20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 15)

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @sarahfaith316
    @sarahfaith316 3 роки тому +32

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
    0:00 Introduction
    1. 0:18 Is the command in Genesis to “be fruitful and multiply” still applicable to us today? Is it wrong for married couples to choose not to have children if they don’t feel the desire or the calling to be parents?
    2. 13:43 Am I being too legalistic by not wanting to sing Hillsong, Elevation Worship, and Bethel Music due to the doctrines of the churches they are a part of?
    3. 17:50 Can you please talk about your view on Netflix? Should Christians cancel their Netflix subscription?
    4. 19:33 Why did the Holy Spirit leave Saul, and why did an evil spirit from the Lord enter into him? Why in the world would God do something that seems to be evil?
    5. 22:25 Shmuley Boteach says that the New Testament contains anti-Semitic propaganda, and that Christians should reject those passages as forgeries. What do you think?
    6. 24:56 I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and baptized as a kid, but not in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How do I know what church to choose now, and who should baptize me? I’m afraid of being misled.
    7. 28:06 I have liberal Christian friends who believe they are Christians, but also have many unbiblical beliefs and practices. How should 1 Corinthians 5: 11 affect my relationships with them?
    8. 31:52What does the Bible say about the role of church? Should it be focused more on reaching unbelievers, or on teaching believers who then go out and evangelize?
    9. 34:28 Do you ever plan to do a deep dive into the authorship of the contested Pauline epistles? I feel this would be a great resource for those in talks with more liberal Christians.
    10. 35:24 What are the steps to take while dealing with psychological doubts where no amount of reason helps you feel better?
    11. 39:06 Do you think the SDA church (Seventh Day Adventism) is a cult?
    12. 39:37 I have family that believes that Jews will go to Heaven even if they haven’t been saved by Jesus. What should I say to them when they say that?
    13. 42:37 How does God’s will not infringe on free will? What is the sense of even praying for a situation if it’s already in Gods will?
    14. 44:48 Do you believe amillennialism is biblical, and what arguments do you have for or against it?
    15. 46:00 I feel called to spread God's Word but I suffer greatly from Asperger's Syndrome. Is my fear of crowds, public speaking, and inability to convey a thought coherently a valid fear?
    16. 48:10 I got away with felonies years ago. No one got hurt & I have confessed to God & repented. Is the Godly thing to do to turn myself in? I have OCD & can’t tell if I’m feeling OCD or God's conviction.
    17. 48:53 If the Angels weren't "100% safe" in Heaven seeing as they were able to be seduced by Satan, how can we be certain we will be safe in eternity with God once we go to Heaven.
    18. 51:24 I have recently gotten back into full-time ministry. I'm dealing with online “heresy hunters” that badger me through email and such about my teaching. How do you handle these kinds of people?
    19. 54:10 Can you talk about why Jesus allowed Simon to help Him carry His cross?
    20. 55:45 How much utility should we find in the Church Fathers? I am still Protestant, but want to be consistent with historic Christianity, so should we view the fathers with any extra credibility?
    1:00:24 Passion Project Update & Closing Announcements

    • @mike_AD
      @mike_AD 3 роки тому +3

      Ty sister 🙏

    • @NewCreationInChrist896
      @NewCreationInChrist896 3 роки тому +2

      10) Amen choose to believe God’s promises in all circumstances.
      Ephesians 4:23-24🕊
      Psalms 1:2💞
      Psalms 119:90
      Psalms 118:25

    • @melissamorrell6602
      @melissamorrell6602 3 роки тому +1

      ppSA😀 to

    • @lukasmakarios4998
      @lukasmakarios4998 2 роки тому

      #20. If you want to be really fair to the Church, recognize that traditions are valuable, at least up through the first seven ecumenical councils, or up to the "Great Schism" in 1054. But yeah, the Church Fathers are of great value, just not equal to the Scriptures. Scripture is the real measure of Truth, even to correct the Church's "traditions" when necessary.

  • @Adnilas
    @Adnilas 3 роки тому +131

    “I’m not talking about abortion. That’s murder.”
    I immediately pressed thumbs up.

    • @mikepawson371
      @mikepawson371 3 роки тому +6

      Genesis 9:6 AMP
      Whoever sheds man’s blood [unlawfully], By man (judicial government) shall his blood be shed, For in the image of God He made man.

    • @Theresia66
      @Theresia66 Рік тому

      ​@@mikepawson371 the heart of a fetus only starts pumping blood after the 5th week, so would it be okay before that time?

    • @RottingFarmsTV
      @RottingFarmsTV Рік тому

      @@Theresia66 shedding of blood is used metaphorically and you yourself know it. Same reason the Old Testament won’t stone somebody for cutting the hand of their apprentice

    • @Theresia66
      @Theresia66 Рік тому

      @@RottingFarmsTV i really don't know it. At week 5 the fetus feels no pain, can't hear, can't see. If then a very traumatic situation for a woman can be prevented i don't think thats so horrible.
      I would focus on reducing the time it's allowed for, much easier to get people along with that. Increase education about better options and improve the adoption system and supports. It's terribly hard right now.

    • @Chablar89
      @Chablar89 Рік тому +1

      ​@Theresia even a "zygote" although just a few days after fertilisation has its own DNA profile separate to that of the father and mother, it is its own human life and should be valued as such.
      Feeling pain and being aware of its situation are irrelevant. If I were to go into a coma and be completely unable to feel pain and be unaware that I may die, and I have no loved ones to mourn me would it be OK to kill me then?
      Spilling blood is irrelevant. If you could kill an adult without spilling blood, say instant vaporisation, would that be acceptable?

  • @barbarahawkins7864
    @barbarahawkins7864 3 роки тому +42

    The main reason my husband & I chose to not have kids was because we recognized how messed up we were from our parents. At that time, we did not realize the full extent of God’s salvation in our lives... it wasn’t just for “heaven when we die “, but was also big enough to help us address all of our inadequacies, our histories, etc. It’s not always just selfishness that keeps couples from choosing to have kids. ♥️

    • @elephantshrew6304
      @elephantshrew6304 3 роки тому +3

      Thank you for this. My whole family has mental health issues, myself included (anxiety+seasonal affective disorder+infrequent panic attacks).
      I am a woman who has been married to her husband for exactly 9 years today, and my husband and I will/if we choose to do so, (still haven’t decided) have children when we are in a more stable place in life (mentally financially, and in a safe location.)
      My husband worries for me because he knows how stressed out I can get with just us, my education and managing our household. Additionally, after getting married and moving out, I had to learn everything on my own because my parents sheltered me.
      My parents used to try to guilt me with shame and telling me I’m a sinner for not just allowing it to happen and the whole be fruitful and multiply thing. Specifically, my mother over the phone. She stopped doing this sort of thing when I ended up breaking down crying because I legitimately didn’t know what to tell her other than I don’t think God is mad at me, and that I don’t believe the command to Adam and Eve is mandated to be applied to every married couple’s situation.
      My husband and I spent 5 years in ministry, particularly in worship, and I love, serve, proclaim my God and messiah Jesus to everyone I know.
      Paul says it’s better not to marry so you can focus on serving the Lord. If I knew for a fact that marrying’s main purpose was for producing children and without the production of children, is sinful, I would never have married!!
      I see my family, of whom, many are in poverty, as my children. I am in college trying to get a good career to support me, my husband, my aging parents, and my family. If I am putting the needs of others over producing children of my own who will soak up all my time, isn’t that a form of love and sacrifice as well? I.e. Being a follower of Christ’s example.
      My main point is that I don’t believe that without producing children, marriage is a sin, and that God knows full well of our limits and is merciful to us. I love and serve my God with all my heart, want to know more about him every day, and want to serve and proclaim Jesus as lord to others in my life, and to be told “well you aren’t having kids, that means you’re just a selfish sinner”, I believe, is the true, cruel sin. I don’t believe God sees me that way at all! He knows I love him and am trying to serve him the best I can.
      My Lord my God, you are the one who sees me, the one who hears me. You record every one of my tears on your scroll. I know that my name is written in your book of life. Thank you for keeping and preserving me through every hardship. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are close beside me. Your rod and staff comfort me. Amen.
      Let us not be quick to judge.

    • @lukasmakarios4998
      @lukasmakarios4998 2 роки тому

      @@elephantshrew6304 - St. Paul also said that if a married couple consents together to forego sexual relations so as to focus on serving the Lord, "for a time," that it is a blessing for them, so long as they both agree on abstinence. As this would obviously entail not having children, I don't see a problem with your decision to postpone your family. It is certainly a parallel with a single person choosing to be celibate in order to serve God. Also, the Catholic Church teaches a natural method of birth control that does not involve using contraceptives. It's actually very effective, so long as you really follow the procedures, but it does require some discipline. Good luck.

    • @elephantshrew6304
      @elephantshrew6304 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for the thoughtful response.
      Although we are not catholic, we do practice natural family planning and don’t use birth control. We are definitely open to the possibility of children as Christians, but due to the reasons listed above with my mental health concerns, we are not currently actively trying to have children. I am focusing on serving my family and others for the Lord and taking care of my mental health.
      If it happens, we believe God wanted it and we will try our best with God’s strength to raise that child in the Lord with love.
      God bless you! ✝️🙏

    • @albertito77
      @albertito77 Рік тому

      That's an honest and difficult realisation to make. And yes, it's quite possible that you just bummed out in the genetic lottery, and personality traits are definitely heritable.

  • @jessbarroga1256
    @jessbarroga1256 3 роки тому +106

    Makes me really happy to hear this message because I’m planning on being single and just focusing on the Lord

    • @FRN2013
      @FRN2013 3 роки тому +26

      I was a member of the BUTteR (bachelor until the rapture) Club. My membership didn't last long, though. :) Now happily married!
      May the Lord direct your steps! :)

    • @abhishekandstuff
      @abhishekandstuff 3 роки тому +1

      Me too 😍

    • @WeldingForJesus
      @WeldingForJesus 3 роки тому +2

      It is a peaceful and good life in many ways. Most likely I'll do the same.

    • @FRN2013
      @FRN2013 3 роки тому +2

      @A Lucky Man! Thanks! I'll tell my wife (who is 52, BTW) that you said she's pretty.
      Why? Because God called me to be a missionary to the Philippines, so I discerned that I should marry a native to help me learn the language and the culture.

    • @trs1562
      @trs1562 3 роки тому

      @A Lucky Man! Maybe she doesn't want to submit to silly notions which embarrass and suck the joy out of life.
      There are Christian men who believe it's wrong to celebrate Christmas and who have an extremely strict standard of modest clothing which leaves the woman they are married to looking like a fool. That alone stops me from marrying!

  • @victoriaali3477
    @victoriaali3477 3 роки тому +60

    I’ve been hearing that a lot, “I don’t want to bring people into this corrupt evil world” and i TOTALLY understand that. but to that, i would say, foster and/or adopt ❤️ that is how we can be fruitful. I hope one day i can have kids but i know regardless i will foster because there is a HUGE need and as Christians, we have this beautiful opportunity to love God and others through fostering/adoption 🙏🏻

    • @elliem3717
      @elliem3717 3 роки тому +11

      Amen! There are so many kids out there who need loving parents

    • @sdh4557
      @sdh4557 3 роки тому +9

      My daughter and son in law are fostering, and I pray will be able to adopt my grandbaby Cassi❤ They've had her since birth. Our family's love for her is no different than if she was biologically ours.

    • @toomanymarys7355
      @toomanymarys7355 3 роки тому +6

      There is a mistaken belief, based on the lies of people who support slaughtering babies, that there are hoards of babies who are unwanted that people don't adopt. This is untrue. The waiting list for adopting kids given up for adoption is very long, and the price is high. The kids who are in the system are almost all taken away from their parents. The exception are a very small number of extremely disabled kids who were given up, and they generally aren't adopted at all because the state will cover medical expenses as long as they're in the foster system.

    • @user-jy5qm8nc9m
      @user-jy5qm8nc9m 3 роки тому +2

      This world has been corrupt and evil since the beginning and yet God told us to be fruitful and multiply. To not have children is then a sin.

    • @victoriaali3477
      @victoriaali3477 3 роки тому

      @@user-jy5qm8nc9m that’s a pretty general blanket statement. There are people who cannot have children, meaning they physically are unable to or struggle to bring a child to full term (miscarriage after miscarriage) There are also individuals, like Paul, who are called to live life single. In those instances, adopting and fostering is a beautiful and fruitful thing to do. It is love in action. I would refrain from saying “not having children is a sin” especially since we are not bind by the Old Testament. Not saying to disregard Old Testament! It is God-breathed, important, useful, and beautiful! But to say it’s a a sin if someone does not have children is not okay, especially not even knowing them or their story or situation. It can be a sin. Let’s say God is convicting their hearts and calling them to a season of having children and they choose instead to focus on their career or some other material aspects of life out of selfishness, pride, inconvenience, fear. Then sure, it could very well be a sin. I am not telling people to not have children, I am highlighting the beauty and importance of adoption. Also keep in mind that God said to be fruitful and multiply before sin entered into the world, and before Jesus came to earth. Again, I am not saying not to be fruitful and multiply. I am, however, saying God can call some of his children to be fruitful and multiply in other ways than physically bearing children. Especially since as a byproduct of sin, there are thousands of children in foster care.

  • @noobartist3762
    @noobartist3762 3 роки тому +41

    David Wood actually had a friend named Randy who got away with felonies. He turned himself in and had been imprisoned. God used Randy to help David Wood, a psychopath, accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
    I'm not saying you need to turn yourself in but I pray God will give you wisdom in what to do.
    God bless

    • @faithmarie3808
      @faithmarie3808 3 роки тому +1

      i love david wood!

    • @varun7599
      @varun7599 3 роки тому

      “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.
      Matthew 5:25‭-‬26 NIV
      It's ok to not wanting to go to jail.

  • @saftis5304
    @saftis5304 3 роки тому +83

    A very merry Christmas to Mike Winger and all fellow viewers 😊

  • @julietleblanc9197
    @julietleblanc9197 3 роки тому +32

    Mike, I thank God for your ministry. I gave my life to Christ in October, after several months of unraveling my dumpster fire of a world view and the myriad logical fallacies and dead ends of the moral & philosophical relativism of the New “Thought” / Unity church I was attending. Your videos were a gift, of which I could never properly explain the impact. I am deeply thankful for you and for every single person here who has financially supported you. I don’t think you or they could ever know the effect this has had on both my earthly and eternal life. I pray to be able to pay that forward some day. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Your sister in Christ...-Juliet

  • @johnwarren3789
    @johnwarren3789 3 роки тому +49

    The problem Ive always had with allowing the singing of worship music from not so good churches, ie Hillsong, Elevation, Jesus Culture etc. Is when young vulnerable undiscerning newly converted christians come to church, hear those songs, google or youtube them, see who their fromand start listening to their theology. And ive had to deal with it personally. You have to then go through the inconveinient and complicated process of explaining "oh their music is ok, but their doctrine is heretical. I think its definetly the elders responsibilty to make sure that the worship songs are theologically sound to glorify God, and to make sure the authors of those songs, if their linked to dangerous teaching then to make wise decisions for the protection of Gods flock. Then there should be no way of putting a possible stumbling block to the least discerning brethren.

    • @andronicagonzales2206
      @andronicagonzales2206 3 роки тому +5

      I agree. When I began seeking Christ I was led astray by many of these churches because the music was played in Church. I feel guilt even singing or listening to music that is backed by false teachers and these churches because it could lead someone astray.

    • @jackjones3657
      @jackjones3657 3 роки тому +10

      Plus, churches buying their music are supporting their dangerous and false doctrines since the money goes to the church and its message.

    • @sdh4557
      @sdh4557 3 роки тому +6

      I'm not young, THOUGHT I was maturing in my relationship with the Lord, and did the very things you said. Thank the LORD for things on social media that brought it to my attention! I was grieved, and humbled, that I almost totally fell for it! The good news is that in a round about way it's what brought me here!

    • @joshualewis1191
      @joshualewis1191 3 роки тому +1

      You had me until you said “heretical”. Those churches believe the same core tenets of Christianity that I’m assuming you do.

    • @farmerjones9612
      @farmerjones9612 3 роки тому +1

      yes you have to pay to use their music...

  • @flora20
    @flora20 3 роки тому +25

    @mike winger @sarah Zimmermann @slamRN @rock and roll @AJ Bernard @ryan tannar thanks guys for all you’ve done this year it’s truly appreciated ❤️Merry Christmas to you all xxx 🎄❤️

    • @rockandroll3671
      @rockandroll3671 3 роки тому +2

      Thank you @Flora 20 🙏 May you have a blessed holiday season, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family 🙏😎🖖

    • @flora20
      @flora20 3 роки тому +1

      @@rockandroll3671 you too ❤️ we truly appreciate all the time you spend faithfully serving the Lord every week Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family xxx

  • @postscriptciara
    @postscriptciara 3 роки тому +5

    Please do a whole long video study on Christians not having children. We are ready to learn. Thanks for all of your hard work, brother! 😊

    • @naomifilingcabinet6519
      @naomifilingcabinet6519 Рік тому +1

      Yes, I'd like to know all the theological ins and outs we need to consider.

  • @wmperkins25
    @wmperkins25 3 роки тому +16

    I've been listening to your posts for several months now, I came across them while looking for good Biblical teaching and I've been impressed by your thoroughness, clarity, scriptural basis and manner of teaching. I have found most if not all of your doctrine based on a solid understanding of Scripture and there is nothing I can find that I dispute. Thanks for your ministry , I realize the amount of work and time it takes to put these together, may God continue to bless your teachings.

  • @TheBlubunni
    @TheBlubunni 3 роки тому +17

    I think you are gifted in worship music and songs. I found a playlist of yours during a difficult time and it blessed me immensely, it's one of my favourite and go to playlists to go to sleep to praising and worshipping our Lord and Saviour for His goodness and mercy every day. So thank you very much pastor Mike. Blessings to you and your family always. Jesus is Lord.

  • @annechesley8565
    @annechesley8565 3 роки тому +20

    We don't mind the technical difficulties, we find it entertaining!😃😃😃🙏 You know we love you!

  • @Adrian-ri8my
    @Adrian-ri8my 3 роки тому +25

    5:56 Video Begins
    6:28 Should we be fruitful and multiply?
    19:40 Should we avoid listening to music that is sung by heretical churches?
    23:48 Should Christians stop using Netflix?
    25:30 Why did the Holy Spirit leave Saul and an evil spirit enter him? Why would God do something that is evil?
    28:25 Is the New Testament filled with anti semitic forgeries?
    30:54 I used to be a JW, but now I want to know what church should I choose to be baptized and become a member of?
    34:00 Should I associate with people who aren’t true Christians? What about 1 Corinthians 5:11 ? How should this affect our relationship with them?
    37:50 What does bible say about the role of church? How much should it be focused on outreach?
    40:25 Will you ever talk about the authorship of some of the contested Pauline Epistles?
    41:20 Advice on dealing with psychological doubts about our faith even with all the evidence.
    45:00 Are SDA’s a cult?
    45:35 Will Jews go to heaven if they don’t believe in Jesus?
    48:35 How does God’s will not conflict with our free will? What is the purpose of prayer if something is already in Gods will?
    50:45 Question about if a certain belief about the end times is biblical?
    52:00 I want to share the gospel but I have issues with public speaking. Any advice?
    54:05 I committed a felony many years ago, but I have confessed and repented. Should I turn myself in? I can’t tell if its OCD or conviction.
    54:50 If angels can sin in heaven and fall away, why won’t we also sin and fall away once we get to heaven?
    57:20 How to handle those who accuse you of heresy?
    1:06:10 Quick Announcements on Upcoming Videos
    1:06:20 Mike reveals his passion for the Passion Translation
    1:07:35 Giving Thanks and “stalling”

    • @sarahfaith316
      @sarahfaith316 3 роки тому +1

      Wow, thanks so much, friend! The video has been edited due to all of the technical difficulties we experienced in the beginning, so I was holding off on the timestamps until YT is done processing the edits, since all of the time stamps are going to shift once the edits go through. But we sooo appreciate your help!! God bless you!

    • @rusty.shackleford
      @rusty.shackleford 3 роки тому +1

      Please note that timestamp 23:30 should be 25:30 (non-monotonically increasing time es no bueno ☺).

    • @jesussaves1566
      @jesussaves1566 3 роки тому

      Thanks man

  • @flora20
    @flora20 3 роки тому +15

    I’ve always thought there is another aspect to being fruitful which we can still all partake in which is bearing fruit for Christ. There are many references such as Colossians 1:6, 1:10 John 15:4-5 , 15:16, Galatians 5:22-23 throughout the NT referencing this sort of fruit so I always think perhaps it can have a double meaning.

  • @NewCreationInChrist896
    @NewCreationInChrist896 3 роки тому +15

    Amen always pray and for others intercessory prayer. Sometimes it’s hard to pray you want to but don’t always. Ask God to help you pray and praise Him regularly.
    John 15:5
    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18🙏🙌
    Psalms 50:14

  • @void9837
    @void9837 9 місяців тому +1

    With all the cancer, car accidents, and plagues, yes we need to be fruitful and multiply. And those who do not raise their children to be Godly according to Malachi 2:15, they and their children will perish with no legacy or inheritance according to Deuteronomy 28, Psalm 127 and Psalm 128.

  • @janetgordon2484
    @janetgordon2484 3 роки тому +8

    As a married woman in my late 40's, you won't believe how many people have questioned our decision not to have kids. My goodness, in my late twenties (after I got married), everyone felt they had to ask, then I moved into a full decade of questions. I was so relieved when I turned 40, it was as if the questions stopped as now I was too old. I wish people would wake up. Its so annoying.. Such a burden on women. We are given choices in life. You can have kids, or you can choose not to. End of story. It's really that simple.The new testament states that we need to make diciples. That's an instruction.

  • @michelleeriksen6816
    @michelleeriksen6816 2 роки тому +2

    My husband had lies in his head or "intrusive thoughts" and we realized it's OCD. The way to help the thoughts are saying, "ok thank you for that thought."

  • @student1234
    @student1234 6 місяців тому +1

    35:21 perfect I’m watching this video 4 years later lol. Pastor Mike we want the deep dive on the pauline epistles. Thank you for your ministry videos have been so informative and helpful. Please keep letting the Lord use you to teach his people.

  • @homebody3798
    @homebody3798 3 роки тому +2

    I noticed you mentioned we as Christians should not use birth control that terminates an early pregnancy. That’s something I learned at an older age. I don’t hear it discussed ever in Christian churches or circles around me. Could you discuss that at some point? I know it’s not Bible study, but I think it’s invaluable. I think it’s one of those little known things that is very impactful.

  • @firstcrowgaming2958
    @firstcrowgaming2958 3 роки тому +4

    Honestly. Love seeing Pastor Mike be Brother Mike, selfishly these are my favorite moments 🙏🏼

  • @MeganHurst
    @MeganHurst 3 роки тому +4

    So thankful you do this. This helps me in my personal walk with Christ. I struggle with judging others based on my personal convictions instead of just presenting the truth to them and allowing them to make the decision based on their own personal convictions. Thank you for the reminder and Merry Christmas. ❤️

  • @aratisathe5835
    @aratisathe5835 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you Mike and Merry Christmas to you and your team and to all fellow viewers !!

  • @BekaEllen
    @BekaEllen 3 роки тому +5

    I hadn’t thought about it but the Netflix originals that are so against God are being funded by my subscription. I was looking for a way to protest so yeah, canceling would be an option.

    • @jerryyoung6494
      @jerryyoung6494 3 роки тому +1

      I agree. I stopped Netflix because of the repeated pedophilia, underaged sex, suicide, etc AND their response. I know other companies like Amazon prime isn’t perfect, but doesn’t seem as repetitive bad as Netflix. I find it sad how many of us are happy with watching sin as entertainment

  • @varun7599
    @varun7599 3 роки тому +1

    Question 16) Should I turn-in myself?
    “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.
    Matthew 5:25‭-‬26 NIV
    It's ok not wanting to go to jail. If you won't do it again enjoy the freedom.

  • @joyeeverett6196
    @joyeeverett6196 3 роки тому +8

    I am also someone with Aspergers/high-functioning autism and this was a question I wanted to ask Pastor Mike, but I was nervous. :) Thank you OP

    • @gigahorse1475
      @gigahorse1475 3 роки тому +1

      I was happy to hear about his friend with schizophrenia. I hope he is doing well. 🥺

    • @joyeeverett6196
      @joyeeverett6196 3 роки тому +1

      @@gigahorse1475 Yes, I agree!

  • @robbinsnest6163
    @robbinsnest6163 3 роки тому +61

    This may be a broad brush statement, but I'm pretty sure the ones who say "kids cost money" are the same ones with 5 dogs, 3 cats and a parrot...😅

    • @American-Jello
      @American-Jello 3 роки тому +1

      🤣 You're probably not wrong.

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 3 роки тому +5

      To be fair, kids cost much more than a cat or dog.

    • @TheGosslings
      @TheGosslings 3 роки тому +1

      Spot on.

    • @J3L24O4
      @J3L24O4 2 місяці тому

      @@marvalice3455I know people that spend more on their pets than I do in my kids.

  • @roxannejouglard1649
    @roxannejouglard1649 2 роки тому +1

    I listen to you daily! Thank you for your faithfulness to the scriptures!…😇

  • @mable552
    @mable552 3 роки тому +1

    For question 4. 1 Samuel 16: 14 and other verses does say 'an evil spirit from the Lord tormented Saul'

  • @sirawittassanapoom9582
    @sirawittassanapoom9582 3 роки тому +5

    YOUR THUMBNAIL cracks me up so bad. Hahaha😅

  • @garrethaines1995
    @garrethaines1995 3 роки тому +1

    Question 13 about free will and why would we pray was really helpful for me, thanks Mike

  • @anasaraiva5184
    @anasaraiva5184 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you mr. Winger for all your UA-cam videos, I have learned so much!! 🙏

  • @denisepeake5968
    @denisepeake5968 3 роки тому +1

    There are life-health issues that challenge parenting and I believe should be considered before having children.

  • @MarcusOfLycia
    @MarcusOfLycia 3 роки тому +3

    We modern western people have a totally broken and anemic view of households and family life, and I think that comes through most clearly when we think of kids as an option rather than a norm we should only avoid for extremely limited reasons. I don’t know anyone without kids who chose that for the Biblically valid reasons.
    We expect the state to raise kids, and we expect to treat our families as glorified roommates, when most Christians (and people in general) through history and even today live(d) primarily as members of households, not autonomous individuals.
    If a single generation decides not to take “be fruitful and multiply” as normative, humanity dies out.

    • @anthonyanderson9771
      @anthonyanderson9771 3 роки тому +1

      I've read articles from several nations citing this as a strong likelihood considering the low birth rates, and delayed marriage/family trends across the globe.

  • @jackjones3657
    @jackjones3657 3 роки тому +1

    What a great discussion! These livestream Bible study Q & A's are so informative and nurturing. Thank You.

  • @sdh4557
    @sdh4557 3 роки тому +2

    Pastor Mike, I'm so thankful for finding your ministry in 2020 when I had so many questions! God bless you and your wife! I pray you will have a very Merry Christmas!

  • @stephenburrows1816
    @stephenburrows1816 3 роки тому +4

    I hold that marriage is conception, otherwise it is a civil union, a man and wife as opposed to husband and wife. Fruitful as implies full the earth with God glorification.

    • @dellaswanson9837
      @dellaswanson9837 3 роки тому

      Finally someone who is saying what Im thinking

  • @SpidermanandJeny
    @SpidermanandJeny 3 роки тому +3

    I'd be happy if ppl would stop asking the question of do you have kids, how many kids are you going to have, do you want kids etc. Not anyone's business.

  • @MsMomof3boyz
    @MsMomof3boyz 3 роки тому +3

    Seriously, wow, the prayer question helped me so much,

  • @autumn4115
    @autumn4115 3 роки тому

    I absolutely loved your answer on free will and God's sovereignty... why? Because I have been so moved to pray for my dad's salvation. And now more moved after your hearing your response.

  • @Rachel0731
    @Rachel0731 3 роки тому

    Thank you, Pastor Mike for addressing the fallacy around the environment/“polluting the earth!”

  • @EfEiJei
    @EfEiJei 3 роки тому

    Hey Mike! You've been very helpful to me spiritually for the past weeks. I've been listening to other preachers for the past couple of years and most of them I found to be either heretics or self-deceived. You are one of the few that remains on my list as a legit bible-based speaker along with John MacArthur and other apologetics. Thank you.

  • @snopure
    @snopure 3 роки тому +2

    To be honest, and I'm posting this prior to watching the video, I think the OT command to be fruitful and multiply is cognate with Jesus' command to go out and make disciples. There is certainly way too much stress in the Church on finding a spouse so that children can be born that it almost sets it up to be some type of idol, when God's concern is the condition of our souls. Yes, they can be mutually exclusive, but when it's hammered into your head that you have to get married and have kids, you become more concerned with that, possibly even yoking yourself with an unbeliever, just so that you can fulfill this obligation. The NAR abuses the OT command in order to guilt childless women into thinking there's something spiritually wrong with them if they're unable to conceive, and at times it seems that singleness is seen as almost on par with fornication, especially since they haven't read their Bibles enough to know what Jesus and Paul say on the subject.

  • @stevenbergeron2188
    @stevenbergeron2188 3 роки тому +12

    Bad wookie, God wanted to use Moses who had a speech issue and Moses asked God to give him someone else. If God is calling you, He will carry you through your issues for His glory.

  • @rachell3544
    @rachell3544 3 роки тому +3

    I was confused by the answer to the “be fruitful and multiply” question. If preventing pregnancy is in itself NOT a sin, and a married couple decides to not have kids in order to focus their union on serving God/serving in church more with their time and resources rather than spending them on children...how is that different from a single person choosing to serve God by not getting married/having kids? If you see this Pastor Mike, I’d love to hear a clarification of your thoughts. Thanks!

    • @Rachel0731
      @Rachel0731 3 роки тому

      Does he have kids?

    • @zxb995511
      @zxb995511 3 роки тому +5

      The answer to your question is simple: The sin is not in the fact that you have no kids, the sin is in the REASON you are married and have no kids. If you choose to Marry and not have kids because you think it will be better for serving the Lord that's fine. If you Marry and don't have kids because its going to interfere with your career and wont be able to be a Millionaire before you turn 40....then you might be walking into sin territory there.

    • @tayh.6235
      @tayh.6235 3 роки тому +1

      @@zxb995511 I like this take. I know there are some people that may not want to be parents because they know that they wouldn't be good parents as well. Now, maybe that's something they can work on and get to a point where they would be able to. Or sometimes they may have hereditary health issues that they don't want to inflict on someone else. I know a family that has a hereditary degenerative disease that is really hard to bear and so one of the kids has decided to never have his own kids because of that. I think that's totally valid.

  • @nicholasmiller5731
    @nicholasmiller5731 3 роки тому

    Thank you for your service Mike, tremendously helpful!
    Question#17 made me think about 1 Corinthians 6:3, where Paul briefly touches on how we will judge angels. I wonder if being in fully-glorified (unable to sin) state may be for the reason. We already know we will have a higher rank & authority.

  • @Lukesh30253
    @Lukesh30253 3 роки тому +1

    Go and be fruitful and multiply !! That was a foreshadowing of jesus saying...go unto all the world and make disciples of all nations.

  • @faithemerson6897
    @faithemerson6897 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much for talking about how to deal with doubts

  • @Peaka01
    @Peaka01 3 роки тому

    Pastor Mike your response to question 10 was an immense blessing to me. Thank you thank you thank you.

  • @mattjacobson5123
    @mattjacobson5123 2 роки тому

    The 'If" of Paul's comments on choosing singleness was that . . . if you don't burn . . . if you are not continually struggling with sexual desire . . . the normal condition of young people. This is not an argument for singleness but for being a eunuch for the gospel.

  • @amishgirl1000
    @amishgirl1000 Рік тому +1

    Some married couples just can’t have children, and so they instead choose to serve God as a couple.

  • @spirit6506
    @spirit6506 3 роки тому

    @badwookie hearing you want to spread God's word despite having these personal struggles was very encouraging. I will definitely be in prayer for you and the Lord will lead you to where you will best serve Him, keep seeking Him in this area

  • @MisterEO_YT
    @MisterEO_YT 3 роки тому +3

    Awesome work as always . Truly a blessing to have you on UA-cam .

  • @bettyjean740
    @bettyjean740 3 роки тому +4

    Unrelated, kids movies Souls promoted for streaming on Christmas Day. It is about pre existance of souls. This is wrong according to scripture? I believe so but need direction please. Thank you for great videos and teaching Mike Winger.

  • @inTruthbyGrace
    @inTruthbyGrace 3 роки тому +1

    WOW!! @30:53 Tina is the perfect Ephesians 4 example of why we can't forsake the assembling of ourselves together! ,
    Tina, raised JW, now free, wants to know which "church" to trust so she's not misled....Mike's answer is perfect: Jesus through Scripture.,, but lets consider this from the seasoned believer's side of the obligation: all my fellow Christians who so often fill the comment sections saying they "can not find a local church bc their local assemblies are all "apostate" for not teaching X,Y,of Z.... (ie, they have Christmas trees, they do or do not support Trump, they have fall harvest/ Halloween parties etc.. or any of the other million adiaphora excuses these comment sections are full of ..) PLEASE consider God says HE HIMSELF has chosen to leave the wheat and tares to GROW together (Matt 13:25-30) and if you do NOT attend church... where does that leave our new dear sister TINA, who wants to fellowship with other believers, as she learns Christ Jesus?? She is *_REALLY coming from a Christ-DENYING apostasy_* and needs to be around people who KNOW Jesus is NOT the archangel Michael, but because you are staying home and not attending the local bible believing church for setting up a Christmas tree.... what about Tina??
    I want to use this very critical example to point you all to Ephesians 4 and ask all you "I-can't-find-a-local-church" folks to consider Jesus' command to MAKE DISCIPLES (not just believers), so while you imagine to have the TRUTH on the minor issues like Christmas trees and easter bunnies, and you are NOT attending your local church to be available to help someone who was raised to believe Jesus is NOT GOD, are you NOT totally denying God's command to admonish and encourage and teach and edify (1Thes 5:11, Roma 14:19, 1Cor 10:23, 1Cor14:26, ) the Body *_until we come to the unity of FAITH???_* Read Ephesians 4 below again...
    So to all you perfect Christians who claim to be staying home from Church bc the rest of the Body, otherwise sound in their doctrine and teaching about Jesus Christ, beware, you may very well be neglecting the gift that is in your and helping someone like Tina, bc you are not getting your way... How do you know you are NOT the one God is sending into that very congregation to share your wisdom with this new sister in Christ? How do you know God is not locking you into that local community for YOU to become more flexible in the liberties GOD has given us ? There are some very important lessons about "coming to the unity of the faith" through out Scripture.... so if Paul himself conceded he was not yet perfected, let me suggest you too have a ways to go with people like Tina,
    "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you." Phil 3:13-15
    and if you are not attending your local congregation because of how they *_decorate_* their building, I suggest you are neglecting the weightier matters that people like Tina need people who just believe in the *_biblical Jesus_*
    I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
    With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
    Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
    There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
    One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
    One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
    But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
    Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
    (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?
    He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
    And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
    For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
    Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
    That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
    But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
    From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
    This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,
    Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:
    Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.
    But ye have not so learned Christ;
    If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:
    That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
    And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
    And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
    Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.
    Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
    Neither give place to the devil.
    Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
    Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
    And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
    Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
    And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

  • @Garnishes
    @Garnishes 3 роки тому +1

    Pastor Mike, what are your thoughts on the idea of being unsure about bringing a child into this sinful world that he/she has a very high risk of not coming to Christ, especially with our fallen nature and our propensity to turn away from God? Wouldn’t the risk be too high a cost and consequence if one might be condemned for eternity? And instead of bringing more children to the world, to focus on bringing existing children or people to Christ?

  • @TheTuckmon
    @TheTuckmon 3 роки тому +1

    Merry Christmas all and Mike another great question and answer session.

  • @SojournerDidimus
    @SojournerDidimus 3 роки тому +1

    39:30 as far as I know the *official* SDA teaching is that keeping the Sabbath is a salvation issue. I think it is appropriate this to compare this with Paul's rejection of adding circumcision to the Gospel. Adding the Sabbath to the Gospel means salvation has become works based, and therefore a wage instead of a gift.
    So my observation is: yes, the SDA is a cult, and not even a Christian cult.

  • @albertito77
    @albertito77 Рік тому

    55:48 church fathers: they indeed give historical information that cannot be found elsewhere. They also have insight into difficult passages of the Bible or as referees in contested issues because they are so much closer to the apostles than we are. They can provide answers to issues that the apostles take for granted (eg St Paul _as everyone knows_ you will judge angels it OR COURSE we baptize for the dead DUH!!!!)

  • @Of_theleaf
    @Of_theleaf 3 роки тому

    The Passion drop at the end tho bahahahaha I’m dead 😂😭😂
    Merry Christmas Mike, praying you and your family have a blessed holiday season... thanks for al the amazing content!

  • @JudahsRedEyeLion
    @JudahsRedEyeLion 3 роки тому +1

    1 CORINTHIANS 7: 8
    To the unmarried and widows I say that it is well for them to remain unmarried as I am.

  • @Yawnyaman
    @Yawnyaman 2 роки тому

    I remember Mike did a very helpful presentation on eschatology a year or two back.

  • @bobmanns3623
    @bobmanns3623 3 роки тому

    Oh the joys of a live environment!!!

  • @kathleenarapoglou7724
    @kathleenarapoglou7724 3 роки тому +4

    Sarah is a great blessing!! We had a nice chat via email

    • @sarahfaith316
      @sarahfaith316 3 роки тому +2

      Aw thanks, Kathleen! That means so much!! ❤️ Merry Christmas!

  • @Achllyss
    @Achllyss 2 роки тому

    Question 17: for me the answer, I know there's a verse in the bible where the love of God is greater than anything. Romans 8:37
    So yeah in heaven, no one can separate us from our Lord.

  • @learnenglishwithblaine9604
    @learnenglishwithblaine9604 4 місяці тому

    As an SDA, i can say this church in not a cult.

  • @AfterTheRain_Beth
    @AfterTheRain_Beth 3 роки тому +10

    I chose singleness and never wanted children. I get on great with kids just never had a desire to have my own. Never regretted my choice.

    • @Mrs_Canary
      @Mrs_Canary 3 роки тому +5

      I'm married and we dont have kids. We r always asked when
      It's not that we dont but we r not rushing. And if we dont we r demonized. Woman are felt to believe they dont matter unless u have kids...specifically carry the baby and vaginally deliver. I've heard ppl say a c section is a cop out. 🥴.

    • @alexmarysaint2523
      @alexmarysaint2523 3 роки тому +1

      @@Mrs_Canary wow people will really make up all kind of fake rules just to make others feel bad. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.
      I personally am not planning to have kid, not only I do not have the desire for kids in my heart but this would also hinder the work God put on my heart for the kingdom. Jesus acknowledged that some people will do that and talked about it as a valid choice.

    • @AfterTheRain_Beth
      @AfterTheRain_Beth 3 роки тому

      I've never received criticism for my choice. I'd give folk short shrift if they did tbh. What a nerve! But the one assumption some people make that annoys me is that I must be devoid of any maternal instinct. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  • @chaseallen4703
    @chaseallen4703 3 роки тому +2

    "Ahh the passion translation"
    *promptly drops it on the ground* hahaha

  • @toomanymarys7355
    @toomanymarys7355 3 роки тому +2

    Christus Victor is the what. Penal substitutionary atonement is the how.

  • @m1kayla143
    @m1kayla143 3 роки тому +4

    Aw man! I missed the live!

  • @bobbylash2761
    @bobbylash2761 3 роки тому +1

    Can you explain the 4th commandment (shabath) ? Why are many Christians ignoring this commandment.

  • @Mrs_Canary
    @Mrs_Canary 3 роки тому +1

    There were barren ppl in the bible for the command 2 be fruitful and multiply being used in a way to condemn someone is wrong. So many people dont need 2 have kids being they mistreat them

  • @marktester5799
    @marktester5799 3 роки тому

    Possibly another two points to questions 17: 1) In Revelations 21:1-5, the former things, including the current earth AND heaven will have ended and God will replace them with a new heaven and a new earth. The Heaven we will live in is not the same Heaven as the one the Angels fell from. 2) Per Daniel 9, following the 70th week, there will be an "end of sins." Adding to what you said about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit - I'm not so sure it will be possible for us to sin anymore than it is possible for God to sin.

  • @keckiebooks
    @keckiebooks 3 роки тому +6

    It was interesting the number of people who had said Christians should cancel their Netflix because of some bad show 3 weeks later were telling the same people to watch the Social Media documentary ON Netflix...LOL!

  • @lesleeriddell
    @lesleeriddell 3 роки тому +1

    Hi Pastor Mike, this comment comes one day later...but I disagree with you on listening to Bethel music. Worship music for me isn't worship music if I can't freely embrace the music's ideas. Truth is really important to me as I have had issues in the past and have been deceived. If any of these songs put out by this group have doctrinal error, why wouldn't I warn my brothers and sisters to beware and be careful what they listen to. Renewing their minds with worship songs that are deceitful or true, that to me is the issue and we need to encourage each other in the truth. I enjoy listening to you by the way. :) Leslee Riddell

    • @briannehill7583
      @briannehill7583 3 роки тому +1

      I agree with you. We should disassociate if they are proclaiming a false gospel. We shouldn't line the pockets of the producers of such things thus encouraging them to make more. More people will be deceived. And that should absolutely matter to us.

    • @briannehill7583
      @briannehill7583 3 роки тому +1

      I also love listening to Mike :) I may not agree 100% of the time. Usually if I have a disagreement it has to do with life issues such as this. I rarely disagree with how he interprets scripture. In fact I cant think of one time I have yet. So I will happily sit under his feet to gain wisdom and understanding. And know it's fine if we disagree on certain issues.

    • @lesleeriddell
      @lesleeriddell 3 роки тому +1

      @@briannehill7583his theology is sound. I have not disagreed with him when it came to the scriptures.

  • @SusanMorales
    @SusanMorales 3 роки тому +2

    Merry Christmas

  • @Irene77545
    @Irene77545 3 роки тому +2

    Mike: It's boring to just watch me work on the screen
    Me: oh no I missed all the fun!! No probs I ll catch up the next Livestream!!😄
    Mike goes on to explain that this is the last Livestream of the year!!!!😟😟😟

  • @abiadu5276
    @abiadu5276 3 роки тому

    15:18 He says let me pause and literally it pauses ⏸ 😂

  • @vadinandez
    @vadinandez 2 роки тому

    I laughed out loud when you dropped the Passion "Bible"!😂 1:00:30

  • @dorothysittler8120
    @dorothysittler8120 Рік тому

    31:50 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians are about a man that stepped outside of CHRISTianity and his restoration.

  • @ronomgenuff
    @ronomgenuff 3 роки тому

    So I think that we would probably disagree on a bunch of things... But I find that your biblical thinking philosophy ends up with a much more thoughtful and nuanced position than many people who consider themselves "flexible."

  • @dereklangseth9485
    @dereklangseth9485 3 роки тому +2

    as a person with a large family i want to say that the church, cross denominationally has abandoned us. when most people ignore the command to be fruitful and multiply they have more money and more things, they can find baby sitters, etc. large families are ignored and hated. there is little to no help when the mother gets sick or gives birth. also the father is isolated from the ministry. also church schools are priced for small families. Biblically if you get married you should have children as the Lord provides them. when pastors refuse to take a stand against worldliness it causes everyone that wants to hold to God's word to be persecuted even within the church itself.

    • @Rachel0731
      @Rachel0731 3 роки тому +2

      It’s not a biblical mandate to keep having children. It’s permissible prevent pregnancy (non abortifacients: conforms, nfp, etc). We should welcome children in our homes but if that becomes unsafe or unwise, we have freedom to stop. I live in a state with very large family size. A generation ago 10+ kids was the norm for many families. I personally know many large families but I’m not sure what you’re expecting the local church to do. I don’t mean to sound unkind but I think because we are under no law to keep reproducing, many feel if a couple chooses to have many children, that’s their responsibility. In our church, the average is probably 5 children.

  • @nucreation4484
    @nucreation4484 3 роки тому +2

    57:20 Hey Mike, I think you mean Ron Howard lol. ..I actually went to school with a guy named Ryan Howard. I wonder if it's the same guy.
    50:44 I have some thoughts on the end times stuff. Deuteronomy 24 verse 5 in the ESV says, "When a man is newly married, he shall not go out with the army or be liable for any other public duty. He shall be free at home one year to be happy with his wife whom he has taken." This gives a beautiful picture of God's heart for the importance of the marital relationship. I think it's just amazing. I don't know anything about the cultures at large back in the day during this time, but if I had to guess, I'd imagine that this sort of view on marriage would not be found in any other culture. I mean, even now it isn't... The fact that God has this view regarding the importance of a husband's care for his wife, and the fact that He calls His church His bride... it just gets me man. Anyway, it's a far out reading of the text, but maybe it could be used to support the idea that Christ will first come for His bride to cherish and be happy with her for 1000 years before "going off to war."

    • @ryanhoward8694
      @ryanhoward8694 3 роки тому +1

      Well, I grew up in DeKalb, TX. If you ever lived there, we probably did go to school together.

    • @dellaswanson9837
      @dellaswanson9837 3 роки тому

      @@ryanhoward8694 lol...

    • @nucreation4484
      @nucreation4484 3 роки тому

      @@ryanhoward8694 Close-ish. Northwest suburbs of Houston.

  • @tourmaline7385
    @tourmaline7385 3 роки тому

    Merry Christmas!!!🎄

  • @raygsbrelcik5578
    @raygsbrelcik5578 3 роки тому

    Spiritually, yes.

  • @DariDraws
    @DariDraws 3 роки тому

    I am part of the SDA church and I hope that when he discusses it, he talks about the people who see Ellen white as ultimate authority figure and those who see God as the ultimate authority figure. I do believe that if people hold Ellen white and her teaching above the Bible, that is a sin and cult behavior. And in her teachings she also says that we should not take her word for it but go to the bible first. At least this how I understand it. I really do respect Mike's opinion and examination of the bible. He has actually inspired me to think more biblically about everything. I look forward to the discussion on the SDA church.

  • @JeSsE-qe5tl
    @JeSsE-qe5tl 3 роки тому +1

    MIKE @15:18 Let me pause for a second! 😂

  • @javariusjavarlamariuslamar3759
    @javariusjavarlamariuslamar3759 3 роки тому

    4:37 that’s kind of my view right now. As a non Christian, I think the animals have just a right to be here as we do.

  • @danicavandermerwe9639
    @danicavandermerwe9639 3 роки тому


  • @SojournerDidimus
    @SojournerDidimus 3 роки тому

    55:00 It might be that neither Jesus nor Simon had the earthly authority to refuse it, since a Roman soldier pressed Simon for a mile to carry the cross.

  • @brittbritt1306
    @brittbritt1306 3 роки тому

    Awesome content

  • @throughhumaneyes7648
    @throughhumaneyes7648 3 роки тому

    "we don't know" preface was like chicken soup for my soul, been waiting to hear a bible answer given like that. Hat tip to you winger, gg.

  • @robertsimpson5801
    @robertsimpson5801 3 роки тому +1

    This is one of the few times where I would disagree, but of course, I do so respectfully. I think that drawing a parallel between Jesus telling some to embrace singleness is not the same as being married and avoiding having children. If you’re single, and you are living a godly life, you will more than likely not have children! If you are married and you are living a godly life, assuming that you have no physical ailments that will prevent you from becoming pregnant, you will inevitably have children if you are married long enough and practicing a godly sex life.
    I suppose that big as a follow-up question. What are your views of contraceptives? Which kinds do you believe are in line with scripture, and which kind do you not believe all biblical to use?

    • @allie8442
      @allie8442 2 роки тому

      I think he kinda avoided directly addressing married and preventing children since he was trying to keep it short.

  • @lukasmakarios4998
    @lukasmakarios4998 2 роки тому

    #20. If you want to be really fair to the Church, recognize that traditions are valuable, at least up through the first seven ecumenical councils, or up to the "Great Schism" in 1054. But yeah, the Church Fathers are of great value, just not equal to the Scriptures. Scripture is the real measure of Truth, even to correct the Church's "traditions" when necessary.

  • @itzesmi
    @itzesmi 2 роки тому

    I think there are some married Christian couples who prioritize their work in ministry and feel like a child would hinder their growth and/image on socal media. If course this isn't said out loud but it does seem that way.

  • @bryannajordan7814
    @bryannajordan7814 3 роки тому +1


  • @javariusjavarlamariuslamar3759
    @javariusjavarlamariuslamar3759 3 роки тому

    9:33 as a non Christian I view myself as an animal. Sure I’d save an animal over a human (depends who that person is I’d save a gorilla or dolphin over Ted Hindu anyday) but if I could save 1,000,000 innocent animals at the expense of one person I’d chose the animals. As I said before, we are all animals that evolved thru time and we all have a right to be here

  • @lukasmakarios4998
    @lukasmakarios4998 2 роки тому

    #16. @Giant Mushroom Tree - If you are still struggling with this, I would suggest that you find a Catholic priest and ask him to let you make confession. He is bound by canon law to keep your confession in confidence, not revealing it to anyone, even civil authorities. If he thinks that you need to make a civil confession and risk going to jail (unlikely), then he will say so, if that is necessary for making full reparation for the sake of justice. Or he may tell you some other "safer" way to make your peace with God, like public service to the homeless or some other "corporal works of mercy." But the point is, a Catholic priest can give you absolution, i.e., forgiveness of sins, in the name of Jesus. And if you follow his advice, that is enough. Any further worries have little to do with the need for forgiveness. Just be sure that you leave nothing out that would remain to trouble your conscience.
    So, my advice: Find a Catholic priest, do a full and careful examination of conscience, and make your confession to him, asking for absolution. Then follow up to perform the penance he gives you. Trust Jesus to be merciful.