I'm definitely feeling the burnout too. I used to play almost every single day, but nowadays I'll log on to ESO just to do part of a zone quest before getting bored and logging out again. The corporate greed is the root of so many of ESO's problems 😔
ESO is just a social network like Facebook to me. I don't care about the gameplay anymore but just keep playing so I can hang out with friends and chat about life in general over discord.
I am an ESO veteran. I have played since beta, have most trial achievements (Gryphon Heart, Godslayer, Kyne's Wrath, etc.), and enjoyed the game for years. The reason I quit was, despite the game being extremely fun, it is way too grindy. To have fun, you need to be in a good trial guild. To be in a good trial guild, you need good gear. In every single patch, it seems that Zenimax nerfs the best gear to get you to buy the new DLC. Grinding to get new gear is an absolute pain, to the point where I dread almost every patch. If Zenimax stopped with the blatant power creep, it might be enough for me to come back, but I don't see this happening. I simply don't have enough time to put into the game for me to enjoy it.
Exactly. Why have lateral progression if you have to constantly grind the latest and most OP stuff anyway? It defeats the purpose of lateral progression.
buying dlcs for your dlc is what you do for every system though, antiquities, tales of tribute, companions etc. it would be fucking insane if zos did it for arcanist but also not terribly surprising
Power to everyone that is thinking about quitting or is in the process of quitting! I did it after being a day one! You guys can do it too. There are so many fun games out there to keep you happy and interested! I believe in all of you.
TBH I could say that about a lot of games. I quit FFXIV after 2 hours because it sucked so much more than ESO. If you try games there's going to be loads you don't jive with. So, with your motive, EVERONE QUIT WOW AND FFXIV THEY BOTH SUCK! (I quit both)
@@wynngwynn Honestly FFXIV has one of if not the best story of any RPG hands down... its just really long and quitting after 2 hours ... the game is boring in the beginning but later on the combat gets super fun
I almost quit a couple of weeks ago. Had a guild bank which I had since the beginning of game, which almost all of the people in the guild had stopped playing, I was guild leader and just used the bank for storage of event pages and stuff. I log in one day and the guild wasn't on my guild list, just gone. At first customer service said they had no record I was in the guild, then after I responded that I was the guild founder how could there be no record, they said that they can tell I was in the guild but could do nothing to get me back in, that I would have to reach out to the guild for an invite. I was pretty mad, but after back and forth several times it was obvious they would not even try to help/look into the matter. I would start calling them all the names that have come to mind but it is obvious they don't give a crap about someone who subscribed since day one. Hope some of the new games that come out this year can hold my attention so I can dump this game and the POS people who run it.
No offense to anyone who is a sawmanUK fan but frankly I continuously found his content in recent couple years to be just plain mean spirited or just blatantly offense towards ZOS. Call me crazy but you cannot expect a company to ever care about you or your complaints if all you do is mock their game and their company. No, this is not toxic positivity, it's me saying that I never felt informed seeing his posts on UA-cam, I just felt like I had walked in on a coworker whinging at work about how awful the CEO is. I'm surprised the guy didn't quit years ago because it seems like all he has done for the past 2 years at least is just make negative content and be upset instead of finding a game he actually enjoys.
I quitted ESO half a year ago, got all trifectas except for Rockgrove, people look for reasons why people are leaving ESO as if its not incredible clear, endgamers are not welcome on ESO, zenimax can't wait for you to leave as soon as possible, why would i spend months of my life and hundreds of dollars, rotation perfecting parsing, gear farming and dealing with toxic people for me to get nothing in return but some lame ass tittle and the "sense of acomplishment"...
"Endgamers are not welcome" that's really not true lol. I think bugs/lack of rewards make it less fun to do raids, but it's not like ESO and it's community are making raiders pariahs. That's a bit dramatic lol.
I love sawman, I've following like for 3 years. He made some unique and fun content for eso. It's kinda sad seeing him leave, but then i remember i also gave up on eso for the same reason lol
I can see a lot of his points there are definitely a lot of things they can improve on and with things never really changing in PvP land to make things better performance wise it can get frustrating. Plus him that time being a content creator for this game it gave him very little to work with. Heck I have been playing the game for about 7 years and I have had my fair share of frustrations, the only thing that has freshened up my view on the game has been funny enough making content that is out of the ordinary norms of what a guide should be for finding certain items. This has even helped me bring my wife to the game so I can now share all the fun stories and experiences with her. I Still like to catch a good Sawman video every once in a while though I enjoy the way he talks about things
I personally subscribe to the camp that if you are surprised an MMO has server issues on day 1 of a major release of any kind, you're a god damn fool you should expect server issues for at least 24 hours after launch now, that doesn't make it any less frustrating, and I understand the frustration...but if you expect a flawless launch form ANY mmo, you're a fool for all the shit I give ZoS, that ain't one of my issues
Then you have Guild Wars 2 over in the corner who can push expansion patches out with zero downtime. That game has such good server architecture that the community rioted over *1 hour of downtime* due to the login and account servers experiencing problems a few years ago.
I've been holding out for spellcrafting since 2014, heartbroken, so hearing you say you're giving them another 2 years is like... yeah man, I've been there.
True, the only things I have seen him put out about ESO for the past two years or so is just bashing the game or ZOS in meanspirited memes and posts. Dude needed to move on and find something that brings him joy in life instead of expecting me or others to want to join in on the hate train. Not only will ZOS not care about your tears or spite if you're acting cruel or nasty, but it's actually bad for your health. I'm happy for him.
SawmanUK is one of the funniest, wittiest, and most entertaining content creators to make videos that I've run across in years! I will still watch his stuff even if it doesn't cover ESO, though I'd love to see him make more snarky ESO videos they are great!
Crazy me, been playing ESO for 5 years and still enjoy the game. I have tried other MMO’s but don’t like the cartoony graphics or combat system which keeps me coming back. Least not, I enjoy the ESO gamer community…
Haha I know right? I'm always amused and amazed by some of the people who seem like their only interaction with ESO on UA-cam, Reddit, wherever is just constant complaining and bashing of ZOS and the game itself and then they leave the game and I'm expected to care? No. I know an asshole when I see one and I'm not sad when they leave regardless of how accurate or not their gripes were.
Cause in the core ESO is a good game. Sad thing, you have to eat through a ton of shit to get to that core. The incompetent retards working at ZoS not helping either.
I would love to see ESO come up with quests that had followable plots. Not so wordy with names we can’t remember ( so we can’t relate to characters in quest) . Quests like Assassins Creed or Witcher 2&3. Then make the content challenging with worthy rewards. Nuff said
sawman's criticisms on the insane monetization on microtransaction in ESO have been aging well...i mean shittt we just had the Shade Polymorph scam in the crown store.
I think flying mounts wouldn't go well with this game. I disliked them in WoW too as it takes you away from the world, you just fly above it. Plus travelling in ESO is already easy enough with the Wayshrines imo. Plus it wouldn't make much sense lore-wise either.
tbh I agree. THe zones would seem tiny with flying since you could just go over everything in a straight line. Imagine the air of blackwood being cluttered with a shitload of griffon flying mounts above the crafting area. Immersion would be even worse than it already is.
Totally agreed. Let me tell you that, actually, contrary to many people's worshipping of mounts in GW2 they actually ruined the game. That is, you travel SO fast through the game that it changed the entire meta of any zone. No longer do you just run to and fro and can actually enjoy your surroundings and get immersed in the game, on the contrary, since they added mounts in Path of Fire (an expansion) it has made maps/zones feel like background noise to the showy, glitzy, flashy mount skins that you can buy on their "Gem Store" their equivalent of the Crown Store. It has completely drained much of the world of meaning and made me enjoy the game less. It made an already semi-arcadey feeling MMO feel EVEN MORE like an arcade game or platformer, thus, not like a real, living, breathing, fantasy world to be immersed in. It's like the same feeling as if you ONLY ever took a taxi in a city but never got out and explored the streets on foot: can you really say you experienced the city?
@@TonyTynebridge I mean theoretically, flying mounts are GREAT, but in reality, they simply wouldn't work with ESO because the maps aren't designed for players to go that high. The map creation teams do a lot of image overlay, mesh and texture magic in order to create visual illusions for the player to create senses of depth or to achieve structure whilst maintaining or achieving certain game performance levels. With flying mounts, you would probably be tripling the work devs must do to create each individual map. This is why in games like GW2 which have been created since Path of Fire appear actually quite devoid of true exploration or believability, because they have to be tailored to the fact that mounts can climb the highest building or soar above everything else. That is an incredible demand from a dev team who is merely trying to create an Elder Scrolls game experience. Flying mounts simply don't have a place in ESO as much as I'd love to have a Gryphon to fly on like a Welkynar Altmer.
Yeah I still login to ESO each day but I gotta admit I've started picking up bdo (on console for that matter) and been playing it a hell of a lot more. And that's without even being able to follow the story (I genuinely don't even know if there is one) and can barely read anything that's accessible through the menu since I don't think there's a way to change the font size lol
He isn't wrong; with a loyal following you would think they would focus on the comments from the community on the bugs and issues with the game as it stands now.
Aww, I would have loved to see my two favorite content creators collaborate! And I wouldn't be surprised if you get one or two free books/pages for the new class but have to pay if you want to be able to collect/craft with more diversity.
Will the finally fix the bug with the pirate quest at Coldharbour after 7 years of it existing with this new chapter? Or the second boss in lair of maarselok which stays frozen in place at 0 health and breaks the entire dungeon? lolololol
I mean that the PvP servers are still having performance issues is just crazy And BGs? You can only choose randomized gamemodes while nearly the whole community wants to have the possibilty to choose a gamemode like deathmatch
I think this is the biggest problem. Pvp. The questing is good enough, it's not grub hub simulator like WOW or other games. I don't like deathmatch (too boring I like having other mechanics thrown in while trying to kill people sort of why I like cyro) but...I get a lot of bg people want to chose specific games. The performance is the biggest thing. They really need to figure that shit out.
They didn't skip the Imperial City event, they retired it. They skipped midyear because they are dedicated to making that a once a year event instead of two hence the renaming of it last year.
I'm probably one of the crazy ones. I've been playing ESO for about 5 years. Granted, I just do PVE since I don't care about PVP but I still really enjoy ESO and managed to enjoy U35 and U36, I thought the story for High Isle and Galen were decent and I enjoy the grind of getting new gear. Recently I started doing end game content with streamers and it's been wonderful. Personally, I'm really looking forward to U37 and U38.
Yeah, I dunno, I enjoy the game. I was in his shoes regarding WoW, so I quit playing and started playing ESO and have been having fun with it. Godspeed to anyone in this guy's shoes.
Enjoyed your reaction!😎👍o7. I watched this guy’s video, when it came out and just took it as somebody that enjoys editing 🤣. He is very (or whomever edits his videos) good at it and it was entertaining!😎👍. But, he didn’t mention anything that isn’t obvious in any of the games we play that are around for more than 5 years, they have to make money and cannot survive of the original sales profits, it’s that way for any commodity in the entire world! It’s up to the consumer if they feel, they can afford it, buy it, if they can’t or it’s not feasible, then act accordingly as they would with anything they previously own and paid for and must decide to invest more in or just appreciate their investment where it’s at and continue without more investment or invest more, if further investment is valid, based on your financial or life situations. Life’s simple, just keep it simple😎👍 o7 (I’m a 7+ year ESO player)
He had all valid points to be honest. I have not left yet, but I am feeling more as more what has burned them out. For me, the shit reward system is an ongoing aggravation from way back. If I do end up bailing though, most likely it will be due to the constant nerf cycle and repeatedly flipping things on their head. Theorycrafting and experimenting with sets, rotations, and overall builds has always my one legitimate passion with these sorts of games, *especially* with ESO. They are trying kill that, and if they do succeed then I am done.
Tbh I agree with him. The monetization is annoying. My wife is a wow player (been playing for 10 plus years) I picked up wow also. You can get flashy mounts by in game achievements not gambling with crown crates. You don't have to pay 15 dollars to get a respec nor do you have to annoyingly travel to your home to do so, you can just do it where you are. You also can change the hair style, and look of your character with hard earned gold in game without being forced to do it with real money. Basically all the little things other MMO'S have in them for free, such as a crafting bag, flashy mounts, or respecs out in the open world that ultimately make the game more fun you have to pay 15 plus for. It's obvious corporate greed. They get all this money for charging for basic small features other games have and can't even update the servers or fix the damn game smh.
As usual ty for the post. As as vet player of eso one of the biggest failures of zos is pvp. Zos way to update pvp is to nerf PvE. Also, the crown store has been getting a little out of control for sure.. I can fully understand why people who love to create leave jobs that the creative flavor turned into a cash cow. As a player of dark age of Camelot, Warhammer then wow and now eso, I see the dam is not broken, but the bubble gum patches are starting to burst. Again ty for the post.
Is it better to have them make you pay for new spells all year or for them to just kinda abandon it after launch like some other features we've gotten?
Can someone email this to Zos. Let’s just all get together and buy them out.. They need a pvp chapter. Sypher quit back then primarily because of pvp not getting updates or attention. Get Elon to buy them out.
I uninstalled the game last year during u35. Reinstalled it again, but the game is so shitty without add-ons and eso plus that i could not stand for more than 10 minutes and uninstalled again.
Sawman rocks, salty as eff about ESO pvp and its other content but spot on about the games problems. I quit after 4 years, did all the overland quests, all dungeons and 1 or 2 raids but the pvp was my main reason for playing the game. Cyrodiil became unplayable on PCEU, spent a LOT of time there and the lag just got worse and worse. Broke my heart to leave but I gave Zenimax enough chances. They also hate pvp sweatlords and treat us like dirt.
It's insanity. It's an MMO, and the big draw outside of the TES IP was the tri-alliamce war. That was the ongoing story that was shown in the beginning, and the shambling corpse of Cyro has been dragging along ever since. I would drop PvE in a heartbeat if/when Cyro gets fixed, but when I can hit abilities and wait 5 seconds for it to go off, there is 0 point in playing. Meanwhile I'll get snipe stacked and fall over because I got 4 moves dropped on me at once because the server can't handle the normal timing.
I'm of the same mindset as sawman, though I will play the game as long as I can play pvp. I don't touch GH at all anymore, only play side campaigns, IC and some battlegrounds. The moment I can't PVP or if the performance makes the less populate campaigns unplayable, I will leave. As long as I can at least play my niche, I will play but I don't play nearly as much as I used to, because there's a lot of other games that have my interest. I wouldn't recommend people play the waiting game, I'd say if you're waiting for something to change to put the game down play something else and come back after the time has passed if you don't enjoy the state of the game.
So I think I understand the logic he has about the new class being monetized; he thinks the archanist will be like antiquities to Greymoor, then the new books/pages for archanist that ZOS hints at will be like each mythic that came out after Greymoor (Harpooners Kilt, Oakensoul, etc.) So you’ll need to buy 4 dlcs to enjoy the class to fullest potential.. But while I understand his logic, I don’t know if that will happen, because ZOS choosing to monetize a single class like that when there are 6 other options would be pigeonholing the “whales” into being the only people to buy it. They do it with antiquities and mythics because you can slap them on other builds. The only way I’d believe it is if they put class upgrades to the current classes in the store/future dlcs (which that could happen lol!) I do typically like a lot of what Saw has to say, although I could do with a bit less of the hyperbole and middle schooler memes peppered throughout his videos. I’m surprised he’s only just now quitting, and hopefully he finds a new game(s) to enjoy!
I think the problem is he was intent on quitting and made a reactionary video rather than actually digesting the information presented in a reasonable way. Clearly "the first page" is just marketing fluff to play with the theme of the class in a way to say, this is just the first look we are showing of the class, more to show later.
People always need something to blame. I play many mmo's, monetization is not massive here just that they got a system to allow you to get crown rewards for in-game efforts is phenomenal! But people need something to blame, when really they are just tired of play the same old game year after year. Fact is ESO is one of the great MMO's, it has a great stylistic sense, amazing story content, far more interesting itemization than all the other biggest mmos and also a great skill system. Ppl just accumulate jaded over time, they get their annoyances about something something that is never addressed or a type of choice devs are making and over time those small things grow into something huge like in a relationship you can lose it with the small behaviours over time. Just leave and play something else if you are burned out, there are several great mmos out there you can sink thousands of hours into, and for others feeling that way about those games maybe its time they meet eso. When you realize ppl are stuck in the jaded zone its time to stop listening to them because that feeling will infest you and make you focus on the small annoyances from the very start rather than getting sucked into all the good things. That is why you always have to be careful with forum/online negativity - its feeding off each other and looking for new victims to infest with the negative thinking. His final point is you are just being milked for cash. LMAO there is so much content to play here unless its your main game for years you likely wont see it all. It's massive, and all voiced. The value for your money in eso is insane. This is a story / pve / atmospheric game and it excels at it. If you want pvp maybe wait for archeage 2 or ashes of creation. Diablo 4 comes too for mindless fun.
What in the hell are you talking about? Why do you have "no doubt"? What current or past examples of that can you even provide to use as substance for your cynical prediction?
@@r4bbit762 Yes, but the original poster here is quite confidently claiming that ZOS will include either skills or spells in the crown store for the Arcanist.
We should all band together and boycott the new dlc and chapter.. and for every Arcanist in PVP>---tanks should be ignored, healers and DPS should be zergged down and teabagged relentlessly for no reason than being the ugly stepchild of ESO
I have played only pvp for more than a year and ESO is losing me too, i was playing like 6-8 hours of cyrodiil everyday, and now i join the campiagn, play like 30 min of pvp and im already burnt out and just quit the game to do anything else. So im pretty sure when Diablo 4 drops, i won't be playing this game for a long time.
Shiiiiit I took an 18 months vacation, and came back as a filthy casual recently. Playing bgs maybe once a week. I'm playing ghost of tsushima and omg I should've played it sooner
"Do you need another beginner's guide 8 years into a game?" Actually yes lol. There's lots of stuff ESO doesn't teach new players and the amount of people failing through the beginning parts of the game can turn some people off. Also, players years in don't know basic shit about the game because nobody told them (and the game doesn't explain it). It's actually a problem.
I think it depends on whether or not the player is doing pve or pvp content. If they're just doing overland, no help is needed. Even with pve i could just tell you rotations, dot uptime (because now we have timers so it's far easier to see when to refresh), and what sets to try for.
That is true but the thing is, the game has terrible player retention as is anyways. They always flaunt "20 million players" but we know those 20 million have come and gone considering player charts tell another story. Lack of player understanding does contribute to that, but the main people who play it are the players would be playing the game irrespective, the vets, the people who need those are more than likely not gonna stay long, that 20 million will keep growing but active player counts won't.
I dont pvp but I always watched sawmans videos because they are pure comedy genius! I'll miss his videos and I agree with everything he says about the game especially lack of rewards but I still enjoy the game so I'll be playing the next chapter but I cant see myself playing it long after that not with all the other games coming out. The worst thing about eso is the dev team are continually feeding us lies and f**king up the combat patch after patch. Its not the game itself that is bad its the people behind it that gets me down.
I remember when Skyrim first came out, the memes went mainstream. Skyrim had done what few games had and crossed the barrier into the mainstream culture. Kids who had never played rpgs before played Skyrim. ESO could have built on that. ESO should have been one of the biggest MMOs around and should have numbers comparable to FF14. Instead, we now have a game that is so boring, buggy and straight-up unplayable at times that it could be dead in a year.
He's right about talent and money being redirected into their new game. Housing whales very legit too - he didn't mention gambling... But many players won't preorder this time and since they're releasing so late, if something with better pvp comes along, then everyone will just wander off in silent mass exodus no 3. (New World/The PvE Meltdown Exodus of 2021). I guess the main takeaway is the bitterness of all the pvp players who kept waiting to be noticed after all the experiments they did for years, the super secret We Have A Performance Plan 3 year plan lie. Of course he's mad and distrustful. It's surprising pvers havn't drawn the obvious conclusions about what this means for them -but they'll get there.
I hope the monetization of a class is too much for ZOS. GW2 did it. That on top of many other aspects of the game drove me to quit eventually. I got completely fed up with the game and losing a non-account bound item that was purchased for $$$ in their in game shop was the final straw for me. I clicked through some warning boxes and upon getting that sinking feeling I realized I was just completely done with the way they had monetized the game. It was a permanent tool for harvesting that could be lost if deleting a character with it in the inventory. The whole situation made me so mad I went "fuck this game forever" and never played it again. A feature like that should be account bound. It's an insidious game design choice to make an item like that destroyable. That was in 2015 or 2016. Haven't looked back. TL;DR I deleted an alt on GW2 and lost out on a real money purchase that by all sane game design should have been an account-bound item. Also, GW2 really did add class "evolutions" aka new skill trees and specializations as part of new expansions. Exactly what sawmanUK is worried about.
I don't think "elite specializations" is a problem as long as you have proper balancing. New options for play is totally fine as long as you're merely giving classes new ways to engage with one another than do not trump any only ways of play. GW2 however didn't really fix that because their balance team was just...was it even there for many years? But also ironically I left GW2 for ESO and haven't looked back.
Gimme my Alufoil hat fast...because i really think he had a Point with the extra Spellbuying Shit etc. Haha xD I wished a would not have returned after my few Month of Break because ZOS BS I couldn't Take anymore xD Now i am actually hyped for this new Chapter and trapped again in the Machine lol It's like finally, after years, leaving a very toxic Relationsship and getting back again....i am so stupid xD
My prediction for the New Class is that it’s going to feel really clunky, slow and just not be fun to play - it’s flashy yes, but I don’t think it’s going to be a very popular class in say, a year.
they couldnt manage balancing the other 6 - changes were drastic in skills on the regular. I am glad i left after the last update, adding another class they wont manage well isnt that exciting to me. #sortofmisspvp
Wouldn't be so bad if there wasnt all these stupid stun locks. Sometimes, you just get locked in the ground and its ridiculous. Stuns should not be back to back. Period
Seeing as some MMORPG games display features clearly missing in ESO, I do wonder how ZOS intends to bribe us - veteran players - to stay. Because, given their history, they will fail. Sure, you can always milk new people...
Not an airport, no need to announce departures. Don't know why these folks are so self-absorbed they think they need to take their last petty shots at a game that helped give them their name. Just post content for the new games you're interested in and get on with it, nobody cares.
There is a simple fix to the game. Add new "NON COSMETIC" stuff to grind for that is not item sets/gear. I want for just examples guild halls or capes or some new stuff to put my time into plus a masstive PvP fix or addition or else this game is done for good
tbh cosmetics are a large motivator for doing things. They could have mostly cosmetic rewards (Good ones, not just titles) and people would be all about it. Also if they were for tokens that took a while to accrue and tradeable there'd be a reason for raiders to repeat things they already have all the rewards for. Just my 2 cents. The clockwork reliquary keeps people who have IR already to continue in Asylum to grind it. That thing is worth a lot.
LOL yes. I'm surprised he held out this long, like wtf? I don't think I even subscribed to him but his posts kept appearing in my feed and it was ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS incredibly negative, whiny, cruel or mean spirited directed not just at the game but at ZOS as a company. The last person most ESO players will care about is someone leaving their game who is just a source of total bad PR and drama. Sure maybe that was different years ago and what generated him some fans and friends, IDK, but it pushed me away from ever wanting to hear his perhaps valid concerns.
If they wanted to make more money from housing, just let us buy whatever house we want when we want, don't have the cut off your nose to spite your face attitude of this house is currently not for sale...? Just a thought...
Yeah I gotta be honest my money would be much better placed in diablo 4 then continuing to play eso. I'm about 70 percent sure when diablo 4 comes out my eso subscription will end. I'd rather buy daiblo 4 and dead island 2 then pay for the new eso expansion.
I hate these people who not only shaming a game, but anyone who says they enjoy it for one reason or another.. like holy f. people must have sad life to spend it spitting on anyone who likes game they spent thousands hours themselves.. just bc they got bored of it. Same with Skyrim.. "How dare you like game that looks sht on 50m less and is sht.." 😂
How is that?!?! There are TONS of ways in which ESO is actually MORE suited to casual players than hardcore players...whether the clear benefits of doing easy daily quests or daily writs or just the way you can easily complete a whole set of quests in a short duration and get closure to that story in the same day, etc. If anything ESO is more suited to "pick up and play" than the opposite.
That makes no sense at all. I mean they are making one-bar builds stronger, adding caps and nerfing skill ceilings. If you play now and get ESO+ for like $10 a month and you pretty much have thousands of hours of content and DLC to play like it's a gazillion Elder Scroll games in one. You can't even barely die now too, you can solo nearly anything.
I mean, in fairness, Else and Sawman have been more or less threatening to quit the game for like 2 years. Honestly, I think it's good to make some room. It's not that the point isn't sound, but they've been crying about it for years. I used to really like Sawman, then he just became another content creator talking about how shitty the game is. Don't get me wrong, he's hella funny, and honestly, a really good player, but, I think it's about f'ing time he moves on.
But to sit and cater to a smaller group of vet players vs larger group of would be newer players seems kind of counter productive. As a solo player ( because being in a group of people I don't give a flying F about but only need them to do content ) is like baby sitting and I don't feel like baby sitting to play a game. Once all you youngsters that "have friends" get married and have kids and have a career that takes up most of your time, you'll find out you don't really have friends anymore as everyone grew up or has died. Welcome to life... Now you can start streaming to have your community "help" you. But again, that's going to be a small group of people and not everyone and that shouldn't be Zos target audience but currently is. This guy talks about "the game is so easy" but start over from scratch, only play solo and see where you get. You hit a wall and everything else is too difficult to continue vs April 2020 or before update 27 ish, you could actually do some vet dungeons that are no where possible today.. But everyone cried "too tanky" "too much healing" "too much DPS" and the game is in the shit state it is today. One could argue this was the "Cyrodiil" pvp only community but personally it was the "end game" raiding community as well. And go F your self solo players and normal casual ( largest group ) players. ( it's like the middle class in the US, image that ) But I can't say this is only ESO as I also play FO76 and the same thing is happening there.. Since after Wastelanders update, all content is almost impossible solo vs before it was doable.. And the focus on the "in shop" items is the main focus. They nerfed the hell out of damage and resistance and all the newest content you floor plant, not to mention they went through everyone's stash items and removed mods they didn't like. Lucky they have "custom" game mode and you can turn up damage and resistance but it doesn't count towards your official level \ account. So personally I think this is rooted higher up than just Zos....
Hey i know that guy 🙀
A true Eso legend has been lost to monetization. Press F to pay respect.
I do look forward to see your future content still
Love yah Sawman! You’ll be back, i just know it! You’re too good @ bashing ESO & many of us love it!
@@ESO_PRIME why you doubting my boy's resolve for..?
@@lordbane5627 because deep down inside I know he loves the game, hence why the frustration.
Never underestimate Zos’s greed. I’m surprised Zos hasn’t put their grandparents in the crownstore
Belethor moment
dfont worry, theyre in the sweatshop programming
I’ve been on the fence about quitting for a while. This video helped me to more easily make that decision.
The game lost its way, and the crown store blows chunks. Fuck the item bloat, take your craft bag and shove it
I'm definitely feeling the burnout too. I used to play almost every single day, but nowadays I'll log on to ESO just to do part of a zone quest before getting bored and logging out again. The corporate greed is the root of so many of ESO's problems 😔
Same. Haven't played since October. I've taken breaks before but it feels like im done for good now.
ESO is just a social network like Facebook to me. I don't care about the gameplay anymore but just keep playing so I can hang out with friends and chat about life in general over discord.
I am an ESO veteran. I have played since beta, have most trial achievements (Gryphon Heart, Godslayer, Kyne's Wrath, etc.), and enjoyed the game for years. The reason I quit was, despite the game being extremely fun, it is way too grindy. To have fun, you need to be in a good trial guild. To be in a good trial guild, you need good gear. In every single patch, it seems that Zenimax nerfs the best gear to get you to buy the new DLC. Grinding to get new gear is an absolute pain, to the point where I dread almost every patch. If Zenimax stopped with the blatant power creep, it might be enough for me to come back, but I don't see this happening. I simply don't have enough time to put into the game for me to enjoy it.
At least the game works for pvers
@@P4NxC4K3 that's debatable lol
Exactly. Why have lateral progression if you have to constantly grind the latest and most OP stuff anyway? It defeats the purpose of lateral progression.
I agree. I simply don’t have enough time to make this game as enjoyable as it can be for me
Horizontal progression in ESO is fake
buying dlcs for your dlc is what you do for every system though, antiquities, tales of tribute, companions etc. it would be fucking insane if zos did it for arcanist but also not terribly surprising
Power to everyone that is thinking about quitting or is in the process of quitting! I did it after being a day one! You guys can do it too. There are so many fun games out there to keep you happy and interested! I believe in all of you.
TBH I could say that about a lot of games. I quit FFXIV after 2 hours because it sucked so much more than ESO. If you try games there's going to be loads you don't jive with. So, with your motive, EVERONE QUIT WOW AND FFXIV THEY BOTH SUCK! (I quit both)
@@wynngwynn Honestly FFXIV has one of if not the best story of any RPG hands down... its just really long and quitting after 2 hours ... the game is boring in the beginning but later on the combat gets super fun
@@WitchKingNoire ESO is way better than FF14 in terms of having PVP, the open world, crafing etc.
I almost quit a couple of weeks ago. Had a guild bank which I had since the beginning of game, which almost all of the people in the guild had stopped playing, I was guild leader and just used the bank for storage of event pages and stuff. I log in one day and the guild wasn't on my guild list, just gone. At first customer service said they had no record I was in the guild, then after I responded that I was the guild founder how could there be no record, they said that they can tell I was in the guild but could do nothing to get me back in, that I would have to reach out to the guild for an invite. I was pretty mad, but after back and forth several times it was obvious they would not even try to help/look into the matter. I would start calling them all the names that have come to mind but it is obvious they don't give a crap about someone who subscribed since day one. Hope some of the new games that come out this year can hold my attention so I can dump this game and the POS people who run it.
Buying DLCs for your DLCs - that what Mythics are at this point ! Mythics in High Isle are DLCs for original Mythics released in Greymore !
Rich Lambert is such a disingenuous person.
No offense to anyone who is a sawmanUK fan but frankly I continuously found his content in recent couple years to be just plain mean spirited or just blatantly offense towards ZOS. Call me crazy but you cannot expect a company to ever care about you or your complaints if all you do is mock their game and their company. No, this is not toxic positivity, it's me saying that I never felt informed seeing his posts on UA-cam, I just felt like I had walked in on a coworker whinging at work about how awful the CEO is. I'm surprised the guy didn't quit years ago because it seems like all he has done for the past 2 years at least is just make negative content and be upset instead of finding a game he actually enjoys.
I quitted ESO half a year ago, got all trifectas except for Rockgrove, people look for reasons why people are leaving ESO as if its not incredible clear, endgamers are not welcome on ESO, zenimax can't wait for you to leave as soon as possible, why would i spend months of my life and hundreds of dollars, rotation perfecting parsing, gear farming and dealing with toxic people for me to get nothing in return but some lame ass tittle and the "sense of acomplishment"...
"Endgamers are not welcome" that's really not true lol. I think bugs/lack of rewards make it less fun to do raids, but it's not like ESO and it's community are making raiders pariahs. That's a bit dramatic lol.
I love sawman, I've following like for 3 years. He made some unique and fun content for eso. It's kinda sad seeing him leave, but then i remember i also gave up on eso for the same reason lol
Like three times lol
Love sawman's vids! I still watch the non eso vids. He could still come and talk about the game, his experience, and his quitting.
that would be milking it a little much tbh. He already made that video.
I can see a lot of his points there are definitely a lot of things they can improve on and with things never really changing in PvP land to make things better performance wise it can get frustrating. Plus him that time being a content creator for this game it gave him very little to work with.
Heck I have been playing the game for about 7 years and I have had my fair share of frustrations, the only thing that has freshened up my view on the game has been funny enough making content that is out of the ordinary norms of what a guide should be for finding certain items. This has even helped me bring my wife to the game so I can now share all the fun stories and experiences with her.
I Still like to catch a good Sawman video every once in a while though I enjoy the way he talks about things
I personally subscribe to the camp that if you are surprised an MMO has server issues on day 1 of a major release of any kind, you're a god damn fool
you should expect server issues for at least 24 hours after launch
now, that doesn't make it any less frustrating, and I understand the frustration...but if you expect a flawless launch form ANY mmo, you're a fool
for all the shit I give ZoS, that ain't one of my issues
Then you have Guild Wars 2 over in the corner who can push expansion patches out with zero downtime. That game has such good server architecture that the community rioted over *1 hour of downtime* due to the login and account servers experiencing problems a few years ago.
Sad part is that all the “office” peeps in zos are happy to see him go. Rather than adress he issues he was talking about
I've been holding out for spellcrafting since 2014, heartbroken, so hearing you say you're giving them another 2 years is like... yeah man, I've been there.
Server stability is the most requested.
True plot: SawmanUK didn't find any idea how to make new memes about ESO, then he quit to make memes about new games coming in 2023.
when the game is the meme
True, the only things I have seen him put out about ESO for the past two years or so is just bashing the game or ZOS in meanspirited memes and posts. Dude needed to move on and find something that brings him joy in life instead of expecting me or others to want to join in on the hate train. Not only will ZOS not care about your tears or spite if you're acting cruel or nasty, but it's actually bad for your health. I'm happy for him.
@@isth3reno1else LUL
SawmanUK is one of the funniest, wittiest, and most entertaining content creators to make videos that I've run across in years! I will still watch his stuff even if it doesn't cover ESO, though I'd love to see him make more snarky ESO videos they are great!
Saw"Anyone new that disagrees with me is delusional and coping"manUK.
Crazy me, been playing ESO for 5 years and still enjoy the game. I have tried other MMO’s but don’t like the cartoony graphics or combat system which keeps me coming back. Least not, I enjoy the ESO gamer community…
Haha I know right? I'm always amused and amazed by some of the people who seem like their only interaction with ESO on UA-cam, Reddit, wherever is just constant complaining and bashing of ZOS and the game itself and then they leave the game and I'm expected to care? No. I know an asshole when I see one and I'm not sad when they leave regardless of how accurate or not their gripes were.
A really good person to gage ESO as a whole is LotusOfDoom. He always have a level head with both praise and criticism for the game.
@@aa306911 I'll have to check them out, ty
Cause in the core ESO is a good game. Sad thing, you have to eat through a ton of shit to get to that core. The incompetent retards working at ZoS not helping either.
I would love to see ESO come up with quests that had followable plots. Not so wordy with names we can’t remember ( so we can’t relate to characters in quest) . Quests like Assassins Creed or Witcher 2&3. Then make the content challenging with worthy rewards. Nuff said
sawman's criticisms on the insane monetization on microtransaction in ESO have been aging well...i mean shittt we just had the Shade Polymorph scam in the crown store.
I think flying mounts wouldn't go well with this game. I disliked them in WoW too as it takes you away from the world, you just fly above it. Plus travelling in ESO is already easy enough with the Wayshrines imo. Plus it wouldn't make much sense lore-wise either.
tbh I agree. THe zones would seem tiny with flying since you could just go over everything in a straight line. Imagine the air of blackwood being cluttered with a shitload of griffon flying mounts above the crafting area. Immersion would be even worse than it already is.
Totally agreed. Let me tell you that, actually, contrary to many people's worshipping of mounts in GW2 they actually ruined the game. That is, you travel SO fast through the game that it changed the entire meta of any zone. No longer do you just run to and fro and can actually enjoy your surroundings and get immersed in the game, on the contrary, since they added mounts in Path of Fire (an expansion) it has made maps/zones feel like background noise to the showy, glitzy, flashy mount skins that you can buy on their "Gem Store" their equivalent of the Crown Store. It has completely drained much of the world of meaning and made me enjoy the game less. It made an already semi-arcadey feeling MMO feel EVEN MORE like an arcade game or platformer, thus, not like a real, living, breathing, fantasy world to be immersed in. It's like the same feeling as if you ONLY ever took a taxi in a city but never got out and explored the streets on foot: can you really say you experienced the city?
Guaranteed if they announced it was being added youd be all for it 😂
@@TonyTynebridge I mean theoretically, flying mounts are GREAT, but in reality, they simply wouldn't work with ESO because the maps aren't designed for players to go that high. The map creation teams do a lot of image overlay, mesh and texture magic in order to create visual illusions for the player to create senses of depth or to achieve structure whilst maintaining or achieving certain game performance levels. With flying mounts, you would probably be tripling the work devs must do to create each individual map. This is why in games like GW2 which have been created since Path of Fire appear actually quite devoid of true exploration or believability, because they have to be tailored to the fact that mounts can climb the highest building or soar above everything else. That is an incredible demand from a dev team who is merely trying to create an Elder Scrolls game experience. Flying mounts simply don't have a place in ESO as much as I'd love to have a Gryphon to fly on like a Welkynar Altmer.
i pre-ordered 2 copies of necrom since sawman didnt pre-order his copy.
Yeah I still login to ESO each day but I gotta admit I've started picking up bdo (on console for that matter) and been playing it a hell of a lot more. And that's without even being able to follow the story (I genuinely don't even know if there is one) and can barely read anything that's accessible through the menu since I don't think there's a way to change the font size lol
I'm down to buy dlc for my dlc
I quit two and half years ago don't think I'm ever coming back
I quit PvP yesterday. Just don’t even care anymore. Took me long enough lol I’ve been playing since beta 😂. PvE might keep me for a bit more
He isn't wrong; with a loyal following you would think they would focus on the comments from the community on the bugs and issues with the game as it stands now.
Sawman will go back to eso 100% when the new class comes out
Aww, I would have loved to see my two favorite content creators collaborate!
And I wouldn't be surprised if you get one or two free books/pages for the new class but have to pay if you want to be able to collect/craft with more diversity.
Will the finally fix the bug with the pirate quest at Coldharbour after 7 years of it existing with this new chapter? Or the second boss in lair of maarselok which stays frozen in place at 0 health and breaks the entire dungeon? lolololol
Lmfao this video editing from that guy
Just saw that Xynode released a video about PTW in ESO. It's really short, and pure bs, would be interesting to see you react to that one!
I mean that the PvP servers are still having performance issues is just crazy
And BGs? You can only choose randomized gamemodes while nearly the whole community wants to have the possibilty to choose a gamemode like deathmatch
I think this is the biggest problem. Pvp. The questing is good enough, it's not grub hub simulator like WOW or other games. I don't like deathmatch (too boring I like having other mechanics thrown in while trying to kill people sort of why I like cyro) but...I get a lot of bg people want to chose specific games. The performance is the biggest thing. They really need to figure that shit out.
Sawman on Twitch is fun to watch, give him a follow!!!
You laugh, but monetizing a whole class is not outside of ZOS' scope, Nefas. ZOS hasn't really been subtle about how much they like their money.
They didn't skip the Imperial City event, they retired it. They skipped midyear because they are dedicated to making that a once a year event instead of two hence the renaming of it last year.
the moment i see "quit" and 'pvp', say no more. i don't and can't relate.... but i understand.
Yup, this is part of the same reasons why i quit. Donated all my mats to another player and gold and high valued gear as well.
@GUY QUITTING ESO....can I have your stuff?
I'm probably one of the crazy ones. I've been playing ESO for about 5 years. Granted, I just do PVE since I don't care about PVP but I still really enjoy ESO and managed to enjoy U35 and U36, I thought the story for High Isle and Galen were decent and I enjoy the grind of getting new gear. Recently I started doing end game content with streamers and it's been wonderful. Personally, I'm really looking forward to U37 and U38.
Yeah, I dunno, I enjoy the game. I was in his shoes regarding WoW, so I quit playing and started playing ESO and have been having fun with it. Godspeed to anyone in this guy's shoes.
He'll be back😁
Enjoyed your reaction!😎👍o7. I watched this guy’s video, when it came out and just took it as somebody that enjoys editing 🤣. He is very (or whomever edits his videos) good at it and it was entertaining!😎👍. But, he didn’t mention anything that isn’t obvious in any of the games we play that are around for more than 5 years, they have to make money and cannot survive of the original sales profits, it’s that way for any commodity in the entire world! It’s up to the consumer if they feel, they can afford it, buy it, if they can’t or it’s not feasible, then act accordingly as they would with anything they previously own and paid for and must decide to invest more in or just appreciate their investment where it’s at and continue without more investment or invest more, if further investment is valid, based on your financial or life situations. Life’s simple, just keep it simple😎👍 o7 (I’m a 7+ year ESO player)
He had all valid points to be honest. I have not left yet, but I am feeling more as more what has burned them out. For me, the shit reward system is an ongoing aggravation from way back.
If I do end up bailing though, most likely it will be due to the constant nerf cycle and repeatedly flipping things on their head. Theorycrafting and experimenting with sets, rotations, and overall builds has always my one legitimate passion with these sorts of games, *especially* with ESO. They are trying kill that, and if they do succeed then I am done.
Sawmans got some really good points tbh
Tbh I agree with him. The monetization is annoying. My wife is a wow player (been playing for 10 plus years) I picked up wow also. You can get flashy mounts by in game achievements not gambling with crown crates. You don't have to pay 15 dollars to get a respec nor do you have to annoyingly travel to your home to do so, you can just do it where you are. You also can change the hair style, and look of your character with hard earned gold in game without being forced to do it with real money. Basically all the little things other MMO'S have in them for free, such as a crafting bag, flashy mounts, or respecs out in the open world that ultimately make the game more fun you have to pay 15 plus for. It's obvious corporate greed. They get all this money for charging for basic small features other games have and can't even update the servers or fix the damn game smh.
ZOS is tea-bagging us...
As usual ty for the post. As as vet player of eso one of the biggest failures of zos is pvp. Zos way to update pvp is to nerf PvE. Also, the crown store has been getting a little out of control for sure.. I can fully understand why people who love to create leave jobs that the creative flavor turned into a cash cow. As a player of dark age of Camelot, Warhammer then wow and now eso, I see the dam is not broken, but the bubble gum patches are starting to burst. Again ty for the post.
and thats wyh you gotta love that shiba doggo
Is it better to have them make you pay for new spells all year or for them to just kinda abandon it after launch like some other features we've gotten?
Can someone email this to Zos. Let’s just all get together and buy them out.. They need a pvp chapter. Sypher quit back then primarily because of pvp not getting updates or attention. Get Elon to buy them out.
I uninstalled the game last year during u35. Reinstalled it again, but the game is so shitty without add-ons and eso plus that i could not stand for more than 10 minutes and uninstalled again.
Sawman rocks, salty as eff about ESO pvp and its other content but spot on about the games problems. I quit after 4 years, did all the overland quests, all dungeons and 1 or 2 raids but the pvp was my main reason for playing the game. Cyrodiil became unplayable on PCEU, spent a LOT of time there and the lag just got worse and worse. Broke my heart to leave but I gave Zenimax enough chances. They also hate pvp sweatlords and treat us like dirt.
It's insanity. It's an MMO, and the big draw outside of the TES IP was the tri-alliamce war. That was the ongoing story that was shown in the beginning, and the shambling corpse of Cyro has been dragging along ever since. I would drop PvE in a heartbeat if/when Cyro gets fixed, but when I can hit abilities and wait 5 seconds for it to go off, there is 0 point in playing. Meanwhile I'll get snipe stacked and fall over because I got 4 moves dropped on me at once because the server can't handle the normal timing.
I'm of the same mindset as sawman, though I will play the game as long as I can play pvp. I don't touch GH at all anymore, only play side campaigns, IC and some battlegrounds. The moment I can't PVP or if the performance makes the less populate campaigns unplayable, I will leave.
As long as I can at least play my niche, I will play but I don't play nearly as much as I used to, because there's a lot of other games that have my interest.
I wouldn't recommend people play the waiting game, I'd say if you're waiting for something to change to put the game down play something else and come back after the time has passed if you don't enjoy the state of the game.
So I think I understand the logic he has about the new class being monetized; he thinks the archanist will be like antiquities to Greymoor, then the new books/pages for archanist that ZOS hints at will be like each mythic that came out after Greymoor (Harpooners Kilt, Oakensoul, etc.) So you’ll need to buy 4 dlcs to enjoy the class to fullest potential..
But while I understand his logic, I don’t know if that will happen, because ZOS choosing to monetize a single class like that when there are 6 other options would be pigeonholing the “whales” into being the only people to buy it. They do it with antiquities and mythics because you can slap them on other builds. The only way I’d believe it is if they put class upgrades to the current classes in the store/future dlcs (which that could happen lol!)
I do typically like a lot of what Saw has to say, although I could do with a bit less of the hyperbole and middle schooler memes peppered throughout his videos. I’m surprised he’s only just now quitting, and hopefully he finds a new game(s) to enjoy!
I think the problem is he was intent on quitting and made a reactionary video rather than actually digesting the information presented in a reasonable way. Clearly "the first page" is just marketing fluff to play with the theme of the class in a way to say, this is just the first look we are showing of the class, more to show later.
@@jaws3439 yea I think people are blowing the page collection and book stuff out of proportion. I don’t think it’ll be that flesh out.
People always need something to blame. I play many mmo's, monetization is not massive here just that they got a system to allow you to get crown rewards for in-game efforts is phenomenal! But people need something to blame, when really they are just tired of play the same old game year after year. Fact is ESO is one of the great MMO's, it has a great stylistic sense, amazing story content, far more interesting itemization than all the other biggest mmos and also a great skill system.
Ppl just accumulate jaded over time, they get their annoyances about something something that is never addressed or a type of choice devs are making and over time those small things grow into something huge like in a relationship you can lose it with the small behaviours over time.
Just leave and play something else if you are burned out, there are several great mmos out there you can sink thousands of hours into, and for others feeling that way about those games maybe its time they meet eso.
When you realize ppl are stuck in the jaded zone its time to stop listening to them because that feeling will infest you and make you focus on the small annoyances from the very start rather than getting sucked into all the good things. That is why you always have to be careful with forum/online negativity - its feeding off each other and looking for new victims to infest with the negative thinking.
His final point is you are just being milked for cash. LMAO there is so much content to play here unless its your main game for years you likely wont see it all. It's massive, and all voiced. The value for your money in eso is insane. This is a story / pve / atmospheric game and it excels at it.
If you want pvp maybe wait for archeage 2 or ashes of creation. Diablo 4 comes too for mindless fun.
I can't believe he'll never make another ESO video.
I’ve no doubt Zos will have skills / spells in crown store for new class
What in the hell are you talking about? Why do you have "no doubt"? What current or past examples of that can you even provide to use as substance for your cynical prediction?
@@wowomah6194 Example: The Crown Store. And literally every single thing in it that could be earned just by playing the game.
@@r4bbit762 Yes, but the original poster here is quite confidently claiming that ZOS will include either skills or spells in the crown store for the Arcanist.
We should all band together and boycott the new dlc and chapter.. and for every Arcanist in PVP>---tanks should be ignored, healers and DPS should be zergged down and teabagged relentlessly for no reason than being the ugly stepchild of ESO
Make a meet for PvP in craglorn, lets lag all servers craglorn!
@@ZDavidH like 200 duels surrounding Belkarth would be epic 😂
@@ZDavidH Enjoy getting banned then? You guys sound like such happy campers.
@@wowomah6194 people like you are the problem always cheerleading and simping for ESO
@@HollywoodGUY23 Get out of my game and go run off and play with your other toys then.
I have played only pvp for more than a year and ESO is losing me too, i was playing like 6-8 hours of cyrodiil everyday, and now i join the campiagn, play like 30 min of pvp and im already burnt out and just quit the game to do anything else. So im pretty sure when Diablo 4 drops, i won't be playing this game for a long time.
After 8 years and unbalanced performance I uninstalled it I couldn’t even stay on more than a half hour towards the end I finally just burned out.
Shiiiiit I took an 18 months vacation, and came back as a filthy casual recently. Playing bgs maybe once a week. I'm playing ghost of tsushima and omg I should've played it sooner
Wish they would release that game for pc
"Do you need another beginner's guide 8 years into a game?" Actually yes lol. There's lots of stuff ESO doesn't teach new players and the amount of people failing through the beginning parts of the game can turn some people off. Also, players years in don't know basic shit about the game because nobody told them (and the game doesn't explain it). It's actually a problem.
I think it depends on whether or not the player is doing pve or pvp content. If they're just doing overland, no help is needed.
Even with pve i could just tell you rotations, dot uptime (because now we have timers so it's far easier to see when to refresh), and what sets to try for.
That is true but the thing is, the game has terrible player retention as is anyways. They always flaunt "20 million players" but we know those 20 million have come and gone considering player charts tell another story.
Lack of player understanding does contribute to that, but the main people who play it are the players would be playing the game irrespective, the vets, the people who need those are more than likely not gonna stay long, that 20 million will keep growing but active player counts won't.
I dont pvp but I always watched sawmans videos because they are pure comedy genius! I'll miss his videos and I agree with everything he says about the game especially lack of rewards but I still enjoy the game so I'll be playing the next chapter but I cant see myself playing it long after that not with all the other games coming out. The worst thing about eso is the dev team are continually feeding us lies and f**king up the combat patch after patch. Its not the game itself that is bad its the people behind it that gets me down.
ESO becomes more tired each year. New content with fresh bugs and a full crown store. Reskins don’t excite players.
I remember when Skyrim first came out, the memes went mainstream. Skyrim had done what few games had and crossed the barrier into the mainstream culture. Kids who had never played rpgs before played Skyrim.
ESO could have built on that. ESO should have been one of the biggest MMOs around and should have numbers comparable to FF14.
Instead, we now have a game that is so boring, buggy and straight-up unplayable at times that it could be dead in a year.
You must be playing an entirely different video game than I am.
@@wowomah6194 Or on different ping!
He's right about talent and money being redirected into their new game. Housing whales very legit too - he didn't mention gambling... But many players won't preorder this time and since they're releasing so late, if something with better pvp comes along, then everyone will just wander off in silent mass exodus no 3. (New World/The PvE Meltdown Exodus of 2021). I guess the main takeaway is the bitterness of all the pvp players who kept waiting to be noticed after all the experiments they did for years, the super secret We Have A Performance Plan 3 year plan lie. Of course he's mad and distrustful. It's surprising pvers havn't drawn the obvious conclusions about what this means for them -but they'll get there.
I hope the monetization of a class is too much for ZOS. GW2 did it. That on top of many other aspects of the game drove me to quit eventually. I got completely fed up with the game and losing a non-account bound item that was purchased for $$$ in their in game shop was the final straw for me. I clicked through some warning boxes and upon getting that sinking feeling I realized I was just completely done with the way they had monetized the game. It was a permanent tool for harvesting that could be lost if deleting a character with it in the inventory. The whole situation made me so mad I went "fuck this game forever" and never played it again. A feature like that should be account bound. It's an insidious game design choice to make an item like that destroyable.
That was in 2015 or 2016. Haven't looked back.
TL;DR I deleted an alt on GW2 and lost out on a real money purchase that by all sane game design should have been an account-bound item. Also, GW2 really did add class "evolutions" aka new skill trees and specializations as part of new expansions. Exactly what sawmanUK is worried about.
I don't think "elite specializations" is a problem as long as you have proper balancing. New options for play is totally fine as long as you're merely giving classes new ways to engage with one another than do not trump any only ways of play. GW2 however didn't really fix that because their balance team was just...was it even there for many years? But also ironically I left GW2 for ESO and haven't looked back.
Hell yeah!!!!! Diablo 4 is coming I won’t be playing eso when that’s out
Gimme my Alufoil hat fast...because i really think he had a Point with the extra Spellbuying Shit etc. Haha xD
I wished a would not have returned after my few Month of Break because ZOS BS I couldn't Take anymore xD Now i am actually hyped for this new Chapter and trapped again in the Machine lol It's like finally, after years, leaving a very toxic Relationsship and getting back again....i am so stupid xD
My prediction for the New Class is that it’s going to feel really clunky, slow and just not be fun to play - it’s flashy yes, but I don’t think it’s going to be a very popular class in say, a year.
they couldnt manage balancing the other 6 - changes were drastic in skills on the regular. I am glad i left after the last update, adding another class they wont manage well isnt that exciting to me. #sortofmisspvp
Beautiful voice :)
Man, if they monetize a spell book when a lot of us asked for spellcrafting. I mean lol, that would certainly be a thing.
Sorc seems relatively nerfed compared to other classes in U36. Templar too. Is this a coincidence since they sound closest to the arcnist class.
Honestly who even enjoys morrowind stuff? place looks more dull than the argonian swamps
Wouldn't be so bad if there wasnt all these stupid stun locks. Sometimes, you just get locked in the ground and its ridiculous. Stuns should not be back to back. Period
Seeing as some MMORPG games display features clearly missing in ESO, I do wonder how ZOS intends to bribe us - veteran players - to stay.
Because, given their history, they will fail.
Sure, you can always milk new people...
Sounds just like something they would do. Glad I saw this. I won’t be buying that anytime soon
Not an airport, no need to announce departures. Don't know why these folks are so self-absorbed they think they need to take their last petty shots at a game that helped give them their name. Just post content for the new games you're interested in and get on with it, nobody cares.
And they say this game isn’t dying!?
There is a simple fix to the game. Add new "NON COSMETIC" stuff to grind for that is not item sets/gear. I want for just examples guild halls or capes or some new stuff to put my time into plus a masstive PvP fix or addition or else this game is done for good
tbh cosmetics are a large motivator for doing things. They could have mostly cosmetic rewards (Good ones, not just titles) and people would be all about it. Also if they were for tokens that took a while to accrue and tradeable there'd be a reason for raiders to repeat things they already have all the rewards for. Just my 2 cents. The clockwork reliquary keeps people who have IR already to continue in Asylum to grind it. That thing is worth a lot.
I quit too, too much money for pinata style combat.
Outside of buying actual content which is normal, what do you feel is a must have from the crownstore though?
I quit months ago came back and am having a blast I play FFXIV and other games so I guess I'm a casual
Sawman literally crying about eso every week 😭
LOL yes. I'm surprised he held out this long, like wtf? I don't think I even subscribed to him but his posts kept appearing in my feed and it was ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS incredibly negative, whiny, cruel or mean spirited directed not just at the game but at ZOS as a company. The last person most ESO players will care about is someone leaving their game who is just a source of total bad PR and drama. Sure maybe that was different years ago and what generated him some fans and friends, IDK, but it pushed me away from ever wanting to hear his perhaps valid concerns.
Because he colaborates with other mmo devs.
If they wanted to make more money from housing, just let us buy whatever house we want when we want, don't have the cut off your nose to spite your face attitude of this house is currently not for sale...? Just a thought...
Yeah I gotta be honest my money would be much better placed in diablo 4 then continuing to play eso. I'm about 70 percent sure when diablo 4 comes out my eso subscription will end. I'd rather buy daiblo 4 and dead island 2 then pay for the new eso expansion.
He does bring some valid points though he seems very negative and spiteful and this might turn people away especially newer players.
I hate these people who not only shaming a game, but anyone who says they enjoy it for one reason or another.. like holy f. people must have sad life to spend it spitting on anyone who likes game they spent thousands hours themselves.. just bc they got bored of it. Same with Skyrim.. "How dare you like game that looks sht on 50m less and is sht.." 😂
So glad that I left years ago
Only thing that evolves is the meta....constantly
This was good🤣
To this point ESO is not a great game for non-casual player anymore, especially for the pvp enjoyers
How is that?!?! There are TONS of ways in which ESO is actually MORE suited to casual players than hardcore players...whether the clear benefits of doing easy daily quests or daily writs or just the way you can easily complete a whole set of quests in a short duration and get closure to that story in the same day, etc. If anything ESO is more suited to "pick up and play" than the opposite.
That makes no sense at all. I mean they are making one-bar builds stronger, adding caps and nerfing skill ceilings. If you play now and get ESO+ for like $10 a month and you pretty much have thousands of hours of content and DLC to play like it's a gazillion Elder Scroll games in one. You can't even barely die now too, you can solo nearly anything.
I mean, in fairness, Else and Sawman have been more or less threatening to quit the game for like 2 years. Honestly, I think it's good to make some room. It's not that the point isn't sound, but they've been crying about it for years. I used to really like Sawman, then he just became another content creator talking about how shitty the game is. Don't get me wrong, he's hella funny, and honestly, a really good player, but, I think it's about f'ing time he moves on.
Oh Jesus, this was a month ago? That's how little I care about a once interesting creator.....
They showing abou the Books talking about the new dg, and he saying about dlcs giving spells kekw
But to sit and cater to a smaller group of vet players vs larger group of would be newer players seems kind of counter productive.
As a solo player ( because being in a group of people I don't give a flying F about but only need them to do content ) is like baby sitting and I don't feel like baby sitting to play a game.
Once all you youngsters that "have friends" get married and have kids and have a career that takes up most of your time, you'll find out you don't really have friends anymore as everyone grew up or has died. Welcome to life...
Now you can start streaming to have your community "help" you. But again, that's going to be a small group of people and not everyone and that shouldn't be Zos target audience but currently is.
This guy talks about "the game is so easy" but start over from scratch, only play solo and see where you get. You hit a wall and everything else is too difficult to continue vs April 2020 or before update 27 ish, you could actually do some vet dungeons that are no where possible today.. But everyone cried "too tanky" "too much healing" "too much DPS" and the game is in the shit state it is today. One could argue this was the "Cyrodiil" pvp only community but personally it was the "end game" raiding community as well. And go F your self solo players and normal casual ( largest group ) players. ( it's like the middle class in the US, image that )
But I can't say this is only ESO as I also play FO76 and the same thing is happening there.. Since after Wastelanders update, all content is almost impossible solo vs before it was doable.. And the focus on the "in shop" items is the main focus.
They nerfed the hell out of damage and resistance and all the newest content you floor plant, not to mention they went through everyone's stash items and removed mods they didn't like. Lucky they have "custom" game mode and you can turn up damage and resistance but it doesn't count towards your official level \ account.
So personally I think this is rooted higher up than just Zos....
You heard it here first!! Nefas bought eso for pvp… spoiler pvp is so shit he does endless raids over and over again 😂🤦🏽♂️