Мариа, Ъольшое спасибо! Благодаря Твоим уроком русского языка я вчера сдала устный экзамен на аттестат зрелости.👌 Желаю тебе всего хорошего. Поздравляю, Рената, Польша. 💛
Спасибо за видео У каждого Турецкого человека тоже есть обе эти две особенности. В турции, на всех кухнях есть пакет с пакетыми. мы собираем много банок для домашний йогурт, иногда для консервирования. Раньше консервирование был популярнее чем сейчас. Если вы можете делать русский субтитр, я хотел бы читать в время слушивания. I needed more than an hour to understand all traditional habits you mentioned. It took 25 minutes to write this comment. Maybe we should call it hardRussian anymore! :) As a suggestion, It would be very beneficial to have target phrases in these kinds of story-telling videos. БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО!!
Привет Мария)) Спасибо за прекрасное видео! Мне очень понравилось! Как странно, в Польше делаем то же самое! Так что могу сказать что ты настоящая полька))) но только у нас нет плацкарта :)) надо было попробовать в Украине xaxa Короче, замечательного дня))
я всегда думала, что только итальянцы хлопают, когда самолёт приземляется. И у нас тоже есть пакет с пакетами и пустые банки, чтобы положить соусы например томатный соус или болоньезе соус
it sounds so weird to me when russians say G instead of H. i will never ever ever get used to hearing words like Gamburger, farenGeit, Gawai, Gipermarket!!!!
Я болгар и вообще у нас тоже наблюдается эти типичные «русские» черты,, о которых ты говоришь. Я думаю, что помимо близости наших языков у нас много общего. Я никогда не был в России, но всегда, когда я встречаюсь с русскими, у меня такое чувство, что мы не чужды. Я приветствую всех, кто говорит или изучает этот красивый язык.
Какие интересные рассказы! Когда я думал о пакетах, я буду вспоминать это видео. И я тоже люблю кошки и у меня есть три кошек. Спасибо за это видео о русской жизни.
Главный признак, что Вы русский, сегодня - это то, что Вы снимаете такие видео. В нашем менталитете самокопание и желание рассказать о своей уникальности. Все остальное - интернационально, и зависит скорее от образа жизни.
Hello, thanks for making such videos and let us enjoy and learn from them. I think you deserve so much more appriciation. Thanks to you, I think all can agree, we can learn outside of the lame books. Such great confidence and energy! you are the best!
На свадьбах и конечно же по каждой важной причине в Турции тоже приготовляются еды и напитки и люди собираются танцевать в близкими и ролственниками наполненном зале.. я думаю что зта традиция у каждого народа по своему совершается.
Maria Zdrovetskaya We actually do all that things you have said Including me of course ! I'm a Filipino... Learning to speak Russikiy yeziyk Love from Philippines!!
I like this videos but I can't understand what is she talking about, maybe we cut understand a little more if you represent the main words with more images. Keep making videos is a great work!
Good morning to you Mariah , ! You do purity good . Some are speaking a little more clear , but don't feel offended , I love your ideas . Spceba . Good sense of humor . Some people could take the I . Q. ,!
My great grandma is from Soviet Russia and grandma did jars. Bags. Homemade Russian style cucumbers . Cats. And it's funny I am 31 year old and never been to Russia. But because my great grandma was the traditional things I still do my self. I was lucky enough to have her speak to me a as a kid in some Russian
I remember another story, I could talk for hours or even days literally of all the things I saw and did over there but I remember coming back on the train from Odessa and it was in the morning when everybody is starting to drink their chai and I walked up to the tualyet at the front and rear of the vagon but they were in use, and not understanding that trains in Ukraine are not like the us where you can walk from end to end on the trains all through the various cars and no one cares, but anyway I had to go real bad "like my back teeth were floating" and so I just walked into the next car and each car has sort of like a police lady, and as soon as I walked into go to the bathroom everyone turns around and stares at me like... Oh my god !! what are you doing ?!?! This is not allowed !!! and I just broke out into a smile and blurted out in English..." Don't worry I'm just using the bathroom, I've got to go really bad , the other car is full...!!! " I felt sorry for them and at the same time I was letting them know don't worry no one is going to hurt you it's ok, everything is all right , this is not breaking the law.....even though probably none of them understood English as fast as I was speaking , I still believe they knew what I was saying because I was gesticulating as I was talking and I was smiling in a friendly way....the point of all I am saying is that Slavic people are very sensitive , very perceptive, simply because of the continual possibility of agony and bloodshed for so long , so much so that if anyone is kind to them they will repay the kindness a thousand fold, life becomes so very valuable to people
Here in México we have cats in many houses. I have 2. Now I see that we are so much alike and I also keep a bag full of plastic bags. Jajaj . And I never waste any single bean. We have same beliefs or what?
Nice video but why do some of your videos have English subtitles instead of Russians?? I come here to learn Russian not English, pls put russian captions too ...
thanks for this video , I have learned just listening to a person speak nothing but Russian helps greatly, when I went to the Ukraine, I remembered how as the plane touched down in Moscow everyone clapped, I didn't clap simply because I was marveling at how Russian people are, I also noticed Russians and Ukrainians can tell just by looking at a person if they are not from there...I could sense this and I wondered why and I met a Pycckiy in a gym and he told me immediately it is because Slavic people have shorter and rounder faces, he said your face is oval shaped and they knew right away without ever talking to you that you were Western European....another thing that I could not believe was that no matter where I went in Ukraine I had the knowing feeling that some people were looking at my feet , I never said anything and I thought maybe for a while it was just my imagination but on the train back from Odessa to Kyiv , I made many friends, people are so polite, anyway in the morning as people were drinking tea and going to use the twalyet, I was talking to a couple of girls and we were having a very animated conversation, and if someone was was walking by to use the rest room I would "scrunch" over (this is not really a word but people use it anyway and everyone knows what you mean !) to let them pass,well this one guy was walking up to pass and I glanced back at him and moved to allow him to pass but my attention was to the girls I was talking with and I forgot about him but after a minute or so he didn't pass and I finally turned like are you going to pass or is something wrong ??! and as I looked down this guy had put his foot up against my foot to measure the length of my foot and I started laughing and I blurted out what the hell is going on ?!!! and I said for the past month I had this feeling that people were looking at my feet but I thought maybe I am going crazy or it is an overactive imagination and here this guy has stuck his shoe right up against mine on a train and is comparing my foot to his and the girls and people started laughing and one of the girls said you are a pretty big guy and your feet are fairly large and most Slavic people have short feet.....and I was just amazed at what Slavic people notice , and how their perceptions operate....what is the saying ".....only in Russia....." well in this case Ukraina
I do a lot of research in all sorts of subjects and I have read a some of the history of Russia and done essays on Chekhov... in one of the history books on Russia there was a story about Khodorkovsky who used to own Yukos one of Yukos's head of security chiefs, Alexi Pichugin was charged with the murder of Vladimir Petukhov the mayor of Yugansk oil province , Yukos was paying off some of the Oblast councilmen to escape paying taxes and the Mayor refused to let them get away with tax evasion so they killed him . About 6 months ago I was watching the Bourne Identity movie and it dawned on me that that movie was loosely based on the murder of Petukhov only in the movie he is portrayed as a whistle blower against corruption, but the strange thing is in the movie a super rich Russian who owns a huge oil company pays the CIA to assassinate the whistleblower and that's when it hit me that movie is based on Khodorkovsky ....Khodorkovsky wanted to bring the British and American bankers into Russia , the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers , those families are the ones who financed Trotsky and Lenin , Stalin's father was actually a Rothschild so was Hitler's, few people know this...these banking families are the ones who financed all the murder in Russia, they financed the communist uprising in China as well in 48 and 49, anyway before Khodorkovsky went to prison he sold all his shares of Yukos to Jakob Rothschild, this is irrefutable proof Khodorkovsky was working with the bankers over here to take control of Russia, and the CIA is nothing but a vicious pit bull on the bankers leash.....the bankers in this country financed the war in the Ukraine allegedly to make it democratic, yet that is a lie, the government in the Ukraine is actually Nazi.....it is a long story to try to describe but I have seen too many things in this country for so many years....Here is a quote from Benjamin Disraeli, he wrote a fictional book called called "Coningsby" ..."...so you see my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes...." chapter 15 end paragraph...Benjamin Disraeli , Earl of Beaconfield, served as British Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Leader of the House of Commons ... You should do comedy or be an actress, you have such an expressive face , you get so animated when you talk and so excited , you make me laugh.....I suppose you probably sing too !!!
Я живу в России почти 3 года. Все вы сказали очень интересно и есть особенность, который я думаю по другому, это почему русские сохраняют, задерживают пакеты в доме. Щас я уже понял что, это не для экономии денег, просто мы во вьетнаме не продаем пакеты. Спасибо за что вы поделились.
что-то я, похоже, не русская :D пакеты не собираю, банки не мою, еду не доедаю, котов не особо люблю. Кстати, самолет сейчас бывает даже дешевле поезда. Например, вот сейчас я ездила в купе Москва-Челябинск, самолет стоил бы на 3000 дешевле, но это уже просто РЖД охамели -_-
Подождите, пока вам придется кормить семью, покупать себе еду... вы тоже будете упаковывать все остатки еды! Еда стоит целое состояние, и тратить ее впустую - позор. Во Франции также существует привычка хранить пластиковые пакеты. Причина, по сути, экологическая. На свалках полно пластиковых пакетов, которые уносятся ветром и заканчиваются загрязнением нашей земли и водных путей. Супермаркеты теперь заставляют платить за сумки... плюс они полезны при подборе собачьего дерьма на улицах!
Еды то изобилие))жаль с деньгами не так.не сказал бы что я безумно люблю кошек,в целом.а в целов все сказаное пережиток прошлого))люди и так думают что у нас аборигены живут,а вы даете обманчивый повод в этом убедиться))
Ъольшое спасибо! Благодаря Твоим уроком русского языка я вчера сдала устный экзамен на аттестат зрелости.👌
Желаю тебе всего хорошего.
Рената, Польша. 💛
Spasiba Maria Vy mne ochen pomogli Ya mogu ponyat chto vy govorite v video 😊😊
Thank you Maria! so good to hear you again, and that you have started making frequent videos again!
Спасибо за видео
У каждого Турецкого человека тоже есть обе эти две особенности.
В турции, на всех кухнях есть пакет с пакетыми.
мы собираем много банок для домашний йогурт, иногда для консервирования. Раньше консервирование был популярнее чем сейчас.
Если вы можете делать русский субтитр, я хотел бы читать в время слушивания.
I needed more than an hour to understand all traditional habits you mentioned. It took 25 minutes to write this comment. Maybe we should call it hardRussian anymore! :)
As a suggestion, It would be very beneficial to have target phrases in these kinds of story-telling videos.
I'm from the Netherlands and we also have a plastic bag to hold all the plastic bags.
Ахаха))) класс)))
Привет Мария)) Спасибо за прекрасное видео! Мне очень понравилось! Как странно, в Польше делаем то же самое! Так что могу сказать что ты настоящая полька))) но только у нас нет плацкарта :)) надо было попробовать в Украине xaxa Короче, замечательного дня))
я всегда думала, что только итальянцы хлопают, когда самолёт приземляется. И у нас тоже есть пакет с пакетами и пустые банки, чтобы положить соусы например томатный соус или болоньезе соус
it sounds so weird to me when russians say G instead of H. i will never ever ever get used to hearing words like Gamburger, farenGeit, Gawai, Gipermarket!!!!
Я болгар и вообще у нас тоже наблюдается эти типичные «русские» черты,, о которых ты говоришь. Я думаю, что помимо близости наших языков у нас много общего. Я никогда не был в России, но всегда, когда я встречаюсь с русскими, у меня такое чувство, что мы не чужды. Я приветствую всех, кто говорит или изучает этот красивый язык.
Какие интересные рассказы! Когда я думал о пакетах, я буду вспоминать это видео. И я тоже люблю кошки и у меня есть три кошек. Спасибо за это видео о русской жизни.
Я американец, и у нас тоже пакеты с пакетами)) хорошое видео, спасибо :)
Мне очень понравилось. Спасибо за прекрасное видео. Я из Кореи)
Главный признак, что Вы русский, сегодня - это то, что Вы снимаете такие видео. В нашем менталитете самокопание и желание рассказать о своей уникальности. Все остальное - интернационально, и зависит скорее от образа жизни.
Hello, thanks for making such videos and let us enjoy and learn from them. I think you deserve so much more appriciation. Thanks to you, I think all can agree, we can learn outside of the lame books. Such great confidence and energy! you are the best!
Lol I do 90% of these. Great video as always. Спасибо
На свадьбах и конечно же по каждой важной причине в Турции тоже приготовляются еды и напитки и люди собираются танцевать в близкими и ролственниками наполненном зале.. я думаю что зта традиция у каждого народа по своему совершается.
Маша, ты молодец =)
I am from India I want to learn Russian(language)
deeply 😇
Maria Zdrovetskaya We actually do all that things you have said Including me of course ! I'm a Filipino... Learning to speak Russikiy yeziyk Love from Philippines!!
I like this videos but I can't understand what is she talking about, maybe we cut understand a little more if you represent the main words with more images. Keep making videos is a great work!
Я ПЕРВЫЙ!!! мы любим тебя, Мария!!
Thank you so much! :-)
спасибо! в каком городе, вы живете ?
Good morning to you Mariah , ! You do purity good . Some are speaking a little more clear , but don't feel offended , I love your ideas . Spceba . Good sense of humor . Some people could take the I . Q. ,!
Great Job. Good for listening skills.
What's the song you sang? You have a beautiful voice.
My great grandma is from Soviet Russia and grandma did jars. Bags. Homemade Russian style cucumbers . Cats. And it's funny I am 31 year old and never been to Russia. But because my great grandma was the traditional things I still do my self. I was lucky enough to have her speak to me a as a kid in some Russian
Good story))) Бабушки - самые добрые люди на свете)))
I remember another story, I could talk for hours or even days literally of all the things I saw and did over there but I remember coming back on the train from Odessa and it was in the morning when everybody is starting to drink their chai and I walked up to the tualyet at the front and rear of the vagon but they were in use, and not understanding that trains in Ukraine are not like the us where you can walk from end to end on the trains all through the various cars and no one cares, but anyway I had to go real bad "like my back teeth were floating" and so I just walked into the next car and each car has sort of like a police lady, and as soon as I walked into go to the bathroom everyone turns around and stares at me like... Oh my god !! what are you doing ?!?! This is not allowed !!! and I just broke out into a smile and blurted out in English..." Don't worry I'm just using the bathroom, I've got to go really bad , the other car is full...!!! " I felt sorry for them and at the same time I was letting them know don't worry no one is going to hurt you it's ok, everything is all right , this is not breaking the law.....even though probably none of them understood English as fast as I was speaking , I still believe they knew what I was saying because I was gesticulating as I was talking and I was smiling in a friendly way....the point of all I am saying is that Slavic people are very sensitive , very perceptive, simply because of the continual possibility of agony and bloodshed for so long , so much so that if anyone is kind to them they will repay the kindness a thousand fold, life becomes so very valuable to people
I have no Idea what are you talking about but still watching this because it sounds beautiful .
Here in México we have cats in many houses. I have 2. Now I see that we are so much alike and I also keep a bag full of plastic bags. Jajaj . And I never waste any single bean. We have same beliefs or what?
Nice video but why do some of your videos have English subtitles instead of Russians?? I come here to learn Russian not English, pls put russian captions too ...
привет Мария, я из Германии
Here in the US, we stuff plastic bags inside a bag and then recycle them.
girl, im one of your supporter keep going
thanks for this video , I have learned just listening to a person speak nothing but Russian helps greatly, when I went to the Ukraine, I remembered how as the plane touched down in Moscow everyone clapped, I didn't clap simply because I was marveling at how Russian people are, I also noticed Russians and Ukrainians can tell just by looking at a person if they are not from there...I could sense this and I wondered why and I met a Pycckiy in a gym and he told me immediately it is because Slavic people have shorter and rounder faces, he said your face is oval shaped and they knew right away without ever talking to you that you were Western European....another thing that I could not believe was that no matter where I went in Ukraine I had the knowing feeling that some people were looking at my feet , I never said anything and I thought maybe for a while it was just my imagination but on the train back from Odessa to Kyiv , I made many friends, people are so polite, anyway in the morning as people were drinking tea and going to use the twalyet, I was talking to a couple of girls and we were having a very animated conversation, and if someone was was walking by to use the rest room I would "scrunch" over (this is not really a word but people use it anyway and everyone knows what you mean !) to let them pass,well this one guy was walking up to pass and I glanced back at him and moved to allow him to pass but my attention was to the girls I was talking with and I forgot about him but after a minute or so he didn't pass and I finally turned like are you going to pass or is something wrong ??! and as I looked down this guy had put his foot up against my foot to measure the length of my foot and I started laughing and I blurted out what the hell is going on ?!!! and I said for the past month I had this feeling that people were looking at my feet but I thought maybe I am going crazy or it is an overactive imagination and here this guy has stuck his shoe right up against mine on a train and is comparing my foot to his and the girls and people started laughing and one of the girls said you are a pretty big guy and your feet are fairly large and most Slavic people have short feet.....and I was just amazed at what Slavic people notice , and how their perceptions operate....what is the saying ".....only in Russia....." well in this case Ukraina
Ahah!!:) great story! What is your feet size, btw?)))
I was watching a James Bond movie called Spectre, I'm taking a break from studying...
I do a lot of research in all sorts of subjects and I have read a some of the history of Russia and done essays on Chekhov... in one of the history books on Russia there was a story about Khodorkovsky who used to own Yukos one of Yukos's head of security chiefs, Alexi Pichugin was charged with the murder of Vladimir Petukhov the mayor of Yugansk oil province , Yukos was paying off some of the Oblast councilmen to escape paying taxes and the Mayor refused to let them get away with tax evasion so they killed him . About 6 months ago I was watching the Bourne Identity movie and it dawned on me that that movie was loosely based on the murder of Petukhov only in the movie he is portrayed as a whistle blower against corruption, but the strange thing is in the movie a super rich Russian who owns a huge oil company pays the CIA to assassinate the whistleblower and that's when it hit me that movie is based on Khodorkovsky ....Khodorkovsky wanted to bring the British and American bankers into Russia , the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers , those families are the ones who financed Trotsky and Lenin , Stalin's father was actually a Rothschild so was Hitler's, few people know this...these banking families are the ones who financed all the murder in Russia, they financed the communist uprising in China as well in 48 and 49, anyway before Khodorkovsky went to prison he sold all his shares of Yukos to Jakob Rothschild, this is irrefutable proof Khodorkovsky was working with the bankers over here to take control of Russia, and the CIA is nothing but a vicious pit bull on the bankers leash.....the bankers in this country financed the war in the Ukraine allegedly to make it democratic, yet that is a lie, the government in the Ukraine is actually Nazi.....it is a long story to try to describe but I have seen too many things in this country for so many years....Here is a quote from Benjamin Disraeli, he wrote a fictional book called called "Coningsby" ..."...so you see my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes...." chapter 15 end paragraph...Benjamin Disraeli , Earl of Beaconfield, served as British Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Leader of the House of Commons ... You should do comedy or be an actress, you have such an expressive face , you get so animated when you talk and so excited , you make me laugh.....I suppose you probably sing too !!!
про запах доширака вообще прямо жизная жиза))))
I usually do all the things that you mentioned and, despite my name, I am Italian! 😂 Of course I have a cat too.
Согласен. Человек без кота не порядного человека : )
Без кота и жизнь не та))
thank u i understand a lot..
Я живу в России почти 3 года. Все вы сказали очень интересно и есть особенность, который я думаю по другому, это почему русские сохраняют, задерживают пакеты в доме. Щас я уже понял что, это не для экономии денег, просто мы во вьетнаме не продаем пакеты. Спасибо за что вы поделились.
I follow you from México...
I want to visit Mexico one day!! It's a beautiful place on the Earth!!
Всё это тоже в Латинской Америке, кроме дела с кошками и хлопать на самолёте.
Поёшь хорошо
что-то я, похоже, не русская :D пакеты не собираю, банки не мою, еду не доедаю, котов не особо люблю. Кстати, самолет сейчас бывает даже дешевле поезда. Например, вот сейчас я ездила в купе Москва-Челябинск, самолет стоил бы на 3000 дешевле, но это уже просто РЖД охамели -_-
Real Russian Club , может ты еще и воду для цветов не отстаиваешь? Воображуля столичная.
Аааа точно, у меня мама тоже всегда воду для цветов отстаивает)))) от хлорки жеш!!!
In my country, Vietnam, we have packets of packets too
Русские всегда едят печенки с чаем)
А у нас снег то и дело выпадает.
70 градусов по Фаренгейту? Вы должны сказать, по Цельсию. Мы не все американцы. Весь остальной мир использует шкалу Цельсия.
Прошу прощения)
Пля, я русский, но про место 37 даже я не знал, но я поржал))
Жалко, что во Вьетнаме едят кошек(
Чё, чё ... это элементы экологического мышления! )
3:48 blin!
married. so sad.
No worries! On the planet Earth many Russian single girls!:) wish you luck!!))
What about superstition?
Русские люди любять кошек дома, а мы латинос хотят иметь русских девушек дома ( точно как жена)
Ахах)) поэтому, совет: если у вас дома есть кошка, то русская девушка 100% захочет жить у вас )))
)))) ok)))
Подождите, пока вам придется кормить семью, покупать себе еду... вы тоже будете упаковывать все остатки еды! Еда стоит целое состояние, и тратить ее впустую - позор.
Во Франции также существует привычка хранить пластиковые пакеты. Причина, по сути, экологическая. На свалках полно пластиковых пакетов, которые уносятся ветром и заканчиваются загрязнением нашей земли и водных путей. Супермаркеты теперь заставляют платить за сумки... плюс они полезны при подборе собачьего дерьма на улицах!
love fred
that you say krasivaya
Еды то изобилие))жаль с деньгами не так.не сказал бы что я безумно люблю кошек,в целом.а в целов все сказаное пережиток прошлого))люди и так думают что у нас аборигены живут,а вы даете обманчивый повод в этом убедиться))
never been so early
Сколь много ты потеряла перестав консервировать. Сделай мужу соленые арбузы. Уверен - он будет в восторге!
Солёные арбузы?))) оО вы из Астрахани чтоли?)))
i don't understand anything
пусть лучше поганое брюхо лопнет чем добру пропадать
Это точно)))
Пакет с пакетам 😂😂😂
последствия нищеты которую постоянно устраивают власти ссср рф
Поругаться с бабками во дворе.