My Vision Of Darkness Falling

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • A vision that I received from Jesus September of 2012 - Preparing For Tribulation


  • @wendydavis423
    @wendydavis423 12 років тому

    I've read some of the comments here and it's good know there are others who goes through things too. My family desperately needs prayer. I too have had dreams about coming tribulation and destruction. We have such a short time and we definitely need to make sure our house is in order. Our kids will slip through our finger tips if we're not careful. Pray for me and my family. Pray that I do the Lord's will. God Bless All.

  • @JoshuaTG13
    @JoshuaTG13 11 років тому

    that is exactly what i believe in as well. everyone has to go till the final end, and only those who endure will be saved. :) God bless you.

  • @karensera
    @karensera  12 років тому

    I was thinking of that too - "Night cometh when no one will be able to work."

  • @TruthTalker14
    @TruthTalker14 12 років тому

    Ily, I hear your heart's cry. Many of God's people receive multiple visions, dreams and signs, and many do not. And many people see and hear alot of stuff but do not belong to the Father. Don't be discouraged, hear these words from 2 Sam 22:7 "In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry entered His ears." You prayers enter His EARS! There's no escaping His attention:) Papa loves you.

  • @karensera
    @karensera  12 років тому +1

    He responds to true devotion that comes from the heart, and a willingness to put him first in your life. We have to worship him. We have to dilligently seek him with a desire to do his will and not our own. You need to make time to be with him every day, and he will respond to you when you put your whole heart into it.

  • @karensera
    @karensera  12 років тому +1

    I think we all lose some friends when we are truly devoted to Jesus, but we are not alone at all. He is walking with us and waiting with us until his kingdom comes. Until the day we can go to live with him, he lives with us wherever we are. He knows what true devotion is too. :)

  • @Jesusprepares
    @Jesusprepares 12 років тому +1

    The construction vehicles cause me to think of building or assembling or making a way (like clearing land) and then the scripture came to me about "working while it is still day, for night cometh".

  • @karensera
    @karensera  12 років тому

    Thank you for writing. Is there anything you can share with us?

  • @karensera
    @karensera  11 років тому

    I believe the rapture is at the end - after Tribulation.

  • @Themissedartist
    @Themissedartist 12 років тому

    Thank you so very much for your sacrifice and obedience to do these videos and warn Gods people . Your visions and dreams are right on all the way . God told me almost 12 years ago to get my house in order. I did not obey , he has given me a second chance but time is so short and if Gods people do not wake up they will surely perish and be like the ten virgins who did not bring enough oil. I pray God will have mercy on my flesh and stupidness to see that my children and I make it......praying...

  • @texrtst
    @texrtst 12 років тому

    Your vision made me feel the lined construction vehicles are so powerful but even they can not help when the Tribulation hits. Hence your diy heater etc. is needed now to construct because we will not have anything at all to construct things because they will all be in empty dark parking lots that have no power (dark as night).
    Yes you are right, ignore the skeptics and start to educate on how to survive by constructing the survival items needed.

  • @kcksboy
    @kcksboy 11 років тому

    During college years . . . I awoke at the end of a fearful dream and saw the sandles of a "person" standing on the rug beside my bed. I hoped it to be Jesus or an angel, but the Still Small Voice advised me NOT to look at the face of the "being," not a being of LIGHT. There are terrible times just ahead but I feel to say to you, Karen, Jesus does not want your life to be filled with anxiety/darkness. He wants us to be "ready," as He said, PRAY ALWAYS. Peace to you. You are ready.

  • @JoshuaCh10consider
    @JoshuaCh10consider 12 років тому

    Thank you sincerely for sharing your revelations with me. This one in particular , 'The Darkness-power outage ' strikes a very significant note for me- i could say alot more- but suffice to say, your vision and your interpretation - i believe is correct- and this is dreadfully unfortunate-
    lights out - computers out- fuel and water pumps out = severe tribulation. Your video posts , will help the wise and the humble to prepare.

  • @Just2HepCats
    @Just2HepCats 12 років тому

    I understand this. This can be a different but sometimes difficult walk in life; but we're all going to meet in the middle, again. Ex friends view as me a mirror that they don't want to look in and/or just not really knowing what this is like. I'm meeting new people now, like-minded, and it's where I've always wanted to be. Peace be with you. Chandra

  • @TheHolyServant
    @TheHolyServant 12 років тому

    Such true Devotion you Hold Karen, As my life goes on so does Temptation increases. I had to lose nearly all my Friends to Keep away from Sin because I had friends that were a bit radical I'll say now sadly I have to walk alone but I know I'll never be Alone, I'm always with you my Lord and with my True Sisters and Brothers.

  • @ily4709
    @ily4709 12 років тому

    He is very attentive to listen and answer to YOU.... I have received zero visions or signs... i feel so lost in the dark looking for Jesus and listening for his name but i never hear it... LORD help me. Hear my prayers and have mercy on my sinful soul...

  • @lordisholy1
    @lordisholy1 12 років тому

    Pray for me (To God, the Holy Father). Lust destroyed my family so easy. I fought lust and it was a very very intense and strong battle. I defeated it, But my father.. he didn't make it. He's still alive but lust destroyed him and the family.

  • @karensera
    @karensera  12 років тому

    Praying for you. You are not alone.

  • @mrsnicole73
    @mrsnicole73 12 років тому

    ily4709, Dont give up, tune everything out, dont let any distractions get in the way. Keep seeking God like never before, God always hear his children. Stay encouraged, God bless you.

  • @rightfullthem7358
    @rightfullthem7358 11 років тому

    I really appreciate the fact that you do so much effort to post this videos just so others can see.Keep up with the good work,god bless you and greetings from Greece

  • @stamps1985
    @stamps1985 12 років тому

    I have liked your videos I too worry and see a pattern of evil forces I feel man is working together too bring about terrible things I would like too know your thoughts

  • @karensera
    @karensera  11 років тому

    God bless you.

  • @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh
    @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh 11 років тому

    Something to consider - pastors get paid by the members, so more members means more money. Which will get more members in a church? preach hard truth or smooth things people want to hear?
    preaching tribulation unto death or escaping it altogether?
    What would happen to peoples faith if the pre trib rapture turns out to be wrong?
    If they were forced with a choice of death in Jesus or life and deny him, what would some do? Jesus died for us would most die for him?
    Please read 2 Timothy 2:18

  • @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh
    @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh 12 років тому

    Unforgiveness and sin can hinder our prayers. I am not saying or accusing you of anything I just know from my personal experience....I was an expert on that once.
    1Pe 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with [them] according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. prayers can be hindered....

  • @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh
    @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh 12 років тому

    Psa 56:10 In God will I praise [his] word: in the LORD will I praise [his] word.
    Psa 56:11 In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.
    Psa 56:12 Thy vows [are] upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee.
    Psa 56:13 For thou hast delivered my soul from death: [wilt] not [thou deliver] my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?

  • @Boldyaug
    @Boldyaug 12 років тому

    We are definitely in a part of the Tribulation-- thank you , Karen, for sharing this dream from Jesus- yes, I believe darkness is getting darker. Somewhere I read that once it gets all dark, is when you will see God's sincere Christians reflecting Christ's Light --which will become more defined in them the darker things get.

  • @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh
    @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh 12 років тому

    Read James one (1) pray and ask for truth and knowledge and get a King James Bible...

  • @jamesandchante
    @jamesandchante 12 років тому

    She said God knows I was sincerely trying to worship and obey Him but I learned a few days before that the religion I was in was false. So, I left even though it meant all my friend would shun me. So, I was praying and searching to find the truth about God. And Jesus Christ heard my prayers asking God to forgive me and if He loved me. And that Jesus loves me and said not to give up searching for truth about God. She said a thought told her to tell me this, over and over again!

  • @jamesandchante
    @jamesandchante 12 років тому

    I also had small kids, and my kids always very friendly with other people when we are at the store, especially other kids. Well, we kept accidentally running into this lady and her children (or child, she might of only had one, I don't remember for sure). Anyway, this was a very nice looking woman with a beautiful smile. As my children and I loaded the car with groceries before we left, this lady came up to me, and asked to talk to me for a second...

  • @jamesandchante
    @jamesandchante 12 років тому

    Then relatively lately, something strange happened to me. I was a member of a religion; but I left because I found they were actually giving false prophesies and doing bad things. I was very confused, because I still had faith in Jesus and the Bible, but I didn't know what other doctrines that I previously believed might have been wrong and which were true. I felt alone, and sad. I kept praying about it. Then one day I was grocery shopping in the store when I noticed a lady with small children..

  • @jamesandchante
    @jamesandchante 12 років тому

    She told me she was afraid I would think she was crazy, for saying this, but she felt she had to. She she is a Christian and that she wants to help others get closer to Christ. She said that while she was in the store she looked at me, and she had this thought come into her head about me, and she thinks it was God way of speaking to her about me....

  • @virgo1677
    @virgo1677 11 років тому

    I too was wondering that. I listened to a pastor preaching and she said that Gods people will be raptured before the tribulation begins. But it seems to me that since Gods people are the elect, then yes, christians will still be on earth when the tribulation comes but he will walk us through it.

  • @jamesandchante
    @jamesandchante 12 років тому

    Yes, I have always felt the same as you. Is there something wrong with me? Many have had some sort of sign, especially lately, but not I. I felt (and still do at times) feel like I am alone and that maybe God doesn't hear my prayers. But, I still keep faith, patiently waiting.

  • @burly636
    @burly636 12 років тому

    Indoor emergency heater

  • @Shahyee
    @Shahyee 12 років тому

    I have also had dreams of darkness and fleeing with my family, as well as seeing a state of lawlessness in the US.

    • @wmeak2012
      @wmeak2012 6 років тому

      It is so sad to see how things has changed for the worse since 5 years ago to now 2018,

  • @job3831
    @job3831 12 років тому

    John 9:4

  • @logangalublue2002
    @logangalublue2002 Рік тому

    @Kanersera during the tribulation Will demons be running around on earth to physically?

  • @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh
    @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh 11 років тому

    I was wondering did the LORD show you pre trib or did a pastor have to explain it to you?
    1Cr 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
    We shall be changed (raptured ) at the LAST TRUMP
    find out when the last trump is and you shall know the timing of the rapture and have the answer to your question.