You Can Thank LOCKDOWNS For This NEW Strain of Cancel Culture
- Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
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I’m an interdisciplinary artist - a musician and painter - based in North Hollywood, California.
VENMO - @kimberly-Katiti
CASHAPP - $KimberlyKatiti
Instagram (Main):
/ kimikatiti
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/ kimikatitiart
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Authoritative Doctrine
The Holy Bible
A few books that inform my worldview
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
The Abolition Of Man by C.S. Lewis
Long Walk To Freedom by Nelson Mandela
Einstein and Religion by Max Jammer
The Voice of Reason by Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff and Peter Schwartz
Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck
Comrades! A History of World Communism by Robert Service
Gulag: A History Book by Anne Applebaum
David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Thinking Fast And Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Hero With A Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
Slave And Citizen: The Life Of Frederick Douglass by Nathan Irvin Huggins
Guns, Germs And Steel by Jared Diamond
The Supremacy Of Christ In A Postmodern World by John Piper and Justin Taylor
Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi Zacharias
Gifted Hands by Dr. Ben Carson
America The Beautiful by Dr. Ben Carson
No Future Without Forgiveness by Desmond Tutu
The Book Of Forgiving by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu
Winning The Race by John McWhorter
A few books that inform my understanding of Critical Race Theory
How To Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge by Jean Stefancic
Critical Race Theory: An Introduction by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
The Price We Pay by Laura Lederer and Richard Delgado
This Book Is Antiracist by Tiffany Jewel
One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse
Discipline and Punish: The Birth Of The Prison by Michel Foucault
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
The Philosophy Of History by G. W. F. Hegel
Derrick Bell's Racial Realism: A Comment on White Optimism and Black Despair Commentary on Racial Realism Richard Delgado (
Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) on Liberation Theology (
A few fiction titles that inspire me to act
1984 by George Orwell
Animal Farm by George Orwell
We by Yevgeny Zamyatin
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Pilgrim’s Regress by C.S. Lewis
The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
THANK YOU for taking the time out to watch my videos, I so appreciate it!
Love, Kimi
Yes. Our mode of being is being transformed. We exist via screens, instead of eating together, hugging, worshipping, talking, witnessing a wedding, walking outside, playing sports, etc.
There was a study here in the UK which found that 53% of 18-29 year olds have ended friendships because they objected to their friends' opinions. Horrible stuff.
Wow, eh!!??
I’m part of Gen Z and I’m ashamed. I should make friends in person more often.
I too need to need to work on some real world relationship building. The idea of relationship building (and maintenance) has become so fickle, but it is so essential.
@@Nyonyozimusic True friendship is a rare thing. It can be difficult to find & its extremely hard to keep. But nonetheless it is worth its weight in gold.
It'll do you good. If I may ( and please excuse the unsolicited advice), I used to turn my phone off for the whole weekend. Obviously, if you need to tell people you are doing that that might prevent people from putting out a missing person's ad on you. HAHAHA! But take digital detoxes with the intention of being open to people. If someone says something to you, engage it. I would place myself in situations where I could meet people. I had a very strong rule about not staring at any screens, so if someone tried to show me something on their phone I would immediately let them know that I was on a detox. Not only did I feel actually refreshed after the weekend, but it helped me to naturally gravitate to awesome situations meeting awesome people. I highly recommend it. It is so good for you.
persecutory patronage run amok
Best not to let them harden your heart. They are trying very hard to do it.
The Grace of God is what delivered me as well. How have I let Grace slip from my grasp bit by bit, until anger has become my first response. You are a precious person. Thank you.
You are so brilliant. Thank you
This is exactly what is happening
The Situationist Internationals knew this. Guy Debord starts his book " The Society of the Spectacle" with this quote from Ludwig Feuerbach's " The Essence of Christianity"
"But for the present age, which prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original,
representation to reality, appearance to being, what is sacred for it is only illusion, but what is profane is truth. More than that, the sacred grows in its eyes to the extent that truth diminishes and illusion increases to such an extent that the peak of illusion for it is the peak of the sacred." -Feuerbach Preface to the Second Edition of
The Essence of Christianity
Never used social media. HUMANS for me!
I love your videos. Not to sound creepy, but you are fascinating and the first person that I have seen only through a screen ....with authenticity, charisma, and conviction so is felt. i wish there were more people like you in this country. I respect you immensely.
Just had a conversation on this topic with a friend today. IMO this has been going on for longer than Covid. Digital communication is a superficial relationship. Deep relationships require connecting outside the digital realm. The human connection is important. The other side of this is that without the digital life, you and I would never cross paths. I think we could be friends, but we don't know each other and may never know each other.
Definitely been going on longer than COVID, COVID just hurtled it further into a more isolated silo. I remember when people first started asking me if I wanted to be friends on Facebook. And I was like, "Don't you wanna be friends in real life?" I started getting asked this question more frequently to the point where I started to realize what they were doing.
@@samurai9559 IRL is the best if you can manage it. We've made some mistakes on how we have designed our communities. They are isolating and not conducive to building strong relationships. School, church and clubs provide a social structure, but these are not inclusive communities. They are bound by enrollment and exclude more than include. It's a lot of 'we're all alike' gatherings. We're not. It would be nice to have a community that experiences the differences.
context is everything. i have friends who blocked people for not agreeing with them on politics. i have been blocked for defending people having a right to vote for any candidate. the cancel culture has created an amorphous mob suffering narcissistic personality disorder. and although i am not for cancel culture, i am all for walking away from a toxic relationship. if after a few attempts to talk friends off the edge they persist to call everyone who disagrees with them nazi racists, i now unfollow/unfriend. FB isn't real life and seeing only their toxic closed minded side wasn't good for me/them. on the flip side, i do feel bonds with people i only know via social media because we share a common interest.
Spot on, Ms. Kimi, Spot on!!! We’re in BIG trouble, humanly-speaking, that’s for sure! Please keep bringing the FACTS, as well as your perspectives-deeply appreciated 🇺🇸❣️🇺🇸
Spot on???
She hates CRT and is a black face speaking for white supremacy.
She justify it just like how Christians justified slavery by quoting Romans 13, obey the laws. She makes me sick. She is WHITE because its a made up term anyway and that is how she thinks, same logic of Trump and David Duke
may Jesus heal your heart full of hate. „a black face speaking for white supremacy“... wow. If that‘s how you see her, I feel deeply sorry. In my eyes, she advocates for truthful and open dialogue and offers a different perspective than the current radical, antiracist narrative. Black people aren‘t a monolith.
@@ma_sabella00 It's not a different perspective CRT is. She is just drinking the kool-aid, how is she different? She agrees with 99 percent of racist lawmakers who ban CRT, infact 99 percent of those lawmakers are so called white too.
This country was founded upon racist laws, starting in 1681 the term "white" was written into laws of land for racist agendas.
@@ma_sabella00 l…what???
@@ma_sabella00 … apologies!! I read ALL responses just now! With you 100% 💕
Very well said. Thank you for sharing! I needed this today to stay in a place of compassion. Our Bible study is Romans 12 this week!!
Love it!
Great video 👍🧡❤️🧡
Thanks for the advice, I´ve been loosing grace lately but could not understand what was happening to me. And it´s because of you that I think I understand now... so thank you very much!
You nailed it! Ms Komi! “My people shall parish for lack of wisdom”
I 100% agree. I need to snap out of it. I had no idea my "friends" hated themselves and our country so much.
They don't. They are confused right now and letting themselves be controlled by hate and fear. It can't be fixed by sending out more hate and fear - only by love and empathy. Evil can not be fought with more evil. These people are not evil and feel like they are doing the right thing. Show them the right path by using patience, empathy, and love. Granted it's much easier to flip the bird and walk away but nothing great is ever easy.
You are very smart keep it up! I am getting to like you every day.❤️❤️❤️
👍 we love you!!
Love you back!! :')
Love the Scripture quotations! Please continue your excellent commentary!
Good Word!!
Thanks Liz!!
I was talking with a white lady married to a black man and she shared how since moving to the community only one man made a racist remark toward her husband. I shook my head and said I just don’t understand how there are people still like this. She also admired she’s experienced hate from black women too.
That kind of reminds me of how people attack black women for "destroying her race" or "turning her back on her race" when she marries a man who isn't black
We used to have family reunions every year. No more.
Those days are long gone.
A lot of us were living in a lockdown before the lockdown. Enjoy your discussion.
Wow! Breathe of fresh air! I appreciate your voice thus ya got a New subscriber here.❤️
Yaaay glad your on locals
Hey Kimi, please don’t stop making videos. I could watch you all day. You are so raw and honest about a lot of the things I have been thinking. I would love to hear your opinion about the vaccine passports that are happening all around the world right now. Love your content ! ♥️
Beautiful call out, Kimi! Thank you for shedding light. See you on "Locals".
Omg, I realized that recently as well, I was looking to my own profile in Instagram when it hit me, if this is not me, then why do I think of other people like this?
YES!! Thank you!
Wisdom oozes from your pores. Those versus made me tear up a bit, just SO much truth!
I totally agree with the book of proverbs. Best advice for life.
But... We are also living under social and cultural conditioning too. The saying "when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail" is also true. We are becoming hyper focused on ourselves (our thoughts, our feelings, our experiences) and our offenses (or opportunities to take offense) and using them to redefine truth, apart from the Bible. We are all in a world where offense can be had for the taking. So just because I think someone looked at me a certain way or I feel some kind of thing, doesn't make it objectively true. And if it is true, then we need the truth of God's word to help us deal with it in a way that is pleasing to Him, not our flesh.
God bless you, Kimi, and keep up the good work. Eagerly looking forward to your next video
God bless you Kimi - You are such an inspiration!
Beautiful perspective Kimi. Thank you so much.
This hit close to home
Spot on assessment on our new digital avatars being the better ‘representation’ of self these days….
I think we've al been conditioned by tv and movies for a long time as well. We expect the same kinds of highs, lows and contrasts in real life. Remember when there was a difference between traditional news and 'infotainment'? We've pretty much only got the infotainment now, and nobody even questions it. So the world out there seems more like a movie.
You are fantastic, thank you.
You are awesome Kimi. So refreshing to see a thoughtful, empathetic, level-headed and self-reflective person. You reinspire hope.
Denying another’s humanity is denying your own
You should write a book 100% I'm sure you could write a few!
For all the times I come across you posts. The Lord said pray a hedge of thorns about her
I am not sure if the title was meant just to draw one in, but in my opinion, this issue with an online personality, and the illusion of who another person is began long long long before anything to do with current CoVid culture. It began so long ago when as you put it (and so well too!), when folks started curating their online personality to others, and even before in chat rooms, way back in the day. Some people were more mature and honest in those situations, and some forums, and some sites seemed to make it easier for people to be less than honest, to the point that it would often be surprising to find a forum or site whereby it seemed like like minded honest people gathered.
“The goodness of God is what leads us to repentance”. Truer words were never spoken.
You are an absolute sweetheart, and wise beyond your years. Blessings to you.
And, yes, I just subscribed.
Thanks Kimi, GOD BLESS You.🍃🌷🍃
Have you seen "more deadly than war by G Edward Griffin" it's a lecture from the 60s warning about the communist party in America. He mentioned everything from BLM, CRT, and the way the right would be treated as the nation goes left. It's one of most important videos that everyone has to see today.
Amen, sister! I've noticed how social media is becoming increasingly graceless and polarising. Let's not get sucked into that. Thank you for speaking truth in love.
thanks to the internet, i was afraid of how people would see me when i'm having conversations with my friends as someone who just turned 18, since there's tons of pedo accusations thrown around on twitter daily to the point where the word has no meaning
I appreciate you, Kimi.
I wish I could like this 100 times!
I love the fact that your authoritative doctrine is the bible. Solid high five for that.
One of the many things God told me to do when I was first starting out my walk was to get rid of instagram(the only social media I really ever used, but was still VERY addicted to). I used to be a radical leftist... like I associated with full-on self proclaimed commies and I called myself one as well. I was very bitter and definitely into cancel culture. As I started walking with the Lord, I started slowly realizing that I had to choose between leftism or the Lord, so I chose the Lord and He made me realize that now that I was in the kingdom of light that I had absolutely nothing in common with the "friends" I made and it took me being cancelled by them for my love for Jesus for me to cut ties. After I cut contact, I had a very strong revelation at 3 am in the morning of how embarrassingly bitter, prideful, and desperate I'd been on my social media ranting about some dumb and useless thing or pulling wicked theatrics for attention. Oh the Lord is so good. Aside from the occasional tik tok redownload(which I am vowing to stay off of now), I haven't been on social media since last year and it has benefit me so much. So much growth in many areas. God knows what is best.
Yes! Spot on.
Nailed it !
Even if some of the measures taken for COVID are warranted…some have clearly taken advantage of our emotional vulnerabilities.
Thank you for this message. I needed to hear your words about grace today. God bless you!
Amen sister!! I've been saying this for awhile, we are living in such a time with so little grace, mercy, humility, etc, that it's actually pretty scary! And I'm guilty myself as putting someone's entire character under a microscope because of ONE post. In the process right now of trying to talk to my cousin because we got into an argument over something talked about over facebook. She won't speak to me 😔. Just need to put everything in God's hands. 🙏
I'm sorry to hear that. :( it's sad that this is kind of our norm now, even among family.
Thanks for the humility. I pray that you and your cousin reconcile.
I'm agnostic and I love hearing your Bible verses! In these chaotic, heavily divided times, I find it important to learn how other people, either religious or secular, find different ways to cope and make sense of everything. Keep up the awesome work Kimi :)
I couldn't agree more. I'm also agnostic & it's nice to hear different peaceful perspectives.
this is true.
Thank you for this
So true!
The Holy Seeks who may be found.
Always providing meaningful commentary.
Wow. You got it.
I recently lost a best friend of 12 years because I posted something critical of L a u r e l H u b b a r d. My friend described me as violent and hateful because of it. Your take is spot on.
This is why we need our lives built on Jesus and be rooted in God’s Word. This stuff will have someone caught up in every wind and wave of thinking if we don’t have the mind of Christ.
Amazing thoughts, you are absolutely correct. Offering joy in the face of someone else's suffering I imagine would feel very dismissive. You have great insight, and I'm glad I found this video!!
So thoughtful. I really like the way you lay it all out.
Thank you!
Great video!
Kimi, you may be my favorite millennial. ❤️❤️❤️ YES you are correct, I’ve noticed it since 2008 when all my friends started joining FB and were referencing each other’s posts that I wasn’t privy to. I felt like an outsider already. Five years ago I walked away because friends and acquaintances were posting things that changed the way I saw them. That was it for me. I want my perception of others based on OUR REAL interactions, not what I see online.
Found you on Locals! 👍🏽
Yes Steph! I realize that I would care so much less for my friends ideology when realtime interaction overrode digital interaction. Less hostility. Thank you for posting those wisdom gems on Locals! :)
So true! BTW, I can listen to your beautiful voice all day! Keep making wonderful videos.
Great video good subject This is why I have reduced computer time and gone back to old hobbies. with more human approach. 🤔
I need WAAAYYY more offline hobbies :'(
The world has gone crazy. No more lockdowns!
They're going to keep pushing them. If you live in America, this fall and winter are going to be interesting.
@@publius5128 No, I live in the UK, where it's just as bad. Infections will go up in autumn, but the death rate will be an order of magnitude lower this time, as most of the vulnerable have been vaccinated, so they shouldn't panic.
@@alunjones3860 Hasn't the UK had several lockdowns? I have been working since May of last year no lockdown since then. *The US has an 'official' president that presides over the east, west, & the north--Joe Biden. Former President Trump still occupies the mind of people & political leaders in the south. No lockdown will occur again in southern states over covid--the people here will not tolerate it.*
@@nureauamerica The UK has had two lockdowns and had some mandatory social distancing or mask mandates from the end of March last year, until 19th July this year, when they were all abolished, as cases were on the rise. Many were concerned there would be a huge increase in infections, but they fell sharply.
Anyway, the Kimi is in California, where I believe it's more likely the government will impose some sort of lockdown.
5:50 Singing cheerful songs to someone with a heavy heart is sometimes likely to get you a fist in the face.
As a sweet irony - tens of thousands of people know you only through your digital footprint. And you know what? Many of us here appreciate you as a person and I bet many would love to be real friends in real life.
Can you do a video of how you keep your hair?
You are amazing. Keep speaking the truth.
Very interesting.
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty. Thomas Jefferson
I’m not even religious, but I know how to tap into love, kindness, harmony, warmth, peace 💕 and I tap into it every time before I leave the house because I know my energy will be affecting everyone I come in contact with. But now I realize I don’t tap into it enough just for myself. I’ve gotta start treating myself with the same energy I treat everyone else with. Thank you Kimi for the reminder. I love the Jesus stuff coming from you 💜🤍💜
Grace. I needed to hear that today. Thanks, Kimi!
We have taken on the personality of the logarithms that are used to assess us by service providers.
The purity tests are ridiculous now, if someone said something rude on Twitter in 2009, it's enough for people to be thrown under the bus.
You are a beautiful soul! Keep talking! 💖🙏🇺🇸😘
Wow, spot on, really enjoyed this video. This is so true.
Well said, now if I just were not a hard ass Marine I might be able to be better at what you are saying. There are still personal values and boundaries, but I still love everyone and will not judge.
That's what's up!
Being a white guy in 2021 is a little bit weird. I understand what its like to not understand. ya gotta be a white guy to know what I am talking about, I guess.
How do you feel about it though?
I have been hearing all my life that I am a racist. Just because I am white. So if you judge me by the color of my skin and not by the content of my character for 65 years it gets old. I hear a friend say “ I went into a store and they were nervous because I am black”. I guess I am not very receptive to hearing it again. I just get sick of being called a racist because of the color of my skin. That is racism. Judging me by the color of my skin. I have been able to let it slide.
So well said. I remember having that Nokia in 7th or 8th grade, and genuinely experiencing what you explained in this video. Thank you for using your God given light to help illuminate the paths of others, praise Jesus!
I'm not sure you understand just how refreshing your videos really are. Thank you for sharing Kimi
Thank you! :)
Text is a neutral thing. However, people don't like neutral things. Therefore, anything in text that isn't adulation is inherently bad to most people.
I love you sister in Christ! This is EXACTLY what I've been saying and fearful of. Only you said it so much better than I have! Romans 12 is written on a post it in my study area because it's just so dead on! I am so guilty of fighting fire with fire like you said and it's so hard to quit when faced with just the avalanches of hate. I'm trying to be better because that's not me! I strive so much to listen and understand but when faced with woke stuff : I get furious at the hypocrisy. Please pray for me.
How did the Cuban event go?
I really like your prospective Kimi and that you backed it up with some great proverbs. Definitely got me thinking. Cheers.
I realized this a week ago when one of my closest friends that I haven’t seen in a year and a half came to visit for the weekend. During the last year and a half we had lots of unhealthy banter arguing over political crap. He is super progressive and I am more conservative/ centrist. But once he came to visit in person, none of that crap we disagree on was ever brought up and we had an awesome time. I realized that we are all way more similar in real life than the obvious differences we have in the digital world.
Oh I'm so happy you had that realization. That's refreshing to read that. :-)