I remember when my school taught us the dangers of drugs and when Blossom was reading the transcript of this commercial. Someone said can I have my brain with toast? And buttercup had to expel that student. During a musical there was a segment where the Powerpuff girls taught us the dangers of drugs
Having grown up in the 90s, I can tell you, none of these "rap" ads were ever seen as anything but tonedeaf attempts by lame adults to appropriate cultural fads.
No, it’s real in some cases, and there’s plenty of cases where it’s not. It’s these kinds of sweeping over generalisations that make the messaging so ineffective. Because kids see through it for the generalised lie that it is. They treat kids like they are idiots and it backfires. And then they blame it on the kids. Just because they couldn’t have an awkward conversation about the realities of drugs, alcohol and sex. Plenty of good involved, plenty of bad involved. And considering the rate of drug use and the supply of drugs, absolutely nothing we have tried for 90 years has worked. Maybe next year it will work.
A song by one of my favorite folk-esque singers says “There’ so much to see through, like our parents do more drugs than we do.” All the negative things that you mention above can follow into the next generation in one of three ways. The child Carrie’s it forward and unconsciously imitates the modeled behavior. The child consciously chooses not to imitate the modeled behavior but may or may not carry forward a “lesser version” to their children. Ex: I may say mean things sometimes but I was beaten when I was a child. Best case they just revel to eliminate the activity. Which is easier in the case of drug abuse and neglect. The third possibility is you get someone with extreme middle child of alcoholics syndrome. A sort of amalgam of two unhealthy extreme people pleasing invisible “don’t notice me” personalities. It is very unlikely to result in a child with a healthy early to mid adulthood. In some cases the pursuit of therapy and active non cult pursuit of mindfulness can make a difference, but most humans will find an escape from life’s stresses and some are more damaging than others. But the only ever way out is through. Honest it takes a village and being too nuclear in our families has NOT done good things for generations of children.
The first commercial was actually really good but they should've showed the kid using drugs as the monster got happy for him using..it would've made it more clear on the fact that addiction is a monster attached to the user.
I described that PSA to my sister and she thought it was about depression (although both interpretations can be correct because addiction to anything can be a sign of depression)
The one comparing drugs to slavery is also quite good. No, the commercial is not racist, it's true. A racist wouldn't mind that or would be celebrating that.
Long ago I saw a poster spoofing "your brain on drugs" - egg in the frying pan with a slab of bacon, "This is your brain with a side order of bacon". STILL makes me chuckle.
Marriott Player Just wondering, we're all on the same page that it was a GOOD anti-drug commercial? It's pretty convincing.... at least would be, back when I had the mind of a 10 year old, or so
It’s not every parent but it’s most parents who use drugs typically have kids who use drugs. Granted I use drugs myself so I am a hypocrite in that area
LOL...its a reference to those old anti-drug psa's, of the dude sayin "the first one's free" anyway...glad to see you like the avatar! ahem and I can tell by that attempt at a cutdown, your teachers didn't like you, sorry...
@@bohemianwriter1 Did I stutter? I said… DON’T TAKE DRUGS-EAT PIZZA 🍕 INSTEAD!!! Seriously, pizza 🍕 is trillions times better than any drug, illicit, legalized, or any shade in between.
@@pooky-bellegaming4089 Don't are. Toke a joint. Order a pizza. Weed gives cancer patients appetite.. Weed gives people with chronic pains relief. Weed helps alleviate Krohn's diseases. Weed helps cure cancer and insomnia.. The best part of it is,., your body NEEDS it.. As I toke away and laugh about the ridiculous "drug warriors" as they chuck down super-sized sugar drinks, fat food, pharma pills, booze and cigarettes.. looking to load a gun and shoot anyone who dares to role a holy smoke.
I think so. Especially when they try to portray what you should do, it is the cheesiest crap. The one where that girl takes the frying pan and smashes everything, each object being a euphemism of an important part of your life, that was one of the most unembarrasing and effective anti-drug commercials I have seen.
EmS I think some people do drugs or drink because they have a massive intelligence combined with a sense that nothing is meaningful because life is pointless and that manifests into a total lack of ambition to do anything that other people would consider meaningful. So you're just left sitting around with this wonderful mind full of all these brilliant ideas, but you're lack of ambitious creates a constant state of turmoil in your own brain. And by taking drugs or drinking you can forget about all that "productive" stuff and just live happily in the moment. Because in the end, the moment you're in is all you ever have.
about the money: for the record pot isn't what the terrorists are using. pot is cheap and natural, the money is in heroin. heroin from Afghanistan is always desired by black markets. with the country having such a large supply of poppy fields (where it comes from) it's no surprise America has taken them for themselves in the war. call it drug prevention (even though use and amount in the country has skyrocketed lately and is the main ingredient in most common prescription pain killers).
meghan elias heroin comes in a brown powder, white powder, and a black resin. you mix vinegar with the powder or tar and heat it up to fully dissolve it.
Most heroin users start with snorting it, or some other form of ingestion. It's usually once they've developed a healthy addiction when they start injecting.
I think that none work. If someone is going to do drugs they will regardless of any warning, and if someone will not use them they simply wont regardless of any pressure. Some people are biologically destined to want, even need a certain substance, these ads only deal with the peer pressure parts of it all. Personally I never felt any pressures from anyone to do a thing, most people actually have friends who tell them they should not be doing it. The danger of most drugs comes FROM the fact they are illegal in the first place anyhow.
You left out the best one- the guy walking in a circle saying. "I buy more coke, so I can work more hours, so I can make more money, so I can buy more coke, so I can work more hours, so I can make more money, so I can buy more coke, so I can work more hours, so I can make more money, so I can buy more coke, so I can work more hours, so I can make more money, so I can buy more coke"
Also peers. Peer pressure is real but it is not the way it works in anti-drug PSAs. That and also most people will be cool if you don't do drugs. Someone offered me molly and I said no thanks because of my SSRIs and they understood.
when you realize Pee Wee Herman told kids how unglamorous crack cocaine was and later in life played one of the most flamboyant Miami coke dealers of the 80's in "Blow." so winning.
Meh, the pizzas they make are in league with Scooby and Shaggy ate, and they never did drugs (in fact, in one special, Shaggy says he and Scoob are always hungry because of all the running they do to escape the villain of the episode). For the TMNT, I believe they eat weird pizzas due to them being able to handle it (they are mutants, after all).
That would explain a lot.. especially Michelangelo (and, to a lesser extent, Raphael). I'm surprised Splinter didn't get REALLY frustrated w/that, however- like, "Come back when you've got your head straight." (Even "cool" teachers/prof.s tend to have little patience w/ drunk or high students.😬)
"this is your brain on drugs with a side of bacon, sausage with your choice of toast, home fries, english muffin, juice or milk. Please feel free to use your spoon to cook your heroin. We ask you not to vomit on your hostess' shoes."
Bacon? Baconbaconbaconbacon!!!! It's BACOONNNNNN!!!!! They should have combined it with the Beggin' Strips commercial. Suddenly the Beggin' Strips commercial gets a whole lot darker for no reason.
@@erichoffman5984 heroin does calm you down, a more accurate ad would involve Rachel Leigh Cook propped up against a wall as everything fell around her.
@@mikitz Heroin greatly improved my life. It eased my PTSD, depression, and severe back pain. I became more social, would run over 100 miles a week, was the healthiest I'd ever been, and my grades went up by a letter. Unfortunately, the same could not be said of other addicts. I quit because of having to deal with scummy people. I'd never use it again though, because of the prevalence of fentanyl.
It's pretty damn stupid. A) the acting...well it...yeah. B) How would the dad not know or at least figure out or be able to guess the son would have learned it from him? His first thought should be "oh well I do that, so it would make sense that my son would pick up on it" like duh
first of all.. I'm against the war on drugs.. it's imprisoned more people total and per capita in human history.. The USA's most deluded and fucked up policy.. we're screwing up. But over $45 billion a year is spent by Americans.. That's coming from somewhere.. that's coming from some enormous hypocrites.. including politicians, judges and cops. it's right on point. Whether intentional or not.. it's right on point. The whole drug war is based on monumental hypocrisy.. and that includes parents.
That PSA’s message was “You don’t really know whether or not the drugs you’re buying are from a weed greenhouse in the dealer(s)’s basement, or if said dealer(s) is/are part of a drug cartel”. When I was in high school, I learned just how terrible drug cartels are-have you ever watched the show “Gangsters: America’s Most Evil”? (It’s on Reelz Channel) They highlight not just the Mafia, but a slew of the worst drug cartels and traffickers to ever deal poison on American streets. Through watching this show-and through an extra credit class I took in high school, I learned that drug trafficking is considered one of the most virulent forms of terrorism! Seriously, some drug traffickers can make ISIL terrorists look like choir boys-because they’re terrorists, too! That’s what that ad is trying to say!
I remember most of those commercials vividly. Hell, the dude that turned into a snake freaked me out. They didn't keep me off drugs. They weren't even a deterrent. Perhaps had someone said, "you're going to love crack from the first moment you try it. You'll put it before EVERYTHING else your life...family...friends ....money...career...health...etc.." Maybe if they'd just told me the truth instead of all the silliness in this video I wouldn't have been clueless enough try it in the first place.
Actually, they probably have NEVER done any drugs. Hence these ads don't "work" on drug users because they can't relate to the completely incorrect portrayal of drug use in these ads. Go back to marketing/advertising school!
I'm the 80's they had rockers against drugs commercials on t.v. where an 80's rock star would do an anti drug commercial. Jon Bon Jovi was the only honest one that I believed, when he came out and said: Drugs are not an everyday part of my life. I believed it, because he didn't deny doing them like the other rockers who would deny it. Drugs was a big scene for all rockers in the 80's. At least Jon Bon Jovi didn't lie to his fans.
"I got it from watching you" applies a lot more to the legal drugs. I still love the smell of cigarettes because it reminds me of idle days around the pool and watching cricket with my grandpa.
The one that makes the PeeWee Herman so engraved in my childhood, was how serious he was when he was talking about it. Not in his comedic tone like on the show, but in the serious way rather than being immature about it.
They're using the British intonation of the word. Canada's English has influences from both the United Kingdom and the United States, as they spell "defence," "labour," and "organize," with the first two coming from British English, but the last example coming from American English.
The best deterrent for me was volunteering with my parents giving our food and blankets etc downtown to the homeless. Many were barely functioning and it made me feel so sad for them.
@Medieval Vassle 1256 It's not. They're saying a singular thing is representing drugs, so it is "this is drugs." I understand why it sounds odd though.
I liked the Pee Wee Herman anti drug ad. I thought it was moving,and also very sweet. I didn’t think he sounded monotone at all. I thought he sounded concerned and sincere.❤️
I've got to agree with you. It all depends upon whether you can look at it from a child's perspective. The grown-ups in their lives are all so serious, most of them not interested in playing or having fun. But Pee-wee Herman was different. Playing and having fun was what he was all about. So little kids looked up to him because they knew he understood them and what their lives were all about. Now, he's sitting there in a dark room with something important to tell them. He's not playing around or having fun or even cracking a smile (pardon the pun). He's dead serious, and I'm 100% sure that most of his young fans listened and got the message. I'm also sure he probably saved a few lives.
Right? I remember these commercials, and because of messages like those I never in my life tried drugs. I always felt afraid and would decline when my friends offered at school.
@@valencia_310 Good for you! And same here; anti-drug PSAs-as well as my wonderful mother, who has never used illicit drugs (she has never even smoked a cigarette!) and always gently warned me about their dangers when I was growing up, and the stern, scary D.A.R.E. officer who regularly visited my 5th grade class and did a pretty good job striking fear in a bunch of 10-and-11-year-olds, are the reasons I’m not, nor will I ever be, a junkie.
Oh man, that snake-man commercial kept me the fuck away from all drug dealers, lol. By the way, the "I do coke, so I can I work longer, so I can earn more, so I can do more coke..." commercial belongs in this list!
I was born in 1979 and saw most of these brand new on TV. They usually made me laugh. Fun Fact: I dont use drugs except caffeine. I have a serious Mountain Dew problem. Probably more destructive than coke or heroin. Diabetes is worse than emphysema.
In 2015, the US government statistics said that 1.6 million Americans died as a direct result of diabetes and another 2.2 million Americans died as an indirect result of diabetes corresponding to excessively high blood sugar levels. That is 3.8 million Americans dying in a given year. An average of 8,000 Americans die per year as a direct result of Emphysema. 1,600,000 > 8,000 | Diabetes deaths > Emphysema deaths | You are 200x as likely to die of diabetes than emphysema. 200x. 200x. But our federal government is too busy chasing down the smokers remaining to care about diabetes and excess sugar consumption.
One that I found to be a bit scary when I was young (and I kind of still think it to be bad, despite getting the word around about how bad drugs are) was the girl who was about to go for a dive in a pool. All through out the commercial it talks about how bad drugs can be, and then shows a girl climbing a diving board at a swimming pool, and the last thing said was, "You better know what you are diving in to" shows the feet of the girl jump off the diving board, then cuts and shows that the pool is empty.
I remember being second grade thinking that's what pot actually looks like. I remember rolling up pieces of paper and then joking with my friends that I had joints.
Same here, but to me she went over the top. These commercials don't even come close to depict the true horror of dependency, and the tremendous suffering that comes by trying to go clean. Stay strong, man.
The only real way to portray drug abuse issues is to actually show the real result of it/ some can use drugs and totally function fine. But those who mess themselves up, thats what to show. The movie Requiem of a Dream is better at the horrors of drugs than any one of these, and that movie was over the top, had the effects of heroin all backwards, and was just depressing.
Well that 's because you 're an alcoholic. It would be great as an anti alcohol advertisement, because that would actually make some sense. But for an anti pot advertisement, it 's just laughable... All it does is relax your brain, that 's the opposite of frying it :P The issue with these ads is they make no sense at all because they are made by people who have no clue what the sensation of drugs is like, so the only thing they can compare it to was that night when they got completely wasted on legal hard drugs like alcohol :P
The one with the girl demolishing the kitchen is NOT terrible or corny. It’s a VERY accurate illustration (albeit still pales in comparison to) the pure HELL addicts and their loved experience until said addict recovers…..IF they recover…… The fallout lasts longer than their physical lives. trauma lasts a lifetime
Cop:"Just say no". Me when a kid: No to what Cop: to drugs Me when a kid: what are drugs? Cop: marijuana, cocain, heroin and crack. Join D.A.R.E. and you will learn everything you need to know... Lol
Google Rodriguez ironically I've never actually had any drug start asking questions. If they did it could safely be assumed it was too late and I was hallucinating.
Google Rodriguez I recall when That D.A.R.E cop showed up at my h.school. Haha needless to say I watched a few students snatch a few things. Prob a good thing in that class is a camera. Oh when the 90's were graduating into what it is now.
What if when you die, you'll wake up as an alien with a bong in your hand and all your alien friends are surrounded around you asking, "What happened?" "Was that good shit?" "How was it?"
7:58 "Dissing poultry in order to get an anti-drug message across to the great school set is simply uncall for. " What drug one must be on to make a sentence like that ? xD
"I got if from watching you!" was a great drug add. And compared to what was on TV around that time, it was much more down to earth and serious than most any other commercial around the time. It was very true also. Surprised you didn't put the commercial up where the guy does cocaine and has to do his job more hours to make more money to buy more cocaine and runs around in circles reciting the endless loop, (another great one)
This is drugs. (Melted butter sizzling in frying pan) This is your brain. (Egg) This is your brain on drugs. (Breaks egg into pan. Egg starts sizzling) Any questions?
The best anti-drug commercial around when I was a kid was the one with the 12-year-old talking about his brother who was still living in his family's basement. 12 year-old says: "Nothing ever happened to my brother for smoking pot..." Then you hear his moms yell: [Marco]...did you even look for a job today?" and the older brother Marco says: "Nah, ma... I'll do it tomorrow...." Cut to the kid: "Nothing ever happened to my brother b/c he smoked pot...Nothing." WOW- the kid audience [us] was being respected as a rational human beings. Imagine that! OUUUUUCH- now that's just cold, honest and scary. Vicious.
The majority of the anti drug ads from long ago started either in the 1950s or 1960s, and were ramped up by the Regan and Nixon eras were mainly about how cannabis is bad for you and that's total properganda. Research has been proven that cannabis isn't that bad at all. In my honest opinion cannabis is one of the most safest substances out there. There are a ton of drugs out there but cannabis is way safer and cannabis does have plenty of medical properties. I'm also glad that cannabis is more accepting in the Usa and is becoming more legal in some countries and in the states as well. I hope more countries legalize it because it's a way safer alternative than the majority of drugs out there.
“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.” - Terence McKenna
+Bauer Gustav very good analogy. since my last shroom trip which was about a year ago ( had a bad trip for half the trip) I feel like I know something people dont. I literally went from a stoner in high school who didnt care about anything to a man who values education greatly and hopes to run multiple businesses in my life and one is already in progress.
Yeah. Never doubt an imbecile's sincerity - they usually mean what they say, even when it's horseshit. I guess the most honest messages they could produce would be: "Don't do drugs that are not taxed!" and "If a drug will kill you, it better be legal."
"This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"
Me: "Yes, can I get my brain with some toast please?"
Is my brain part of a complete nutritional breakfast?
@Kate Desiree and hash browns.
I remember when my school taught us the dangers of drugs and when Blossom was reading the transcript of this commercial. Someone said can I have my brain with toast? And buttercup had to expel that student. During a musical there was a segment where the Powerpuff girls taught us the dangers of drugs
@@ShadeATV because nothing says stop doing drugs than various multicolored round objects that make you happy and erratic.
Hank: *sighs* "Shut up Dale"
Having grown up in the 90s, I can tell you, none of these "rap" ads were ever seen as anything but tonedeaf attempts by lame adults to appropriate cultural fads.
@Xyre154 I don't even have a... you know on second thought what I was about to say sounds sus.
You see this same stupid shit done with vaping by the youtube channel truthorange
Yo, never disrespect the Reese's puff kid
Same as today
Like number 420 right here, shmoke them doinks!
Most of these Ads look like they where made by People on Drugs.. O_o
GN77340 yea bcuz when nobody does it then drug gonna be worthless and than thay has all
uuummmmm yeah...harder shit than you realize.
GN77340 it was just the 80's...
Lmaooo yesss
Trust me, we have more depth than this
When someone offers you weed, ordering a pizza is a great idea.!
Mikey knows whats up
Mikey’s trying to say that it’s far better to eat pizza 🍕 than take drugs.
And I agree with him!
"Order a two topping large pizza from dominoes!"
Okay old man
It's common courtesy among potheads.
"That's my brain on drugs? So my brain on drugs is a nutritious breakfast? Well, guess I better do some drugs."
This is your brain on drugs... This is your brain on drugs with a side of bacon...
+Alex Davis lol I was thinkin that same Jontron quote
"Do I look like the kind of guy who would do that to a kid like you?"
"You look like a snake!"
" he went into a movie theater and jacked his wiener right off. Can you blame him? He was feeling emotional."
+Laura Thornhill That ain't a brain that's breakfast! How long we been awake 4 days now we're fucking starving!
“I learned by watching you” may seem corny but it’s EXTREMELY accurate. Wether it’s pot, alcohol, verbal abuse, physical abuse, irresponsibility. All real.
No, it’s real in some cases, and there’s plenty of cases where it’s not. It’s these kinds of sweeping over generalisations that make the messaging so ineffective. Because kids see through it for the generalised lie that it is. They treat kids like they are idiots and it backfires. And then they blame it on the kids. Just because they couldn’t have an awkward conversation about the realities of drugs, alcohol and sex. Plenty of good involved, plenty of bad involved. And considering the rate of drug use and the supply of drugs, absolutely nothing we have tried for 90 years has worked. Maybe next year it will work.
@@conors4430 To be fair, any kid who uses drugs IS an idiot.
Same as all behaviours!
My parents are drug addicts. My brothers are recovering heroin and meth addicts.
A song by one of my favorite folk-esque singers says “There’ so much to see through, like our parents do more drugs than we do.”
All the negative things that you mention above can follow into the next generation in one of three ways. The child Carrie’s it forward and unconsciously imitates the modeled behavior. The child consciously chooses not to imitate the modeled behavior but may or may not carry forward a “lesser version” to their children. Ex: I may say mean things sometimes but I was beaten when I was a child. Best case they just revel to eliminate the activity. Which is easier in the case of drug abuse and neglect. The third possibility is you get someone with extreme middle child of alcoholics syndrome. A sort of amalgam of two unhealthy extreme people pleasing invisible “don’t notice me” personalities. It is very unlikely to result in a child with a healthy early to mid adulthood. In some cases the pursuit of therapy and active non cult pursuit of mindfulness can make a difference, but most humans will find an escape from life’s stresses and some are more damaging than others. But the only ever way out is through. Honest it takes a village and being too nuclear in our families has NOT done good things for generations of children.
The first commercial was actually really good but they should've showed the kid using drugs as the monster got happy for him using..it would've made it more clear on the fact that addiction is a monster attached to the user.
I described that PSA to my sister and she thought it was about depression (although both interpretations can be correct because addiction to anything can be a sign of depression)
They were good if you were on drugs like their authors
Who were the actors in that? Some of the teen boys look pretty familiar.
Totally. The first ad was apt
The one comparing drugs to slavery is also quite good. No, the commercial is not racist, it's true. A racist wouldn't mind that or would be celebrating that.
When cigarettes cause more deaths than weed but big tobacco is in your pocket: Just say no!
Oh my God you're right
Hasn't there literally been 0 deaths
Hasn't there literally been 0 deaths
Weed smoke is full of tar , similar to cigar .
None of thoes drugs including weed is good. People get inebriated and move on to harder stuff.
Long ago I saw a poster spoofing "your brain on drugs" - egg in the frying pan
with a slab of bacon, "This is your brain with a side order of bacon". STILL makes
me chuckle.
I had that poster in my living room..
Mmmmmmm, brains and bacon.
Scrambled brains, that is.
That's your brain on crack with a side of meth
Dude, that Snake ad is legitimately horrifying.
Marriott Player super creepy
Marriott Player What.......WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!
I know I pissed my self and I shit my pants because of the snake
Marriott Player Just wondering, we're all on the same page that it was a GOOD anti-drug commercial? It's pretty convincing.... at least would be, back when I had the mind of a 10 year old, or so
Lobito219 0 I'm not saying it's a good anti-drug commercial. Independent of its message, that snake is NIGHTMARE INDUCING.
what about "stop it get some help"
My favorite!
That one is so bad it's good
that one is amazing
That's the reason why I watched! Smh
"Parents who use drugs have kids who use drugs" my moms a full blown crack head and I haven't touched one drug a day in my life ✋🏽💀
earl Fletchman Same with me
Good job to both of you guy!!
Good on you man 👏🏻
Right? Both my parents were sober
It’s not every parent but it’s most parents who use drugs typically have kids who use drugs. Granted I use drugs myself so I am a hypocrite in that area
I was sorely disappointed when I grew up and nobody was offering me free weed.
IDK? Where were all those degenerates hangin around the school givin shit away for free when I needed him?
+Wes N. Well, judging by your stupid Anarchy thing it's probably because no one cool liked you
LOL...its a reference to those old anti-drug psa's, of the dude sayin "the first one's free" anyway...glad to see you like the avatar! ahem and I can tell by that attempt at a cutdown, your teachers didn't like you, sorry...
Yeah im here thinking "oohhh, free Marihuaaanaaa"
A homeless man once gave me weed for offering food.
If you want bad anti-drug ads, look no further than South Dakota and their slogan, “Meth, We're on It”
Wtf does that mean?
Bro I just watched a commercial with that. I mean I get it but like Jesus Christ who made that
@KanyeTheGayFish69 as in 'they're on the problem' i.e., addressing it.
"Get a pizzaaaa" Michaelangelo knew what was up
He’s right! Don’t take drugs-eat pizza 🍕!
Pizza 🍕 is trillions times better than drugs!
get real
@@pooky-bellegaming4089 toke a joint.
Order a pizza
@@bohemianwriter1 Did I stutter? I said…
Seriously, pizza 🍕 is trillions times better than any drug, illicit, legalized, or any shade in between.
@@pooky-bellegaming4089 Don't are.
Toke a joint. Order a pizza.
Weed gives cancer patients appetite..
Weed gives people with chronic pains relief.
Weed helps alleviate Krohn's diseases.
Weed helps cure cancer and insomnia..
The best part of it is,., your body NEEDS it..
As I toke away and laugh about the ridiculous "drug warriors" as they chuck down super-sized sugar drinks, fat food, pharma pills, booze and cigarettes.. looking to load a gun and shoot anyone who dares to role a holy smoke.
"Ever been around a really bad person who suddenly morphed into a snake?"
Yes. Twice, in fact.
Me too.
Hate it when that happens.
Which drugs do I have to take to have this experience?
@@maenad1231 None.
Just watch “Aladdin” or “Conan the Barbarian”.
Parents who play sonic 06 have children who play sonic 06
Liam Smaaskjaer
sonic, not even once
Liam Smaaskjaer Those that continue to play Sonic '06 either cannot reproduce or should be forbidden to procreate.
+WiiKingMattitude24 I've beaten sonic 06 it's not that bad
some teens today take 2 whole sonics
some of them do it together, some of them even do it with their parents
I think the better question is... How the hell are the Ninja Turtles talking to those kids?
Drugs.....oh wait
Through a fucking TV, did you not see?
The Ninja Turtles ALLWAYS had the munches for Pizza.
How about *HOODINI*
Right? I think it's ironic that one of the turtle's response to the marijuana dilemma was to buy a pizza. Got the munchies Dude?
Shit gets real when peewee comes and talks about drugs
"I never wanted to be a junkie..." sweaty running dude getting snatched at the collar by a cop was my favorite anti-drug commercial as a kid.
Drink your drugs, don't do school, stay in milk.
Jay Wood I love you
LOL....LMAO. That is superb advice! wish I'd have stayed in milf tho.....errrrr milk
Jay Wood you should get a commercial Sir well put oh yes thank you good day Sir (takes a hit of grandpa's pipe full of happiness )
johnny sex superstar
jk limosexsuperstar by johnny polygon
This is why people do drugs
I think so. Especially when they try to portray what you should do, it is the cheesiest crap. The one where that girl takes the frying pan and smashes everything, each object being a euphemism of an important part of your life, that was one of the most unembarrasing and effective anti-drug commercials I have seen.
Most entertaining too XD
Crazy Biscuit I was going to comment that. the only good one I have ever seen.
*It makes it easier for them to sit around waiting for that SSI check every month and trying to get a part in the next "Dumber" movie*
EmS I think some people do drugs or drink because they have a massive intelligence combined with a sense that nothing is meaningful because life is pointless and that manifests into a total lack of ambition to do anything that other people would consider meaningful. So you're just left sitting around with this wonderful mind full of all these brilliant ideas, but you're lack of ambitious creates a constant state of turmoil in your own brain.
And by taking drugs or drinking you can forget about all that "productive" stuff and just live happily in the moment. Because in the end, the moment you're in is all you ever have.
about the money:
for the record pot isn't what the terrorists are using. pot is cheap and natural, the money is in heroin. heroin from Afghanistan is always desired by black markets. with the country having such a large supply of poppy fields (where it comes from) it's no surprise America has taken them for themselves in the war. call it drug prevention (even though use and amount in the country has skyrocketed lately and is the main ingredient in most common prescription pain killers).
+Matthew Milliken O Canada
what ever do you mean
Matthew Milliken but, why would anyone need to use it anyway?
ralex, can't tell you, not a heroin user. I'd say it was due to large amounts of painkillers prescribed
Matthew Milliken why would anyone need weed tho?
“I learned it by watching you, Dad!”
(Drug user contemplates his entire life choices)
“Parents who use drugs have children who use drugs.”
Yes, I just replied to my own comment.
You’re welcome.
"This is what happens to your brain after SNORTING heroin"
Tundra you can, u know,its just not so prevalent of a choice, so ive been told.
what did you not know that was possible..its not just an iv drug
meghan elias heroin comes in a brown powder, white powder, and a black resin. you mix vinegar with the powder or tar and heat it up to fully dissolve it.
Save your sinus , it’s much better IV. Just a joke btw I been clean a long time now heroin will kill you
Most heroin users start with snorting it, or some other form of ingestion. It's usually once they've developed a healthy addiction when they start injecting.
you have to admit, ant-drug commercials are hard to not be terrible
+Commander Charles “Trip” Tucker ironically they're bloody brilliant if you watch them while on drugs.
brayshay lol i get it
I think that none work. If someone is going to do drugs they will regardless of any warning, and if someone will not use them they simply wont regardless of any pressure. Some people are biologically destined to want, even need a certain substance, these ads only deal with the peer pressure parts of it all. Personally I never felt any pressures from anyone to do a thing, most people actually have friends who tell them they should not be doing it. The danger of most drugs comes FROM the fact they are illegal in the first place anyhow.
All anti-drug commercials suck or are lame if you're a drug user .
And all anti-alcohol commercials are terrible to an alcoholic .
Michelangelo was right if you’re going to do weed you’ll need a pizza
Yeah, Michelangelo's the last "person" anyone should take advise from regarding drugs. Unless it's on where to buy them.
That’s the first thing I thought when he said that lmao.
I read some comments to see of anyone else picked up on that
bahaha he knew whats up
Facts 😭😂😂😂
The "I learned it from you" commercial changed a whole generation. Can't agree with that being in the Top 10.
So if I take drugs, my brain will be tasty like a fried egg?
PosskoonFTW Yeah, that's why you don't do drugs. Everybody thinks your a fried egg and starts chasing you.
hahahHaHahahahahaha LMFAO soo fuckin good Hahahah that had me dying XD XD
And there are celebraties come to your home destroying your kitchen!
servenToGo we can't complain tho
+Ruben Campos ok
You left out the best one- the guy walking in a circle saying. "I buy more coke, so I can work more hours, so I can make more money, so I can buy more coke, so I can work more hours, so I can make more money, so I can buy more coke, so I can work more hours, so I can make more money, so I can buy more coke, so I can work more hours, so I can make more money, so I can buy more coke"
MomentsInTrading That one creeped me out!!!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one!
It it that bad?
That sounds like a good one.
“Drug dealers are dorks, don’t even talk to em”
The Rustorian talk to em only when you wanna buy some shit...other than that, don’t
The Rustorian my guy is hella chill
They’re wickety wickety wack
Until they pull up a glock
Their cool
“ I learned from watching you” makes a valid point about unintended influence on children and the egg commercial, I basically grew up on that one
True. It makes a lot more sense than the egg one.
And I see where the Goldbergs got it from in Season 4
Also peers. Peer pressure is real but it is not the way it works in anti-drug PSAs. That and also most people will be cool if you don't do drugs. Someone offered me molly and I said no thanks because of my SSRIs and they understood.
"Do I look like the kind of guy who would do that to a kid?"
I remember that and for 2 how it said dorks do drugs so it the smart people do it I should to.
What?!?! What the fish! XD
when you realize Pee Wee Herman told kids how unglamorous crack cocaine was and later in life played one of the most flamboyant Miami coke dealers of the 80's in "Blow."
so winning.
Russell Jones Not to mention the Cheech and Chong movies he was in.
@@karmarose6332 or the fact that his show looked like it was made by crackheads
Back then: hey wanna try some pot don't be a chicken.
Now: hey leme get some of that, bust out that cash
2 Quix Inaccurate
"What do you do if someone offers you drugs?"
pizza is better with drugs
@@monad3448 I don’t think that’s what Mikey’s trying to say.
IMO, the point he’s trying to get across is “Pizza 🍕 is far better than drugs.”
Hell yeah! And bring some booze too.
@@aspiechan420 Booze is optional-and not recommended IMO.
Does anyone believe the TMNTs made it through the 80's without weed? I mean, what do you think the pizzas were about??
Heather Hillman ya and they all talk like spicoli from fast times. That plus they always had the munchies. They were definitely all stoners. Lol
Meh, the pizzas they make are in league with Scooby and Shaggy ate, and they never did drugs (in fact, in one special, Shaggy says he and Scoob are always hungry because of all the running they do to escape the villain of the episode). For the TMNT, I believe they eat weird pizzas due to them being able to handle it (they are mutants, after all).
Shaggy is the most obvious cartoon stoner there is. The whole Scoob Squad were pot-heads.
That would explain a lot.. especially Michelangelo (and, to a lesser extent, Raphael). I'm surprised Splinter didn't get REALLY frustrated w/that, however- like, "Come back when you've got your head straight." (Even "cool" teachers/prof.s tend to have little patience w/ drunk or high students.😬)
Get a pizza
Michaelangelo is all about that weed life
Paul Lytle I
They new what they were doing.
Like pass it over here dude!
word up
The Turtles 100% take drugs.
"This is your brain on drugs with a side of bacon."
mmmm... =D
"this is your brain on drugs with a side of bacon, sausage with your choice of toast, home fries, english muffin, juice or milk. Please feel free to use your spoon to cook your heroin. We ask you not to vomit on your hostess' shoes."
And some hash browns, a sliced kiwi, and a glass of milk.
Bacon? Baconbaconbaconbacon!!!! It's BACOONNNNNN!!!!! They should have combined it with the Beggin' Strips commercial. Suddenly the Beggin' Strips commercial gets a whole lot darker for no reason.
Blazingstoke Better add some ANGEL DUST biscuits ! Lol .
That Rachel Leigh Cook anti-drug ad...highly underrated.
Thought you became calm on heroin, not aggressive and destructive
@@erichoffman5984 heroin does calm you down, a more accurate ad would involve Rachel Leigh Cook propped up against a wall as everything fell around her.
I guess the point was that you shouldn't do drugs if you have pre-existing, severe mental issues.
I recited that shit nearly verbatim lol and your friends! Your job! Your self respect! A true classic.
Heroin greatly improved my life. It eased my PTSD, depression, and severe back pain. I became more social, would run over 100 miles a week, was the healthiest I'd ever been, and my grades went up by a letter. Unfortunately, the same could not be said of other addicts. I quit because of having to deal with scummy people. I'd never use it again though, because of the prevalence of fentanyl.
I disagree about "I learned it from watching you"
that was well-done
Yeah, I don't know why everyone thinks it's so corny.
It's pretty damn stupid. A) the acting...well it...yeah. B) How would the dad not know or at least figure out or be able to guess the son would have learned it from him? His first thought should be "oh well I do that, so it would make sense that my son would pick up on it" like duh
first of all.. I'm against the war on drugs.. it's imprisoned more people total and per capita in human history.. The USA's most deluded and fucked up policy.. we're screwing up.
But over $45 billion a year is spent by Americans..
That's coming from somewhere..
that's coming from some enormous hypocrites.. including politicians, judges and cops.
it's right on point. Whether intentional or not..
it's right on point.
The whole drug war is based on monumental hypocrisy..
and that includes parents.
The worst thing Marijuana has ever killed, is a bag of Doritos.
My best friend, an large pie from pizza hut yesterday was killed by a pothead cannibal under the influence last year =(
James and the rest of the food in the house lol
I dunno, frozen oreos ad cold milk doesn't stand a chance around me, and frozen m&m's, I'll hurt em...
James and eggs😕
James I am all for the legalization of pot but for teenagers it really depletes brain cells
There should be an anti drug commercial showing ozzys antics and then it says "Do you want to be this?"
LOL! Or Flavor Flav! I think that would be one of the most effective adds of all!
the one and only rusty shakleford showing him older woulda sufficed
even tho ozzy is crazy even without drugs
Or just live footage of an Ohio drug store with no explanation.
I will be whispering "it's the money" for the foreseeable future lol
@Ben Reder
I’m suddenly hungry
*whispers* It’s the money
Whispers back to you "it's free real estate"
That PSA’s message was “You don’t really know whether or not the drugs you’re buying are from a weed greenhouse in the dealer(s)’s basement, or if said dealer(s) is/are part of a drug cartel”.
When I was in high school, I learned just how terrible drug cartels are-have you ever watched the show “Gangsters: America’s Most Evil”? (It’s on Reelz Channel) They highlight not just the Mafia, but a slew of the worst drug cartels and traffickers to ever deal poison on American streets.
Through watching this show-and through an extra credit class I took in high school, I learned that drug trafficking is considered one of the most virulent forms of terrorism!
Seriously, some drug traffickers can make ISIL terrorists look like choir boys-because they’re terrorists, too!
That’s what that ad is trying to say!
@@pocketdragon8469 Stop that! You’re scaring me!!!
The first one is pretty good, its what having a friend on heroin feels like. It's that ugly.
all these anti weed commercials just pissed me off.
anti smoking ads make me want to smok
+goodkill1 smoke*
+Zach Simmons because it should be legal and it's fucking stupid that it's not
+MadDogReed97 Same. What a complete waste of time and money spent on a leaf.
+Karner Blue It's safer than alcohol
I think the turtle had it right what do u do after someone offers u weed?? Get a pizza
That's what I do lol
Pizza 🍕 is a million times better than drugs!
I feel like the Pee Wee one was actually pretty good
@Roman Bellic
Yes, it is! Peewee Herman’s tone, IMO, wasn’t at all “deadpan”-to me, it sounded sweet and sincere and concerned.
I remember most of those commercials vividly. Hell, the dude that turned into a snake freaked me out. They didn't keep me off drugs. They weren't even a deterrent. Perhaps had someone said, "you're going to love crack from the first moment you try it. You'll put it before EVERYTHING else your life...family...friends ....money...career...health...etc.." Maybe if they'd just told me the truth instead of all the silliness in this video I wouldn't have been clueless enough try it in the first place.
They should’ve showed you the Rodney Harvey ad.
The people who make those weird ads are probably on drugs.
Actually, they probably have NEVER done any drugs. Hence these ads don't "work" on drug users because they can't relate to the completely incorrect portrayal of drug use in these ads. Go back to marketing/advertising school!
Joe Navolio The movie Alice in Wonderland is about people taking acid.
Olga Wcislo wow major wooooooooooooosh
Olga Wcislo or they might have done way way to many drugs.
Lol gotta be!
I'm the 80's they had rockers against drugs commercials on t.v. where an 80's rock star would do an anti drug commercial. Jon Bon Jovi was the only honest one that I believed, when he came out and said: Drugs are not an everyday part of my life. I believed it, because he didn't deny doing them like the other rockers who would deny it. Drugs was a big scene for all rockers in the 80's. At least Jon Bon Jovi didn't lie to his fans.
"I got it from watching you" applies a lot more to the legal drugs. I still love the smell of cigarettes because it reminds me of idle days around the pool and watching cricket with my grandpa.
i get really uncomfortable over the smell of weed bc it makes me think of when my uncle was a hardened addict and fought with my family all the time 😀
Stop it, get some help.
I'm offensive and I find this stoned.
Knight Solaire of Astora praise the sun bitch
Twice a day motherbrother! (\[T]/)
praise the sun!
Twice a day! Once in the rise another in the set! Praise it and blaze it! (\[T]/)
Weed is actually quite harmless when compared to alcohol.
Only if you take it for a serious medical problem, which many people DON'T!
What did doctors prescribe in the olden days? A shot of whiskey.
You're right though. But drinking is so cultural compared to weed that there's so much propaganda saying that weed is worse than alcohol.
DuPont and William Randolph Hearst banned hemp because the rope made from it was much stronger than the nylon rope DuPont was marketing at the time.
Bobby Slater Nylon is fine on some woman legs to get yourself horny, in the first place, LOL!!!...
The one that makes the PeeWee Herman so engraved in my childhood, was how serious he was when he was talking about it. Not in his comedic tone like on the show, but in the serious way rather than being immature about it.
Thumbnail: **has PeeWee**
Only reason I am here
why is there a me:
also "WAIT CH"
@@originaluseername Huh huh. You said, "ass".
@Zack Halladay Damn, internet porn came along too late to save him.
The way you pronounce "advertisement" makes me want to snort a whole 8 ball
The Killer Clown bwaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaa me fuckin 2
They're using the British intonation of the word. Canada's English has influences from both the United Kingdom and the United States, as they spell "defence," "labour," and "organize," with the first two coming from British English, but the last example coming from American English.
The Killer Clown You’re right
Add LSD too and replay that again
The Killer Clown hdrrrd
Snoop doge tells you to smoke weed everyday
Snoop doge is right!
+Snoop Doge Thank you for your guidance Snoop Doge.
+Potato Lord I say snort Cocaine all dsy
Ryan H. snoop doge tells you to shut the fuck up,
The best deterrent for me was volunteering with my parents giving our food and blankets etc downtown to the homeless. Many were barely functioning and it made me feel so sad for them.
Why does "this is drugs" sound grammatically incorrect to me?
I think it's "these are drugs"
Trent Bianchi what is drugs...
what is drugs?
baby dont hurt me,
dont hurt me,
no more
@Medieval Vassle 1256 It's not. They're saying a singular thing is representing drugs, so it is "this is drugs." I understand why it sounds odd though.
VCVCFans what areee drugs...
It's ironic that 1/3 of those kids in anti-drug ad's are now doing drugs.
true story lol I personally know a kid from 1 of the early 90's commercials lol
Depends on the drug.
What about Stoner Sloth...
+James Roberts too hilarious
+James Roberts
missed out on it by being a few months too early. Definately would have been in the top 3.
+James Roberts #StonerJames
can't pass the salt
+James Roberts it also looked like they were promoting teen alcohol use while at the same time demoting weed like wtf man lmao
I liked the Pee Wee Herman anti drug ad. I thought it was moving,and also very sweet.
I didn’t think he sounded monotone at all. I thought he sounded concerned and sincere.❤️
And the Penny one rocked!
And the TMNT one was very good, too!
I've got to agree with you. It all depends upon whether you can look at it from a child's perspective. The grown-ups in their lives are all so serious, most of them not interested in playing or having fun. But Pee-wee Herman was different. Playing and having fun was what he was all about. So little kids looked up to him because they knew he understood them and what their lives were all about. Now, he's sitting there in a dark room with something important to tell them. He's not playing around or having fun or even cracking a smile (pardon the pun). He's dead serious, and I'm 100% sure that most of his young fans listened and got the message. I'm also sure he probably saved a few lives.
Right? I remember these commercials, and because of messages like those I never in my life tried drugs. I always felt afraid and would decline when my friends offered at school.
@@valencia_310 Good for you! And same here; anti-drug PSAs-as well as my wonderful mother, who has never used illicit drugs (she has never even smoked a cigarette!) and always gently warned me about their dangers when I was growing up, and the stern, scary D.A.R.E. officer who regularly visited my 5th grade class and did a pretty good job striking fear in a bunch of 10-and-11-year-olds, are the reasons I’m not, nor will I ever be, a junkie.
Oh man, that snake-man commercial kept me the fuck away from all drug dealers, lol. By the way, the "I do coke, so I can I work longer, so I can earn more, so I can do more coke..." commercial belongs in this list!
Hmmm, not sure I have heard of him...
I was born in 1979 and saw most of these brand new on TV. They usually made me laugh. Fun Fact: I dont use drugs except caffeine. I have a serious Mountain Dew problem. Probably more destructive than coke or heroin. Diabetes is worse than emphysema.
You are correct. Diabetes can result in you losing a limb or worse. Serious cases of diabetes are deadly.
In 2015, the US government statistics said that 1.6 million Americans died as a direct result of diabetes and another 2.2 million Americans died as an indirect result of diabetes corresponding to excessively high blood sugar levels. That is 3.8 million Americans dying in a given year. An average of 8,000 Americans die per year as a direct result of Emphysema. 1,600,000 > 8,000 | Diabetes deaths > Emphysema deaths | You are 200x as likely to die of diabetes than emphysema. 200x. 200x. But our federal government is too busy chasing down the smokers remaining to care about diabetes and excess sugar consumption.
I was born in 79 and also like Mountain Dew....conspiracy!
Your stupid lol SUGAR is a drug too
That’s pussy bullshit, a man should rely on PURE WILLPOWER ALONE
Did you steal from Nostalgic Critic?
I have zero issues with these anti-drug ads. Zero. Haven’t touched or abused illegal substances.
These commercials want me to do drugs.
smoke refer for the cause of stupidity of humanity
It attempts me to get 20 bags of weed and 50 pill bottles and 40,000 bottles of beer
I know, eh?
"attempts" you? You're already on drugs.
I call out incoherent and unintelligible douchebags. I don't need anyone's permission.
Hmm... weed and pizza...
They should get Scar Face to do a PSA on cocaine
If your looking for fictional characters advising against drugs search for Thomas the Tank Engine memes you'll find a drug related one eventually
8:24 "hes right drug dealers are dorks don't even talk to them" just sounds so corny 😂
It’s Donatello the biggest dork their is lol
@Jackie Carzello Corny 🌽 but true!
I mean, they _are_ dorks.
One that I found to be a bit scary when I was young (and I kind of still think it to be bad, despite getting the word around about how bad drugs are) was the girl who was about to go for a dive in a pool. All through out the commercial it talks about how bad drugs can be, and then shows a girl climbing a diving board at a swimming pool, and the last thing said was, "You better know what you are diving in to" shows the feet of the girl jump off the diving board, then cuts and shows that the pool is empty.
This is the scariest comment here and I don’t know why it’s so under appreciated
7:49 skinniest joints I’ve eve seen😂
Little pinners lmao all loose
I remember being second grade thinking that's what pot actually looks like. I remember rolling up pieces of paper and then joking with my friends that I had joints.
Them be them Hash joints lol
It looks like a fucking candy cigarette
To be honest I'm an alcoholic, the egg one actually wasn't that far off.
Same here, but to me she went over the top. These commercials don't even come close to depict the true horror of dependency, and the tremendous suffering that comes by trying to go clean.
Stay strong, man.
The only real way to portray drug abuse issues is to actually show the real result of it/ some can use drugs and totally function fine. But those who mess themselves up, thats what to show. The movie Requiem of a Dream is better at the horrors of drugs than any one of these, and that movie was over the top, had the effects of heroin all backwards, and was just depressing.
Well that 's because you 're an alcoholic. It would be great as an anti alcohol advertisement, because that would actually make some sense. But for an anti pot advertisement, it 's just laughable... All it does is relax your brain, that 's the opposite of frying it :P The issue with these ads is they make no sense at all because they are made by people who have no clue what the sensation of drugs is like, so the only thing they can compare it to was that night when they got completely wasted on legal hard drugs like alcohol :P
The one with the girl demolishing the kitchen is NOT terrible or corny. It’s a VERY accurate illustration (albeit still pales in comparison to) the pure HELL addicts and their loved experience until said addict recovers…..IF they recover……
The fallout lasts longer than their physical lives. trauma lasts a lifetime
Cop:"Just say no".
Me when a kid: No to what
Cop: to drugs
Me when a kid: what are drugs?
Cop: marijuana, cocain, heroin and crack. Join D.A.R.E. and you will learn everything you need to know...
Google Rodriguez ironically I've never actually had any drug start asking questions. If they did it could safely be assumed it was too late and I was hallucinating.
Yup. D.A.R.E teaches all.
Marijuana is literally harmless. Been proven
Google Rodriguez I recall when That D.A.R.E cop showed up at my h.school.
Haha needless to say I watched a few students snatch a few things. Prob a good thing in that class is a camera. Oh when the 90's were graduating into what it is now.
Acid, speed, caffeine (very minor), meth, LSD, nicotine (in cigs; legal), there are plenty more. D. A. R. E. doesn't teach much.
what if the oxygen is the real drug and when you get 'drugs' you see the real world
What if when you die, you'll wake up as an alien with a bong in your hand and all your alien friends are surrounded around you asking, "What happened?" "Was that good shit?" "How was it?"
Oxygen is the strongest drug. It gives you a powerful haluzination called "life".
Someone's been using too much lsd
Actually that's more or less dmt. But oxygens cool too..
AmideGames i am speechless
Where's Top 10 Beatles songs and Top 10 Jimi Hendrix Experience songs ? Watch mojo ?
Zirg Gurj www.watchmojo.com/video/id/12260/
WatchMojo.com Thanks !
WatchMojo.com why the fuck is hey jude #1 ?!
Zirg Gurj HAHAHAHAHAHAHA man these comments xD
Zirg Gurj Shrek is love, shrek is life
"Dissing poultry in order to get an anti-drug message across to the great school set is simply uncall for. "
What drug one must be on to make a sentence like that ? xD
But involving the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in that same anti-drug PSA rectifies the dissing of poultry, right? RIGHT?!
smoke weed everyday
James Doakes snoop doooooog
all day avry day
James Doakes stop, holdup
James Doakes ayyy man
James Doakes so what we get drunk so what we get smoke weed
"I got if from watching you!" was a great drug add. And compared to what was on TV around that time, it was much more down to earth and serious than most any other commercial around the time. It was very true also. Surprised you didn't put the commercial up where the guy does cocaine and has to do his job more hours to make more money to buy more cocaine and runs around in circles reciting the endless loop, (another great one)
that monster on the kids leg was just a sad lost sloth.. with no one who loves him because everyone just think he's a metaphor..
Every time I get ready to fry an egg or two, the “brain on drugs“ PSA comes to mind. 🍳🍳
I remember it being
This is drugs (hot melted butter or oil in a frying pan)
This is your brain on drugs (breaks an egg in the pan)
Any questions?
This is drugs. (Melted butter sizzling in frying pan)
This is your brain. (Egg)
This is your brain on drugs. (Breaks egg into pan. Egg starts sizzling)
Any questions?
I live in Ireland and I saw no ads like these in my life.
David Jackson Mostly because they are american PSAs we get the frank adverts instead
Yeah never seen shit like this in my life lmao
David Jackson so you guys all do drugs since you didn't have this cool prevention propaganda to tell you drugs are bad huh?
David Jackson I live in the U.S. and I haven’t seen any either
David Jackson I saw the Peewee One when I was small. That's the only one I remember.
Somebody watched Nostalgia Critic's video.
And JonTron. Don't forget JonTron.
I love you so much for mentioning this.
RIP Billy. He got so rekt that he hanged himself in his locker.
I'm not a chicken, you're a turkey!
3:33 looks he was smoking crack
Exactly I was about to say that, he said it like putting a gun in your mouth he just put tnt in his mouth 😭💀
I remember the egg and frying pan the most. It was on Saturday morning tv a lot!
Robot chicken did a parody on it
That commercial always got on my damn nerves
Oh yeah
Me too! Everytime she finished smashing the kitchen and asks, "Are there any questions?" I always scream this, "Have you lost your mind?!"
Me too. I only lived in the united states till 1991 but I saw it.
I wonder how many people will watch this video high.
Marquis de Restam me
Me and Obama
Marquis de Restam everyone replying with "me" is not even old enough to leave their house whenever they want let alone buy weed.
+jonn smith thanks Obama
The best anti-drug commercial around when I was a kid was the one with the 12-year-old talking about his brother who was still living in his family's basement. 12 year-old says: "Nothing ever happened to my brother for smoking pot..." Then you hear his moms yell: [Marco]...did you even look for a job today?" and the older brother Marco says: "Nah, ma... I'll do it tomorrow...." Cut to the kid: "Nothing ever happened to my brother b/c he smoked pot...Nothing." WOW- the kid audience [us] was being respected as a rational human beings. Imagine that!
OUUUUUCH- now that's just cold, honest and scary. Vicious.
Dixie Flatline I sooooooooooooo remember that commercial and yeah it was deep
Where can I find it?
Just show the PSA'S without this woman talking over them.
The problem with that would be that without the commentary, it would get removed for copyright.
For Real! This Bitch talks All Over the PSA Videos. Like STFU so we can hear um!!!
The majority of the anti drug ads from long ago started either in the 1950s or 1960s, and were ramped up by the Regan and Nixon eras were mainly about how cannabis is bad for you and that's total properganda. Research has been proven that cannabis isn't that bad at all. In my honest opinion cannabis is one of the most safest substances out there. There are a ton of drugs out there but cannabis is way safer and cannabis does have plenty of medical properties. I'm also glad that cannabis is more accepting in the Usa and is becoming more legal in some countries and in the states as well. I hope more countries legalize it because it's a way safer alternative than the majority of drugs out there.
The slavery one is actually pretty accurate
It certainly isn't racist as the narrator implies. I mean, its a pretty sound metaphor.
Especially since the white man made the crack and put it on the corner
Austin Gragg the white man
@@mightymite3958 And then forced people to smoke it, right?
What drug are you a slave to?
“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
- Terence McKenna
Turn on, tune in, and drop out...
100% true Psychedelics made me mature and open minded I feel like an adult in kindergarden now... everything makes a lot more sense to me
Bauer Gustav Makes music even greater, makes my writing and my ideas better, makes me appreciate and enjoy nature even more... I could go on and on.
+Bauer Gustav very good analogy. since my last shroom trip which was about a year ago ( had a bad trip for half the trip) I feel like I know something people dont. I literally went from a stoner in high school who didnt care about anything to a man who values education greatly and hopes to run multiple businesses in my life and one is already in progress.
damn straight you know it boy
Special thanks to our users yourbestfriend and DarrenZach for submitting the idea for this video on our Suggestion Tool at www.WatchMojo.com/suggest
love you
WatchMojo.com top 10 best anti-drug ads
Can you guys do a top ten disturbing PSA commercials? Maybe for each different category ( Drugs, Driving and Smoking etc...)
hey, can you guys do a top ten list of the BEST drug PSAs?
"If it comes from the ground, it's probably sound" is basically the appeal to nature fallacy in a nutshell. Kind of amazing.
Yeah. Opium comes from the ground too. Also coca. That said, I really, really miss opium.
I mean...#4 was pretty spot on though. I also want some eggs now and it's 2am. Fml.
Miss.Phoenixx Need a side of bacon & hash browns too!!
John Shachter yummmmm lol
Hmm...did they delete their comment? Cuz I saw it lol. Anyway..make me what? Eggs? Lol.
Dude: Do I look like the kinda guy to do that to you?
Jontron: You look like a snake!
Dude: Yessssss.
Kingreeceycup When I saw 'Snake' made the list, I was dead certain someone was going to bring up the Jontron bit.
Sean Criswell+ Lmao
Lol yes! XD
You may not like how the message is presented...but it still had a sincere meaning.
Yeah. Never doubt an imbecile's sincerity - they usually mean what they say, even when it's horseshit. I guess the most honest messages they could produce would be: "Don't do drugs that are not taxed!" and "If a drug will kill you, it better be legal."
You talking about Governor Murphy? Yeah, agreed! Nancy Regan is spinning over in her grave because of that man!
Every been near someone that just becomes a snake?
Oh, just me ok...
Adstrava 2.0 nah me too
@Hosea Matthews-It’s not just you; several times in my life so far, I’ve found myself around a very bad person who suddenly morphed into a snake 🐍.