Wat een prachtig lied! Ik hoop dat meer Nederlanders dit lied gaan horen, het laat de verwantschap zien tussen Afrikaners en Nederlanders: de taal is bijna exact hetzelfde! Ook zonder ondertitels kan ik het verstaan, baie mooi! :)
I grew up in a so called Afrikaanderwijk in Rotterdam (Holland), mostly in the De la Reystraat, going to school in the Johannes Brandstraat and the Tweebosstraat. In school I learned many songs in Afrikaans and I read all the stories of the Boers. Paul Krugers 'Alles sal reg kom' is one of my motto's. Groeten uit Holland voor alle Bok van Blerk fans en Afrikaanssprekenden
My husband is an Afrikaner. and the everytime I hear this it brings tears to my eyes. We spent weeks in SA. I want to be able to still visit there in 20 yers. I believe in the Afrikaners !
I'm a Black Xhosa man but everytime I hear this song it just reminds how vibrant South Africa is and I have so much respect for people like Bok Van Blerk and Afrikaner community,
What a Beautiful Song! Thank you for posting the Afrikaans subtitles. English is my native tongue and I speak a little German, but Afrikaans is the only way to sing this song! God Bless the Boer People - Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Ik heb mijn jeugd doorgebracht in de Afrikaanderwijk te Rotterdam, vooral in de De la Reystraat. De Boerenoorlogen met de Rooineks/Khakies zijn mij met de paplepel ingegoten. I spent my youth in the Afrikaanderbuurt of Rotterdam and about the injustice to the Boers I was 'fed along with the bread' so to say. Koos de la Rey was a true christian as well, famous for his humane treatment of the Khakies. Baie dankie uit Holland vir die mooie liedjie. Alles sal reg kom
I'm Dutch Canadian and I must say I have read up on the Boer War..I have plenty of respect for the Boers and my people, no matter what happens I'm on your side Boeren van Afrikaa! Proost.
Ik heb mijn jeugd in de Rotterdamse Afrikaanderwijk gewoond, waarvan jaren in de De la Reystraat. De Boerenoorlogen met 'Boerkêrels en Rooineks/ Khakies' zijn mij met de paplepel ingegoten. Jammer hoe alles gegaan is. O have spent my youth in the Rotterdam Afrikaander neighbourhood, most years in the De la Reystraat. De Boer Wars and its injustice by Khakies were fed to me like bread. De la Rey was a true, compassionate christian and general. Baie dankie uit Holland vir hierdie liedjie
The Boere could be Spartans, English longbowmen, or American minutemen. The Afrikaaners represent the very best that Western culture can offer the world: a lesson in freedom and a committment to defend it. This video is powerful. I hope it ignites in the heart of every Boer a pride and the notion that your culture is worth defending. Apologize to none. You stand on the cusp between civilization and barbarism. Do not abandon the homeland. Stand firm as did your forefathers.
As the wife of an Afrikaner, this song brings tears to my eyes ever time I hear it or he sings it to me. I uploaded the one with English subtitles so I could explain it to our daughter better. She has always heard Papa singing it and asked what it meant. I have spent months in SA, such a beautiful place. Fight on my dear Afrikaan friends and family. You WILL rise!
I'm American..But I just wanted to add this.. There is nothing wrong with having pride in your heritage, your people, your country. Boers built South Africa, made a viable nation and its a country worth saving
Ik ben opgegroeid in een De la Reystraat en ging op school in de Martinus steynstraat. De Boerenoorlogen tegen de 'rooineks / khaki's' maakten mij trots op de Boeren. Groeten uit Holland
leon, prachtig ,baie mooi lietjie hoor! wie kent van mijn leeftijd niet die geschiedenis alleen al van ; de verkenner van Chr. de Wet, onvergetelijk dat de boeren in WW1 de alliancies en niet de centralen hielpen!! d'n ouwen Kohlbrugge
Al na een paar bezoeken was ik ,,verkocht,, aan Z.A Ik volg het dagelijks op afstand, ik moet bekennen dat ik het somber inzie voor de blanken boeren, net zoals in Nederland vertrekken er de mensen met de kennis en inzet die een land hebben opgebouwd, terwijl zij het zijn die elk land nou eenmaal nodig heeft. Zo blijft er voor andere een gespreid bedje over. Een wereldlied met clip, kan dat ook niet even veranderen. maar ik hoop wel dat het helpt! Groete!!!
Ik ben opgegroeid in een wijk die naar beroemde plaatsen en personen uit Zuid-Afrika genoemd is: Afrikaanderwijk of -buurt. Ik groeide op met verhalen en liedjes op school over de Boerenoorlogen en las de boeken van L. Penning (o.a. Held van Spionkop) stuk. Ik woonde o.a. in de De la Rey- en Martinus Steynstraat
De la Rey was a tragic figure, who never could outrun his personal demons. He tried hard to work with the British as Louis Botha and Jan Smuts were able to do.He was nominally swept up in the 1914 rebellion against WWI, but had in fact decided not to take part when he was killed by a British sentry after his driver failed to stop his car at a roadblock. We will never know if the killing was deliberate, or a tragic accident...Like so many in Iraq today.
As an englishman in South africa who was proud to serve south africa in the border war. The song is needed to bolster the flagging Afrikaaner spirit. The spirit that the current lot owe a lot to a nation who despite everything handed over a working committed government work force that was replaced by incompetance and corruption on a grand scale.
@BABGESS you are a true patriot i feel the same and hd to leave the place i love im a proper boer and will always think of the old life and the beautiful country i had
General De La Rey was a general of Anglo-Boer War that won the kakies (Englishman) in XIX century. He was a smart man. With strategy, the kakies was defeated by the boers (Afrikaans farmers).
On a mountain in the night we lie in the dark and wait in the mud and the blood, I lie cold clothbag and rain cling to me And my home and farm burnt to embers so they can catch us. But now those flames and fire burn deep, deep inside me
I'm not white but I must say that without the Boers,S.A. wouldn't be the same.They are the backbone of the economy and the reason why S.A. has the biggest GDP in Africa.
This is amazing.. time we saw something telling the story of the valiant struggle of the Boers against the British as Britain took their land - theirs by conquest. the terrible way in which the war was won scorched earth and interment. in the interests of full disclosure I am British (Welsh) grew up with Afrikaner kids in Northern Rhodesia, SWA and Kenya. at school there were SA kids whos grandparents were in the camps. It made me ashamed for being Britishwhich I never usually am..
Words Spoken by Great Men "Give me 20 divisions American soldiers and I will beach Europe. Give me 15 consisting of Englishmen,and I will advance to the borders of Berlin. Give me two divisions of those marvelous fighting Boers (Meaning Farmer,originating from the Boer War) and I will remove Germany from the face of the earth." Field Marshall Bernard L. Montgomery,Commander of the Allied forces during WWII.
On a mountain at night we lie in dark Mud blood cold grainbag & rain clinging Homestead burned to catch us But those flames burn within me De la Rey lead the Boers? General as one man we'll fall in & the Brits that laugh we few against their might Cliffs to our backs they think it's over They'll still find Farmer's hearts deeper At gallop he comes Lion of West Transvaal My wife & child, in camp, dieing Brit vengence is poured over a nation that will rise again
Our military history has largely consisted in our conflicts with France, but Napoleon and all his veterans have never treated us so roughly as these bard-bitten farmers with their ancient theology and their inconveniently modern rifles"
@Mmschooling Ek weet nie wat 'n Hensopper is nie maar ek kan dit wel raai. Laat jou kinders nie vergeet nie. Ek is byna nog een kind en dit is baaie belangeryk vir my te weet waar ons vandaan kom. (ek is 18-een bietjie een kind). Hoe die Afrikaners saam, maar laat hulle ook deur die wereld verspry en andere laat hoor wat daar gebeur in SA. Ek het dit alleen 3 maand geleden gevonden dir self te soek.
All wars create shame and hate no nation should be "proud" of war. However stories such as this should be celebrated but also we must remember nobody is "right" in war. Both British and Boers should never have fought they had very similar viewpoints, atrocities were committed by both sides. And the lingering hatred that STILL remains in SA from this ancient war should be removed from society so we can all move move forward as humanity not as separate polarized nations!!!
Hello, I'm searching original songs from the Boer War time (texts from the time). Is there any recording of such stuff (as for instance, for the American Civil War). I looked on ebay and amazon and found nothing. Thanks in advance.
@Skeptic121: "It is utterly unthinkable that American could produce a military officer like De la Rey" Washington, Greene, Allen, Gates, Grant, Sherman, Lee, Jackson, Patton, Eisenhower....but who's counting?
me gusta mucho la cancion pero no se de que se trata el ello ....si hay alguien que me lo traduzca en espanol o rumano se lo agradezco/îmi place mult cântecul şi sînt curios despre ce e vorba în el dacă e cineva să mi-l traducă îi sînt recunoscător
Words Spoken by Great Men "The Americans fight for a free world,the English mostly for honor and glory and medals,the French and Canadians decide too late that they have to participate.The Italians are too scared to fight;the Russians have no choice.The Germans for the Fatherland. The Boers?Those sons of bitches fight for the hell of it!" - American General,George "Guts and Glory" Patton -
Boers & Cape coast South African Dutch are the natural allies of the US & EU in Africa. Since 1994 in the Cities of the South African Coast 52,000 people of Dutch decent have been murdered. Since 2001 3000 Boer families have been brutally murdered. Join movement for Boer & Afrikaner independence from inept & Callus ANC govt. We want an independent Boer republic based on US constitution & EU social market Join see infokemp Channel Please check out vids & pass them on. Raise awareness!
Very true but more to do with their knowwledge of local geography . if germany france and Holland cared more than just talking about british vs. boer war crimes their chances would have been better.
ek dink jy mag dit maar doen MAAR ons hoef jou nie te volg nie. Ek hou vas ann my kultuur en wie ek is. En is jy blind??? Ons suffer onder die sogenaamde swartes. Ek het self vir die land baklei en oorlog gemaak en my mense is doodgeskiet vir dei land en mense soos jy noe ons "MAK KHAKI'S".
Nogmaals: aangrijpend. En: wat een zeggingskracht heeft het Afrikaans toch ! Zinnetjes als bijvoorbeeld: "hulle gaan dit nog zien" en "hulle dink dis voorbij" zitten vol met trots en dreiging.
I can say this.. being in the bush hunting with Afrikaner friends are some of my most poignant memories. I know Afrikaners are much criticized by the world but I have to tell you once an Afrikaner becomes your friend he will go to hell for you and with you. There is no finer friendship. Wheres the biltong?
Ik vind dit eigenlijk niet eens nationalisme, het is gewoon een liedje over een historisch feit. En hisotische feiten in liedjes belicht je nou eenmaal niet van 2 kanten. Natuurlijk is het zo dat het als een symbool van nationalisme gezien kan worden. Maar dat is met alles zo.
This is where you are very wrong, please read your history books...The Boers treated the english a lot better than vice versa.....The English used scorched earth tactics, and starved the women and children of the fighting Boers, brought in huge numbers of soldiers.....With equal numbers they would have been without a chance, because the Boers were superior Soldiers, and their leaders are regarded as the best tacticians of their age, far superior to the brits....
Wat een prachtig lied! Ik hoop dat meer Nederlanders dit lied gaan horen, het laat de verwantschap zien tussen Afrikaners en Nederlanders: de taal is bijna exact hetzelfde! Ook zonder ondertitels kan ik het verstaan, baie mooi! :)
Mooi nummer.
Wees altijd trots op wie je bent, waar je bij hoort.
Groeten uit Groningen, Nederland.
I grew up in a so called Afrikaanderwijk in Rotterdam (Holland), mostly in the De la Reystraat, going to school in the Johannes Brandstraat and the Tweebosstraat. In school I learned many songs in Afrikaans and I read all the stories of the Boers.
Paul Krugers 'Alles sal reg kom' is one of my motto's.
Groeten uit Holland voor alle Bok van Blerk fans en Afrikaanssprekenden
My husband is an Afrikaner. and the everytime I hear this it brings tears to my eyes. We spent weeks in SA. I want to be able to still visit there in 20 yers. I believe in the Afrikaners !
I'm a Black Xhosa man but everytime I hear this song it just reminds how vibrant South Africa is and I have so much respect for people like Bok Van Blerk and Afrikaner community,
I am in america since 1976. But my heart has never left Africa. I will never be anything but South African. Proudly!!!
What a Beautiful Song! Thank you for posting the Afrikaans subtitles. English is my native tongue and I speak a little German, but Afrikaans is the only way to sing this song! God Bless the Boer People - Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Ik heb mijn jeugd doorgebracht in de Afrikaanderwijk te Rotterdam, vooral in de De la Reystraat. De Boerenoorlogen met de Rooineks/Khakies zijn mij met de paplepel ingegoten.
I spent my youth in the Afrikaanderbuurt of Rotterdam and about the injustice to the Boers I was 'fed along with the bread' so to say.
Koos de la Rey was a true christian as well, famous for his humane treatment of the Khakies.
Baie dankie uit Holland vir die mooie liedjie. Alles sal reg kom
Dankie vir hierdie lekker liedjie. Ek kan oor en oor na hom leidster. Dis my mense en ek is baie trots!
I'm Dutch Canadian and I must say I have read up on the Boer War..I have plenty of respect for the Boers and my people, no matter what happens I'm on your side Boeren van Afrikaa! Proost.
WOW!!! What a powerful song. Just amazing. Got a tear in my eye listening to this.
Glad to see that it is on iTunes USA. Just downloaded it.
Ik heb mijn jeugd in de Rotterdamse Afrikaanderwijk gewoond, waarvan jaren in de De la Reystraat. De Boerenoorlogen met 'Boerkêrels en Rooineks/ Khakies' zijn mij met de paplepel ingegoten. Jammer hoe alles gegaan is.
O have spent my youth in the Rotterdam Afrikaander neighbourhood, most years in the De la Reystraat. De Boer Wars and its injustice by Khakies were fed to me like bread.
De la Rey was a true, compassionate christian and general.
Baie dankie uit Holland vir hierdie liedjie
The Boere could be Spartans, English longbowmen, or American minutemen. The Afrikaaners represent the very best that Western culture can offer the world: a lesson in freedom and a committment to defend it. This video is powerful. I hope it ignites in the heart of every Boer a pride and the notion that your culture is worth defending. Apologize to none. You stand on the cusp between civilization and barbarism. Do not abandon the homeland. Stand firm as did your forefathers.
I love this song! I'm from NZ.
As the wife of an Afrikaner, this song brings tears to my eyes ever time I hear it or he sings it to me. I uploaded the one with English subtitles so I could explain it to our daughter better. She has always heard Papa singing it and asked what it meant. I have spent months in SA, such a beautiful place. Fight on my dear Afrikaan friends and family. You WILL rise!
I'm American..But I just wanted to add this..
There is nothing wrong with having pride in your heritage, your people, your country. Boers built South Africa, made a viable nation and its a country worth saving
Ik ben opgegroeid in een De la Reystraat en ging op school in de Martinus steynstraat. De Boerenoorlogen tegen de 'rooineks / khaki's' maakten mij trots op de Boeren. Groeten uit Holland
Loving the melody of the song!!
Great song, we proud of you, boeren! Shalom from Israel
baie mooi lietjie!
ons wag op een new de la rey om ons boere te lei!
God Bless the Afrikaners!
Thank you guys I'm a Boer (Afrikaans) SOme Thans you guys my ryse is German and Im pround!
prachtig ,baie mooi lietjie hoor!
wie kent van mijn leeftijd niet die geschiedenis alleen al van ; de verkenner van Chr. de Wet,
onvergetelijk dat de boeren in WW1 de alliancies en niet de centralen hielpen!!
d'n ouwen Kohlbrugge
Al na een paar bezoeken was ik ,,verkocht,, aan Z.A Ik volg het dagelijks op afstand, ik moet bekennen dat ik het somber inzie voor de blanken boeren, net zoals in Nederland vertrekken er de mensen met de kennis en inzet die een land hebben opgebouwd, terwijl zij het zijn die elk land nou eenmaal nodig heeft. Zo blijft er voor andere een gespreid bedje over. Een wereldlied met clip, kan dat ook niet even veranderen. maar ik hoop wel dat het helpt! Groete!!!
OMG...so Beautiful.....i do not know the emanindg of the worrds but tghe song is very good...
Я завидую всем африканерам и их героической истории. Верю в будущее Южной Африки и этого народа.
Ik ben opgegroeid in een wijk die naar beroemde plaatsen en personen uit Zuid-Afrika genoemd is: Afrikaanderwijk of -buurt. Ik groeide op met verhalen en liedjes op school over de Boerenoorlogen en las de boeken van L. Penning (o.a. Held van Spionkop) stuk. Ik woonde o.a. in de De la Rey- en Martinus Steynstraat
De la Rey was a tragic figure, who never could outrun his personal demons. He tried hard to work with the British as Louis Botha and Jan Smuts were able to do.He was nominally swept up in the 1914 rebellion against WWI, but had in fact decided not to take part when he was killed by a British sentry after his driver failed to stop his car at a roadblock. We will never know if the killing was deliberate, or a tragic accident...Like so many in Iraq today.
baie leuke song.
die leeu van die wes transvaal
Greetings from Macedonia!
Dat Afrikaans is idd wel mooi.
As an englishman in South africa who was proud to serve south africa in the border war. The song is needed to bolster the flagging Afrikaaner spirit. The spirit that the current lot owe a lot to a nation who despite everything handed over a working committed government work force that was replaced by incompetance and corruption on a grand scale.
@BABGESS you are a true patriot i feel the same and hd to leave the place i love im a proper boer and will always think of the old life and the beautiful country i had
General De La Rey was a general of Anglo-Boer War that won the kakies (Englishman) in XIX century. He was a smart man.
With strategy, the kakies was defeated by the boers (Afrikaans farmers).
Amazing song! Poles combated for freedom too. Successes to battles with black racist! Greeting from Poland!
Ik ben nederlands en kan het best verstaan
On a mountain in the night
we lie in the dark and wait
in the mud and the blood, I lie cold
clothbag and rain cling to me
And my home and farm burnt to embers so they can catch us. But now those flames and fire burn deep, deep inside me
Good ol' Del!
I'm not white but I must say that without the Boers,S.A. wouldn't be the same.They are the backbone of the economy and the reason why S.A. has the biggest GDP in Africa.
This is amazing.. time we saw something telling the story of the valiant struggle of the Boers against the British as Britain took their land - theirs by conquest. the terrible way in which the war was won scorched earth and interment. in the interests of full disclosure I am British (Welsh) grew up with Afrikaner kids in Northern Rhodesia, SWA and Kenya. at school there were SA kids whos grandparents were in the camps. It made me ashamed for being Britishwhich I never usually am..
Meeslepend, verpletterend, ontroerend, verheffend, ontstellend, een overmachtigend lied...
I like it how he say: Generaal :D
Words Spoken by Great Men
"Give me 20 divisions American soldiers and I will beach Europe. Give me 15 consisting of Englishmen,and I will advance to the borders of Berlin. Give me two divisions of those marvelous fighting Boers (Meaning Farmer,originating from the Boer War) and I will remove Germany from the face of the earth."
Field Marshall Bernard L. Montgomery,Commander of the Allied forces during WWII.
Am I listening right? Or do they prononce the V like an F? Can anyone confirm?
On a mountain at night we lie in dark
Mud blood cold grainbag & rain clinging
Homestead burned to catch us
But those flames burn within me
De la Rey lead the Boers?
General as one man we'll fall in
& the Brits that laugh
we few against their might
Cliffs to our backs
they think it's over
They'll still find Farmer's hearts deeper
At gallop he comes
Lion of West Transvaal
My wife & child, in camp, dieing
Brit vengence is poured over
a nation that will rise again
Our military history has largely consisted in our conflicts with France, but Napoleon and all his veterans have never treated us so roughly as these bard-bitten farmers with their ancient theology and their inconveniently modern rifles"
IK wil dit wel proberen, stuur me de afrikaanse tekst, met de muziek, b.v. een midi versie
It wasn't really an empire.
It where 2 diffrent free state's.
They had own laws and such.
But altough they where comrades in arms.
Die song maak mens SA mis. Al woon ek nie meer in Suid Afrika nie sal ek nooit vergeet waarvan ek kom nie en die geskiedenis agter die afrikaners nie.
@jimmy12006 General Koos De la Rey. A Boer soldier from South Africa.
@Mmschooling Ek weet nie wat 'n Hensopper is nie maar ek kan dit wel raai. Laat jou kinders nie vergeet nie. Ek is byna nog een kind en dit is baaie belangeryk vir my te weet waar ons vandaan kom. (ek is 18-een bietjie een kind). Hoe die Afrikaners saam, maar laat hulle ook deur die wereld verspry en andere laat hoor wat daar gebeur in SA. Ek het dit alleen 3 maand geleden gevonden dir self te soek.
Kan julle asb help met links na plekke waar ek gratis afrikaanse mp3's kan aflaai!?!?
All wars create shame and hate no nation should be "proud" of war. However stories such as this should be celebrated but also we must remember nobody is "right" in war. Both British and Boers should never have fought they had very similar viewpoints, atrocities were committed by both sides. And the lingering hatred that STILL remains in SA from this ancient war should be removed from society so we can all move move forward as humanity not as separate polarized nations!!!
Hello, I'm searching original songs from the Boer War time (texts from the time). Is there any recording of such stuff (as for instance, for the American Civil War). I looked on ebay and amazon and found nothing. Thanks in advance.
@Skeptic121: "It is utterly unthinkable that American could produce a military officer like De la Rey" Washington, Greene, Allen, Gates, Grant, Sherman, Lee, Jackson, Patton, Eisenhower....but who's counting?
Are you related to that PM who was before DeKlerk?
Wasen't he called the Alligator? lol
@DH478 Well said, I think I need a bumper sticker.
me gusta mucho la cancion pero no se de que se trata el ello ....si hay alguien que me lo traduzca en espanol o rumano se lo agradezco/îmi place mult cântecul şi sînt curios despre ce e vorba în el dacă e cineva să mi-l traducă îi sînt recunoscător
@player555100 It would be first of all interesting to unite Ireland!!!
@CondorFlyingHigh yea v is f and w is v is afrikaans bro, jsut like in moari a wh is an f
Words Spoken by Great Men
"The Americans fight for a free world,the English mostly for honor and glory and medals,the French and Canadians decide too late that they have to participate.The Italians are too scared to fight;the Russians have no choice.The Germans for the Fatherland. The Boers?Those sons of bitches fight for the hell of it!"
- American General,George "Guts and Glory" Patton -
@TrialTribal dit is Afrikaans..
Boers & Cape coast South African Dutch are the natural allies of the US & EU in Africa.
Since 1994 in the Cities of the South African Coast 52,000 people of Dutch decent have been murdered.
Since 2001
3000 Boer families have been brutally murdered.
Join movement for Boer & Afrikaner independence from inept & Callus ANC govt.
We want an independent Boer republic based on US constitution & EU social market
Join see infokemp Channel
Please check out vids & pass them on. Raise awareness!
wat staan saam?
Very true but more to do with their knowwledge of local geography . if germany france and Holland cared more than just talking about british vs. boer war crimes their chances would have been better.
@TrialTribal dis afrikaans accent nie deuts nie
and it is exactly 4,1900485847574387856227792414977
britse soldate voor elke boer
vokken cool banannas
ek dink jy mag dit maar doen MAAR ons hoef jou nie te volg nie. Ek hou vas ann my kultuur en wie ek is. En is jy blind??? Ons suffer onder die sogenaamde swartes. Ek het self vir die land baklei en oorlog gemaak en my mense is doodgeskiet vir dei land en mense soos jy noe ons "MAK KHAKI'S".
Nogmaals: aangrijpend. En: wat een zeggingskracht heeft het Afrikaans toch !
Zinnetjes als bijvoorbeeld: "hulle gaan dit nog zien" en "hulle dink dis voorbij" zitten vol met trots en dreiging.
deze taal is net twents...
(in dutch this means: this language is just like twents (a dutch accent)
I can say this.. being in the bush hunting with Afrikaner friends are some of my most poignant memories. I know Afrikaners are much criticized by the world but I have to tell you once an Afrikaner becomes your friend he will go to hell for you and with you. There is no finer friendship. Wheres the biltong?
Ik vind dit eigenlijk niet eens nationalisme, het is gewoon een liedje over een historisch feit. En hisotische feiten in liedjes belicht je nou eenmaal niet van 2 kanten. Natuurlijk is het zo dat het als een symbool van nationalisme gezien kan worden. Maar dat is met alles zo.
I have to admit, it's a powerful song. It's beeing exploited by fascists all over the world though... Shame
This is where you are very wrong, please read your history books...The Boers treated the english a lot better than vice versa.....The English used scorched earth tactics, and starved the women and children of the fighting Boers, brought in huge numbers of soldiers.....With equal numbers they would have been without a chance, because the Boers were superior Soldiers, and their leaders are regarded as the best tacticians of their age, far superior to the brits....