What it's like to get a concussion

  • Опубліковано 19 чер 2013
  • Kids who have experienced a concussion share their stories of injury and recovery, while pediatric experts from Children's Hospital Colorado describe a concussion and explain what to expect during the healing process.


  • @sodustamikeyp.3423
    @sodustamikeyp.3423 3 роки тому +9

    I've just recovered from my concussion yesterday. I got my concussion after arguing with my mom and i went outside and punch my head. After 4 hours i woke up and i have a severe pain in my head i was nauseous i vomited many times. Just be positive always and rest is important stay hydrated exercise if you feel your symptoms just rest do some inhale exhale stay away from depressing stuff watch something that can make you positive it can make you feel better. Talk with your friends and family they can help you get rid of your concussion. And don't forget to Pray ❤

    • @Aditya_raj_17
      @Aditya_raj_17 2 роки тому

      Does it require medicine bro ,to recover?

    • @starkiller578
      @starkiller578 2 роки тому

      Lol why would you injure yourself

    • @toqanathom7039
      @toqanathom7039 2 роки тому

      Hello, I am from Iraq. I hope you will answer my question. My brother suffered a concussion and loss of consciousness 8 days ago. X-rays were taken and nothing bad appeared, as a result, he has not woken up yet.

    • @Applessphile
      @Applessphile 2 роки тому

      @@toqanathom7039 hes still not awake??

  • @QuillWorks
    @QuillWorks 2 роки тому +3

    Was riding my bike to class three days ago (I’m a junior in college living on campus) and a skateboarder swerved in front of me and clipped my front wheel. I don’t exactly remember how I first fell off my bike but I remember the moment I hit the ground. I landed to the side, my chin bounced off the sidewalk once, causing me to bite my bottom lip open, and then the side of my head smacked against the ground before the rest of my bike fell on top of me. Like any dumb college student I wasn’t wearing a helmet. I lay there, stunned, and watched as the skateboarder quickly glanced back and proceeded to speed away. I remember bystanders coming up to me and asking if I was okay, to which I responded, “I’m fine,” but in all honesty I was still processing what had just happened. After a while I managed to get myself back on the bike and headed to class. By the next day I was experiencing major headaches and nausea, and yesterday I finally decided to go to the doctor. Got diagnosed with a mild concussion. I’m only now starting to feel “out of the fog” but my head hasn’t stopped pounding, I’ve been having trouble focusing and I keep needing to have things repeated to me. Was told to expect up to two weeks of recovery. And that’s not to mention the busted chin, split lip and bruised rib. Lesson being: wear a helmet. Also, don’t be a jerk and swerve in front of people.

  • @scorqio
    @scorqio 4 роки тому +29

    I hope you all are feeling ok 🤙🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾

  • @pantyflash
    @pantyflash 9 років тому +9

    Like, you could be just cruising along (enjoying life) when all of the sudden, (out of the blue), Bonk! & your brain is hosed. Way to go, babes!

  • @ShelbyKayla
    @ShelbyKayla 3 роки тому +11

    I was bucked off a horse (up into the air), landed back on the horse, smashed my face into the saddle horn which knocked me unconscious, and then fell off the horse directly onto my head. I suffered a severe concussion with amnesia. Lost about 17 hours of time. According to my family, the concussion also caused emotional outbursts and vomiting. But I was back in the saddle before my 30 day recovery was even up lol

    • @sabelaxx2
      @sabelaxx2 3 роки тому +1

      Good for you! This gives me hope, I suffered a minor concussion on June 1 do to a car accident, I smacked my head pretty hard and had a big bump on my forhead for a week. The day after the concussion was the worst 😪I couldn't do anything, I had no appetite, was dizzy and I threw up a lot but 16 days later I feel so much better! The bump is gone and I'm almost back to normal, I'm just worried about the long-term affects this may have on me, I'm really trying to stay positive and not think about it to much

    • @Aditya_raj_17
      @Aditya_raj_17 2 роки тому

      @@sabelaxx2 how are you know?, does medication required for concussion?

    • @potato-pz6tu
      @potato-pz6tu 2 роки тому

      @@sabelaxx2 Hope you're doing well ❤️ ♥️ ❤️ ♥️

    • @tomohawkcloud
      @tomohawkcloud 2 роки тому

      @@sabelaxx2 you still good?

  • @Oblio1942
    @Oblio1942 3 роки тому +10

    the immediate effects suck, being dizzy all the time not being able to focus feeling like youre going to fall every time you take a shower all the massive headaches ect. What really sucks are the long term effects. Ive had two concussions and i cant focus too well anymore, people tell me I just stare into the abyss, still random headaches, and the flashbacks. And not knowing anythings wrong untill the next day or like 2 days later when you actually realize the missing time or realize somethings not right is scary

    • @potato-pz6tu
      @potato-pz6tu 2 роки тому

      How are you doing now? Wish you a speedy recovery ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

    • @hairynipps2599
      @hairynipps2599 2 роки тому

      I’ve had 2 also 😆 and very great full. I know people with 15 or 30 concussions.

  • @jackvanvalen3731
    @jackvanvalen3731 2 роки тому +4

    Anybody else watching this concussed

  • @mookroo1892
    @mookroo1892 9 років тому +6

    Once I ran into a pole in my school that connects to the basketball hoop and I hit that super hard like I was sprinting and I stayed down and I couldn't move for two three seconds and I was super dizzy. I don't know if I got a concussion by the way I hate loud music😁

  • @helmetdoc
    @helmetdoc 11 років тому

    Good video!

  • @mili_powell
    @mili_powell 5 років тому +8

    I hit my head on a brick wall and then 3 days later someone kicked a football at my head, I was off school for 6 weeks! I've had concussion for two and a half years now and I'm still getting dizzy!!!

  • @deadmuffin4825
    @deadmuffin4825 7 років тому +1

    I was skim boarding in a contest and I hit my head on the sand and my vision went blurry

  • @danaborich3086
    @danaborich3086 5 років тому +3

    I slipped on the concrete from a piece of ice and hit my head and I got a mild concussion

  • @emmab508
    @emmab508 4 роки тому +1

    I was in like 6th grade and I got into a bike accident; I couldn’t see, dont remember anything, I got like, flashes of black and white that I could see occasionally but not much. Concussions suck

  • @jackrettinger5659
    @jackrettinger5659 11 років тому +1

    Nice vid

  • @madydoucet1852
    @madydoucet1852 5 років тому +3

    My concussion was nine months in and I was seeing a neurologist no school for three months I went to camp nine months in still complete headaches and than I got another one and I feel like I'm gonna die like trust me ik how it feels

  • @Oblio1942
    @Oblio1942 3 роки тому +1

    my first concussion I knew about was after rolling a car into a ditch in high school and I just wanted to fight everyone. second one I smacked my head real hard on my roof racks then a few weeks later I got rear endedvreally hard and now my add is even worse and my temper is a lot shorter, my reading is slower and Ive forgotten most of the german I learned as a kid

  • @rimacr
    @rimacr Рік тому

    I had 3 concussions at a camp when i was 13, it was minor and it was from a sailboat boom. i had a migrane for a couple days and sensitivity to light and sound. then a week later i got shoved into a cement pole and got another minor concussion symptoms were a little worse with a couple memory issues nothing terrible. another week later i revived my 3rd concussion. i was going on this thing called the blob. (basically a water catapult) i was supposed to land in the water but instead i landed on the boat dock. (this is where i passed out so the rest of this story is from other people) i was pulled out of the water and then taken to rest in one of the camp beds. apparently i woke up every 10 or so minutes for the first hour and then didn’t wake up anymore. after a full 2 days of me being asleep they took me to the hospital and there i was given a full head ct and mri at well as a blood test. i woke up on my second day at the hospital (this is where i start to remember stuff) i woke up not knowing where i was with two camp councilors i had never met and to tubes coming out of my head. (one suctioning blood out of putting blood in im not rly sure, the other pumping medicine in) i also had an iv, heart, and brain monitor. i was so confused and it was the middle of the night. once i woke up they did a bunch of tests on me. found out i had paralyzed my right hand from the elbow down and had short term memory loss. they discharged me from the hospital after 2 days with no injuries other than a hairline fracture on my spine and a damaged retina. In the weeks after i couldnt stand or see, i also couldnt do simple things (touch my nose or grab something) i’m now 4 months out with my only chronic issues being: Vertigo, chronic migrane, short term memory loss, concussion induced depression, risk of CTE and decreased mobility on my right side. i’ll have those forever. I am rly lucky these are my only issues and i can fully walk and now and go to school.

    • @Cookie_Comment
      @Cookie_Comment Місяць тому

      wow… i can’t imagine three concussions in a month :’( enjoy a juice or glass of water and soak in the summer. glad you’re ok :)

  • @copycruel
    @copycruel 3 роки тому

    Just fell off a scooter and got a ring in my head, thought I was dying, and went on grass, so now it hurts, what do I do?

  • @loveaffefction
    @loveaffefction 2 роки тому

    I was running on the stairs and i guess i jumped too high so i hit my head on a wood, at first i didn’t pay much attention to it cause i thought the pain will go away immediately but 2 days after i started feeling headaches, dizziness. my forehead hurts so much and my nose too, i was kinda scared that something serious happened cause i have no idea what a concussion is. eventually i healed but three days ago my friend was laughing, she got too excited that she throwed her head back and that cause her to bump her head to mine, it hurts so bad i wanna cry that time. i told her it was fine and went on my day but now i have a concussion again ugh

  • @giselleyanet9661
    @giselleyanet9661 4 роки тому

    One day I was jumping over a fence to get a paper that was on the other side, and when I was going to jump over the fence again, I fell face/ head first to these stairs that were made out of cement and my head got cut open and got a concussion. There was blood everywhere 😖 and the weird feeling that your head is losing a lot of blood from one side with a headache is just so uncomfortable. And the ringing at the impact too.

  • @Jourdainist
    @Jourdainist 3 роки тому

    There Goes my childhood memories. Wish i could have known about concussions back then

  • @7Pxndx7
    @7Pxndx7 2 роки тому +2

    I have a concussion and nobody believes me just because I’m able to walk without falling like my head was literally slammed against the wall and my head won’t stop hurting and I’m always nauseous and I’m losing my memories and they gonna say I’m fine like I’m not fine

  • @nathankelly3509
    @nathankelly3509 3 роки тому +3

    I slipped in a bathtub then I think I broke my nose and got a concussion

  • @amaya_otaku_pro4135
    @amaya_otaku_pro4135 3 роки тому

    I think I just had one, I'm a stroke victim, suffered 1 twelve years ago , 5 days ago I woke up on the floor bloody lip, bloody nose , 2 black eyes and I have no idea what happend ,I do live by myself and door was locked all the time , just got out out of the hospital and wasn't told anything about if I suffered one , and still feel stupid ,but I do feel a lil bit better .... I think I have a concussion 🤪

  • @Someone-tf1tk
    @Someone-tf1tk 2 роки тому

    You know, when I was ten my little brother stood on my head while I was sitting down and for some reason I just took it because it didn’t really hurt.
    Anyways we had a fun A&E trip at 10pm that night.

  • @maddylopez4284
    @maddylopez4284 8 років тому +7

    I have a concussion and I broke my nose and chipped 2 teeth all because so kid ran into me

    • @aaravsingh3027
      @aaravsingh3027 3 роки тому +1

      my teeth got chipped while playing cricket.

  • @Jam3s3290
    @Jam3s3290 3 роки тому

    I was hanging upside from the monkey bars on my birthday and I got light headed the first time but I did it again and I blacked out. I wake up crying with my dad trying to see if I was okay and I was. I don’t know if I got a concussion or not but when I got home my mom told me not to go to sleep. I still don’t know why I was 10 then I’m 12 now

  • @juliama7992
    @juliama7992 2 роки тому

    I was pulling the curtain to the right so i could go outside to the balcony and then the curtain rod fell on my head and now i have a big bump and i'm sooo anxious.
    The first time i've hurt my head was 2 months ago i crushed into an iron when i was trying to jump on a boat. I fell down and i hurt and the back of my head....but i'm ok i guess

  • @brianpaxtor7201
    @brianpaxtor7201 2 роки тому

    i just got a concussion bout a few days ago from a 3lb ball falling on my head and i i haven’t got a check up yet but i think it’s best if i do since i’m having most of the symptoms

    • @Aditya_raj_17
      @Aditya_raj_17 2 роки тому

      How are you know brian?, actually i just got concussion 2 days ago will it go on it's own? Or should i check a dr??

  • @TheChefShipwreckinAlaska
    @TheChefShipwreckinAlaska 4 роки тому +1

    Fell down my stairs

    @TAKEYOBITCHMUSIC 7 років тому +1

    I'm scared I wanna do wresting and I got ddt it can crush ur skull and I had trouble sleeping and I also herd if u get 3 Concussions u might not be able to wrestle again plus this big ass bump trouble even talking normal not really tho

  • @madydoucet1852
    @madydoucet1852 6 років тому +1

    i have a concussion from getting hit in the head with a basketball and right now ive been off school for 8 weeks and ive been going to a neurologest its been hard

    • @madydoucet1852
      @madydoucet1852 6 років тому +1

      i will not be completely better for another 9 month or more

    • @gracievore206
      @gracievore206 4 роки тому +1

      Heyy that’s how i got my first concussion

  • @bryanrodas9808
    @bryanrodas9808 9 років тому +1

    I was playing soccer in the cement and then my friend pushed me i blacked out for 5 seconds when i got up i had a big headache and i was dissy i couldnt see that good also my friends carried me to the office at school they said i had a concussion and then they called my mom and told her to pick me up and take me to the hospital

  • @GoldenFoxProductionStudios
    @GoldenFoxProductionStudios 2 роки тому +1

    I’m here because my little brother threw a cup at my head and I feel kinda weird

  • @datrice6350
    @datrice6350 3 роки тому +2

    I was playing football and I ran into my friend who had a helmet on and it didn’t hurt until later and I want to figure out if I have a concussion

  • @niamograce9321
    @niamograce9321 9 років тому +3

    I got one because a kid pulled my chair from out under me... And I hit my head on the wall.

  • @sparklymishy96
    @sparklymishy96 9 років тому +2

    I got a mild concussion once from being kicked in the head in Tae Kwon Do.

  • @aerismcdaniel3025
    @aerismcdaniel3025 7 років тому

    I was playing football and I had the ball and I was running and I was wearing DC hightops and there really slippery and I fell back into the spotty grass/hard dirt stuff and I have had a headache for about 5 hours and I couldn't concentrate in my classes after that do I have one

    • @aerismcdaniel3025
      @aerismcdaniel3025 7 років тому

      Yeah but I never went to a hospital, on a complete different event about 2 weeks ago I crashed my fourwheeler and got a cuncussion and short term amnesia.

    • @aerismcdaniel3025
      @aerismcdaniel3025 7 років тому

      Yep all good now tho

  • @frenchfriesx4808
    @frenchfriesx4808 6 років тому +2

    I got a seizure then I had a concussion

  • @spanky411
    @spanky411 2 роки тому

    My brother hit me in the head with a golf ball lol

  • @hello_1i1i
    @hello_1i1i 2 роки тому

    i have one right now, i’m a figure skater and during practice i slipped and hit the back of my head on the ice

    • @isabellamaria4680
      @isabellamaria4680 2 роки тому

      That happened to me yesterday, how do you feel now?

  • @Braap78
    @Braap78 9 років тому

    Today I tripped and hit my head on the cement and I'm really dizzy and tired

  • @itzbrezaa
    @itzbrezaa 3 роки тому +1

    just now i was doing flips, and during a twist flip, i smashed my head onto the wood, im dizzy rn but thats it

  • @mreverstrucked23
    @mreverstrucked23 2 роки тому

    I just got one yesterday I hit my head on the ice

  • @eakin21
    @eakin21 3 роки тому +1

    I was hit by a car while skating

  • @MyPierre93
    @MyPierre93 9 років тому +3

    7 months of this nightmare

    • @r-7012
      @r-7012 6 років тому

      oprah pierre how are you doing now? I had my concussion 9 months ago playing basketball and still messed up from it

    • @mili_powell
      @mili_powell 5 років тому

      Your lucky I have had mine for two and a half years and counting

    • @lindsay4996
      @lindsay4996 5 років тому

      me too girl

  • @blakehearon3393
    @blakehearon3393 4 роки тому

    Look up stem cell therapy for brain damage

  • @sophiathompson7891
    @sophiathompson7891 8 років тому +2

    It's no big deal unless it's really bad

    • @lissiev.8580
      @lissiev.8580 7 років тому +10

      Concussions should always be taken seriously, no matter how mild or severe it is