Follow on Twitter so I can bully you too: Try Vite Ramen with 10% off by using code ECKHARTS at
Can you please do a video where you tell us what the two bridges do on a Venator? In my head I think maybe one controls battles and capital ship to capital ship combat and the other moves the Venator and calculates the hyperspace jumps.
5:53 Slave II is pure utilitarian. It doesn't care about looking pretty, it just cares about getting the job done. Windows on a spaceship are a vulnerability, and with cameras etc, they're not necessarily needed.
4:37 The reason Old Republic troopers and Clone troopers look almost identical is because their armour is heavily Mandalorian-inspired. The Old Republic had just about gotten completely ass-raped by the Mandalorians not long before the rise of Vitiate's Sith Empire, which forced them to militarize. So when designing armour for their soldiers, they took inspiration from the enemy that nearly defeated them, since it was clearly effective. We all know about the creation of the clones; based on the genetic template of a Mandalorian, and their training and equipment was heavily overseen by Mandalorians. Thus their design philosophies played a large part in the construction of the armour.
That’s the internal reason, which he understands. He’s just saying externally it’s kind of boring that the republic troopers look so similar to the clones despite many thousands years separating them.
@@LouisKing995 It also kind of ignores the former design that was used as a improvement of Republic armors, which frankly, didn't look like Mandalorian armor. Throughout Tales of the Jedi, where that lore originates, the Republic has an almost Chinese and Japanese scifi look versus the very Crusader looking Mandalorians. With the only real exception being the murder hobo Onderonians and the Aztec looking Sith.
I have a soft spot for the G9 Rigger-class light freighter: it's an inexpensive freighter powered by Sadness. My Star Wars RPG group stole, like, three from the Hutts, because we didn't have anyone who could fake ship registries, but we DID have somebody who could physically tinker with the ship to rig up some basic controls. The Hutts were less than happy, but we framed an Imperial black ops group for the thefts, so we never had any issues.
My issue with the E-wing was the top cannon seems to interfere with the cockpit, both getting in and out, emergency ejection, flare from blasters, and visual obstruction.
Unless they eject downwards and there's something in the windscreen to deal with the glare. Though I don't recall downwards-ejecting seats being very effective.
the top gun is also just a barrel, if you look at the under wing guns (and the ones on the x-wing) there is a body to the gun that is as long again as the barrel, but the top gun just slopes into the fuselage (which contains an engine that is also somehow half as long as the wing ones) - makes it look just tacked on
Fury is not a tie. It has space for cargo, crew to sleep, a meeting room, a medical wing, and space for a holo chess table. It is not a star fighter like a TIE. It is a starfighter like the Falcon. edit: today i found out jek 14's first starfighter was an E wing
Eh, they're a variant on the Star Destroyer theme, no big deal. The Executor and Mega were a big deal because it seriously looked like they were big enough to double as dockyards.
modern empire is kinda bad with its designs like the transport that was just a brick with stormtroopers sticking out and then the first order transport aka another brick
Honestly love this as a dialog on just ship designs. Any universe you want with ships works with this IMO warhammers massive ass cathedral ships to no mans sky nonsense
My favourite OR republic armour is the armour that the commandos (and I think shock troops) wear on belsavis. Tbh it’s my favourite trooper amour in Star Wars.
@@rc59191 I use the holoshield trooper for mine. I'm not that creative when it comes to outfits so I tend to stick with entire sets as opposed to mix and matching, but there are some really talented people out there. Plus with the new leveling gear vendor that lets you buy the cosmetic shells there is a lot more variety of options to choose from. I'm almost tempted to make a custom outfit for my characters.
@@Arauto_Kagnos ya I'm the same way sticking to full armor sets would like to find the one that the regular Republic Soldiers are wearing those look really cool.
Sad part is that it actually could have worked as a modular shuttle/transport. (The concept, not the execution. Flying harmonica lol) I'm thinking something along the lines of the visitor shuttles from "V" back in the day. Main module, with expansion pods for added capacity. Edit: and honestly, I remember seeing the cloud cars in the early 80s and thinking wth? Lol
The Venator double bridge looks like Jar Jar Binks face, at some angles. IMHO it was designed back when George Lucas was planning on having Darth Jar Jar, and right after the big reveal there was going to be a slow transition from a close up of Darth Jar Jar's face _and his Sith eyes_ (that we only just realised were Sith all along) to a Venator, with the bridges lining up with Jar Jar's eyes. With the lead up time in designing ships, models ect, the artwork would have begun far before even the script was finalised. Anyway, now try to unsee Jar Jar's face in a Venator … what if that was the reason that the Empire didn't keep it, but kept the Acclimator? *Vader:* My master, the bridges of a Venator, I find them annoying to gaze at. They remind me of that irritating… *Palatine [interrupting]:* Jar Jar, I see the resemblance too, Lord Vader. And it disturbs you? (Looking sideways at Vader, and knowing his weaknesses)… …it's like sand. [Vader shivers] I shall decommission them then. Remember this indulgence, Lord Vader.
@@redeye4516 I fully believe in the Darth Jar Jar theory, but the eye color is a pretty weak evidence for it. I mean, Pantorans all have yellow eyes, are Riyo Chuchi or Baron Papanoida Sith?
5:54 I also like the E-Wing, to me it just makes sense that, as the New Republic improved its starfighters, they would abandon existing architecture and build ships with similar concepts but different shape. I'm also not bothered that this ship needed a new R-7 Astromech to work. Its only real fault was that people liked the X-Wing, which led the Legends writers to create the XJ as a super X-Wing to eclipse the fascinating but underloved E-Wing. The Sequel Trilogy unwittingly followed suit.
Thank god they blew up the Pegasus so I didn't have to look at as many of those ugly-ass Mk. VII's zipping around with their goofy triple-gun set-up and uninspired gunmetal grey "paintjob."
Funny enough the Mk VII is based on the F-16 in appearance as a way of showing some love for the Falcon pilots who were fans of the original BSG and began referring to their F-16s as Vipers, a name that stuck. I get what you're saying but I just wanted to throw out the design inspiration for it
I love it myself. It's gloriously ugly, but every aspect screams functionality. In that aspect it reminds me of the Sulaco from Aliens - hideous and hideously effective.
Slave II also makes great sense for a bounty hunter ship. Much of the bulkiness is because the ship has prison cells. For transporting live bounties. Which is handy for any bounty hunter that doesn't just freeze or kill their targets.
I would love to see this series become more mainstream. I love seeing fantasy designs that look cool on the surface but are actually absurd in concept. Bonus points for branching out to other franchises.
Funny that the less inspired fury class interceptor is probably my favorite ship from the old Republic. Might just be because it is the ship the sith characters use. Still it's design is pretty sleek
7:58 I actually kind of like that ship, although since it is a decorative covering for a stage for actors to prepare in, I see why the proportions are so wrong. My theory is that the sip uses censors to navigate and the pilots are behind computer screens while the glass is there either to confuse the resistance, or are actually solar panels to power instruments. I visited it at Disney and it also appears in the ride where you fly the falcon, where it’s armor proves to be impressive, by talking at least four hits on from the Falcon’s main guns (and since they don’t program it to crash) this can take a beating from a small point defense gun and walk away unscathed so having limited cockpit glass makes sense. Also as for the complainant that it is a first order transport with wings on it, that is fair but also practical that the First Order would take a work an working design into a new design. Real world militaries do that as well, like the Black Hawk compared to the Huey.
4:39 "The Republic Trooper looks exactly like the Clone Trooper..." Well yeah, the Clone Troopers were an attempt to "rebuild" and borrow from the glory of the old Republic "Grand Army" which defeated the Sith Empire.
But Clone Armour has an origin, it's derivative of Mando armour. It doesn't need this tie back to the Republic Troopers. George Lucas took old designs and made new ones based off them. He took the ISD and made the Venator and Acclamator. He took the X-wing and made the ARC-170. He took the TIE fighter and made the Scimitar and the Eta-2. He took Boba Fett's armour and Stormtrooper armour and made an army with similar but still recognizably different armour. With the Republic Troopers, it's painfully derivative. George Lucas made two flying triangles that were distinct but still obviously connected to the same flying triangles from the original trilogy, while the Republic Trooper armour is so obviously just Phase II Clone Armour but Slightly Different.
@@demi-femme4821 But why is Clone armor derivative of Mandolorian armor? The Mandolorians were nothing big in the era of the first 3 movies. Why make an army to defend the Republic based off of a group of people not known to the general populace and if known unlikely to be a good impression (Mandolorians do not have in general a good reputation). I also ask why base the ARC-170 off of the X-Wing as the history of the X-Wing is stated to be from an earlier, but similar ship the Z-95 Headhunter. And why just replace the ARC-170 with a completely different ship style as the TIE (I understand viewing the ARC-170 as not meeting the new needs, but why not redesign the ARC-170 instead of just swapping over to a new untested design?)? The Republic Troopers armor has a realistic reason for why they are an amalgam of Mandolorian armor. During the Knights of the Old Republic era (just prior to most of the Old Republic events) the Mandolorians fight a war against the Republic, and while smaller in number they seriously damage the Republic. Not too surprisingly the Republic wanting to better equip their now veteran troops in what had been proven during a war as superior armor. Monday's insanity is correct, much of the Old Republic and movies 1 thru 3 are backwardsworld building. Sadly, much of the Star Wars designs are too derivative period. The Old Republic does an attempt to reason why.
@@CameronM1138 it doesn't matter if the canopy slides forward, the ejector seat will still launch straight into a collision with the barrel of the laser cannon
6:26 My main issue with the E-wing is the giant laser cannon directly over the canopy. Not does it seem to block a fairly large portion of the pilot's view above them, its also unclear how someone gets in or out of the damn thing considering the canopy can't lift upwards like on every other Alliance starfighter. Maybe it slides forward? But even then you still have to be careful not to crack your head on the barrel. I know star wars dogfights are inspired by WW2 air combat, so why not put the cannon IN the nose? There were plenty of old fighter planes that used that design, and it makes more sense than putting the guns on the wingtips too.
Every video of these I see I keep thinking he’s gonna talk about relationship ships, and every time I have to remind myself not everyone is on that part of the fandom
You know what, I'll say it. The Death Star. It's a good idea for fear. But for it being used militarily it's useless. Yes you destroy vast amounts of baddies with one fire at a planet, but you lose ALL those resources. Something like the Genesis Project from Star Trek II would be more fitting. Yeah, it would require an assault on the planetary defenses, an extended campaign on the planet. But, once it's launched and lands on the planet, it DESTROYS everything on the planet. Then RETERRAFORMS said planet to WHATEVER the hell you want. You need metals and alloys for your ship building? That enemy planet is within reach. Let's blockade, and launch the torpedo sized super weapon at the planet. Let it destroy everything then reform the planet to what you need. Now, issue was it was not fully used to it's potential and was used in a method of madness and vengeance. We've already seen it succeed terraforming the inside of an asteroid. Kind of ranting on about it. But with a torpedo like Genesis (not really a torpedo but is torpedo sized and could probably be repurposed as a torpedo easily) you wouldn't need a full armada to defend it. You could just send in a stealth ship and get the job done. Also strikes fear in people. Again though, just my opinion. Death Star is definitely useful but is just OVERKILL and is really a 'haha, look at this! I can cause fear!'. It serves it's original purpose, but fails militarily. Your basically performing Scorched Earth tactics FOR your enemies harming your own forces.
The X-Wing may be one of my absolute favorite starfighters, but I nearly chocked at the "penis nose" quip, lmaooo, I can't unsee that now, especially with the way the Death Star battle ends in Episode IV
Honestly I think the best light ground vehicle would be something like a fully encased AT-RT since it balances speed with *just* enough protection against small arms fire to stay useful in a fight while having a reasonably powerful armament for skirmishing against infantry or other scout vehicles. It does all of this while staying light enough to not have to worry about getting bogged down like a heavier (ahem: AT-ST) walker might. At the end of the day either of our favorites works well for their intended roles which leads me to ask: what the hell was the Empire thinking when they made the AT-ST?
About your comment on the X-wing nose. I was once making a Pinewood Derby (little model cars you race) X-wing and my Mom thought the front looked like a ya know too.
I get what you're saying about the Slave II. It feels kind of like a ship that was just cobbled together rather than designed. Like they just took all the components they needed, bolted them together, and covered it with flat panelling. It seems like exactly the sort of unlicensed, untraceable ship that a bounty hunter might get on some scrappy backwater planet, or built in secret from parts scavenged from other vessels. That's the vibe I get. Now let's go to Wookiepedia and see how close I was...
@@TheEventHorizon909 how the hell am I trolling? The Resurgent is a good looking warship and we all know the Nebula is one of the most powerful star destroyers in Legends under the New Republic Defense Fleet.
Although I'm a big fan of "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything" in most cases, this bullying is refreshing and honest! Please, more ship and tech bullying vids about any universe! Excellent work.
Yo. Why does the E-wing have such a weirdly placed gun right above the cockpit? Wouldn't that be a detriment/cumbersome to the pilot? Also it looks like a dumb unicorn horn.
plus, makes boarding and exiting the cockpit unnecessarily difficult (canopy has to slide instead of swing open like a WWII fighter) and forces the use of a downwards-facing ejector seat
Speaking of the TIE Dagger, I actually had an idea for a triangle-wing TIE, but it had s-foils that allowed it to land. Also 100% agree with you on the Old Republic designs, they're cool but look weird when you factor in the timeline. The only Sequel ships I'd say I agree with you on are the Xyston and, to a lesser extent, the Resistance shuttle. The Xyston's just ISD 2.0 with a superlaser and the shuttle just looks weird, though it at least has some charm to it. Also, the E-wing can absolutely get scrapped, I'm sorry, I just can't lol...
If I have to pick a ship that I love that is outside the norm it would be the Hapan battle cruiser (or was it the battle dragon?) it's just so outside the typical star wars design that I can't help but love it. Plus it has those rows of revolving turbolasers on each saucer section.
Hapan Battle Dragon. Yeah, the images we got of them are goofy but the description in the books makes them sound fascinating. The entire Hapan Navy sounds just different enough from the norm that it has me hooked. Even their starfighters with their big, slow firing but super hard hitting guns... Sure the Hornet is silly but it's still so cool to see how different it is (plus cockpit ejection for the Hornet rather than just floating out in the void with nothing but a vac suit.)
@@KMCA779 Thanks for the minor correction, I knew it was one of the two. It's been a while since I gave my source books a look and I don't know where they are anymore so I'm a bit slow on my memory of it. It is goofy looking but still so unique, I remember the images very well.
Eck: "The Fury-class is too derivative. But the TIE/Reaper is innovative and cool!" Me: "I like the Fury, and think the Reaper--and the seemingly equally-popular U-wing--are stupid-looking."
The starhawk class battleship is probably one of the biggest wastes of manufacturing time, resources, and manpower the Rebel Alliance ever committed. They straight up stole star destroyers, but decided to then scrap them and then rebuild them into new battleships. Meanwhile in Legends, they'd just fix up the star destroyers, paint a rebel/New Republic logo on the side of them, and then go out and wreck sh*t.
Please talk about the Destiny Ascension from Mass Effect. Star Wars has some good ship designs but the Destiny Ascension was amazing. Too bad it was destroyed.
04:14 See, I like the Defender. its a cheap, short range (no hyperdrive) fighter designed to Zerg Rush the enemy - basically the New Republic version of the TIE doctrine. The little hanging arms have thrusters at the tips to enhance manuverability, so it falls into the Babylon 5 / Starfury family of somewhat real-world physics
Random thought: does the existence of Mara Jade as a fan favorite in general and foil for Luke Skywalker in particular imply that Star Wars fans think that Luke needs to be bullied? 🤔 Discuss
Everyone needs to be bullied... how else is one supposed to be challenged? Assuming one is always right is the path of the Sith... having a person constantly berating your ideas/plans is the best way to know if your plans/ideas are Sith worthy!
The laser cannon on the top of the e-wing ruins the design for me. Take that cannon and put it under the nose or built into the nose and you'd have a better look. Or better yet, ditch the third gun all together and say the power of the other two was increased....or add concussion missle pods under the wings. Anything's better than that ridiculous thrid gun above the canopy.
Yeah. The over the canopy gun on the E-Wing just ruins the design. I like the underslung cannon idea for the nose. I would put two there on either side. Then on the top of the fuselage you bulge it out a touch on either side and add in some missile launchers or torpedo tubes. I also like the missile launchers on the wings idea.
I'd love it if was a a repeating blaster turrent controlled by an astromech that went after both missiles, and would be useful for defending a postion if a landing force is ambushed
9:15 Tie Dagger, they took the gimmick off the V22 Osprey where the wings/engines rotate vertically to allow landing. If we're talking in SW universe... the mandalorian fighters and the Kom'Rk Mandalorian dropship, these both do this but have the added feature of the wings rolling around the main fuselage as well while in flight.
Slave 2 looks like those things on shelves that hold books upright. Also, I will fight anyone who dislikes the Fury-class Interceptor, it's one of the most "Sith" looking ships in all of Star Wars honestly
The Resistance Transport is bad, but I will say one thing good about it, maybe the only thing it has going for it: It's well-designed to give a good cinematic shot of the door opening up when it lands so that you can see everybody come out of it at once. That's a big issue with the U-Wing, because for the U-Wing, there's no good angle to look at the door opening up because the wing is in the way. The ship was designed to look more like a fighter than a troop transport, and any shot from above just doesn't show any of the troop transport aspect.
To its credit, the TLJ shuttle has the best hyperdrive in the galaxy. It can go literally 2/3 of the way across, from Crait to Cantonica and back, in 18 hours. The previous fastest ships in the galaxy would have taken weeks to make that trip. I agree with you on the Pursuer class (Slave II). It's _good_ ugly. Like that old promo for the Scion xB-Cons: Boxy, ugly, people will stare. Pros: Boxy, ugly, people will stare.
Haha itsa my time! The T-6 Shuttle is one of my favorites. The flying wing, the detachable cockpit to an escape pod, the look of it is so different, I love it! I had the Lego version as a kid and i loved it, I want to get another one just to build it again. It was fantastic
Doest mine ears deceive me? Didst I hear that mine man, EckhartsLadder, likes the Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship aka Slave II? Oh joyous of days, that's a glorious thing to hear.
So, the thing with the E-Wing is that it was a bit _too_ technologically advanced. It was high-maintenance, prone to software issues and required a specialized Astromech in the form of the R7 series. Even when all the bugs were worked out with it, the E-Wing just never managed to reach the same level of popularity as the more traditional ships because of the poor reputation it built for itself.
The Lancet looks as if the designer had a pet puffer pig that was his whole world, which while adorable, doesn't make for great inspiration for ship design 🤦🤣
I would say the Tie shuttle, which looks identical to the Bomber. It's supposed to transport imperial officers around, but almost every time we instead see a Lambada shuttle. For something that was designed even before Episode 5 came out, I don't understand what Lucasfilm were thinking with it at the time.
Perhaps the worst part about the resistance transport is they vandalised at the very least perfectly good B-wing parts, to the sin of dismantling a complete one. I personally love the idea and role of the VSD from an in universe perspective of design, it is a real shame its not gotten any real screen time.
The fury class is one of the best designs in star wars. It's like a sith version of the millennium falcon. It's a portable sith base of operations and it looks badass. Also I love the old republic sith star destroyer. I one is don't like is the smaller frigates.
One series that I'd love to see your opinion on, when it comes to ships, would be the massive Gundam menagerie, which has been around since 1979, a similar time frame as Star Wars.
"The front of [the x-wing] definitely looks like a dick." Cannot unsee. People already say the trench run is full of innuendos, this will only add to it lol.
Your videos are never boring and I won't lie, its kinda cathartic hearing you pick at what you consider poor ship designs. I dont always agree but you make good points I can concede to. If you read this I really would love a deeper breakdown in your fashion of the Ssi-Ruuk ships, the Truce at Bakura definitely has problems but I just love the ships cause thats what drew me into Star Wars as a kid,
My two main problems wiþ the E-wing are (A) the engines near the end of the wings make it look like the wings would snap off if it rolled too hard and (B) it looks incomplete, it feels like you cut a ship in half and just used the front half Some other minor ones are the unicorn horn laser cannon on top feels like it'd get in the way and the small support struts on the wings look unaerodynamic which clashes wiþ the rest of the design
My two favorite ships are the ARC-170 and the Delta-7 aethersprite-class light interceptor, even though I definitely know both were not the best crafts. If I was in Star Wars I'd most certainly have either a modified ARC-170 for a single pilot, with modified weapons systems, interior, and of course some upgrades that'd help keep me alive like a good shield and a space toilet and fridge. Alternatively on a more "realistic" approach assuming I couldn't get a ship of my choice, I'd most certainly get a U-Wing, as it's not only beautiful, but spacious and a very reliable craft
A few thoughts on most of the ships mentioned: I don't mind the Resistance transport pod too much, specifically _because_ its a modular segment of the harmonica transport. The harmonica design is awful, yes, but making the cabin section detachable to work as its own thing was pretty neat in my opinion. I was never really sold on the idea that the cockpit was a B-Wing segment repurposed, so I guess I don't mind the change too much. The Fury Interceptor for me is... fine. Like yeah, I get that its TIE look makes it stand out as unusual in the TOR era, but as a large dark side personal starship, it works. For me the issue is naming it an interceptor. Its not, its more of a small, but heavily armed freighter like the Millennium Falcon or the Ghost, you don't call those Interceptors, even if Han or Hera can maneuver them like one. Like you said, the E-wing does borrow quite a bit from Battlestar Galactica; when I look at it, I _just_ see a Viper, and I can never unsee it. The Harrower... yeah, I get not liking it, but its the only TOR era capital ship that even remotely does anything for me at all. Its not a great design, but against its contemporaries, both light and dark side, its a mediocre diamond in a whole lot of rough. Not really a fan of the TIE Echelon, but I'm surprised you like the Xi Class better. For me, the fact the Xi is "like a Lambda but the wings don't go down properly", which drives me nuts! I know some people are tired of Star Wars reusing the Lambda motif and fair enough, but a version where the wings stay "up" is not a worthy replacement. I wouldn't call the Victory "A smaller Imperial Class", the Procursator is a "smaller Imperial Class" and it looks amazing. In fact the Procursator is probably my favorite legends design. The problem with the Victory however, is just that awful weird "nose" bit they added to the bridge section, it looks so awkward and for me ruins a concept that otherwise has some pretty neat abilities and ideas to it.
As much hate as the Slave-2/Pursuer-class Enforcement ship gets it's always been hands down my favorite "bigger than a fighter but smaller than a freighter" type ship in SW. In fact I love it so much I even built a functional 1:1 scale replica of it in Space Engineers ages ago for a friend's multiplayer server. It was cramped and ugly, but it worked and I loved my little flying doorstop.
Not really a fan of most of the Sequel Trilogy ships since they’re just Galactic Civil War era ship variants with minimal changes. I do however appreciate and would like to see more of: - The Intersystem Transport Ship from Rise of the Resistance. I liked how it’s basically a drop ship version of the Tantive IV (both in terms of design and role in story of getting captured) - While I’m really not a fan of the Resistance cartoon, I did think all of Ace Squadron’s ships were nice designs that felt like a proper evolution of Star fighters after 30 years. The Fireball in particular reminds me of an X-Wing without being an X-Wing
I may not be I big fan of the sequels either but rise of the resistance was such an awesome ride. I really like that transport ship and I honestly think it would’ve been better as the resistance drop ship than the Walmart brand b-wing.
Follow on Twitter so I can bully you too:
Try Vite Ramen with 10% off by using code ECKHARTS at
Can you please do a video where you tell us what the two bridges do on a Venator? In my head I think maybe one controls battles and capital ship to capital ship combat and the other moves the Venator and calculates the hyperspace jumps.
Can you please do a video on The Expanse?
AT-PT Vs AT-AA versus video
Good, good Eck. Let the hate for these ships flow through you.
Great comment. Take my like.
Yes it comples him
Did You Ever Hear The Tragedy Of Darth Plagueis The Wise?
Mandaloreian leak footage 😱
I am very basic, I only like X-Wing, you can't bully me.
half that ship is a dick
@@EckhartsLadder holy crap it is
@@EckhartsLadder your not wrong lol 😂
@@EckhartsLadder that is what I am saying, it is an AlphaChad starfighter
@@EckhartsLadder it is indeed
5:53 Slave II is pure utilitarian. It doesn't care about looking pretty, it just cares about getting the job done. Windows on a spaceship are a vulnerability, and with cameras etc, they're not necessarily needed.
Fuck off looks like a giant refrigerator with a right angle on the right L
Windows in star wars are made of some super transparent steel.
@@rpk321 Imagine if there is a fire somewhere... Not getting out of the house that way XD
@@Atomic_Bubblegum Target Practice
It looks like a frickin toaster!
Great video. It's funny that you bullied the Dragon one for being painted black, then said you wished the Sith Eternal fleet was all black.
It’s called hypocrisy. ;)
@@EckhartsLadder how about doing a xenosaga fleet vs unsc fleet?
@@ForensicRocks like what the Jedi order was based off in the times leading up to the clone wars?
@@mp5_Puppy yes.
4:37 The reason Old Republic troopers and Clone troopers look almost identical is because their armour is heavily Mandalorian-inspired. The Old Republic had just about gotten completely ass-raped by the Mandalorians not long before the rise of Vitiate's Sith Empire, which forced them to militarize. So when designing armour for their soldiers, they took inspiration from the enemy that nearly defeated them, since it was clearly effective.
We all know about the creation of the clones; based on the genetic template of a Mandalorian, and their training and equipment was heavily overseen by Mandalorians. Thus their design philosophies played a large part in the construction of the armour.
That’s the internal reason, which he understands. He’s just saying externally it’s kind of boring that the republic troopers look so similar to the clones despite many thousands years separating them.
@@LouisKing995 It also kind of ignores the former design that was used as a improvement of Republic armors, which frankly, didn't look like Mandalorian armor. Throughout Tales of the Jedi, where that lore originates, the Republic has an almost Chinese and Japanese scifi look versus the very Crusader looking Mandalorians. With the only real exception being the murder hobo Onderonians and the Aztec looking Sith.
Whoever decided to turn B-wings into jank brick shuttles needs a smack upside the head and a lecture. In and out of universe.
The Trooper Ship from Old Republic is that exact thing and it looks hideous.
I prefer my b wing mk 2 to be ec henry
I just.... you take the ONLY other heavy strike craft than the Y-wing, but turn it into a below average troop shuttle.
@@bthsr7113 When they could have just modified the U-wing
@@mapleflag6518 exactly! Heck, even stolen and converted Lamda shuttles would be better.
I have a soft spot for the G9 Rigger-class light freighter: it's an inexpensive freighter powered by Sadness.
My Star Wars RPG group stole, like, three from the Hutts, because we didn't have anyone who could fake ship registries, but we DID have somebody who could physically tinker with the ship to rig up some basic controls. The Hutts were less than happy, but we framed an Imperial black ops group for the thefts, so we never had any issues.
Sounds like an interesting story. :)
Fury and the harrower absolutely did not deserve the roasting they got, both are such beautiful designs for ships.
My issue with the E-wing was the top cannon seems to interfere with the cockpit, both getting in and out, emergency ejection, flare from blasters, and visual obstruction.
Unless they eject downwards and there's something in the windscreen to deal with the glare. Though I don't recall downwards-ejecting seats being very effective.
And it just looks really, really lame.
the top gun is also just a barrel, if you look at the under wing guns (and the ones on the x-wing) there is a body to the gun that is as long again as the barrel, but the top gun just slopes into the fuselage (which contains an engine that is also somehow half as long as the wing ones) - makes it look just tacked on
Anyone trying to eject would meet the same fate as Goose.
Mandaloreian leak footage 😱
Fury is not a tie. It has space for cargo, crew to sleep, a meeting room, a medical wing, and space for a holo chess table. It is not a star fighter like a TIE. It is a starfighter like the Falcon.
edit: today i found out jek 14's first starfighter was an E wing
Such a shame that Eck does not grasp the sheer imperial might and glory communicated by Resurgent Sith Imperial ships
Eh, they're a variant on the Star Destroyer theme, no big deal. The Executor and Mega were a big deal because it seriously looked like they were big enough to double as dockyards.
Resurgent dumb
Agreed. The fury is one of the most beautiful ships in SW.
modern empire is kinda bad with its designs like the transport that was just a brick with stormtroopers sticking out and then the first order transport aka another brick
Meh, they're pretty bland honestly.
Honestly love this as a dialog on just ship designs. Any universe you want with ships works with this IMO warhammers massive ass cathedral ships to no mans sky nonsense
You can't praise the Emperor if you have no style.
I love the look of the Old Republic Trooper's more than the Clone Army one's. Just something really unique and beautiful about it.
You can make some good great trooper outfits in the game if you're creative with the trooper outfits within the game.
@@Arauto_Kagnos I mostly have been sticking with my Havoc Squad armor.
My favourite OR republic armour is the armour that the commandos (and I think shock troops) wear on belsavis. Tbh it’s my favourite trooper amour in Star Wars.
@@rc59191 I use the holoshield trooper for mine. I'm not that creative when it comes to outfits so I tend to stick with entire sets as opposed to mix and matching, but there are some really talented people out there. Plus with the new leveling gear vendor that lets you buy the cosmetic shells there is a lot more variety of options to choose from. I'm almost tempted to make a custom outfit for my characters.
@@Arauto_Kagnos ya I'm the same way sticking to full armor sets would like to find the one that the regular Republic Soldiers are wearing those look really cool.
Resistance Shuttle is practically the Cloud Car of the sequel trilogy.
Clown car clown car
That's an insult to the Cloud Car
Sad part is that it actually could have worked as a modular shuttle/transport. (The concept, not the execution. Flying harmonica lol)
I'm thinking something along the lines of the visitor shuttles from "V" back in the day. Main module, with expansion pods for added capacity.
Edit: and honestly, I remember seeing the cloud cars in the early 80s and thinking wth? Lol
You leave that orange beauty out of this!
Mandaloreian leak footage 😱
The Venator double bridge looks like Jar Jar Binks face, at some angles.
IMHO it was designed back when George Lucas was planning on having Darth Jar Jar, and right after the big reveal there was going to be a slow transition from a close up of Darth Jar Jar's face _and his Sith eyes_ (that we only just realised were Sith all along) to a Venator, with the bridges lining up with Jar Jar's eyes.
With the lead up time in designing ships, models ect, the artwork would have begun far before even the script was finalised.
Anyway, now try to unsee Jar Jar's face in a Venator … what if that was the reason that the Empire didn't keep it, but kept the Acclimator?
*Vader:* My master, the bridges of a Venator, I find them annoying to gaze at. They remind me of that irritating…
*Palatine [interrupting]:* Jar Jar, I see the resemblance too, Lord Vader.
And it disturbs you?
(Looking sideways at Vader, and knowing his weaknesses)…
…it's like sand.
[Vader shivers]
I shall decommission them then.
Remember this indulgence, Lord Vader.
You know that's a very good point about his eyes, I didn't even notice his eyes are literally Sith yellow the whole time.
I fully believe in the Darth Jar Jar theory, but the eye color is a pretty weak evidence for it. I mean, Pantorans all have yellow eyes, are Riyo Chuchi or Baron Papanoida Sith?
... thank you for ruining that ship for me
5:54 I also like the E-Wing, to me it just makes sense that, as the New Republic improved its starfighters, they would abandon existing architecture and build ships with similar concepts but different shape. I'm also not bothered that this ship needed a new R-7 Astromech to work. Its only real fault was that people liked the X-Wing, which led the Legends writers to create the XJ as a super X-Wing to eclipse the fascinating but underloved E-Wing. The Sequel Trilogy unwittingly followed suit.
E-wing doesn't look next-gen. It looks like something came out before X-wing.
Branching of into other universes would be great, praising designs is great, and I would suggest BSG's Viper Mk. VII for the first one.
I love the Mk 7
Thank god they blew up the Pegasus so I didn't have to look at as many of those ugly-ass Mk. VII's zipping around with their goofy triple-gun set-up and uninspired gunmetal grey "paintjob."
Space battleship Yamato for the 2nd one
Funny enough the Mk VII is based on the F-16 in appearance as a way of showing some love for the Falcon pilots who were fans of the original BSG and began referring to their F-16s as Vipers, a name that stuck. I get what you're saying but I just wanted to throw out the design inspiration for it
@@VegetaLF7 Neat. I think focusing on the places that they departed from the inspiration's design could make a fun video.
I’m also one of the few people that likes the Slave II. Looks wacky and goofy but that’s what I like about it.
Lotta Slave II lovers here. I dig it
It’s especially better than a computer randomly generating a fleet
I love it myself. It's gloriously ugly, but every aspect screams functionality. In that aspect it reminds me of the Sulaco from Aliens - hideous and hideously effective.
like there's going to be ugly ships in-universe. Slave II is ugly, but it also looks like it belongs in the Star Wars universe.
Slave II also makes great sense for a bounty hunter ship. Much of the bulkiness is because the ship has prison cells. For transporting live bounties. Which is handy for any bounty hunter that doesn't just freeze or kill their targets.
I’m sorry. The E-wing looks like the result of someone doing the best they could with an X-wing LEGO set that’s missing pieces.
Dammit. I hate it when you only find one pair of wing plates, and all the rest are the left side 😡
It's literally fine.
Lego just made an E-Wing set lol
I like the X-Wing's nose, its IMO the best modification Joe Johnson did on Cantwell's design.
I would love to see this series become more mainstream. I love seeing fantasy designs that look cool on the surface but are actually absurd in concept. Bonus points for branching out to other franchises.
All these ships and not a single down vote. He's on to something guys
That's because UA-cam no longer displays dislikes. They haven't for awhile. About a year, maybe even more, I can't remember when that happened.
@@MCLegoboy that was the joke
Mandaloreian leak footage 😱
@@MCLegoboy mf dain't got the humor of the poster
Funny that the less inspired fury class interceptor is probably my favorite ship from the old Republic. Might just be because it is the ship the sith characters use. Still it's design is pretty sleek
Fury and the Phantom are the best player ships.
Would love to see you dunk on ships from other continuities
7:58 I actually kind of like that ship, although since it is a decorative covering for a stage for actors to prepare in, I see why the proportions are so wrong. My theory is that the sip uses censors to navigate and the pilots are behind computer screens while the glass is there either to confuse the resistance, or are actually solar panels to power instruments. I visited it at Disney and it also appears in the ride where you fly the falcon, where it’s armor proves to be impressive, by talking at least four hits on from the Falcon’s main guns (and since they don’t program it to crash) this can take a beating from a small point defense gun and walk away unscathed so having limited cockpit glass makes sense.
Also as for the complainant that it is a first order transport with wings on it, that is fair but also practical that the First Order would take a work an working design into a new design. Real world militaries do that as well, like the Black Hawk compared to the Huey.
4:39 "The Republic Trooper looks exactly like the Clone Trooper..." Well yeah, the Clone Troopers were an attempt to "rebuild" and borrow from the glory of the old Republic "Grand Army" which defeated the Sith Empire.
But Clone Armour has an origin, it's derivative of Mando armour. It doesn't need this tie back to the Republic Troopers.
George Lucas took old designs and made new ones based off them. He took the ISD and made the Venator and Acclamator. He took the X-wing and made the ARC-170. He took the TIE fighter and made the Scimitar and the Eta-2. He took Boba Fett's armour and Stormtrooper armour and made an army with similar but still recognizably different armour.
With the Republic Troopers, it's painfully derivative. George Lucas made two flying triangles that were distinct but still obviously connected to the same flying triangles from the original trilogy, while the Republic Trooper armour is so obviously just Phase II Clone Armour but Slightly Different.
@@demi-femme4821 well i mean thats what happens when you buipd a world backwards
@@demi-femme4821 But why is Clone armor derivative of Mandolorian armor? The Mandolorians were nothing big in the era of the first 3 movies. Why make an army to defend the Republic based off of a group of people not known to the general populace and if known unlikely to be a good impression (Mandolorians do not have in general a good reputation). I also ask why base the ARC-170 off of the X-Wing as the history of the X-Wing is stated to be from an earlier, but similar ship the Z-95 Headhunter. And why just replace the ARC-170 with a completely different ship style as the TIE (I understand viewing the ARC-170 as not meeting the new needs, but why not redesign the ARC-170 instead of just swapping over to a new untested design?)? The Republic Troopers armor has a realistic reason for why they are an amalgam of Mandolorian armor. During the Knights of the Old Republic era (just prior to most of the Old Republic events) the Mandolorians fight a war against the Republic, and while smaller in number they seriously damage the Republic. Not too surprisingly the Republic wanting to better equip their now veteran troops in what had been proven during a war as superior armor. Monday's insanity is correct, much of the Old Republic and movies 1 thru 3 are backwardsworld building. Sadly, much of the Star Wars designs are too derivative period. The Old Republic does an attempt to reason why.
@@BeukendaalMason You do realize who the template for the clone army is right?
the real issue with the E-wing is the laser cannon that gets in the way of opening the cockpit canopy
Yeah they should have put two on the sides.
Maybe it slides forward like on the Naboo starfighter?
@@CameronM1138 it doesn't matter if the canopy slides forward, the ejector seat will still launch straight into a collision with the barrel of the laser cannon
6:26 My main issue with the E-wing is the giant laser cannon directly over the canopy. Not does it seem to block a fairly large portion of the pilot's view above them, its also unclear how someone gets in or out of the damn thing considering the canopy can't lift upwards like on every other Alliance starfighter. Maybe it slides forward? But even then you still have to be careful not to crack your head on the barrel.
I know star wars dogfights are inspired by WW2 air combat, so why not put the cannon IN the nose? There were plenty of old fighter planes that used that design, and it makes more sense than putting the guns on the wingtips too.
5:20 flying bathroom buddy has me in tears 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
Fury class is lazy lore wise, but it's still a great design on its own.
Fr, Fury classes are some of my favorite ships in the series.
They just look so Sith and I'm such an edgy bitch.
The TIE-Dagger's double-stacked solar panels is a far greater sin for me than anything else on it.
Love the content man keep it up
The Venetor class looks like Jar Jar Binks.
Prove me wrong.
“Messa going to blowey up Komino! Pew pew!”
Every video of these I see I keep thinking he’s gonna talk about relationship ships, and every time I have to remind myself not everyone is on that part of the fandom
I'd watch a video of him dunking on ships in Star Wars.
@@michaelandreipalon359 What about Reylo as well?
You know what, I'll say it. The Death Star. It's a good idea for fear. But for it being used militarily it's useless. Yes you destroy vast amounts of baddies with one fire at a planet, but you lose ALL those resources. Something like the Genesis Project from Star Trek II would be more fitting. Yeah, it would require an assault on the planetary defenses, an extended campaign on the planet. But, once it's launched and lands on the planet, it DESTROYS everything on the planet. Then RETERRAFORMS said planet to WHATEVER the hell you want. You need metals and alloys for your ship building? That enemy planet is within reach. Let's blockade, and launch the torpedo sized super weapon at the planet. Let it destroy everything then reform the planet to what you need. Now, issue was it was not fully used to it's potential and was used in a method of madness and vengeance. We've already seen it succeed terraforming the inside of an asteroid. Kind of ranting on about it. But with a torpedo like Genesis (not really a torpedo but is torpedo sized and could probably be repurposed as a torpedo easily) you wouldn't need a full armada to defend it. You could just send in a stealth ship and get the job done. Also strikes fear in people. Again though, just my opinion. Death Star is definitely useful but is just OVERKILL and is really a 'haha, look at this! I can cause fear!'. It serves it's original purpose, but fails militarily. Your basically performing Scorched Earth tactics FOR your enemies harming your own forces.
It is 02:41 in Berlin and I really enjoy this video for going to sleep
The X-Wing may be one of my absolute favorite starfighters, but I nearly chocked at the "penis nose" quip, lmaooo, I can't unsee that now, especially with the way the Death Star battle ends in Episode IV
"At that speed will you be able to pull out in time?"
My favorite ships are ISDs. Also I know this video is about ships but the AT-PT is the greatest ground vehicle in all of Star Wars.
Honestly I think the best light ground vehicle would be something like a fully encased AT-RT since it balances speed with *just* enough protection against small arms fire to stay useful in a fight while having a reasonably powerful armament for skirmishing against infantry or other scout vehicles. It does all of this while staying light enough to not have to worry about getting bogged down like a heavier (ahem: AT-ST) walker might.
At the end of the day either of our favorites works well for their intended roles which leads me to ask: what the hell was the Empire thinking when they made the AT-ST?
About your comment on the X-wing nose. I was once making a Pinewood Derby (little model cars you race) X-wing and my Mom thought the front looked like a ya know too.
you should make a video or video series going over the “aesthetics” of fictional space navy’s and how the ship designs fit their overall look
I get what you're saying about the Slave II. It feels kind of like a ship that was just cobbled together rather than designed. Like they just took all the components they needed, bolted them together, and covered it with flat panelling. It seems like exactly the sort of unlicensed, untraceable ship that a bounty hunter might get on some scrappy backwater planet, or built in secret from parts scavenged from other vessels. That's the vibe I get.
Now let's go to Wookiepedia and see how close I was...
I like the Resurgent and Nebula-class star destroyers. Don't bully me please...
And 3:11 jethus cwithe 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@TheEventHorizon909 how the hell am I trolling? The Resurgent is a good looking warship and we all know the Nebula is one of the most powerful star destroyers in Legends under the New Republic Defense Fleet.
Although I'm a big fan of "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything" in most cases, this bullying is refreshing and honest! Please, more ship and tech bullying vids about any universe! Excellent work.
Some bad takes from Ecks. Love the Harrower and the Fury... XD
With the TIE Dagger, they just slapped Doritos on it and called it a day
Yo. Why does the E-wing have such a weirdly placed gun right above the cockpit? Wouldn't that be a detriment/cumbersome to the pilot? Also it looks like a dumb unicorn horn.
muzzle flash go brrrrr
Exactly. Put the gun under/in front of the cockpit like a normal person.
plus, makes boarding and exiting the cockpit unnecessarily difficult (canopy has to slide instead of swing open like a WWII fighter) and forces the use of a downwards-facing ejector seat
7:01 A clear and easily identifiable Bridge is a massive weakness as seen in TCW and ROTJ.
Speaking of the TIE Dagger, I actually had an idea for a triangle-wing TIE, but it had s-foils that allowed it to land. Also 100% agree with you on the Old Republic designs, they're cool but look weird when you factor in the timeline.
The only Sequel ships I'd say I agree with you on are the Xyston and, to a lesser extent, the Resistance shuttle. The Xyston's just ISD 2.0 with a superlaser and the shuttle just looks weird, though it at least has some charm to it. Also, the E-wing can absolutely get scrapped, I'm sorry, I just can't lol...
The worst thing about all of these ships is you don’t get to enjoy eating Vite Ramen in zero gravity inside them.
If I have to pick a ship that I love that is outside the norm it would be the Hapan battle cruiser (or was it the battle dragon?) it's just so outside the typical star wars design that I can't help but love it. Plus it has those rows of revolving turbolasers on each saucer section.
Hapan Battle Dragon.
Yeah, the images we got of them are goofy but the description in the books makes them sound fascinating. The entire Hapan Navy sounds just different enough from the norm that it has me hooked. Even their starfighters with their big, slow firing but super hard hitting guns... Sure the Hornet is silly but it's still so cool to see how different it is (plus cockpit ejection for the Hornet rather than just floating out in the void with nothing but a vac suit.)
@@KMCA779 Thanks for the minor correction, I knew it was one of the two. It's been a while since I gave my source books a look and I don't know where they are anymore so I'm a bit slow on my memory of it. It is goofy looking but still so unique, I remember the images very well.
The "E" in E-Wing stands for embarassed.
Star Trek. I need to see a Star Trek version of this series
Bruh, the tie crawler. It’s like is a WWI commander was like “Our troops need reinforcements! Send in the wingless biplanes!”
Eck: "The Fury-class is too derivative. But the TIE/Reaper is innovative and cool!"
Me: "I like the Fury, and think the Reaper--and the seemingly equally-popular U-wing--are stupid-looking."
Yet they are perfect for flying in atmosphere without repulsor lifts.
4:31, YOU JUST LISTED MY EXACT PROBLEM WITH THE OLD REPUBLIC! I thought I was the only one to think this!
Imagine if the Empire, First Order, or Sith Eternals Builds Ties based on Sith ships from previous sith empires.
"It's a delicious, fast alternative to eating out."
My girlfriend didn't seem to agree.
Definitely need more of these!!
The starhawk class battleship is probably one of the biggest wastes of manufacturing time, resources, and manpower the Rebel Alliance ever committed.
They straight up stole star destroyers, but decided to then scrap them and then rebuild them into new battleships.
Meanwhile in Legends, they'd just fix up the star destroyers, paint a rebel/New Republic logo on the side of them, and then go out and wreck sh*t.
Please talk about the Destiny Ascension from Mass Effect. Star Wars has some good ship designs but the Destiny Ascension was amazing. Too bad it was destroyed.
ah, so I guess I know how your ME1 playthrough ended then. not a fan of the council, eh?
No I saved the council but in the final battle it ain’t one of the surviving ships.
Mandaloreian leak footage 😱
@@sourry9649 if you save the council it will survive and in 2 you will here how it gets a refit to upgrade it with new tech.
04:14 See, I like the Defender. its a cheap, short range (no hyperdrive) fighter designed to Zerg Rush the enemy - basically the New Republic version of the TIE doctrine. The little hanging arms have thrusters at the tips to enhance manuverability, so it falls into the Babylon 5 / Starfury family of somewhat real-world physics
Random thought: does the existence of Mara Jade as a fan favorite in general and foil for Luke Skywalker in particular imply that Star Wars fans think that Luke needs to be bullied? 🤔 Discuss
luke absolutely needs to be bullied
Everyone needs to be bullied... how else is one supposed to be challenged? Assuming one is always right is the path of the Sith... having a person constantly berating your ideas/plans is the best way to know if your plans/ideas are Sith worthy!
Viewers: man UA-cam recommendations are boring lately
Kenobi Clips: *Hello There!*
The laser cannon on the top of the e-wing ruins the design for me. Take that cannon and put it under the nose or built into the nose and you'd have a better look. Or better yet, ditch the third gun all together and say the power of the other two was increased....or add concussion missle pods under the wings. Anything's better than that ridiculous thrid gun above the canopy.
Yeah. The over the canopy gun on the E-Wing just ruins the design.
I like the underslung cannon idea for the nose. I would put two there on either side. Then on the top of the fuselage you bulge it out a touch on either side and add in some missile launchers or torpedo tubes. I also like the missile launchers on the wings idea.
I'd love it if was a a repeating blaster turrent controlled by an astromech that went after both missiles, and would be useful for defending a postion if a landing force is ambushed
Mandaloreian leak footage 😱
9:15 Tie Dagger, they took the gimmick off the V22 Osprey where the wings/engines rotate vertically to allow landing. If we're talking in SW universe... the mandalorian fighters and the Kom'Rk Mandalorian dropship, these both do this but have the added feature of the wings rolling around the main fuselage as well while in flight.
Cover the Gravestone ship and the Eternal Empire ships both from SWTOR. See how you can roast both of them.
Slave 2 looks like those things on shelves that hold books upright. Also, I will fight anyone who dislikes the Fury-class Interceptor, it's one of the most "Sith" looking ships in all of Star Wars honestly
Wow I’m early! Probably because I came in riding in my AT-PT
The Resistance Transport is bad, but I will say one thing good about it, maybe the only thing it has going for it: It's well-designed to give a good cinematic shot of the door opening up when it lands so that you can see everybody come out of it at once.
That's a big issue with the U-Wing, because for the U-Wing, there's no good angle to look at the door opening up because the wing is in the way. The ship was designed to look more like a fighter than a troop transport, and any shot from above just doesn't show any of the troop transport aspect.
Dude said "Slave 2 looks looks like a flying Bathroom Buddy" 🤣🤣🤣 "Uh oh! You forgot to shave...."🤣🤣🤣
To its credit, the TLJ shuttle has the best hyperdrive in the galaxy. It can go literally 2/3 of the way across, from Crait to Cantonica and back, in 18 hours. The previous fastest ships in the galaxy would have taken weeks to make that trip. I agree with you on the Pursuer class (Slave II). It's _good_ ugly. Like that old promo for the Scion xB-Cons: Boxy, ugly, people will stare. Pros: Boxy, ugly, people will stare.
If we're talking about Empire at War, some of the Zann Consortium transport shuttles are just like "I'm a box with thing sticking off of it."
Haha itsa my time!
The T-6 Shuttle is one of my favorites.
The flying wing, the detachable cockpit to an escape pod, the look of it is so different, I love it!
I had the Lego version as a kid and i loved it, I want to get another one just to build it again. It was fantastic
Doest mine ears deceive me? Didst I hear that mine man, EckhartsLadder, likes the Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship aka Slave II? Oh joyous of days, that's a glorious thing to hear.
So, the thing with the E-Wing is that it was a bit _too_ technologically advanced. It was high-maintenance, prone to software issues and required a specialized Astromech in the form of the R7 series. Even when all the bugs were worked out with it, the E-Wing just never managed to reach the same level of popularity as the more traditional ships because of the poor reputation it built for itself.
The Lancet looks as if the designer had a pet puffer pig that was his whole world, which while adorable, doesn't make for great inspiration for ship design 🤦🤣
I would say the Tie shuttle, which looks identical to the Bomber. It's supposed to transport imperial officers around, but almost every time we instead see a Lambada shuttle. For something that was designed even before Episode 5 came out, I don't understand what Lucasfilm were thinking with it at the time.
Perhaps the worst part about the resistance transport is they vandalised at the very least perfectly good B-wing parts, to the sin of dismantling a complete one.
I personally love the idea and role of the VSD from an in universe perspective of design, it is a real shame its not gotten any real screen time.
GR-75. It's like strapping a machine gun on the top of a school bus full of children and then sending them in to an active combat zone.
I accidentally misheard that as "Sith Interdicker" the hell is going on with my mind.
Dude, Killbo Fraggins might be the best Twitter handle I've ever seen.
The fury class is one of the best designs in star wars. It's like a sith version of the millennium falcon. It's a portable sith base of operations and it looks badass.
Also I love the old republic sith star destroyer. I one is don't like is the smaller frigates.
dunk on everything. leave no cow un-sacred
One series that I'd love to see your opinion on, when it comes to ships, would be the massive Gundam menagerie, which has been around since 1979, a similar time frame as Star Wars.
You could make this an ongoign series of bad ships in sci-fi. Call it "I don't give a ship!"
"The front of [the x-wing] definitely looks like a dick." Cannot unsee. People already say the trench run is full of innuendos, this will only add to it lol.
Whenever I look at a Venator, I see confirmation of Darth Jar Jar. The bridges are clearly his eye stalks.
7:40 i see a fellow takodachi
Star Wars is sort of like Pokémon in that there is just such an enormous variety of aesthetics in the designs between artists…
Your videos are never boring and I won't lie, its kinda cathartic hearing you pick at what you consider poor ship designs. I dont always agree but you make good points I can concede to. If you read this I really would love a deeper breakdown in your fashion of the Ssi-Ruuk ships, the Truce at Bakura definitely has problems but I just love the ships cause thats what drew me into Star Wars as a kid,
My two main problems wiþ the E-wing are (A) the engines near the end of the wings make it look like the wings would snap off if it rolled too hard and (B) it looks incomplete, it feels like you cut a ship in half and just used the front half
Some other minor ones are the unicorn horn laser cannon on top feels like it'd get in the way and the small support struts on the wings look unaerodynamic which clashes wiþ the rest of the design
My two favorite ships are the ARC-170 and the Delta-7 aethersprite-class light interceptor, even though I definitely know both were not the best crafts. If I was in Star Wars I'd most certainly have either a modified ARC-170 for a single pilot, with modified weapons systems, interior, and of course some upgrades that'd help keep me alive like a good shield and a space toilet and fridge. Alternatively on a more "realistic" approach assuming I couldn't get a ship of my choice, I'd most certainly get a U-Wing, as it's not only beautiful, but spacious and a very reliable craft
The Victory is stupid. It’s just an Imperial, but so small that it loses the intimidation factor.
The Sun Crusher from part 1 still takes the cake for me. Way too OP for how stupid it looks.
It is the "Mr. Frundles" of spaceships.
A few thoughts on most of the ships mentioned:
I don't mind the Resistance transport pod too much, specifically _because_ its a modular segment of the harmonica transport. The harmonica design is awful, yes, but making the cabin section detachable to work as its own thing was pretty neat in my opinion. I was never really sold on the idea that the cockpit was a B-Wing segment repurposed, so I guess I don't mind the change too much.
The Fury Interceptor for me is... fine. Like yeah, I get that its TIE look makes it stand out as unusual in the TOR era, but as a large dark side personal starship, it works. For me the issue is naming it an interceptor. Its not, its more of a small, but heavily armed freighter like the Millennium Falcon or the Ghost, you don't call those Interceptors, even if Han or Hera can maneuver them like one.
Like you said, the E-wing does borrow quite a bit from Battlestar Galactica; when I look at it, I _just_ see a Viper, and I can never unsee it.
The Harrower... yeah, I get not liking it, but its the only TOR era capital ship that even remotely does anything for me at all. Its not a great design, but against its contemporaries, both light and dark side, its a mediocre diamond in a whole lot of rough.
Not really a fan of the TIE Echelon, but I'm surprised you like the Xi Class better. For me, the fact the Xi is "like a Lambda but the wings don't go down properly", which drives me nuts! I know some people are tired of Star Wars reusing the Lambda motif and fair enough, but a version where the wings stay "up" is not a worthy replacement.
I wouldn't call the Victory "A smaller Imperial Class", the Procursator is a "smaller Imperial Class" and it looks amazing. In fact the Procursator is probably my favorite legends design. The problem with the Victory however, is just that awful weird "nose" bit they added to the bridge section, it looks so awkward and for me ruins a concept that otherwise has some pretty neat abilities and ideas to it.
As much hate as the Slave-2/Pursuer-class Enforcement ship gets it's always been hands down my favorite "bigger than a fighter but smaller than a freighter" type ship in SW. In fact I love it so much I even built a functional 1:1 scale replica of it in Space Engineers ages ago for a friend's multiplayer server. It was cramped and ugly, but it worked and I loved my little flying doorstop.
Not really a fan of most of the Sequel Trilogy ships since they’re just Galactic Civil War era ship variants with minimal changes. I do however appreciate and would like to see more of:
- The Intersystem Transport Ship from Rise of the Resistance. I liked how it’s basically a drop ship version of the Tantive IV (both in terms of design and role in story of getting captured)
- While I’m really not a fan of the Resistance cartoon, I did think all of Ace Squadron’s ships were nice designs that felt like a proper evolution of Star fighters after 30 years. The Fireball in particular reminds me of an X-Wing without being an X-Wing
I may not be I big fan of the sequels either but rise of the resistance was such an awesome ride. I really like that transport ship and I honestly think it would’ve been better as the resistance drop ship than the Walmart brand b-wing.
Never had a phallic image of the X-Wing until now...tango mike!!