Keep up the videos! Would love to see a county by county geologic breakdown, both of what is observable on the surface and what lies beneath. Lastly, please consider lowering the volume levels on the background music, it is a little distracting.
It would have been nice to have more geological information about the area, rather than just a few seconds of geology and a few minutes of basic info about parks and their amenities. This video was disappointing.
I had no idea they rented out cross country skiing equipment. Can’t wait to try it out!
Keep up the videos! Would love to see a county by county geologic breakdown, both of what is observable on the surface and what lies beneath. Lastly, please consider lowering the volume levels on the background music, it is a little distracting.
Thanks for the feedback! We hope to be releasing more soon.
It would have been nice to have more geological information about the area, rather than just a few seconds of geology and a few minutes of basic info about parks and their amenities. This video was disappointing.