The real reason EVERYTHING was on Jakku (Rey, Lor San Tekka & Millennium Falcon)

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • In this video I try and explain the great coincidence of everything being on Jakku...
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  • @thorskywalker
    @thorskywalker  7 років тому +34

    I didn't make it very clear in the video (I was actually just trying to make a short explanation to some questions I get asked frequently) but I do think Lor San Tekka was on Jakku for reasons of his own, just that they have nothing to do directly with Rey. However, that interest in Jakku is probably never going to be touched on in the movie, but rather in the other sources of canon.

    • @farid1406
      @farid1406 7 років тому

      You should make another video called : The real reason Luke Skywalker, C-3P0 and R2-D2 were all on Tatooine.

    • @anthoneyrago
      @anthoneyrago 7 років тому

      Farid Damasio lmao😂

    • @TheMrPeteChannel
      @TheMrPeteChannel 7 років тому

      Farid Damasio Yeah, but it was explained by ROTS & R1.

    • @farid1406
      @farid1406 7 років тому

      Top it all off with: The Real reason Frodo, the Ring, and Sauron were all on Middle-Earth.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +1

      Because if they hadn't been, Tolkien never writes the trilogy that would basically create and reshape the fantasy genre to what we know it today... and even pave the way for stories such as Star Wars.

  • @AsapAnimation
    @AsapAnimation 7 років тому +31

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    You weren't my first choice,
    but the garbage will do!

  • @jackflashmclain
    @jackflashmclain 7 років тому +2

    Really appreciated the whole "sometimes we're just overthinking and looking too hard for grander purposes" logic - so true

  • @cisio64123
    @cisio64123 7 років тому +46

    Everything _just happening_ on Jakku is the same as in A New Hope when Luke's uncle _just happens_ to buy the very droids carrying the death star plans along with a message for Obi Wan from Leia, who _just happens_ to be Luke's hidden twin sister. Luke _just happens_ to reveal the part of the message where Leia _just happens_ to say "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi " while cleaning Artoo, which leads him to Ben/Obi Wan Kenobi and ultimately being unknowingly reunited with his twin sister on the death star. All of these coincidences are indeed plot devices that fortunately can be explained by fate or will of the force.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +12

      I totally agree with you... but I've always wondered if R2 purposely showed the part of the message about "Obi-Wan" to see if maybe Luke knew him and would help him get to Kenobi.

    • @serbancapraru8559
      @serbancapraru8559 7 років тому +7

      cisio64123 Still more believeble than what happens in TFA. I think the falcon was the one thing too much. Everything else, perfectly fine, they're just coincidences, but the way they get to the falcon and minutes later Han and Chewie find them, a little too convenient.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +3

      I understand why they went that route with the Falcon (and why they made a distracting joke at the moment of it's reveal) but that one did feel a little too convenient. Which is also why I understand why so many want to believe there was a grand purpose behind it being on Jakku.

    • @akirafuto7783
      @akirafuto7783 7 років тому +3

      Leia being his twin was retcon. That wasn't written until the script of ROTJ. So that isn't necessarily a plot convenience, at the point of a new hope she just a senator and princess with no ties to Luke.

    • @stevebreedlove9760
      @stevebreedlove9760 7 років тому +1

      there's a legend story that explains a force sensitive shard species was in the astromech unit Lars bought and he sabotaged himself so R2 and 3PO could stay together. maybe just empathy toward a friendship and the subjugation of droids. maybe because it sensed the force wanted it to be such. if Luke was the chosen one, there'd be a strong sense that R2 going with Luke and Lars was the will of the force.

  • @OdintheGermanShepherd
    @OdintheGermanShepherd 7 років тому +2

    This makes me really hope all these questions start to be answered in ep. 8 and 9.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      I'm also really hoping that Episode 8 & 9 give us more answers than questions...

  • @liv4pool
    @liv4pool 7 років тому +3

    I still think it's no coincidence that the Falcon is on Jakku. We shall see...

  • @youngsmitty347
    @youngsmitty347 7 років тому +21

    "Jakku? That junkyard?"

  • @magatetus
    @magatetus 7 років тому +12

    Because the people who made the nostalgia awakens lack creativity.

  • @ezrapark9992
    @ezrapark9992 7 років тому +14

    On Jakku are the ruins of a larger battle with the Empire. Even while I know the story reasons for the timing of things, can't we also say this is a planet with many such 'leftovers' from an older time? Things don't always converge on one point for any purpose except that the point is central to what's going on. Jakku is the focal point of several storylines because it is the site of an old battle, and because it is a place to hide secrets. Rey and the map are both secrets hidden on Jakku.

    • @AlexKnauth
      @AlexKnauth 7 років тому +3

      Did Lor San Tekka find the map _on_ Jakku, or did he just bring it there because he and some other Church-of-the-Force people lived there?

  • @scottcarver7393
    @scottcarver7393 7 років тому +6

    Obi wan and Luke were both on Tatooine for a reason, and it was connected. It's unlikely Teka, Rey, the map, and the falcon are all on Jakku coincidentally. Again, how the First Order knew to go there...I doubt it's random to move the story line along. It's extremely likely we'll revisit the mystery of Jakku in the movies to obtain these answers.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +1

      I really don't think we will in the movies, mainly because there's no reason to. Remember that the start of A New Hope really didn't get explained until Rogue One came out. That being said, it will all get explained elsewhere in the canon, but I just don't see the movies spending time on it.

    • @johnkerr2438
      @johnkerr2438 7 років тому

      You're right! Not much time will be spent explaining all these seemingly coincidental events however certain revelations in episode 8 and 9 will give us enough information which will allow us to connect the dots. Star Wars isn't Transformers or just some average mindless action movie that I agree Hollywood is great at pushing out. Too many people out there are too quick to fill in the blanks by saying "'s the force" which is just a shortcut to really thinking about how all of the pieces fit. This current generation of film-goers have been lobotomized by all of the mindless crap that's out there and have lost there ability to think critically without being trendy and cynical. "Star Wars is the greatest mythology of the 20th century"- Bob Iger CEO of Disney. Oh yeah one more thing look at the expression on Han Solo's face when Rey states that she never knew that there was so much green in the galaxy. HUGE GIVEAWAY from where I'm sitting.

    • @JackRipper8881
      @JackRipper8881 7 років тому +1

      Thor Skywalker No, the only thing Rogue One explained was why there was an exhaust port on the Death Star.
      A New Hope explained in the crawl and in Leia's message to Obi Wan pretty much what the background to the story was.
      To paraphrase: Obi Wan, you fought with my father in the Clone Wars and now he needs your help.
      I've been captured otherwise I would have handed you these plans myself so now I need you to get the plans stored in the memory bank of this droid to my father on Alderaan where they can be used to destroy the Death Star.
      R2 knows what he has to do and gets into an escape pod to take the plans to Obi Wan, he gets captured and conveniently, or not, ends up in the hands of Luke who takes him to old Ben and there the story continues.
      Everything and everyone had a reason for being there.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +2

      I mostly meant we have it explained why Leia and the Tantive IV are under attack at the start of A New Hope, or how they were found by Vader. They were clearly tracked from Scarif to Tatooine.

    • @ariesroc
      @ariesroc 7 років тому

      Actually I think what was needed was explained well as was the Death Star's weakness. R1 in many ways muddles these points.
      JJ is no Lucas so I rather expected a lot of things going on would have to be written off as total co-incidence. In TPM Qui-Gon believes that thinks like finding Anakin are the will of the Force and he is attuned to the Force. TFA's has an underlying lack of explanations at it's roots while Lucas had them in the story's roots even if they are not explicitly always evident.

  • @patrickmusson4571
    @patrickmusson4571 7 років тому +1

    I think the powers that be wanted to have an 'each way' bet, with just enough 'plot devices' and lore so as to garner a series of puzzles to start the speculation, and it worked.

  • @ghostwriterscorner502
    @ghostwriterscorner502 7 років тому +2

    I know Star Wars fans have a LOT of questions about all the plotholes in this movie. I'm a first generation Star Wars fan, I saw Empire when it came out, when I was like 10. When I first saw this movie, I tried to figure a lot of these things out too. But it's not the Force that caused all these plotholes. There's only ONE explanation for all the senseless things that happen in this movie: JJ Abrams wanted to make a shit ton of money.

    • @mugwump7049
      @mugwump7049 7 років тому

      Ghostwriters' Corner Actually, there's no more "plot holes" in TFA than in ANH. The difference is, back then they were called "open plot threads" and were no big deal whatsoever. Nowadays, everyone and their mother absolutely HAS to find these detestable because they can't be bothered to use their imagination to fill in the blanks.

  • @VanishingNomad
    @VanishingNomad 7 років тому +1

    Rey and The Falcon are there, because Rey is Luke's daughter...
    Luke left her with Leia and Han when he went on his search for the first Jedi temple.
    She was on the Falcon when it was stolen. Thats why she knows all the people who had it. Shes been glues to the ship since she was a child.
    Lor San Tekka was also looking for her, along with Han Solo, found her, and decided to send Luke's location to Leia, thus breaking his promise to keep Luke's location a secret.
    Not sure why sending Luke's location to Leia happened at this time. It may be unrelated. However, maybe there is something else going on as well, and I just haven't figured it out yet.

  • @Armoless
    @Armoless 7 років тому +1

    I think the Falcon is Force Sensitive and that's why Han was even there despite Jabba being out for him. So it leaves Han later to make its way to Jakuu where it senses Rey. obviously.

  • @AlexKnauth
    @AlexKnauth 7 років тому +8

    The Falcon being there was a plot device, but the other things I feel there's a reason for. Lor San Tekka has to be there for a reason. Poe, BB8, and the map were there because of him. And for Rey, I don't know if there's a hidden backstory to be revealed for her, but if there is, there's got to be a reason for why Jakku? Lor San Tekka is I think the more important one.

    • @sailornaboo5725
      @sailornaboo5725 7 років тому +1

      Alex Knauth I agree with you. I think the falcon was a coincidence, but I think Lor and Rey are both there on purpose. Lor knows why he is there, but Rey was put there for that same reason would be my guess, though she doesn't know it.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +2

      I guess the point I was trying to make is that Lor San Tekka was not there because of Rey, though he certainly did likely have reasons of his own to be there which I'm sure the other sources of canon will get into at some point. I highly doubt we'll learn more about him in the movies but who knows.

    • @AlexKnauth
      @AlexKnauth 7 років тому

      But we saw some of the ancient Jedi books in the teaser... You don't think they'll bring up the church of the force?

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      The Church of the Force, maybe... but I'm not sure about Lor San Tekka. I certainly could be wrong but, in terms of the movie, he feels like a throw away character. That being said, I'm sure his story will be expanded on elsewhere in the canon.

    • @JackRipper8881
      @JackRipper8881 7 років тому +3

      The Falcon being there might not be simply a plot device, it may be part of the storyline.
      Nobody knows until there is more evidence.
      It may have been part of the deal for Plutt to keep Rey on Jakku or maybe it was hidden on Jakku for some other reason.
      We have so very little detail yet everyone has the definitive answer for everything.

  • @myrudram
    @myrudram 7 років тому +1

    i can't get this out of my mind. the latest rendition of a star wars series parallels the original star wars trilogy of last century:
    1.) rey and kylo ren are siblings; just like luke and leia, except in the new version the brother and sister have yet to iron their differences.
    2.) han solo = ben kanobe; rey discovers han solo as a mentor just like like found obe-won who served that same purpose.
    3.) rey goes in search of a teacher/master to fullfill her destiny. she winds up in a distant and remote unforgiving locale just like where luke found yoda.
    4.) where does rey get her command of the force from?... she's a skywalker, unbeknownst to her at the time, just like luke was before he knew his true lineage.
    5.) who are rey's parents? not luke, but leia. her dad? i don't know, yet. leia probably had an affair with another man besides han.
    6.) rey's father is likely someone who was in the close circle of friends of leia and
    han - lando calrissian perhaps. lando appears to be of mixed race (black and white parents) so that could make rey only 25% black, which is why she has the "looks" of someone who is all white. rey has a very similar facial structure to lando. or.... scenario #2: rey's mother died at an earlier time, just like luke's mom Padmé Amidala and her father is yet to be discovered. he had to be of skywalker lineage.
    7.) and finally, rey will seek to save her half brother ben solo from his false identity as kylo ren just as luke saved his father from the dark side.
    the parallels between the old and new versions of this series go on and on. all one needs to do is look for them. i'm saying we can somewhat predict the outcome of this latest script by looking to the past for cues and clues.
    thus ends my sermon. thank you for your attention.

  • @thrasianrhodes370
    @thrasianrhodes370 7 років тому +4

    THANK GOD, someone understands that is just a fun story... nothing more

  • @kb9oak749
    @kb9oak749 7 років тому +1

    Lor san Tekka was looking for death sticks. The falcon was being used to smuggle them in.

  • @marconardi6664
    @marconardi6664 7 років тому +8

    So wanted someone to talk about this!

    • @jacobmartinez6798
      @jacobmartinez6798 7 років тому

      because not everyone can agree with each other 😤

    • @jacobmartinez6798
      @jacobmartinez6798 7 років тому +1

      because not everyone can agree with each other 😥

    • @just0dab0ssxd
      @just0dab0ssxd 7 років тому +1

      Jacob Martinez Well then they should be made to

  • @newt2942
    @newt2942 7 років тому +21

    Ha ha, I would also argue we give Shakespeare too much credit as well. We'd spend an entire class on three or four lines in a freaking high school class! No way he put as much thought into every word as we have these past several hundred years and Star Wars is the same... on an accelerated scale.

    • @Mr_Penguins_Pet_Human
      @Mr_Penguins_Pet_Human 7 років тому +2

      GrndMstrGravity I really hated those classes!

    • @snoopyrogue359
      @snoopyrogue359 7 років тому +1

      Shakespeare is terrible, God I didn't like reading Romeo and Juliet

    • @snoopyrogue359
      @snoopyrogue359 7 років тому +1

      And we all know Shakespeare did weed and is an illegal immigrant. Star Wars is better

    • @serbancapraru8559
      @serbancapraru8559 7 років тому +3

      SnoopyRogue3 !!!!! George clearly tried to imitate Shakespearian dialogue: "I don't like sand, it's course, rough and it gets everywhere."

    • @glrider100
      @glrider100 7 років тому

      Teachers and Professors have egos too.. and they like expounding on how brilliant they are for discovering all the "deep meaning" in the classics. Me personally.. Old Bill was writing stories, in hopes of selling them, so he could eat. No deeper meaning than that. He didn't have any deep meaning at the time he wrote them. He just hoped he could make some money off of them.

  • @Darkwintre
    @Darkwintre 7 років тому +1

    So what if Rey is a Solo, Ben jealous of her accidentally hurt her and thinking he killed her "coaxed" Ducain into stealing the Falcon to hide what he had done?
    Ducain finds Rey, saves her life but being so young she loses her memory which is why she doesn't remember being brought to Jakku aboard the Falcon.
    Ducain calls in a debt with Unkar to leave her somewhere safe, but he's betrayed by the Irving Boys and imprisoned.
    Rey demonstrates remarkable technical skills which Unkar exploits but not enough to trust her to repair the Falcon.
    That's why she's so familiar with the ship but doesn't realise how remarkable that is, Han I think was beginning to wonder which is why he offered her the job having thought his daughter was long dead he's now faced by someone he feels able to treat as his long lost child unaware she actually is!
    For the record I'm more inclined to think Rey is a Kenobi but I LIKE this idea it demonstrates Ben/Kylo was lost to the darkside long before Snoke finally made contact, Leia kept him close following the lost of her baby daughter which also resulting in her and Han separating as seen in TFA, but I doubt their revelation will be anywhere near as good.

  • @davidv4018
    @davidv4018 7 років тому +1

    Narrative wise, is obvious that the reason is to tell the story through common places. Is the starting Point of every trilogy.
    Also is visual storytelling: Jakku is not only a desert planet, its a dead one. In tattooine you could see mountains and several kinds of desert people and animals, etc.
    Jakku is a dead planet with leftovers of other stories. Is a way to start: the movie is about finding home, relationships and (lets be cheesy) love. You have to make the decision of leaving something already dead to move on. All the characters are lonely. Rey is not living with uncles like Luke was, Han solo is separated from Leia. Finn is running away. Ben Solo comes from a broken family, and is not Clear whether Snoke is a father figure (he lies to Snoke, seems to have a different agenda about Luke) or the ghost of his grandfather Vader (i am not talking about force ghost, but someone to talk to).
    And in the approach expanded universe (or maybe for future movies to come) it seems that nothing is really coincidential. Jakku seems to be a planet in which a lot has been going on over the last years.

  • @Gryphon2026
    @Gryphon2026 7 років тому

    I have to say I agree with you. just because there are a couple coincidents on Jakku doesn't mean there's something that we're missing. But, with that said "and I think you'd probably agree" it's so amazing and fun to hear all the different theories and such that we all come up with . which I think kind of adds to the excitement of the movies,comics and games. it almost adds to the story and who knows who maybe reading someone's fan fiction post or youtube channel, ya never know who you might influence or who might like an idea that someone has had. Anyway, just my 2 cents lol. great video as always.

  • @s2qs
    @s2qs 7 років тому +1

    I do think Jakku is going to end up being more significant than pure coincidence, but overall you make really important points. Ultimately I think a lot of fans are going to be disappointed with this film because they're not going to get what they expected. Rian Johnson gave us a couple pretty big clues recently that I haven't seen discussed much here in UA-camLand. Those being that a) he had tons of creative control over the script, and b) Snoke will not be explored much in The Last Jedi.
    My point is that fans have a LOT of questions, and I don't think Rian Johnson has any intention of specifically answering any of them. He's trying to tell a story, not solve a mystery. Sure, continuity throughout the trilogy is of paramount importance, but my feeling is that anything Johnson CAN plausibly get away with not clearly explaining, he will not clearly explain. I'm going in prepared for that, and I hope others are as well.

    • @mugwump7049
      @mugwump7049 7 років тому

      s2qs Many things have not been clearly explained in the OT either and it puzzles me as to why it suddenly became a problem with VII.

  • @fantomex4249
    @fantomex4249 6 років тому +2

    "You're a detective now, you're not allowed to believe in coincidences"

  • @ajr5086
    @ajr5086 7 років тому +1

    This needed to be said for a lot of people. It's really fun theorizing about future Star Wars plots or the past of characters, but we've been deluding ourselves from obvious answers to questions we find extremely important.
    There's a reason Occam had his razor as some theories are just too big to prove right or wrong.

  • @richdiwz8183
    @richdiwz8183 7 років тому +2

    but the Star Wars Rebels cgi series is feeling like mad Easter eeg are being drooped..i mean in Rogue One "black saber was mentioned in the archives of the empire and what a coincidence that the show Rebels reintroduced the Black Mandalorian Saber & them Snoke has a black ancient ring & he's from the unknown regions

  • @pipereeves6237
    @pipereeves6237 7 років тому +1

    Jakku is very important. The After Math Books have settings on Jakku, including an important secret Empire base. That is to much of a coincident not to have importance

  • @afterthesmash
    @afterthesmash 6 років тому +1

    3:10 That's the _only_ thing I ever notice when watching these movies: that we're being given precious few of the whos and whats at any juncture whatsoever, as if Han and Leia are the two least informed individuals in the known universe, or diamond anvil uptight about ever having a meaningful discussion with each other, or anyone else who knows anything (post force traumatic stress disorder seems to be the one true occupation for any character over the age of thirty; either you become a hermit, or a failed politician.)
    That's why I'm watching UA-cam videos and _not_ planning to watch the upcoming movie. It's an interesting cultural Rorschach test how the true blue cope with being exposed to the partial vacuum of space opera, and then tumbling for two years into a fill-in-the-blanks black hole.

    @ADDOITALLDAY 7 років тому +1

    Very good video. I agree as fans we do give the writers too much credit and want to find a meaning in every little thing.

  • @m4ttjohnson
    @m4ttjohnson 7 років тому +3

    Thor you are my favorite Star Wars follow on UA-cam.
    I totally agree with you that us ultra nerds sometimes overthink things. That's why I enjoy all the books comics and other media it adds depth complexity to the SW universe. That way the movies mean more to me.

  • @owmyrobotballs
    @owmyrobotballs 7 років тому +2

    Dude, Star Wars is ALL about details. It's a fully populated universe. There are no mcguffins.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +2

      If you just watch the movies, which a lot of people do, Star Wars are just fun, fast paced movies that don't let themselves get bogged down by details.

  • @SheevTalks
    @SheevTalks 7 років тому +1

    I think Lor San Tekka is on Jakku because Luke asked him to be there, and not just to watch over Rey, but he was eventually supposed to get her off of Jakku and bring her to Luke, but obviously failed when the First Order found out he had a piece of the map.

    • @Halbi1987
      @Halbi1987 6 років тому

      I think that's what they intended.

    • @Seomus
      @Seomus 6 років тому

      Rian Johnson is a genius and we're all too dumb to not understand his brilliant movie and why it contradicts this movie so many times.

  • @agentssith
    @agentssith 7 років тому +1

    Well, to be fair, JJ does use coincidence to bring characters together. Look what he did with Star Trek. Scotty is on an outpost of one of Vulcan's moons? Really? Not only that, but Spock was marooned close by on that moon, and Kirk was also marooned there close by, all within days, and perhaps a few miles of each other.

  • @samuel3253
    @samuel3253 7 років тому

    R2 has Leia's cry for help to her stepfather's old friend Obi-Wan who we later find out was watching over her twin brother Luke since he was born. I do hope that the Falcon, Rey & Tekka combo are not just a coincidence and is "not how the force works"

  • @richdiwz8183
    @richdiwz8183 7 років тому +2

    omg! finally some one THAT UNDERSTANDS!! I feel ya bra.. u should be Mike Zerohs Master Of U-Tube videos lol...

  • @TheLosboogie1973
    @TheLosboogie1973 7 років тому +1

    Wasn't there a secret laboratory there? It was part of Palpatine's contingency plan- if he were to be killed. Jakku was a jump off point for the unknown regions of the galaxy. Where Palpatine was being "called" to by a "well spring of the dark side". Snoke perhaps? Meh, who knows but yes... Jakku seems pretty important.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      Yes, Jakku is likely important... I was mostly trying to make the point that the falcon being there didn't have a hidden meaning, and that Lor San Tekka being there was not directly connected to Rey, though I'm sure he was there for reasons of his own.

  • @thatguydonb6072
    @thatguydonb6072 7 років тому

    Still convinced that Rey's staff is Plagueis lightsaber staff that Palpatine had stored with other sith relics on Jakku

  • @scrammedeggs2322
    @scrammedeggs2322 7 років тому

    If I were writing the story, I would have had it happen like this:
    After the fall of the Jedi Order, Luke trusts his friend Lor San Tekka with watching over his daughter Rey at Jakku, home of a dark side nexus powerful enough of hiding her power. Luke also gives Lor a map to Luke, so that if Luke is ever needed, he can be found. That way, Lor has the whole map, not just a part of a map that both the FO and the Resistance have.

  • @jrmathes6567
    @jrmathes6567 7 років тому +1

    Everything is as the force wills it...someone said it..good vid man

  • @MarleysARLife
    @MarleysARLife 7 років тому +8

    It's all gonna end on Jakku

    • @serbancapraru8559
      @serbancapraru8559 7 років тому +7

      TBJJ 24 We're gonna return there for the first act of Ep 9, because Unkar Plut will have finn's frozen body in a bottle.

    • @owendouglass8740
      @owendouglass8740 7 років тому

      serban capraru 😂

  • @Mailrobot
    @Mailrobot 7 років тому

    Having Han, Luke's best friend, find them is as much a coincidence as Tarkin deciding to blow up Alderaan just when Kenobi was about to arrive there (and the Empire has the princess in custody, even!!!).

  • @CarterElkins
    @CarterElkins 7 років тому +1

    Nice video! I like the brevity, I actually think it made your point more digestible. Yes, you're right here again. These are plot points, and probably have nothing to do with the story (as the movies are going to tell them). Sure, authors and comic-book artists will come up with in-universe reasons for all of it eventually, but they will not be part of the movies. That's why I don't care about any of this Force Nexus stuff. If the movies were going to reference any of that, it would have been mentioned already in The Force Awakens, and they wouldn't have let some other source steal the thunder of their movies.
    This is also why unfortunately, I don't think there's any way that Benicio del Toro is going to turn out to be Ezra. It segments the audience way too much, because only those who watched Rebels would really understand the significance if his identity is revealed. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's always a bad idea with movies and books/comics/etc. in a shared universe, when they're made to be inter-dependent. Halo has developed this problem, and it's extremely annoying. If you want to truly be able to keep up with the events in the Reclaimer trilogy, you have to read the accompanying books, comics, TV mini-series, etc. Otherwise, you encounter important elements of the story that simply go unexplained. The folks behind Star Wars are smart enough to know how to avoid that, and we know that because they've been doing it successfully for 40 years.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +1

      Well said, and I wish I would've touched on your points a bit more in the video. An interconnected and very intricate shared universe is great... when you happen to be the one who keeps up with everything. Less so when you don't. And I think what people have to keep in mind is that the book/comics/shows will always go back in fill in the gaps for those who want to know all the details the movies left out, they're rarely (if ever) be a precursor of things to come in future movies. Most Star Wars fans only watch and care about the movies... so, sadly, it's unlikely we'll ever get something like Ezra being del Toro's character....

  • @jasonpapai73
    @jasonpapai73 7 років тому

    I half agree, I believe the falcon and them meeting han and chewie soon after is there as a plot device and is as you say extreme luck or the will of the force which are essentially the same thing, and is basically to establish the feel good nostalgia aspect to the film as quickly as possible. Not only that but they need han in the film as early as possible so we all get a chance to remember how much we loved han and make his death have more of a gut wrenching impact. The film I think even makes this obvious as there is a line where someone says what are the chances of han flying by at the same time as theMF is leaving jakku.
    Lor san tekka on jakku on the other hand I believe is the opposite, the first film is all about drawing parallels between it and a new hope, this seems to echo obi-wan watching over a young luke. Also the fact that any previous knowledge of san tekkas knowing who rey is completely absent from the film makes me think they are saving it for a reveal in the form of a flashback.

  • @bobbollard
    @bobbollard 7 років тому +1

    Isn't Jakku a planet that is strong in the Force?
    Palpatine had a contingency plan that if he was to die the rebel alliance and the remainder of the Empire's military would be drawn in for one last great battle only for Sith artefacts to be dropped into the planet's core causing the planet and everyone on it and around it to be blown up. This is the plot of the Aftermath trilogy.
    Only trusted military leaders would be given coordinates where they could rendezvous in wild space and create the First Order.
    The plot is foiled. The Empire is defeated. The alliance prevails, but some Imperial remnants escape to wild space with Hux and Phasma.
    Maybe the Force is influencing all the characters converging in Jakku...
    That's my theory.

  • @paralentor
    @paralentor 7 років тому

    Thing is JJ Abrams only had the basic assortment of Star War action figures. He didn't know what an A-wing was or a Rodian let alone passing planets mentioned like Dantooine or Sullust. He gave us a very vanilla shallow depth story and instead of borrowing from hundreds of established races, factions, ship types he instead chose to make up his own based off of his Star Trek creature shop.

  • @mariabatti5916
    @mariabatti5916 7 років тому +1

    I believe Lor San Tekka is Rey's grandfather. Lor San Tekka is her father's father and Obi Wan Kenobi is her mother's father.

  • @greatcomicpanels
    @greatcomicpanels 7 років тому +1

    Well, if you've read LOST STARS and AFTERMATH: EMPIRE's END, there is a great significance to the planet, the Force and the formation of THE FIRST ORDER

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      I have read those, and I don't doubt the significance of Jakku itself... but the point I was trying to make (and may have failed to do) is that there is not a connection between Rey and the Falcon being on Jakku. And there is not a direct connection between Lor San Tekka and Rey being on Jakku. In other words, Lor San Tekka is very likely there for a good reason... but it's not to watch and protect Rey, as some think.

    • @greatcomicpanels
      @greatcomicpanels 7 років тому

      yeah, contrivance of coincidence

  • @QazwerDave
    @QazwerDave 6 років тому +1

    Jakku -> Lor San Tekka -> Map -> Poe -> BB8 -> Rey -> Finn -> Millenium Falcon
    Because of ... The Force !!
    That's a major cop out !!
    Dont' think too hard about it ?!
    Fuck Off !!

  • @qm499
    @qm499 7 років тому

    I think we can't overlook what might be happening or why things are happening the way they are. The force puts these things together for a reason. Just like how Darth Vadar is.chasing Leai that shoots out c-3po and R2D2 onto a very near by planet that has Obi-won Luke Han Solo and Chewie.

  • @karlxtrava
    @karlxtrava 7 років тому

    I was just so sad when Lor San Tekka was killed. I would have really enjoyed seeing more of the great Max Von Sydow in the next films.

  • @CenturianEagle
    @CenturianEagle 7 років тому +2

    I think you're right Thor- in a way. Star Wars seems to love to add things (reasons, details, etc) after the fact. I believe they probably started the way you're saying, but I'm willing to wager that in the near future, extra details will come out,either in the next 2 movies; or perhaps another source like a novel or comic- that will bridge certain gaps and/or flesh out reasons why things happened the way they did. Or maybe it won't be in the near future, maybe it will be like rogue one, where they explain all the things that one might find convenient about Leah being on the tantive 4 close to tatooine close to obi wan, with these plans that can be given to 2 dependable droids that can and are able to carry out the intended plan. And also of course, the whole "totally too convenient flaw" in the deathstars design that was simply accepted to a reasonable degree for more than 35 years in canon. So I agree, you're probably right.. for now! *dun dun duuuuunnn!!*

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      I absolutely agree with you, and my big failure in this video was not bringing up that down the road I'm sure they will stitch everything together to make it all look like less of a convenience. One of the points I was trying to make is that when they were writing TFA, they weren't worried about how everything just so happen to be on Jakku at just the right moment... just like Lucas wasn't worried about the design flaw in the Deathstar when he was writing 'Star Wars'.

    • @CenturianEagle
      @CenturianEagle 7 років тому +1

      Thor Skywalker don't worry brother it's not a failure, plus, I got the feeling you knew the things that I was saying but didn't mention it as it was besides the point you were making. It's a valid point to bring up and the opinion that I came to and posted as comment, only came to me after watching the video. So you're bringing things to our attention that some us weren't thinking of to begin with. In fact I thought maybe there was elaborate and deliberate reasons for everything being on Jakku (before seeing the video of course) but I understand you being critical of yourself, it's probably why your videos have always been the best

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      I always operate under the mindset that if I'm going to expect people to watch a ten to fifteen minute video of mine, they should truly be worth their time and either entertain them or offer them something to think about. I'm not saying all my videos are perfect by any means, but the more I think about it the more I realized I missed the mark a bit with this one... and that is disappointment to me. I'm not trying to be overly critical of myself here, but I do hold myself to a high standard... and one of the reasons I think I'm pretty good at this, is because I do take to heart the comments I get from others--the good and the bad, and always seek to get better.

    • @CenturianEagle
      @CenturianEagle 7 років тому

      Thor Skywalker of course. I hear ya. Keep up the good work, and If I ever see a video I don't like I won't pretend it's good, my dad used to never let me win in chess when I was a little kid, aha. I was brought up not to give people a false sense of accomplishment. I really do enjoy all your vids hence the support I give. Look forward to the next!

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      Thanks my friend... it's strange but I actually very much appreciate the fact that you'll be willing to tell me If I make a bad video.

  • @Intrepid_Explorer
    @Intrepid_Explorer 7 років тому +1

    Because The Force Awakens was shittily written and filled with coincidences left by Jar Jar Abrams, who had no vision and literally made the plot up as he went along (as evidenced by him spontaneously going back and deciding that Poe survived and, for some reason, abandoned Finn and BB-8 on Jakku).

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      I do enjoy The Force Awakens... but that being said, it's not what I would've done with the next chapter in the Star Wars saga. And I do question the decision to pretty much make it a clone of A New Hope and to put so many questions/mysteries in it seemingly just for the sake of having questions/mysteries. A true JJ Abrams trademark there.

    • @Intrepid_Explorer
      @Intrepid_Explorer 7 років тому +5

      I will give Abrams credit in making one smart decision; he didn't bother trying to realistically expand the Star Wars universe after how the fiasco of the prequels turned out; rather, he just repackaged and resold the same movie that fans remembered so fondly. He played it safe; too safe, in my mind, and that's what ultimately kills the movie for me.
      The Star Wars prequels, while not fantastic movies by any means, undoubtedly feel like Star Wars movies because they have a substantive story to tell. The Force Awakens, however, is the complete opposite. Underneath its polished exterior, I found the movie to be uninspired, its characters shallow and hypocritical, and the plot bordering on comical with the amount of weak coincidences necessary to facilitate its motion forward.
      There's also the fact that everyone in it is completely insane - Ma-Rey Sue wanted to go back to Jakku and die, a Stormtrooper literally threw his blaster down so he could have a melee duel with Finn, Maz loudly announced Han Solo's presence to any First Order spies in their midst despite having over 1000 years of wisdom, Han just wants to be a selfish smuggler, Leia was reduced to a worthless General and never bothered learning anything about the Force, Luke abandons his friends and the galaxy just to mope on a remote planet's island, R2-D2 magically wakes up at the most opportune time to give the map to the Resistance (no one ever thought to check his memory bank, or even just to make sure he was still operational?). The list just goes on and on.
      This is honestly a shame, as Star Wars deserves better than this. Look, I get that the Force can guide people at times, but all of this just screams lazy, convenient writing. What Abrams has never understood is that if you're taking someone else's work and just tweaking minor elements of it, then you're not telling your own story, but someone else's with different aesthetics.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +1

      Well said. And I especially agree with you about the Prequels: They had their flaws but at least Lucas decided to tell an original story.

  • @JC-bi5iz
    @JC-bi5iz 7 років тому +1

    the force brought them all together!!

  • @skoolboi9901
    @skoolboi9901 7 років тому +1

    I do agree that there was never a grand idea with or about Jakku in the beginning but I think eventually it will b used as a plot point to fill in a gap. There will be a real reason she was left at that particular planet.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +1

      I do hope that at some point it will be explained why she was on Jakku of all planets. Then again it could end up being like Tatooine, which just happen to be where Anakin was born.

    • @skoolboi9901
      @skoolboi9901 7 років тому

      Thor Skywalker I think it will be more likely then not as it will make more sense to be at least a tad bit relevant. They could hint to info around wat Palpatine was doing there, and it being a light side nexus. Rey being on a light side nexus plant seems a little convenient.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      I do hope that in some way shape or form the events of the Aftermath series get at least referenced in the trilogy... some mention of the lightside nexus at the center of Jakku or the 'dark call' from the unknown regions that Palpatine heard. It's going to be very disappointing if all of that had absolutely nothing to do with the story.

    • @skoolboi9901
      @skoolboi9901 7 років тому +1

      Thor Skywalker I agree, but studios tend to keep books and movies etc separate from each other unless it's very slightly mentioned which sucks

  • @Ana36377
    @Ana36377 7 років тому

    They did say the Falcon was stolen... maybe it landed there (or got stolen) and was left there until Rey, Finn and BB-8 used it to get out of Jakku, and Han and Chewie boarded it because they recognized it and wanted it back...? (I'm not the best explainer in the world, am I?), and Han did say they could track the Falcon from their scanners and maybe that's why it felt too convenient to some viewers. It may sound like a coincidence because... maybe it is. Lor San Tekka was there because... either he lives there or some other reason, and he was a friend to Leia (some time during the 30 years.. I guess) and Poe was sent there because he's one of Leia's best pilots. Rey was good at fixing things because 1. She's done that all her life and 2. She has a flight simulator that stimulates everything from flight to fatal technical issues.

  • @twixotic04
    @twixotic04 7 років тому

    I wonder though- the other canon sources give much more history about Jakku- that it's a planet with a lot of force energy- it used to be a forest planet, and was a very spiritual place. Palpatine was drawn to the planet because of it's mysterious energy as well and did some mad scientist experiments there. So I do hope it all means something in the end!

  • @JC-uh1di
    @JC-uh1di 4 роки тому

    Tekka was on Jakuu because he senses the upcoming awakening in the Force there .

  • @Ringking-ws7bz
    @Ringking-ws7bz 7 років тому +1

    Wasnt originally wasnt Jakku just a desert planet and there was a last Emperial Battle after the death star was destroyed and and the ships and space vehicle made up the town or places people lived in. I kinda would have liked too seen the movie open with a huge space battle and then we jump ahead too Tekka and Poe. I liked that idea but that was when Rey was Jaina Solo or an openly Han and Leia Daughter but Leia was thought Killed and Tekka was a gran Moff who took her in too raise her. I like the opening in The Force awakens fine but think they could have left the battle over jakku in.

  • @funkmastanicky3885
    @funkmastanicky3885 7 років тому

    part of me agrees with this that it's definitely a possibility but what about when Rey and Finn just take off in the Falcon it shows un kar plunk yelling " that's mine" and then we find out later in the movie someone left Ray with him so to me the possibility of the Falcon and Ray being part of a deal still seems possible

  • @nomohakon6257
    @nomohakon6257 7 років тому

    Well, clearly its the Force, and the Doctor shaping things.

  • @anthoneyrago
    @anthoneyrago 7 років тому +1

    Yup plot devices because they explained why Lore Santeka was on Jakuu (Aftermath series, church of the force etc etc etc...) and why the falcon was there also (theft lol) yeah I don't think it is really relevant to the story or they would have focused on those details more.

  • @robertanderson5092
    @robertanderson5092 7 років тому

    Everything is on Jammu to create questions. These questions will be answered by spending more money but will only lead to more questions requiring even more cash to be answered.

  • @winterstar4813
    @winterstar4813 7 років тому +1

    ;nicely done video and true... it all had to happen on one planet

  • @glborba
    @glborba 7 років тому +1

    Trust in the Force!

  • @mikeoliver3254
    @mikeoliver3254 6 років тому

    Jakku is where Luke brought down a star destroyer. What if Rey ended up being so powerful because jakku is some kind of Nexus point for the force. Luke used the force to such huge effect there maybe because he was somehow closer to the force while he was near there. Maybe jakku is the home of something we do not yet know about. But I'm not convinced that snoke is dead so what do I know.

  • @BungieStudios
    @BungieStudios 7 років тому +4

    I just think that compared to Jyn or Leia, Rey is a hardcore Mary Sue. That makes me hate her even more as a character.
    Give her some character flaws, make her feel mortal. Gosh damn!

  • @novoeduardoac1248
    @novoeduardoac1248 7 років тому

    In Obi-Wan's experience, there is no thing as coincidence . . .

  • @TheMrPeteChannel
    @TheMrPeteChannel 7 років тому +3

    2:00 Or, or, it's some of the worst writing in all of the saga.

  • @ashla2187
    @ashla2187 7 років тому

    see, i knew this too, but in my imagination, i wanna say luke is slightly behind it. i have a feeling he felt rey through the force after ben killed his order and before he went into hiding and probably asked lor san tekka to say there with part of the map or maybe lor san tekka's from there so that's why he gave part of the map to him. maybe luke saw her in a force vision then set the stage for things to play out. like he could have also been behind the falcon being there too. just how i feel about it. we might get a real, in canon answer one day, but that's how i feel.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +1

      You could be on to something there. And I do think that eventually elsewhere in the canon we'll learn everything leading up to the start of the movie and why everyone (and everything) happened to be there.

  • @jacobmartinez6798
    @jacobmartinez6798 7 років тому

    yeah I agree with you but you're not the first channel I Run To You I guess I like the fact that you bring up things some of us already know .🤔 good job man thanks

  • @glrider100
    @glrider100 7 років тому

    In other words.. "Sometimes a cigar, is just a cigar."

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      lol, I considered saying that in the video....

  • @JackQSmith
    @JackQSmith 7 років тому

    I'd say Lor San Tekka and Rey both being on the same planet are less likely to be coincidence that the MF and Rey both being there, but in both cases it wouldn't surprise me either way and don't really care all that much at this point.

  • @masher1965
    @masher1965 7 років тому

    The one thing about Lor San Tekka is nobody really knows anything about him. We do know he knows Leia as a Princess from Alderaan, we know he knows of her marriage and that Kylo Ren is really Ben Solo. We know he has some affiliation with a Force group and that he was not a Jedi. Other than that, we have no idea about him at all. He could be just there for the plot, to put BB-8 and Poe on Jakku to get the map to Luke and as you said, to bring the characters together. But because of the unknown, the could easily "tweak" his character into the "Obi-Wan Kenobi" of the new trilogy and he was there to watch over Rey. Most Likely not, but the possibility does exist.

  • @treasurehunter3369
    @treasurehunter3369 7 років тому

    luke: who are you?
    rey: a girl is no one...
    i'd shit myself...

  • @harrukuehn6661
    @harrukuehn6661 7 років тому

    The force is the hidden hand that has one goal balance. Rey is chosen by the force like Luke she is strong in force. There are no coincidences in SWU, it is the will of the force that makes certain important things happen.

  • @DuhAverageJoe
    @DuhAverageJoe 7 років тому +1

    The cool thing about Star Wars is that any sort of coincidence can be easily summed up as being "the will of the Force." Lol

    • @Halbi1987
      @Halbi1987 6 років тому

      That's not how the force works.

  • @henrycaspersen6724
    @henrycaspersen6724 7 років тому

    It's going to be a shocker when everyone finds out that Rey wasn't left on Jakku... it's always been her home... we just assumed she was "dropped off"

  • @diamonddave2622
    @diamonddave2622 7 років тому +1

    Thor, I knew all this.

  • @Mailrobot
    @Mailrobot 7 років тому

    The main reason people feel there should somehow be a reason for this is because people have gotten it into their heads that Rey is some of Chosen or Avatar or whatever that was destined to be there. No, she is just a Force sensitive that gets mixed up in the Resistance and ends up being found by Han Solo. Thats it.

  • @roberts3405
    @roberts3405 7 років тому

    at this moment in time, it is a plot device. but Ryan Johnson could change the story in the next two episodes

  • @jamessewell8723
    @jamessewell8723 7 років тому

    as long as you know.. the big battle of Jacku happens.. it's in the books

  • @aprilmoore2785
    @aprilmoore2785 7 років тому

    as far as movie plots go it was the will of the force that the right eliments at the right Rey could find Luke. And meet the right people at the right time. and I also believe that it is the reason why the conditioning of Finn (fn2187)did not take and he still had a sence of what was right and wrong

  • @ddobrien1
    @ddobrien1 7 років тому

    We'll comeback to this video... after episode nine. See you then.

  • @dereksuomi
    @dereksuomi 7 років тому +1

    I couldn't disagree with you more regarding your viewpoint that Star Wars movies are "fun rides that you're not supposed to get to wrapped up in the details" of. Over the course of 7 episodes we have been told, primarily, one story. That of the Skywalker family. Not getting wrapped up in the details is contradictory to the invention of episodic storytelling. My question for you is how can you notice and dissect the innumerable plot devices and lazy screenwriting while still seemingly praising the Force Awakens as a worthy entry? As Star Wars fans we DO "give the storytellers to much credit" because, for 40 years now, George Lucas crafted a true mythology with exacting detail and careful precision. He ensured that everything in the script served the story and respected the mythos. Star Wars fans DO "assume some grand design or purpose is at work at every moment" because, up until the sale to Disney, this was the case.

  • @jrunner5k
    @jrunner5k 7 років тому

    3:13 i could have sworn someone in the cantina got on a communication device after spotting bb8

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      Bazine Natel contacts the First Order after spotting BB8. She was the one in the black and white checkered type outfit.

    • @jrunner5k
      @jrunner5k 7 років тому

      didnt you say it isnt explained how the first order found them? or are you talking about on jakku right before they hop on the falcon?

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +1

      I meant how the First Order knew where Lor San Tekka was at the very start of the movie.

  • @seanmcgregory6843
    @seanmcgregory6843 7 років тому

    @thorskywalker can you explain why R2D2 only awakened when Rey arrives?

  • @davidv4018
    @davidv4018 7 років тому

    I am pretty sure all this coincidences Will be addressed, or at least, we'll have enough info to fill the gaps for ourselves.
    I think this is a movie within a bigger movie (which is obvious, d,oh trilogy).
    I think they grasped all Luke, Han and Leia events and then Said: lets not use this movie to pass the torch to a new generation. Lets make ir about this new characters, lets tell the story from their Point of view as if it was the first SW movie.
    Episode VII is about Rey confronting her abandonment issues. Is about Finn stop running from what he was. Is about Han confronting his son. Is about about Kylo Ren confronting his dad. Is about advernture and fun.
    The context is pretty similar to episode IV (so fans don't get angry. They were going to get angry anyways, and used this as any excuse).
    The metatext is about all these old Legends: Han (the general, the smuggler) Luke Skywalker. The rebels (and rebel wannabes), the Empire (the Empire revivalists), Darth Vader (Vader wannabe).
    If you were a new Star Wars moviegoer, this coincidences wouldn't bother you, because you wouldn't see them as really unlikable coincidences. So, this movie is all about the joy of watching a SW adventure; while enjoying old things coming back. But i am pretty positive that they werent just setting new characters to the franchize, but many premises to address later.

  • @BoandDebbieMulder
    @BoandDebbieMulder 4 роки тому

    "There is no coincidence, there is only the force"
    I'm not sure where that line comes from but it rings true.
    It seems to me that Lucasfilm failed to take advantage of a great opportunity to bring more synergy to The Force Awakens. Think about it.
    1. Lor San Tekka and the map
    2. Poe Dameron & BB-8
    3. Kylo Ren
    4. Finn
    5. Rey
    6. Millennium Falcon
    All end up Jakuu? It's the will of the force and nobody can convince me otherwise!

  • @DoubleRaven00
    @DoubleRaven00 7 років тому +1

    If a movie has to 'move fast to distract us from all the plot devices' as you say... it's not a very good movie.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому +1

      Well, there are some that think TFA wasn't a good movie, though I'm not among them. I liked it, even though it wasn't what I was expecting or hoping for. That being said, Star Wars movie always have and likely always will move fast instead of letting themselves get bogged down by the details. This isn't a bad thing, because if you really stop and break down a Star Wars movie you'll find they're not the most realistic creations around...

  • @stanye1158
    @stanye1158 7 років тому +7

    Another smash hit from Thor Skywalker, consistently makes all of the other Star Wars UA-camrs look so crap in comparison

    • @TheMrPeteChannel
      @TheMrPeteChannel 7 років тому +3

      Stanakin He's becoming quite the "Safe" Wars defender. His answer is "will of the Force". At least we get real world explanations in Lucas Wars. With Disney it's "the next director's problem".

    • @mugwump7049
      @mugwump7049 7 років тому

      MrPete8680 Why would you care about real-world explanations regarding a fictional world?

  • @greenman5555
    @greenman5555 7 років тому

    Jakku is the new 'New Hope'.

  • @luisacevedo8772
    @luisacevedo8772 7 років тому

    there has to be a.reason they could have been anywhere else not just because they needed the movie to start but because she is destined to b great no one else could have found luke just like r2d2 just mysteriously came back on

  • @justplay3243
    @justplay3243 7 років тому

    Great Video! I agree that Jakku is important to the sequel trilogy

  • @haddenja
    @haddenja 7 років тому +1

    You didn't mention the "cute boyfriend", that's were my money's at...

  • @LawofMoses
    @LawofMoses 7 років тому +1

    have you read the three last books for star wars, aftermath, life debt etc?

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      Yes I have read them, and in my newest video I kinda 'amend' this one by pointing out that I do believe Lor San Tekka was there to study the lightside nexus... but I still don't feel he was there to watch Rey. I didn't mean to imply in this video that he was there simply because of dumb luck.

    • @LawofMoses
      @LawofMoses 7 років тому +1

      Thor Skywalker I agree he didn't know who Rey was and neither did Solo. I am not sure anyone will until they find out whonher parents or mother was.
      The only Rey I heard of is Grand Admiral Rey Sloane, so maybe somehow they are connected? They all tie to Jakku. 😯

    • @LawofMoses
      @LawofMoses 7 років тому +1

      Oh and your vids are great bud 😆 thanks

  • @fancysmartguy749
    @fancysmartguy749 7 років тому +1

    Seems like everything in Star Wars is a coincidence

  • @HiVoltish
    @HiVoltish 7 років тому

    Eyes wide and mouth agape acting at it's best.

  • @jessekramer264
    @jessekramer264 Рік тому

    Han and Qira Told Lar San Tekka Watching Ray in Jakku

  • @richh5572
    @richh5572 7 років тому +1

    Thank you for making this video, I love looking deeper into these things. Have you heard of the Stormtrooper Paradox? It's very interesting.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  7 років тому

      Glad you enjoyed it... and I have heard of the Stormtrooper Paradox, or should I say it keeps popping up in my recommended to watch list, but I haven't seen it.