I just lost my father to a heart attack 25 minute's before this video was posted and we always used to watch your new videos after coming in at night from working on his car or his truck or whatever, and i didnt get to watch it with him. So now im watching it for him, thankyou for these videos derek, theyre just going to be another one of the good memories with my dad, from the very bottom of my heart, thankyou❤
@joshvandruff1790 I'm sure he was, he always used to burst out laughing when Derek would say his funny names for stuff, sparkelators, fuel make it happener, etc and I coulda swore I heard a quiet laugh come from across the room, but I was the only one there
@@relaxed_borgir I know the pain of losing your dad. I lost mine a few years ago. It does hurt. But it gets a lot better. He still lets me know he’s around from time to time.
My great grandma wanted a tractor for their house because she was tired of working the land by hand, and so my great grandpa sold one of his service stations in 1954 to buy a 1949 8N. My great grandma returned the favor the next year by "saving up 2 months of grocery money" to buy my grandpa a 94 winchester to go hunting with his buddies. These old fords make me smile whenever I see one, and I'm so glad to watch you work on one.
@oldasrocks9121 not a whole lot, just stuff they grew and canned. Going to the grocery store for them was more for ingredients and spices like salt, pepper, and flour. They grew most of their fruits and veggies and raised all their meat.
75 yo Canadian man here, who grew up on a mixed fruit orchard in a small town in the Okanagan Valley. My uncle owned a 20 acre orchard, my parents 10 acres, my maternal grandmother 5 acres, all neighbouring each other. My uncle Don was a mining engineer who took a job in the mid-1950s with the then-new Inland Natural Gas company that was bringing gas to the Valley, and my dad left his job at a local packinghouse to operate all the orchards while Don was away. I was 9 ~10 [?] years old when I was first allowed to drive my uncle's Ford 8N, and it was my favourite power plant for general hauling, rototilling, spraying & mowing until I left home at age 17 to study physics at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in the fall of 1965. Hearing this 8N running again brought memories to my mind & tears to my eyes. Thank you, VGG...
Derek, this is probably my favorite video you've ever posted. My pawpaw farmed until he was 94 years old, and he just couldn't anymore. He ALWAYS dressed just like you in this video, and he was about your size. Seeing you kneeling beside that front tire actually made me shed a tear for the Ole man. Who would have thought that a video of an old tractor would bring back such great memories. Thank you for this one. Mike.
@@ViceGripGarage Truly thanks to you, though. I know you make it look like a feller' is just out in the fields and hollers fixing up cars. But you are touching lives! Thank you!
When I was young I thought I was a pretty good mechanic but after watching you I finally realized I know less than nothing. It’s always a pleasure watching your videos. Thank you.
One of the cleanest 8Ns I've seen in a long time. My Dad bought me one like it sixty-three years ago for my 10th birthday, gave me ten minutes of instruction and I was a farmer.
I had to laugh when he said the woods mower was worth more than the tractor.😅..They made a lot of them. That's true. 😅. I also had to laugh when he said was glad his jump box can't talk.....WHY? ...why do you need another tractor,Derek?? (because this 8N is worth saving..). 😂😅
I love how Derick tries to play it off like he is just too lazy to bring his other tractor over. He just can't stand seeing something sitting around not running! The man loves to save things and give them new life.
Makes great content, and let's be honest, the old stuff was just built better, hence his entire channel and all that old stuff, for the most part, just firing right up with minimal parts changing and or basic maintenance. Try that with an ECU after sitting out for that long lol
I ain't gonna lie, I got a little misty when that old Ford fired up. My PeePaw (Grandfather) had a 9N he bought second hand after he came home from Korea. He lost an arm over there, but didn't keep that man from doing anything. I've got it now, it's never been out of Tennessee. It's probably only worth 1000 bucks or so, but i wouldn't take a Million for it. I fire it up every so often and take it for a ride through the hay field. Thanks for the trip to a great time of my life with my PeePaw. Love you brother.
An elderly man who lived two houses away from us had an 8n ford. This was in the late fifties when I was just a kid. Thank you for getting the old girl running. It warms this dinosaur’s heart.
When I was a young boy in the 60’s I used to ride on the fender of my grandpas 8N all over his farm. As I grew I had to switch to riding on the 3 point hitch holding onto the back of grandpas seat! On Halloween he took all of us grandkids into town on a hay wagon to trick or treat. I didn’t know much about tractors then but I knew my grandpa was a hard working man and expected the same out of all of his equipment and that tractor NEVER failed to do whatever he asked of it. The sound of that engine brings back fond memories!
I’m a GM car and truck guy, but you just can’t beat the old Ford tractors. Have a 58 801 Powermaster that was bought brand new by my grandpa and is still my dad’s daily tractor to this day. Built the same year he was born and never had anything serious done to it. All original engine, clutch, everything..zero problems and used heavily and beat on for 66 years! 👍🏻
I'm also a big fan of gm cars and trucks, but you just can't beat 3 fomoco products their 8 and 9n's bumpside Ford 67-72 trucks and bullnose Ford truck especially the 84-86 420 cubic inch idi 6.9 litre diesel and i would add two dodge products to that if it was me tin grille dodge trucks and second gen dodge ram trucks!!
Yep, most of us have run and kept running any pre computer big three cars, trucks and for some, tractors. "easy, peasy" pre computer machines will save many when excessive digitalia breaks en masse 😂@@richardbates2367
The Ford 8N was the first tractor I ever drove. It belonged to my grandfather and it was my first step to driving large farming equipment until I joined the Air Force in 1973. At 73 years old I still miss being out in the open field, riding the tractor and being left to my own devices. Thanks for sharing!
My grandfather tried to start me on the 8N, but I was too little to steer it and stand on the brakes. They switched me to the JD 2020 because it had power steering.
As an older feller that found myself watching every video I can find by VGG...I did the right thing and subscribed! I even found my way to the bleep bloop section to express my thanks to you and your family! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing it with us!
VGG therapy never disappoints. Impossible not to relax and change your mood while watching Derrick. I only wish I could be this calm and patient with everything.
I'm the 3rd owner of a 49 8N. My grand pa got it from his brother in Alabama where he bought it new, and I got it from my grand pa. Old girls has been in the Hefner family since she was born, and I plan on giving it to my Son one day. These old girls just keep on going if ya give them just a little love every now and then! Thanks Derek for keeping another one moving!
I am from south Africa and I am amazed by all the old petrol engines used in America, diesel were used in South Africa, very few petrol , which we normally started with power paraffin
I think I have seen this before, but it is so well worth watching Derek work on things! Next I am going to watch Derek and his wife that has spray-painted her jeep wrangler, can’t wait!
Those tractors helped feed the nation. Not just brush hog around the edges but plow disk plant and harvest. Good to see the old iron getting fixed up and put back to service ready.
I'm going to assume that Derek hasn't sat down to watch TV in eleventy niner million years, he probably doesn't even know how to work the remote cause he's never seen one. The guy is ALWAYS on the go, working his tail off, sun up to well after sun down. Much love and respect brother, you're a damn beast!
he's said that himself lol. too busy to watch television or youtube. Honestly thats the way any feller should live. I do watch some youtube for this type of thing though
The sheer joy when you fired that bad boy up had me feeling that excitement, too. Derek, you are one of my favorite humans. You really are a national treasure!
This was a GREAT day to be out there playing with tractors!! Thanks for taking me with you. Btw your beard is taking on some color and just looking fantastic 👍
This might have been my most favorite episode yet. I grew up on a dairy farm and I spent many hours of my youth driving an 8n pulling hay wagons, operating a rake, driving the fence line, etc. Hearing the old girl run brought back many memories.
Hi Derek, just wanted to say a BIG Thank You for your content. I just lost my Dad tonight and wanted to let you know that your videos have always brought back memories of my Dad and I working on vehicles together. When I watch a video with you and your sons I remember being just like your sons asking questions and peering over the hood just watching my Dad make a car run again, Then when he let me get more involved it just all came full circle when I lead the way replacing the motor in his '04 Silverado that we did as a father son project. Just like you he wasn't a digitals fan and that's where I came in after going to automotive school and understanding the "new age" vehicles 😂😂 He was the one watching over the hood asking questions! 😂😂
Sorry for the loss of your Dad. He's waiting for you now, so enjoy his memory and continue to make him proud of you, as a man and a father. Pass on what he taught you to the next generation, Brother!
So sorry for your loss, I empathize with you, My Dad and I had the same relationship and like you I am passing his knowledge onto my littlest humans I am responsible for…he is always with you..Just listen for him in your ear and you’ll hear him 👍
The reason I started watching VGG is cause I love the content. The reason I keep watching is because you consistently and sincerely express your appreciation. Thanks for keeping at this so hard and remaining a straight up good guy!
My first tractor drive when I was 11 was my grandfather’s 8n. My brother would help him on his dairy farm in northern MN. We used it to pick rocks, rake hay and fix fence. Great tractor.
Personally Derek, I really enjoy the Tractor revivals! Maybe more than the old vintage car revivals ... nope, probably not. Anywho, I'm always impressed with your knowledge of vintage tractors and look forward to more tractor revivals! Just keep being you!!
I have a ford 2000 and they are such good tractors. Ford 8n 9n and 600 all have proved to be great old tractors. Thanks again for your channel. Good people deserve great things.
This one took me back to my childhood! I'm 56 now, but That tractor is the exact one my dad trained me on! They will run forever with a lil bit of care! Love this one, Derek. Got a tear in my eye...made me really miss my dad. Big thumbs up from me! God bless you and yours!👍
Throw a couple weight lifting plates on the front end and it will keep it down so you can steer without using the foot brakes for the back tires at least that’s what my dad did with our 8N so he could haul something a little bit heavier than what it was designed for. Great video showing a great tractor keep ‘em coming
Oh wow, we have the same tractor with a bushhog. Back in the 50s my grandparents had a cherry orchard and my mom would hushhog it. Many years later the orchard is gone but my mom taught me how to operate it to bushhog the feild, i was initially scared but love it. Still use it to mow the feilds today
58 mins. and she runs! That, ladies and gentlemen, is United States of America manufacturing back when that meant something. Derek one of your best. Diagnostics at its best. I am a complete nincompoop when it comes to internal combustion engines but thanks to you and can begin to follow along pretty good.
Derek, thank you for taking the effort to put up videos! I am retired NAVY , these videos remind me to get off my butt and work on projects that i missed out on while serving . Much Love Brother!
When I was about six years old my daddy bought a house that had about 6 feet of weeds and growth and all that, the backyard was an Orchard in the City ! All kinda GOOD Fruit . Yep, he got a Bush Hog + ended up with a Wonderful Piece of Property 💕💪😎 , Thanks VGG+ Family!
Thank you Derek for the wonderful entertainment. It really helps me cope with life more than you know. It really is like having a friend. Oh look! A lumberyard!
I needed a tractor. My father gave me his 1949 8N. A little Marvel Mystery Oil in the sparkalator holes and the compression came along, and just like that, best tractor ever. New tires and rattle can paint job and I could not be happier. I only wish she was a live PTO like the 53 and newer Fords. Loved this video. Even had to show the wife.
Very nice looking tractor, rescued 39 9n from field years ago for 800 bucks was great spraying tractor. Updraft carbs were cast iron so jets plug if it sits, put calcium in front tires to assist with heavy tools,
My uncle that I'm named after had one of these, I remember as a kid watching him do everything with that tractor. Just this month we purchased his old property and are moving there. Really wanting to get one of these to work that same land again just like he did.
Suggestion, raise the 3pt hitch so the front of the cutter isn’t dragging and digging. Also, engage the PTO at idle. It is less of a shock to the mower and the tractor. When cutting, up the RPMs to over 2000. I think you will find that the cutter can co what you need and it will be steerable because the cutter isn’t dragging. We had a Ford 600 which was their next generation. These are good machines and will get the job dove for you. We miss our old tractor. It was fun
Got my own 8N just recently, I'm doing a complete rebuild with all new parts from steiner tractor. I want my grandkids to be able to use it long after I'm gone.
Wow... My Uncle and I rebuilt his 8N about 15 years ago. Conversion to 12 volt.... Carb rebuilt. Rusty gas tank.... PTO seals.... Gauges... Good times with a great man!
Wow!! You’re a busy man. You drove in the Indy 800, met with Tony Angelo and released a video all in the same night! You must have super human powers 😂😂
I used to restore these Ford 8n tractors when I was growing up with my Dad one of the only things my old man let me participate in and I loved taking them from nothing to just beauty. Thank you
You're welcome! Some of us don't get a chance to enjoy the outdoors as you do. It's always a treat to watch you work on a tractor withe the sound of a Redwing blackbird in the background.
I heard it too, but only once at the end. If it was singing more than that, I'll just blame it on my old abused eardrums and..OOH, SQUIRREL!... my inattention.😁
This channel is great overall, but I love the way a guy gets as or more excited getting and old tractor running again than when you get most other cars going. Very nice rig.
grandpa had the big blue brother, he kept the shared dirt road from the camps cleared in winter and graveled in summer. loved that tractor, years later, living on a farm i helped a fella restore a ford 900 from around that same era. loved that old gal and Tank taught me a lot that summer, basic traactor repair, welding, etc. we lost him youngish a few years later, was a damn shame. anyway now im just rambling. thanks Derek for bringing me back a peice. much obliged sir ❤
Wondering if a feller talks to himself the whole time he's working when the camera isn't on. If so, I'm sure the cats are as entertained as we are. Great content as always. Thanks for all you do, Derek.
Your vids are so therapeutic for me. My old neighbor used to rebuild/refurbish these old work horses for fun! I thought he was a crazy old man and now I strive to be just like him!! If only I had know then what I know now!
Well what a co-inky-dink! A guy was out in the boat shed messin round cleaning the carbs on the floaty thing and decided to see if the ole '48 8N thats also parked there would fire up.... Yep, thanks to a 12 volt conversion and a Pertronix Ignitor kit. A guy can testify that those kits make life with a front mount distributer MUCH more gooder. Then i come in, kick off the earth pounders, crack a cold snack, and find this vidja. Shoulda had an Old Milwaukee, cause it doesnt get better than this! Thanks for your hard work Derek.
Great video! My grandfather had old Ford 9N tracker that I would use to do work around my grandparents walnut orchard. What great memories your video back. Working with my grandfather hailing hay and working on old equipment like that tracker where some of the best times of my life.
My Dad had a Ford 8n back in the 70s. We had 8 acres. He cleared that property with that old tractor dragging trees and drilling out old stumps. Good memories.
Derek, there should be an adjustment on the valve for the 3pt lift. It should not fall when the clutch is out as the pump is pressurizing the ram, it may leak but you can overcome the leak with the valve adjustment. I used to start my mower out of gear so you can get her spinning then throw it in gear and roll away.. also lets you get it off the ground first - the overdrive or breakaway on the PTO shaft will let you do this.
A fellers evening is now complete. Another round of wobble pops. Thank you Derek, you've been busy with the posting this week, much appreciated. Wishing a great weekend for you and yours.
My grandpa used a 1941 ford 9n for mowing most of his property. Every time he was done, he’d come in and ask 3 year old me if I wanted to help him put it away. I’m getting around to fixing it up for him so we can keep mowing with it.
Im in NC, and got a 1952 ford 8n, was sitting, you gave me inspiration to fix it, and got it running and driving yesterday, thank you for the videos and always look forward to seeing new ones, your comedy, experience, and the way you talk through things makes it easy for others to learn stuff, i have a few VWs and look foward to see you do a vw at some point.
Normally, I would dislike a tractor on what I consider a car show, but you work so hard and provide such great content constantly. I really can't complain. Now please drive that tractor 500 miles back home. 😀
I just lost my father to a heart attack 25 minute's before this video was posted and we always used to watch your new videos after coming in at night from working on his car or his truck or whatever, and i didnt get to watch it with him. So now im watching it for him, thankyou for these videos derek, theyre just going to be another one of the good memories with my dad, from the very bottom of my heart, thankyou❤
May your father rest in peace ❤️
I’m sure he was right there with you watching by your side.
@@youraveragegoblin7111 thankyou🫂
@joshvandruff1790 I'm sure he was, he always used to burst out laughing when Derek would say his funny names for stuff, sparkelators, fuel make it happener, etc and I coulda swore I heard a quiet laugh come from across the room, but I was the only one there
@@relaxed_borgir I know the pain of losing your dad. I lost mine a few years ago. It does hurt. But it gets a lot better. He still lets me know he’s around from time to time.
My great grandma wanted a tractor for their house because she was tired of working the land by hand, and so my great grandpa sold one of his service stations in 1954 to buy a 1949 8N. My great grandma returned the favor the next year by "saving up 2 months of grocery money" to buy my grandpa a 94 winchester to go hunting with his buddies. These old fords make me smile whenever I see one, and I'm so glad to watch you work on one.
Awesome Story Theodore
I love stories like this!
Lol, what'd they eat for those 2 months?
@oldasrocks9121 not a whole lot, just stuff they grew and canned. Going to the grocery store for them was more for ingredients and spices like salt, pepper, and flour. They grew most of their fruits and veggies and raised all their meat.
75 yo Canadian man here, who grew up on a mixed fruit orchard in a small town in the Okanagan Valley. My uncle owned a 20 acre orchard, my parents 10 acres, my maternal grandmother 5 acres, all neighbouring each other. My uncle Don was a mining engineer who took a job in the mid-1950s with the then-new Inland Natural Gas company that was bringing gas to the Valley, and my dad left his job at a local packinghouse to operate all the orchards while Don was away.
I was 9 ~10 [?] years old when I was first allowed to drive my uncle's Ford 8N, and it was my favourite power plant for general hauling, rototilling, spraying & mowing until I left home at age 17 to study physics at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in the fall of 1965. Hearing this 8N running again brought memories to my mind & tears to my eyes. Thank you, VGG...
This is a nice story, nostalgia is powerful.
Thanks from Okanagan County Washington.
Derek, this is probably my favorite video you've ever posted. My pawpaw farmed until he was 94 years old, and he just couldn't anymore. He ALWAYS dressed just like you in this video, and he was about your size. Seeing you kneeling beside that front tire actually made me shed a tear for the Ole man. Who would have thought that a video of an old tractor would bring back such great memories. Thank you for this one. Mike.
My great grandfather was the same. He used an 8n as well so did my uncle. My great grandfather's is still in the family working.
@@Bdogg12784 my pawpaw wasn't a mechanic, but he never called one either. He figured it out. Young men could learn a lot from they way we grew up!
derek is 74
Tractor more reliable than the car
Derik Bieri you are the Bob Ross of automotive. Thanks so much for your great content. Always praying for you and your family.
I came here to say that exact same thing! First thing i thought of when he was thanking his viewers. He really is though!
Many thanks!
@@ViceGripGarage Truly thanks to you, though.
I know you make it look like a feller' is just out in the fields and hollers fixing up cars.
But you are touching lives!
Thank you!
Always helps throwing in some happy sparks! ⚡️
When I was young I thought I was a pretty good mechanic but after watching you I finally realized I know less than nothing. It’s always a pleasure watching your videos.
Thank you.
One of the cleanest 8Ns I've seen in a long time. My Dad bought me one like it sixty-three years ago for my 10th birthday, gave me ten minutes of instruction and I was a farmer.
Had the 10 yr old experience, only it was a 57 Ford 850. Good memories
Cheaper than hiring a farmhand.
We was smarter back then.
I had to laugh when he said the woods mower was worth more than the tractor.😅..They made a lot of them. That's true. 😅. I also had to laugh when he said was glad his jump box can't talk.....WHY? ...why do you need another tractor,Derek?? (because this 8N is worth saving..). 😂😅
@@lessharratt8719Amen Brother. We had to work to eat. Makes a boy/girl work smarter for sure. 😊
I love how Derick tries to play it off like he is just too lazy to bring his other tractor over. He just can't stand seeing something sitting around not running! The man loves to save things and give them new life.
Or makes for good video content
Makes great content, and let's be honest, the old stuff was just built better, hence his entire channel and all that old stuff, for the most part, just firing right up with minimal parts changing and or basic maintenance. Try that with an ECU after sitting out for that long lol
I ain't gonna lie, I got a little misty when that old Ford fired up. My PeePaw (Grandfather) had a 9N he bought second hand after he came home from Korea. He lost an arm over there, but didn't keep that man from doing anything. I've got it now, it's never been out of Tennessee. It's probably only worth 1000 bucks or so, but i wouldn't take a Million for it. I fire it up every so often and take it for a ride through the hay field. Thanks for the trip to a great time of my life with my PeePaw. Love you brother.
a man has a day off,
and instead of drinking wobblepops and enjoying the sunshine,
he's fixing a tractor for us
The man is a poet!
He's probably doing all 3 at once! 😉
Why not all 3??
How do you know it's his day off?
An elderly man who lived two houses away from us had an 8n ford. This was in the late fifties when I was just a kid. Thank you for getting the old girl running. It warms this dinosaur’s heart.
One of life's little pleasures: Gettin' on an old tractor, and hoggin' till the sun goes down.
Beer somehow tastes even better after that.
The gentleness in today's crazy world is so appreciated. Thanks Derek.
Love it when a guy uploads an hour + long video for me to watch on my weekends. 👍🏻👍🏻
Thanks for stopping
When I was a young boy in the 60’s I used to ride on the fender of my grandpas 8N all over his farm.
As I grew I had to switch to riding on the 3 point hitch holding onto the back of grandpas seat!
On Halloween he took all of us grandkids into town on a hay wagon to trick or treat.
I didn’t know much about tractors then but I knew my grandpa was a hard working man and expected the same out of all of his equipment and that tractor NEVER failed to do whatever he asked of it.
The sound of that engine brings back fond memories!
I’m a GM car and truck guy, but you just can’t beat the old Ford tractors. Have a 58 801 Powermaster that was bought brand new by my grandpa and is still my dad’s daily tractor to this day. Built the same year he was born and never had anything serious done to it. All original engine, clutch, everything..zero problems and used heavily and beat on for 66 years! 👍🏻
I'm also a big fan of gm cars and trucks, but you just can't beat 3 fomoco products their 8 and 9n's bumpside Ford 67-72 trucks and bullnose Ford truck especially the 84-86 420 cubic inch idi 6.9 litre diesel and i would add two dodge products to that if it was me tin grille dodge trucks and second gen dodge ram trucks!!
Yep, most of us have run and kept running any pre computer big three cars, trucks and for some, tractors.
"easy, peasy" pre computer machines will save many when excessive digitalia breaks en masse 😂@@richardbates2367
The Ford 8N was the first tractor I ever drove. It belonged to my grandfather and it was my first step to driving large farming equipment until I joined the Air Force in 1973. At 73 years old I still miss being out in the open field, riding the tractor and being left to my own devices. Thanks for sharing!
My grandfather tried to start me on the 8N, but I was too little to steer it and stand on the brakes. They switched me to the JD 2020 because it had power steering.
As an older feller that found myself watching every video I can find by VGG...I did the right thing and subscribed! I even found my way to the bleep bloop section to express my thanks to you and your family! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing it with us!
Old tractors are just plain old cool!
VGG Fridays rock!
Derek should write a book. Possibly the most inspirational person I've ever seen online.
Definitely respect the man. He’s a great example of what things should still be like.. the type of role model I want for my kids.
Derek IS a book, Derek is his nickname. His real full legal name is Haynes Clymer Chilton III !!! ;)
Dude when you started this machine the smile on my face couldn't have been any bigger
VGG therapy never disappoints. Impossible not to relax and change your mood while watching Derrick. I only wish I could be this calm and patient with everything.
I'm the 3rd owner of a 49 8N. My grand pa got it from his brother in Alabama where he bought it new, and I got it from my grand pa. Old girls has been in the Hefner family since she was born, and I plan on giving it to my Son one day. These old girls just keep on going if ya give them just a little love every now and then! Thanks Derek for keeping another one moving!
I thought HEFNERS only liked YOUNG girls! 😉
Nothing more irritating than dropping a screw, and having to call it the day because of that one screw😂
I am from south Africa and I am amazed by all the old petrol engines used in America, diesel were used in South Africa, very few petrol , which we normally started with power paraffin
@@Dezzy-e8b That would be awesome if you could share some videos of them and information
As a suburban boy who moved to the country, I have no use for an 8N but I want one. They look happy to be what they are!
Derek, 74 years old and still ready to work! Great revival of a machine built to last! Congrats!
2 VGG and a LGG video in the same week, Tractors and motor bikes, don’t get any better than that!!!
Cool to see the old tractor running again. There's just something awesome about old school tractors. No computers just simple
A guy has enjoyed so many of these videos he feels he needs to say; Thank You VGG!
The OG's remember the original Ford tractor vids.
here, here!!!
Dilly Dilly!
Same here
I always liked the gt500
@@wadewolf76 dang, the GT500 only seems like a year or so ago
I think I have seen this before, but it is so well worth watching Derek work on things! Next I am going to watch Derek and his wife that has spray-painted her jeep wrangler, can’t wait!
Those tractors helped feed the nation. Not just brush hog around the edges but plow disk plant and harvest. Good to see the old iron getting fixed up and put back to service ready.
I'm going to assume that Derek hasn't sat down to watch TV in eleventy niner million years, he probably doesn't even know how to work the remote cause he's never seen one. The guy is ALWAYS on the go, working his tail off, sun up to well after sun down. Much love and respect brother, you're a damn beast!
Sure he's seen a remote, it's the same as when he was growing up. It's the kids.
You got that right! That feller has a work ethic like no other!
he's said that himself lol. too busy to watch television or youtube. Honestly thats the way any feller should live. I do watch some youtube for this type of thing though
Probably, but back in the day, he was the remote 😂
At 62 I could still sit on a tractor and bushhog all day.
Ford 8N is my favorite tractor...drove one as a teenager...
The sheer joy when you fired that bad boy up had me feeling that excitement, too. Derek, you are one of my favorite humans. You really are a national treasure!
This was a GREAT day to be out there playing with tractors!! Thanks for taking me with you.
Btw your beard is taking on some color and just looking fantastic 👍
This might have been my most favorite episode yet. I grew up on a dairy farm and I spent many hours of my youth driving an 8n pulling hay wagons, operating a rake, driving the fence line, etc.
Hearing the old girl run brought back many memories.
Hi Derek, just wanted to say a BIG Thank You for your content. I just lost my Dad tonight and wanted to let you know that your videos have always brought back memories of my Dad and I working on vehicles together. When I watch a video with you and your sons I remember being just like your sons asking questions and peering over the hood just watching my Dad make a car run again, Then when he let me get more involved it just all came full circle when I lead the way replacing the motor in his '04 Silverado that we did as a father son project. Just like you he wasn't a digitals fan and that's where I came in after going to automotive school and understanding the "new age" vehicles 😂😂 He was the one watching over the hood asking questions! 😂😂
Sorry for the loss of your Dad. He's waiting for you now, so enjoy his memory and continue to make him proud of you, as a man and a father. Pass on what he taught you to the next generation, Brother!
Thank you Walter
So sorry for your loss, I empathize with you, My Dad and I had the same relationship and like you I am passing his knowledge onto my littlest humans I am responsible for…he is always with you..Just listen for him in your ear and you’ll hear him 👍
glad to see this tractor get new life
The reason I started watching VGG is cause I love the content. The reason I keep watching is because you consistently and sincerely express your appreciation. Thanks for keeping at this so hard and remaining a straight up good guy!
Yes!!! Tractor revivals are my favorite!!
My first tractor drive when I was 11 was my grandfather’s 8n. My brother would help him on his dairy farm in northern MN. We used it to pick rocks, rake hay and fix fence. Great tractor.
Crossover episode between Garage and Lodge? I'm here for it. Love seeing you get old stuff running and love seeing you working on the property.
At the 24:10 mark we hear a humble beautiful soul appreciating what he has built. We love you too Derek!
Personally Derek, I really enjoy the Tractor revivals! Maybe more than the old vintage car revivals ... nope, probably not. Anywho, I'm always impressed with your knowledge of vintage tractors and look forward to more tractor revivals!
Just keep being you!!
I have a ford 2000 and they are such good tractors. Ford 8n 9n and 600 all have proved to be great old tractors. Thanks again for your channel. Good people deserve great things.
This one took me back to my childhood! I'm 56 now, but That tractor is the exact one my dad trained me on! They will run forever with a lil bit of care! Love this one, Derek. Got a tear in my eye...made me really miss my dad. Big thumbs up from me! God bless you and yours!👍
Me too man. Im 51 and learned on one in Palouse Washington.
Throw a couple weight lifting plates on the front end and it will keep it down so you can steer without using the foot brakes for the back tires at least that’s what my dad did with our 8N so he could haul something a little bit heavier than what it was designed for. Great video showing a great tractor keep ‘em coming
Thanks for the continued entertainment.
I hope you and the family are doing well!
Those are the greatest tractors ever made, super simple, super reliable, easy to use and extremely forgiving. First tractor I ever learned to use
Oh wow, we have the same tractor with a bushhog. Back in the 50s my grandparents had a cherry orchard and my mom would hushhog it. Many years later the orchard is gone but my mom taught me how to operate it to bushhog the feild, i was initially scared but love it. Still use it to mow the feilds today
Derek, you sounded like Bob Ross during your “I know I’m blessed” moment 😂 took me back. Thank you Derek and family for all these amazing videos!
58 mins. and she runs! That, ladies and gentlemen, is United States of America manufacturing back when that meant something. Derek one of your best. Diagnostics at its best. I am a complete nincompoop when it comes to internal combustion engines but thanks to you and can begin to follow along pretty good.
Derek, that laugh when she fired up was priceless! Well done
Derek, thank you for taking the effort to put up videos! I am retired NAVY , these videos remind me to get off my butt and work on projects that i missed out on while serving . Much Love Brother!
When I was about six years old my daddy bought a house that had about 6 feet of weeds and growth and all that, the backyard was an Orchard in the City ! All kinda GOOD Fruit . Yep, he got a Bush Hog + ended up with a Wonderful Piece of Property 💕💪😎 , Thanks VGG+ Family!
Thank you Derek for the wonderful entertainment.
It really helps me cope with life more than you know. It really is like having a friend.
Oh look! A lumberyard!
My Grandfather had a 9n, rode around on that thing when I was a kid and mowed his field with it, I loved hearing the sound of that tractor again.
I needed a tractor. My father gave me his 1949 8N. A little Marvel Mystery Oil in the sparkalator holes and the compression came along, and just like that, best tractor ever. New tires and rattle can paint job and I could not be happier. I only wish she was a live PTO like the 53 and newer Fords. Loved this video. Even had to show the wife.
Very nice looking tractor, rescued 39 9n from field years ago for 800 bucks was great spraying tractor. Updraft carbs were cast iron so jets plug if it sits, put calcium in front tires to assist with heavy tools,
My uncle that I'm named after had one of these, I remember as a kid watching him do everything with that tractor. Just this month we purchased his old property and are moving there. Really wanting to get one of these to work that same land again just like he did.
Suggestion, raise the 3pt hitch so the front of the cutter isn’t dragging and digging. Also, engage the PTO at idle. It is less of a shock to the mower and the tractor. When cutting, up the RPMs to over 2000. I think you will find that the cutter can co what you need and it will be steerable because the cutter isn’t dragging. We had a Ford 600 which was their next generation. These are good machines and will get the job dove for you. We miss our old tractor. It was fun
That laugh you gave when it first started was so relatable. It is pure excitement!
Got my own 8N just recently, I'm doing a complete rebuild with all new parts from steiner tractor. I want my grandkids to be able to use it long after I'm gone.
Wow... My Uncle and I rebuilt his 8N about 15 years ago. Conversion to 12 volt.... Carb rebuilt. Rusty gas tank.... PTO seals.... Gauges... Good times with a great man!
Not many a folk know the feeling you get in your heart when your tractor that's been sitting for years starts up and purrs.
Wow!! You’re a busy man. You drove in the Indy 800, met with Tony Angelo and released a video all in the same night! You must have super human powers 😂😂
I was in Indy for the race tonight. Everyone around me was cheering for him more than anyone else in the field, and for good reason.
I mean he's probably got editors. And I mean no shame by saying that.
@@CaptainBlackBreada feller has too now days to compete.
He might keep few videos ahead of timeline show can't miss uploads
@@CaptainBlackBread pretty sure the wife does all the behind the scenes work which is definitely a major task.
Sure wish they would build stuff to last like that today. Always enjoy your videos and your unique style and vocabulary!
Eyyy this was released on a guys birthday! Must be a sign (I love these old tractors)!!! 🚜 love to everyone here !!
Love these tractor revivals! They bring back great memories of me and my grandpa.
Whoa feller! 2 videos in one week?! Thanks for all you do… we appreciate you more than you know.
preach! 🙏🙏 you said it man!!
and that other show rescuing rigs, there's two Dereks, he should clone himself......
I used to restore these Ford 8n tractors when I was growing up with my Dad one of the only things my old man let me participate in and I loved taking them from nothing to just beauty. Thank you
You're welcome! Some of us don't get a chance to enjoy the outdoors as you do. It's always a treat to watch you work on a tractor withe the sound of a Redwing blackbird in the background.
I heard it too, but only once at the end. If it was singing more than that, I'll just blame it on my old abused eardrums and..OOH, SQUIRREL!... my inattention.😁
This channel is great overall, but I love the way a guy gets as or more excited getting and old tractor running again than when you get most other cars going. Very nice rig.
Tornados in your area. I hope you, Jess, the boys and other family are safe and secure. Thoughts and prayers for my favorite feller.
Weird..Im having a late night my self
Now im learning how to restore a tractor il never own at 10pm. Thanks derek 👊 you're the man. Hands down
Your revival of old vehicles is quite gratifying. This tractor has been taken care of so it won't take much to bring it up to the level you want.
grandpa had the big blue brother, he kept the shared dirt road from the camps cleared in winter and graveled in summer. loved that tractor, years later, living on a farm i helped a fella restore a ford 900 from around that same era. loved that old gal and Tank taught me a lot that summer, basic traactor repair, welding, etc. we lost him youngish a few years later, was a damn shame.
anyway now im just rambling.
thanks Derek for bringing me back a peice. much obliged sir
Wondering if a feller talks to himself the whole time he's working when the camera isn't on. If so, I'm sure the cats are as entertained as we are. Great content as always. Thanks for all you do, Derek.
Your vids are so therapeutic for me. My old neighbor used to rebuild/refurbish these old work horses for fun! I thought he was a crazy old man and now I strive to be just like him!! If only I had know then what I know now!
Well what a co-inky-dink!
A guy was out in the boat shed messin round cleaning the carbs on the floaty thing and decided to see if the ole '48 8N thats also parked there would fire up....
Yep, thanks to a 12 volt conversion and a Pertronix Ignitor kit.
A guy can testify that those kits make life with a front mount distributer MUCH more gooder.
Then i come in, kick off the earth pounders, crack a cold snack, and find this vidja.
Shoulda had an Old Milwaukee, cause it doesnt get better than this!
Thanks for your hard work Derek.
Great video! My grandfather had old Ford 9N tracker that I would use to do work around my grandparents walnut orchard. What great memories your video back. Working with my grandfather hailing hay and working on old equipment like that tracker where some of the best times of my life.
My Dad had a Ford 8n back in the 70s. We had 8 acres. He cleared that property with that old tractor dragging trees and drilling out old stumps. Good memories.
We had one as a kid, it was my grandpa's. All that's left is the PTO driven cement mixer attachment. It's yours if you want it!
Derek, there should be an adjustment on the valve for the 3pt lift. It should not fall when the clutch is out as the pump is pressurizing the ram, it may leak but you can overcome the leak with the valve adjustment. I used to start my mower out of gear so you can get her spinning then throw it in gear and roll away.. also lets you get it off the ground first - the overdrive or breakaway on the PTO shaft will let you do this.
Love that old timey country music.
Another great video!
Was it tom t hall.
Derek and Conway, two timeless classics
Runs amazing . Feller loves watching ur shows with cold snack . Much loves from lethbridge Alberta canada 🙏🏼
A fellers evening is now complete. Another round of wobble pops. Thank you Derek, you've been busy with the posting this week, much appreciated. Wishing a great weekend for you and yours.
Another awesome Friday night! Whoohoo!
Great ride great review great scenery. Excellent review. I love the Gus man. Thanks for sharing.
Derek singlehandedly saving most of the classics left in the world for future generations.
What a great man, whom doesn't take life for granted. Freely shares wisdom
wow I loved watching you get the tractor running again. farm life seems so relaxing.
A feller sure appreciates a VGG video.
My grandpa used a 1941 ford 9n for mowing most of his property. Every time he was done, he’d come in and ask 3 year old me if I wanted to help him put it away. I’m getting around to fixing it up for him so we can keep mowing with it.
Im in NC, and got a 1952 ford 8n, was sitting, you gave me inspiration to fix it, and got it running and driving yesterday, thank you for the videos and always look forward to seeing new ones, your comedy, experience, and the way you talk through things makes it easy for others to learn stuff, i have a few VWs and look foward to see you do a vw at some point.
I have spent many hours on a tractor pulling a large mower like that and there is nothing like it, so calming and relaxing. 😊😊😊😊
In the mid '70's our neighbor bought one. All he used it for was clearing snow off the driveway. We lived in the suburbs.🚜
THIS is the CLASSIC style of VGG that I've enjoyed for many years! My dad had a '48 8N which forged many fond memories for me.
Normally, I would dislike a tractor on what I consider a car show, but you work so hard and provide such great content constantly. I really can't complain. Now please drive that tractor 500 miles back home. 😀
He has driven a tractor home on one of the older videos. Wasn't 500 miles but it took him a bit to make it to the barn. 😂😂
😮 😅 😂
Personally I wished more them branch out, cars get boring after a bit, it's nice to alternate every so often the tractors, compressors etc..