Powerful. I hate when I catch myself judging. I think why I do it but can only come up with jealousy. Then that upsets me because I have no reason to be jealous or envious of others. This will so help me to adjust my thoughts and help to be move to a higher awareness. You are so wise.
Ik exactly what you’ve been feeling. Her video was so helpful I never know a way to structure my mind around not judge and how to delute the ego when I’ve felt like that
I know right we all are judging other.I don’t understand meaning of judging other but after I learn it carefully.i knew that saying good or bad opinion about other is judging other cuz judging is about saying our opinion about other.there is a good and bad opinion about other
The hardest part of stopping the judgement is when you are engaging in it with other people. My Mom and sister are very judgemental and a lot of our conversations revolve around complaining about and judging others. When I try to steer the conversation towards something more positive it ends up veering back to judging and criticism. I feel like unless we all make a conscious effort to stop its never going to change.
I tend to judge people about how they behave, The phrasing they use and the 'faults' in their phrasing, Overanalysing what they mean and their possible intentions.
so helpful. thankyou so much for this 🙏🏼🙏🏼 I took plenty of notes & had many realizations. grateful to know so many other people desire to rid themselves of judgement as well. let us be the change 🧡⚔️
I just want to say all the people watching this , that it is very hard to realize that we are judging pretty much everything in the world but we people want to get cure of it and that's great .
Your videos are all so powerful! The way you deliver the information - matter of fact, straightforward, but also with energy and understanding - really resonates. Thank you for sharing.
I’m glad she asked what I judge people about… I just realized it’s always if I think they are hurting themself or someone else… it’s like I get protective over everyone involved like it’s my place
Thankyou so much ma'am. You are God sent for people like me who cannot handle my own thoughts and beat myself up for such thoughts. Thankyou. Lots of love and respect
B, thank you so much for sharing your gift of wisdom and communication. I've been watching and learning from your videos since I came across them some few months ago. There is something valuable to learn from every one, and I'm thankful your work is prolific. This is the path I'm traveling and you are a great teacher. You have found your calling, obviously. And we are fortunate to have you. These few words don't do you justice...God bless your days
Ive been obssesed with stroking my ego for years but recently im really focusing on the present and taking everyone and everything as it comes with love and respect. Ofcourse me and my loved ones mean the most to me but i will show respect to even those i wouldve have looked down on.
A most helpful response with not 1, but 2 strategies - this is why I love you! Interestingly, I have heard that Eckhart quote before but it never resonated with me until you just unpacked it for me . I used to be like 'yeah yeah, accept the present moment - that's easy when the present moment's not challenging ! ' I'm so going to apply that to the challenging stuff. This is a big point for me, and I always feel guilty afterwards and do EFT on the reactive judging. However if I just implement what you say, I won't need to do the EFT - yay! Thanks heeeaps , you unlocked the door for me xx
How could we ever do the right thing if we dont judge anything? I dont understand it (yet) If I see someone steal... do not say anything because I can not judge it as wrong?
Thank you for making this video on being judgmental. I watched it three times and made lots of notes. I am will incorporate the Three Steps in my life. Michael
I hate the fact that I judge people. I end up not talking to people who I think have lower hierarchy and eventually, this also leads me as if I am being judged when I meet people whom I think have a higher hierarchy. This really disturbs me because I can't make a healthy relationship with people since I either be straight up degrading people or be too depressed talking to intelligent people. The things are that I don't even have a systematic way of finding who is better or worse than me because I don't think people are made to be placed in the social hierarchy since each and everyone is actually valuable.
It's great you have this self awareness Kye. You can use that awareness to enter each situation affirming the truth and if judgment sneaks in you can surrender it and return to viewing the other person as just the same as you. It takes regular practice and with awareness we can disempower the pattern. 💛 B
Thank you so much for your video. I feel that im judgmental person because i am fearful of anyone who is not like me and i will assume they dont like me or hate me...
A pleasure to share the vid with you. It's great you're self aware and understand what is going on for you, with that awareness you are able to start making small changes with presence and practice, it's possible to interrupt old patterns and build new ones :) With love! B
I have noticed that my judgement is rooted in fear. I do not want to be a person who accepts mediocrity in life so I judge ppl who embody that. Honestly it’s none of my business even if I want people to succeed. Thank you for this video, I will need to listen quite frequently but it’s a start. I don’t like being this way.
Great Content Thank You dunno them ego Write down what you always judge about, interrupt I am in no position to judge I am sorry. thank you. I love you.
I have been dealing with retrospective jealousy and I think judgment plays large part of it. I know I am not alone, it is a problem more common than one can imagine. My partner (at the time) immediately after leaving here husband turned promiscuous and had casual sex with many men in the following two months. That happened just before we met. I spent the following year trying to accept that. I know one can say it has nothing to do with me because it happened before she met me. I agree, but that somehow changes after you become closer to the person and perhaps an issue of trust comes to play a role. Its hard not to cast judgement on that behaviour. I would really struggle to find positives in that extent of promiscuity and it lead into constant questioning on my side if it is a marker of her personality and will be likely to do that again in the future. Even if I understand it is her life, her gig as you call it. It tinted somehow my view of her and no matter how hard I tried, I could not stop the judgment. Perhaps the only way is for some people to choose not to form relationship with partners they cant accept parts of, despite striving not to be judgmental
*A few important notes I made from this video about judging: 1. Judging other people is a habit 2. It is what you are doing about it when you NOTICE you are judging.!! 3. None of us are in any position to judge. It is EGO judging other people (THE LOWER PART OF OURSELVES) 4. NO one has their shit together 5. I don't know what is right or wrong, as I am not walking in your path.
Thank you so much. I really needed this😭. Please give advices on how to increase self-confidence and self esteem. I am also overly conscious of how other people think about me.
Hi. Check out my UA-cam vids on "feeling socially awkward/self conscious" and on "how to be more confident", also listen daily to my free confidence affirmations which you can download free on my website at the link below (if you need more you can visit my website for The Confidence Formula online course). 😊💛 FREE Affirmations for Confidence Audio Download - The Daily Positive bit.ly/2Np6hqH Love B
I've been noticing how badly I've been judging my boyfriend. We've gotten into it so i moved out. But we are working on things separately. But i see myself judging him for not being the man i desire in a relationship. Ughhh...i would really like to be with him but he is not doing all the things. So i judge him for all the things he is doing. And that's not fair. And i understand it's my ego. So i feel like it's accept him for who he is and i make the choice to stay or go without the judgement 🤷🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
Hey Jennifer, it's great you can see so clearly what is going on for you with the dynamic, and how you're noticing that he is not being or able to be the man you desire and so that sits behind the judging of what he does. Indeed, so often in relationships it's about accepting the other person as they are, while also both being willing to grow together, and to understand each other's needs in a relationship, and that growth individually can support growth together, while also allowing each person to be their true self. Relationships are certainly a playground for massive personal development! I send love and warmest wishes, B
Yes very good distinction. There is using our discernment and intelligence to assess what is good for us vs what we talk about here about being judgemental in an unhelpful way. 😊💛👍
This is a highly misunderstood concept. Calling someone “judgmental” is itself a judgment. There is a difference between judging someone’s personal worth versus judging that a person’s behavior was wrong or offensive. Do we say that a jury was “judgmental” when it convicts a person of a violent crime? Do we say that a supervisor was “judgmental” in finding fault with an employee’s performance? In one of the comments, a kid calls his parents “judgmental” for correcting him. All of us must make judgments every day, so it’s important to understand some distinctions. I respectfully disagree with this speaker’s premise that “None of us are in any position to judge anybody else,” because it is not exactly correct. Do not say that to a police officer, as she may differ.
They're talking about being judgemental to another person by saying whats right/wrong for them to live their life, ofc a police officer isn't going to tell you how to live your life unless youre breaking laws
@@strikegame7656 police officer bothers only about legal laws . Its a very complicated and misunderstood word . There's a general tendency in people to break the rule if it is an hinderance for their pleasures or benefits.
If you were born in their position there is even a slight chance that you would have made the same choice that they did - then you are judging and condemning yourself. "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you." If you claim that you would have done things differently if you lived their life, then you need to prove it. And the only way to do that is to live out her life in its entirety, which you cannot do. This means that you MUST admit that you do not know. And if you do not know, but you act like you do know, then you are arrogant, and that arrogance is sin. This means you are a hypocrite, and need to take the log out of your eye before taking the twig out of you neighbors. You can't change other people, but you can change yourself.
Great video ! 😊 I commonly judge judgmental people! It's so confusing.. Eg my parents judge and then I get all ' I don't want to be a part of this..' And then they get angry and defensive and try to justify their judgment and I'm judging the judging! Any suggestions on how to resist the cycle without alienating the judges ?
He he, I know what you mean! My suggestion... don't resist the cycle. Eckhart Tolle says this one thing that I think is life changing. Accept the present moment like you chose it. Obviously if they are judging you, you'll be thinking "I do not want to accept this like I chose it, because I would NEVER choose this!). But work with me here... pretend that some part of you has chosen to be here right now, for some reason, for some growth, for some purpose. I choose this situation. It doesn't mean love it, want it, keep it. It just means chose it in that moment, that stops the resisting. You can also see the situation from a higher perspective and consider that maybe you're being placed there in that situation as a LIGHT. Your job is to realise that them judging is just darkness asking for your light to shine. If you switch into this "service mode" you will be too busy being the light to fall into reactive judgement back at them. Takes practise, takes presence and self-control but it is possible. Bx
@@Bernadette_Logue this is probably the highest level human you can be and the real goal in life. Why don’t they teach this in elementary through high school. There be a period in every year of school that’s spends an hour on this subject everyday.
Is there a chance of talking to you, because I do have questions that I'm wondering about. I would really like your opinions on it. Once I saw your video I noticed your intelligence and your sweet loving heart. I would really appreciate if you could answer. Thank your for being such a big inspiration to me but also to other people. You're amazing! You truly are. What a good soul you got. I admire you.
Hey Christine. I do coaching privately one on one, but am no longer able to take on new clients due to capacity. If it's a question I can answer here please feel free to ask and there may also be other resources I have that would help you which I can give you links for. Thanks! B 💛
I wan't yall to know it's NOT YOU that's judging people. How could it be when you literally just notice the thought of judgement going through your mind. YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS. Do not feel bad
I don't understand... When my friend tells me he stole something from a shop, should I enable him in this behavior by not judging him? For me the most loving thing to do is to explain him that I disagree with stealing from other people. Same thing with someone sexually abusing children or raping woman. Should we just say: its their life and choices? I do not see how that would be healthy.
What about those who you don't even know? I immediately become judgmental when I see person dressed a certain way, driving with loud blasting music, or who are not considerate of their surroundings or of others. I am also guilty of stereotyping. I really need help in this area. Because here's the thing, the person that I'm judging has no idea that I feel this way. Nine times out of 10 it's someone I don't even know. This person is going about their merry way, and I'm the one entertaing these negative thoughts about them and making my own self miserable. It needs to stop! I DON'T LIKE FEELING THIS WAY!!! ✝️God please forgive me.🙏🏽
Hi and thanks for your message. I hope the tips in the video will be helpful for you. It's wonderful that you're aware of the pattern, and that you want to change it. The first step to stop judging, is actually to start with more compassion toward yourself, and not judging yourself for judging others. It's a bit of a sticky loop we can get caught up in, when we want to stop judging others, but we are so upset at ourselves for judging that we are adding more self judgment on top. So first up, forgive yourself, accept yourself, you're human, and like everyone else, judging is something that sometimes happens and even about strangers, the mind has patterns and those patterns run until we learn how to bring more awareness and start practicing new ways to interrupt those judgmental thoughts. One thing I have found useful is that when I notice a judgemental thought, including about strangers, I will immediately say inside my mind, "I forgive myself for this judgemental thought and may life bless this person with peace, health and happiness. I wish them joy". This way, it is a reconciliation and healing within yourself, to release self judgement, and to replace judgement of them with a blessing instead. Sending love to you. B
Great question. Think about it like this... Saying something factual isn't judgement. Having an opinion about the fact is adding a "judgement". Judgement isn't blanket good or bad, right or wrong. We're all allowed to discern what feels resonant to us and to express. It's only when judgement ends up causing us pain and conflict and it doesn't feel right, that we may seek to break any habitual judging thoughts and start to look for new ways of thinking.
Powerful. I hate when I catch myself judging. I think why I do it but can only come up with jealousy. Then that upsets me because I have no reason to be jealous or envious of others. This will so help me to adjust my thoughts and help to be move to a higher awareness. You are so wise.
Glad this was helpful. Bx
thank you I'm in the same boat right now
Ik exactly what you’ve been feeling. Her video was so helpful I never know a way to structure my mind around not judge and how to delute the ego when I’ve felt like that
We're all judging the hell out of each other all the time. Its a massive waste of energy past the point of maintaining basic survival.
I know right we all are judging other.I don’t understand meaning of judging other but after I learn it carefully.i knew that saying good or bad opinion about other is judging other cuz judging is about saying our opinion about other.there is a good and bad opinion about other
So true
The hardest part of stopping the judgement is when you are engaging in it with other people. My Mom and sister are very judgemental and a lot of our conversations revolve around complaining about and judging others. When I try to steer the conversation towards something more positive it ends up veering back to judging and criticism. I feel like unless we all make a conscious effort to stop its never going to change.
Indeed, it's a great potential to engage your nearest and dearest in the path with you, to all grow together in a new way. ☺️💛
I’ve been watching many videos on this subject. This has been the best I’ve seen! Thank you!
Glad this was useful 😊👍
I agree!
judging others poisons your life and takes so much time off so let's just stop it guys.
Thanks for this video. As a religious person I need to learn how to stop judging people as a step to get closer to God.
Me too. I have to remember that God is the only one who has the right to judge people.
This seems like the most simple solution for such a complex issue. Thanks a lot
I tend to judge people about how they behave,
The phrasing they use and the 'faults' in their phrasing,
Overanalysing what they mean and their possible intentions.
so helpful. thankyou so much for this 🙏🏼🙏🏼 I took plenty of notes & had many realizations.
grateful to know so many other people desire to rid themselves of judgement as well. let us be the change 🧡⚔️
I just want to say all the people watching this , that it is very hard to realize that we are judging pretty much everything in the world but we people want to get cure of it and that's great .
Your videos are all so powerful! The way you deliver the information - matter of fact, straightforward, but also with energy and understanding - really resonates. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for this helpful info!❤
You're very welcome Matt! Love, B 💜
Sometimes people are bad but they are allowed to be bad if they choose, let them go
I am just in the right position to say thank you; since I'm in no position to judge another human being, not anymore. 🍀🍀
I’m glad she asked what I judge people about… I just realized it’s always if I think they are hurting themself or someone else… it’s like I get protective over everyone involved like it’s my place
Thankyou so much ma'am. You are God sent for people like me who cannot handle my own thoughts and beat myself up for such thoughts. Thankyou. Lots of love and respect
B, thank you so much for sharing your gift of wisdom and communication. I've been watching and learning from your videos since I came across them some few months ago. There is something valuable to learn from every one, and I'm thankful your work is prolific. This is the path I'm traveling and you are a great teacher. You have found your calling, obviously. And we are fortunate to have you. These few words don't do you justice...God bless your days
💛💫💛 blessings to you! I appreciate this message very much. Love, B
Great video! I'm noticing that I DO judge others. Your video helps me to recognize my thoughts and to stop judging others. Thank you.
I agree and it's more prevalent nowdays then in past generations.
Ive been obssesed with stroking my ego for years but recently im really focusing on the present and taking everyone and everything as it comes with love and respect. Ofcourse me and my loved ones mean the most to me but i will show respect to even those i wouldve have looked down on.
Awesome. 💛✨
This was actually really helpful. I’ve looked at a lot of videos saying not to judge others, but this really explains how.
💛😊 glad it was helpful.
Thank you so muchh, was very helpful. I've been struggling lately with judging every action of the people I'm around and I want to change it!
💛 glad to share this with you. Love, B
A most helpful response with not 1, but 2 strategies - this is why I love you! Interestingly, I have heard that Eckhart quote before but it never resonated with me until you just unpacked it for me . I used to be like 'yeah yeah, accept the present moment - that's easy when the present moment's not challenging ! ' I'm so going to apply that to the challenging stuff. This is a big point for me, and I always feel guilty afterwards and do EFT on the reactive judging. However if I just implement what you say, I won't need to do the EFT - yay! Thanks heeeaps , you unlocked the door for me xx
AWESOME! So glad to hear this hit the mark for you Pixie and has been helpful on your journey. Love! Bx
"I judged my bass player thats why I have the best bass player in the world " _____Ted Neugent.
This is so good. Im tired of hearing this about me, so I need to change my attitude and stop judging others and being critical!
judging people is human nature. Being judgmental is different and needs to be controlled.
Is judgmental not part of judging?
How could we ever do the right thing if we dont judge anything?
I dont understand it (yet)
If I see someone steal... do not say anything because I can not judge it as wrong?
Perfect video....summarizes all that stops me and gives me a good kick in the butt!! You rock B!
Glad it hit the mark!
Thank you, this video just came through my feed and I believe this practice will be easy to remember going forward.
Glad it was helpful! 💜💕💜
This was awesome. It made a lot of sense and I really like the step by step process .Step 3 is short and simple yet very powerful. Thanks B!
Great Sarah! A pleasure to share this with you. B :)
B I've watched and liked this video before, but for some reason, today, it helped me on a deeper level. Thank you.
Judge not that you may be judged, for whatever measure you met, will be measured to you again.
THANK you B, what a beautiful video. I am going to apply this today :)
Awesome Adam, go you! Love it. Sending best wishes for peace and flow. B
These are very mature and wise thoughts. I'm watching it from Russia and I think you're amazing. I wish I could be as balanced as you someday
I cant say how much helpful it is. I will share this method with others.
Thank you for making this video on being judgmental. I watched it three times and made lots of notes. I am will incorporate the Three Steps in my life.
Awesome Michael! Glad this was useful. Have a great day!
Can I just say you have such beautiful eyes. Thank you so much for this video 🙌
I hate the fact that I judge people. I end up not talking to people who I think have lower hierarchy and eventually, this also leads me as if I am being judged when I meet people whom I think have a higher hierarchy. This really disturbs me because I can't make a healthy relationship with people since I either be straight up degrading people or be too depressed talking to intelligent people. The things are that I don't even have a systematic way of finding who is better or worse than me because I don't think people are made to be placed in the social hierarchy since each and everyone is actually valuable.
It's great you have this self awareness Kye. You can use that awareness to enter each situation affirming the truth and if judgment sneaks in you can surrender it and return to viewing the other person as just the same as you. It takes regular practice and with awareness we can disempower the pattern. 💛 B
What a superb video B, thank you so much!!!!
Glad you liked it! B :)
Thanks this is what I've been looking for. It was hard for me not to judge but I know what to do. Thank you so much. ☺️
Thank you so much! This is very helpful and I will surely practice this. God Bless
When I get judgmental I feel really negative and I don't like how it makes me feel after.
I'm such a good person for watching this video
thank you for teaching me this
It's a pleasure to share this with you. Best wishes.
Thank you so much for your video. I feel that im judgmental person because i am fearful of anyone who is not like me and i will assume they dont like me or hate me...
A pleasure to share the vid with you. It's great you're self aware and understand what is going on for you, with that awareness you are able to start making small changes with presence and practice, it's possible to interrupt old patterns and build new ones :) With love! B
Thank you, this was very helpful and it's pleasant to listen to you. Namasté
Namaste! 💞
Just WOW..!
Beautiful! Thank you.
I have noticed that my judgement is rooted in fear. I do not want to be a person who accepts mediocrity in life so I judge ppl who embody that. Honestly it’s none of my business even if I want people to succeed.
Thank you for this video, I will need to listen quite frequently but it’s a start. I don’t like being this way.
Amazing self awareness! 😊💛
dunno them
Write down what you always judge about, interrupt
I am in no position to judge
I am sorry. thank you. I love you.
Super helpful video 🙏🏻 thank you 😊
I have been dealing with retrospective jealousy and I think judgment plays large part of it. I know I am not alone, it is a problem more common than one can imagine. My partner (at the time) immediately after leaving here husband turned promiscuous and had casual sex with many men in the following two months. That happened just before we met. I spent the following year trying to accept that. I know one can say it has nothing to do with me because it happened before she met me. I agree, but that somehow changes after you become closer to the person and perhaps an issue of trust comes to play a role. Its hard not to cast judgement on that behaviour. I would really struggle to find positives in that extent of promiscuity and it lead into constant questioning on my side if it is a marker of her personality and will be likely to do that again in the future. Even if I understand it is her life, her gig as you call it. It tinted somehow my view of her and no matter how hard I tried, I could not stop the judgment. Perhaps the only way is for some people to choose not to form relationship with partners they cant accept parts of, despite striving not to be judgmental
It's 2020 and this is a video I really need. Thanks for the tips, very helpful. 🙏 I'll practice right away and & see the result in a dew days. 👊
This is so good, I can listen to this 20 times and still learn. Thank you 🙏😊
Thank you for this!!!
You're welcome!
Thank you for sharing the tips ! 😊
You're welcome 👍💛😊
Incredibly power and simple technique. Thank you.
You're very welcome 💛
Judging your judging.......
I was told judging is normal and we all do it. I get judged of judgmental people! Ha!
Needed this. Thank you!
You're welcome!
*A few important notes I made from this video about judging:
1. Judging other people is a habit
2. It is what you are doing about it when you NOTICE you are judging.!!
3. None of us are in any position to judge.
It is EGO judging other people (THE LOWER PART OF OURSELVES)
4. NO one has their shit together
5. I don't know what is right or wrong, as I am not walking in your path.
Advice about judging turns to being envy
Super helpful and beautiful! Thanks so much :D
Watching the video and started judging her, then I knew I had a problem
Hahahahahaha I just laughed my ass writing this comment, god damn it, by the way, great video, thank you
I really enjoyed this and will listen again....thank you
thabk u sooo much for this video :))
You're very welcome Zoe 💕💖💕
Thank you so much for this video! It totally resonated with me! ❤️
You're welcome 🧡
I love this so much! Thank you!!!
You're welcome! A pleasure to share this vid with you. :) B
Hurrah ! Just the video I needed thank you thank you thank you ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
You're welcome 💛😊👍
This was really helpful, thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much. I really needed this😭. Please give advices on how to increase self-confidence and self esteem. I am also overly conscious of how other people think about me.
Hi. Check out my UA-cam vids on "feeling socially awkward/self conscious" and on "how to be more confident", also listen daily to my free confidence affirmations which you can download free on my website at the link below (if you need more you can visit my website for The Confidence Formula online course). 😊💛
FREE Affirmations for Confidence Audio Download - The Daily Positive bit.ly/2Np6hqH
Thanks for this video, it helped me a lot.
You're welcome 💛
Thank you this was helpful
Thank you for this video
I've been noticing how badly I've been judging my boyfriend. We've gotten into it so i moved out. But we are working on things separately. But i see myself judging him for not being the man i desire in a relationship. Ughhh...i would really like to be with him but he is not doing all the things. So i judge him for all the things he is doing. And that's not fair. And i understand it's my ego.
So i feel like it's accept him for who he is and i make the choice to stay or go without the judgement 🤷🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
Hey Jennifer, it's great you can see so clearly what is going on for you with the dynamic, and how you're noticing that he is not being or able to be the man you desire and so that sits behind the judging of what he does. Indeed, so often in relationships it's about accepting the other person as they are, while also both being willing to grow together, and to understand each other's needs in a relationship, and that growth individually can support growth together, while also allowing each person to be their true self. Relationships are certainly a playground for massive personal development! I send love and warmest wishes, B
Thank you for this very helpful video (: Blessings to us all
Thank you B ❤️🌷💖🌷❤️🌷💖
This is an awesome tool!
Thank-You 💜
Some wise judgement is good.. for example “I don’t want (me or my loved ones) living in a ghetto hooked on heroin” is good judgement
Yes very good distinction. There is using our discernment and intelligence to assess what is good for us vs what we talk about here about being judgemental in an unhelpful way. 😊💛👍
This is a highly misunderstood concept. Calling someone “judgmental” is itself a judgment. There is a difference between judging someone’s personal worth versus judging that a person’s behavior was wrong or offensive. Do we say that a jury was “judgmental” when it convicts a person of a violent crime? Do we say that a supervisor was “judgmental” in finding fault with an employee’s performance? In one of the comments, a kid calls his parents “judgmental” for correcting him. All of us must make judgments every day, so it’s important to understand some distinctions. I respectfully disagree with this speaker’s premise that “None of us are in any position to judge anybody else,” because it is not exactly correct. Do not say that to a police officer, as she may differ.
They're talking about being judgemental to another person by saying whats right/wrong for them to live their life, ofc a police officer isn't going to tell you how to live your life unless youre breaking laws
@@strikegame7656 police officer bothers only about legal laws .
Its a very complicated and misunderstood word .
There's a general tendency in people to break the rule if it is an hinderance for their pleasures or benefits.
amazing ;-) thank you
:) B
Very helpful! Thank you!
You're welcome Lisa 😊💖
Thanks alot this is really helpful☺️
👍 you're welcome!
Thank you so much
You're welcome 🤗💛
If you were born in their position there is even a slight chance that you would have made the same choice that they did - then you are judging and condemning yourself.
"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you."
If you claim that you would have done things differently if you lived their life, then you need to prove it. And the only way to do that is to live out her life in its entirety, which you cannot do.
This means that you MUST admit that you do not know. And if you do not know, but you act like you do know, then you are arrogant, and that arrogance is sin.
This means you are a hypocrite, and need to take the log out of your eye before taking the twig out of you neighbors. You can't change other people, but you can change yourself.
I looooove your accent❤
Great video, thank you.
A pleasure to share it with you! 💛
Thank you
oh by the way, I'm sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you😀 lovely accent
Great video ! 😊 I commonly judge judgmental people! It's so confusing.. Eg my parents judge and then I get all ' I don't want to be a part of this..' And then they get angry and defensive and try to justify their judgment and I'm judging the judging! Any suggestions on how to resist the cycle without alienating the judges ?
He he, I know what you mean! My suggestion... don't resist the cycle. Eckhart Tolle says this one thing that I think is life changing. Accept the present moment like you chose it. Obviously if they are judging you, you'll be thinking "I do not want to accept this like I chose it, because I would NEVER choose this!). But work with me here... pretend that some part of you has chosen to be here right now, for some reason, for some growth, for some purpose. I choose this situation. It doesn't mean love it, want it, keep it. It just means chose it in that moment, that stops the resisting. You can also see the situation from a higher perspective and consider that maybe you're being placed there in that situation as a LIGHT. Your job is to realise that them judging is just darkness asking for your light to shine. If you switch into this "service mode" you will be too busy being the light to fall into reactive judgement back at them. Takes practise, takes presence and self-control but it is possible. Bx
@@Bernadette_Logue this is probably the highest level human you can be and the real goal in life. Why don’t they teach this in elementary through high school. There be a period in every year of school that’s spends an hour on this subject everyday.
Is there a chance of talking to you, because I do have questions that I'm wondering about. I would really like your opinions on it. Once I saw your video I noticed your intelligence and your sweet loving heart. I would really appreciate if you could answer. Thank your for being such a big inspiration to me but also to other people. You're amazing! You truly are. What a good soul you got. I admire you.
Hey Christine. I do coaching privately one on one, but am no longer able to take on new clients due to capacity. If it's a question I can answer here please feel free to ask and there may also be other resources I have that would help you which I can give you links for. Thanks! B 💛
Best 😃😃💪💪
I wan't yall to know it's NOT YOU that's judging people. How could it be when you literally just notice the thought of judgement going through your mind. YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS. Do not feel bad
Thanks for sharing. 👍
There's only one Judge who is God. It is appointed for man once to die and then face judgement.
Great video!
I don't understand...
When my friend tells me he stole something from a shop, should I enable him in this behavior by not judging him? For me the most loving thing to do is to explain him that I disagree with stealing from other people.
Same thing with someone sexually abusing children or raping woman. Should we just say: its their life and choices?
I do not see how that would be healthy.
just wow !
What about those who you don't even know?
I immediately become judgmental when I see person dressed a certain way, driving with loud blasting music, or who are not considerate of their surroundings or of others.
I am also guilty of stereotyping.
I really need help in this area.
Because here's the thing, the person that I'm judging has no idea that I feel this way. Nine times out of 10 it's someone I don't even know. This person is going about their merry way, and I'm the one entertaing these negative thoughts about them and making my own self miserable. It needs to stop!
✝️God please forgive me.🙏🏽
Hi and thanks for your message. I hope the tips in the video will be helpful for you. It's wonderful that you're aware of the pattern, and that you want to change it. The first step to stop judging, is actually to start with more compassion toward yourself, and not judging yourself for judging others. It's a bit of a sticky loop we can get caught up in, when we want to stop judging others, but we are so upset at ourselves for judging that we are adding more self judgment on top. So first up, forgive yourself, accept yourself, you're human, and like everyone else, judging is something that sometimes happens and even about strangers, the mind has patterns and those patterns run until we learn how to bring more awareness and start practicing new ways to interrupt those judgmental thoughts. One thing I have found useful is that when I notice a judgemental thought, including about strangers, I will immediately say inside my mind, "I forgive myself for this judgemental thought and may life bless this person with peace, health and happiness. I wish them joy". This way, it is a reconciliation and healing within yourself, to release self judgement, and to replace judgement of them with a blessing instead.
Sending love to you.
If I see someone stealing... should I not tell them that it is wrong because that would be me judging them? Can someone help me understand?
Great question. Think about it like this... Saying something factual isn't judgement. Having an opinion about the fact is adding a "judgement". Judgement isn't blanket good or bad, right or wrong. We're all allowed to discern what feels resonant to us and to express. It's only when judgement ends up causing us pain and conflict and it doesn't feel right, that we may seek to break any habitual judging thoughts and start to look for new ways of thinking.
Would you also use this process/mantra for self judgement?
Yes you certainly could adjust for that 👍