What's Your "LUCKY I DIDN'T GO" Story?

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @francissobotka8725
    @francissobotka8725 2 місяці тому +88

    I was planning on going to California but after my grandfathers death I canceled my trip. The flight was American airlines flight 77 on Sept 11 th 2001.

    • @Youssef06_
      @Youssef06_ 2 місяці тому +15

      My father unfortunately ended up going on that flight
      He was the best pilot in Iraq

    • @NicoBabyman1
      @NicoBabyman1 2 місяці тому +5

      @@Youssef06_ Hold up…

    • @Fruitcupper
      @Fruitcupper 2 місяці тому +5

      ​​@@Youssef06_ It was bad luck with those backseat drivers on that flight

    • @ketienne1021
      @ketienne1021 Місяць тому

      I hear that story remixed every other day.

    • @JDubs1464
      @JDubs1464 Місяць тому +1

      So how many mfs missed this flight

  • @GretgorPooper
    @GretgorPooper 2 місяці тому +126

    The amount of plane crashes in these stories frankly terrifies me. They're still safer than cars, but when something does go wrong, it always goes disastrously wrong, so it's way scarier on a psychological level.

    • @co-jt6gd
      @co-jt6gd 2 місяці тому +11

      Which is precisely why I despise air travel. I do wish we had more public transit in the USA, though, and walkable cities.

    • @the_hanged_clown
      @the_hanged_clown 2 місяці тому +11

      at least in the air, those operating the vehicle are all trained professionals. whereas the road is populated by any with very forgiving licensing procedures.

    • @ursulajoni15
      @ursulajoni15 2 місяці тому +3

      I mean if it makes do you feel better it is Reddit so a lot of these stories are probably fake

    • @Youssef06_
      @Youssef06_ 2 місяці тому +4

      @@the_hanged_clownat least you have full control of your car while in a plane ur just a passenger

    • @Flat-Bob
      @Flat-Bob 2 місяці тому +2

      Yeah, especially the one coming back from Antarctica. Mighty suspicious.

  • @myself-cs5fr
    @myself-cs5fr 2 місяці тому +65

    My brother left his girlfriend's house one night, and didn't immediately put his seatbelt on. He had an odd habit of putting it on after he started driving. Well before he remembered to put it on he had to swerve to avoid someone/something (I forget what) and crashed his car into the ditch. He rolled the car in the process and was thrown into the passenger seat because he was not wearing his seatbelt. He turned around after being thrown into the passenger seat to find a tree branch sticking through the driver's seat. He would have been impaled by it had he been wearing a seatbelt that night

    • @weirdredpanda
      @weirdredpanda 2 місяці тому +26

      An odd case where not wearing a seatbelt saved a life.

    • @TempestGD01
      @TempestGD01 2 місяці тому +2

      God bless his soul

    • @justadummy8076
      @justadummy8076 2 місяці тому +8

      Well, that settles it, I’m not wearing a seatbelt ever again!

    • @ssjwes572
      @ssjwes572 2 місяці тому +2

      @@justadummy8076 same

    • @beastmaster0934
      @beastmaster0934 2 місяці тому +4

      Damn, a rare moment where not wearing your seatbelt actually saved someone’s life.

  • @lucoreilly8418
    @lucoreilly8418 2 місяці тому +32

    A friend of mine used to "take" his parent's car at night for joyrides. Three of us lived relatively close. He would pick up another friend first, who always rode shotgun then me, who always sat in the backseat. We did this a lot, I'm surprised his dad never caught on. But the one night I turned them down, they got into a bad crash. They're were somehow both fine but the back-end was totalled. I would have been obliterated had I gone along.

  • @user-wj5cx2zp7v
    @user-wj5cx2zp7v 2 місяці тому +27

    Early 2000s, my first time living alone. I was part of a shitty friend group, that I was trying to slowly back out of. Recieved an invite to join them on a weekend away down the coast, a weekwnd-long drinking session, basically. Gut feeling told me that something was fucky, so I lied about having to attend a family wedding and dropped out.
    Stayed home with the curtains closed, played some video games and watched some old films. Didn't hear from friend group for a week. Found out two weeks later that everybody had been arrested - it was a drug-deal trip under the guise of a drinking session. Dumbasses bought from p.d undercover. Out of four people, two got sent down for 3 years. Never saw the other two again.
    Tl dr; The trash took itself out.

    • @ssjwes572
      @ssjwes572 2 місяці тому +1

      They made it easy for you.

  • @jeremyk.6456
    @jeremyk.6456 2 місяці тому +15

    I lived in Alaska when that AWAC crashed and my dad was in one of the closest buildings to where it crashed just beyond the runway. It was caused by Canadian Geese being on the runway and flying up into the engines right as the plane lifted off the ground causing it to crash. That crash actually changed a ton of procedures for the military and even civilian aviation where they created systems to keep the birds away from the runways and flight path of the runway to mitigate this issue as much as possible.

    • @Hollyucinogen
      @Hollyucinogen Місяць тому

      I'm Canadian, and lmao, Canadian geese are kind of assholes. 😂

  • @ThatDevilForrest
    @ThatDevilForrest 2 місяці тому +32

    Looked up that Alaska plane crash story. For those curious, it was Yukla 27, an E-3 Sentry that ingested several Canadian geese into two engines and caused the plane to go down.

  • @paulman34340
    @paulman34340 2 місяці тому +18

    My aunt and grandmother nearly got caught up in 9/11. Aunt worked near WTC and sometimes, grandma came to work with her. Usually left for the south ferry early. But my idiot cousins got into a fight and they got to bed late so woke up late. Good they did as had they woke up and left early, they'd have been RIGHT near the WTC when the planes hit. Instead they were in the middle of the ocean path to the NYC side of the ferry, so were turned back when shit happened. I was visiting a different aunt out of state (was a teen entering HS at the time) and was sitting down to eat waffles and watch Freakazoid when the news hit. I was panicking on the fate of the two till they were confirmed okay. For once I respected my idiot cousins as their roughhousing SAVED their mother and our grandmother!

  • @johnhightshoe996
    @johnhightshoe996 2 місяці тому +7

    Let’s be completely honest in story 5, grandma has no regrets in how it turned out. RIP to both grandma and the skydiver who tried to save someone else’s grandma.

  • @jonahhex18
    @jonahhex18 2 місяці тому +13

    Story 9: I get it. It's not fair, and it's not op's fault. Dude stepped on a bomb and wants to blame someone to get him through the pain.
    If it starts to affect his reputation, then OP should spread his side of things. Otherwise, let the sad man heal.

  • @tonyj9743
    @tonyj9743 2 місяці тому +4

    I like how the skydiving one specifically states the free fall portion went smooth. As if jumping out of a plane and plummeting down can go wrong!

    • @haplessasshole9615
      @haplessasshole9615 2 місяці тому

      Well, yeah. Gravity tends to work in a consistently downward direction, but I guess the OP meant Claudette and the instructor didn't smack their heads against a wing strut or go flailing and spinning out of control. I take what you mean, and there is a certain dark, ironic humor in the phrase, but from what I've gathered, a lot of things can go wrong in the free fall part.

  • @0palOpal0pal
    @0palOpal0pal 2 місяці тому +16

    Seriously? Condolences for the loss of someone to a skydiving accident and then segueing that right into "hit that like and subscribe?"

  • @JDRants
    @JDRants 2 місяці тому +8

    When I was in high school, I was on the varsity football and basketball team. My friends and I usually drank on the weekends in my grandparents basement after they went to bed. We’d watch football and whatever else and hangout peacefully.
    One weekend my friend said that the captain of the football team was having a party in a gravel road near his family farm.
    I was invited but I told my friend and I quote “that sounds like a really stupid idea”
    And I was right
    All but 2 of my friends went to that party and they all got caught by the local sheriff
    Here’s the twist
    Because the Quarterback, and 8 starters were at that party, the police let everyone go, after all, we were 5-0 that year and they didn’t want to get those guys in trouble
    Everyone in town knew about it and it gave the entire football team, and the police department a bad reputation around town.
    Obviously if I woudve went I would’ve been excused too, but I just knew that was a dumb idea lol
    But that’s what high school kids are, dumb

    • @ssjwes572
      @ssjwes572 2 місяці тому +1

      But you weren't(dumb)

  • @BraveryWing26
    @BraveryWing26 2 місяці тому +35

    God bless OP for hating their friend's boyfriend which saved their life

    • @tridek1949
      @tridek1949 2 місяці тому +3

      Yet another life saved by being a hater. Happens more often than you'd think.

    • @BraveryWing26
      @BraveryWing26 2 місяці тому +5

      @@tridek1949 Who said hate didnt save lives?

  • @beastmaster0934
    @beastmaster0934 2 місяці тому +5

    I mean, he lost all his friends in one fell swoop.
    No wonder telling that story caused him to cry like that.

  • @MJyoung35
    @MJyoung35 2 місяці тому +45

    i remember my friends scored some cheap cruise tickets. It was a new ship and was set to cross the ocean. I got a bad feeling and opted not to go. Only one friend returned home. She told me the ship hit an iceberg and every one fought to get on the boats. One chick even let her boyfriend freeze to death bc she wouldn't share the door she was floating on. So glad I didnt go

    • @solaris9426
      @solaris9426 2 місяці тому +9

      First off, Titanic survivor, the two tried to get on the door frame together and it started sinking. Second, the Mythbusters tested this and proved it was impossible for both to get on the door frame.

    • @MJyoung35
      @MJyoung35 2 місяці тому

      @@solaris9426 you weren't there. my friend was tho. You think Ima listen to some random internet person over my 100% legitimate friend and their 100% legitimate story?

    • @Catherine.Dorian.
      @Catherine.Dorian. 2 місяці тому +2

      @@solaris9426Even James Cameron proved it. He had two swimmers recreate the scene and they did something to them to simulate hypothermia and Rose being pulled under by the guy, Jack having to punch him and then the swim to the board. The two said by the time they reached the board they could barely move or think

    • @laumay7364
      @laumay7364 2 місяці тому

      Jack and Rose aren’t real. And I think we missed the part where he said this happened to some friends of his.

    • @ActivistVictor
      @ActivistVictor 2 місяці тому +5

      @@solaris9426well ain’t you great at parties…. Let the guy make a joke will you?

  • @zach14m
    @zach14m 2 місяці тому +10

    I talked with co-workers the night before that I wish I was going to a music festival the following night. I didn't go and it was the Las Vegas shooting.

  • @DavidRichardson153
    @DavidRichardson153 2 місяці тому +7

    I had been jobless for a little under a year at the time of this story, and I was growing desperate. I had been applying and applying and applying to frickin' everywhere by this point, and the most I usually got was a phone interview, and those were already rare. Then, after I had an even rarer in-person interview (there were only three others that I had over whole time I was jobless, which came close to the 2-year mark), I finally got an offer. I had become quite desperate by then, so I nearly took it, but a few things got in the way of that:
    1) The offer came via email after about a month. I feel like the timing was aimed at trying to make me even more desperate, but it ended up pouring cold water over everything and really got me to reexamine what I was looking for.
    2) It was in a bit of a shady location. In fairness, it was nothing that would stereotypically be described as "the bad part of town," but something about my route options just felt... off (blame the relatives I had working in law enforcement at the time for that - they all now have a deep burning hatred for the suburbs, especially the "nicer" ones, and so do I).
    3) The offer was the worst I had gotten: lowest pay ever offered to me, fewest benefits offered to me, most hours demanded of me. Oh, it was even worse you think - try federal minimum wage for a microbiology degree. Yeah, f^^^ that.
    About a month or so after I turned it down, I stumbled across a story about a police raid there. It turned out there was some shady activity being moonlighted there - not a fight club or s^x ring or anything like that, at least not according to what I read - and a lot of people there, including the person who interviewed me, got arrested.
    Who knows what would have happened to me if I had taken the offer. I have been abused by bosses before, so I have a few ideas as to what they could have done with me, but because I noped out of that, not much point in speculating on this specific case.

  • @utterbutter08
    @utterbutter08 2 місяці тому +6

    I don’t exactly know what year it was but it was around 2010, i might have been about 11 years old too.
    Anyways my mom and some of her friends decided to go fishing in the Hudson river in New York and i was brought along.
    After all was said and done we went back home with everyone to eat the fish that was caught, i was offered a fish but opted not to eat any of the fish because the river just smelled foul not at all like normal salt water and it grossed me out.
    Sure enough the next day everyone had food poisoning but me and later in the day while me and my mom were watching the news they made an announcement not to fish or eat any of the fish in the river because of high pollution in the water to which my mom then turns to me in shock and says that i dodged a hell of a bullet.
    She had thought that i was just being picky the night of but to her credit i was being picky but for a good reason as it turned out

  • @ThyWillBeDone001
    @ThyWillBeDone001 2 місяці тому +3

    A close friend of mines had a brother who died after being shot up. I wanted to visit the funeral to support my close friend. My mom caught wind that the brother died due to gang related activities and forbid me to go. The day of the funeral my friend died from a drive by that occurred at the funeral. The plan was to be next to him so I can only imagine I would have been shot as well. I totally was grateful for my mom wisdom

  • @robertallen7064
    @robertallen7064 2 місяці тому +3

    I’ve got one. When I was in 8th grade I wanted to spend the night with my best friends one night but my parents didn’t let me because I had to go to school the next day. I was so upset. I felt like I was missing out. They ended up getting black out drunk did a lot of drugs stole someone’s golf cart crashed it. Then stole someone’s Lincoln and flipped it 7 times almost killing them all. They all ended up getting grand theft auto charges as well as a bunch of other stuff. So glad I missed out.

  • @jstar1054
    @jstar1054 2 місяці тому +1

    I was once "forgotten" about when a friend invited everyone on a tubing trip before graduation. I was at the mall with my mom and could hear the flash storm through the ceiling. Found out about how bad it was later. No plan of that girl's ever went well it was like she was a magnet for bad karma.

  • @MyBubblez42
    @MyBubblez42 2 місяці тому +2

    Was gonna go to a high school party but then decided not too. Long story short, there was a shooting at that party and I lost a friend. I always think of what would of happened if I went. Would my friend still be alive, would I have be shot? I'm glad I didn't go. R.i.p. friend.

  • @TheHiredGun187
    @TheHiredGun187 2 місяці тому +1

    Talking about skydiving.
    I have jumped solo 32 times and tandem another 10 or so. I I am trained enough to pack my own chutes so I know no mistakes are gonna get made by someone else. I had my primary chute fail once. The fabric of my chute tore and I had to cut away and use my reserve.

  • @Vriappiopoi
    @Vriappiopoi 2 місяці тому +3

    On the night one of my friends got his license to drive, we went on a mischief streak. Long story short, I ended up going home and they ended up getting arrested. Good thing I didn't go.

  • @justinmisiuda48
    @justinmisiuda48 2 місяці тому +2

    Not me but my nephew had to cancel going to a ski trip due to a rare illness for his age. That car he would have been in slammed hard into a guardrail and the guard rail breached the cabin. It didn’t end well

  • @djpanic7294
    @djpanic7294 Місяць тому

    When I was in elementary school my mom would drive me. One morning we were running late and my dad had forgotten to lift the backseat back up (it was a truck that only had 2 seats in the front and my mom had to put my brother's car seat back in since my dad had taken it out the night before). My mom struggled with it for awhile, threw up her hands and said "well I guess God doesn't want me to take you to school today" so I got to stay home. My dad calls the house about an hour later or so frantic because there had been a really bad multi car accident on the road we took to school that happened right around the time we would have been on the way. When my dad got home he went to fix the seat and it went back up with no issue

  • @Kaboomboo
    @Kaboomboo 2 місяці тому

    I didn't opt out, but I had a dentist appointment. In high school i had left school early to get my bi annual teeth cleaning, and was to return later for musical rehearsal. While i was gone, students were on the stage working on blocking and some punks during that time went into the dressing rooms and stole money from everyone's purses, wallets, etc. And everyone found out when they all tried buying food that evening. If i hasn't gone to the dentist, my stuff would've been taken too.
    Sadly because I was conveniently not there, some suspected I had something to do with it. Thieves can eat a dock.

  • @HonestLettuce
    @HonestLettuce 2 місяці тому +1

    The supported living i was at offered me a reduced rent from £500pcm to £450 if i stayed for another 10 years, i wish i did instead of mocing back in with my mother and her ex-fiance (they ended their 14 year relationship) because they were really struggling with the mortgage, and the ex-fiancé couldn't deal with the stress and thought su***de was an option.
    I should have stayed in supported living and just do direct debits to them. I told them I'm moving out an now the house is tense.

  • @dragonfliesnh4204
    @dragonfliesnh4204 Місяць тому

    I know most, if anyone, will see this. My friends and I were planning to go to New York to see a specific Broadway musical. Each of us were supposed to do certain tasks to coordinate this. I was going to be driving, figuring out the highway tolls, find parking garages and check the subway schedule so we didn't have to use my car while there. Someone was going to get the tickets, another obtaining a hotel room, etc. Everyone would be paying their share once we determine how much everything would cost. None of them did anything so we didn't go because I refused to plan it all. That was the week of 9/11. If nothing happened to us directly, we would have been stranded for quite some time as many roads and tunnels were closed down.

  • @DetectiveDorian
    @DetectiveDorian 2 місяці тому

    Something more tame:
    I was invited to a sit-down restaurant by my job, but going would have required I wake up early and get a ride since I didn't have a car at the time. I declined, and ignored all attempts to get me to go for "appearances", because every time I explained that at the time of the lunch, I was going to be asleep, it was like that explanation went through one ear and out the other; I just plain stopped responding every time the lunch came up and they got the memo the day before.
    The day of the lunch, I was, of course, asleep, but apparently one of the managers had shown up drunk because it was supposed to be his day off and he forgot, got, and I'm quoting here, "A little rowdy with the waitstaff", and police had to be called to get him trespassed off the property for his bahavior. The big lunches haven't happened since, or at least I wasn't invited to any.

  • @BreezyKun
    @BreezyKun 2 місяці тому +2

    I was 8 when my mom & grandma took me to the shopping center with them and I could stay with my mom at McDonald's or go across the street with Grandma to the supermarket. A car T-boned Grandma on the driver side as she was heading out of the McDonald's parking lot, she wound up with brain damage and a catheter.

  • @iamthecheese2737
    @iamthecheese2737 2 місяці тому +1

    I went to a Vector interview. Was hired, shook hands, said thanks, left and never went back.

  • @juliusquasar1565
    @juliusquasar1565 Місяць тому +2

    Buying that condo in downtown Los Angeles, back when I used to live in L.A. The place looks worse than Johannesburg, South Africa now.

  • @Catherine.Dorian.
    @Catherine.Dorian. 2 місяці тому +4

    For once a game in the background that is fun to watch

  • @caolanochearnaigh9804
    @caolanochearnaigh9804 Місяць тому

    Friend of my Dad's used to live in NY and work in the WTC, this was way before he came to Ireland and met my Dad.
    Anyway, his phone died one night, so he ended up sleeping in on accident due to the alarm not going off.
    It was September 11th.
    His phone dying saved his life.

  • @damienhailey118
    @damienhailey118 2 місяці тому +3

    (Looks at game footage)
    Did I just see SPONGEBOB drown in WATER?

    • @thegreygoblin5165
      @thegreygoblin5165 Місяць тому +1

      Might be the same ...well Goo... from Goo Lagoon

  • @mcb187
    @mcb187 Місяць тому

    Holy shit I actually know about one of these stories! AWACS crash in AK was because of a bird strike. My dad was actually in training to start flying in the back of the AWACS at the time, in Oklahoma, and heard about it. Shook everyone up really bad there. Was really shocked to hear that one.

  • @eldamari79
    @eldamari79 Місяць тому

    About 10 years ago I was supposed to go 4x4-ing with my cousin but got called into work. The next day on my birthday I got a call saying he died in a jeep roll over accident

  • @theotherther1
    @theotherther1 Місяць тому +1

    After I was contacted by the Make a Wish foundation, I said I wanted to meet my favorite artist. We narrowed it down to John Kricfalusi and Michel Gagne. I chose Gagne because he seemed nicer.
    I did visit him and we had a wonderful time together! Years later, some of John K’s former animators, like Katie Rice, revealed him to be a rapist and a pedophile (on top of his notoriously bad temper)..
    I’m so glad I didn’t choose to see John K.

  • @j.paulm.1575
    @j.paulm.1575 2 місяці тому

    In story 10, when you said the words "Swiss Air," I knew exactly how the story would end. That would be such a horrifying fate for anyone to suffer. I have a lot of experience on the sim with the aircraft involved, and it is a very trustworthy airplane (aside from occasionally taking bounced landings poorly). Glad OP's parents made the right choice, but that's a shame to hear someone you know died in such a horrible manner.

  • @forcewielder2000
    @forcewielder2000 27 днів тому

    When I was 13, I was supposed to go with a couple of friends to a movie, but my parents made me go to some family activity. Turned out to be a good thing for me because the movie got out really late, and while my friends were waiting for the mom of one of them to come pick them up (she fell asleep and left late). a bunch of older teenagers tricked my friends into going behind the movie theater. The older teens then grabbed my friends, pulled down their pants and underwear, and violated their bottoms (sorry, trying to work around UA-cam's censors). If I had gone with my friends, those teenagers would have done the same to me.

  • @romecottrell6444
    @romecottrell6444 2 місяці тому +1

    Yeah ! Never let other people entrap you into getting in criminal misconduct , going to prison isn't a good idea 😮.

  • @sonokawaray
    @sonokawaray Місяць тому

    Didn't really opt out so much as missed my shot, still turns out I dodged a bullet. Really wanted to catch Bury Tomorrow (British metalcore band) while they were doing a US tour, saw they were going to be at a nearby festival, checked the site and saw admission was sold out. Was kicking myself for not checking sooner, but that's how it goes. Some time later, I start seeing videos pop up discussing the festival in question: Blue Ridge Rock Festival 2023. For those who don't know, Blue Ridge 2023 became more or less metal's own Fyre Fest, in terms of sheer disaster. Got rained out the first day by some bad storms, rest of the event shut down early when a ton of disgruntled staff allegedly walked out, and it sounds like it's been like pulling teeth getting refunds. Still got to see BT at another venue, even made a whole Oktoberfest weekend out of the trip, so worked for me in the end. Still feel bad for the fans who got robbed by both acts of God and crappy management.

  • @darkangel_1978
    @darkangel_1978 Місяць тому

    My husband was serving overseas, and usually at breakfast time, he would get an omelette. One morning he decided to not get one, and got in a different line. Good thing for him, because while he was in the other line, an explosion happened nearby, and he would have been hit with shrapnel, and quite possibly could have died. He said was so happy that he decided against his usual breakfast food.

  • @erichanastacio9695
    @erichanastacio9695 2 місяці тому

    The 1990 Philippine Earthquake of 7.7 magnitude just totalled a famous hotel that my parent (and my parent's company) should have been for a vacation.
    That hotel was fully booked (R I.P. to the hotel guests and staffs), so they got hotel reservations instead at a far and safe side of the country.

  • @Musicismytherapy-um5qv
    @Musicismytherapy-um5qv 2 місяці тому +1

    This didn’t happen to me it happened to my cousin. My cousin was invited to go to Florida with a friend and her family and last minute she was told she couldn’t go because there wasn’t enough room in the 2 vans they had rented. My cousin wasn’t happy until she learned that halfway to Florida one of the vans broke down and they all had to fit in one van. So not horribly wrong just funny wrong.

  • @Gyrobend
    @Gyrobend 2 місяці тому +1

    I live in the KC metro area and I opted out of the 2024 Super Bowl Parade, potentially dodged literal bullets

    • @elizabethcox5911
      @elizabethcox5911 2 місяці тому

      I live in KCK. So glad to hear that. A huge tragedy that at least some avoided. When I watched the news after it happened I was so thankful my daughter who's a big Chiefs fan isn't into parades.

  • @Trilltendo64
    @Trilltendo64 2 місяці тому +1

    I have 2 it was a club event I wanted to go to with my friends but I was a bit too young. One of my friends ended up getting shot 5 times that night. Then another time I was supposed to go with my friends to kick it, but I was sick. The car ended up getting shot at and 3 of the bullets went through the backseat door where I was supposed to be seated.

  • @Jherick5954
    @Jherick5954 2 місяці тому

    I regret not going because I was in a dour mood, and I only opted out because I didn't want to be the stick in the mud that ruins the fun for everybody else, and I was and still am 99% sure I would have been moody. Anyways, I was offered the go to Schlitterbahn for someone's birthday, and I declined. Well, some couple years later, a kid was horrifically killed from a water slide malfunction. I strongly believe in the multiverese theory, and I love Final Destinatio., so sometimes I wonder how or what if this happened er different, what would happen

  • @amytgt903
    @amytgt903 2 місяці тому

    There was a senior's night for all the graduating seniors at my school this past spring. I was a senior at the time, but I purposefully didn't sign up to go because I'd had a class at the time. On the day of, I was bummed because the teacher of the class told us that any seniors who needed to leave early for senior's night could do so. I watched all the seniors leave without me and I was disappointed. But the next week, when asked how senior's night went, they all said it was "really sad." It apparently hadn't been well advertised or well planned, so the people who did show up had no idea what to do.

  • @lookatyou5809
    @lookatyou5809 Місяць тому

    I love this the VO sounds like Ray Liota in goodfellas.

  • @Superlisop
    @Superlisop 2 місяці тому

    I was sitting at a table on the school grounds once at night with some friends and we were smoking weed... 20 after i decided to go home police came and they found my friends weed that he hid under a flower pot. Noone got in troubble but they were sent away. Not being there was the right choice.

  • @jbproductions9874
    @jbproductions9874 Місяць тому

    It was a Saturday in 2019, and my dad and I were gonna go to a nearby Walmart but chose not to because he was too tired.
    Later that day, there was a shooting at the Walmart (R.I.P to the victims) so yeah. Dodged actual bullets there

  • @MinisterChristopher
    @MinisterChristopher 2 місяці тому +1

    My beloved uncles funeral. A lot of violence in the church and outside the church.

  • @Nyghtking
    @Nyghtking 2 місяці тому +1

    To be fair the guy who stepped on the IED, he probably blames his former friend because i'm guessing the IED probably messed him up and probably make him lose a limb, so he became crippled and probably traumatized as well, so he blames his former friend to vent those negative feelings he has toward that event, like on a conscious level he probably knows his friend had nothing to do with what happened.

    • @weirdredpanda
      @weirdredpanda 2 місяці тому +1

      Still wrong of him to do it though.

    • @Nyghtking
      @Nyghtking 2 місяці тому

      @@weirdredpanda Indeed it is, but at least it's understandably why he would do that.

  • @AngelusNielson
    @AngelusNielson 2 місяці тому +1

    I felt like not going to hang out with my friends one weekend and they got jumped by a couple of drugged up insane people. My friend wound up with a literal bootprint in his forehead and easily could have been hilled.,

  • @warjdani
    @warjdani 2 місяці тому

    My mom was going to take my newborn baby brother to see family but he kept crying and being fussy so my mom left him with my dad. She wanted a break and still visit some family for a bit, she got into a car wreck on the passenger side she ended up in the hospital with a broken arm. She's alive and fine now but she always thought what if she brought my brother with her he might of died that day if he wants non stop crying.

  • @Fruitcupper
    @Fruitcupper 2 місяці тому

    7:59 well....He took a leap of faith.

  • @Eagercheetah20
    @Eagercheetah20 2 місяці тому

    This isn’t a tragic story but a funny story
    One time years ago while me and my group of friends were still in high school. (This happened mid winter) They wanted to hang out, but I wasn’t in the mood to hang out to I told them so. 2 days later while at school I met up with my friend Derek (who hung out with the others) and told me that when they were gonna leave his place and go get food out friend Matt’s truck which was parked near the snow got stuck in the snow for about an hour and was losing his mind. Apart of me is glad I didn’t go or else I would have been helping and failing to get the car out of the snow, but apart of me wishes I went so I could see my friend freak out and laugh as it was apparently very funny.

  • @Katierenee_10
    @Katierenee_10 Місяць тому

    Went to a Halloween party a couple years ago, I got really drunk bc I was on antibiotics, I was young and dumb so I didn’t know that you can’t do that…. Anyways I get so out of it, I went out back and laid on the ground and start throwing up. A group of guys was trying to help telling me and said I needed to take a walk, they all grabbed me and lead me through the house, out the front door and we started walking. I got a couple steps and I just had a feeling to turn around and go back so that’s what I did….. I still have no idea if they was genuinely trying to help me or if something else was going to happen, I just feel like my conscious kicked in for a reason 🤷🏽‍♀️ like I I could barely walk, couldn’t see straight or clear, why are you trying to make me go on a walk in the middle of the night? Idkkkk.

    • @Katierenee_10
      @Katierenee_10 Місяць тому

      If anyone reads this can you please tell me your opinion, maybe going on walks helps 🤷🏽‍♀️ I haven’t drank much at all since this and I wasn’t a big drinker before that considering I was 20 years old at the time so I don’t know much…

  • @zombiedoggie2732
    @zombiedoggie2732 2 місяці тому

    The people who either missed their tcket because they dilly dallied, or decided to rescheduel their transatlantic crossings for whatever reason. The ship they were lucky they didn't go on? The Titanic.

  • @Whoyouwishyouwere
    @Whoyouwishyouwere 2 місяці тому

    Idea: How do study more effectively?

  • @fayyazalimujahid
    @fayyazalimujahid 2 місяці тому

    You Mean one of those scam bait videos?
    I recommend watching scammer payback. Dude's a menace to these scammers

  • @ChrisPierreBacon
    @ChrisPierreBacon 16 днів тому

    Yeah you want your FRIENDS to have the party house. All of the benefits, none of the responsibilities

  • @Nellia.20x
    @Nellia.20x 2 місяці тому +2

    Dropping out of school at 15 🎉

  • @wschnabel1987
    @wschnabel1987 2 місяці тому +2

    The launch of Fallout 76 was a frankly impressive shitshow, and managed to redeem itself by now.

  • @thomgri
    @thomgri 2 місяці тому +2

    Western marriage

  • @ElectrifiedGremlin
    @ElectrifiedGremlin 2 місяці тому

    Snorting wizz fizz, I said no, but someone else did it and got a severe migraine for 3 days

  • @christopherszynkowski2524
    @christopherszynkowski2524 2 місяці тому

    Dashcon... enough said

  • @bloomjuliaeslavin525
    @bloomjuliaeslavin525 Місяць тому

    Wonder win this story. Story number three happened because I am live not too far from the Boston area. I live one state south and we hear a lot of news from the Boston area down here in this whole Stanford island, so where ever this happened it was called been in the greater Boston area so I’ve gotten close to me. I was just wondering when this happened However I missed it because it would’ve made local news here in Rhode Island as well but man that would be dodging a bullet that would be being lucky they didn’t go and I’m gonna continue on the same to see how everything turned out
    And I also have a story like this although it’s not me my uncle Matt, youngest uncle, but my dad side of the family so do younger on my dad‘s two younger brothers I forget if it was fall of 2000 to spring of 2003 I remember I was in fourth grade. What happen on from the state of Rhode Island is used to be a nightclub MSC in a town called West Warwick called the station night club one night. My uncle was supposed to go to that club to see the band that was supposed to be playing there that night but last minute decided not to is stay home with my aunt and cousins who are only four and six years older than me, respectively, and thickness, because that night at the plays, quiet, fire, and, most of the people in that building did not make it out because there was not there’s too many people for fire codes. People are Fambo the fire codes are not met does it say or a handful of people made it out and even though the people who made it out of the building, even most of those people didn’t survive is called the station nightclub fire, so some of my uncle had decided to stay home last minute with my aunt and two cousins he would most likely of died that night and no we had just buried my grandmother that summer before my family did not need to bury another relative so quickly after so real lucky he decided to change his mind at that last minute You can look up to look up Rhode Island USA Warwick Station nightclub fire who is either in the fall of 2002 spring 2003 but I think it is more full of O tube. It was in Warwick Rhode Island although it might be in West Warwick you can easily find it just try to look up. It shouldn’t be that hard but my uncle last night and chose not to go in because they he still alive

  • @calvinmeier1662
    @calvinmeier1662 Місяць тому

    5:17 Agreed. Just ask Sheila Bellush. Oh wait, we can’t. Boo

  • @emmanuelgibson6127
    @emmanuelgibson6127 2 місяці тому

    Story 8 sounds like the beginning of Final Destination

  • @Intergalactic80
    @Intergalactic80 24 дні тому

    Diddy’s party for me

  • @BelowAverageGaming13
    @BelowAverageGaming13 12 днів тому


  • @pinocchioblonde347
    @pinocchioblonde347 2 місяці тому

    Opted out of the covid vax....never got sick.Unfortunately all of my vaxxed. friends got covid and some had serious side effects of the vax.

  • @niteshanthony2324
    @niteshanthony2324 2 місяці тому

    hey we dont know each other but i hope ur doing well and I wanna say that GOD still loves u and wants u to be with him all u must do is trust in Jesus and repent of ur sins. GOD loves u more than u can imagine. ☺️☺️☺️🎉❤😊😊

  • @HungrySanta97
    @HungrySanta97 23 дні тому

    This was a couple months ago. I was about to go to a friend's birthday party and get drunk with them but i was already wasted and passed out. Found out the next morning another friend of mine got shot and killed.

  • @KesorodaBlk
    @KesorodaBlk 2 місяці тому +1

    S. T. O. R. Y. S. E. L. E. C. T
    Story 2 1:56
    Story 3 4:03
    Story 4 5:20
    Story 5 6:43
    Story 6 8:09
    Story 7 9:15
    Story 8 10:44
    Story 9 12:01
    Story 10 13:05
    Story 11 14:01

  • @nanoglitch6693
    @nanoglitch6693 2 місяці тому +1

    Weird game, underwear-cheeseman. 🧀

    • @weirdredpanda
      @weirdredpanda 2 місяці тому +1

      It's SpongeBob

    • @nanoglitch6693
      @nanoglitch6693 2 місяці тому

      @@weirdredpanda Strange name for an underwear-cheeseman.