uncreative vlog

  • Опубліковано 19 лют 2014
  • just getting myself back into the swing of vloging


  • @cadinstormlord
    @cadinstormlord 10 років тому +4

    Wot, nice to have you back man! Missed you deep down

  • @Scutt3rman
    @Scutt3rman 10 років тому +3

    Creativity is simply being able to think about a concept in a way that other people don't. This can be in many forms, and no-one is creative in every single way. I can't draw, or paint, or play music, but I am very good at writing fiction, rhyming, and coding / programming. When I'm given a problem, I find it easy to produce very good solutions that most people wouldn't have even considered.
    Everyone is creative in different ways, but everyone is creative.

  • @marsrover001
    @marsrover001 10 років тому +6

    I think you are talking about two different types of creative.
    While it seems egotistical I'll use myself for an example. I can't draw. No way, no how. If I sit down and try to draw a face for a few hours. It just ends badly. I don't have the patience for it. On the flip side of drawing, I love looking at other peoples drawings. Anime and ponies mostly. I enjoy the art because I know how impossible it is.
    Now we have music, guitar and bass. I can play almost anything given about 1hr to practice. I'm GOOD at being creative here.
    Now someone from the school of drawing art could say I'm uncreative because I don't fit THEIR mold on "creative".
    It's an interesting concept here that shows the sad and evil side of people wanting to point out your faults.

  • @BotGeorge
    @BotGeorge 10 років тому +6

    yay wot, the mystery of nerd cubed

  • @Anthony-eg2pj
    @Anthony-eg2pj 10 років тому +9

    Nice to see you back. You and Dan haven't fallen out have you?

  • @OnceIWasBooker
    @OnceIWasBooker 10 років тому +5

    Don't worry Wot you are creative :)

  • @harryalbans9519
    @harryalbans9519 10 років тому +5

    Your the best wot.

  • @CallumBarnham
    @CallumBarnham 10 років тому +1

    I think it's a matter of different forms of creativity. Wot's description of himself seems like a linear creativity, so he follows rules and has his way of seeing things as fairly set and Dan's as more of a chaotic creativity, screwing around with things on the fly and improvising. Both are forms of creativity. Creativity is simply generating something, both methods can generate original things. It's really a matter of opinions about rules.

  • @Statusinator
    @Statusinator 10 років тому

    I actually did something similar once. I was actually trying to create a fantasy-universe, but with the goal of making it more original.
    I started with the races. Every fantasy has several races that interact with each-other (man, dwarf, elf, orc, etc). Instead of making a lot of races I only made two (one of which was human), with the rest of the races being different crossbreeds of the two.
    Next I started with the magic. I decided that this universe's magic would be based on the temporary openings of portals to another dimension. From these portals you could summon matter, energy or creatures.
    Then it struck me that the other race, the non-humans, might originally derive from the other dimension. So I thought about how the two races came into contact with each-other, how they fought and collaborated, how the politics between them were, how the crossbreeding started and such. it was great fun and it made me realize I could be creative as well.

  • @MattieMoo
    @MattieMoo 10 років тому +4

    Yeah I have a similar problem like you but you shouldn't listen to Dan or other people. Also thanks for recommending The Lego Movie . I love the film and I saw it because of your recommendation.

  • @YourAmazingGames
    @YourAmazingGames 10 років тому +2

    Love it, there is many different types of creativity. My creativity is taking somebodies idea and adapting it or changing it/make it better. i'm not very artistically creative however :D

  • @TheDrunkArchangel
    @TheDrunkArchangel 10 років тому +1

    Creativity comes in different forms and it's quite clear that you are a very creative person, it would be impossible for me to make a fantasy world like you did but you manged to do it in a couple days. You like to make things from scratch and make your own rules but if somebody places down rules you want to follow them. Dan is somebody who loves to bend rules and try to do things in between them. It's not a case of your creative or your not, great minds don't think alike which is what makes them great.

  • @MattyB2409
    @MattyB2409 10 років тому

    Glad to see you back, Wot :)

  • @phoebechild19
    @phoebechild19 10 років тому

    Woo, Wot has returned - I'm very happy about this. I definitely believe you're creative Wot, as for myself not so much, but that doesn't matter. I think there's a huge variety in what creative can mean and represent so you can be creative as can someone else but in very different ways. Anyway, I'm glad you're getting back into vlogging Wot, I've missed them, there's just something about the way you tell stories and explain ideas that's very endearing and interesting. Hope you're feeling a bit better at the moment, lots of hugs c:

  • @samshillaker-cook9450
    @samshillaker-cook9450 10 років тому +2

    Love you Wot

  • @ShadowReaper8919
    @ShadowReaper8919 10 років тому +1

    nice to cya back mate

  • @AdeleAdkinsfan7
    @AdeleAdkinsfan7 10 років тому

    I think that you're a very creative person Wot, we all have our own visions and ideas, and I definitely think that we're all different when it comes to creating things. But I don't think that anyone is uncreative because we all have our imagination and we all like different things, so you're definitely not uncreative, and you should keep making your own characters and stories because I think they're really good.

  • @mewkiki64
    @mewkiki64 10 років тому

    I love your creativity, it's interesting and unique. I'm not very creative, I make my sister do the creative stuff. She's even starting her own web series soon. My creativity is limited to making things with my hands, sewing and sculpting.

  • @MrRydude17
    @MrRydude17 10 років тому

    I do like to have my fun made for me, but if I'm given tools and told 'do whatever you want' I'll probably have a good time coming up with something myself. I'm not so good at having a full image of something pop into my head, but given a couple hours of just thinking about it I can come up with some pretty decent stuff, I feel.

  • @JamHam96
    @JamHam96 10 років тому

    nice to see you making new videos again :)

  • @TheJesus_Christ
    @TheJesus_Christ 10 років тому +3


    • @jumpsplat120
      @jumpsplat120 10 років тому +2


    • @TheJesus_Christ
      @TheJesus_Christ 10 років тому +1

      jumpsplat120 Thanks.

  • @TheEzio145
    @TheEzio145 10 років тому

    Your more creative than dan i mean look at that tie, thats creative

  • @DeathMagneticX3
    @DeathMagneticX3 10 років тому

    People are creative in different ways. You're definitely creative, I could never come up with characters/new races/species the way that you did. But I think I am creative from a musical point of view. I think I can write songs well, and it's probably what I'm best at. The world would be a rubbish place if we were all the same, and our brains worked in the same way :P

  • @CowManFly
    @CowManFly 10 років тому

    Yay Wot's back! :D

  • @TheHammerharries1
    @TheHammerharries1 10 років тому

    That's a interesting point. I find with me i'm quite creative when it comes to writing and speaking, i have a way with words, but short of using a pen my hands are good for nothing creative. I can't draw or sculpt or physically create something, unless it's lego, i like lego.

  • @rookwoodjohnson5765
    @rookwoodjohnson5765 10 років тому


  • @ICE_Trance
    @ICE_Trance 10 років тому

    I struggle with creating something around a given subject. I prefer completly freedom. In games, the only thing I want is ''Let me do what I want with this world!''.
    Yeah, I don't like following the rules. At least not all of them.

  • @ultimatezenzar
    @ultimatezenzar 10 років тому

    your a nice guy wot don't let anyone drag you down

  • @rainbowninja5389
    @rainbowninja5389 10 років тому

    I struggle with the more artistic style of creativity where you can create something out of nothing or even just building something out of things I've been given *cough* sims 3 *cough* but I'm very creative from a writing style.
    My creativity is very similar to yours as I can create a story I can create characters I can create something unique but only in my head, I struggle to fully communicate my vision to my fellow humans and that makes me sad in many ways.
    I do agree with you when it comes to games, I don't like making my own fun, I prefer being given a world to explore and do what I want with, or even just a game that's linear, that's fine because it's someone's story and as long as you don't make it over linear like in say the new Medal Of Honour and make it more linear in the sense of The Walking Dead by Telltale then I'm all for Linearity as it is about experiencing someone elses story and universe.

  • @furonguy42
    @furonguy42 10 років тому

    I wouldn't say that "The Lego Movie" says that its bad to follow instructions; it's more along the lines of "You can follow the instructions if that's what you prefer, but you shouldn't try to stop other people from being creative"...

  • @Cobaltkatt
    @Cobaltkatt 10 років тому

    I kinda suck at minecraft and considering all of my friends think it is our lord and saviour. So I get quite a lot of flack for not knowing how many zombie pigmen you can kill with a strength potion and a wooden pick.

  • @TheEzio145
    @TheEzio145 10 років тому

    Wot you genius your back

  • @Loiner_Leftie
    @Loiner_Leftie 10 років тому +1

    I'd say the message of the Lego movie was not to tell people hoe they should enjoy themselves or that they have to do it your way. Massive sociopolitical commentary *cough* America *cough*

  • @HighlightsCubed
    @HighlightsCubed 9 років тому +1

    Hey Wot. Don't know if you even still use this channel, but if you do, will you ever start doing videos here again?

  • @TheBearmy
    @TheBearmy 10 років тому +2

    How are you doing with the "hair situation" ? It's nice to hear from you again as well ;). Also, are you moving with Dan?

    • @WotFanar
      @WotFanar  10 років тому

      head wise very good but some patches on my arms are still bare

  • @jjsury8658
    @jjsury8658 10 років тому

    Wot your awesome :) is dan diffent in real life then he is on youtube or was he differant when he started and has changed to fit who he potrays himself as on youtube?

  • @TheMohingan
    @TheMohingan 10 років тому

    I'm creative in the sense that I can improvise ways of fixing something I guess?

  • @josepet5
    @josepet5 10 років тому +1


  • @MudnuK
    @MudnuK 10 років тому

    Have a look at world building. It's basically what you described about inventing races and the world they inhabit.
    Also, your linear, logic-fuelled inventiveness would probably make you a descent engineer or some sort of scientist - looking at original solutions or stringing ideas together is a good skill.

  • @randsaw666
    @randsaw666 10 років тому

    Ok lots of things to comment. Let's see. Wot I've not been able to keep up successfully with twitter and from a combination of the facts you seemed depressed in your previous videos and the long pause since your last upload I'm just wondering if youare ok? Ok let's see again. Umm creativity with minecraft I struggle but in terraria I seem to excell. I do a lot of what you do it seems but I can create a character on the spot, I annoy my friends a lot cos I share them haha. I always create massive worlds from simply ideas, it normally starts with a show, movie etc and me trying to create a character for myself to implant into the world but one that made some sense. So most of the time I'll copy a small concept eg for the avenger I could manipulate the elements, the character developed and I ended up as an old friend of banners who helped him with hulk. Then I inevitable split my character from the world through the use of backstory and 3 hours in my own world later and I have a whole history for my character. That's always what I do. I just wish I had the abilty to write it down. I also think of odd concept which is fun but annoying eg if you suddenly for no reason were unaffected by anything in the universe but only for a second you'd find yourself 30 miles from where you were and a couple miles in the air

  • @ItsMikesVlogYAY
    @ItsMikesVlogYAY 10 років тому

    I hope Dan didn't mean that in a hurtful way.

    • @MrHendrix17
      @MrHendrix17 10 років тому

      Wot explains in the very first minute of the video it was a joke that Wot chose to take seriously.

  • @TheOHMYGOD231
    @TheOHMYGOD231 10 років тому

    did you move with dan?

  • @thatchris1626
    @thatchris1626 10 років тому

    O Dan...

  • @sean_farrell
    @sean_farrell 10 років тому

    Are you moving country with Dan?

  • @rachelblack8226
    @rachelblack8226 10 років тому

    Wot clearly is extremely creative however he is clearly OCD to the point where he doesn't want to use someone else's structure to be creative and when he does he tries to keep to the structure as much as possible. (That why it's OBSESSIVE compulsive disorder)

  • @kneeboardcrasher
    @kneeboardcrasher 10 років тому +4

    Unless you want to be more hurt sadly disable comments nothing but hate usually goes on down here sadly, love your stuff though

    • @cadinstormlord
      @cadinstormlord 10 років тому +3

      From the signs of things EVERYONE is HAPPY! :D :D Spread the love

    • @kneeboardcrasher
      @kneeboardcrasher 10 років тому

      cadinstormlord I understand I just know what can and has happened and wouldn't want him to get hurt even the strongest willed people still can get a hurt ego easily

    • @kneeboardcrasher
      @kneeboardcrasher 10 років тому

      Wot don't know if you would ever read this but i would call you a logical creativity you base your creativity of logical things that have a basis in life and creation.

    • @kneeboardcrasher
      @kneeboardcrasher 10 років тому

      SuperSmashyfication I understand but and I don't know his community that well I just wouldn't want him to get hurt with hate it was just a friendly suggestion.

    • @kneeboardcrasher
      @kneeboardcrasher 10 років тому

      SuperSmashyfication Sorry didn't see the friend guess i skipped over that part.

  • @Spliffy_0
    @Spliffy_0 10 років тому

    “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
    -Albert Einstein

    • @alexanderbill252
      @alexanderbill252 10 років тому

      A genius is a person who displays exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality.
      Obviously everyone can not be a genius.

    • @Spliffy_0
      @Spliffy_0 10 років тому

      then you've misunderstood the quote, it is basically saying someone is good at something, but to every man his own.

    • @alexanderbill252
      @alexanderbill252 10 років тому

      I do understand it, but the word "genius" is such an overstatement.

    • @Spliffy_0
      @Spliffy_0 10 років тому

      Actually now that I think about it you're kind of right let's agree to disagree

    • @alexanderbill252
      @alexanderbill252 10 років тому

      Indeed, let us do that.

  • @Loiner_Leftie
    @Loiner_Leftie 10 років тому

    I'd say the message of the Lego movie was not to tell people hoe they should enjoy themselves or that they have to do it your way. Massive sociopolitical commentary *cough* America *cough*