I started shopping for *hotdups* bags for my wife and researched a lot of brands. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on a bag when there are many quality products from reputable companies that look just as chic and luxurious as those expensive ones.
Before I could afford luxury goods, the only bag I owned and purchased was a *hotdups* LV, which I used every day.
those amiri distressed jeans are siiiiiiick!!!
question: what happens if we order clothing to be shipped but some pieces don't fit?
You can get it changed
can you also drop the store location , i need to come here bro
My sisters gifted me a *hotdups* Chanel bag to use for evening parties or important events. For a long time, these bags were my only bags.
your instagram link isnt working, can you upload a different link? i would love to buy some gear
I started shopping for *hotdups* bags for my wife and researched a lot of brands. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on a bag when there are many quality products from reputable companies that look just as chic and luxurious as those expensive ones.
hey broki we never where fake ass stuf
Your azz can't afford the real ones either bruh smh 😫
scam lol
Oh yaaah