Yes. There's a few graphical errors here and there, performance isn't great, and the emulator has to be restarted every 40 minutes or so because of the memory leak. I've played about 40 hours of BB on it and I've been having a pretty good time, but if you want a bug free experience that you don't have to go out of your way to set up correctly then it's best to wait a bit longer.
Is there any reason why the sound ain't working for me? I had to use a save file to bypass the crash when entering character creation but after that the sound it's now my biggest problem
in the part of CHEATS/PATCHES, click on Disable Vsync, and that should unlock the FPS, the problem is that sometimes the game is going to be super speedy
With thus build I can disable vsync with 60 fps mod and it unlocks my fps smother then ever at 1440p with lossles scaling with v sync gsync vrr enebled in nvidia panel and vrr in windows settings its a new setting i dont remeber ever seeing it on a asus oled monitor❤❤
Shadps4 bloodborne full setup guide
on your play, in the Ludwig Boss fight hits the ost of Lawrence ?
Any news on when the resolution patchs will be fixed
I'm on an intel 12700k and installed the SFX fix files but still get no fire. Tried running normal 1080p and 30fps. Any ideas what I may be missing?
are you running with main build ?
@@tabeneru As in the build of the emulator? If so, it's 0.4.1 from shad's website
@@FastRedPonyCar you need to play with tessellation build, link in description
@@FastRedPonyCar you can watch my previous video for setup guide
wait is it actually playable all way through?
Yes. There's a few graphical errors here and there, performance isn't great, and the emulator has to be restarted every 40 minutes or so because of the memory leak. I've played about 40 hours of BB on it and I've been having a pretty good time, but if you want a bug free experience that you don't have to go out of your way to set up correctly then it's best to wait a bit longer.
Is there any reason why the sound ain't working for me? I had to use a save file to bypass the crash when entering character creation but after that the sound it's now my biggest problem
enable 30fps patch
@tabeneru thanks but it didn't fix it either
@danielcuchallocruz6986 try to reinstall the game
@tabeneru thanks it actually worked, but now I got another problem I can't get out of the hunter's dream, it crashes when i teleport
They still haven't fixed the rainbow textures?
They have it seems
It still seems to happen once in a while, but almost always fixes itself after a second or two. So close!
And this is not the main fork, it's diegolix's build, I think that they fixed it in the main build
You haven't included how u get the unlocked fps in description can you put that in to plz
in the part of CHEATS/PATCHES, click on Disable Vsync, and that should unlock the FPS, the problem is that sometimes the game is going to be super speedy
@@cariuchihaHD…and the cloth physics are generally borked at anything above 30fps
Is there anyway around this because at 60fps it's not super speedy
Diegollix version??
@@werewolfpit8141 yes
In the description.
But Wich one the release on the November 24 or the pre release on November 25?@@tabeneru
eu nao tenho placa de video nvidia teria como jogar na rx 7900 xt
Guys is it ready for download ?
Does it work with linux
i'm not sure
Do u guys find it smoother enabling vsync or disabling it
With thus build I can disable vsync with 60 fps mod and it unlocks my fps smother then ever at 1440p with lossles scaling with v sync gsync vrr enebled in nvidia panel and vrr in windows settings its a new setting i dont remeber ever seeing it on a asus oled monitor❤❤
this is illegal
Emulation is not illegal dumbo .
it isn't and sony doesn't appear to care about emulation like nintendo do
Cry about it?
Buaaaahhhhh buaaahhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am a torrent user with 20 years of experience. Couldn't care less