Marilyn Manson look like the kind of guy that you meet drinking alone at the bar, start chating with him and have one of the greatest conversation in your life.
OtarieAvecUnChapeau I know! He’s not scared. Not saying he’s right about everything, but seriously, if your family depended on it, who’d you rather have write your Final Speech: A. Manson B. Trump (who can’t figure out Velcro shoes...).
I've always felt that was his entire 'gimmick' (maybe not the right word) in order to show the most normal person isn't always the most stereotypically 'normal' person. He luls people into thinking he's some stupid, crazy weirdo. When in fact he's probably more times than most, the most intelligent and articulate person in the room with the purest morals. He is the classic showman that manipulates the audience into seeing and thinking exactly what he wants them to see and think. It's an act and love him or hate him the guys a genius in his own right.
They missed his best quote!!!! When being interviewed about the columbine massacre he was asked “if you could talk to those kids what would you tell them?” His reply was simply genius... “I wouldn’t tell them anything, I would listen!”
"What would you say to the kids from colombine if they were here today?" "I wouldn't say anything. I would listen to what they had to say, and that's what no one did." That interview should have been on here.
@@j0an-07-arc6 Cut pieces of interviews should not be enough to form an opinion to the point of becoming a fan. You can relate, sure, but fragments of content are still just parts of subjects. "A fan of his mind", I don't think "his mind" was brought up in the first place... but whatever...
Just cause you got a lower iq than him doesnt mean he is intelligent. He is just another idiot escaping the system.. there are more and more trying to escape our corrupted system by reinventing themselves so they dont have to work hard anymore..
Jey Theyprey nice condescending comment dickhead. The guy is absolutely smart. You can tell simply by his intellect dialogue. And the fact that he never lowers himself to disrespect his interviewers like you just did to the original poster. Douche
@Rolman80 80 Man, you are right about the contemporary problems, but don't blame intelligence or well articulated speech for them. Political and economical systems is our problem, not Manson. And he's not a genius, he just says obvious things for a sedated, conservative audience, like his compatriots. And Einstein didn't deliver the bomb, it was a big scientific team with Oppenheimer in charge of the Los Alamos Laboratory and the Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer later remarked that it brought to mind words from the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Marylin Manson is a very intelligent and articulate person, but “I don’t have pet peeves, I have pet cats” might be the most brilliant quote he’s ever said, ol William and Rusty.
I’ve always measured success not only by the people who love you, but by the amount of people who hate you, too. That’s pretty true, along with a lot of stuff that he says. He’s pretty sane, compared to most celebrities. Love to meet him someday.
My favorite clip of all of them. It's like "How dare you change the views we specifically instilled into her!" You know maybe she just chose different ideals?
That was a definite mic drop moment. I could have watched that for hrs. I was late for him. Didn't really listen to much of his music but I must admit I was intrigued. Then to listen to him have conversations,. I was,and am still , impressed.
@Nora zeneli so people are demon worshippers cos they think manson (the person not the persona) is intelligent and well spoken? atheists like you give the rest of us a bad name. i mean, can you not tell the difference between entertainment and real life? the way manson acts on stage is a gimmick. he frequently changes these gimmicks and their entire purpose is to get people to think for themselves. more often than not, they're a reaction to what's happening at that time and commentary on how stupid, hypocritical or misinformed people can be. which is why his act often targets things like how people idolize celebrities, or how people blindly follow their pastors (not even god, mind you). "Reach out and touch faith Reach out and touch faith Your own personal Jesus." seriously, does that sound like a demon worshipper to you? those are his lyrics.
His vocabulary is doing better. Nothing is worse in a conversation than a barrage of "like" and "Because". Edit: 4:22 puts a damper on calling him articulate, I'd just chalk up that interview as he is tired.
He puts on an act on stage, but he Knows what will get the attention of people. He studied some thing about music and how to captivate your audience (I can't quite remember what it's called), and that's why he wears makeup, the offsetting videos and lyrics, and why he got the boob job in the '90s, so he could intrigue everyone. He does have messages in his music though.
That hits close to home for me, as someone raised Catholic who's befriended a lot of Christians over the years. There's a difference between being Christian and being *raised* Christian.
I guess you guys hate the toxic competitiveness in sports? I mean, I agree on that... I play plenty of sports just for fun, not to show to people that I'm better than them. For me, sports is like 'fun + exercise'. And I'm introverted IRL so yeah, it's kinda my way to socialize with other people while in my element/happy place(I dunno man, I've been the annoying shy brat in highschool who keeps saying "let's play volleyball" to anyone in class) But that's just my opinion, hopefully no one gets offended.
I am a 63 year old man who owns not a single MM recording ... but I have always admired his talent and his soft mannerism . He always comes across as a very intelligent guy
Mark Boston he’s got a great interview on the movie bowling for Columbine that was recorded after the shootings! Amazing content on there and I became a fan of his after that!
FOR FUN!!! see if you can find the vidio of Mr. Manson I think is titled something " after his father had died " any ways he was at the regular airport waiting for a flight going thruogh the search thing and all with everyone else!! he was dressed re conservitive and all YOUD never know by looking at him what his DAY JOB was !!
@John Lydon That's what is your FUCKING THINKING....not other' about Illuminati...and just come he got sooo much fame this early?...and yes i've turned my answer to a think about it...
You're everywhere master kenobi lol I see you on star wars theory a lot I seen you on codbo cold War vid somewhere now here lol everwhere.... space Jesus 🙌🤣
@@mahalaleelforever4806 Hurting someone is just hurting someone and you should never on purpose do it BUT what makes a curse word, a curse word? Ass/Butt/Rump/Rear mean the same thing....WHO decided Ass was a curse word and the others are not? Fuck/Make Love/Fornicate/Have sex.....all mean the same thing also....Again WHO decided Fuck is a curse word but the others are not?
“I like to provoke people so they think, I think that’s a healthy part of entertainment that you don’t get too much from the spice girls” 🔥🔥🔥 best quote !
Well i thought he is this wierd n crazy guy just from his music videos. After watching this video, i think he is this wierd n crazy but intelligent n proper guy. Then again most guys n girls that have wierd n crazy personality like him in their music videos, got some nice side on them outside of their music persona.
@@ravezon Exactly. It's all an act for shock value. That's his way of reflecting trauma. ( He has dealt with a lot of.. violent stuff as a child. Yes, THAT kind of stuff ) Now, whether or not people like his music is just about taste.
his ability to stay humble, calm and clear headed is a big indicator of his intelligence. you can tell he actually takes these questions/comments in and actually thinks about them before answering, unlike those who just try to get a reaction out of him or to pander to an audience. i find it interesting how both he and alice cooper are shock-rock artists and both come across as really, really grounded and intelligent people, that must be why they were so successful, they were able to really grasp what gets under peoples skin and manipulate that into provocative thought and discussion. he should have been given more opportunities in his early career to reach out and explain to people that he wants them to think, to question and try to find themselves without bending to the unwritten laws and taboos of modern culture
Marilyn Manson is the exact kind of artist "They" don't want to have a massive audience/following. He's a conscious, free thinking human being, who is confident. That is public enemy #1 to the people who created this entire control system
Zap Actionsdower fun fact: alive cooper is actually Christian and likes golfing on weekends. I met him when he had a concert where I lived years back and he’s actually a really really nice person. He was shopping at zellers at the time and actually took the time to talk and sign an autograph for me.
I like how everyone WANTS him to be this insane person, but when he actually talks he's just a normal, relatable human being. And everyone go nuts about it.
He’s not ‘normal’ in the usual normal sense of the word, not because of the way he dressed or looks, but because he’s got more of life figured out than most ‘normal’ people do. Normal people can’t figure him out and can’t relate to that about him and that’s really what drives people insane about him. They don’t understand that we’re not meant to blend together in a normal sense, but we’re meant to stand out in our own way like him. Unique people stand out and to normal people, that makes them uncomfortable, not because they’re different but because they’re jealous they feel they don’t have the freedom to also do the same, but are too afraid of going against the norm of society to do so. It feels safer to blend in and conform.
from what i noticed, people that are followers of darkness, they play the sweet role in public and hide the bad stuff that they do behind closed doors. so the whole sweet routine that he does, has fooled many from what i see.
As a muslim (imagine that) most of whom I know are strongly against forcing Islam down kids throats, but still it naturally appears in them when they feel like it and grow more into understanding it, only a few stay away from religion around here as children, but I noticed that even they seem to go back to it when they "messed around enough" It's def not an easy religion to understand, and can easily be misunderstood, talking from exp, mainly I think it's because human nature is biased towards personal agendas etc.
i went to church every sunday with my grama from when i could remember to when i was 8 then i had enough, stopped going and swapped to satanism bc they arent as bad as they are made out to be like i dont go sacrificing goats or what not but i will admit it does sound cool and all to experience but i dont do that and neither do alot of modern day satanist so im like literally the girl when she smirks when the moms says she lost her faith like boy its not mine to begin with
@@ORCXray From what I understand Satanism gets a bad rap bcus they embrace both the dark and the light. Also they have reverence for Nature which ppl judge as paganism. True story?
@@xxCrimsonSpiritxx Religion in general isn't easy to understand. One reason is each religion has as many interpretations as their are people who know about it, follower or not, good or bad. The second is because people try to think of religion within the logical constraints of what we call the "universe" with no capacity to think illogically outside of those constraints, both the religious and non-religious.
A teacher once tried to use Marilyn Manson as an example about how people treat you differently depending on how you dress. She said "ok what about Marilyn Manson, would you trust him alone to watch your kid based on how he looks?" This backfired on her cuz everyone said yes.
Farrah H. Its guys like him that you wouldn't expect to be this smart but tend to always be the smartest... tho some people tend to be a little to much like that to the point there hurting others without a care and they think it'll help them when sometimes its best to let some things be... Thats the thing about've always gotta be careful what you say and who you say what to so you don't offend them, hurt them or get on a touchy subject... if you do then rightfully you should apologize and try to fix things or your just creating a mess and a lot of other trouble and not cleaning it up... If you get what i mean by all that? Lol
Shame he went so deep on the drugs, he seems to have lost a bit of that spark as of late. Not sure if it is because hes still high most of the time or if the long term use actually did some permanent damage to him. Most likely hes just high though since heroin among the rich doesn't really cause much bodily harm.
@@TheDrakmannen Personally, I think he hasn't been himself since he lost Dita. He knows he blew it too. He now hates Evan Rachel Wood and is very vocal about that. But of course Dita won't take him back because he broke her heart. That was the stupidest thing he ever did, and it was all because he was doing a bunch of drugs at that time.
He's definitely very smart, his answers are well thought out, but he's definitely not confident. I like him, but everything about him shows he lacks confidence. I know I would've been like "fuck you" at least 10 times, especially with the black lady interviewing him.
@@freshcaffe to lash out with a fuck you shows a lack of words , he was very confident cool and collective. let that lady think she's right and better in the eyes of any person with a nonjudgmental mind she's making herself look like the fool. to say fuck you to her would only give her the reaction she wants from him so she could point the finger at him and say more negative things about him. he doesnt let anger get to him, when angry one cant think straight .
@@freshcaffe if he wasnt confident in himself, he would stiffen up and becone defensive. But he knows who he is enough not to let others opinions of him, rattle him. Maybe hes not confident in lets say his looks (idk that he isn't.), he can still be confident that hes a decent human being and isn't outwardly doing wrong to people. He doesn't care what people think of him, that is confidence. Hes likely learned a thing or two about being thick-skinned growing up.
@@AtlisDe maybe him and I have different approaches on life. Maybe he really is the change he wants to see in the world, whilst I react to the environment, I will mirror other people's behavior, be nice to me and I'll be nice to you. Maybe we just had different life experiences, or maybe we learned different things. All I know for sure is that to be so humble he must be very wise and composed, which is easier said than done.
Lol. Also you can't lose something you never really had in the first place. This is my favourite interview of this vid, he handled the mother with respect and was straight and honest whilst telling her what she needed to be told.
@John Barber nah my mom freaked out when I smoked pot then her other kids ended up addicted to heroin because the FDA thinks its ok to prescribe 3rd and 4th graders Vicodin A lot of mothers and fathers lost there children to gross domestic negligence by the FDA and they've realized there are REAL monsters in this world
It really should be. People would be shocked at how much of the tabloids about MM were bullshit. Even him being an active and actual member of the Church of Satan. In spite being ordained a priest. The story behind it is uneventful and shocking.
@Bruce Wayne I agree! Satan was the first revolutionary / liberal / individualist. Jesus as the Word of God, the second person of the Holy Trinity, the Logos, is the complete antithesis to a revolutionary. He is the authority that Satan rebels against. That’s the kind of satanic inversion that one sees everywhere today.
@Bruce Wayne 2000 years ago Jesus Christus was seen as a revolutionary person, this is a historic fact. Society couldn't accept him at the time. People had different beliefs at the time and so they thought his ideas were dangerous. Jesus talked about "love your next" and society couldn't accept such concepts at this time in history.
I think Jesus’ life was so much more important than Jesus’ death, but humans made an entire religion around the latter. Most of them missed the point of his living.
Not understanding something isn't equivocal to being afraid. A lot of things on earth doesnt make sense, which doesn't automatically evoke fear. However I do agree, although you didnt really state, is that the most intelligent and somewhat interesting people are in fact mostly odd or different.
The part with the erotic thing is actually a really good quote, I can’t really express myself in English but this statement reminds me of a psychologist called Siegmund Freud
I really love that part as well, he is exposing something that is very human but still people will almost always deny, the simple thrill/excitement that triggers watching chaos happening to others! Tv news rely heavily on this kind of imagery/stories to satisfy that morbid curiosity of the audience who excuse themselves by getting informed, and is a very addictive feeling! Just like he said, there is a reason why so many feel fascinated by the stories of serial killers... To quote one of my favorites songs that talks about this topic "I need to watch things die... from a good safe distance".
I think yes it was a good quote. But Freud actually said a whole Lot of bullshit so I would not quote him :D Edit: and Most psychologists agree that Freud was wrong about a Lot of stuff
Freud was a jackass and I hated having to learn about him in all of my psychology classes like he was never introduced in psyc 101 😒 he's basically pop culture psychology, which sucks cuz there's more legitimate people and ideas in the field to idolize and push onto the mainstream, but of course society flocks to the incest loving creep.
Mad respect Marilyn, he never explodes with anger or frustration, no matter how disrespectful interviewers are. He's smart like he said he prefers to provoke others into the mad behavior, he's super intelligent people just don't want to admit it. His style rocks and love the no fucks given attitude.
I would’ve included the clip from “Bowling for Columbine” where Michael Moore asked Manson what he would have said to the families of the victims of the shooting."I wouldn't say a single word to them. I would listen to what they have to say and that's what no one did."
it’s been so many years since I’ve seen that but just thinking about it kinda gets tears in my eyes. That is such an authentic and kind answer, how can people go on and then blame him for that ? It’s because we are to chicken shit to look inside our own mess and confront ourselves with the fact that we don’t know everything and that we make a lot of mistakes ourselves.
It wasn't a dumb question, though. Manson's response was sterling, but I wouldn't say that he "outclassed" Moore, who was clearly attempting to push back on the media narrative that Manson was somehow complicit. Just moments before in the same conversation, Manson and Moore mutually noted how Columbine coincided with what was to date the heaviest bombardment of Kosovar targets by the U.S.-led coalition. Nobody's arguing that the latter caused the mass shooting, but the timing was... interesting. When's the last time that the media scrutinized the influence of violence over diplomacy and the military-industrial complex on American youth to the extent that it's concern-trolled us about rock (or hip hop) music?
@@Nulfo8 Seriously?! 😳 I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just shocked! When it happened, there were so many stories and reports going around that they were bullied and decided to "take action." I was in primary school when it happened, so I guess I could have heard it wrong.
His interview in bowling for Columbine was so on point. I actually had to do a presentation in my college speech course and used the clip . The people in my class later came to me and said they had no idea how intelligent and eloquent he is.
She is a piece of shit human just because she considers herself so much better than him. But, I'm sure she was telling the truth though. Her morals are not the same, but much lower.
Always loved Manson. Never got into his music, but his personality is awesome. These people invited him to shows to bait reactions out of him and he always stays cool, calm and collected. He paved the way for freedom of artistic expression.
He paved the way for the end of controversial rock music in the mainstream is what he accomplished. I don't blame him for it, but the christian American blowback meant no more controversy is allowed in white public music.
I would love to meet Manson and tell him that as a 46 year old African American who does NOT like his type of music, I still have a lot of respect for him. He is extremely smart and has a lot of good views. People don’t listen to what he says, they judge him by his look and music alone when there is so much more to him.
@Jorge Lobov First, you have NO right to even have any input especially since your not from our country. Secondly, do you realize not everyone referenced as “African American “ is actually black in color? Thirdly, I am from Africa. Now what?
@Boneginer Meatslabs You don’t need to ask anyone who or what they identify themselves with. Just concern yourself with you and you alone. If more people did this, the world would be a better place. By the way, if you really want to know, “I AM HUMAN!”
@Boneginer Meatslabs African Amercians are an ethnic group. They're _Americans_ because they live, or are born in America and have total/partial ancestry from the black racial groups of Africa. "fake African"? Go take that to the white girls in America that are blackfishing today.
The black woman interviewer, she was so condescending, rude and just unaccomodating. I mean he was clearly invited for this interview, so for you as a reporter to be that biased to your personal opinion of him and to speak down to him like that... Unprofessional, reporting of very low standards. 😖
@@uniqueandhumble3457 Definitely I agree with you. I'm mixed with black ancestry and I'm born and live in south africa but I felt she was just unprofessional, so disappointing.
@@uniqueandhumble3457 same! My reaction was, "How do you KNOW he doesn't have some of your same values?" It was quite disappointing to see her do that. I was never a fan of his music, but watching him speak in the video, I can see he speaks with great intelligence and plain old common sense. She should try that...
@@SNEAKO15 The problem is some people simply don’t want to be associated in any way with someone so different as Marilyn Manson. They’re stuck on appearances and differences, that they completely ignore any similarities or common ground. Marilyn says straight out that he doesn’t believe in basic principles such as killing or hurting people. Then follows that statement by saying “we probably have the same beliefs” to which she says no. 😕 Some people just can’t see past the facade.
*She did that for ratings it wasn't personal. Think of it like news they keep playing the same videos over and over exaggerating titles and happenings for ratings*
Marylin is always superior then the people who interview him. It’s quite embarrassing for them to try and get their point across. Marylin is pure class. I love him.
Crazy how the dude wearing face paint is the smartest person in the room always. Everybody expects him to be this crazy guy, but I bet most of them feel intimidated when he starts talking so eloquently
I'm not a fan of his music, I'm more a straight up Metal fan, but I've always liked to listen to what he has to say. Dude strikes me as a very intelligent and mostly open minded person.
Monks in Himalayas look like abominable snow monsters, roam around naked covered in funeral ashes eat human corpses (the already dead ones, they don't kill, they're basically non-violent) etc etc... But, we bow to them with reverence as they're enlightened spiritual beings with great knowledge and wisdom... I don't know why the west thinks that seeing is believing, it's the other way around, believing is seeing... God comes to you in the form that you believe, jesus, Allah, Vishnu, Buddha etc, those are just different names of him because people in the world speak different languages... Marlin Manson seems like an enlightened being who's capable of answering so many deep questions about truth, life, belief systems, philosophy, spirituality etc, but he gets asked these silly ones instead... What a lost opportunity!! 🤦
He knows he’s so controversial that he mastered the art of controlling or neutralizing his emotions when it comes to public forums or else you spend all you’re energy defending yourself from people that pre-decided to judge you. I don’t agree with his art form because it disrespects the sanctity of God as we are created by God, never to exalt ourselves or mock Him, but the value I take from his comments is that he reminds us to “listen” to young people, what troubles them, what pierces their hearts, how do we avoid school shootings and keep our kids safe, it’s by prevention. Marilyn says he doesn’t like sports, he got bullied over sports, he’s an artist, so why are we forcing non athletic kids to do sports to be teased about. There are others sports options that promote physical activity without the pressure of missing the touchdown, not making a goal or striking out. We have to “listen” so we can do all we can to prevent bullying that leads to suicide, school shootings and depression in young people. If PE is mandatory, Laps on a track either walking, jogging or running. Swimming. Dancing, Relay races, not all sports have to be competitive, the idea is make fitness fun. Not everyone is an athlete, but athletes get a lot of recognition and praise, while kids who’s strengths are in arts, music, literature, poetry, sculpture are less celebrated. So just like there’s Homecoming Football Game, there can be an Arts Festival. If we’re offended by his appearance and we’re asking Why? He’s telling us why!!!!!
Oh he definitely gets mad, you only need to listen to his lyrics to know that, but he expresses it in his music rather than lashing out, I only wish that I had the same skill to do so
I like how he handles himself under pressure, almost like there is no pressure, especially with tough questions or comments where people are talking at you, not to you. Big difference in a conversation.
Completely agree, bar a couple of tunes he’s not ma bag at all, but I really respect and admire his demeanour and ability to articulate an opinion quietly but confidently and without takin the bait.
What about his interview after the columbine massacre when everyone said his music was partly to blame for it? Reporter: "What would you have said to those kids?" Manson: "I wouldn't say a single word to them. I would listen to what they have to say and that's what no one did."
He had the final word right there all of the finger pointing that was happening at the time he was the only public figure that said what needed to be said
Black lady thinks she's so much better than him. Judge's him by the outside. He's a smart successful entertainer. She's nobody. Don't even know her name. That's humbling.
That's the kind of attitude that gets you catalogued as a fanatic extremist tbh, she's probably some christian who thinks he's representing the devil based on what social medias and tv said about him, judging people by their cover and not for what's inside.
Also probably lacks any kind of ability to think for herself. Basically either or both a dumb fanatic idiot and another sheep doing everything to be accepted socially for her social insecurity. She's pathetic.
I heard so many times how kind,intelligent and reserved he is. Also it shows how people are so quick to judge on appearence. This guy is more articulate and well mannered then most rappers today squabbling
Kelly B ask YOUR god if forcing your children into your religion is ok in his eyes. i know MY god and ancestors would dislike it and be very unhappy with me.
What's wrong with his cover? Especially today tell me one singer that wears suit at his concerts. There is nothing wrong with his look he is handsome elegant and classy. Makeup is just a taboo for men he can wear makeup better than most of the girls. Well, he has weird moments time to time but his job is to shock people and he does it perfectly.
He does some crazy shit at his concerts, like starting a fight with his guitarist, and he seems like a big douche, BUT maybe it's all a part of the act? He's like the complete opposite that he is on stage in interviews, and he is extremely intelligent, but I worry about his mental well being sometimes.
I think as a kid I thought he was a taboo and somehow a human that causes chaos. Yet he is the polar opposite, utterly articulate, rational, intelligent and deeply understanding. You listen to how he talks back to people either insulting him or shovelling nonsense and he calmly replies with his thoughts with no malice. We need more politicians that can have debate like him. Really impressed.
The further you explore your bad side, the more you respect yourself. And this is indeed a taboo because everyone wants to believe they are better than Hitler. But in reality, we need both our good side and bad side to be whole
i actually like that last clip. the way the mom nods at the end makes me think he put it in a way she would understand, like she was there becuase she was concerned for her daughter instead of there for herself because her daughter didnt follow her religion anymore.
I just love how he did it in a way where he wasn’t degrading or trying to make someone the bad guy either. You can tell he’s a gentle dude. He was extremely considerate and cared enough to try to get the mom to understand where her daughter was coming from ❤️
Update: Marilyn Manson has been accused of abuse by five women, including Evan Rachel Wood:
I’ll be interested when someone hammers Amber Heard for what she did to Johnny Depp.
Pretty interesting hearing it and seeing his interview with Howard Stern
Another lefty hero is exposed as an abuser of women and not a nice guy. Anyone else notice all the abusers of women come from the left of politics?
blah blah blah blah go manson
she is not a slave of his, nor she isn’t a adult. Therefore all was under the consent
He's so good at answering people without being rude or getting offended that's what I love most about him he's very strong
Yeah..I think it's strange...
he is a high functioning autistic genius
He was a journalist
Brent Thomas Tripp it’s incredibly odd he has the patience and wisdom of a saint. It’s ironic really.
@@House_Husband_Romeo a part of him is a saint or so it would seem very true
Marilyn Manson look like the kind of guy that you meet drinking alone at the bar, start chating with him and have one of the greatest conversation in your life.
You're not wrong
Sounds like a real person
As a 64 year old boomer I can agree with that comment!
@Rolls Royce He does remind me of some what of Alice Cooper where he has his stage persona and the actual person that he is.
Manson looks weird but everytime he talks, he becomes the most normal and relatable person in the room
OtarieAvecUnChapeau I know! He’s not scared. Not saying he’s right about everything, but seriously, if your family depended on it, who’d you rather have write your Final Speech: A. Manson B. Trump (who can’t figure out Velcro shoes...).
Much like that serpent of old. Still deceiving those unaware.
I've always felt that was his entire 'gimmick' (maybe not the right word) in order to show the most normal person isn't always the most stereotypically 'normal' person.
He luls people into thinking he's some stupid, crazy weirdo. When in fact he's probably more times than most, the most intelligent and articulate person in the room with the purest morals. He is the classic showman that manipulates the audience into seeing and thinking exactly what he wants them to see and think. It's an act and love him or hate him the guys a genius in his own right.
That's how satan works
@@trombektango6604 one of these people. *SIGH*
"I'm a very conservative, nice guy. And you're making me uncomfortable" - lmfao
He voted for Trump lol.
@@yeahyeahboy4519 lol no he didn’t, where did you hear that?
@@yeahyeahboy4519 who cares if he did.
*cheats on wife*
This is so real
They missed his best quote!!!! When being interviewed about the columbine massacre he was asked “if you could talk to those kids what would you tell them?” His reply was simply genius... “I wouldn’t tell them anything, I would listen!”
Good answer. Looking at that clip he was born with a lot of wisdom.
We need context. They might have to go through standard procedure, but there's nothing wrong with getting them some proper help.
By Kids I hope you mean Dylan & Kevin. Coz they were wronged, bullied, outcasted and there was noone to hear them out.
Honest and wise
"What would you say to the kids from colombine if they were here today?"
"I wouldn't say anything. I would listen to what they had to say, and that's what no one did."
That interview should have been on here.
Ppl listen to what keeps keeps em n the mood their in like do u hear jazz when you go to war 🤔
I agree.
@oman ko Calm down before you have a heart attack damn.
Where can i find that interview
thenumber not really because he wasn’t outclassing anyone
articulate. self aware. intelligent. I'll be the first to say i'm not a fan of his music but he is an interesting human.
I second that! I’ve gotten into just reading his lyrics and man he’s dark, and he’s deep. He’s so articulate and I’m drawn into it.
I feel the same, not into his music but I admire him a lot for being so incredibly down to earth
Solaire_GG I agree. I’ve never been a fan but he can be classy and well spoken.
Not a fan of his music but definitely a fan of his personality
Solaire_GG I’m a fan of his music and him as a person and I believe that if more individuals were like him, we’d probably go further.
“It’s better to use a curse word then to hurt somebody else.”
Truer words have never been spoken.
Except he does abuse and hurt people, like his girlfriends.
Well this comment didn't age well...
@@tubester4567 I heard about that but is there any proof. I know he's into bdsm but he makes that very clear and I'm pretty sure he's told them that.
@@i_escaped_area_5128 well 5 ex girlfriends have said its probably true.
@Corbidis Corbai why ?
Are those women bad ?
He’s so much more intelligent and well spoken than any of these people.
Bob Smith no he is not u just expected him to be a moron.. prejudiced
@@lukazupie7220 chill man I think he was just tryna give the man a compliment
Ares 777 and i corrected him.. is that wrong now?:) very chill don’t worry.
@@lukazupie7220 oohh nooo somene wrong on internet? aaaaa havbe to correct him because hes WRONGG and im RIGHTTT REEEEEEEEEE. fuck off loser
Letterman isn’t dumb
I had no idea he was so philosophical, never cared much for his music, but now I am a fan of his mind
I'm a fan of your profile pic :)
@@trashboity8773 white power am i right
A fan just for some words? Dude...
None words can mean a lot it can tell a story to beginning to end or bring up a discussion you can relate to or object
@@j0an-07-arc6 Cut pieces of interviews should not be enough to form an opinion to the point of becoming a fan. You can relate, sure, but fragments of content are still just parts of subjects. "A fan of his mind", I don't think "his mind" was brought up in the first place... but whatever...
He’s extremely intelligent and people tend to ignore that. He’s a lot more relatable than most “normal” people.
He was a music journalist before.
Kinda like Dee Snyder from Twisted Sister. Past the stage persona is a human being with feelings and intelligence
Just cause you got a lower iq than him doesnt mean he is intelligent. He is just another idiot escaping the system.. there are more and more trying to escape our corrupted system by reinventing themselves so they dont have to work hard anymore..
Jey Theyprey nice condescending comment dickhead. The guy is absolutely smart. You can tell simply by his intellect dialogue. And the fact that he never lowers himself to disrespect his interviewers like you just did to the original poster. Douche
@Rolman80 80 Man, you are right about the contemporary problems, but don't blame intelligence or well articulated speech for them. Political and economical systems is our problem, not Manson. And he's not a genius, he just says obvious things for a sedated, conservative audience, like his compatriots. And Einstein didn't deliver the bomb, it was a big scientific team with Oppenheimer in charge of the Los Alamos Laboratory and the Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer later remarked that it brought to mind words from the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Marylin Manson is a very intelligent and articulate person, but “I don’t have pet peeves, I have pet cats” might be the most brilliant quote he’s ever said, ol William and Rusty.
He is a smart guy whether you like his entertainment or not
I’ve always measured success not only by the people who love you, but by the amount of people who hate you, too.
That’s pretty true, along with a lot of stuff that he says. He’s pretty sane, compared to most celebrities. Love to meet him someday.
The Luminary yeah im glad i clicked on the video
i agree
He’s a genius
The Luminary Exactly. I can say he is a little bit more smarter than me. Way more intelligent over America's school system tbh
Dude look like he’s gonna kill you but talks so chill and normal.
Well I guess he killed the interviewers, verbally.
He's a celebrity that's why he's better than that
Don't judge till you know them
he is the true definition of the saying looks can be deceiving
"It could be because it was your religion, and maybe wasn't supposed to be hers." Hit the nail on the head.
My favorite clip of all of them. It's like "How dare you change the views we specifically instilled into her!" You know maybe she just chose different ideals?
@@BDUF exactly
No. Into Jesus's hands and feet. 🙃
That was a definite mic drop moment. I could have watched that for hrs. I was late for him. Didn't really listen to much of his music but I must admit I was intrigued. Then to listen to him have conversations,. I was,and am still , impressed.
He's in fact an extremely intelligent guy, that's one of the smartest things I've heard recently.
Host: Makes fun of Marilyn
Crowd: laughs
Also Crowd: mullet
Mullet Ponytail
He’s an intelligent, well spoken artist who just wears a “shocking” amount of makeup.
Jeffery star
The make-up definitely suits him. Also, Howard is garbage bruhhh
@Nora zeneli Funny because I'm an atheist, and atheists don't have to worship to any false deity to get through life.😜
@Nora zeneli so people are demon worshippers cos they think manson (the person not the persona) is intelligent and well spoken? atheists like you give the rest of us a bad name.
i mean, can you not tell the difference between entertainment and real life? the way manson acts on stage is a gimmick. he frequently changes these gimmicks and their entire purpose is to get people to think for themselves. more often than not, they're a reaction to what's happening at that time and commentary on how stupid, hypocritical or misinformed people can be. which is why his act often targets things like how people idolize celebrities, or how people blindly follow their pastors (not even god, mind you).
"Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus."
seriously, does that sound like a demon worshipper to you? those are his lyrics.
@Nora zeneli give examples of things that he has done that is so horrible?
I think he’s a very calm intelligent articulate man.
His vocabulary is doing better. Nothing is worse in a conversation than a barrage of "like" and "Because".
Edit: 4:22 puts a damper on calling him articulate, I'd just chalk up that interview as he is tired.
Well he did study at Universit after all
sashagala it’s so refreshing to listen to this man who is more down to earth than the people who interviewed him.
He puts on an act on stage, but he Knows what will get the attention of people. He studied some thing about music and how to captivate your audience (I can't quite remember what it's called), and that's why he wears makeup, the offsetting videos and lyrics, and why he got the boob job in the '90s, so he could intrigue everyone. He does have messages in his music though.
J. Jaime His music isn’t my kind of music but I very well respect the man for his balls and originality.
He was far ahead of his time. His wisdom scared people
We could use some 90s Manson right now. It's Antichrist superstar/Mechanical Animals now more than ever in america.
Orion you use emojis
Your probably just some normo
No wonder you can’t understand his intelligence.
So truE...
@jason rhea nice joke
@jason rhea well look u clearly r ignorant for this if u think manson is satanic
"It could be because it was your religion, maybe it wasn't supposed to be hers." damn.
That hits close to home for me, as someone raised Catholic who's befriended a lot of Christians over the years. There's a difference between being Christian and being *raised* Christian.
That is actually a very deep response.
Mic hard
I think because of those kind of things he was always demonized and wanted to cancel him. Cuz he speaks the truth.
"I like to provoke people because it makes them think."
Madonna said the same thing years earlier in an interview about her banned video "justify my love" when they debuted it on dateline
Bob Dylan said that too he likes to needle people
His comment there made me think and I will be thinking about this for the rest of the week.. 💡🤨
Marina Prp As far as anyone knows, Racheal wasn’t talking about him.
Manson: "I have one moral, I don't believe in sports"
if only i was there lol.
Lumiere Music nerd
Fuck illuminate
I guess you guys hate the toxic competitiveness in sports? I mean, I agree on that... I play plenty of sports just for fun, not to show to people that I'm better than them. For me, sports is like 'fun + exercise'. And I'm introverted IRL so yeah, it's kinda my way to socialize with other people while in my element/happy place(I dunno man, I've been the annoying shy brat in highschool who keeps saying "let's play volleyball" to anyone in class) But that's just my opinion, hopefully no one gets offended.
"I have basic principles. Don't kill people and be kind. Probably the same as yours"
- No not at all -
This bitch is a pretentious human that think high and mighty of herself. These are the worst kind
She wasn’t really listening to him. Whatever it was she trained herself to disagree with him. Bitch!
Guess you know she'll commit murder before he ever will.
her other morals are being judgmental and intolerant. so she is right.
@@marjokea 😂😂😂👌
His answers just make the questions seem so stupid. Love it.
"I don't have any pet peeves, I have two pet cats. William and Rusty."
absolute gem
I am a 63 year old man who owns not a single MM recording ... but I have always admired his talent and his soft mannerism . He always comes across as a very intelligent guy
Mark Boston he’s got a great interview on the movie bowling for Columbine that was recorded after the shootings! Amazing content on there and I became a fan of his after that!
beautiful answer Mark!
Absolutely!! Well said, Mark!
MM is also peddling degenerate ideology for $$$ he can keep his travel plans and go straight to hell.
Get an album sir and expand yourself further, you never know where it may lead
He's humble. That's why he's still in the business. No ego involved.
FOR FUN!!! see if you can find the vidio of Mr. Manson I think is titled something " after his father had died " any ways he was at the regular airport waiting for a flight going thruogh the search thing and all with everyone else!! he was dressed re conservitive and all YOUD never know by looking at him what his DAY JOB was !!
He is Anti Christ!!!...Zionist...Satanic...Illuminatic...and you are saying that he is humble???!!!
LMFAO you clearly have never seen one of his shows.
@John Lydon That's what is your FUCKING THINKING....not other' about Illuminati...and just come he got sooo much fame this early?...and yes i've turned my answer to a think about it...
@GTS Thank you for agreeing to me...
I love how the mother is on the offensive but then has a change of heart in 30 seconds, after hearing how down-to-earth and respectful he is.
"You gonna spank her?"
"No I don't believe in corporal punishment" 😂😂
YeemGames lmao
That is not a joke, he d serious
Howard Stern is such a sleaze bag, is that what's appealing to people that listen to him?
Legend 😂
It is.
“Better to use a curse word than to hurt somebody else”
He is spitting truth
Why does one have to choose between the 2, don't do any of it
mahalaleel forever Cursing doesn‘t always involve insulting. That‘s the point he made.
You're everywhere master kenobi lol I see you on star wars theory a lot I seen you on codbo cold War vid somewhere now here lol everwhere.... space Jesus 🙌🤣
GENERAL KENOBI! You ARE a bold one.
@@mahalaleelforever4806 Hurting someone is just hurting someone and you should never on purpose do it BUT what makes a curse word, a curse word?
Ass/Butt/Rump/Rear mean the same thing....WHO decided Ass was a curse word and the others are not?
Fuck/Make Love/Fornicate/Have sex.....all mean the same thing also....Again WHO decided Fuck is a curse word but the others are not?
He looks nuts
But he's the most sane person in the room
Robo Dragon he looks sane. Normies are insane and controlled by a system that hates them.
@@hozzydaemon2021 the fucking TRUTH!
He always has such creative style. True artist.
I dont think he looks nuts.
Nice profile picture
“I like to provoke people so they think, I think that’s a healthy part of entertainment that you don’t get too much from the spice girls”
🔥🔥🔥 best quote !
People : " Never judge a book by its cover "
Marilyn : *exists*
Well i thought he is this wierd n crazy guy just from his music videos. After watching this video, i think he is this wierd n crazy but intelligent n proper guy. Then again most guys n girls that have wierd n crazy personality like him in their music videos, got some nice side on them outside of their music persona.
@@ravezon Exactly. It's all an act for shock value. That's his way of reflecting trauma. ( He has dealt with a lot of.. violent stuff as a child. Yes, THAT kind of stuff )
Now, whether or not people like his music is just about taste.
@@darksideofthemood Amen to that.
Y'all are nuts! This man serves your enemy!
@@ravezon no genius is without a touch of Madness
his ability to stay humble, calm and clear headed is a big indicator of his intelligence. you can tell he actually takes these questions/comments in and actually thinks about them before answering, unlike those who just try to get a reaction out of him or to pander to an audience. i find it interesting how both he and alice cooper are shock-rock artists and both come across as really, really grounded and intelligent people, that must be why they were so successful, they were able to really grasp what gets under peoples skin and manipulate that into provocative thought and discussion. he should have been given more opportunities in his early career to reach out and explain to people that he wants them to think, to question and try to find themselves without bending to the unwritten laws and taboos of modern culture
That's why they weren't given the opportunities. They don't want us to think
Marilyn Manson is the exact kind of artist "They" don't want to have a massive audience/following. He's a conscious, free thinking human being, who is confident. That is public enemy #1 to the people who created this entire control system
I would add Henry Rollins to the list too
Actually it's not that hard when morons are the ones speaking out and questioning you
Zap Actionsdower fun fact: alive cooper is actually Christian and likes golfing on weekends. I met him when he had a concert where I lived years back and he’s actually a really really nice person.
He was shopping at zellers at the time and actually took the time to talk and sign an autograph for me.
I like how everyone WANTS him to be this insane person, but when he actually talks he's just a normal, relatable human being.
And everyone go nuts about it.
He’s not ‘normal’ in the usual normal sense of the word, not because of the way he dressed or looks, but because he’s got more of life figured out than most ‘normal’ people do. Normal people can’t figure him out and can’t relate to that about him and that’s really what drives people insane about him. They don’t understand that we’re not meant to blend together in a normal sense, but we’re meant to stand out in our own way like him. Unique people stand out and to normal people, that makes them uncomfortable, not because they’re different but because they’re jealous they feel they don’t have the freedom to also do the same, but are too afraid of going against the norm of society to do so. It feels safer to blend in and conform.
from what i noticed, people that are followers of darkness, they play the sweet role in public and hide the bad stuff that they do behind closed doors. so the whole sweet routine that he does, has fooled many from what i see.
@@RedRosemaryDoll observations don’t always equate to the truth
@@BeachMum if you know what symbolism to look for then all is clear. plus his teachings is leading people astray.
I like that he doesn't react rather he responds to people...admirable personality
A true intellectual.
He’s an entertainer...he entertains. Talk show hosts don’t like that he’s an educated guy to boot.
Phil Donahue was Cool to Him though :)
Always liked Donahue.
@@nunyadambidniss Ever seem the video of Donahue tearing into Bill O'Reilly? It's gold.
Mom: she’s not a catholic anymore
Teen girl: *smirks*
Can you blame her? I went to 2 catholic services and felt the empty pageantry oozing out of everything they did
As a muslim (imagine that) most of whom I know are strongly against forcing Islam down kids throats, but still it naturally appears in them when they feel like it and grow more into understanding it, only a few stay away from religion around here as children, but I noticed that even they seem to go back to it when they "messed around enough"
It's def not an easy religion to understand, and can easily be misunderstood, talking from exp, mainly I think it's because human nature is biased towards personal agendas etc.
i went to church every sunday with my grama from when i could remember to when i was 8 then i had enough, stopped going and swapped to satanism bc they arent as bad as they are made out to be like i dont go sacrificing goats or what not but i will admit it does sound cool and all to experience but i dont do that and neither do alot of modern day satanist so im like literally the girl when she smirks when the moms says she lost her faith like boy its not mine to begin with
@@ORCXray From what I understand Satanism gets a bad rap bcus they embrace both the dark and the light. Also they have reverence for Nature which ppl judge as paganism. True story?
@@xxCrimsonSpiritxx Religion in general isn't easy to understand. One reason is each religion has as many interpretations as their are people who know about it, follower or not, good or bad. The second is because people try to think of religion within the logical constraints of what we call the "universe" with no capacity to think illogically outside of those constraints, both the religious and non-religious.
Marilyn Manson's is the poster child for never a judge a book by its cover extremely smart guy and I like his music and he's a good artist to
reminds mind of Dee Snider too, he outsmarted the man
Fuck u fuck to illuminate
Don't judge the cover, judge de book
A teacher once tried to use Marilyn Manson as an example about how people treat you differently depending on how you dress. She said "ok what about Marilyn Manson, would you trust him alone to watch your kid based on how he looks?" This backfired on her cuz everyone said yes.
I don’t like his music... but I’ve mad respect for a well spoken, brilliant minded person. 💯✊🏽
Your a f*** robot
Ali Muhammad and your brain damaged
Ripped Swines oof you're*
Mairylin Manson: you know jesus was a rebel. Which is why I liked his stories.
Angry mom: (speechless)
Which book was that written?
Jesus christ bible
Wrecked by J smith
Well Jesus was probably a really cool dude.
Not only speechless. She was nodding in agreement.
Marilyn Manson is so freakin intelligent . I love watching his interviews cause he’s so eloquent in his speech .
He’s actually dope. I always said he looked weird
I probably look weird tbh
So Fuck
this man is a fucking intellectual!
“If I wasn’t me I woulda beat me up too”
that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard
Let's be honest: This man is smarter than them all. Love him.
Side note- his voice is sexy af.
Farrah H. Its guys like him that you wouldn't expect to be this smart but tend to always be the smartest... tho some people tend to be a little to much like that to the point there hurting others without a care and they think it'll help them when sometimes its best to let some things be...
Thats the thing about've always gotta be careful what you say and who you say what to so you don't offend them, hurt them or get on a touchy subject... if you do then rightfully you should apologize and try to fix things or your just creating a mess and a lot of other trouble and not cleaning it up...
If you get what i mean by all that? Lol
Shame he went so deep on the drugs, he seems to have lost a bit of that spark as of late. Not sure if it is because hes still high most of the time or if the long term use actually did some permanent damage to him. Most likely hes just high though since heroin among the rich doesn't really cause much bodily harm.
OMG yes and his stage shows are dope AF
@Farrah H. His voice IS sexy asf
@@TheDrakmannen Personally, I think he hasn't been himself since he lost Dita. He knows he blew it too. He now hates Evan Rachel Wood and is very vocal about that. But of course Dita won't take him back because he broke her heart. That was the stupidest thing he ever did, and it was all because he was doing a bunch of drugs at that time.
He has a low voice and is very confident. He never says anything out of place or gets mad. He's very controlled.
He's definitely very smart, his answers are well thought out, but he's definitely not confident. I like him, but everything about him shows he lacks confidence. I know I would've been like "fuck you" at least 10 times, especially with the black lady interviewing him.
So strange hahahahaha he is always so angry in his concerts
@@freshcaffe to lash out with a fuck you shows a lack of words , he was very confident cool and collective. let that lady think she's right and better in the eyes of any person with a nonjudgmental mind she's making herself look like the fool. to say fuck you to her would only give her the reaction she wants from him so she could point the finger at him and say more negative things about him. he doesnt let anger get to him, when angry one cant think straight .
@@freshcaffe if he wasnt confident in himself, he would stiffen up and becone defensive. But he knows who he is enough not to let others opinions of him, rattle him. Maybe hes not confident in lets say his looks (idk that he isn't.), he can still be confident that hes a decent human being and isn't outwardly doing wrong to people. He doesn't care what people think of him, that is confidence. Hes likely learned a thing or two about being thick-skinned growing up.
@@AtlisDe maybe him and I have different approaches on life. Maybe he really is the change he wants to see in the world, whilst I react to the environment, I will mirror other people's behavior, be nice to me and I'll be nice to you. Maybe we just had different life experiences, or maybe we learned different things. All I know for sure is that to be so humble he must be very wise and composed, which is easier said than done.
"I don't have pet peeves. I have two pet cats. William...and Rusty."
And judging from that delay on giving the second cat's name, I think we know which is his favorite.
i kinda dont understand what a pet peeve is either
@@FSUSean2112 Basically something commonplace that is a nuisance to you.
@@FSUSean2112 Something that annoys you personally but isn't necessarily bothersome to other people.
@@kickballfever oh ok good to know
He’s that one friend we all need who opens our eyes to what the world is and what it means to be in this work of art
Mother: "My daughter lost her religion."
Daughter: *smiles*
Lol. Also you can't lose something you never really had in the first place.
This is my favourite interview of this vid, he handled the mother with respect and was straight and honest whilst telling her what she needed to be told.
Anyone know what show or where this interview can be found?
Or this debate program as it seems more like it was.
ToxicAntidote pretty sure it’s called Marilyn Manson interview with mother’s against Manson.
Religion is not the word we use.
And by the end of his response, the mom was nodding along to him.
"If I went to a Halloween party dressed as myself, I'd probably lose." ~ Marilyn Manson
A raw definition of humility.
I think he was referencing how Dolly Parton and Charlie Chaplain entered a look-alike contest of themselves and lost.
Ah, the 90ies. When people worried about "Marilyn Manson". Lol!
@John Barber nah my mom freaked out when I smoked pot then her other kids ended up addicted to heroin because the FDA thinks its ok to prescribe 3rd and 4th graders Vicodin
A lot of mothers and fathers lost there children to gross domestic negligence by the FDA and they've realized there are REAL monsters in this world
Where are these mothers now
@@StrivedeLaLear you made that up
@@gadbammit4736 What?
He is the inner voice of every single person who is mistreated or hurt by others...
This guys real life story should be made into a movie.
I don’t know why I could really see Mads Mikkelsen nailing this part. Disregarding the accent of course
instead of doing such shit like rocketman
It really should be. People would be shocked at how much of the tabloids about MM were bullshit. Even him being an active and actual member of the Church of Satan. In spite being ordained a priest. The story behind it is uneventful and shocking.
I recommend you to read his self biography "The Long Hard Road Out of Hell"
I dont think he would like that, he dont like right now how Hollywood works
Im convinced Marilyn is actually Nicholas Cage when hes not filming.
Nah, Manson is waaay too normal to be Cage
Now that you say that in the second one he did kinda look like Nicholas cage with makeup on
This is revolution in my mind
lmao sounds legit
Dude that arrogant girl “no it’s not the same” *eye roll.
He’s an amazing dude. With a great message. He just looks different.
That means she's in the killing an raping religion. Since Manson stated his was not to kill people and be a good person.
@Maureen Davis i can't tell if your trolling. These days some people are genuinely slow so its hard to tell
@@g.h7657 She's just one of those dumb bitches looking for stuff to be outraged about.
Maureen Davis lmao she wanted her hand in his lap and more...good god women can be sexual if they want and she definitely did want in that instance
@@r.h.3084 Yea lol my sisters like that
I looked at Jesus “as someone who was a revolutionary with dangerous ideas and I started saying to myself, ‘I can relate to this story.’”
What does that mean ? is he a person of faith?
@@yeahyeahboy4519 No, but that is part of Christianity that makes sense to him; a person being rejected and punished by society (at the time).
@Bruce Wayne
I agree!
Satan was the first revolutionary / liberal / individualist.
Jesus as the Word of God, the second person of the Holy Trinity, the Logos, is the complete antithesis to a revolutionary.
He is the authority that Satan rebels against.
That’s the kind of satanic inversion that one sees everywhere today.
@Bruce Wayne 2000 years ago Jesus Christus was seen as a revolutionary person, this is a historic fact. Society couldn't accept him at the time. People had different beliefs at the time and so they thought his ideas were dangerous. Jesus talked about "love your next" and society couldn't accept such concepts at this time in history.
I think Jesus’ life was so much more important than Jesus’ death, but humans made an entire religion around the latter. Most of them missed the point of his living.
Hes like that silent classmate that will roast everyone naturally by opening his mouth
He's gonna roast someone in a language that doesn't even seems offensive
So spot on, you are a down girl!
But in a kind way, ya know?
Not a fan of his music but i am a fan of him as a person.
Me too
He is domestic abuser
That’s funny, most people are the other way around.
He should make a 180° and become a motivational speaker
He's intelligent and articulate. People fear what they don't understand.
The last quote is miw right?
Stupid people cant appreciate smarts
Hush buddy
Not understanding something isn't equivocal to being afraid. A lot of things on earth doesnt make sense, which doesn't automatically evoke fear. However I do agree, although you didnt really state, is that the most intelligent and somewhat interesting people are in fact mostly odd or different.
The part with the erotic thing is actually a really good quote, I can’t really express myself in English but this statement reminds me of a psychologist called Siegmund Freud
Id ego superego 💡
I really love that part as well, he is exposing something that is very human but still people will almost always deny, the simple thrill/excitement that triggers watching chaos happening to others! Tv news rely heavily on this kind of imagery/stories to satisfy that morbid curiosity of the audience who excuse themselves by getting informed, and is a very addictive feeling! Just like he said, there is a reason why so many feel fascinated by the stories of serial killers... To quote one of my favorites songs that talks about this topic "I need to watch things die... from a good safe distance".
He wasnt on point but yeah
I think yes it was a good quote. But Freud actually said a whole Lot of bullshit so I would not quote him :D
Edit: and Most psychologists agree that Freud was wrong about a Lot of stuff
Freud was a jackass and I hated having to learn about him in all of my psychology classes like he was never introduced in psyc 101 😒 he's basically pop culture psychology, which sucks cuz there's more legitimate people and ideas in the field to idolize and push onto the mainstream, but of course society flocks to the incest loving creep.
Mad respect Marilyn, he never explodes with anger or frustration, no matter how disrespectful interviewers are. He's smart like he said he prefers to provoke others into the mad behavior, he's super intelligent people just don't want to admit it. His style rocks and love the no fucks given attitude.
Stephanie Honeycutt Look up Marilyn Manson water bottle
It's pretty cool
I was your 700th like. You’re welcome!
"I don't have any pet peeves.. I have 2 pet cats.."
Love him.
That was such a beautiful response.
Zachary Lieber IKR. It was perfect.
He does have some pet peeves.. He makes songs about them....
666th like
I feel like he was stoned during that one
He's a free thinker who doesn't conform. A lot of people hate that or are afraid of that
Yes. No room for THAT kind of thinking in a free country!
@@seanoleary4374 lol right
I'm convinced if this were several hundred years ago, he would have been executed.
@@130rne Manson or O'reilly? 😂😂
Yes, that's what I am. And what I aspire to be.
Like his music or not, hands down one of the best live performers ever.
I would’ve included the clip from “Bowling for Columbine” where Michael Moore asked Manson what he would have said to the families of the victims of the shooting."I wouldn't say a single word to them. I would listen to what they have to say and that's what no one did."
it’s been so many years since I’ve seen that but just thinking about it kinda gets tears in my eyes. That is such an authentic and kind answer, how can people go on and then blame him for that ? It’s because we are to chicken shit to look inside our own mess and confront ourselves with the fact that we don’t know everything and that we make a lot of mistakes ourselves.
It wasn't a dumb question, though. Manson's response was sterling, but I wouldn't say that he "outclassed" Moore, who was clearly attempting to push back on the media narrative that Manson was somehow complicit. Just moments before in the same conversation, Manson and Moore mutually noted how Columbine coincided with what was to date the heaviest bombardment of Kosovar targets by the U.S.-led coalition. Nobody's arguing that the latter caused the mass shooting, but the timing was... interesting. When's the last time that the media scrutinized the influence of violence over diplomacy and the military-industrial complex on American youth to the extent that it's concern-trolled us about rock (or hip hop) music?
It was a great answer but the shooters in columbine were actually the bullies, and were never bullied themselves
@@Nulfo8 Seriously?! 😳 I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just shocked! When it happened, there were so many stories and reports going around that they were bullied and decided to "take action." I was in primary school when it happened, so I guess I could have heard it wrong.
His interview in bowling for Columbine was so on point. I actually had to do a presentation in my college speech course and used the clip . The people in my class later came to me and said they had no idea how intelligent and eloquent he is.
"Never has a culture of young people been so transfixed with death"
Zoomers: Let us introduce ourselves
Yeah, unfortunately. It's not like we are obsessed with it like these people are, we suffer from it because that's how things actually are.
Said the people transfixed with a belief that guarantees an afterlife
@@gregorp8406 Gregor I like how you are 100% certain there is not...using the word transfixed really helps you get your point a across, eh?
@@TriangleSquare52 just wanted to remark the exact of opposite but it's OK that you don't get it.
Manson is so intelligent dropping psychological terms on these interviews.
The reasoning is pretty cool😅😅you see the ending?
I miss when Marilyn Manson was society's biggest threat 😭
Something he...............never was!!!
Then get off social media.... i did
Currently, he is under investigation for that.
"I like to provoke people so they think. Ya'know I think that's a healthy part of entertainment that you don't get too much from the Spice Girls" lol!
He succeeded.
i clutched my pearls when I heard that part.
Replace Spice Girls with Fifth Harmony. No difference in what he's saying
It gets the brain going, pushes them for new arguments and also to re-evaluate their ideology.
You've got exactly 666 likes at the moment and I don't wanna ruin that giving one more, so here's a happy comment :)
“Your morals aren’t the same as mine” yeah they’re clearly better with a snarky attitude like that
Yeah she wasn't just rude, she was childish too.
That mother at the end of the video was so self centered
I saw that entire episode and I wanted to strangle her
Pretty damn judgy indeed. She has not seen very much in life to realize how similar everything and everyone really is.
Cxmplimentry Wifi just pure toxic ego.
"Dont kill people, be a good person, probably the same as yours"
"No not the same"
Yoooo WTF? Get the FBI on her, she's a murderer folks.
haah. Good point!
Lol they are so focused on how " dark and evil" he is they are really just blinded by the media
She's right. She's probably a dumb bitch who don't care about who she offends. So it's probably lower.
that was unbelievable.. her mind is so closed and prejudiced it didn't matter what he said.. why ask the question if you won't hear the answer
That lady pisses me off she just judges manson off what she sees on the outside.
I really love his voice it’s something about raspy voices that I like
"basic values, you know. Don't kill people, be a good person. Probably the same as yours."
"No. Definitely not the same."
Mettle Grinder she wasn’t listening or caring what he had to say. She had already thought some way about him.
I wondered what are her basic values?
Tilted my head on her response!!!
She is a piece of shit human just because she considers herself so much better than him. But, I'm sure she was telling the truth though. Her morals are not the same, but much lower.
Haha. She made an ass of herself.
Always loved Manson. Never got into his music, but his personality is awesome. These people invited him to shows to bait reactions out of him and he always stays cool, calm and collected. He paved the way for freedom of artistic expression.
KingBongHogger Mechanical Animals is a great album. Give it a shot.
He paved the way for the end of controversial rock music in the mainstream is what he accomplished. I don't blame him for it, but the christian American blowback meant no more controversy is allowed in white public music.
I don't share the same beliefs and opinions as him but that's my fav part about him. How he stays calm, and collected..
Marilyn Manson is a sick devil worshipper of Satan
I would love to meet Manson and tell him that as a 46 year old African American who does NOT like his type of music, I still have a lot of respect for him. He is extremely smart and has a lot of good views. People don’t listen to what he says, they judge him by his look and music alone when there is so much more to him.
Well put!
@Jorge Lobov First, you have NO right to even have any input especially since your not from our country. Secondly, do you realize not everyone referenced as “African American “ is actually black in color? Thirdly, I am from Africa. Now what?
USA is one racist country. Racism all over the place, not matter positive or negative racism.
@Boneginer Meatslabs You don’t need to ask anyone who or what they identify themselves with. Just concern yourself with you and you alone. If more people did this, the world would be a better place. By the way, if you really want to know, “I AM HUMAN!”
@Boneginer Meatslabs African Amercians are an ethnic group. They're _Americans_ because they live, or are born in America and have total/partial ancestry from the black racial groups of Africa. "fake African"? Go take that to the white girls in America that are blackfishing today.
The black woman interviewer, she was so condescending, rude and just unaccomodating. I mean he was clearly invited for this interview, so for you as a reporter to be that biased to your personal opinion of him and to speak down to him like that... Unprofessional, reporting of very low standards. 😖
Honestly I'm a black women n I felt like she was very rude as hell ..even if I wouldn't like his answer I still show respect
@@uniqueandhumble3457 Definitely I agree with you. I'm mixed with black ancestry and I'm born and live in south africa but I felt she was just unprofessional, so disappointing.
@@uniqueandhumble3457 same! My reaction was, "How do you KNOW he doesn't have some of your same values?" It was quite disappointing to see her do that. I was never a fan of his music, but watching him speak in the video, I can see he speaks with great intelligence and plain old common sense. She should try that...
@@SNEAKO15 The problem is some people simply don’t want to be associated in any way with someone so different as Marilyn Manson. They’re stuck on appearances and differences, that they completely ignore any similarities or common ground.
Marilyn says straight out that he doesn’t believe in basic principles such as killing or hurting people. Then follows that statement by saying “we probably have the same beliefs” to which she says no. 😕
Some people just can’t see past the facade.
*She did that for ratings it wasn't personal. Think of it like news they keep playing the same videos over and over exaggerating titles and happenings for ratings*
Marylin is always superior then the people who interview him. It’s quite embarrassing for them to try and get their point across. Marylin is pure class. I love him.
He has the element of surprise.
Yeah he is cool and calm as fuck!
Alexa xoxo than*
“I don’t have pet peeves, i have two pet cat’s”
Joe S William and Rusty
He was so high there lol
@@xxCrimsonSpiritxx He wasn't. Just trying to cope with a dumb question.
@@MeniscoManeiro Refused to give the dumb interviewer the room to expand on her dumb concept.
I think he's my soul mate because of that line 😂😂😂😂
He seems a lot calmer and smarter than people would think.
His IQ is 148
I find that a lot O LF people who dress as they wish worth worrying about others opinions are usually very intelligent
Apparently he has a super high iq
@@jessicacereceres2404 wow
uhm so what now
Crazy how the dude wearing face paint is the smartest person in the room always. Everybody expects him to be this crazy guy, but I bet most of them feel intimidated when he starts talking so eloquently
I'm not a fan of his music, I'm more a straight up Metal fan, but I've always liked to listen to what he has to say. Dude strikes me as a very intelligent and mostly open minded person.
dead metal artist directly against Christians ..hate dead metal
What the hell do you mean by "dead metal"? Mr. Manson is not dead and he doesn't do metal music either.
Lord Baktor He does indeed make metal. It's just that it's a fusion genre (industrial metal).
More like Industrial Hard Rock. What little metal there once was in his music is long gone.
I would advise you to listen to his music for the lyrics only, and if you really cant stand it, read the transcripts. Great stuff.
She never lost "her religion" she lost yours....
Well said!
Monks in Himalayas look like abominable snow monsters, roam around naked covered in funeral ashes eat human corpses (the already dead ones, they don't kill, they're basically non-violent) etc etc... But, we bow to them with reverence as they're enlightened spiritual beings with great knowledge and wisdom... I don't know why the west thinks that seeing is believing, it's the other way around, believing is seeing... God comes to you in the form that you believe, jesus, Allah, Vishnu, Buddha etc, those are just different names of him because people in the world speak different languages... Marlin Manson seems like an enlightened being who's capable of answering so many deep questions about truth, life, belief systems, philosophy, spirituality etc, but he gets asked these silly ones instead... What a lost opportunity!! 🤦
@@pck85 wow, you just spoke with such clarity an honesty there, stopped me in my tracks. Well said Beardman
I love how he has so calm. Nothing makes him mad.
He knows he’s so controversial that he mastered the art of controlling or neutralizing his emotions when it comes to public forums or else you spend all you’re energy defending yourself from people that pre-decided to judge you. I don’t agree with his art form because it disrespects the sanctity of God as we are created by God, never to exalt ourselves or mock Him, but the value I take from his comments is that he reminds us to “listen” to young people, what troubles them, what pierces their hearts, how do we avoid school shootings and keep our kids safe, it’s by prevention. Marilyn says he doesn’t like sports, he got bullied over sports, he’s an artist, so why are we forcing non athletic kids to do sports to be teased about. There are others sports options that promote physical activity without the pressure of missing the touchdown, not making a goal or striking out. We have to “listen” so we can do all we can to prevent bullying that leads to suicide, school shootings and depression in young people. If PE is mandatory, Laps on a track either walking, jogging or running. Swimming. Dancing, Relay races, not all sports have to be competitive, the idea is make fitness fun. Not everyone is an athlete, but athletes get a lot of recognition and praise, while kids who’s strengths are in arts, music, literature, poetry, sculpture are less celebrated. So just like there’s Homecoming Football Game, there can be an Arts Festival. If we’re offended by his appearance and we’re asking Why? He’s telling us why!!!!!
Oh he definitely gets mad, you only need to listen to his lyrics to know that, but he expresses it in his music rather than lashing out, I only wish that I had the same skill to do so
I like how he handles himself under pressure, almost like there is no pressure, especially with tough questions or comments where people are talking at you, not to you. Big difference in a conversation.
I'd say it comes from growing up being bullied. Best revenge is to be smarter than the bullies
I like that the mom starts nodding her head as he's talking. Showing that she is hearing what he's saying and is respectful of his response.
Noticed that too. Shows you the power of just using words to get the other side to understand.
I think she was expecting him to be indignant as a response, but was caught off guard by his calm demeanor and thoughtful response.
Completely agree, bar a couple of tunes he’s not ma bag at all, but I really respect and admire his demeanour and ability to articulate an opinion quietly but confidently and without takin the bait.
Absolutely dude, I agree. Good point..
Impossible - TV doesn't show you that information. TV shows you what you want to see.
What about his interview after the columbine massacre when everyone said his music was partly to blame for it?
Reporter: "What would you have said to those kids?"
Manson: "I wouldn't say a single word to them. I would listen to what they have to say and that's what no one did."
He had the final word right there all of the finger pointing that was happening at the time he was the only public figure that said what needed to be said
they cryin' out (ebonics intended)
Columbine started perculating before those kids were born.
I'd explain it, but society can't handle the truth.
Jeff Bingaman you're so prophetic
having the benefit of hindsight is the opposite of prophetic
Black lady thinks she's so much better than him. Judge's him by the outside. He's a smart successful entertainer. She's nobody. Don't even know her name. That's humbling.
Yeah I felt sorry for her looking so dumb in front of the cool collected goth metal legend
Yes indeed
That's the kind of attitude that gets you catalogued as a fanatic extremist tbh, she's probably some christian who thinks he's representing the devil based on what social medias and tv said about him, judging people by their cover and not for what's inside.
Also probably lacks any kind of ability to think for herself. Basically either or both a dumb fanatic idiot and another sheep doing everything to be accepted socially for her social insecurity. She's pathetic.
She was just another brainwashed superficial nobody
A true artist. An I'm a die hard hiphop fan but this guy is a genius.
that black woman was so unaware of how bad she looked in that moment. hard to make me cringe but she pulled it off.
Howard Stern didn't make you cringe?
She was a straight up ass, not even listening to what he was really saying and just making herself look like trash in the end
Ironic that a woman of colour fell into the "you're different to the norm, and thus inferior" way of thinking.
@@monoperative which demonstrates that we are all not just one thing. Everyone can become a victim and the bully at the same time.
Are you talking about her wig?
I heard so many times how kind,intelligent and reserved he is. Also it shows how people are so quick to judge on appearence. This guy is more articulate and well mannered then most rappers today squabbling
On point , could've said it better myself
Well no shit, Sherlock. Comparing his speech to that of a rappers. How the hell you even get there?
Mumble rap is just a phase, it'll be soon gone ✴
@@mister1680 i was gonna say the same fucking thing
That's right 👍
the smile from the young girl at the end when she knows 100% manson is out smarting her mother.
@Kelly B lol found the mom
@Kelly B okay Karen
Kelly B ask YOUR god if forcing your children into your religion is ok in his eyes. i know MY god and ancestors would dislike it and be very unhappy with me.
Madds Mikkel what kind of remark is that? what does that have to do with anything?
@@austinkennedy4335 because they have nothing to say but still want to talk.
After seeing this I think Marilyn Manson is a realist person in Hollywood.
He owned so many people, and hardly any of them were smart enough to realize it.
It seemed as if his point of view was chiming with the catholic mother at the end, though
@@monoperative because he's smart enough to not piss the mother off.
@@monoperative .
I don't see how he owned anyone honestly
Stuka Steven case in point
"I don't like pet peeves. I do have two pet cats, William and Rusty"
That was amazing 😂
Intellect 100
Manson is a true case of, "Dont judge a book by its cover" class act guy, humble, all around great dude.
What's wrong with his cover? Especially today tell me one singer that wears suit at his concerts. There is nothing wrong with his look he is handsome elegant and classy. Makeup is just a taboo for men he can wear makeup better than most of the girls. Well, he has weird moments time to time but his job is to shock people and he does it perfectly.
He does some crazy shit at his concerts, like starting a fight with his guitarist, and he seems like a big douche, BUT maybe it's all a part of the act? He's like the complete opposite that he is on stage in interviews, and he is extremely intelligent, but I worry about his mental well being sometimes.
666 like. Thats awsome. Heres to 667.
Faithful husband
that saying makes no sense i dont read hustler for bible scripture
Thank you, Loudwire, for simply rolling the clips instead of spamming them with commentary. Such a breath of fresh air.
He always seems smarter and more civil then ppl interviewing him
That would be because he is.
I think as a kid I thought he was a taboo and somehow a human that causes chaos. Yet he is the polar opposite, utterly articulate, rational, intelligent and deeply understanding. You listen to how he talks back to people either insulting him or shovelling nonsense and he calmly replies with his thoughts with no malice. We need more politicians that can have debate like him. Really impressed.
Yes it would be nice if politicians were like this, not how the world works of course so that makes you dumb, oh and you smell too
Yess indeed💯
Some One thank you
The further you explore your bad side, the more you respect yourself. And this is indeed a taboo because everyone wants to believe they are better than Hitler. But in reality, we need both our good side and bad side to be whole
DreadNawght Hitler wasn’t even that bad compared to his peers Mao killed more people than hitler or even Stalin.
i actually like that last clip. the way the mom nods at the end makes me think he put it in a way she would understand, like she was there becuase she was concerned for her daughter instead of there for herself because her daughter didnt follow her religion anymore.
I agree. That last clip was great. He made a very clear and interesting point and she really listened.
I just love how he did it in a way where he wasn’t degrading or trying to make someone the bad guy either. You can tell he’s a gentle dude. He was extremely considerate and cared enough to try to get the mom to understand where her daughter was coming from ❤️