Of course you can! But as explained in the video there are other elements that come into play if one confesses to a priest who forgives through the Ministry of the Church. In other words, it is Jesus who forgives, but by acknowledging one's sins to an ordained priest, one is forced to be humble and repentant and also accountable. Thus one grows in holiness and comes closer to God.
I am a Ordained Catholic priest. Since 1988. My MA degrees are in Liturgy and Scripture. I usually do not simply tell the answer I will say something that will help the person find their way to the answer.
Having been a lapsed Catholic for more than 30 years and finally repented and have since returned to church faithfully. Although many times I have prayed directly to God for forgiveness and do believe God has forgiven me, I still could not forgive myself. After I finally went to confession with a sincere contrite heart, and heard the priest saying the words of absolution that my sins are forgiven in the Name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, I finally find peace and able to let go of my past and move on in life with confidence, gratitude, and grow in holiness. Now I am convince that Sacrament of Reconciliation is very important to me as it has changed my life totally. Now I look forward going to confession more regularly knowing that God is always waiting for us to come back to Him each time we have sinned. He is such a compassionate and loving God.
This is no problem From experience. Profound feeling of emense Mercy, Power of Holy Spirit re entering me,,in my ongoing,penance, awareness of death in my life. FELT LIKE WIEGHT OF WORLD LIFTED OFF ME. THIS PRODUCES ONGOING HUMLITY IN ME. peace happiness this Christmas. Thanks to creator of site AMEN
ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: “A penitent’s sins are forgiven, not when the priest says the sacramental words of absolution over him or her, nor when the penitent completes the assigned penance, but the instant the penitent is truly sorry for his or her sins.” POPE BENEDICT XVI: “An inmate asked the pope why he had to go to confession for pardon instead of just getting on his knees and asking God for forgiveness. Pope Benedict XVI responded, “Naturally, if you get on your knees and, with real love for God, pray that God forgive you, he will.”
Also, besides Peter at that moment, it is after the Resurrection of Christ that Christ sends the apostles forth to reconcile human persons to God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sacrament. look up simple definition of Sacrament. There are 7 Sacraments.
You can, the Bible states ….confess to one another….ask God for forgiveness and grace to move forward. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Forgive everyone so you will be forgiven. Love the sinner but hate the sin.
@salvatorescuder1954 Who willingly left Heaven to die on a cross to shed blood for the remission of sins? The priest or Jesus? Who promises you a mansion in Heaven? The priest or Jesus? Who is coming back to rule and reign for 1,000 years? The pope or Jesus? Who will be your friend and advocate on Judgement Day? The priest or Jesus? I ❤️ all Catholic churches because they are so calming and peaceful. I just do not see how a priest can forgive your sins? I certainly do not want to know about your sins.
@brandonmanuel2842 who made you a judge? Anyway, a priest gives up his entire life to serve the People of God. I am a priest. I have no home, no family, no kids, no car, and I stay in one house as scripture says through St. Paul. The house I stay in is not mine. I have been beaten, ridiculed, robbed of all my personal possessions, rejected by politicians, and even more, but in giving of myself, many have come to know that there is a God who loves them. So, if you are angry at someone, take a walk in the woods, go to a football game, but do not try to sell me hate. Peace be with you.
I commend you for the path you have chosen. That being said, I would like to remind you that priests appear only in the Old Testament. In the New Testament *all believers* are a holy priesthood, as Peter says in 1 Peter 2:5 and 1 Peter 2:9: 'However, you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, people who belong to God. You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God, who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.' - 1 Peter 2:9 Please understand I do not want to belittle your choice of vocation. I just want to remind you what Peter said to all those who would be reading his letter. His letter was written to all believers, not to a select group of priests. In the New Testament the old rituals and rules of the Old Testament are replaced. Now *all believers* are priests, and ambassadors of Christ, unlike the Old Testament where only the descendants of Aaron could be ordained as priests. In the New Testament we also have a new High Priest in Jesus, who forever remains High Priest. His office remains forever, and is not being passed to someone else as was the case in the Old Testament. The New Testament replaces the Old Testament. We still draw principles and wisdom from the Old Testament, but rules changed. We are told by Jesus Himself not to mix the Old with the New: 'No one patches an old coat with a new piece of cloth that will shrink. When the patch shrinks, it will rip away from the coat, and the tear will become worse. Nor do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins burst, the wine runs out, and the skins are ruined. Rather, people pour new wine into fresh skins, and both are saved.” - Matthew 9:26-17 God bless you.
Read the Book of Joshua as well. Joshua had covetous men confess to him after it was found out that under the ban during the raid on Jericho, gold and silver was looted and kept in their homes.
STOP TROLLING IN IGNORANCE! And yes, I am YELLING at you for your judgment, arrogance and ignorance. As an ambassador for Christ, Paul forgave sins IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST. (2 Corinthians 2:10). Christ intends for us to HEAR the absolution from our sins! (Mark 2:5, Luke 5:20, 7:48, John 8:l11) Do you ever - EVER - read the bible?
@@po18guy-s4s When one prays to God for the forgiveness of sin, one should pray directly to God the Father in the name of Jesus while pleading the blood of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God the Father, just a Jesus directed in what we now call the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13 preferably in the KJV Bible.
@@oscarwindham6016 I am amazed at you Protestants how you always use selected passages to justify your heretical stance while ignoring the rest of the scriptures. You even revel in self-righteousness. How do you know God has forgiven your sins? What about the penance due to your sins? What authority do you have to say your sins are forgiven by God? Such arrogance is amazing!
My mother explained, the Priest is happy to unburdan us from, and help forgive us our heavy load of sin. As I thought th3 Priest cwould go crazy, hearing sins. Be judgemental towards me. But She explained because he loves us wishing to save our souls, gladly, unburden us who r weary, with h3avy burden ,of own sin ,thanks ❤😊
The Nicene/Apostles Creed says forgiveness of sins. I went to confession and tell my sins and the priest said he can't obsolve me. I even went on Divine Mercy weekend. The bible even says if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us. I'm very confussed.
What do you think about Hebrews 7:25: "Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them." 1 Timothy 2:5: "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus" Romans 8:34: "Christ Jesus who died-more than that, who was raised to life-is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." Hebrews 9:24: "For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence."
i say the same thing // why do i need a middle man // why cant i talk to gad / jesus myself // he is my best friend i talk to him like he was my best friend dont you/// can a preast forgive sins nope so why
Such IGNORANCE! Such ARROGANCE! Paul and the Apostles, ambassadors of Christ, forgave sins IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST 2 Corinthians 2:10) READ YOUR BIBLE! Jesus NOWHERE says to pray to Him! READ your BIBLE! God does not receive your prayers directly. The Angels and Saints in heaven present our prayers to Him. Revelation 5:8 and Revelation 8:4. Please HUMBLE yourself like Christ. Stop abusing your bible and start READING it!
Only God can forgive sins and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the only other intercesiaries. Through the death of jesus, the veil has been torn. Allowing all that believe in Jesus to have direct fellowship with God. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes unto the father, except through me.
Many people claim to know Jesus but in 1 John 2:4 it says, "He who says 'I know him' but disobeys his commandments is a liar" Jesus Christ said in John 14:21, "He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me." Then in Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus warns Christians that many shall call him Lord but he will tell them he doesn't know them.
Can directly confess every sin to God without exception. The idea of having to go through a priest is not even hinted that in the New Testament and is a later Roman invention.
Of course this gives the church an authority it does not deserve. In common with most Catholic teachings it seeks to subvert the freedom of the individual to have a direct relationship with God
Here is what is means IN CONTEXT: Ver. 26. Faith alone will not suffice for the remission of sins; we must moreover pardon every neighbour, and from our heart.
For doubters: Paul forgave sins IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST Corinthians 2:10. The Apostles were ambassadors for Christ and had a ministry of reconciliation of Christians with God 2 Corinthians 5:20 and following.
16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man has great power to prevail." James 5: 16
Two people that must be directly confessed to by a sinner The man he sinned against God Lord Yehovah that all sins are against A man may confess to a priest of God Lord Yehovah the Forgiver of sin to the repentant sinners for guidance especially where it is impossible to directly restitute to the offended In the case where the sin is not private but against community it has to be confessed to the priest of God Lord Yehovah for counsel of God Lord Yehovah the Forgiver of sin. Forgiveness is conditioned upon repentance from sin. Any form of theology that has no regard for what Almighty God Lord Yehovah the most high has spoken concerning the subject matter but is contradictory is a lie and deception and must be rejected.
God granted the ability to the Apostles to forgive sins not the priests whom have given each other an assumed right to forgive sins!!! In 11 Chronicles 7-12 the Bible clearly states that if you seek God' 4:03 s face directly, turn from your wicked ways and repent for your sins and humble yourself before HIM and beg forgiveness for all your sins then God will hear you from heaven heal the land in which you live and forgive you for your sins!!! Amen!!!
Why would God give permission to the Apostles only, which would limit it to a certain geographical area and period of time? Why? For what purpose? Why have men with this permission and ability and then have it die with them? Why have it one way, that is to say men, the Apostles, can forgive sins-- but then have it changed to another way after they die?
Many Protestants claim to know Jesus but in 1 John 2:4 it says, "He who says 'I know him' but disobeys his commandments is a liar" Jesus Christ said in John 14:21, "He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me." Then in Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus warns Christians that many shall call him Lord but he will tell them he doesn't know them.
THIS IS A KNOWN TROLL!!! Pathological hater! CAUTION!! Filled with arrogance and hate. Jesus NOWHERE says to pray to Him. PAUL and the Apostles, AMBASSADORS of Christ, forgave sins IN THE PERSON of Christ. Please read the bible more, and condemn yourself less.
You read the scripture which say confess to one another yet you are trying to justify the priest being an intermediary. We as believers are all members of the royal priesthood of Christ.
this is not right sir😢 person who listens to ones confession, is prone, contagion to sin, every one is a sinner then how a sinner listen, plead someones its non biblical, yurs you need to carry to the cross, unburden at the feet of Jesus, who had no sin can pardon, try the best to keep away from sinning thereafter, tell rosary, hail mary so many times😅 no way👎sir thank you
Your deletion of my comment, which comes from my own life experience is unjust and illustrated a typical liberal response. Keep your comments and responses all of them, or you may get sued here in the good old USA.
You can tell your sins directly to God but how do you know that God acknowledges your action and reconciles you to Himself? It was ordered and written in the bible that we should confess our sins and there is no one aptly authorized to listen to our sins but His ministers. When you do it your way then you call that pride. Who are we to device our own manner as to how God will listen or firgive us our sins. He said confess to one another, not confess directly to Me/Him
This guy is interpreting single verses to justify catholic tradition. Readong chapters and interpreting Gods woŕk from the whole given brings adifferent interpretation. Because he is so tradìtion addicted he has no objective insight.
I am amazed at you Protestants how you always use selected passages to justify your heretical stance while ignoring the rest of the scriptures. You even revel in self-righteousness. How do you know God has forgiven your sins? What about the penance due to your sins? What authority do you have to say your sins are forgiven by God? Such arrogance is amazing!
ISAIAH 43: The Lord God says: Remember not the events of the past. The things of long ago, consider not. See, I am doing something new! Do you not perceive it!? You burdened me with your sins, and wearied me with your crimes. But is I, I who wipe away your offenses for my own sake. I remember them no more. PSALM 103: God does not deal with us according to our sins; he does not punish us for our crimes. He has compassion as a father having compassion on his children.” Ps. 103:10, 13. PSALM 103: Merciful and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger and abounding in kindness. He pardons all your iniquities, he heals all your ills. He redeems your life from destruction, he crowns you with kindness and compassion. Not according to our sins does he deal with us. As far as the east is from the west, so far has he put our transgressions from us.
@@fredlim9031 A Blessed Christmas: YOU CAN NO LONGER FEAR ME! Pope Benedict XVI: “God’s sign is simplicity. God’s sign is the baby. God’s sign is that he makes himself small for us. This is how he reigns. He does not come with power and outward splendor. He comes as a baby - defenseless and in need of our help. He does not want to overwhelm us with his strength. He takes away our fear of his greatness. He asks for our love: so he makes himself a child. He wants nothing other from us than our love, through which we spontaneously learn to enter into his feelings, his thoughts and his will - we learn to live with him and to practice with him that humility of renunciation that belongs to the very essence of love. God made himself small so that we could understand him, welcome him, and love him. God, who has become a child, says to us: you can no longer fear me, you can only love me.”
Always helps me understand and appreciate our faith more.
Thank you Father.
You're welcome. Thanks for watching 🙏
@@elainekaegi814 same for me 🙏🏻🕊️
Thank you Father 🙏🏻🕊️
You're welcome. Thanks for sharing 🙏
Thank you Father for that explanation! 💗
You're welcome. Thanks for watching 🙏
I believe one can confess directly to God
@@brendanhansby2903 who are you? Are you a prophet? Are you psychic? Faith is not a matter of subjective reasoning.
Of course you can! But as explained in the video there are other elements that come into play if one confesses to a priest who forgives through the Ministry of the Church. In other words, it is Jesus who forgives, but by acknowledging one's sins to an ordained priest, one is forced to be humble and repentant and also accountable. Thus one grows in holiness and comes closer to God.
I am a Ordained Catholic priest. Since 1988. My MA degrees are in Liturgy and Scripture. I usually do not simply tell the answer I will say something that will help the person find their way to the answer.
@@salvatorescuder1954 Fr. I think that UA-cam has deleted your comment, as they often do to mine!
Thank you, Father
You're welcome. Thanks for watching 🙏
Beautiful! Thank you and God bless you!
Amen. Thanks for watching
Having been a lapsed Catholic for more than 30 years and finally repented and have since returned to church faithfully. Although many times I have prayed directly to God for forgiveness and do believe God has forgiven me, I still could not forgive myself. After I finally went to confession with a sincere contrite heart, and heard the priest saying the words of absolution that my sins are forgiven in the Name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, I finally find peace and able to let go of my past and move on in life with confidence, gratitude, and grow in holiness. Now I am convince that Sacrament of Reconciliation is very important to me as it has changed my life totally. Now I look forward going to confession more regularly knowing that God is always waiting for us to come back to Him each time we have sinned. He is such a compassionate and loving God.
Please watch the warning or illumination of conscience by Christine Watkins. Then Following Padre Pio. God bless.
May God continue to show you His mercy that endures for ever. Amen. Thanks for sharing 🙏
Thank You. Well Done.
Thanks you and thanks for watching 🙏
This is no problem From experience. Profound feeling of emense Mercy, Power of Holy Spirit re entering me,,in my ongoing,penance, awareness of death in my life. FELT LIKE WIEGHT OF WORLD LIFTED OFF ME. THIS PRODUCES ONGOING HUMLITY IN ME. peace happiness this Christmas. Thanks to creator of site AMEN
You're welcome. Thanks for sharing 🙏
Reconciliation ((1 John 1:9-10) , is truly charity.
Very thorough, well thought ou5 Catholic teaching site may God have your back 🙏 👍. Tasmania
Amen, thank you. Thanks for watching 🙏
ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: “A penitent’s sins are forgiven, not when the priest says the sacramental words of absolution over him or her, nor when the penitent completes the assigned penance, but the instant the penitent is truly sorry for his or her sins.”
POPE BENEDICT XVI: “An inmate asked the pope why he had to go to confession for pardon instead of just getting on his knees and asking God for forgiveness. Pope Benedict XVI responded, “Naturally, if you get on your knees and, with real love for God, pray that God forgive you, he will.”
I confess to Jesus but then confession makes it a celebration. A absoultion ...Peace
the priest acts in the person of Jesus Christ. God acts through the priest. See, Ask, Know, Confess, Receive absolution.
Matthew 18:18, says it all.
Thanks for sharing 🙏
Also, besides Peter at that moment, it is after the Resurrection of Christ that Christ sends the apostles forth to reconcile human persons to God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sacrament. look up simple definition of Sacrament. There are 7 Sacraments.
You can, the Bible states ….confess to one another….ask God for forgiveness and grace to move forward. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Forgive everyone so you will be forgiven. Love the sinner but hate the sin.
Thanks for sharing 🙏
Amen and Amen ❤🙏❤😇😇
James 5:16
I know a friend who doesn't go to confession. She goes straight to God.
tell Brandon to trust God's plan in the ministry of the Priest.
@salvatorescuder1954 Who willingly left Heaven to die on a cross to shed blood for the remission of sins? The priest or Jesus? Who promises you a mansion in Heaven? The priest or Jesus? Who is coming back to rule and reign for 1,000 years? The pope or Jesus? Who will be your friend and advocate on Judgement Day? The priest or Jesus? I ❤️ all Catholic churches because they are so calming and peaceful. I just do not see how a priest can forgive your sins? I certainly do not want to know about your sins.
@brandonmanuel2842 who made you a judge? Anyway, a priest gives up his entire life to serve the People of God. I am a priest. I have no home, no family, no kids, no car, and I stay in one house as scripture says through St. Paul. The house I stay in is not mine. I have been beaten, ridiculed, robbed of all my personal possessions, rejected by politicians, and even more, but in giving of myself, many have come to know that there is a God who loves them. So, if you are angry at someone, take a walk in the woods, go to a football game, but do not try to sell me hate. Peace be with you.
@brandonmanuel2842 read the Bible. It's all in there. And you yourself are the Church not the buildings.
I commend you for the path you have chosen. That being said, I would like to remind you that priests appear only in the Old Testament. In the New Testament *all believers* are a holy priesthood, as Peter says in 1 Peter 2:5 and 1 Peter 2:9:
'However, you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, people who belong to God. You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God, who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.' - 1 Peter 2:9
Please understand I do not want to belittle your choice of vocation. I just want to remind you what Peter said to all those who would be reading his letter. His letter was written to all believers, not to a select group of priests.
In the New Testament the old rituals and rules of the Old Testament are replaced. Now *all believers* are priests, and ambassadors of Christ, unlike the Old Testament where only the descendants of Aaron could be ordained as priests. In the New Testament we also have a new High Priest in Jesus, who forever remains High Priest. His office remains forever, and is not being passed to someone else as was the case in the Old Testament.
The New Testament replaces the Old Testament. We still draw principles and wisdom from the Old Testament, but rules changed.
We are told by Jesus Himself not to mix the Old with the New:
'No one patches an old coat with a new piece of cloth that will shrink. When the patch shrinks, it will rip away from the coat, and the tear will become worse. Nor do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins burst, the wine runs out, and the skins are ruined. Rather, people pour new wine into fresh skins, and both are saved.” - Matthew 9:26-17
God bless you.
Read the Book of Joshua as well. Joshua had covetous men confess to him after it was found out that under the ban during the raid on Jericho, gold and silver was looted and kept in their homes.
Thanks for sharing 🙏
You can, and you are supposed to confess your sins directly to God and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. Try it, you'll like it.
Amen and Amen ❤🙏❤💯
STOP TROLLING IN IGNORANCE! And yes, I am YELLING at you for your judgment, arrogance and ignorance. As an ambassador for Christ, Paul forgave sins IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST. (2 Corinthians 2:10). Christ intends for us to HEAR the absolution from our sins! (Mark 2:5, Luke 5:20, 7:48, John 8:l11) Do you ever - EVER - read the bible?
@@po18guy-s4s When one prays to God for the forgiveness of sin, one should pray directly to God the Father in the name of Jesus while pleading the blood of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God the Father, just a Jesus directed in what we now call the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13 preferably in the KJV Bible.
@@oscarwindham6016 I am amazed at you Protestants how you always use selected passages to justify your heretical stance while ignoring the rest of the scriptures. You even revel in self-righteousness. How do you know God has forgiven your sins? What about the penance due to your sins? What authority do you have to say your sins are forgiven by God? Such arrogance is amazing!
@@fredlim9031 By the grace of God we are saved by faith in Jesus, that he is God the Son, the Savior of the world.
My mother explained, the Priest is happy to unburdan us from, and help forgive us our heavy load of sin. As I thought th3 Priest cwould go crazy, hearing sins. Be judgemental towards me. But She explained because he loves us wishing to save our souls, gladly, unburden us who r weary, with h3avy burden ,of own sin ,thanks ❤😊
You're welcome. Thanks for watching 🙏
Of course we can. At Mass the priest says let us call to mind our sins. That is directly to God!
The Nicene/Apostles Creed says forgiveness of sins. I went to confession and tell my sins and the priest said he can't obsolve me. I even went on Divine Mercy weekend. The bible even says if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us. I'm very confussed.
Well you could had ask him why he couldn't absolve your sins or visit another Priest. They are obliged to hear confessions and absolve sins 🙏
So, If free will is true and God's plan is true, can priests by forgiving sins change Gods plan?
The role of priests was eliminated by the death of Jesus on the cross. The catholic church has attempted to undo the sacrifice of Jesus.
I only confess to ❤GOD❤ He knows what I do 😊
So you don’t agree with anything that’s been said here. Interesting.
What do you think about Hebrews 7:25:
"Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them."
1 Timothy 2:5:
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus"
Romans 8:34:
"Christ Jesus who died-more than that, who was raised to life-is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us."
Hebrews 9:24:
"For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence."
i say the same thing // why do i need a middle man // why cant i talk to gad / jesus myself // he is my best friend i talk to him like he was my best friend dont you/// can a preast forgive sins nope so why
Such IGNORANCE! Such ARROGANCE! Paul and the Apostles, ambassadors of Christ, forgave sins IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST 2 Corinthians 2:10) READ YOUR BIBLE! Jesus NOWHERE says to pray to Him! READ your BIBLE! God does not receive your prayers directly. The Angels and Saints in heaven present our prayers to Him. Revelation 5:8 and Revelation 8:4. Please HUMBLE yourself like Christ. Stop abusing your bible and start READING it!
Only God can forgive sins and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the only other intercesiaries. Through the death of jesus, the veil has been torn. Allowing all that believe in Jesus to have direct fellowship with God.
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes unto the father, except through me.
Many people claim to know Jesus but in 1 John 2:4 it says, "He who says 'I know him' but disobeys his commandments is a liar" Jesus Christ said in John 14:21, "He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me." Then in Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus warns Christians that many shall call him Lord but he will tell them he doesn't know them.
Take, eat, this is My Body. Woe to those who disobey!
i just can’t bring myself to go to confession it’s too uncomfortable for me :(
Our Lord Jesus grants you grace 🙏🎄
Can directly confess every sin to God without exception. The idea of having to go through a priest is not even hinted that in the New Testament and is a later Roman invention.
Of course this gives the church an authority it does not deserve. In common with most Catholic teachings it seeks to subvert the freedom of the individual to have a direct relationship with God
Plpppease explain Mark 11:26pppl,
Here is what is means IN CONTEXT: Ver. 26. Faith alone will not suffice for the remission of sins; we must moreover pardon every neighbour, and from our heart.
For doubters: Paul forgave sins IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST Corinthians 2:10. The Apostles were ambassadors for Christ and had a ministry of reconciliation of Christians with God 2 Corinthians 5:20 and following.
Thanks for sharing 🙏
Only God knows if you are really confessing! Are we ashame to confess our sins to the priest or shy to forgive and say sorry to others?
if there is no priest you can directly to Jesus. even you can receive his body and blood by your mangle.
16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
The prayer of a righteous man has great power to prevail." James 5: 16
Paul forgave sins in the PERSON of Christ and with the authority of Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:10.
Two people that must be directly confessed to by a sinner
The man he sinned against
God Lord Yehovah that all sins are against
A man may confess to a priest of God Lord Yehovah the Forgiver of sin to the repentant sinners for guidance especially where it is impossible to directly restitute to the offended
In the case where the sin is not private but against community it has to be confessed to the priest of God Lord Yehovah for counsel of God Lord Yehovah the Forgiver of sin.
Forgiveness is conditioned upon repentance from sin.
Any form of theology that has no regard for what Almighty God Lord Yehovah the most high has spoken concerning the subject matter but is contradictory is a lie and deception and must be rejected.
Yes you can, it is only man’s religious idea that you have to confess to a ‘priest’, not Gods.
God granted the ability to the Apostles to forgive sins not the priests whom have given each other an assumed right to forgive sins!!!
In 11 Chronicles 7-12 the Bible clearly states that if you seek God' 4:03 s face directly, turn from your wicked ways and repent for your sins and humble yourself before HIM and beg forgiveness for all your sins then God will hear you from heaven heal the land in which you live and forgive you for your sins!!! Amen!!!
Why would God give permission to the Apostles only, which would limit it to a certain geographical area and period of time? Why? For what purpose? Why have men with this permission and ability and then have it die with them? Why have it one way, that is to say men, the Apostles, can forgive sins-- but then have it changed to another way after they die?
I'm sure you can - what difference would it make?
None for you, that is clear.
@@po18guy-s4s Correct!
Confess your sins to one another...look it up! Otherwise, i dont need anyone to get baptized, married....etc...
Read First John!!!!!! I confess to the Highest Priest of ALL JESUS!!!!!!!!
Many Protestants claim to know Jesus but in 1 John 2:4 it says, "He who says 'I know him' but disobeys his commandments is a liar" Jesus Christ said in John 14:21, "He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me." Then in Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus warns Christians that many shall call him Lord but he will tell them he doesn't know them.
You can ignore the fact that Jesus bestowed authority to his apostles to forgive sinners all you want, they are Jesus Christ in persona Christi.
THIS IS A KNOWN TROLL!!! Pathological hater! CAUTION!! Filled with arrogance and hate. Jesus NOWHERE says to pray to Him. PAUL and the Apostles, AMBASSADORS of Christ, forgave sins IN THE PERSON of Christ. Please read the bible more, and condemn yourself less.
You read the scripture which say confess to one another yet you are trying to justify the priest being an intermediary. We as believers are all members of the royal priesthood of Christ.
this is not right sir😢 person who listens to ones confession, is prone, contagion to sin, every one is a sinner then how a sinner listen, plead someones
its non biblical, yurs you need to carry to the cross, unburden at the feet of Jesus, who had no sin can pardon, try the best to keep away from sinning thereafter, tell rosary, hail mary so many times😅
no way👎sir thank you
Your deletion of my comment, which comes from my own life experience is unjust and illustrated a typical liberal response. Keep your comments and responses all of them, or you may get sued here in the good old USA.
You can tell your sins directly to God but how do you know that God acknowledges your action and reconciles you to Himself? It was ordered and written in the bible that we should confess our sins and there is no one aptly authorized to listen to our sins but His ministers. When you do it your way then you call that pride. Who are we to device our own manner as to how God will listen or firgive us our sins. He said confess to one another, not confess directly to Me/Him
Thanks for sharing
We can it’s all a Catholic con go directly to God no need for you to confess to a priest
Why has Satan seduced you? How ignorant must you be? READ your bible insteasd of thumping it!
Why didn't the all loving God make lions herbivores????🤪
Whart is wrong with "all loving" atheists? Why are they angrier than the devil?
One can directly confess sins to the Father by His mediator Son. Skip the man behind the curtain Catholic PPL. He doesn't need to know your sins.
Thanks for sharing 🙏
Informing God what He already knows is not confession.
Thanks for sharing
This guy is interpreting single verses to justify catholic tradition. Readong chapters and interpreting Gods woŕk from the whole given brings adifferent interpretation. Because he is so tradìtion addicted he has no objective insight.
I am amazed at you Protestants how you always use selected passages to justify your heretical stance while ignoring the rest of the scriptures. You even revel in self-righteousness. How do you know God has forgiven your sins? What about the penance due to your sins? What authority do you have to say your sins are forgiven by God? Such arrogance is amazing!
Thanks for sharing 🙏
ISAIAH 43: The Lord God says: Remember not the events of the past. The things of long ago, consider not. See, I am doing something new! Do you not perceive it!? You burdened me with your sins, and wearied me with your crimes. But is I, I who wipe away your offenses for my own sake. I remember them no more.
PSALM 103: God does not deal with us according to our sins; he does not punish us for our crimes. He has compassion as a father having compassion on his children.” Ps. 103:10, 13.
PSALM 103: Merciful and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger and abounding in kindness. He pardons all your iniquities, he heals all your ills. He redeems your life from destruction, he crowns you with kindness and compassion. Not according to our sins does he deal with us. As far as the east is from the west, so far has he put our transgressions from us.
@@Catholicity-uw2yb And your point for quoting those verses? Are you saying the sacrament of confession is not necessary?
@@fredlim9031 A Blessed Christmas: YOU CAN NO LONGER FEAR ME!
Pope Benedict XVI: “God’s sign is simplicity. God’s sign is the baby. God’s sign is that he makes himself small for us. This is how he reigns. He does not come with power and outward splendor. He comes as a baby - defenseless and in need of our help. He does not want to overwhelm us with his strength. He takes away our fear of his greatness. He asks for our love: so he makes himself a child. He wants nothing other from us than our love, through which we spontaneously learn to enter into his feelings, his thoughts and his will - we learn to live with him and to practice with him that humility of renunciation that belongs to the very essence of love. God made himself small so that we could understand him, welcome him, and love him. God, who has become a child, says to us: you can no longer fear me, you can only love me.”