans.- Saturday is the Sabbath day.
"Ques.- Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
"Ans.- We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A. D. 336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday ."- "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine," by Rev. Peter Geiermann, C. SS. R.., page 50, third edition, 1913, a work which received the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X, Jan. 25, 1910.
What was done at the Council of Laodicea was but one of the steps by which the change of the Sabbath was effected. The date usually given for this council is 364 A. D.
**NOR this:
Biblical Proof the seventh day (Saturday) IS the Sabbath
Matt 27:62 The next day, the one after Preparation Day......(.Saturday)
Mat 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, (Sunday)
Mark 15:42 - It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath).
Mark 16:1-2 - When the Sabbath was over,(After sunset Saturday)
Mark 16:9 When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week (Sunday)
Luke 23:54 It was Preparation Day, (friday) and the Sabbath was about to begin
Luke 23:56 Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.( Just before sunset Friday)
Luke 24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, (Sunday)
John 19:31 Now since it was preparation day (Friday), in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath, for the sabbath day of that week was a solemn one,
John 19:42 because of the Jewish day of Preparation (Friday), since the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there. 42 And so, because it was the day of preparation for the Jewish Passover
--The ONLY day GOD RESTED ON--Seventh day!! Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
--The ONLY day GOD BLESSED--Seventh dayt---Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
--The ONLY day GOD SANCTIFIED--Seventh day--Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
--The ONLY day GOD NAMED--Seventh day--SAbbath--Isaiah 58:13
--The ONLY day GOD DECLARES as HIS HOLY DAY--Seventh day--Isaiah 58:13, Matthew 24:36-41
THose are the topics that SHOULD BE TAUGHT!!!
God NEVER commanded a Sabbath change.
Christ NEVER worshiped on Sunday.
Christ does the will of his father.
Christ NEVER taught Mary to be a mediator/intercessor.
NO disciple taught Mary to be a mediator/intercessor
NO disciple ever worshiped on Sunday.
Mary NEVER claimed to be sinless.
Mary never claimed to hav e remained a virgin.
Peter was NEVER the given the title of Pope.
No mention in THE BIBLE of Mary assumption into heaven.
Christ NEVER Taught Mary would go to heaven.
This guy is great in his explanation of Scripture. What a blessing to be Catholic! Ave Maria.
It's a curse to be a Catholic because Catholicism is full of lies and blasphemy. Do you call your pope "Holy Father?" Do you go to a Catholic priest to ask forgiveness?
Do you pray to dead people? Do you believe in second chance purgatory and think the blood of Christ is no better than animal sacrifice that isn't enough to forgive and cover all sin?
Do you believe a manmade wafer of wheat and water of the earth is the body of God ALMIGHTY? Do you believe you actually commit the sin of drinking blood and honor the death of cross?
If you believe any of these, and I could say more of all the false doctrines, but if you believe these wicked teachings, then you blaspheme and dishonor God because you call his Holy Spirit a lying spirit!
@@NMDecember1 meaning you never ask someone to pray for you and your family right
@@shiduschannel5151 quote---meaning you never ask someone to pray for you and your family right--unquote
Yes--when they are alive.
I suggest you Google: The Dead Know Nothing
Scroll down to the site of 32 verses about the Dead Know Nothing
But, am sure you wil not.
I am appalled at the hatred towards Mary from the Protestants on this thread. Regardless of what ROLE you think she plays... it never excuses speaking of Jesus’ mother like that. Her gracious “yes”... the sword that pierced her own soul... She deserves respect and gratitude.
Protestants, remember the argument between us is about her ROLE. Be careful not to turn that to hatred. For your own sake.
15 Then from his mouth the serpent poured water like a river after the woman, to sweep her away with the flood. 16 But the earth came to the help of the woman; it opened its mouth and swallowed the river that the dragon had poured from his mouth. 17 Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her children, those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus. Revelation 12:15-17 | NRSVCE
(So sad tonight by all these vitriolic comments. Forgive them, my Lord Jesus Christ, for they know not what they do.)
Also disclaimer: check your bible translations against the original Greek lexicon because (as the devil will have it) the Protestant bible translations do some very odd things around Mary.
For eg. the wedding at Cana
Jesus says to Mary “what is to me is to thee” not “why are you concerning me with this” as I have seen in some Protestant translations. Jesus is not in opposition to Mary here. He is saying “what happens to me is what happens to you” or “what concern is this to US”. Calling her “Woman” is also a mark of respect. (Also assuming you might not know, John’s gospel parallels genesis from in the beginning was the word... right up to calling Mary “Woman” as Eve was called... count the days and the parallels.)
just another idiot who doesn't even bother to look at the video, he just sees "catholic" and starts attacking...I made the mistake of debating one of these guys for 2 days straight until a couple minutes ago, when I realized he wasn't listening at all
@@askmemakeup Why wouldn't these things be made explicit if they were essential doctrine to the Christian faith? Even an unbelieving reader could see the unique relationship between Father, Son, and Spirit. And they could easily see how Jesus is Lord without outside help. I doubt anyone could find the Catholic doctrines of Mary without someone forcing those interpretations. And i don't hate Mary btw. I thank God for her contribution to the church of Jesus Christ
@@bobpolo2964: Why did Jesus speak in Parables? They were not very explicit...maybe so those with Faith would search out the true meaning....Luke piles ALL kinds of Mariology into Luke 1 (try comparing Elizabeth's words in Luke 1 with David's words about the Ark in 2 Sam 6)...I would suggest you go much deeper into typology....
@@glennlanham6309 The disciples asked Jesus that very question and He provided a clear answer (Mtt 13:10-11). They didn't have to wonder about it because He told them directly. This clear communication can't be compared to the Catholic doctrines of Mary in any shape or form. Again, i respect Mary and thank God for her
Soo bless today. While im watching this video just opened my amazon package with three books by Brant... Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist.
Jesus the bridegroom
Jesus and the jewish roots of Mary.
Thank you and God bless.
This has quickly turned into my favorite channel. God Bless Dr Pitre and CP
Mine, too.
Bill Trometer, yes, me too! I look forward to his short presentations on big topics so I could share 👍🏼
Patrick Montgomery, that’s cause you haven’t opened God’s present to you: Faith.
And have you read the Holy Bible?
@Patrick Montgomery Who Taught you Christianity. The whole story is NOT in the SOLA SCRIPTURA. Read The Whole Bible IN Context. Otherwise you are lost.
This man knows what he's talking about. Not only that, he has an excellent way to let the truth be known throughout the entire world.
God bless you Dr. Pitre
The enemy also knows what he’s talking about as he was there with the Word.
He knows The Word inside and out. More so than 90 % of creation.
God Bless Jesus Christ.
Call every man a liar says God
@@alison2161 so who do you think should fully interpret the word for us humans my sister?
@@alison2161 🌹👉 Any human named Jesus is MY ADOPTED SON! 👈🌹 (2:104) O you who believe, do not say, "Raa`ena" (be our shepherd). Instead, you should say, "Unzurna" (watch over us), and listen. The disbelievers have incurred a painful retribution. www.submission.org
1) (2:177) 📌 Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteous are those who believe in GOD, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets; and they give the money, cheerfully, to the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the traveling alien, the beggars, and to free the slaves;🗃📣📡 and they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat); and they keep their word whenever they make a promise; and they steadfastly persevere in the face of persecution, hardship, and war. These are the truthful; these are the righteous. www.submission.org
⚡🗃⚡ Followers of Jesus have different contact prayers than Muhammad's do. 🐍😎🐍
Appendix 33
😵 1. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have been corrupted beyond recognition.
2. All God's messages have been delivered; the 📣 Quran is the Final Testament. 😵
⭕⚜🔯 Star of David www.haaretz.com/whdcMobileSite/jewish/holocaust-remembrance-day/the-star-of-david-isn-t-just-jewish-1.5323219
(2) The Disbelievers
[2:6] As for those who disbelieve, it is the same for them; whether you warn them, or not warn them, they cannot believe.*
*2:6-7 Those who make a decision to reject God are helped in that direction; they are prevented by God from seeing any proof or guidance for as long as they maintain such a decision. The consequences of such a disastrous decision are spelled out in Verse 7.
🚫 Jesus was to be your FRIEND & BROTHER! 🚫
36 Jesus answered, *My kingdom (kingship, royal power) belongs not to this world.* If My kingdom were of this world, My followers would have been fighting to keep Me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, *My kingdom is not from here* (this world); [it has no such origin or source].
John 18:36 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
⚡🌹⚡ Ezekiel 8:16
Then he brought me into the inner court of the Temple, and there at the door, between the porch and the bronze altar, were about twenty-five men standing with their backs to the Temple of the Lord, *facing east, worshiping the sun!*
🔺 It'll cost you ua-cam.com/video/5JQOBMi4QS8/v-deo.html EVERYTHING 🕯
💃🔱🗽🔱💃 *Jesus WAS the way truth and life; Muhammad WAS a messenger. THE BUCK STOPS WITH US!* Pope has been Vicar. I offered to hold hands in '15. He and russian patriarch met for first time in 1,000 years back in '16.
📌 Warning from ua-cam.com/video/4LWPcEo2gV0/v-deo.html 1965.
👉 EVERY human faces fire; spiritual refinement or physical. Here's 8 minutes ua-cam.com/video/rkgunX_Sa_0/v-deo.html in hell. THERE ARE OPENINGS AROUND THE PLANET.👈
🙊 MONKEY MIND ua-cam.com/video/4PkrhH-bkpk/v-deo.html
@Margaret....He is lying. In-fact, leading many astray.
We are warned that there will be MANY not a few deceived. Look what Mary says and who she points to:
Luke 1:46-55 NKJV
46 And Mary said:
“My soul magnifies THE LORD,
47 And my spirit has rejoiced in GOd MY 🚨 Savior🚨 (See she needed a Saviour too)
48 For HE has regarded the lowly state of HIS maidservant;
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.(🚨this is NOT an instruction to pray to Mary🚨)
49 For HE who is mighty has done great things for me,
And holy is HIS name.
50 And HIS mercy is on those who fear Him
From generation to generation.
51 (HE has shown strength with His arm;
HE has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
52 HE has put down the mighty from their thrones,
And exalted the lowly.
53 HE has filled the hungry with good things,
And the rich He has sent away empty.
54 HE has helped HIS servant Israel,
In remembrance of HIS mercy,
55 As He spoke to our fathers,
To Abraham and to HIS seed forever.”
No where in bible does it say she is new Eve. If anything it fulfills prophecy of #revelation17 like #thyatira church.
Mary did not hang on cross for your sins. There's only one true God so don't believe in Mohammed but it's equivalent of praying to his mother. #john316 #eternity
Thank you and God bless Brant Pitre and the Catholic Productions team. A Brant Pitre video in my subscription box thrills me! Thank you!
I’m trying to understand the nonsense part:
* asking for blessing for Brant Pitre and his team?
* that personally videos by him thrill me?
Clearly, you’re just here spitting venom.
2 proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost PATIENCE in teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2 | NRSVCE
Perhaps be kinder in how you approach other people online. I am not at all offended, but your intention is transparent. And it tends to make people dismiss you rather than engage in debate.
God bless you and peace be to you. This is one Catholic you won’t break.
Patrick Montgomery .... I have a big issue with the reformation. Are you ready to answer some questions to me then?
Patrick Montgomery ... Also ... I must say I take issue with your belief that asking for blessing for some one YOU deem as not in the kingdom as nonsense is really horrible a thought. Every single one of us was made to meet our Maker. We are called to love our neighbour. And how we judge is how we will be judged. I ask you to keep your mind open that asking for blessing for every single soul in this world is a good thing to do. I believe Brant is very right in this video, but you don’t... still that doesn’t mean asking for blessing is nonsense. Judgement is God’s department. Leave it to Him.
What you guys do is add to the word
Robert ... Robert... again, basic apologetics 101. Think for a moment. The catholic church gave you the bible. Do you know how the bible was even put together? Do you know what the purpose of the bible was? Do you know who decided the canon that is in the bible? How do you know it is inspired? How do you know the collated books are inspired? Do you even know the history of how the Jews considered books as inspired? Do you know the history of the fictitious council of Jamnia didn’t even disagree on the deuterocanonicals?
Did you know the King James Bible of the 1600s had ALL the books of the bible including the deuterocanonicals and they were only officially removed from your bibles a hundred years ago? Did you know that the original King James even had the saint feast days listed in it?
Again, basic basic refutation... where does it say in the bible that the bible is the only AUTHORITY? What the bible does say is the church is the pillar and foundation of truth (1 Tim 3:15) and the scriptures are inspired and USEFUL/PROFITABLE (2 Tim 3:16-17). It also says to hold to the tradition taught either by word of mouth or by letter (2 Thess 2:15). Surely you’ve heard all these bible verses?
The Catholic Church believes in the PRIMACY of scripture but there is also tradition. Sola scriptura is a circular reasoning argument which means it is an invalid argument.
Now.... we did not add. We gave the bible. Luther tried to add the word alone to Romans 3:28 which would outright contradict James 2:24. Inspired word has no contradictions so Luther’s addition made error which is dangerous.
Again, if you’re interested in evangelising Catholics learn more nuanced arguments. We hear the same basic refutations everyday and comments like yours highlight you don’t understand what we actually believe. Primacy of scripture not sola scriptura.
Again, not attacking you, Robert. I’m sure you’re lovely... just frustrated to hear the same generic arguments laden with error and no nuance. Learn what we believe so you know what it is you are rejecting.
The best I've heard concerning our lady
Soo clear🙏 ...God bless you sir
@Patrick Montgomery The elaboration on why we call Mary the queen of heaven and earth
Patrick Montgomery who says there isn't a queen in Heaven?
@@josephjackson1956 Find it in scripture ? Look at the trinity in heaven, see a female gender? Queen of heaven is mentioned twice in Jeremiah .
Bruce W McLaughlin but who says there isn't
@@josephjackson1956 Where is the scriptures .?
Beautiful for the month of May! Many thanks
@Patrick Montgomery I'm not sure what you mean - May is dedicated to our Blessed Mother!
@Patrick Montgomery ok now I understand better your agenda Brother.
You are right I do not have a Blessed Mother but a Thrice Blessed and eternally Blessed Mother in Heaven and so do you! It's rather ungrateful you chose not to acknowledge her but she has had experience with stubborn children..LOTS in fact!
If it were up to me every month would be in her honor..in fact every Saturday is dedicated to her and rightly so. Not by me though but by the Church and with her God given authority - but this is not a dictatorship so I would force nothing on anyone..treat it as a suggestion! One rooted undeniably in Scripture..
You do believe do you not that the Bible is God's word as inspired by the Holy Spirit? If so "All generations shall call me Blessed..and Holy is His Name"
My poor Biblically illiterate Catholic mind cannot even remember the verse...please pray tell remind me? And explain to me how you are going against this prophecy inspired by the Holy Spirit while the Divine Infant lay hidden deep within the Virginal Womb of Our Blessed Lady?
Patrick Montgomery Nope, your wrong. Apparently, your the one that doesn’t have a blessed mother by your rejection. In ( John 2:5), Mary said to the servants; “ Do whatever he tells you.” In ( John 19:27), Jesus said to John, who represents all of us; “Behold your mother.” And finally, Mary Prophesied in Luke 1:48; “ For all generations shall call me blessed.” So, Patrick, as you see, we do have a blessed Mother. Of course anti- Catholics will always say; When Jesus told John to behold your mother, Jesus was only talking to John and no one else. However, when Jesus said to Peter, and to Peter alone, tend my sheep’s and feed my lambs, ( John 21:16-17), non-Catholic Christians will always say that Jesus is talking to them as well. Go figure.
@@gjj655 quote--- ok now I understand better your agenda Brother.
You are right I do not have a Blessed Mother but a Thrice Blessed and eternally Blessed Mother in Heaven and so do you! It's rather ungrateful you chose not to acknowledge her but she has had experience with stubborn children..LOTS in fact!
If it were up to me every month would be in her honor..in fact every Saturday is dedicated to her and rightly so. Not by me though but by the Church and with her God given authority - but this is not a dictatorship so I would force nothing on anyone..treat it as a suggestion! One rooted undeniably in Scripture..
You do believe do you not that the Bible is God's word as inspired by the Holy Spirit? If so "All generations shall call me Blessed..and Holy is His Name"
My poor Biblically illiterate Catholic mind cannot even remember the verse...please pray tell remind me? And explain to me how you are going against this prophecy inspired by the Holy Spirit while the Divine Infant lay hidden deep within the Virginal Womb of Our Blessed Lady?- unquote \
i.e.---You are right I do not have a Blessed Mother but a Thrice Blessed and eternally Blessed Mother in Heaven
What does GOD SAY??
John 3:13
"No one has gone up to heaven except the one who came down from heaven, the Son of Man who is in heaven. ...
UNtil judgement day--NO ONE goes to heaven!!!
------in fact every Saturday is dedicated to her and rightly so. unquote OPINION--NOT BIBLICAL!!! Every Sabbath POINTS backwards to Creation and to GOD!!!
----quote--Not by me though but by the Church --unquote
Excatly--by the CC and NOT by GOD!!!
---quote---One rooted undeniably in Scripture..--unquote
But--you DO NOT quote it!!!!
---quote---You do believe do you not that the Bible is God's word as inspired by the Holy Spirit? If so "All generations shall call me Blessed..and Holy is His Name" - unquote
Yes, Mary was blesed, but so was Moses, David, Soloman, Jacob, Isaac, and ,many others!!!! Along with many places.
It's always a pleasure to listen to your presentation Dr Brant Pitre. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. Lord bless you and your family.
@Patrick Montgomery bless your heart
@Patrick Montgomery I know that I am blessed by the Most High. You are too. Listening to this Dr is my choice and I appreciate his sharing. I also appreciate you. thank you for your concern. may you continue to be blessed...
JMJ God bless you and your family! Ave Maria! Queen Mother, we.love you!
Wow .....SUPERB!!!! Dr Pitre thanks for this made my day amidst this demoralizing CoVid times
Kudos Dr Pitre. Your love for holy mother Church is blessing to others.
Thanks BT.
quote--- Your love for holy mother Church is blessing to others.--unquote
Yes--the Mother of all churches----The whore--the harlot
Dr.Brant Pitre you are the best apologist i’ve ever heard of. Within a spam of few days i’ve watched most of the your videos. Holy Spirit is truly working in you and you’re beautifully explaining the Word of God. Loads of Love from Pakistan
Baptist here, just wanted to say this was a very interesting video! While we may not see eye to eye on Mary’s role, it’s really cool to see an OT basis for this that I never would’ve even noticed otherwise. God Bless!
Still baptist?
Yes sir,
“Gebirah” is in Tanakh 15X, means “Queen Mother” or “Great Lady” (Genesis 16:4, 8, 9, 1 Kings 11:19, 15:13, 2 Kings 5:3, 10:132 Chronicles 15:16, Psalm 123:2, Proverbs 30:23, Isaiah 24:2, 47:5, 7, Jeremiah 13:18, 29:2)
In Judah the KING’S MOTHER sits as Queen Mother (1 Kings 15:13) @ his “Right hand the queen in gold.” (Psalms 45:9, 110:1) (CCC 663-664), intercedes peoples’ PRAYERS to the king (1 Kings 2:17, 20) wears a CROWN (Jeremiah 13:18), has a Kis·’ōw (THRONE) (Tanakh), the king BOWS to her (1 Kings 2:19), teaches the king (Proverbs 31:1)
Mary is eternal QUEEN MOTHER because Jesus is Judah’s eternal king (CCC 488, 966) (Luke 1:27, 31-33) (Romans 1:3)
St. Paul: “Pray for all Saints.” (Ephesians 6:18) “Pray for us.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1) “Pray one for another.” (James 5:16) Includes Mary, a Saint? YES!
@@MUSIC-MARY Genesis 16:4 4 He slept with Hagar, and she conceived. When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress. Zero to do with Mary. Genesis16: 8-9 has nothing to do with Mary. 1 Kings 11:19, Noithing to with Mary. 1 Kings 15: 13, nothing to do with Mary. Not any of your scriptures have anything to do with Mary. Most of them deal with women who were evil. So no none of these are a picture of Mary. Any person with any knowledge of the Bible would see this. They are not even close to what Mary was. She has no crown in heaven. She is no queen mother on earth or in heaven. Ephesians 6:18 is not about Mary or any queen's mother. Paul is speaking to all of the Ephesians. So your proof is not proof of anything. It is a stab in the dark and it misses badly.
This is the most powerfull stuff I have ever heard from our side as an answer to the lack of respect for Mary as the queen mother from our evangelical brothers... In the end times Jews will see the one whom they pearced but the Protestants will see his mother at his right hand waiting for them.
Where does it say she is Queen . that is a lie from hell and not biblical .
@@donaldcooley897 is your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ King of kings and Lord of lords to be reigning over universe? Yes. Well... Mary is his mother. Mother queen. Hell is fourious about this fact. It does not produce it... it want's to erase it. But it won't prevail...
@@donaldcooley897 BTW... Psalm 45 might be considered prophetic as to the wedding ceremony of Christ as bridegroom... his mother comes with him on his right side (ps 45,9) which confirms dogma about her being caught up in heaven and her being queen mother... so much for 'where does it say...' one verse suffices
@@petersonnenberg9526 You are a biblical illiterate Catholic . that believes the dogmas and Mariology. garbage and the marian doctrines and the catechism . which is not scriptural .Mary is not queen of heaven she is The Mother of Christ and his brothers and sisters . No where is she spoken of as queen in the scriptures . and why would Hell be furious about a lie that was started in hell ? You can not erase something that was not there to start with ARE YOU SAVED BY FAITH IN CHRIST ? He
is the only way of salvation .
@@petersonnenberg9526 What does Psalm 45
have to do with Mary being queen .?
The Queen here is the bride of Christ which stands at the right hand of of Jesus
her husband .It is very simple Christ is the King The Church is his bride so Jesus is king and the Bride the Church is the Queen
The dead woman Mary is not in the picture Her spirit like all others are around the throne . So now stop fabricating lies
about the dead woman mary only her spirit is in heaven with every one else
who have died in Christ . You should stop
commenting until become Biblical literate
because you are showing your Biblical ignorance .
Thank you so much
Patrick Montgomery who compiled the Bible?
The Purpose why God allowed His WORD to be written down called SCRIPTURE (written WORD of God) and SEALED them both (O.T./N.T.)... is just like having S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) for establishing Doctrines, for reproofing, for correcting, for instruct if the CHURCH is doing RIGHTFULLY in the Sight of God... or a SCALE/GUIDE (measuring stick) for "CHECKING and BALANCING" everything regarding FAITH (Spiritual Aspect) and RELIGION (Physical Practices)...
Facts and Truth of the Matters, Biblically, Historically, and Logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
Thank you Dr. Pitre! Your words illuminate!
Patrick Montgomery ... Patrick... this is getting really weird. Every single person who has said thank you to Brant you have attacked. And I still maintain you don’t even know what we actually believe and do. I have just looked at a whole bunch of posts and there you are verging on harassment now. Not one person have I seen you have an intelligent/considered conversation with. This isn’t evangelising what you’re doing.
It’s the light of Jesus who illuminates
Patrick Montgomery not all
@@alison2161 Dr. Pitre has the light of Jesus in abundance. He is also very diligent to seek the truth.
@@lenormand4967 quote---Dr. Pitre has the light of Jesus in abundance. He is also very diligent to seek the truth. unquote
Truth?? He wouldn't know truth if it slapped him in him in the face!!!
Here are some truths:
--The ONLY day GOD RESTED ON--Seventh day!! Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
--The ONLY day GOD BLESSED--Seventh dayt---Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
--The ONLY day GOD SANCTIFIED--Seventh day--Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
--The ONLY day GOD NAMED--Seventh day--SAbbath--Isaiah 58:13
--The ONLY day GOD DECLARES as HIS HOLY DAY--Seventh day--Isaiah 58:13, Matthew 24:36-41
Biblical Proof the seventh day (Saturday) IS the Sabbath
Matt 27:62 The next day, the one after Preparation Day......(.Saturday)
Mat 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, (Sunday)
Mark 15:42 - It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath).
Mark 16:1-2 - When the Sabbath was over,(After sunset Saturday)
Mark 16:9 When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week (Sunday)
Luke 23:54 It was Preparation Day, (friday) and the Sabbath was about to begin
Luke 23:56 Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.( Just before sunset Friday)
Luke 24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, (Sunday)
John 19:31 Now since it was preparation day (Friday), in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath, for the sabbath day of that week was a solemn one,
John 19:42 because of the Jewish day of Preparation (Friday), since the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there. 42 And so, because it was the day of preparation for the Jewish Passover.
About the catholic church: Change the Sabbath"
Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her,- she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."- "A Doctrinal Catechism," by Rev. Stephen Keenan, page 174.
"The Catholic Church of its own infallible authority created Sunday a holy day to take the place of the Sabbath of the old law."- Kansas City Catholic, Feb. 9, 1893.
"The Catholic Church, . . . by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."- Catholic Mirror, official organ of Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893.
"Ques.- Which is the Sabbath day?
"Ans.- Saturday is the Sabbath day.
"Ques.- Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
"Ans.- We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A. D. 336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday ."- "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine," by Rev. Peter Geiermann, C. SS. R.., page 50, third edition, 1913, a work which received the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X, Jan. 25, 1910.
What was done at the Council of Laodicea was but one of the steps by which the change of the Sabbath was effected. The date usually given for this council is 364 A. D.
Thank you for Sharing this
Makes Alot of sense
I think this video finally broke my shackles. Thank you.
Psalm 45:7-17 (8-18) 7 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of joy above Your companions. 8 All Your garments are fragrant with myrrh, aloes, and cassia; From ivory palaces stringed instruments have made You joyful. 9 Kings’ daughters are among Your noble women; At Your right hand stands *THE QUEEN IN GOLD FROM OPHIR* . 10 Listen, daughter, look and incline your ear: Forget your people and your father’s house; 11 Then the King will crave your beauty. Because He is your Lord, bow down to Him. 12 The daughter of Tyre will come with a gift; The wealthy among the people will seek your favor. 13 THE *KING’S DAUGHTER IS ALL GLORIOUS WITHIN* ; Her clothing is interwoven with gold. 14 She will be brought to the King in colorful garments; THE VIRGINS, HER COMPANIONS WHO FOLLOW HER, WILL BE BROUGHT TO YOU. 15 They will be brought with joy and rejoicing; They will enter into the King’s palace. 16 In place of your fathers will be your sons; You shall make them princes in all the earth. 17 *I WILL MAKE YOUR NAME KNOWN AMONG ALL GENERATIONS THEREFORE THE PEOPLES WILL PRAISE YOU FOREVER AND EVER* .
Compare with:
Luke 1:40-41, 46-50 she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and *Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit* 46 And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord, 47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. 48 For He has had regard for the humble state of His bond-servant; *FOR BEHOLD FROM NOW ON ALL GENERATIONS WILL CALL ME BLESSED FOR THE MIGHTY ONE HAS DONE GREAT THINGS FOR ME AND HOLY IS HIS NAME* . 50 And His mercy is to generation after generation Toward those who fear Him.
What a great presentation! Just in 18 minutes you have covered the importartant points about Mary. Thank you.
Amen! Excellent explanation dr. Porte.
Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for Us sinners.
Hallelujah and Amen
Our Blessed Mother Mary Queen of Martyrs and Heaven and Earth 🌎 🙏 💋
Patrick Montgomery xx
I needed this video, God bless you and all who watch this!
Awesome as always. Is there a kids catechetical book that teaches biblical typology? I’d love to reach my kids (and myself) the numerous types in the Bible.
Praise be to God for blessing us with Dr Brant Pitre
This is EXACTLY why we have so many Christian denominations-founded by people with little or no Old Testament knowledge, and who therefore throw out anything that doesn’t make sense to them but makes PERFECT sense when the entire picture is seen. Thank you, Dr. Pitre!
He still didn't give the entire picture as Mary is the Queen of Heaven and why pies 🥧 were baked for her according to the people and their traditions.
It's ok. They can't tell all just yet, can they? Because they require the string a long totalitarian tiptoe in order to keep their corruptive systems alive out of fear
Protestants don’t agree with each other’s doctrines, they have 30K denominations! Why should I as a Roman Catholic agree with them when they can’t agree with each other?
(412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
@@ProphecyOfAlice learn real scripture then come back 🙄 God bless your indifference ( and your pies🙄)
@@stephenpaulwilson 🤣
Insults are only used when you've lost the battle ☑️
With the current pope you might soon have more denominations.
Learning a lot here
Este sermón es un torrente de nieve derretida corriendo en la quebrada para el ciervo de mi alma.
Thanks for all these videos. May God bless you and your ministry.
Thank you so much Dr Brant Pitre. I am blessed to know this channel.
Very clear explanation. Thank you.
I am really enlightened by your impressive teaching. God bless you Sir. 🙏🙏❤❤
Beautiful God bearer,Queen mother beautiful title,although she never sought it God honoured her.Bathsheba is honoured that you discussed her and Solomon in reference to the real Queen Mother Mary and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
This is a beautiful explanation
I got this book about a week ago and I highly recommend it. It was very informative and contained many examples of Old Testament figures and how they were different "types" of Jesus and Mary.
The greatest book I’ve read is the WORD OF GOD
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope.
cmcas , She is not a queen and she is no ones mother except Christ`s and his brother and sisters . and Christ is our only hope . that is scriptural .
@@NMDecember1 Who said that Mary did not need a Savior? That is why the church teaches the Immaculate Conception, Mary being saved in advanced by God so the Holy Spirit can conceive Jesus in Mary's womb. 2ND, Mary is Queen Mother/ NT Gebirah and that is by Tradition and the Royal Davidic Line. God chose to have a mother in the bubble of space and time (earth). Mary is queen mother because Jesus is a Davidic king. (Luke 1:32) In the Davidic line of kings, the mother of the king was the Queen. (1 Kings 2:19, Jer 13:18) Since Jesus is our King in the Kingdom of Heaven, His mother Mary is the Queen. The role of the Queen Mother (the Gebirah in Hebrew) is one of intercession (1 Kings 2:17)
Mary is not just The Queen Mother / NT Gebirah and a saint, she is also the Ark of the New Covenant and the woman of revelation that is why we pray for her protection and intercession just like the old covenant i-s-ra-elites praying to the ark for protection against their enemies. HAIL FULL OF GRACE is a a salutation by Angel Gabriel to Mary in LUKE 1:28. "Blessed are you among women" was a greeting from Elizabeth in LUKE 1:42-43. Mary is queen because Jesus is the Son of David, all mothers of the kings of i-s-ra-el were called "queen mothers". The queenship in heaven is in PSALM 45:9 SIRACH 24. Mary is the queen crowned with 12 stars seen by John in Revelation 12.
@@alfray1072 I deleted my comment. I'm not sure what I believe anymore. I think I'm an atheist but if I was to believe still as a Christian Jesus should always be the focus not Mary.
@@NMDecember1 Mary leads you to the real Jesus. Intercessory prayers are instructed by St. Paul in 1 TIMOTHY 2:1. What does EPHESIANS 6:18 says? MAKING SUPPLICATION FOR ALL THE SAINTS ! Mary is not just a saint, she is the Ark of the New Covenant, The NT Gebirah, Daughter of Zion and the woman of revelation that is why we pray for her protection and intercession.
SUPPLICATION (DEFINITION) - The action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.
EPHESIANS 6:18 Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,
ROMANS 16:6 Salute Mary, who hath laboured much among you.
Saints and angels in heaven interceding for us in REVELATION 4, 5, 6, 8.
"Mediator" is Christ alone in one sense. As intercessors all members are " mediators". according to Catholicism and Scripture:
1- The Church is the body of Christ
2- There is only one body of Christ, not one on earth and another one in heaven.
3- Death does not separate the members of the body.
4- Christians are bound by the Law of Christ to love and pray for one another.
@@alfray1072 Only God can lead someone to Jesus. No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:44
Mother Mary is Mother of all Catholics Amen
Indeed, of all Christians, even those who do not call themselves Catholic. They just are blinded to the fact by their pernicious tradition of modern Protestantism which neglects honoring God's greatest creature, our Queen and Mother in heaven.
@@AmericanBerean Mary is no grater than any other mother To Christ Luke 11 : 27 - 28 ; Luke 8 : 21 ;
Mark 3 : 35 ; Marr 12 : 50 ; and there is no scriptures stating Mary is our mother or Queen of Heaven
that is fabricated lies of the Catholic Church and not scriptural . where do you get all of this garbage from . don`t tell me from false teachers Dr Pitre and DR.Hahn who use typology fabricate stories
about the Dead woman named Mary .
@@donaldcooley897 Mark 3:35 and Matt 12:50 are not reducing Mary, that statement of Jesus' elevates those who believe and obey God's will. In this, Mary is the exemplar, above all other human beings! And this, by God's grace (as she herself emphasized, in saying "My soul doth magnify the Lord, 47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his andmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."), not any power of her own.
You say "there is no scriptures stating Mary is our mother or Queen of Heaven". But there is, as in Scripture as a whole. You see, Jesus is king over the restored/renewed Kingdom of Israel, aka kingdom of David, kingdom of the LORD, kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven. Jesus restored/renewed it and called it His Church. If you study the OT, (Samuels, Kings, Chronicles, psalms), you'll notice that the queen of that kingdom was always the king's mother, not a wife. For example, Solomon's mother was queen of the kingdom ('gebira' in Hebrew). Flash forward to Jesus, descendant of David. He is now and forever king of the kingdom, known as the kingdom of Israel, kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, His Church. Mary is his mother. Therefore Mary is the queen of heaven. It's God's doing, not man's. It doesn't elevate her to divine, but God blessed her in that role.
The Christian Church has always practiced this doctrine. Rejection of it is the new (less than 500 years) and novel doctrine here.
Get deep in Scripture and history, my friend, then you will know the full Gospel Truth.
@@AmericanBerean You can stop with that typology garbage about Mary
it is no scriptures to back any fabricated stories about Mary She was the woman God used to bring his son into the world
Gal.4 :4 ; that all she was and she had no other mission here on earth or in heaven
She was the mother Christ and other sons and daughters . Matt , Mark , and Luke
does not elevate her above others . Christ says that any one that does the will of God is my mother . and the will of God is to believe on his son for everlasting . Yes Mary was honored and blessed to be the mother of Christ but Christ is saying she is no grater or blessed above those that do what the word of God , Which is to believe on his son .Luke 11 : 27 - 28 ; what I am saying is her place in heaven is not above the other we are all one in Christ , that includes Mary . Think about it she is never mentioned in the letters to the Churches or after Acts 1 :14 ;
@@donaldcooley897 Typology is a true feature of the OT. Your denial of it is the new and novel idea here, my friend.
Nowhere in Scripture does it say Jesus Mary and Joseph had other sons and daughters. Let me explain... You will find references to Jesus' brothers or sisters, but when you consider all the Scriptures, you find that in the Jewish culture all near relatives were called brothers and sisters. For example, Lot is referred to as Abraham's brother. In Hebrew and Aramaic there weren't words for nephew, niece, cousin. This carried over into the Greek of the NT, the cultural custom was to call all near relatives by the Greek word for brother or sister, not Greek cousin. That, coupled with the fact that men who were called Jesus' brothers are explicitly described as sons of other women or men, elsewhere in Scripture. Further, all Christians accepted Mary's perpetual virginity, until recent centuries. Even the first 'Reformers' believed it! Only in the last few centuries do you find folks denying it. Therefore, it is a false doctrine, that Mary had other sons or daughters.
Again, get deep in Scripture and history, brother, then you will know Truth. Peace.
Very true... Right explaination for our faith in our mother an in her intercession
Dear ... You need to know that Saint are mediators between this earth and the heaven. For once the belong to this earth... Mary was totally human and Lord God has exalted her
.. talking to your mother could never be adultery. So she is to us.
quote---Right explaination for our faith in our mother an in her intercession. unquote
How did Mary intercede?? She made a statement of fact!!! Same as someone saying,"It's raining out".
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
matt tenney Mary's hearing of the word of God and obedience to it is incomparable. The obedience and faith was so deep that the word became flesh in her. Elizabeth also bore testimony to her faith(Lk 1:45). Jesus's divinity is also displayed in scripture that you have quoted. Jesus praised His mother while speaking the truth simultaneously.
It does not say blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nurses you. It literally says blessed is the womb that birthed you and the paps that gave thee suck. They were glorifying Mary’s body parts. He said, not not her body parts but her.
@@junelledembroski9183 Come on now.......how you nullify the word of God to glorify your traditions
@@bthongni55 quote---Jesus praised His mother while speaking the truth simultaneously.- unquote
Quote it from the Bible.
Jesus was actually affirming their statement by adding to the statement by saying that His Mother was obedient when she was told of her being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. ❤
Who did the Devil attack first? - Eve. Since the Devil couldn't hurt God, the Devil zeroed in on the person most precious to God. God had created Eve last within creation somewhat like saving the best for last. Therefore in order to have the last laugh God set up the humiliation of the Devil by bestowing favors upon Mary and arranging for His own Son take flesh from Mary's flesh. Eve said, "No" to God but Mary said, "Yes." Thus Jesus Christ establishes our salvation, but He is very content to watch the Devil's strongholds crumble under the blessedness that God bestows on us because we stay close to Mary. "The dragon went to wage war against the rest of her offspring: those who keep God's commandments bear witness to Jesus" - Revelation 12:17. To bear witness to Jesus means to know His plans and intentions and to carry them out; consequently, no one knows the plans of a man like the mother who is held in high honor by her son. "Behold your mother" - John 19:27. Jesus meant the full significance of mother who is someone who gives life, but of course someone (God) must instill life within her. Water sustains life but it is the well that holds the water so that one may draw out the life-giving water.
Martin , You don`t know what you are talkin about . Mary was a vessel or a woman that brought Christ in to the world that all she was . she is not our mother Christ says to his disciple be hold thy mother and he took her home with him how do you get that she is every ones mother from , that only the catholic think and believe that lie Jesus didn`t mean any thing about his mother being every ones mother she was a mother to her other sons and daughters and that is one of the last time you will here of her in the scriptures she didn`t go to the Grave or was she there when he was resurrected Only Mary Magdalene and she was the first to see and talk to him before any one else Mary was last seen in the upper room with her son waiting for the Holy Spirit . The writers of the New Testament Never mention her . because she has nothing to do with redemption or salvation or mediating or our relation with Christ or with Christians worshiping God She dead only her spirit lives
Only two times does Scripture refer to Jesus as the Word (and the second time does not specially name Jesus), yet that does not prohibit us from exulting Jesus as the fullness of God’s Revelation. So your reason that all the New Testament writers fail to mention Mary is not really a good argument. Ultimately it comes down to your personal interpretation with thousands of other divided Protestant interpretations VS the one Catholic interpretation. When Revelation mentions the “woman” has other offspring (and interestingly enough Jesus only ever referred to His mother as “woman”), Catholics find this passage of Revelation to be a strong reinforcement by John that Mary is the mother of those who bear witness to Jesus and fulfill the commands of God (Revelation 12:17).
Martin , It is not my interpretation , it is the word of God . You Catholic are so in love with a dead woman who has nothing to do with us worshiping God . No where in the scriptures is she still alive in the body her body ,her body is dead in the Grave only her spirit is in heaven with other spirits of dead saved people Rev. 12 has nothing todo with Mary she has been dead2000+ years when this take place . The woman is Israel that is not my interpretation it is backed up by scriptures . Rev. 12 : 17 talk is still talking about the 144000 Jews that God sealed and took into the wilderness verse 17 the remnant is the 144000 Jews you catholic always seem to find something that is not in the scriptures Gal. 4 : 4 God refers to her as a woman that he used to bring his son into the world that all she was nothing else she has nothing else to do with salvation , mediating , answering our prayers , or bringing us to Christ or God its not in the scriptures what make you think that the apostate Roman Catholic interpretation is right when it is not scriptural it is like I said the New Testament never mention her because she has nothing to do with the Churches and the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls what does the fact that she went home with a disciple have to do with her being called mother of the world ? nothing , only in the minds of you poor misguided Catholic sheep who listen to and believe in traditions and writings of people and not the inspired scriptures
Here is a timeline to help you understand why Paul did not have much insight into Mary unlike Luke who wrote Acts and also worked closely with Paul. Once Paul was under house arrest in Rome, Luke must have left Paul and lost track any further activities of Paul since Luke couldn’t be in two places at once. Luke hasn’t written anything yet because he wants to investigate everything from the beginning as he states to Theophilus at the beginning of Luke’s Gospel. Therefore while Psul is somewhere in Rome, Luke goes to investigate things about Jesus that Paul never took time to investigate such as the details of Jesus infancy. Luke was not in the stable in Bethlehem and could not have known about the shepherds who came to see Jesus and the hosts of angels proclaiming His birth. So how was Luke able to write about this? As stated before, Paul was arrested in Rome and Luke went get the back story before beginning his writing. Therefore Paul who never took time to learn about the extra details of Jesus life did not talk to Mary. However Luke would have had to taken time to meet her in order to know the details if Jesus’ infancy. Paul never took time to learn about Mary unlike Luke. If you read Luke’s Gospel, he is the one who includes Mary’s prophecy that “all generations will call me blessed” -Luke 1:48. Luke is the one who includes the angel Gabriel’s greeting to Mary, “Kecharitomene” which incorporates in it the word “chariots” = “grace”. The mystery being revealed here if your eyes are open is that Mary shared in God’s redeeming grace even before the Holy Spirit has conceived Jesus within her. As for the harlot woman no where does it say she represents an “apostate church”. That is a completely unscriptural thought. Jerusalem itself was the apostate and the chosen people of God failed to acknowledge Jesus are the harlot which corresponds to Scriptures terminology of sometimes calling Israel’s people a harlot (like in the book of Hosea to mention one place). This is the true understanding of God’s word. Israel cannot be both the woman who gave birth to Jesus and also the harlot who got drunk on the blood of martyrs. You would understand more of the historical context of Revelation if you took the time to listen to Scott Hahn who is a learned scholar of scripture and history and studied closely the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the end of the Jewish culture in Jerusalem for many centuries. Catholics where the first Christians and became known as Catholics only as a necessary distinction when other Christians came along (such as Gnostics) and people needed a way distinguish groups of Christians. Unfortunately today we still need the term Catholic in order to distinguish the first Christians from other Christians who haven’t held the fullness of the Christian revelation which includes Sacred Tradition such as worshipping God in Sunday which Scripture never explicitly states or to be blunt the very real connection in God’s living family in heaven and on earth plus in purgatory. I’ve said a lot now for this post so I’m ending it.
Martin , Don`t add any thing to the time line that is not in the scriptures . Paul was an apostles to the Churches and the Gentiles don`t assume that Paul didn`t know any thing about Christ `s infancy . and Mary, beside there is no prophecy of Mary . Mary has nothing to do with his mission to the establish Churches and preach the Gospel . Paul was being lead by the Holy Spirit and preached and taught what God wanted him to do , and mary had nothing to do with the salvation of sinners and the establishing of the Churches Mary didn`t have any thin to do with redeeming the lost sinners Christ is the only redeemer mary has nothing to do with it . Your Scott Hahn is a false teacher , teaching false doctrine that are not in the scriptures . You don`t know any thing about Rev 12 or Rev. 17 and 18 only what the apostate Roman Catholic Church teaches Rev. 12 talks about the woman that is crowned with 12 stars which is Israel the Crown represent the 12 tribes of Israel not Mary she is dead and has nothing to do with any of this ,no one said mary is the Harlot in Rev. 17 Rev 17 is talking about the apostate universal ecclesiastical Babylon which headed up by the papacy . the apostate Roman Catholic Church become apostate when it become the universal Catholic Church when the Emperor Constantine Mixed pagan religion with Christian religion and it become known at Rome that as the New Babylon , the MYSTEYS BABYLON THE GREAT , THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND THE ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH and also the Great Whore . This is the Roman Catholic Church along with all other apostate denomination and religions and there unsaved members that have not put their Faith in Christ for salvation God says Come out from her and be not partakers of her sins
Ave Maria. And this my friends is why the blessed virgin Mary is NOT just another human. Dr Brant, what an awesome explanation.
Good distinction at the end there about honor and worship, never even heard of the Collyridians....must of missed it the first go’round through “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist.” Highly recommend it!
Aw cmon man, not even any of it? The Queen Mother thing doesn’t jive?
Patrick Montgomery ok. I hear ya. To be “only” the mother of Jesus is pretty special though, right?!. I hope to be “only” a brother of Christ.
I like the Bible too, let’s do that, 3 things, 1) who is the lady in Rev 12 wearing a crown? Why would she be wearing a crown, birthing a son who would rule the nations?
2) why in Luke 1:48 did Mary say, “all generations will call me blessed”? As far as I know, only RC’s & Orthodox and some Protestants do that, which fulfill that prophecy.
And 3) why did our Blessed Lord give Mary to us at the Crucifixion? “Woman, behold your son, Son behold your Mother.” To be a brother with Christ means to have Mary as a mother. (Jn 19:26-27) so it seems to me. Peace PM!
Btw, this Marian talk hits it pretty good y’all, by Fr Donald Calloway.
Catholics honor NOT worship images & statues? YES! “Honour all men.” (1 Peter 2:17) (Luke 24:4-5)
(CCC 2132) “The honor paid to sacred images is a ‘respectful veneration’, NOT the Adoration due to God alone.”
I just love Dr Pitre's presentations, so divine .
Brothers and Sisters in Christ never listen to protestants who troll Catholic podcasts to ruin souls. God teaches us in 1 Peter 5:8-11, "8 Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour. 9 Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experience of suffering is required of your brotherhood throughout the world. 10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, establish, and strengthen you. 11 To him be the dominion for ever and ever. Amen." The Bible is a Catholic book. It always was and always will be. Brilliant video. The demons are screaming in pain. God bless you all.
quote----Brothers and Sisters in Christ never listen to protestants who troll Catholic podcasts to ruin souls. God teaches us in 1 Peter 5:8-11, "8 Be sober, be watchful. .......... unquote
Peter ALSO SAYS--Acts 5:29
Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
Do you??? NOPE!!!
Ex 20:3-6
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
3 “You shall have no other gods before[b] me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Ex 20:8-11 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
8 “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your maidservant, or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; 11 for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it.
Early church fathers would be cursed by the modern catholic church because they didn't believe the Marian dogmas.
I love how Dr. Pitre explains all of his videos. May God bless u doc and ur whole family. Pls keep making videos of our Faith. 🙏
Best description I have ever heard and learned. Thank you!
That joke landed so well I love it😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Wow. Fantastic. This Speech is a Gold Credit to God and Our Holy Mother Mary. So Proud of You. Thank You So Much. This is Crystal Clear. 🙏💖🙏🤗💖🤗👏Xxx
About all teaching we hear from Dr. B. Pitre the whole Brethrens should Come in to accept Jesus Christ and into His Church, the holy Catholic Church.
I have something to share and I hope You agree. Most of the Protestants quote the verse from Gospel that Jesus refused to call Mary His Mother when Holy Mother Mary and His cousin Brothers came to meet Him while Jesus was teaching.
Though they neglect to understand the rest of the verses, in which Jesus clearly says that those who obey The Commandments are my Mother, Brothers and Sisters.
It makes perfect sense that Jesus had given an open invitation to all to be His relatives by obeying The Word of God.
Through ages many have become His relatives as considering Male and Female Saints, Righteous and Pious persons. The Holy Mother Mary is the Blessed Queen of all.
Thank you so much Dr Brant Pitre. You said that your wife grew up a Baptist. Now a good friend of mine was brought up as a Presbyterian are planning to get married. However, I am planning to tell her that if she is not ready to accept all the Catholic teachings, then we can't get married to each other. Both of us are currently doing our doctorate studies abroad. She attends mass because her church is not close by. Please I need your advice
Dr. Pitre is great gift for our Church.... always sharing light and bringing joy to people! God bless you Brant!
I wish all your videos hv a translations in korean too so i can show this to my daughters and sons
Can you add subtitles or something ?
So vivid explanation about the Queen Mary, thanks Dr. Pitre! May God bless you always.
Luke 2 -34-35
34. and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, 35. and you yourself a sword will pierce so the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed."
Nice explanation.
Welcome to our Holy Family 🙏🏼
Revelation 12:17
“Then the dragon was angry with the woman, * and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus...”
Patrick Montgomery
Every verse in the Bible is only a single verse, but I thought this one may help to shed some light on your current stance. Being in opposition to Christ Mother is being in opposition to Christ and to align with the dragon. Unless you know this already?,... which would explain your most rude and irrational posts. Unless maybe English and it’s related grammar and punctuation are not your native language.
pius miles militis I think Patrick's keyboard is broken.......
@@josephjackson1956 ahahah
I love Dr. Brant Pitre's teaching method because it is so authetic to the Queen Mother. Dr. Brant reminds me of Scott Hahn. It is strange that so many Protestants see all the ancient flood stories echoing of the Great Deluge in Genesis. Yet so few see the ancient Queen Mother stories echoing the Protoevangelion in Genesis. The Immaculate of Mary will Triumph. ❤
Like Abraham I hope and trust my belief in God is counted to me as righteousness so that I would be called a friend of God, like James 2:21-23 I hope we're all welcomed in the Bosom of Abraham. ❤
If we do not live in the Spirit of Love, then we are doing this all for show. Dear Lord Jesus, please petition God Our Father in Heaven that He forever fills us with the authentic Spirit of Love in the Holy Spirit.
Numbers 12:3 -Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth. But the Virgin Mother clearly superseded Moses in Ancient Palestine -- and the Whole world -- with the Birth of Christ. Mary is the perfect fulfilment of Colossians 1:24. While Jesus was in Mary's Womb, the Heart of Christ was beating in unison with the Heart of Mary.
It needs to be strongly cautioned that this is going to be the most painful event in human history. And it is going to require the strongest labor of love we have ever given. But we will get through this -- if we but live by the Holy Spirit. I believe this is what the Early Church meant when they spoke, both male and female, about Spiritually being Pregnant with Christ. Mary's physical pregnancy with Christ is the typology of our spiritual pregnany with Christ. ❤
To the Africans, the Sacred Virgin Mary is African.
To the American Indians, the Sacred Virgin Mary is American Indian.
To the Asians, the Sacred Virgin Mary is Asian.
To the Australians, the Sacred Virgin Mary is Australian.
To the Europeans, the Sacred Virgin Mary is European.
To the Indians, the Sacred Virgin Mary is Indian.
To the Melanesians (of New Guinnea), the Sacred Virgin Mary is Melanesian.
To the Micronesians (of Mariannas), the Sacred Virgin Mary is Micronesian.
To the Polynesians (of Hawaii), the Sacred Virgin Mary is Polynesian.
But God our Father in Heaven clearly fell in love with the Hebrew Woman Mary. ❤
From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me- holy is His
name. His mercy extends to those who fear Him, from generation to generation. - Luke 1:48-50 ❤
I need to re read the Old Testament
Patrick Montgomery I need to read the Old Testament too so I can study it.
Patrick Montgomery
It has been a while since I read all of it.
“Gebirah” is in Tanakh 15X, means “Queen Mother” or “Great Lady” (Genesis 16:4, 8, 9, 1 Kings 11:19, 15:13, 2 Kings 5:3, 10:132 Chronicles 15:16, Psalm 123:2, Proverbs 30:23, Isaiah 24:2, 47:5, 7, Jeremiah 13:18, 29:2)
In Judah the KING’S MOTHER sits as Queen Mother (1 Kings 15:13) @ his “Right hand the queen in gold.” (Psalms 45:9, 110:1) (CCC 663-664), intercedes peoples’ PRAYERS to the king (1 Kings 2:17, 20) wears a CROWN (Jeremiah 13:18), has a Kis·’ōw (THRONE) (Tanakh), the king BOWS to her (1 Kings 2:19), teaches the king (Proverbs 31:1)
Mary is eternal QUEEN MOTHER because Jesus is Judah’s eternal king (CCC 488, 966) (Luke 1:27, 31-33) (Romans 1:3)
St. Paul: “Pray for all Saints.” (Ephesians 6:18) “Pray for us.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1) “Pray one for another.” (James 5:16) Includes Mary, a Saint? YES!
I love the energy Dr. Pitre. God bless you!
Queen of heaven and earth
Hail holy queen 🙏🏼
Blessed is her name
I learn so much, thank you.
God Bless you and your family and team ❤
@Patrick Montgomery Would LOVE to hear your crtiique, with evidence. I guarantee you have no valid points.
@Patrick Montgomery Let's begin here, Patrick. Who decided which books belong in your Bible (and when exactly); also, who gave you authority to interpret the Bible (and when exactly)?
Patrick Montgomery written before the temple was destroyed I think they would say in Scripture could be wrong but most likely you would have said
@Patrick Montgomery Patrick ... you sadly don't know much even about the formation of the Bible. Let's ask this question. Who had authority to close the canon of the Old Testament and when was that done. I'll give you a hint - watch this short video: ua-cam.com/video/0k0UV2Zi5X0/v-deo.html
Patrick Montgomery that do not have the truth to stand on the . The Catholics have been changing and miss leading the masses from the beginning to distort the truth and keep the truth from the people
God bless your life♥️❤️♥️
I love this, Mother Mary pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Thank you sir
@Patrick Montgomery by your comment, I suppose you are a Protestant. If so, let me tell you something: Christianity didn't start in XVI Century, my friend. Accept it!
And if you show some intelectual curiosity, try to read Saint Ignatius of Antioch (direct disciple of Saint John), or Saint Policarp (also direct disciple of Saint John), or Clemens of Rome (direct disciple of Saint Peter), or the Didaché, or anyother writing of the primitive Church (anything wrote before Constantine). If you are truly commited to the Truth and have enough courage to do so, like mr. Brant Pitre did when he was a Protestant, you'll learn how much Catholic the first christians were: the Eucharist, the hierarchical priesthood, the submision to the Bishop of Rome (i.e., the Pope), the veneration of the Saints and everything else Luther, your "father", rejected is present there. Enjoy!
It's better for you to repent and come back home... while you have time.
Finally, stop making stupid replies in every comment other people do. I know this may be ok for you, Protestants, but, honestly, it's idiotic and show nothing but bad manners. By the way you behave I'd bet you may have 12 or 13 years old, 15 at maximum. That's not ok, little man! Stop or I'll talk to your daddy!
@Patrick Montgomery well, well, look who is back! The 12 years old boy that has very bad manners! And maybe some of my comments on idiotic behaviour, as it seems, have "landed". Did you like it, little boy? I suppose not. Learn something then: be polite and don't act like a child.
If you are not a Protestant, what are you? An atheist? The "smart" guys who believe that matter is everything? The ones that, by proclaiming this, implicitly declare themselves as automatons? And if you are an automaton and all your actions are determined by matter, why are you so proud of your own positions? More: why should I waste my time with your "rubbish"? Do you really consider yourself a machine? If so, why you waste your own time making stupid comments on UA-cam videos? Is this the climax of your evolutionary process? And why bother if the other "machines" are also pre-determined to do what they do? Do you have a bug in your own "program" that prevents you to understand basic logical implications?
Continuing on intelectual curiosity: how do you explain Miracles? Or you really think they don't exist? Or you negate them just because you know that their existence will make your castle of cards ruin? Well, try these: Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano (researched by scientists), Miracle of the Sun in Fatima (witnessed by 70,000 people, including reporters, polititians, members of Academia, etc), the many cures of Lourdes (all confirmed by medics), the bilocations and cures of Padre Pio of Pieltrecina (confirmed by American military during WWII), the Shroud of Turin (researched by Nasa scientists; read what they had written), the materialization of a Holy Host in Garabandal (filmed and available on UA-cam), etc, etc, etc.
@Patrick Montgomery sorry I can't decipher your 12 years old way of typing. But you are so, so funny! I think you have multiple personas inside you. Regards.
@Patrick Montgomery so you are Protestant! Refer to my first reply, then. The first christians were so Catholic! Enjoy reality!
@Patrick Montgomery agu hei bjmxgn write a.c. with hhddvb. I ffsgjiev CAN'T Gbvhkm under ghnb stand vbnnmffb YOU.
Ave Maria 🙏 Hail Holy Queen Mother of Mercy. God forgive and have mercy on those who blaspheme against her perpetual virginity, her holy image, against her Immaculate Conception, against the divine and spiritual maternity of Mary. Amen
I personally think Bathsheba knew exactly what Adonijah was up to when he asked her to intercede---she knew he had to go (be executed), so she asked Solomon for David's youngest wife for A. (whoever marries the king's wife is the king, right). Bathsheba knew she was forcing Solomon to deal with his eldest brother before he could attempt to take her son's throne from him. Just my opinion...….!
I want this video and book, where can I order it?
Thank you Mama Mary... Our Mother... Our Queen...
You are like the saint with the Golden Tongue
Holy Mary Mother Of God Queen of Heaven Pray for us Amen
We are warned that there will be MANY not a few deceived. Look what Mary says and who she points to:
Luke 1:46-55 NKJV
46 And Mary said:
“My soul magnifies THE LORD,
47 And my spirit has rejoiced in GOd MY 🚨 Savior🚨 (See she needed a Saviour too)
48 For HE has regarded the lowly state of HIS maidservant;
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.(🚨this is NOT an instruction to pray to Mary🚨)
49 For HE who is mighty has done great things for me,
And holy is HIS name.
50 And HIS mercy is on those who fear Him
From generation to generation.
51 (HE has shown strength with His arm;
HE has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
52 HE has put down the mighty from their thrones,
And exalted the lowly.
53 HE has filled the hungry with good things,
And the rich He has sent away empty.
54 HE has helped HIS servant Israel,
In remembrance of HIS mercy,
55 As He spoke to our fathers,
To Abraham and to HIS seed forever.”
Mary did not hang on cross for your sins. #john316 #eternityisforever
AND YET: Luke 8:19-21
19 Then his mother and his brothers came to him, but they could not reach him because of the crowd. 20 And he was told, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, desiring to see you.”
21 But he answered them, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.”
So much for that theory.
That's a spiritual teaching. Do/obey/follow the work of the Father and you become a brother, a sister, a mother
Funny how protestantism forgets the very commandment to honor thy mother. If they actually put this into practice....they would realize all their points on Mary, are false...... because in all their points, they do not honor thy mother.
Jesus would never break a commandment yet in protestantism, the logic has Jesus breaking that commandment. Thus.........debunking protestantism
@@user-fc9iq6le2g EXODUS 20:4 says do not pray to idols. And his mother is standing outside in the rain.
God bless your souls how many people you might have turned to the one and true and holy Roman Catholic Church that was founded by Jesus Christ ❤✝️
The universal church consists of all believers worldwide whom Christ has saved from the Day of Pentecost until He returns.
St. Ignatius an apostle of St. John: (107 A.D.) “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the CATHOLIC church.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2)
(110 A.D.) “Repent and return into the unity of the church, follows a SCHISM he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.”
(Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4)
(412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
(253 A.D.) Bishop Cyprian: “Throne of Peter, the chief church, the Romans.” (Epistle 54:14) “One Church, one chair… another altar cannot be set up, nor a new priesthood… whoever gathers elsewhere scatters.” (Letters 43[40]:5)
“He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” (Mathew 12:30)
“Serpent (Satan) invented heresies and schisms
he might corrupt the truth.”
(De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate 1, 3-4)
(e.g., orthodox, protestants etc.,)
(367 A.D. St. Optatus):
“Rome… sat Peter, the head of all the Apostles… ONE Cathedra (Chair)… Apostles might claim separate Cathedras, he would already be a schismatic and a sinner.” (Against the Donatists, Book 2 Chapter 2) (CCC 552)
(412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
Saturdays for OUR “Great Lady”!
This man is good at expressing and explaining the truths of our Catholic religion.
Too bad he doesn't teach the Words of Jesus.
Great joke to start the ball rolling
Studying the gospel of John where Mary (THE MOTHER OF JESUS ACCORDING TO JOHN) is mentioned twice, in the wedding of Cana and at the foot of the cross. The 2 texts are linked in many ways but I have no time to go through all of their details, I will attract your attentions to the titles given by Jesus to his mother, WOMAN, never encountered in the Bible that a man calls his mother Woman, and the second title MOTHER, when he told the disciple: Behold your mother. Those happen to be the two titles given to Eve by Adam. "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." "...Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living." The same way Jesus is the new Adam, Mary is the new Eve.
Yes, before Eve fell, she is called woman, but after
she fell, she is called Eve.
Mary NEVER fell, thus she is called WOMAN always by Jesus!
Dear bro i am so sorry , i not mean to say that. Because many people no respect to our mother Mary mother of Jesus Christ. Please hace mercy on me.
What is so significant about the gold of Ophir? It seems linked with the wedding covenant.
More proof that Marian devotion is not some nice (or weird?) little Medieval Catholic add-on but actually protects orthodox Christology....
Glenn , it is rubbish and a lie of the devil it is not scriptural .
Don't bother reading the entire account of the Council of Ephesus below then...Protestants always tell me how incorrect I am then ultimately only rely on their "opinion" to disprove my ideas (rather the long-thought out reflections of the Church)....
Glenn , what the council of Ephesus does not over ride the inspired word of God There is no mention of Marian devotion in the scriptures or Marynology or any thing that mary has to do with worshiping God or our relation with Christ That is not my opinion it is not scriptural
@@donaldcooley897: it was a Council that decided which Books ARE the Word of God...did you notice the video above? His whole point is to show Marian devotion, not worship, you are wrong there, is entirely Scriptural....
John Bergsma (former Calvinist minister), on how the Dead Sea Scrolls show the Reformers were wrong in taking 7 books out of the Old Testament....
"The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger."
---Jeremiah 7:18
You notice here that these people is Jeremiah are offering sacrifice to this "queen of heaven". This pagan goddess was a thing that these people believed to be a god. Of course this angered the true God. But if you look in Revelation 12, you'll find a woman who is also considered a queen because of the crown she wears, and this woman is known as Mary, the mother of Jesus. If you listened to Brant Pitre talk about the queen mother, then you would have heard that Mary's title is the mother of God and also the queen of Heaven.
Mary is not even alive at that time.
Also, we do NOT offer up food and worship her!
Nice try HERETIC!!!
Just get his book. It’s all there.
One fallacy in your thought process, though, is the idea that the Church has to be explained in the Bible. The Church didn’t come from the Bible - the Bible came from the Church. Jesus told us he came to establish his Church (Matt 16:18). And, he told us that his Church is to be the final arbiter of any disagreements between believers (Matt 18:17). This Church existed before any of the New Testament was written and it is this Church which, nearly 400 years later, gave us the Bible.
@@ST-ov8cm Again, the WORD of God was/is with God/YHWH before it became a SCRIPTURE (Handwritten/Manuscript)... long before God/YHWH established His CHURCH through Christ Jesus (The Rock)... The "WORD of God" built the CHURCH of God in Christ and not the other way around...
The closest to the Early 7 Churches in Asia Minor of the 1st Cent. A.D. were the Greek Orthodox Churches of the 2nd Cent. A.D. ... Proof?... the Original Scriptures (O.T/N.T.) were all written in Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Languages only ... and not in Roman LATIN...
The Scriptures (o.T./N/T) were translated only in the 4th Cent. A.D. upon the creation of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH under the leadership of the Roman Emperor Constantine...
The WORD of God became a Complete Individual Manuscripts (SCRIPTURE) in Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Language only around 110 A.D. after the last Apostle (John) died at the END of the 1st Cent. A.D....
God/YHWH through Christ Jesus built His CHURCH for the purpose of IMPLEMENTING and EXECUTING the WILL (Prerogatives) of God/YHWH that was written in God's WORD/SCRIPTURE... The Authority to "BIND and LOOSE" means to "BIND (accept)" the implementation and practices of the WORD of God... and to "LOOSE (reject)" the implementation and practices that were not in the WORD of God... on Earth and in Heaven...
The R.C. CHURCH has NO Authority to create/make their own SCRIPTURE (Word of God/Doctrines/Dogmas)... and nothing to be ADDED nor SUBTRACTED (taken away)...
ALL SCRIPTURE is GOD-BREATHE (Inspired)... the O.T. was sealed by Prophet Daniel through the Angel. (ref. Daniel 12:4)... and the N.T. was sealed by Apostle John through the Angel. (ref. Rev. 22:18-19)... The SCRIPTURE (Word of God) is COMPLETE and SUFFICIENT enough, lacking nothing thereof... (ref. 2 Timothy 3:16)...
The Purpose why God allowed His WORD to be written down called SCRIPTURE (written WORD of God) and SEALED them both (O.T./N.T.)... is just like having S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) for establishing Doctrines, for reproofing, for correcting, for instruct if the CHURCH is doing RIGHTFULLY in the Sight of God... or a SCALE/GUIDE (measuring stick) for "CHECKING and BALANCING" everything regarding FAITH (Spiritual Aspect) and RELIGION (Physical Practices)...
Facts and Truth of the Matters, Biblically, Historically, and Logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
Yes.......thank you for being the perfect example of why protestantism is false..
Now, let's go with your logic that it has to be PLAINLY WRITTEN in scripture
Show me exactly what verse in the Bible does it say to worship Jesus.
Thanks in advance for proving the falsehood of protestantism.........
@@user-fc9iq6le2g Ref. John 10:30... "I AND MY FATHER (GOD/YHWH) ARE ONE.".... therefore, if you Worship the Father God/YHWH, you are also automatically worshipping the Son/Word/Christ Jesus at the same time... logically with a little common sense.... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
Are the Greek words he used written on the screen? I was mostly just listening to it.
It’s crazy to think Jesus needs a mediator to god or to Jesus . Jesus Christ is god . This is part of the big deception I will pray for all of you my long lost relative
Wow read the Bible
I’m sorry if I sound frustrated because there’s really really common basic Protestant objections to things and very little nuanced conversation. You think we haven’t heard these objections before but it’s apologetics 101. You will not convert anyone with what you said here in this comment and if that’s your hope and goal try to actually learn what is happening and reform your argument.
Mary is INTERCESSOR. Just as I might ask someone to pray for me, so I ask Mary. The prayers of the righteous are powerful (James 5:16). We also know the saints are in heaven offering their prayers to God. Who is more righteous than Mary? She was “kacharitomene” to God the Father (full of grace, highly favoured), mother of God the Son and mystical spouse of God the Holy Spirit. No creature comes closer to God than that. We also know that Jesus does not refuse his mother and honours her (wedding at Cana and the finding in the temple).
Mary is the archetype of a Christian. She is the very very first Christian. Her will is 100% aligned to Jesus. It is thanks to her “yes”, her unbelievable sacrifice of her life that we have our Messiah. As we know a soul pierced her own soul too.
She IS the woman in Rev 12 as primary symbol (and before you say yes the woman is secondary symbol of the church... she IS the archetypal Christian). If you hold to the testimony and keep God’s commandments then she is also YOUR mother.
She is the new ark of the covenant (learn your typologies). She is Lady Wisdom. She is the gebirah.
So what does this all mean?.... she is a powerful saint to implore. Mortal sin separates you from God. But Mary is able to help intercede when you are not so righteous.
Now you know a vague understanding of the Catholic position of Mary. Worship to God contains sacrifice (the end of this video talks about this). We do not sacrifice to Mary. We honour her just as I would honour my own mother with praise and gifts etc. God is the only person we sacrifice to. We venerate and honour her.
We Catholics also spend most of our time talking directly to Jesus. God calls us to be a family. It’s like you’re saying I should only talk to my dad and no one else in my family. It’s not that talking to Mary means we are taking away from Jesus. Mary is ALWAYS pointing to Jesus. As she said her souls magnifies the Lord.
When you realise Mary and her role the whole bible narrative will show its chiastic structure to you and it will help you understand the mysteries of salvation. I pray for YOU my long lost relative. I hope you figure it out. I know you are a dear brother in Christ. God bless.
21 How very unpleasant is wisdom to the unlearned, and the unwise will not continue with her. 22 She shall be to them as a mighty stone of trial, and they will cast her from them before it be long. 23 For the wisdom of doctrine is according to her name, and she is not manifest unto many, but with them to whom she is known, she continueth even to the sight of God.
Sirach 6:21-23 | DRBn
She will rain it the Antichrist
Robert ... I can’t believe you are speaking about Jesus’ mother like this... again.... think very carefully about how you speak about her...
God the father calls her kacharitomene... a very unique name... meaning full of grace, past, present and future
She is the mother of God the Son
She is mystical spouse of the Holy Spirit
How on earth is the woman who for all generations shall be called blessed (Luke Ch 2) have anything to do with the antichrist? BLESSED FOR ALL GENERATIONS!
It is unbelievable what you have just said. Your idea is a very demonic idea. Unbelievable.
askmemakeup it’s the Feminine spirit that will rain it in .Jesus never said his mother will help you or him Jesus is the comforter not a woman
Why/How do protestants miss this?
Misunderstanding Mary is misunderstanding Jesus.. period.
I'm sorry but this is kinda frustrating actually. First off, God did NOT set Israel up to have kings see Samuel where God tells his people that he the Lord is King and the people still wanted a physical King. God actually took offense at this request because of thier constant rejection but tells them essentially fine you want a King I will give you. But know this, as the Lord further explains that Kings will demand much from them and if a bad King comes God will ignore their complaint. David was blessed by God because through the root of Jesse and through the line of David God will be made flesh.
The linage in Mathew is to demonstrate that Jesus is the awaited Messiah by showing the line of both Jospeh and Mary. This is showing what has been spoken of by the prophets has been fulfilled.
Secondly, the magnificat is not a self glorification in any way. It is common to acknowledge that it is the Lord who sets up kingdoms of men and thrusts them down to raise up another. Nebuchadnezzar, King Saul, and among others are prime examples of how the Lord throws Kings down and raises up new ones due to sin.
Multiple thrones is because Mary is referring to all those who were in thrones and removed by God. This is not Mary glorifying herself but glorifying God who does these things.
One of the best Catholic teacher❤️