Quality portable toilets are now very reasonably priced and well built. Mine holds over 6 gallons, any more too heavy, but does provide plenty of capacity. They have improved over the years, mine has two jets to flush. Contained in a big sliding drawer in my van. Works very well. Not perfect, but best option for my situation. Your video, thoughtfully done. Thanks.
I have best of both. I have cassette tank stored under my Van which has a black tank. If I have no dump station around, I just empty my black tank into my cassette tank. thus now I have cassette RV. The Americanizer - RV Sewage Adapter makes cassette tank dumps into a small pipe easy. Thus I now have no problem dumping my black tank.
Your video convinced me that a simple dry flush toilet is the best option (for me). I cut a opening in my Storyteller's shower pan lid and installed a full size toilet seat, with a collection bag under it. It takes up no more space than the toilet seat and lid. Disposal of waste is in any waste receptacle, just like picking up after your dog. For those squeamish about this simple chore, there's the bulky $1000 Laveo and $25 cartridges. Mine cost $10 for the seat an a penny for each plastic bag. Bonus: I kept the piece I cut out as a base for my jack.
Pare this with a Nattela jar or female urinal and you are set. I have a trip tips that folds down toilet that is 2" thick 12 inch circle broken down. I use a small bucket inside of it, lined with 4 gallon trash bags and put a small scoop of horse bedding pellets in it. Tie the used bag up and dispose of it in a trash receptacle. This system is compact enough for even a small car and paired with an IKEA poncho can be used anywhere, think pandemicand locked rest areas. If I keep my class b, I will be taking the toilet out and capping the black tank in favor of this method. My class b will be 30 years old next year so I don't have to worry about resale value... 😊
Throwing bags of human waste in a dumpster or any trash can is both illegal, insanely unsanitary, it makes all the rest of us look bad. It may not smell when your throwing the bag in the trash can. All it takes is one thing to tear open that bag, and that smell is going to go everywhere. Yes, I know that Bob Wells does it too. And that's the one thing that I just absolutely cannot agree with him on. All of you people are basically saying that it's not a problem for you and therefore to hell with all the rest of us.
@@GrantSR I understand your concern. I'm not sure how dog waste is somehow acceptable, and disposable diapers. Both illegal? Explain that to parents traveling with infants. Where do those diapers go, even at their homes? Back to cloth diapers? Is the Laveo an illegal device to sell and operate?
@GrantSR The EPA considers the contents of a diaper (human waste) to be a municipal solid and therefore safe to dump in a landfill. The EPA has also said: "Modern landfills are well-engineered facilities that are located, designed, operated, and monitored to ensure compliance with federal regulations, which aim to protect the environment from contaminants, which may be present in the solid waste stream." Putting waste in a plastic bag is no different than what's going in a diaper, and yes diapers do come apart, rip, etc. Now the only thing that's illegal in many places is that you can't leave dog poop on the ground in public - so what do you do? Pick it up with a plastic bag and put it in a trash can. Is it going to smell? Of course but I've had things rotting in the garbage that were way worse than some poop smells.
@7:48. I can totally relate. While stationed in Germany in the 1980s, my Bavarian wife and I were tenting in the lovely Black Forest region of Black Forest in Germany. At a certain point, I realized it was time to empty our portable cassette toilet. Everything at first was going swimmingly, until I lost my grip and the waste receptacle got away from me and slid all over the floor. Yuk. The problem was that not only was our waste all over the washroom floor -- a definite no-no in Germany -- my wife happened to have "her friend" visiting that weekend. (And by friend I mean "menstruation.") Definitely a memorable experience. One for the ages.
We also have a Thetford 565E (with floor mounting bracket) in our DIY Class-B. We love it for all the reasons Joe mentions. We dump every day or two to keep the weight down. Dumping takes less than 5 minutes. Pit toilets are our preferred dump spots. No worry about splash back. 👍👍
Those 2 are probably most common. We have a laveoe dry flush electric toilet. It uses a battery or plug in. When you’re done it seals liquid and solids in a bag to be thrown away. Also maybe review the insinerator type. You have found your niche with this type of video. Thanks!
Thank you for making clear that a cassette toilet and a portable toilet are two different things. I have had to explain this so many times on Reddit that I have just given up. Now, I'm going to save a link to this video, and just drop that link in every time somebody refers to a porta potty as a cassette toilet.
We use a toilette where we separate fluids from the "hard stuff".....no smell at all and no need to surch for dump stations...that was a game changer for us....
@@Weretherussos Yes, it´s called biotoi and was constructed by a owner of a Ford Nugget because he couldn´t find a suitable one. But it fit´s in various camper vans. Size is comparable to a small porta potty
I camp solo with a tiny camper-6’x5’ inside. I have a Cleanwaste Go Folding Portable Toilet for use overnight and in the morning. I made my own urine separator with a 1 gallon gas can and a silicone funnel. I use biodegradable bags and kitty litter for #2. I’m usually in a campground and empty each morning. Cheap, easy and folds away in the day and evening.
Horse bedding pellets are lighter, cheaper and do a better job than, kitty litter. It can be disposed of in a leave no trace cat hole, sans the plastic trash bag in a really remote situation too...
Thank you for another informative video. A true story, when our children were young we used to drive to the grandparents regularly and every time we would get to a rural place on the trip one of our children would have to go to the bathroom. The only services were poorly maintained an flat out gross. I saw a portable toilet at K-Mart and I showed it to my husband and he said we are not getting that. I went back the next day after work and bought it. I but it in the very back of the Dodge minivan I drove and didn't tell my husband. A few weeks later we were taking the kids to visit grandparents and the inevitable happened. I let my husband take our son into the service station and just waited. When they were back at the minivan and my husband was trying to get our son to just pee in the field I opened the back hatch and showed our son the porta potty. My husband said "I thought we agreed not to purchase that". Then as I closed the back hatch so our son could do his business and he simply said "I'm not going to empty that ". After two more trips with the toilet and children he would not leave on a trip without the portable toilet. The portable toilet was by far my husband's preferred toilet when we were traveling even after we retired and purchased our class b. Emptying the black tank and grey tanks on it the first time was an adventure that I will never forget... pro tip, just purchase new hoses, ( all of them), for your used RV.... Thank you again for another excellent video. Safe travels.
I enjoyed the Black-Tank and the Full Hook Up System on Campground in the USA during my Camper-Van Vacations. We stayed with a Roadtrek Van and a Airstream Interstate most times on Campgrounds with full hook up. This was very comfortable. I did a two week USA West Coast Tour with a Winnebago Revel. I´m used to the Cassette Toilets here in Europe, so it was no problem to handle the Cassette WC in the Revel. Maybe the Cassette Toilette gives you a bit more freedom to empty it. But in the USA they are so many locations to drop the black tank, thats what I would prever 😁.
I currently have a destination park model trailer, but truly considering getting a small class c rv, the information you guys are providing is helping me tremendously. Thanks!
Pro tip, if you are emptying a cassette into a toilet make sure you tilt the outflow the direction of the natural swirl for the hemisphere you are in...😂❤, I Saw that video and laughed until my side hurt... It was a little dramatic though. You have to keep in mind they are an RV brand ambassador.
Nice explanation! Note: We have seen several sites that no longer allow you to dump your cassette toilet except at the sanitation site where you would go with your black tank. Not an issue, just be aware. We have also heard that some national parks will no longer allow cassette or portable potties, and instead require a black tank…haven’t seen this yet though.
Option 3) No toilet. Public toilets are everywhere and if they aren't around, you're likely in a place that sports a nice spot for a hole in the ground with a beautiful view. I have the cassette pictured in your vid and while it's OK, it's just too fiddly to clean and takes up a ton of space. The only time I've missed it was when it was chucking down rain for hours.
We've been way too many places, especially in urban environments where a toilet is a must. Even if there is a public toilet or place to pop a squat, there are those times in the middle of night you need to go...and with someone else in the van, opening/closing doors is VERY disturbing and I don't want to be getting dressed and walking around at 2am.
The number of people camping have made “cat hole” pooping obsolete. Holes need to be deeper than 6 inches to ensure that there is 6 inches of soil between the top of the waste and paper and the ground. Not many people do this. It’s just no longer safe.
Compost Toilets are a great idea, however, it has its own set of problems. I am leaning towards cassette toilets, in general, or "dry" toilets. 😀 It boils down to your lifestyle and what works best for you each day! PS I am going research incinerating toilets. Never heard of them until today! 😀
I went from a portable dometic to a scamp 16 with a 10 gallon black tank. The full size toilet is nice, especially for the kids. I found using a mixture of pinesol and calgon beads is the best from the black tank treatment. It smells nice, it dumps well, no need to use any special toilet paper. Water is your friend though and I always make sure to fill the black tank all the way up right before dumping. Recently, I got a macerator pump on amazon which lets me pump into the cleanout at my house, so now we avoid the lines at campgrounds on the weekends and just dump our tanks at home.
A very educational video! Live in Europe and we are, as you say, used to cassette toilets. Have had an A class with a black tank and it was a bit more work. Some have an extra cassette and now there are fully automatic cassette washing machines.
Kind of depends on how use use it. If it is used infrequently, more for "emergency" use, then the cassette can be more practical. I had a portable cassette in my van and I kept it loaded with RV anti-freeze in the winter. Winter time is when wet toilets can be problematical, both from water supply and black tank perspective. Not too many people keep their van fully heated at all times. One hard freeze can create real problems.
I thought that we would prefer a cassette for ease in finding places to empty. Instead we found that our gray tank always fills first, and we need a dump station for that. So hands down, we prefer a black tank over a cassette
after years of watching RV clips like yours and others, this is the reason, I haven't taken up RVing. The idea, one has to physically empty their waste, is just arghhh....
It's no more nasty than flushing a toilet, the difference is that you'll probably wear gloves when pulling the lever on the black tank and not when flushing a toilet. The RV movie is silly. Non-RVers reference that movie to me like it's a guide to what to expect.
We had our Thetford cassette break while traveling to Texas. The valve failed to close. Luckily Amazon was able to ship one to us in two days. Otherwise, we like our cassette toilet convenience.
We have been full-time since May 2015 in a Winnebago Class A RV. I actually built a Sea head "clone" in 2018. (Wife HATED it!!) AFTER all of that (PLUS I have worked as an RV Tech in MT & done many "favor" side jobs & upgraded our own 2003 RV over the years (solar, batteries, plumbing, suspension, etc. since 2018.)) ** We currently use an "off brand" portable toilet! I agree w/ALL your points. Convenience, portability & "storage space" considerations. . . ALL point to a Porta-Potti as my choice! ;)
Good topic, Joe, thank you. I am reconsidering "liking" a cassette or portable just not filling it up as much, as I still really appreciate not having to "deal" with dump stations on the road. It is something I was very set on when I planned my build and still prefer not to. Now having used my van for a while, I think that a portable maybe even better, something that is not built in and can be moved around as needed, as I recently thought about modifying my van in order to utilize more space and replace the cassette with a portable unit, however that poses the issue of doing some work with removing the water lines, etc. that are hooked up to the built in cassette, as you mentioned in your video as well. It seems that as the individual's camping style evolves, you figure out the best option for you.
We have only had black tanks and would only choose black tanks. Reasons - since you have to dump the gray tank anyway (and hopefully, please use a dump station), it works out to less dumping overall. For us, about once a week. (We’re in a van with smaller tanks.). No hauling a jug into a bathroom. Also, (and weren’t you included in this?) some people only use their cassette for #1, relying on public bathrooms for #2. Some people online were quite expressive as they described the smell of dumping their cassette after a weekend of camping.😂 Some choose to use a separate receptacle for TP, which to us, along with everything else, was like …. okay, that’s it. Not doing that. We converted our own van and relied on UA-cam for how-tos. But we never found anything on building a black tank system. Nothing! So we figured it out and after three years of use, it works perfectly. Zero odors. Zero problems. It uses some water for flushing, but we have plenty. So to each his own, but for us, a flushing porcelain toilet like at home is the only way to “go”.😉
This is the answer… I have to dump my gray, anyway, when I do, I dump black first. Like many here, I’ve had every damn system you can imagine. Cassettes, composting, and black. Meh, not that difficult. I’ve found that all systems can be lived with. But a black tank with a macerater is a godsend. Let me repeat… I’m dumping my gray tank, regardless. Now I just start with the black tank. What am I missing here?
I am currently seeking information on building a black tank system. Did you ever find any info? I'm just not sure as how to install the fittings onto the tank itself, plus a vent and all the info. I literally can't find anything!
@@thatoneguy6725 The only people we found on UA-cam who were installing black tanks were the professional builders, like Advanced RV. But they weren’t offering tutorials. I haven’t searched since we built ours three years ago. My husband has some home construction experience so we were able to figure it out. We purchased a 14 gallon black tank on Amazon which was installed inside the van. Our grey tank is in the very commonly used location under the van behind the driver seat. The black tank sits midway, on the same side, so the two tanks can empty into the same pipe for drainage, as all RV systems do. In our “bathroom” the black tank is enclosed with a custom fiberglass cover. (You could build it with plywood covered in a waterproof material but we wanted ours to be seemlessly attached to the shower pan.) We found a 14” high toilet (Amazon) that we installed directly on top, so gravity sends ‘everything’ down, avoiding the need for a pump. The black tank is about 7” high, so it brings the toilet up to normal height. Btw, our shower pan is recessed into the hallway floor, so the toilet faces the hallway, perpendicular to the black tank. The black tank runs along the side wall. We ran a single vent up through the bathroom wall and out the roof. The gray tank also vents through the same pipe. We didn’t want flimsy pull handles for opening the drain pipe, so we have an electric system that empties both tanks using push buttons, accessed in the “garage”. That added some expense but overall, much cheaper than a Nature’s Head. I’m not sure about fittings but I can get back to you after I ask my husband. I’m guessing they’d be the same as used on the gray tank, since both tanks are plastic. I’m sorry if this isn’t very clear. If we were on Facebook, I could post pictures.
My first camping trip was renting a Class C with a black tank, but had two small trailers with no toilet, but the wife says we need a toilet in whatever comes next. One trailer we are considering has a black tank, but we haven't ruled out a Class B yet. I would lean toward a cassette toilet but may end up being decided based on the floor plan we choose. We will likely rent a few different styles before we buy. And, by the way, the ice cream cone on your shirt looks like it was inspired by Alexander Hamilton's hairdo on the $10 bill. 😂
We put toilet paper in a basket, we use baking soda instead of chemicals and dump our five gallon porta potty (Thetford Curve gets our vote) wherever, including pit toilets which don’t want chemicals that wreck microorganisms breaking down the toilet waste. We winter in Latin America and our system works well there as well. Thanks for a great video on a subject that freaks people out too much. PS nice t-shirt. Ours smells the same.
We have the Thetford you like in our cargo trailer and truck camper, but now have black tank. I think for me I like using the black tank with the black flush connection. We usually flush a few good time. But we do like using our own bathroom.
I have only ever dealt with a black tank. I am VERY careful about hooking up, and so far no accidents. I am kind of intrigued by the Trelino toilet, expensive though
Used a black tank before and it was easy to dump, but I've always worried about maintenance. I haven't used cassette toilets before, but at 40 lbs, it seems a pain to carry around. That said, we currently have a 'composting' toilet with a 1 gallon "p-tank" that can be dumped in a toilet very easily, so I assume cassette toilets would be just as easy... not sure of the smell though! The composting toilets' biggest advantage is you dump the solid waste in a bag and can throw it away anywhere. Its biggest disadvantage is having to at some point clean out the solid waste container (I usually do this at the end of the trip). That container will get... um... messy. Some composting toilets use a bag (like a trash bag) in the container so easier to clean, but this means no "mixer" to help cover waste... you end up using more composting material so that may be an issue for some. You didn't mention the Laveo Dry Flush, which is a great option for those that don't want to deal with any mess at all. My only issues are the expense of the cassettes you use and the repair issues if something goes wrong. Thanks for the video... always good to hear others opinions of toilet talk!! Be seeing you!
A Cassette is a Black Tank, just much smaller, unless you are calling a "Diaper Genie" type a cassette. I chose to go with a diverting unit a couple years ago and will never mix the solids with the liquids again.
Very informative video Joe! I remember you doing a similar vid about waste extraction back in the day - I think it might’ve been with the Aktiv, but not one hundred percent sure! This kinda reinforces my belief that, you’re DEF number 1, when dealing with number 2 😂 Always my best to you and Kait 🖖🏼🥂
Thank you for explaining both two I am new at this and I have seen RV I like but have a black tank or cassette and don't know which one is better you give me a better idea on both as how they operate 😅 because I can't walk so it will comes down to my family to do the dumping 😅 I can just sit inside and stay cool to eat and drink 😂 while my wife and kids are doing it 😂at least for me The cassette looks more convenient for dumping besides there is no dumping stations near my house and house toilet is It 😅as for smell I would have a mask on with perfume spray on it and hopefully it will mask the smell 😂 now next steps is to convince my family to get one because I can't walk good so on the long trip it's nice to walk a short distances to the toilet 😂 and do my thing and don't worry about a rest stop if we missed it that did happened to me once I told my wife I needed to go at the rest stop and she missed the exit 😱😭 so I have to wait until the next one 😅 and the relief felt so good 😂❤if there are enough rooms in the RV I might try get an extra one just in case she missed the exit again 😂
We also have a Thetford porta potti. Works great for #1 but we have never used it for #2 . They describe it as a flush toilet but really, it's a rinse. I really can't see it working at all for #2. We use 2 oz of black tank deodorizer in it's little 5 gallon "black tank". That amount works great but, it is the amount many black tank products recommend for much larger tanks. Have others found this?
Honestly I love OG style an Etool dig a hole do your business and cover. Only your wipe trash is left to dispose of. But these days many places discourage this specially in no vegetation and or no recordablevpercopitation. So when I can't do this like you are best next option is the portable toilet. 👍🏽
one youtuber had one of those thetfords in a ram promaster and going up the mountain the pressure built and exploded poop everywhere ewwww. I am a black tank girl not dragging cassette anywhere or dealing with the lifting when I can just hook up a hose far less often, and get rid of grey at the same time.
I don’t know about that. We’ve taken ours to over 11k feet and never had a problem. There’s a bit of “release” when you open it for the first time but I’m not sure I’m buying that theirs exploded. Do you have a link to the video?
Thanks for the video - I now understand what happened. He didn't release the pressure before he used it and then opened it all the way up so the pressure inside blew out what was in the bowl. You only make that mistake once...
We have used portable head, black tank and cassette. After using a cassette will never ever go back to the others. To those that are disgusted by the cassette to each their own and mind your own business when I’m dumping in a public toilet. Twice now I’ve had RVer’s tell me I cannot dump that thing in there.
@@Weretherussos The first instance was an old coot in a class c at a rest area in Indiana. He was very upset and agitated. He was hanging out the driver side window and almost screaming. So, I walked up to him held up my cellphone and told him, “Here call someone that cares”. He was outraged and drove off screaming. What is funny a Trooper saw me offloading the cassette and asked if it was my van, I responded that it was and he said, “Cool” and drove off only to be replaced by the old coot. The second occasion was in VT. Again some old coot in a class c sees me offloading the cassette and makes a bee line for me and follows me into the bathroom and tells me I can’t dump in here. I tell him to mind his own business. What’s funny is someone was already stinking up the place much worse than I was going to. Old dude then went out to the volunteer at the desk to complain. Old dude was pointing at me and having a fit with the volunteer. Volunteer waved at me and asked if I had gotten any of the free coffee that they had just made and wished me safe travels. I can only guess that these two guys were jealous that I could conveniently dispose of my waste unlike them.
Here's something to think about.. people in public restrooms don't want to deal with 5 gal of your family's disgusting waste, and many people dig holes and dump these anywhere when no one's looking. and no you just can't walk into a restaurant where folks are eating and roll that thing in. You guys are like people that bring their annoying dogs to somebody's house when they're invited over for dinner. So yeah enjoy your cassette crapper but if I see you dumping near me ?,and I'm offended.? You will know about it even if I have to embarrass you in front of your family... believe me you will be humbled
Having used both cassette and black tanks, we much prefer a black tank but ours is a large rv and tank. If space and weight was at a premium, we’d go portable.
I think you were scared that first time you made a homemade composting toilet that didn’t separate pop and pee. Your story about the horrendous smell was absolutely hilarious 😂.
I am curious how it works if you are in a full-hookup campground that has septic hookup at each site. If you have black and gray tanks, do you still fill them up then dump them in the usual manner, as if you were at a dump station, or do you just leave both valves open all the time and feed both the black and gray into the connected septic hookup? There are those seasonal campers, for example. They might be at the site for 3 months or more. I'm curious how they handle this. Very interesting video. I like the cassette idea but I also like that roll-around black tank contraption. I also saw a toilet that burns the waste? How odd is that?
You can’t leave a black tank open. What happens is that all of the liquid will go into the septic and leave the solid behind which will eventually form a pyramid and block up your toilet.
@@Weretherussos So, I guess what they must do is allow the black tank to fill up, then with the hose connected to the outside dump port in the ground, they periodically dump the black tank, followed by the gray tank, to flush out the hose. Really, not so different than what one would do at a dump station.
For us a cassette toilet is too heavy to handle safely when full. We find we’d have to dump everyday to avoid the weight. The same for portables. We’ve seen people drop a portable tank and crack it. That did not go well. They also are not smell free when dumping. For us a black tank works best.
@@Weretherussos Don't take my replies as disrespectful. I am just an aging, disabled man in a frantic panic over how to avoid total, impending homlessness, and I have zero experience with any of this stuff. I am utterly terrified.
Cleared up a little but than confused again. Thinking cassette and portable were same. So than how do you dump a portable one?....or is there a cassette in there?
Combine black and gray tanks with outside valve. Only flush liquids in toilet. Use small trash bag with toilet when producing solid waste. Store solid waste bags in sealed container outside RV until disposal containers are available. Comfortable seating, no pyramids and less tank maintenance, no back issues after lifting, bending, and holding 40 plus pounds while dumping cassette, if you can handle dog or cat waste this is not a stretch, no inside smell from stored solid waste, no dumping liquid waste every few days, no liquid waste jugs to use and clean or spill, no bug infestation from insect infested moss, no electricity required to run fan to attempt to dry solid waste, more usable waste storage as both tanks are shared and solid waste and paper products are not consuming tank volume, and no extra products to buy/install/store other than a 5 gallon bucket and a gamma seal to contain solid waste odor until it can be disposed. Actually there are smaller buckets for which I think gama seals can be acquired to reduce solid waste storage space and if you have a pet this bucket can store their solid waste as well.
For the "off grid" campers who have a 4.5 gallon cassette toilet (ex: Revel) what do they do out in the woods once that 4.5 gallons gets full? You shouldn't just dump that in woods. (but I assume that's that they do)
Work backwards. Where are you going to camp? If you are simply going from campground to campground, a black tank is probably the best solution. That is what most people will do so the RV manufacturers cater to that. However, there are a small group of people who will predominately boondock or overland. For them, a black tank simply does not work at all. Some have gone to composting toilets but the majority turn to cassette or portable toilets. If you have a small wet bath, it certainly makes sense to have a portable toilet that you can remove when you shower.
Joe is not usually such a potty mouth. 😂 For me, composting is not better than a luggable loo or cassette toilet. Black tank is actually easier than I expected but finding dump sites can be an issue. I often dry camp with my bucket toilet for emergencies.
Dry flush! I have the LAVEO and will Never have anything else, if possible. No tanks, plumbing, dumping, cleaning horrors. Cartridges are preferred, but not mandatory. Also, all system costs are just the LAVEO and providing 12v source. In some strange emergency, it can be removed and used in a cabin, tent with a battery...Mobile personal dump station at its best...
@@WeretherussosI buy direct from LAVEO and they are about $23 per cartridge. I also use regular can bags, doubled up to save money. With bags and some horse pellets or cat litter, a bag change is daily for two people. Kind of like diaper duty...
Bucket with garbage and kitty litter and kitty litter scent powder , as a solo dude it’s perfect I can get 4 days or so barely a smell at all, don’t have a separate bath in my transit , hard to invite a woman over though, but that has been slim Pickens in the three years of Van life anyway so who cares lol
Anyone getting smells from using or dumping a black tank is doing something seriously wrong. Should be able to dump a black tank in a 3 piece suit with patent leather shoes.
Didn't you mention in another video that you and your wife only use your cassette toilet for urine? So, you actually have to do something else with your poop. I do the opposite. I have a small to medium size portable toilet. But I try to use it only for poop. The only time I pee in it is if I absolutely have to pee at the same time that I am pooping. I think the bottom tank on my portable toilet is about 2 1/2 or 3 gallons, and that lasts me at least 3 weeks, and up to a month. I pee in an old Nalgene bottle, which I empty into the nearest toilet on a daily basis. If I am out in the boonies, and I just pee outside like every other dude does.
If you van’s alternator(s) can charge at idle I would go incinerating toilet. I’m not looking for a public restroom for a 2am piss after a night of beers and taco bell.
@@bwbrady8372vanwives youtubers had their incinerator toilet become unuseable and they tried to repair it but not sure if they were ever able tonget it working again....damaged incerinator somehow
Sorry, this seems to be a very one sided 'review'. Dump stations can be gross . . . but so can a public bathroom after a poorly completed cassette or porti-potty dumping. Dump stations (or portable tank) are not the ONLY black tank dumping option, there are thousands of campsites with sewage dump. Now what about folks that cannot easily lower a full cassette (near 50#) to the ground, or lift for dumping. The list of black tank positives could go on . . . . . .
There is no such thing as a "composting toilet" for RV or van use. They are all simply extremely expensive, elaborate poop driers. No composting actually occurs. There is not enough time, and dry poop DOES NOT compost. If you want to see what a real composting toilet is, go look in really old issues of Mother Earth News, or maybe on some off-grid living websites. The results from a real composting toilet still must be put into a sealed drum and allowed to further compost for an entire freaking year before they are safe and pathogen free. They FALSELY call them "composting toilets" so you will think it is ok to dump your human waste into a public trash can or dumpster. It is ALWAYS illegal to put human waste into a public trash can or dumpster. Even if it is dry and not smelly. And the worst part is, it is also illegal to put the contents of your "composting toilet" into any other toilet or even a vault toilet, because the "medium" clogs up the sewage pumping truck. So, there is literally no legal place to put the contents of a "composting toilet" other than in that sealed drum I mentioned earlier, in your own back yard, and leave it for a year.
How are you preventing the black tank from filling up with the bidet? Or are you only hooked up all the time? of the comforts of home THAT is the one thing I miss
@limakilo9289 using the bidet doesn't add much water, maybe a few cups per use, the black tank is 21 gallons, the toilet uses .5 gallons per flush, using it is limited, but you can get 15 flushes easily, which is about 1 week for 1 person, I don't have a Guage to monitor it, I have a small white board that I mark to keep track of flushes, it works for me
Man y'all didn't let any detail go to waste in this video! Great stuff.
Glad you liked it!
I see what you did there.😂
Quality portable toilets are now very reasonably priced and well built. Mine holds over 6 gallons, any more too heavy, but does provide plenty of capacity. They have improved over the years, mine has two jets to flush. Contained in a big sliding drawer in my van. Works very well. Not perfect, but best option for my situation.
Your video, thoughtfully done. Thanks.
That's a great setup you have there!
Practice at home many many times b4 really using it out There.
I have best of both. I have cassette tank stored under my Van which has a black tank. If I have no dump station around, I just empty my black tank into my cassette tank. thus now I have cassette RV. The Americanizer - RV Sewage Adapter makes cassette tank dumps into a small pipe easy. Thus I now have no problem dumping my black tank.
Interesting - thanks for sharing
I always thought the rv manufactures could make this standard giving people the option of using either depending on situation. Good for you.
The Americanizer, made by the fit rv. Great product
If you have a cassette toilet that's easy to dump how about your grey water you would need to get a seperate container for that. To dunp
@@thomaslorenzo6060 I have a small pressure washer with a long hose built in and use the grey water to wash the rv since its just water and soap.
Your video convinced me that a simple dry flush toilet is the best option (for me). I cut a opening in my Storyteller's shower pan lid and installed a full size toilet seat, with a collection bag under it. It takes up no more space than the toilet seat and lid. Disposal of waste is in any waste receptacle, just like picking up after your dog. For those squeamish about this simple chore, there's the bulky $1000 Laveo and $25 cartridges. Mine cost $10 for the seat an a penny for each plastic bag. Bonus: I kept the piece I cut out as a base for my jack.
Thanks for sharing!
Pare this with a Nattela jar or female urinal and you are set. I have a trip tips that folds down toilet that is 2" thick 12 inch circle broken down. I use a small bucket inside of it, lined with 4 gallon trash bags and put a small scoop of horse bedding pellets in it. Tie the used bag up and dispose of it in a trash receptacle. This system is compact enough for even a small car and paired with an IKEA poncho can be used anywhere, think pandemicand locked rest areas. If I keep my class b, I will be taking the toilet out and capping the black tank in favor of this method. My class b will be 30 years old next year so I don't have to worry about resale value... 😊
Throwing bags of human waste in a dumpster or any trash can is both illegal, insanely unsanitary, it makes all the rest of us look bad. It may not smell when your throwing the bag in the trash can. All it takes is one thing to tear open that bag, and that smell is going to go everywhere.
Yes, I know that Bob Wells does it too. And that's the one thing that I just absolutely cannot agree with him on. All of you people are basically saying that it's not a problem for you and therefore to hell with all the rest of us.
@@GrantSR I understand your concern. I'm not sure how dog waste is somehow acceptable, and disposable diapers. Both illegal? Explain that to parents traveling with infants. Where do those diapers go, even at their homes? Back to cloth diapers? Is the Laveo an illegal device to sell and operate?
@GrantSR The EPA considers the contents of a diaper (human waste) to be a municipal solid and therefore safe to dump in a landfill. The EPA has also said: "Modern landfills are well-engineered facilities that are located, designed, operated, and monitored to ensure compliance with federal regulations, which aim to protect the environment from contaminants, which may be present in the solid waste stream."
Putting waste in a plastic bag is no different than what's going in a diaper, and yes diapers do come apart, rip, etc. Now the only thing that's illegal in many places is that you can't leave dog poop on the ground in public - so what do you do? Pick it up with a plastic bag and put it in a trash can. Is it going to smell? Of course but I've had things rotting in the garbage that were way worse than some poop smells.
@7:48. I can totally relate. While stationed in Germany in the 1980s, my Bavarian wife and I were tenting in the lovely Black Forest region of Black Forest in Germany. At a certain point, I realized it was time to empty our portable cassette toilet. Everything at first was going swimmingly, until I lost my grip and the waste receptacle got away from me and slid all over the floor. Yuk. The problem was that not only was our waste all over the washroom floor -- a definite no-no in Germany -- my wife happened to have "her friend" visiting that weekend. (And by friend I mean "menstruation.") Definitely a memorable experience. One for the ages.
We also have a Thetford 565E (with floor mounting bracket) in our DIY Class-B. We love it for all the reasons Joe mentions. We dump every day or two to keep the weight down. Dumping takes less than 5 minutes. Pit toilets are our preferred dump spots. No worry about splash back. 👍👍
Those 2 are probably most common. We have a laveoe dry flush electric toilet. It uses a battery or plug in. When you’re done it seals liquid and solids in a bag to be thrown away. Also maybe review the insinerator type. You have found your niche with this type of video. Thanks!
What are you paying for the bags? Curious to know if you have a “cost per flush”?
Thank you for making clear that a cassette toilet and a portable toilet are two different things. I have had to explain this so many times on Reddit that I have just given up. Now, I'm going to save a link to this video, and just drop that link in every time somebody refers to a porta potty as a cassette toilet.
Glad it was helpful!
We use a toilette where we separate fluids from the "hard stuff".....no smell at all and no need to surch for dump stations...that was a game changer for us....
That's great - is there a specific brand?
@@Weretherussos Yes, it´s called biotoi and was constructed by a owner of a Ford Nugget because he couldn´t find a suitable one. But it fit´s in various camper vans. Size is comparable to a small porta potty
But where do you throw away the waste?
I camp solo with a tiny camper-6’x5’ inside. I have a Cleanwaste Go Folding Portable Toilet for use overnight and in the morning. I made my own urine separator with a 1 gallon gas can and a silicone funnel. I use biodegradable bags and kitty litter for #2. I’m usually in a campground and empty each morning. Cheap, easy and folds away in the day and evening.
Cool solution!
Horse bedding pellets are lighter, cheaper and do a better job than, kitty litter. It can be disposed of in a leave no trace cat hole, sans the plastic trash bag in a really remote situation too...
Thank you for another informative video. A true story, when our children were young we used to drive to the grandparents regularly and every time we would get to a rural place on the trip one of our children would have to go to the bathroom. The only services were poorly maintained an flat out gross. I saw a portable toilet at K-Mart and I showed it to my husband and he said we are not getting that. I went back the next day after work and bought it. I but it in the very back of the Dodge minivan I drove and didn't tell my husband. A few weeks later we were taking the kids to visit grandparents and the inevitable happened. I let my husband take our son into the service station and just waited. When they were back at the minivan and my husband was trying to get our son to just pee in the field I opened the back hatch and showed our son the porta potty. My husband said "I thought we agreed not to purchase that". Then as I closed the back hatch so our son could do his business and he simply said "I'm not going to empty that ". After two more trips with the toilet and children he would not leave on a trip without the portable toilet. The portable toilet was by far my husband's preferred toilet when we were traveling even after we retired and purchased our class b. Emptying the black tank and grey tanks on it the first time was an adventure that I will never forget... pro tip, just purchase new hoses, ( all of them), for your used RV.... Thank you again for another excellent video. Safe travels.
I enjoyed the Black-Tank and the Full Hook Up System on Campground in the USA during my Camper-Van Vacations. We stayed with a Roadtrek Van and a Airstream Interstate most times on Campgrounds with full hook up. This was very comfortable. I did a two week USA West Coast Tour with a Winnebago Revel. I´m used to the Cassette Toilets here in Europe, so it was no problem to handle the Cassette WC in the Revel. Maybe the Cassette Toilette gives you a bit more freedom to empty it. But in the USA they are so many locations to drop the black tank, thats what I would prever 😁.
It's pretty easy to dump a black tank in the USA however there are places where it is hard to find...or you have to wait in a long line!
I currently have a destination park model trailer, but truly considering getting a small class c rv, the information you guys are providing is helping me tremendously. Thanks!
Many years ago another YT Channel tried a cassette toilet, needless
to say it was traumatic. Glad you made this
as I needed further education.
Was that TheFitRV? I remember they're video. We've had the opposite experience with ours.
Pro tip, if you are emptying a cassette into a toilet make sure you tilt the outflow the direction of the natural swirl for the hemisphere you are in...😂❤, I Saw that video and laughed until my side hurt... It was a little dramatic though. You have to keep in mind they are an RV brand ambassador.
And I'd prefer the cassette toilets-you can take it out of the RV/camper. Take care!!🤗🤗
Nice explanation! Note: We have seen several sites that no longer allow you to dump your cassette toilet except at the sanitation site where you would go with your black tank. Not an issue, just be aware. We have also heard that some national parks will no longer allow cassette or portable potties, and instead require a black tank…haven’t seen this yet though.
Option 3) No toilet. Public toilets are everywhere and if they aren't around, you're likely in a place that sports a nice spot for a hole in the ground with a beautiful view. I have the cassette pictured in your vid and while it's OK, it's just too fiddly to clean and takes up a ton of space. The only time I've missed it was when it was chucking down rain for hours.
We've been way too many places, especially in urban environments where a toilet is a must. Even if there is a public toilet or place to pop a squat, there are those times in the middle of night you need to go...and with someone else in the van, opening/closing doors is VERY disturbing and I don't want to be getting dressed and walking around at 2am.
You are young and are in good health 😂😂😂
The number of people camping have made “cat hole” pooping obsolete. Holes need to be deeper than 6 inches to ensure that there is 6 inches of soil between the top of the waste and paper and the ground. Not many people do this. It’s just no longer safe.
Compost Toilets are a great idea, however, it has its own set of problems.
I am leaning towards cassette toilets, in general, or "dry" toilets. 😀
It boils down to your lifestyle and what works best for you each day!
I am going research incinerating toilets. Never heard of them until today! 😀
Great point!
Enjoying your videos, we just went to Van Life, always had pull trailers. Just bought 2018 Coachmen CrossFit… your videos have been a help for sure
Thank you!
Black tank for me.
I went from a portable dometic to a scamp 16 with a 10 gallon black tank. The full size toilet is nice, especially for the kids. I found using a mixture of pinesol and calgon beads is the best from the black tank treatment. It smells nice, it dumps well, no need to use any special toilet paper. Water is your friend though and I always make sure to fill the black tank all the way up right before dumping. Recently, I got a macerator pump on amazon which lets me pump into the cleanout at my house, so now we avoid the lines at campgrounds on the weekends and just dump our tanks at home.
Thanks for sharing that
Yes 👍 . I ordered the Calgon and bought pinesol .. can you send me the link to the maserator.
@@Berrypancakes229 its an oem amazon special for about $70, they are all the same as far as I can tell with different brand names pasted on them.
A very educational video! Live in Europe and we are, as you say, used to cassette toilets. Have had an A class with a black tank and it was a bit more work. Some have an extra cassette and now there are fully automatic cassette washing machines.
We didn’t see one of those machines. Curious to find one
Kind of depends on how use use it. If it is used infrequently, more for "emergency" use, then the cassette can be more practical. I had a portable cassette in my van and I kept it loaded with RV anti-freeze in the winter. Winter time is when wet toilets can be problematical, both from water supply and black tank perspective. Not too many people keep their van fully heated at all times. One hard freeze can create real problems.
I thought that we would prefer a cassette for ease in finding places to empty. Instead we found that our gray tank always fills first, and we need a dump station for that. So hands down, we prefer a black tank over a cassette
after years of watching RV clips like yours and others, this is the reason, I haven't taken up RVing. The idea, one has to physically empty their waste, is just arghhh....
Yep it has to go somewhere.
It's no more nasty than flushing a toilet, the difference is that you'll probably wear gloves when pulling the lever on the black tank and not when flushing a toilet.
The RV movie is silly. Non-RVers reference that movie to me like it's a guide to what to expect.
Not any worse than baby diapers!
If you have ever changed a baby’s diaper or cleaned up dog poop, you can deal with a black tank or a porta potty.
We had our Thetford cassette break while traveling to Texas. The valve failed to close. Luckily Amazon was able to ship one to us in two days. Otherwise, we like our cassette toilet convenience.
We have been full-time since May 2015 in a Winnebago Class A RV. I actually built a Sea head "clone" in 2018. (Wife HATED it!!)
AFTER all of that (PLUS I have worked as an RV Tech in MT & done many "favor" side jobs & upgraded our own 2003 RV over the years (solar, batteries, plumbing, suspension, etc. since 2018.))
** We currently use an "off brand" portable toilet! I agree w/ALL your points. Convenience, portability & "storage space" considerations. . . ALL point to a Porta-Potti as my choice! ;)
Well at least you got it out of the way and learned what works best for you
Good topic, Joe, thank you. I am reconsidering "liking" a cassette or portable just not filling it up as much, as I still really appreciate not having to "deal" with dump stations on the road. It is something I was very set on when I planned my build and still prefer not to. Now having used my van for a while, I think that a portable maybe even better, something that is not built in and can be moved around as needed, as I recently thought about modifying my van in order to utilize more space and replace the cassette with a portable unit, however that poses the issue of doing some work with removing the water lines, etc. that are hooked up to the built in cassette, as you mentioned in your video as well. It seems that as the individual's camping style evolves, you figure out the best option for you.
Absolutely. Great point
We have only had black tanks and would only choose black tanks.
Reasons - since you have to dump the gray tank anyway (and hopefully, please use a dump station), it works out to less dumping overall. For us, about once a week. (We’re in a van with smaller tanks.).
No hauling a jug into a bathroom. Also, (and weren’t you included in this?) some people only use their cassette for #1, relying on public bathrooms for #2.
Some people online were quite expressive as they described the smell of dumping their cassette after a weekend of camping.😂
Some choose to use a separate receptacle for TP, which to us, along with everything else, was like …. okay, that’s it. Not doing that.
We converted our own van and relied on UA-cam for how-tos. But we never found anything on building a black tank system. Nothing! So we figured it out and after three years of use, it works perfectly. Zero odors. Zero problems. It uses some water for flushing, but we have plenty.
So to each his own, but for us, a flushing porcelain toilet like at home is the only way to “go”.😉
All good points and thanks for sharing!
This is the answer… I have to dump my gray, anyway, when I do, I dump black first. Like many here, I’ve had every damn system you can imagine. Cassettes, composting, and black. Meh, not that difficult. I’ve found that all systems can be lived with. But a black tank with a macerater is a godsend. Let me repeat… I’m dumping my gray tank, regardless. Now I just start with the black tank. What am I missing here?
I am currently seeking information on building a black tank system. Did you ever find any info? I'm just not sure as how to install the fittings onto the tank itself, plus a vent and all the info. I literally can't find anything!
@@thatoneguy6725 The only people we found on UA-cam who were installing black tanks were the professional builders, like Advanced RV. But they weren’t offering tutorials. I haven’t searched since we built ours three years ago. My husband has some home construction experience so we were able to figure it out.
We purchased a 14 gallon black tank on Amazon which was installed inside the van. Our grey tank is in the very commonly used location under the van behind the driver seat. The black tank sits midway, on the same side, so the two tanks can empty into the same pipe for drainage, as all RV systems do. In our “bathroom” the black tank is enclosed with a custom fiberglass cover. (You could build it with plywood covered in a waterproof material but we wanted ours to be seemlessly attached to the shower pan.) We found a 14” high toilet (Amazon) that we installed directly on top, so gravity sends ‘everything’ down, avoiding the need for a pump. The black tank is about 7” high, so it brings the toilet up to normal height.
Btw, our shower pan is recessed into the hallway floor, so the toilet faces the hallway, perpendicular to the black tank. The black tank runs along the side wall.
We ran a single vent up through the bathroom wall and out the roof. The gray tank also vents through the same pipe.
We didn’t want flimsy pull handles for opening the drain pipe, so we have an electric system that empties both tanks using push buttons, accessed in the “garage”. That added some expense but overall, much cheaper than a Nature’s Head.
I’m not sure about fittings but I can get back to you after I ask my husband. I’m guessing they’d be the same as used on the gray tank, since both tanks are plastic.
I’m sorry if this isn’t very clear. If we were on Facebook, I could post pictures.
I have a small pressure washer with a long hose built in and use the grey water to wash the rv since its just water and organic soap anyway.
My first camping trip was renting a Class C with a black tank, but had two small trailers with no toilet, but the wife says we need a toilet in whatever comes next. One trailer we are considering has a black tank, but we haven't ruled out a Class B yet. I would lean toward a cassette toilet but may end up being decided based on the floor plan we choose. We will likely rent a few different styles before we buy.
And, by the way, the ice cream cone on your shirt looks like it was inspired by Alexander Hamilton's hairdo on the $10 bill. 😂
Joe, your PT is showing. Keep it up! Ooh-Rah!
Thanks! Been working hard
Diatomaceous earth helps control larva in compost medium. Plus it's absorbent. Check where to dispose of it first though!
We put toilet paper in a basket, we use baking soda instead of chemicals and dump our five gallon porta potty (Thetford Curve gets our vote) wherever, including pit toilets which don’t want chemicals that wreck microorganisms breaking down the toilet waste.
We winter in Latin America and our system works well there as well. Thanks for a great video on a subject that freaks people out too much.
PS nice t-shirt. Ours smells the same.
We have the Thetford you like in our cargo trailer and truck camper, but now have black tank. I think for me I like using the black tank with the black flush connection. We usually flush a few good time. But we do like using our own bathroom.
I understand that
I have only ever dealt with a black tank. I am VERY careful about hooking up, and so far no accidents. I am kind of intrigued by the Trelino toilet, expensive though
That's good to hear.
Keep your black tank
Lavio all the way! 😊
Used a black tank before and it was easy to dump, but I've always worried about maintenance. I haven't used cassette toilets before, but at 40 lbs, it seems a pain to carry around. That said, we currently have a 'composting' toilet with a 1 gallon "p-tank" that can be dumped in a toilet very easily, so I assume cassette toilets would be just as easy... not sure of the smell though!
The composting toilets' biggest advantage is you dump the solid waste in a bag and can throw it away anywhere. Its biggest disadvantage is having to at some point clean out the solid waste container (I usually do this at the end of the trip). That container will get... um... messy. Some composting toilets use a bag (like a trash bag) in the container so easier to clean, but this means no "mixer" to help cover waste... you end up using more composting material so that may be an issue for some.
You didn't mention the Laveo Dry Flush, which is a great option for those that don't want to deal with any mess at all. My only issues are the expense of the cassettes you use and the repair issues if something goes wrong.
Thanks for the video... always good to hear others opinions of toilet talk!! Be seeing you!
Great points - thanks!
A Cassette is a Black Tank, just much smaller, unless you are calling a "Diaper Genie" type a cassette. I chose to go with a diverting unit a couple years ago and will never mix the solids with the liquids again.
Very informative video Joe! I remember you doing a similar vid about waste extraction back in the day - I think it might’ve been with the Aktiv, but not one hundred percent sure! This kinda reinforces my belief that, you’re DEF number 1, when dealing with number 2 😂
Always my best to you and Kait 🖖🏼🥂
Ha! Thanks Rob
Black tank. You can always bag your waste in biodegradable bags if your black tank is full/you don't have water
Thank you for explaining both two I am new at this and I have seen RV I like but have a black tank or cassette and don't know which one is better you give me a better idea on both as how they operate 😅 because I can't walk so it will comes down to my family to do the dumping 😅 I can just sit inside and stay cool to eat and drink 😂 while my wife and kids are doing it 😂at least for me The cassette looks more convenient for dumping besides there is no dumping stations near my house and house toilet is It 😅as for smell I would have a mask on with perfume spray on it and hopefully it will mask the smell 😂 now next steps is to convince my family to get one because I can't walk good so on the long trip it's nice to walk a short distances to the toilet 😂 and do my thing and don't worry about a rest stop if we missed it that did happened to me once I told my wife I needed to go at the rest stop and she missed the exit 😱😭 so I have to wait until the next one 😅 and the relief felt so good 😂❤if there are enough rooms in the RV I might try get an extra one just in case she missed the exit again 😂
I would never go back to having a black tank!
We also have a Thetford porta potti. Works great for #1 but we have never used it for #2 . They describe it as a flush toilet but really, it's a rinse. I really can't see it working at all for #2. We use 2 oz of black tank deodorizer in it's little 5 gallon "black tank". That amount works great but, it is the amount many black tank products recommend for much larger tanks. Have others found this?
We never measure we just dump some in. Whatever works
Honestly I love OG style an Etool dig a hole do your business and cover. Only your wipe trash is left to dispose of. But these days many places discourage this specially in no vegetation and or no recordablevpercopitation. So when I can't do this like you are best next option is the portable toilet. 👍🏽
Plus there are many places we camp in urban environments where that’s not an option either
one youtuber had one of those thetfords in a ram promaster and going up the mountain the pressure built and exploded poop everywhere ewwww. I am a black tank girl not dragging cassette anywhere or dealing with the lifting when I can just hook up a hose far less often, and get rid of grey at the same time.
I don’t know about that. We’ve taken ours to over 11k feet and never had a problem. There’s a bit of “release” when you open it for the first time but I’m not sure I’m buying that theirs exploded. Do you have a link to the video?
@@Weretherussos ua-cam.com/video/6diPidXQkuU/v-deo.html
Thanks for the video - I now understand what happened. He didn't release the pressure before he used it and then opened it all the way up so the pressure inside blew out what was in the bowl. You only make that mistake once...
Very valuable insight and explanation. Thank you.
You're very welcome!
I hope that everyone's Easter was great! 🤗💐🏕
Thank you!
Thank you for the tips
You bet!
Excellent video. Ty
We have used portable head, black tank and cassette. After using a cassette will never ever go back to the others. To those that are disgusted by the cassette to each their own and mind your own business when I’m dumping in a public toilet. Twice now I’ve had RVer’s tell me I cannot dump that thing in there.
Interesting I wonder why they think you can’t dump it in a toilet? Not like anything’s going on that wouldn’t be anyway
@@Weretherussos The first instance was an old coot in a class c at a rest area in Indiana. He was very upset and agitated. He was hanging out the driver side window and almost screaming. So, I walked up to him held up my cellphone and told him, “Here call someone that cares”. He was outraged and drove off screaming. What is funny a Trooper saw me offloading the cassette and asked if it was my van, I responded that it was and he said, “Cool” and drove off only to be replaced by the old coot.
The second occasion was in VT. Again some old coot in a class c sees me offloading the cassette and makes a bee line for me and follows me into the bathroom and tells me I can’t dump in here. I tell him to mind his own business. What’s funny is someone was already stinking up the place much worse than I was going to. Old dude then went out to the volunteer at the desk to complain. Old dude was pointing at me and having a fit with the volunteer. Volunteer waved at me and asked if I had gotten any of the free coffee that they had just made and wished me safe travels.
I can only guess that these two guys were jealous that I could conveniently dispose of my waste unlike them.
Here's something to think about.. people in public restrooms don't want to deal with 5 gal of your family's disgusting waste, and many people dig holes and dump these anywhere when no one's looking. and no you just can't walk into a restaurant where folks are eating and roll that thing in. You guys are like people that bring their annoying dogs to somebody's house when they're invited over for dinner. So yeah enjoy your cassette crapper but if I see you dumping near me ?,and I'm offended.? You will know about it even if I have to embarrass you in front of your family... believe me you will be humbled
Yes indeed I do love the Russo's Channel. They are very well educated in whatever topic or product they are presenting.
@@onthegowithgreggsavage Ok keyboard warrior. I hope to meet you somewhere, someday whilst I’m dumping my cassette. LOL
Are there some dissolving enzymes for the cassette, you know, like the ones that might go in a septic system?
The waste wouldn’t be in there long enough for the enzymes to do their job
Renting a motorhome in France. I believe, all RV's there are cassette. Their "dump" stations are completely different. My 5 cents.
Having used both cassette and black tanks, we much prefer a black tank but ours is a large rv and tank. If space and weight was at a premium, we’d go portable.
Makes sense
Yep - 100% correct on this. Great job!
Awesome! Thank you!
I think you were scared that first time you made a homemade composting toilet that didn’t separate pop and pee. Your story about the horrendous smell was absolutely hilarious 😂.
Yeah that was pretty bad too - but since it was such an epic failure, that's why I didn't even mention it in this video :)
Very informative. Thanks
Glad it was helpful!
I thought I wanted something with a black tank, but now I'm thinking cassette toilet or porta potty.
Great video guys!!
Thanks so much!
Not sure where the convenience of a cassette comes in when I would need a dump station to empty the gray tank anyway.
I wish mine had a cassette toilet. Although I have a macerator pump so I can pump uphill and dump in a portable-John if I can get close enough.
That’s a cool think to have
Excellent video
Thank you very much!
I am curious how it works if you are in a full-hookup campground that has septic hookup at each site. If you have black and gray tanks, do you still fill them up then dump them in the usual manner, as if you were at a dump station, or do you just leave both valves open all the time and feed both the black and gray into the connected septic hookup? There are those seasonal campers, for example. They might be at the site for 3 months or more. I'm curious how they handle this.
Very interesting video. I like the cassette idea but I also like that roll-around black tank contraption.
I also saw a toilet that burns the waste? How odd is that?
You can’t leave a black tank open. What happens is that all of the liquid will go into the septic and leave the solid behind which will eventually form a pyramid and block up your toilet.
@@Weretherussos So, I guess what they must do is allow the black tank to fill up, then with the hose connected to the outside dump port in the ground, they periodically dump the black tank, followed by the gray tank, to flush out the hose. Really, not so different than what one would do at a dump station.
For us a cassette toilet is too heavy to handle safely when full. We find we’d have to dump everyday to avoid the weight. The same for portables. We’ve seen people drop a portable tank and crack it. That did not go well. They also are not smell free when dumping. For us a black tank works best.
Thanks for sharing
How do you wash out the thing after you dump it?
Just rinse it with some water
@@Weretherussos thanks.
To me, that wouldn't be clean. But I can iagine a shaker scenario... 😂
@@Weretherussos Don't take my replies as disrespectful. I am just an aging, disabled man in a frantic panic over how to avoid total, impending homlessness, and I have zero experience with any of this stuff. I am utterly terrified.
Can you purchase additional cassettes?
Yes you can
Cleared up a little but than confused again. Thinking cassette and portable were same. So than how do you dump a portable one?....or is there a cassette in there?
The lower half is the cassette so you dump it the same way
Combine black and gray tanks with outside valve. Only flush liquids in toilet. Use small trash bag with toilet when producing solid waste. Store solid waste bags in sealed container outside RV until disposal containers are available. Comfortable seating, no pyramids and less tank maintenance, no back issues after lifting, bending, and holding 40 plus pounds while dumping cassette, if you can handle dog or cat waste this is not a stretch, no inside smell from stored solid waste, no dumping liquid waste every few days, no liquid waste jugs to use and clean or spill, no bug infestation from insect infested moss, no electricity required to run fan to attempt to dry solid waste, more usable waste storage as both tanks are shared and solid waste and paper products are not consuming tank volume, and no extra products to buy/install/store other than a 5 gallon bucket and a gamma seal to contain solid waste odor until it can be disposed. Actually there are smaller buckets for which I think gama seals can be acquired to reduce solid waste storage space and if you have a pet this bucket can store their solid waste as well.
Definitely an option - thanks for sharing!
For the "off grid" campers who have a 4.5 gallon cassette toilet (ex: Revel) what do they do out in the woods once that 4.5 gallons gets full? You shouldn't just dump that in woods. (but I assume that's that they do)
Typically if you’re out in the woods like that you use the woods to go during the day and only use the toilet at night
Kinda glad I ate awhile before I watched this 😂
Work backwards. Where are you going to camp? If you are simply going from campground to campground, a black tank is probably the best solution. That is what most people will do so the RV manufacturers cater to that. However, there are a small group of people who will predominately boondock or overland. For them, a black tank simply does not work at all. Some have gone to composting toilets but the majority turn to cassette or portable toilets. If you have a small wet bath, it certainly makes sense to have a portable toilet that you can remove when you shower.
Joe is not usually such a potty mouth. 😂 For me, composting is not better than a luggable loo or cassette toilet. Black tank is actually easier than I expected but finding dump sites can be an issue. I often dry camp with my bucket toilet for emergencies.
Hey I have to get out of my comfort zone sometimes ;)
Dry flush! I have the LAVEO and will Never have anything else, if possible. No tanks, plumbing, dumping, cleaning horrors. Cartridges are preferred, but not mandatory. Also, all system costs are just the LAVEO and providing 12v source. In some strange emergency, it can be removed and used in a cabin, tent with a battery...Mobile personal dump station at its best...
How much are those bags costing you?
@@WeretherussosI buy direct from LAVEO and they are about $23 per cartridge. I also use regular can bags, doubled up to save money. With bags and some horse pellets or cat litter, a bag change is daily for two people. Kind of like diaper duty...
How about a human litter box?
Worst luggage ever LOL!
Yep, pretty shitty.
Cassettes are def better you arent at the mercy of the dump station. You can buy multiple cassettes.
Bucket with garbage and kitty litter and kitty litter scent powder , as a solo dude it’s perfect I can get 4 days or so barely a smell at all, don’t have a separate bath in my transit , hard to invite a woman over though, but that has been slim Pickens in the three years of Van life anyway so who cares lol
You still need to go to a dump to empty your grey tank, so I don't see the advantage.
Anyone getting smells from using or dumping a black tank is doing something seriously wrong.
Should be able to dump a black tank in a 3 piece suit with patent leather shoes.
Cassette toilet, or black tank? How about neither. There are better options.
Such as?
Didn't you mention in another video that you and your wife only use your cassette toilet for urine? So, you actually have to do something else with your poop.
I do the opposite. I have a small to medium size portable toilet. But I try to use it only for poop. The only time I pee in it is if I absolutely have to pee at the same time that I am pooping. I think the bottom tank on my portable toilet is about 2 1/2 or 3 gallons, and that lasts me at least 3 weeks, and up to a month. I pee in an old Nalgene bottle, which I empty into the nearest toilet on a daily basis. If I am out in the boonies, and I just pee outside like every other dude does.
If you van’s alternator(s) can charge at idle I would go incinerating toilet. I’m not looking for a public restroom for a 2am piss after a night of beers and taco bell.
Aren't they REALLY expensive, though?
@@bwbrady8372vanwives youtubers had their incinerator toilet become unuseable and they tried to repair it but not sure if they were ever able tonget it working again....damaged incerinator somehow
Sorry, this seems to be a very one sided 'review'.
Dump stations can be gross . . . but so can a public bathroom after a poorly completed cassette or porti-potty dumping.
Dump stations (or portable tank) are not the ONLY black tank dumping option, there are thousands of campsites with sewage dump.
Now what about folks that cannot easily lower a full cassette (near 50#) to the ground, or lift for dumping.
The list of black tank positives could go on . . . . . .
There is no such thing as a "composting toilet" for RV or van use. They are all simply extremely expensive, elaborate poop driers. No composting actually occurs. There is not enough time, and dry poop DOES NOT compost.
If you want to see what a real composting toilet is, go look in really old issues of Mother Earth News, or maybe on some off-grid living websites. The results from a real composting toilet still must be put into a sealed drum and allowed to further compost for an entire freaking year before they are safe and pathogen free.
They FALSELY call them "composting toilets" so you will think it is ok to dump your human waste into a public trash can or dumpster. It is ALWAYS illegal to put human waste into a public trash can or dumpster. Even if it is dry and not smelly. And the worst part is, it is also illegal to put the contents of your "composting toilet" into any other toilet or even a vault toilet, because the "medium" clogs up the sewage pumping truck. So, there is literally no legal place to put the contents of a "composting toilet" other than in that sealed drum I mentioned earlier, in your own back yard, and leave it for a year.
This is God's fault. Had he made us nuclear or solar-powered, we would not have had to worry about poop! :-) You just can't get good help these days.
I installed a black tank and bidet in my sprinter, hot water, and heated seat.. never going back..🫡
How are you preventing the black tank from filling up with the bidet? Or are you only hooked up all the time? of the comforts of home THAT is the one thing I miss
@limakilo9289 using the bidet doesn't add much water, maybe a few cups per use, the black tank is 21 gallons, the toilet uses .5 gallons per flush, using it is limited, but you can get 15 flushes easily, which is about 1 week for 1 person, I don't have a Guage to monitor it, I have a small white board that I mark to keep track of flushes, it works for me