So sad that Slovak is so slow. I'd put KOrean higher as well. Turkish is not that good, I'd put lower. I like Northern Sámi, Telugu,Hungarian and Serbian. It's amazing that they are higher.
Out of the countless Elsa rankings out there, I think yours is one of my favs that I’ve watched - nothing to do with agreements (I don’t understand people who get so sensitive about Elsa’s voices), but because of *how much depth* you delve into with your comments! which I truly appreciate! I feel like I’ve just finished reading a novel 😂
I don't know but when listening to any version, I feel like all of them are fitting but of course some are more fitting than the others. I like how you put other criteria for the ranking not only by favorites, fittings also manners for me as well😀
I do my rankings like considering 4 things. 1. singing skills, 2.Fitting (this one is up to everyones opinion or let's say...taste), 3. Into the character, 4.Personal feelings for the version.☺♥
Well, that's definitely unique! Great #1 though, she's wonderful, always loved her. Also happy to see Dalma, Marianne, Ramya and Gam that high too. Can't say we agree that much in general, but we do agree in a few of your more controversial opinions hahaha. Beautiful ranking, thank you
Thank you so much! ❤️ Yes there will be no ranking what we are agree with 100% and I know my ranking is quite rare compareing with others, although i am happy you respected my opinion
willemijn is my fave but i also think they recorded it once which is kinda weird. BUT in the Dutch movie version they corrected her notes that were off. On the spotify version it’s indeed like a live performance.
Beautiful video! 😍 But wow, we disagree on a LOT lol - though I guess that's the fun of it. As for the placements I do agree with are Mona, Nesma, Gúslim, Serena, Ana Margarida, Wichayanee, Nikolett and Dalma 💕 I don't think I have an established favorite for this movie, but I was glad to see Begüm and Nadezhda relatively high the most :)
Thank you so much for your adorable kind comment! ♥ I am happy that we share some same opinion at least. Yes I knew many people gonna disagree with me, but I cannot lie about my opinion! ♥
About five months late, but. . . Versions I'd Put Higher: Dutch/German (tho I'm still not crazy for it like others), Kazakh, Italian, Korean, Swedish, PRC Mandarin, Brazilian Portuguese, DANISH Ones I'd Put Lower: Serbian, Flemish, Ukrainian, Icelandic, Bulgarian Otherwise, I agree with most of the rest (including Arabic and Latin Spanish for once!) Also, tysm for 6th and I have to say, FINALLY someone got the Vietnamese Elsas' first names right!
here is the lyrics for the Danish Elsa: Trembles a little, but does not freeze, even though the cold is raw Here's something I know, like a dream I've had but can't achieve I can feel you when I follow in your footsteps Is that a sign that my home is here to the north? I have always been entrenched, with an icy secret Do you, like me, miss someone else to share?
Come now, for now I will see you Meet me here, it's a start Are you the one I've been waiting for my whole life Come on, for now I'm ready
It's new to be so safe, not divided and scared anymore ' My life has taken direction, I think I was born for all this I could never follow rules or get what others have Now I listen, a little more to you, and hope you have answers
Come on, my anxiety has subsided Long time travel ends here You're the answer I've been waiting for my whole life So come on, let me see who you are
Come here safely, answer when I ask Now is the time to open your door Come here safely, answer when I ask Now is the time to open your door
Chorus: Out to sea, big and salty Runs the river, the one who remembers everything Iduna: Remember the day you get ready Elsa: I found the answer
Elsa and Iduna: Come forward now, stand by your strengths (magics) Show them who you want to be now You are the answer you have been waiting for Elsa: All my life Iduna: All your life Elsa: So come on
I disagree with quite a lot like Norwegian, Slovene, Czech etc but I see your point and it's a very interesting ranking! Elke was really surprising in the first place and I'm happy to see Romanian high, she's very underrated! Also thanks for Greek, I prefer her performance in the first movie but she's still OK!
I mosttly agree with your ranking, especially that you put Gisela and Nadheza so high, I love these two versions. Thank you also for putting one of my 2 native languages (french) so high. Yet I would have putten Willemijn so much higher, even though I understand and respect your comment and opinion. Maybe it's because german is one of my native languages and to me she's the best Elsa, but I don't believe it's only bc I'm german. I think she has one of the best voices and skills iut of all Elsas out there. But for example, in Speechless (Aladdin) my favorite version is brazilian portuguese (even though understand almost nothing). It's hard to explain but I hope you kinda got my point.
I agree about Lisa and Idina... And thanks for the 13th place :D With the Anaïs-Charlotte replacement, the reason why was because of Anaïs's "issues with the working conditions", whatever this means... OMG, 8th place from almost the bottom :O
I am happy if you agree at least a bit with me ☺ ♥ Yeah I know, but to be honest...I could not imagine Anais as Elsa in Frozen2...This character (in my opinion) is far from the personality what Elsa had in the previous movies.
Omg, thanks for 9th place, I'm so happy to see Ana in this place😊❤️ Anyway, the ones that I don't agree, is the Italian one, the german/Dutch and the Ukrainian BTW, great video, I love it ❤️
I thought I would disagree more, but then I saw Ramya, I absolutely love her, nice to see her being appreciated! That's definitely a unique ranking, which is great. Dalma seems to be more and more popular, maybe I'll happen to like her more, too. Elke was a big surprise, but that's an interesting choice. 💙
Wow, this ranking is sooo good, I’m totally desagree with Latin Spanish, but well, opinions are opinions. I work in a personal ranking too, and I look is so different than yours 🤣. But, you did an excellent job, I like so much your video. ✨🤍
Amazing Elsa's ranking (It is of the best I ever saw ) It is soo amazing and I don't have words which could desscribe my happines when I realized Nataša and Jelena soo higj in this ranking... Thank you a lot for that... Your edit is soo wondeful and your every comment is written in perfect way..Thank you for this amazing video and keep doing videos like this one😍😍😍😍
I love reading your comments about each voice, you sound so insightful 💖😄 For some reason I actually like Annika much more in Frozen 2 then in Frozen 1 😅 She has said that she was so sick when it was time to record, so the studio delayed the recording for 1 week and she just got well enough to be able to record otherwise we would have gotten an other Elsa... I'm so happy she was able to recover enough 💖
Okay, wow... 😂 I guess I never disagreed so much with a Ranking-Video but this video is here to show YOUR opinion and not mine! For example our opinion about Willemijn (I guess you expected that) is SO different! 😊 I think she is one of the best and fitting Elsa's even against Maria Lucia! She has a powerful voice, great singing skills and in my opinion she sounds so much into the character and just... fitting! 😍 It's crazy how opinions can differentiate!
This is nice! I'm happy to see that someone agrees with me about Willemijn (don't get me wrong, she's a skilled singer, and I especially love her in Wicked, but I don't find her suitable for Elsa) and Ana Margarida (she's one of my favorites and I personally consider her one of the most fitting options for Elsa). Thank you so much! By the way, are you going to make a Frozen 2 Anna ranking as well?
About Taiwan and China these two countries' version. With the same language , they explain the song with the different voice , emotion and lyrics. I love 胡維納(胡维纳 , Hu) 's powerful and 蔡永淳 (Cai) 's sweetness and her personality trait. But I want to say if you know the Chinese meaning , you'll find some of lyrics in China Mandarin's version are not reasonable and not fitting with the original(English) version. For ex: "Show yourself" is means don't be shy and don't hide in the dark way , but China Mandarin uses 你是誰?(你是谁? , Who are you?) , it's so strange. Compared with the Taiwan Mandarin , 別閃躲(Don't hide.) more conforms to the situation about the story, and "躲" this word's pronunciation is most likely same as "self"(if ignore the end of f) , it can find Taiwan is more attentive. In my mind , Taiwan Mandarin can be up to top 10 , and China Mandarin would be top 30 (because of the lyrics). Sorry for the Chinese people.
That's nice that you care about the lyrics. To be honest I care about my versions lyrics too(you can see it in my Cassandra ranking). In my opinion this is the best if you care about the songs lyrics too and the meaning just like you do,not only the "personal taste".I compear the voices by seeing only 1.The singing skills,2.Fitting into the character, 3.Into the character(acting skills) and 4.Personal taste.On the other I didn't really care about lyrics this time. I would find it unfair if I'd have been put some version lower only because of the lyrics althoug it's not a lyrics ranking. There are some lyrics ranking(at least long time ago there were some Let It Go lyrics ranking) I'd find it possible to do the same with Into the Unknown or Show Yourself, but in this ranking I am not considering all the different languages versions different lyrics as a compearable factor.
So sad that there is no Malay yet. However I really love this ranking to be honest this was the first ranking I could agree more than 90%! I really loved it!
In my opinion Taryn got better in this movie but still... that vibrato... I don't know what happened to Mona, Idina, Lisa, Andrea, Takako :/ they were part of my favorites in F1 but dissapointed me this time (me pretending that I didn't saw that Carmen place again .-.) And it's the opposite for Girmante, Natasa, Katja, Nuska, Nesma and Maria Lucia who improved :D Love your top 8 and especially thanks for ukrainian :DD
I put Latvian,Vietnamese,Portuguese,Bulgarian,Romanian,Latin spanish,Hungarian,Madarin China,Turkish,French and Italian higher And put Czech,Slovak,Madarin Taiwan,Estonian,Cantonese,... lower My best is Portuguese😘
What the hell xD ? ♥ I love your comment but Vietnamese and Portuguese, Hungarian,Romanian and French is already in my top 12. I think it's a quite high place. Also is if Portuguese is your 1st, I don't understand how could you put Romanian higher due to the fact it's on my 2nd place xd. Thanks for shareing your opinion anyway ♥ I love Portuguese version as well
Hmm... The reason Anaïs didn't return is a lot worse than what you think ^^' She was supposed to return for the sequel, as she did in the shorts, and she even confirmed it on her social medias. But a few months before the movie came out, after the first teaser got released and everyone wondered why it was another actress/singer, she wrote on Facebook that she decided to cancel her deal with Disney because of bad working ethics (she never gave any name or more details than that, which is a good thing I think), but she definitely didn't do it with pleasure... She said she wouldn't watch the sequel because it would be too painful for her to hear someone else as Elsa :/
*skips through to own language, is lowkey surprised I don't see it because it is always around 35 and fear it's forgotten, happens to be at the end* (forgotten is a big possibility because it is so similar to Dutch-Dutch and we didn't get our own dubs until the late 90's)
Mostly agreed. This is messege those who dislike your video: that button is not for download the video. Thanks for Flemish a lot♥️🙏🏼 I don't like my version that much but I am happy to see her on the 1st
My favorite Elsa's are:
1° Danish
2° Arabic
3° Greek
4° Polish
5° German/ Dutch
6° English
7° Eu Portuguese
8° Italian
9° Brazilian portuguese
10° Catalan
Thank you for place 5 ❤️❄️🥰
@@romyschafer5370 snnsnsnsnnsnsnsnsnns
@@romyschafer5370 مؤمؤمؤ
My number 1 it's Arabic. 😅
Thank you for 4th place! 😍 I'm glad to see Sami, Telugu and Flemish so high!And splendid editing! ♡
She deserve it so much ❤️!
Thank you so much ❤️
@@thehungariansnowqueen ndndndnndndndndnndnde
I have no words about your ranking... It's so agreeable! Not to mention about the amazing editing as well.
Thank you so so so much! ♥
The best ranking.😍Thenk you so much for 4th place.
Awww Thank you so much too! ♥
So sad that Slovak is so slow. I'd put KOrean higher as well. Turkish is not that good, I'd put lower. I like Northern Sámi, Telugu,Hungarian and Serbian. It's amazing that they are higher.
Out of the countless Elsa rankings out there, I think yours is one of my favs that I’ve watched - nothing to do with agreements (I don’t understand people who get so sensitive about Elsa’s voices), but because of *how much depth* you delve into with your comments! which I truly appreciate! I feel like I’ve just finished reading a novel 😂
Ahw,thank you so much♥♥
@@thehungariansnowqueen nsnsnsnndd
@@thehungariansnowqueen ظيظيظسظدسدسكسس
@@yaminarayah6022 ميميميمسدسممسميمسممي
I'm pretty sure I said everything I wanted to in the chat hahah, amazing video with some very unique choices and beautiful editing 😌
Thank you so much! ♥
@@thehungariansnowqueen I like this video
@@thehungariansnowqueen ndndd
@@ChristianLovesSonic nsnsnnsnnsnsnsnnsnsns
I don't know but when listening to any version, I feel like all of them are fitting but of course some are more fitting than the others. I like how you put other criteria for the ranking not only by favorites, fittings also manners for me as well😀
I do my rankings like considering 4 things. 1. singing skills, 2.Fitting (this one is up to everyones opinion or let's say...taste), 3. Into the character, 4.Personal feelings for the version.☺♥
Well, that's definitely unique! Great #1 though, she's wonderful, always loved her. Also happy to see Dalma, Marianne, Ramya and Gam that high too. Can't say we agree that much in general, but we do agree in a few of your more controversial opinions hahaha.
Beautiful ranking, thank you
Thank you so much! ❤️
Yes there will be no ranking what we are agree with 100% and I know my ranking is quite rare compareing with others, although i am happy you respected my opinion
@@thehungariansnowqueen nsnses
@@thehungariansnowqueen ظسظسظسظسظسظس
@@yaminarayah6022 ظسظسظسظسظسظسظسظس
Hell yess! Serbian is so high! I disagree with some of your opinions like Arabic but I agree with the most! Amazing ranking! ♥
Thank you so much! Yes Jelena is amazing! ♥
willemijn is my fave but i also think they recorded it once which is kinda weird. BUT in the Dutch movie version they corrected her notes that were off. On the spotify version it’s indeed like a live performance.
Beautiful video! 😍 But wow, we disagree on a LOT lol - though I guess that's the fun of it. As for the placements I do agree with are Mona, Nesma, Gúslim, Serena, Ana Margarida, Wichayanee, Nikolett and Dalma 💕
I don't think I have an established favorite for this movie, but I was glad to see Begüm and Nadezhda relatively high the most :)
Thank you so much for your adorable kind comment! ♥ I am happy that we share some same opinion at least. Yes I knew many people gonna disagree with me, but I cannot lie about my opinion! ♥
@@thehungariansnowqueen ي..يظيظسظظسظظسظس.س
@@yaminarayah6022 مسميميمميمييظسس
Thank you for Polish 💖 great video, like the editing a lot
Thank you so much ❤️ and you're welcome
Frozen 2 malay official
Wowowo! I am speachless! Agree a lot!
Thank you so much! ♥
About five months late, but. . .
Versions I'd Put Higher: Dutch/German (tho I'm still not crazy for it like others), Kazakh, Italian, Korean, Swedish, PRC Mandarin, Brazilian Portuguese, DANISH
Ones I'd Put Lower: Serbian, Flemish, Ukrainian, Icelandic, Bulgarian
Otherwise, I agree with most of the rest (including Arabic and Latin Spanish for once!)
Also, tysm for 6th and I have to say, FINALLY someone got the Vietnamese Elsas' first names right!
THANKS FOR FLEMISH!💛🖤 i agree, she has improved so much since frozen 1!
You're welcome, she is amazing! ❤️
here is the lyrics for the Danish
Elsa: Trembles a little, but does not freeze, even though the cold is raw
Here's something I know, like a dream I've had but can't achieve
I can feel you when I follow in your footsteps
Is that a sign that my home is here to the north?
I have always been entrenched, with an icy secret
Do you, like me, miss someone else to share?
Come now, for now I will see you
Meet me here, it's a start
Are you the one I've been waiting for my whole life
Come on, for now I'm ready
It's new to be so safe, not divided and scared anymore '
My life has taken direction, I think I was born for all this
I could never follow rules or get what others have
Now I listen, a little more to you, and hope you have answers
Come on, my anxiety has subsided
Long time travel ends here
You're the answer I've been waiting for my whole life
So come on, let me see who you are
Come here safely, answer when I ask
Now is the time to open your door
Come here safely, answer when I ask
Now is the time to open your door
Chorus: Out to sea, big and salty
Runs the river, the one who remembers everything
Iduna: Remember the day you get ready
Elsa: I found the answer
Elsa and Iduna: Come forward now, stand by your strengths
Show them who you want to be now
You are the answer you have been waiting for
Elsa: All my life
Iduna: All your life
Elsa: So come on
I disagree with quite a lot like Norwegian, Slovene, Czech etc but I see your point and it's a very interesting ranking! Elke was really surprising in the first place and I'm happy to see Romanian high, she's very underrated! Also thanks for Greek, I prefer her performance in the first movie but she's still OK!
I am happy that you can get my point. I respect everyone's opinion too ❤️😊
I mosttly agree with your ranking, especially that you put Gisela and Nadheza so high, I love these two versions. Thank you also for putting one of my 2 native languages (french) so high. Yet I would have putten Willemijn so much higher, even though I understand and respect your comment and opinion. Maybe it's because german is one of my native languages and to me she's the best Elsa, but I don't believe it's only bc I'm german. I think she has one of the best voices and skills iut of all Elsas out there. But for example, in Speechless (Aladdin) my favorite version is brazilian portuguese (even though understand almost nothing). It's hard to explain but I hope you kinda got my point.
I agree about Lisa and Idina... And thanks for the 13th place :D
With the Anaïs-Charlotte replacement, the reason why was because of Anaïs's "issues with the working conditions", whatever this means...
OMG, 8th place from almost the bottom :O
I am happy if you agree at least a bit with me ☺ ♥
Yeah I know, but to be honest...I could not imagine Anais as Elsa in Frozen2...This character (in my opinion) is far from the personality what Elsa had in the previous movies.
@@thehungariansnowqueen ele
Omg, thanks for 9th place, I'm so happy to see Ana in this place😊❤️
Anyway, the ones that I don't agree, is the Italian one, the german/Dutch and the Ukrainian
BTW, great video, I love it ❤️
You're welcome and Thank you so much! ❤️ ❤️
Frozen 2 official
Thank you so much for Serbian! I really enjoyed the video! ♥ Amazing job!
You're welcome and thank you! ♥
I thought I would disagree more, but then I saw Ramya, I absolutely love her, nice to see her being appreciated! That's definitely a unique ranking, which is great. Dalma seems to be more and more popular, maybe I'll happen to like her more, too. Elke was a big surprise, but that's an interesting choice. 💙
♥ Thank you so much!
Yes Dalma is better and better ☺♥
Frozen 2 malay official
@@Toyota_1998 nsndndndndndbsbsbbssbs
Wow, this ranking is sooo good, I’m totally desagree with Latin Spanish, but well, opinions are opinions. I work in a personal ranking too, and I look is so different than yours 🤣. But, you did an excellent job, I like so much your video. ✨🤍
Thank you so much🥰.
Sorry for Latin Spanish.
Amazing Elsa's ranking (It is of the best I ever saw ) It is soo amazing and I don't have words which could desscribe my happines when I realized Nataša and Jelena soo higj in this ranking... Thank you a lot for that... Your edit is soo wondeful and your every comment is written in perfect way..Thank you for this amazing video and keep doing videos like this one😍😍😍😍
Thank you so much for your kind words! ❤️ ❤️
No need to mention, they are amazing!
I really wanted Latin American Spanish higher on the list, but what can be done ... very good video👌✨
Wow!! Thanks for the 8th place!!!! ❤️
You're welcome ❤️
I love reading your comments about each voice, you sound so insightful 💖😄
For some reason I actually like Annika much more in Frozen 2 then in Frozen 1 😅 She has said that she was so sick when it was time to record, so the studio delayed the recording for 1 week and she just got well enough to be able to record otherwise we would have gotten an other Elsa... I'm so happy she was able to recover enough 💖
Nwnwnwnnwnw ww d d wnww
Hye na park doesn't have a computer voice
Okay, wow... 😂 I guess I never disagreed so much with a Ranking-Video but this video is here to show YOUR opinion and not mine! For example our opinion about Willemijn (I guess you expected that) is SO different! 😊 I think she is one of the best and fitting Elsa's even against Maria Lucia! She has a powerful voice, great singing skills and in my opinion she sounds so much into the character and just... fitting! 😍 It's crazy how opinions can differentiate!
Yes, it's so interesting. I didn't find her fitting at all 🙄🙏🏼
Thank you for first place!!
This is nice! I'm happy to see that someone agrees with me about Willemijn (don't get me wrong, she's a skilled singer, and I especially love her in Wicked, but I don't find her suitable for Elsa) and Ana Margarida (she's one of my favorites and I personally consider her one of the most fitting options for Elsa). Thank you so much!
By the way, are you going to make a Frozen 2 Anna ranking as well?
I am happy we share same opinion about her! Thanks for watching my ranking❤️
Yes, I will ❤️
@@thehungariansnowqueen 📝
@@thehungariansnowqueen nqnqnns
@@ChristianLovesSonic lzldndnnwnwnwnwnnwnww
About Taiwan and China these two countries' version. With the same language , they explain the song with the different voice , emotion and lyrics.
I love 胡維納(胡维纳 , Hu) 's powerful and 蔡永淳 (Cai) 's sweetness and her personality trait.
But I want to say if you know the Chinese meaning , you'll find some of lyrics in China Mandarin's version are not reasonable and not fitting with the original(English) version.
For ex: "Show yourself" is means don't be shy and don't hide in the dark way , but China Mandarin uses 你是誰?(你是谁? , Who are you?) , it's so
strange. Compared with the Taiwan Mandarin , 別閃躲(Don't hide.) more conforms to the situation about the story, and "躲" this word's pronunciation is most likely same as "self"(if ignore the end of f) , it can find Taiwan is more attentive.
In my mind , Taiwan Mandarin can be up to top 10 , and China Mandarin would be top 30 (because of the lyrics). Sorry for the Chinese people.
That's nice that you care about the lyrics. To be honest I care about my versions lyrics too(you can see it in my Cassandra ranking). In my opinion this is the best if you care about the songs lyrics too and the meaning just like you do,not only the "personal taste".I compear the voices by seeing only 1.The singing skills,2.Fitting into the character, 3.Into the character(acting skills) and 4.Personal taste.On the other I didn't really care about lyrics this time. I would find it unfair if I'd have been put some version lower only because of the lyrics althoug it's not a lyrics ranking. There are some lyrics ranking(at least long time ago there were some Let It Go lyrics ranking) I'd find it possible to do the same with Into the Unknown or Show Yourself, but in this ranking I am not considering all the different languages versions different lyrics as a compearable factor.
AGREE a lot! Especially with German and Arabic
So sad that there is no Malay yet. However I really love this ranking to be honest this was the first ranking I could agree more than 90%! I really loved it!
Awww thank you so much! ♥
I'm curious about the ranking of Malay and Indonesian.
In my opinion Taryn got better in this movie but still... that vibrato... I don't know what happened to Mona, Idina, Lisa, Andrea, Takako :/ they were part of my favorites in F1 but dissapointed me this time (me pretending that I didn't saw that Carmen place again .-.) And it's the opposite for Girmante, Natasa, Katja, Nuska, Nesma and Maria Lucia who improved :D Love your top 8 and especially thanks for ukrainian :DD
Hi The Hungarian Snow Queen it’s me tow mater channel nice to meet you
I put Latvian,Vietnamese,Portuguese,Bulgarian,Romanian,Latin spanish,Hungarian,Madarin China,Turkish,French and Italian higher
And put Czech,Slovak,Madarin Taiwan,Estonian,Cantonese,... lower
My best is Portuguese😘
What the hell xD ? ♥ I love your comment but
Vietnamese and Portuguese, Hungarian,Romanian and French is already in my top 12. I think it's a quite high place. Also is if Portuguese is your 1st, I don't understand how could you put Romanian higher due to the fact it's on my 2nd place xd.
Thanks for shareing your opinion anyway ♥ I love Portuguese version as well
The Hungarian Snow Queen 😊
And castilian 😔
I disagree with you, but well done video 👏
Hmm... The reason Anaïs didn't return is a lot worse than what you think ^^' She was supposed to return for the sequel, as she did in the shorts, and she even confirmed it on her social medias. But a few months before the movie came out, after the first teaser got released and everyone wondered why it was another actress/singer, she wrote on Facebook that she decided to cancel her deal with Disney because of bad working ethics (she never gave any name or more details than that, which is a good thing I think), but she definitely didn't do it with pleasure... She said she wouldn't watch the sequel because it would be too painful for her to hear someone else as Elsa :/
Awww thank you so much for Turkish ❤❤❤❤
You're welcome, thanks for watching! ♥
*skips through to own language, is lowkey surprised I don't see it because it is always around 35 and fear it's forgotten, happens to be at the end*
(forgotten is a big possibility because it is so similar to Dutch-Dutch and we didn't get our own dubs until the late 90's)
I DEFINITELY agree about Russian
Awwww..... you put romanian in 2nd place! Thank you!
It's fine your that version is amazing❤️😊
Thank you so much for Hungarian 💖
She is amazing ❤️
Thank you so much for Serbian!
Aaah, brazilian deserves better, frankly
I didn't expec tto see Ukrainian so high! Thank you so much for that!
I like Telugu !
Thank for my Vietnamese !!!!!!
You're welcome ❤️
wow,tamil in 14place!thanks!
Mostly agreed. This is messege those who dislike your video: that button is not for download the video.
Thanks for Flemish a lot♥️🙏🏼
I don't like my version that much but I am happy to see her on the 1st
♥Thank you and you're welcome
Thaks for Icelandic! I love her too! She is my 2 place. On the 1 place is Slovene.
I hope I didn't hurt you with put Slovene so low. I am happy that you like Icelandic she is so amazing in my opinion too!
That s your opinion. I think Slovene and Icelandic voice fly, and pretty.
No sunidhi is perfect for Elsa 😍
Thank you
very much for the serbian. I love that langes. Thank youuu❤❤❤❤
Korean should be 1st place.
Hi. I. Am. Elsa❄
How. Are. You. ?
Spanish Latin ❤❤❤🇲🇽
2.Romanian 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴💗💗💗
Thx for 25th place 😊
English 🇺🇸👑
Thanks for Romanian!!!
It's fine,she is amazing!
Russian ❤❤️😍😍😍