Here’s a few things that I was doing for about a month before I developed the Eustachian Tube dysfunction. Not sure if any one or all of them caused it. 1. Chewing gum everyday for a month 2. Using an electric toothbrush for an excessive amount of time. Maybe the rapid vibrations on the upper teeth might be disrupting some muscles. 3. Chewing on ice and drinking very cold ice water 4. Drinking black coffee every day 5. Sleeping on a stiff hard pillow which then does seem to crush the side of the cheek and ear
Here’s a few things that I was doing for about a month before I developed the Eustachian Tube dysfunction. Not sure if any one or all of them caused it.
1. Chewing gum everyday for a month
2. Using an electric toothbrush for an excessive amount of time. Maybe the rapid vibrations on the upper teeth might be disrupting some muscles.
3. Chewing on ice and drinking very cold ice water
4. Drinking black coffee every day
5. Sleeping on a stiff hard pillow which then does seem to crush the side of the cheek and ear
These Back Table ENT pod casts are brilliant. Another brilliant and informative one. Thanks!
What about a CT scan to diagnose the necessity?
westfield90: are you going to get the balloon dilation done?