So fun fact about Asha, she is a Proto Worm God, her species were the Worm Gods before they were introduced to the Sword Logic by Rhulk, Asha escaped and its hinted that she traveled and swam through the Ascendant Plane and ended up on Titan after a while
Not only that but before humanity even found the Traveler. She grew up watching us evolve and grow as a civilization, and when the colonists of Titan's arcologies discovered her she was friendly and gentle with them!
1:02:00 Kelgorath was guarding one of the warmind locations in Seraph as a Hive Knight. He's got his own storyline. Basically Starscream of the Destiny universe.
Not only that, he got promoted when we killed him in the start of Lost, then was confirmed to be ascendant when he came back for the Ager's Scepter Quest. Then shows up in Seraph later.
42:23 IIRC the working theory everyone is going with is that as he fell toward saturn, his body got caught in Titan's gravity and pulled into the moon as it orbited saturn
Of all the takes of that line that were possibly recorded for that one, specific moment, *that's* really the one the writer, director, or engineer went with?....
So, about Kelgorath: he has indeed appeared before. He was in the first mission of Season Of The Lost, the Ager’s Scepter Exotic Mission in Season Of The Lost, the final mission of Season Of The Lost, he was then reborn as a Darkblade Knight in Season Of The Seraph, and has now returned in Season Of The Deep as a Taken Knight.
MSund12 was referenced at least as far back as the red war. At the ending of the insight terminus strike, one of the possible closing dialogues mentions that username as one that previously accessed data in that terminus
Maya Sundaresh and Chioma Esi go all the way back to D1 lore, though I'm not sure if they're ever mentioned in-game (possibly in some Ghost dialog during Venus missions). Maya also appears quite a bit in the Clovis Bray logs from Beyond Light lore, and is mentioned in the Spire of the Watcher dungeon (or at least its lore) and the Winterbite quest. Nimbus also talks about her a little during one of the Partition missions.
About Maya Sundaresha and where you might've heard of her before: Iirc, Maya Sundaresh was first introduced in Grimoire cards in Destiny 1. She was part of the team that was caught up in a Vex radiolaria experiment and found out they could simulate almost anything in basically realtime. There is a card that showed what happened when she figured out the Vex unit had no less than 113 active simulations of her AND her team. Simultaneously. The trippy part? The Vex unit they were experimented on was a basic Goblin. Eventually, a few of the simulated Mayas agreed to go into the Vex network and find out what goes on in there.
37:18 "Aiat" is a Hive term that kind of means "it is so" or "it is true". Hive who love each other will end their conversations with it. And the type of Hive Incantation that is intended to erode the fabric of reality between what the caster wishes and the physical truth opposing it will also conclude with it. 2:03:59 There's also a forked copy of Maya from using the vex future sight machine, and a Vexmind Simulation of Maya that infected Clovis Bray when he was alive and tormented him nonstop until he did the thing with the AI and the Exo, although we aren't completely sure what happened to that Vex Simulation. How long did Chioma live? I'm not sure, but I remember that Golden Age Humans could live to like 300 and still be pretty active and healthy. Who knows how Chioma might have extended their lifespan beyond that given Neomuna and Ishtar technology.
"Long-girl" explanation: Way back in the early days of D2 when Titan still existed as a destination in the game, there was a place very deep in the New Pacific Arcology that a couple missions sent you to (including Cayde's Will) and could also be reached by travelling out of bounds. This area had windows to the murky methane sea, and if you hung out there long enough, you could see the shadowy silhouette if a sea serpent swimming past. The community dubbed it "the long-boi in the deep" and speculated about its species and origin for years. Bungie loves making community memes canon, so now that we know the "long-boi" is Ahsa, Drifter refers to her as "the long-girl" and the name appears to have stuck. Speaking of memes, there's one point in a D1 cutscene where Zavala intones "indeed" with such excessive gravitas it quickly became a meme as well. "Indeed" is basically synonymous with Zavala, and so of course Bungie got in on the joke by not only giving him that line as often as humanly possible but also making other references to it. During a strike, Caiatl says "indeed" in a very Zavala-esque way, highlighting her as the Cabal equivalent of Zavala as well as the [platonic] chemistry she and Zavala have with each other. Sloane, surprisingly, shows up all the way back in D1 lore, as one of the Guardians in the battle of Twilight Gap. You can also see her in the background of a Twilight Gap flashback in one of the Destiny comic books (yes, those exist, and yes, they're canon). She was also a close friend and mentor to the legendary Trials of Osiris fireteam: Shayura, Aisha, and Reed-7. Reed-7 was the Guardian we saw get sliced up by the Witness in the Lightfall intro cutscene, and when Aisha breaks the news to Sloane after Titan's return (per the lore tab from the Season of the Deep Trials of Osiris sparrow), it comes as a double blow alongside Amanda's death.
Xivu voice actor is played by Kimberly Brooks she absolutely destroys the voice of Xivu. She nails the voice and emotions especially about losing Oryx and now being the last hive sibling to still have her worm. Kimberly brooks is the same VA as Ashley in the Mass effect series. So shes refined and veteran VA in the industry but man she was such a perfect choice to voice Xivu. Also i just notice that the guardian player your reacting to is dribbling baby eliksni as if it was a basketball at 41:20.
To answer your question about how long the planets were gone: Mars was gone for about a year, and Titan was gone for just over 2. Io and Mercury have yet to reappear, but can be seen amongst the planets in the planets encounter of Root of Nightmares.
@terabellum it's unclear whether or not they're the actual planets or just copies, but since Mars appeared amongst the collection in the final cutscene of the Witch Queen (time rifts and all) I would lean towards them being highly-detailed "miniatures," so to speak. The purpose of the planet room was to study planets the Witness had collected for information, which is what the Explicator boss was doing - he was studying formerly-Cabal worlds the Witness had taken for some unknown purpose. The last four weeks' TWIDs have some lore about all the Pantheom bosses, if you haven't checked them out already.
@@grizzlybehr1902 Titan reappeared months after that raid. Its reappearance has not ever been stated to have been linked to anything we did in that encounter to my knowledge, unless you can provide a source to the contrary.
A lot of people are saying that Oryx's body just naturally crashed into Titan, but that's not accurate. When the planets and moons were taken just before Beyond Light, Oryx's body was still floating in orbit around Saturn. The capture of Titan happened amid a massive gravitational anomaly that _also_ swallowed up Oryx's corpse and teleported the research ship watching it to the opposite side of the planet. Oryx's corpse got fused with Titan _as a direct result_ of the Witness capturing it.
To answer your question of how Oryx's body got to Titan & what The Final Shape is: firstly when the Witness took Titan (moon of Saturn) it left an anomoly & altered Oryxs trajectory. & The Final Shape is existence w/o unpredictable chaos since the Witness sees Light as chaos, essentially an eternal "perfect" reality of the Witness's design, as Ahsa says "they found the means to carve away the chaos of existence & calcify it into a Final Shape, eternal & perfected."
Also Oryx' Dreadnaught, which was his inside-out Throne World, was parked in Saturn's Rings so it already wasn't that far from Titan when we kicked him out the window in King's Fall.
1:04:50 if you want more history on the Drifter, including the period of time he called himself "Germaine" and some of the reasons he despises the Iron Lords, read his backstory in the lore book A Man With No Name.
When you play Season of the Wish be careful, the season finale is available even before finishing the rest of the quests. Avoid Veiled Threats and Closer to the Heart mission
Back on venus, the Ishtar Collective managed to isolate a single vex goblin from the rest of vex. When they hooked it up to equipment to analyze it, they found that single goblin had enough processing power ro simulate hundreds of possible futures of just their team. Made them wonder if the researchers themselves were simulations. So they brought in Rasputin to observe as well, to overload the predictions so that the team knew they were real. The real team managed to contact the simulated teams and convey what happened. The simulated teams then broke away from the predictions and are now digital signals traversing the vex net. So there are several dozen Mayas and Chiomas out there, and that what she was wanting to find, a Maya that hadnt yet gone through obsessions, inside the vex net.
The alien artifact Chioma Esi talked about is the artifact on the moon. It's in the center of the crucible map called "The Anomaly". It is the subject of the K1 lore.
Such a narrative burst with the witness reveal! Concerning veil containment info and MSund12, I highly recommend going back to parse through some of the lore on Ishtar collective regarding (ironically) the Ishtar research team’s experiences on Venus. I also highly recommend you play “The Insight Terminus” strike on Nessus more than a couple times, and listen to the ending dialogue :)
Kelgorath is indeed a familiar name! If you go back and look, he is in Season of the lost, a knight you fought in the starting mission of that season, Kelgorath, Risen from Bones You kill him, and he is brought back stronger by Xivu arath. You actually fight him again in the mission where you get Ager’s Scepter; he is the knight who breaks into the vault, and he is much larger than before. Lastly, in the season’s climax, you fight him as the a huge knight that arrives to interrupt the exorcism of Savathûn’s worm. He makes a return in Season of the Seraph, as Kelgorath, Darkblade. (See the “Judgement of Kelgorath” glaive lore tab for details) Lastly, after so many failures, he offers himself up to be taken, which Xivu takes him up on. (See weapon lore tab “A Distant Pull”) Most others make fun of him because of his failures, but Kelgorath is my Beloved. If the world is against him I will oppose the world
To clarify this for you, at 42:10 you ask how did Oryx's body end up on Titan if when he died her ragdolled towards Saturn. Well, Titan is the biggest moon of Saturn, bigger than ours, and even bigger than Mercury. Also, at 54:37, I like to imagine Saint on his desk, talking close to the mic only for him to lean back with his arms in the air while laughing, only to go back close to the mic to say goodbye to Saladin. Saint's a treasure, and I would do anything to protect that man.
Hey Terra, just wanna say as I've been following your journey, i've been VERY impressed by your ability to recall story moments, big and small to help put together the main picture. Playing it so spread out really makes you forget how it really feels like one overarching narrative. Its definitely not perfect, but your playthrough and passion has really given me a fresh look at these expansion, free of bungies drip fed delivery. Its been a great honor watching you advance through Destinys dense and messy story. Thank you and I so very much look forward to continuing your (and mine, eventually) journey alongside you!
Re: Ghosts of the Deep - The event Xivu was referencing here she “had a blade at our throat and we slipped past her guard” was Rasputin’s sacrifice in Seraph. She nearly had the means to conquer Earth then, but couldn’t. Also, Titan is a moon of Saturn, so yeah. Oryx’s body was in Saturn’s orbit. Re: Kelgorath - Yes, we’ve seen that name before. He was in Season of the Lost AND Season of the Seraph, as a Hive, working under Xivu Arath. Now he’s Taken. Some people think he’s gonna be the new Taken King soon.
The Gardener and Winnower were first presented to us in Shadowkeep. We had weekly messages that were presented through a creation myth of the universe. The Witness believes The Traveler is this Gardener, and that by merging their civilization they became The Winnower (or an avatar of it)
@@terabellum He also has a weapon named after him; Kelgorath's Judgement. As a funny community tidbit, Kelgorath has appeared as a reoccuring boss so many times that he's become a bit of a joke. He's the embodiment of the "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man" meme.
1:01:51 just so you're aware, we killed Kelgorath thrice in Season of the Lost, once in Season of the Seraph, and again here in Deep. So don't be surprised if we see him again
Titan is one of Saturns moons. It’s actually quite interesting irl, one of the systems largest moons, think atmosphere and most interestingly the only body other then earth with surface liquid.
Love to see that you are watching esoterrick playthough. He is literally the guardian that everyone strives to be. Been watching him solo grandmasters for years.
The whole thing about what two entities used to be one, it's the traveler and the veil. They are separated pieces that used to be one whole. Also Ahsas species are proto worm gods!
So in Root of Nightmares. The control room for taking the planets(The Witness Cutscene end of The Witch Queen) is an encounter. We relinquish control of it(not sure exactly what it did). I assume it may have weakened the technology used to hi-jack the planets, at least in this instance.
42:07 Im pretty sure that Titan is one of Saturns many moons (like europa) maybe he was caught in orbit and slung out onto the seas of titan which was probably at the correct alignment at the time
42:20 Titan is a moon of saturn, it likely caught him on his way down sidenote, this video did ghosts of the deep dirty. Best dungeon in the game IMO, though the traversal section is too long. The reveal of Oryx's body is crazy when you see it for the first time
Exo Minds can be broken down into two parts. The “self” and The Memories. When an Exo is reset it’s only the memories that are reset, the basic mind is untouched, and can make new memories in a new life. The Veil however was completely wiping ALL data in the Exo body, reducing them to empty shells.
Hey Terra! I don’t usually write a comment until I’ve finished the video, but I just wanted to say that if you haven’t finished recording for Season of the Wish yet, I **highly** recommend reading the lore tab on the exotic ship you get for completing it. No spoilers on any of the details surrounding it though!
With the reveal of the Witness's origin, makes u look at the certain humanoid statues on the Pyramids differently, u can hear some of them screaming. Also if u want a deeper understanding of the Witness, I suggest reading the Unveiling, Inspiral, & Entelechy lore. (Unveiling is from Shadowkeep although that one is a Parable that we dont know to be 100% true or not in areas, Inspiral from Root of Nightmares, & Entelechy is from The Final Shapes collectors edition so u might have to Google for the last one)
@@ArvindRajAgnosticAtheist it's still related to the Witness as it gave it to us aswell features its iconography on the cover & other things. & the Winnower debate is something we entirely don't know to be true or not
So tiny clarification, we knew Savathun messed with the Witness's plans all the way back in witch queen, which prevented humanity's extinction. In root of nightmares Nezerac says she stole the veil from the Witness and hid it. Probably on Neptune because of the "magnetic storms" or whatever that the lore books talk about that make Neptune almost impossible to scan. Now weather she put it there just a hiding place or for a specific reason, we don't quite know yet. Also I'd HIGHLY suggest reading the lore entry on a ship called "Akashic Revelation" you get it from the season of the deep reward track in the helm, and you dont need to own the ship to read it. The lore entry describes what the guardian who tried to go through the portal before getting crushed. While not critical lore it kinda starts to frame whats going on with the portal and what the witness did, and whats up with veil and all its "memory and physic" stuff covered in the Logs Also I love what they did with Xivu's character. Like Savathun said back in Lost, Xivu is terrified of being alone, the last sibling. And the dialog she gets during the season you can tell shes still in full on "god of war" mode. But the memories in the dungeon show the cracks, she watched her brother, who she very clearly idolized, get cut down and no body take his place, effectively spitting on their beliefs. She watched her sister betray her and the Witness and go to the light. And shes watched us time and time again, beat back her forces. All causing her beliefs to weaken a bit, but you can tell she also knows shes in too deep, where Savathun, nopped out and started a plan to move away from the Witness ages ago. Xivu is maybe stating to think that now but has no good way out and is in the head space of "this all has to be worth it.....right?" Like believing something for literally thousands of years, only to see keep unraveling, and despite everything she still just wants to be with her family. I'll also say with no spoilers, they arn't done with her character she will be popping up again soon.
This is D1 lore, in the Golden Age the Ishtar researchers discovered copies of themselves while studying a Vex unit. With the help of Raputin they released around 250 copies of each researcher in the Vex Network. MSund-12 is most likely one of those copies
Joxer, the guy that went into the portal and got fused with the ship, has been a guardian known in lore for quite some time. he really didn't deserve this Also Sloane was lost 2 and a half years. The real time of Destiny the game is also in the game itself. A year of time in our world is the same as in the game
One lore book you may want to check out, possibly even worth a short video, is called "Unveiling". It was revealed to us back at the end of Shadowkeep, and represents the first ever "contact" between us and the Voice in the Darkness...
Something to mention in case you haven't seen it, you mentioned Vow of the Disciple where that symbol was shown, there's a kind of secret room you can find in the raid where it has a wall full of those symbols, I won't spoil what it says too much but it's supposed to be some kind of prophecy and ends on kind of a cliffhanger. It uses the symbols from the raid since they all have names and words attached to them. Highly recommend you take a look at it if you haven't! It's VERY interesting and supposed to give us SOME kind of hint for The Final Shape, and as you can guess none of it is very good. Feel free to ask your circle about it just to be safe, it's called the Vow of the Disciple prophecy wall, they'll let you know if it's worth knowing about :)
One thing that I don't think was ever mentioned in the story until next season. Is that Ashia is a proto WyrmGod. Rhulk and the Witness's original puppets to bait and pursued the Krill into becoming the Hive
Something you should know about Ghosts or the Deep. Throughout the dungeon, these are like memoirs of Xivu Arath scattered throughout it. Also know the bosses in this dungeon were former Hive Bosses turned into Lightbearers. Ecthar was the Blade of Oryx. You see him in the cinematic cutscene of the Talen Ling, talking to Oryx. That’s him. Simmumah was a boss in the old Nokris strike during Warmind. She was of his brood before we killed her and she was reborn.
something cool to note, oryx isnt dead, we just knocked him out so when they are trying to bring him back with a hive ghost its not working because he is alseep, maybe he will return
This is an interesting speculation but there is no evidence supporting it in the lore. Everything we know about Oryx says that he is fully dead (apart from whatever scrap of his will still exists in the Touch of Malice weapon).
Kelgorath is the Hive's resident loser. He abandoned Savathun and pledged himself to Xivu Arath. Ever since, he's faced failure after failure, thanks to us, and has been altered/punished more severely each time.
Just as a heads up from that winterbite quest: the Spire of the Watcher dungeon that has you go into the golden age pillory bunker was made to mainly house a prediction AI so powerful that even the vex would have had a hard time rivaling it. It predicted the collapse and warned Rasputin, who told it to send out an alert for every colony ship to launch an RUN. Clovis didn't like this and trapped the AI, destroyed all but one of the colony ships which the AI was partially able to escape to. That colony ship eventually became Neomuna, and the half of the AI that escaped on the colony ship got merged with the vexnet. The other half of it can be found in the exotic bow from the dungeon.
next season is very cool yeah , and I don't want you to miss this specific lore entry so I just gonna tell you to check out in advance : AFTER you finish the next season story , check out the lore entry name Proportionality of the book Rites of Passage . You won't be disappointed
The first episode after the final shape is called echoes and has a vex on the cover. Getting caught up on the vex, praedyth, and the Ishtar researchers may be useful
Xivu arath talks about the season of the seraph when she mentions slipping past her guard. She had us in a lose lose situation. But because we held off and Rasputin sacrificed himself to save the travaller we avoided her deathblow
Terra, believe or not in the Winterbite quest, it reveals that a Vex Mind runs the CloudArk. The quest was to rescue it from vex that sought to kill it. When you defeat them, the mind sends you that message before going dormant again
The vex simulated Maya sundersesh. They used there vex powers to simulate them on Venus. It was only through Rasputin power that they were freed from the simulation. In the strike on Nessus the strike you hunt the psion at the end you receive a message from MSUND12
Alrighty I finally finished the video proper! Man. Season of the Titans, I mean er, Deep. Between the Veil Containment logs and the main story there were a lot of revelations and I loved every minute of it. I think someone else mentioned it as well, but it bears repeating. Asha is *technically* the same species as the worm gods, just prior to their corruption/recruitment to the Witness I think. She’s described as a “proto-worm” in the lore. Chioma Esi and Maya Sundaresh are actually really old figures in the lore. They’ve been around since the very beginning of the franchise as Ishtar Collective researches. It’s interesting to see their journey conclude here, even if it is pretty tragic in some senses. But there are other Mayas and Chiomas out there in the universe/vex net who are still together, so at least there’s that. The last HELM radio message with Zavala and Sloane is the last time we hear Lance Reddick voice the character. I’m still really sad he isn’t here to see his character through to the end, but as far as conclusions go, this is a pretty good one I think. It’s a good note to end on, all things considered. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on the last two seasons, and especially Final Shape since you’re going in blind.
Oryx's Dreadnaught orbits Saturn right inside of its rings, and Titan is one of Saturn's moons. After we killed Oryx his lifeless body floats off and crashes deep into Titan's methane sea.
The Titan is Joxer, a former Crucible legend Drifter recruited to smuggle weapons for Gambit and beta-test Gambit Prime. His whole team got killed by a Primeval - all final deaths - and he basically quit after that. It's a shame this gruesome death is the first we've heard about him in years.
I can’t wait for you to catch up and to experience The Final Shape when it’s out but I hope you’ll be able to avoid spoilers. I’ve gotten spoiled on Lightfall before i got a chance to play it 😅
As for the questions about Maya Sunderesh, yes, she worked with Clovis Bray for a long time and eventually left once he started his most controversial experiments started, she is related to the Spire of the Watcher raid, and she's the one who wiped out several archives from Bray's library as means to hide her tracks and the findings Clovis could potentially weaponize. He also deleted all of her access and a lot of her stuff bc he was bitter she told him he was a jerk to his face.
They didn't show it in the cutscenes or dialog but Ahsa is a so called Proto-Worm, the original form of the Worm-God's of the Hive Before the Witness came to corrupt the Hive, it first came for the Proto-Worms, Rhulk dove down into the seas of Fundement, beat the Leviathan and then took the mother of the Worms and corrupted them in the Witnesses name, Ahsa was the only one that didn't give in and was forced to flee from her home and people because she was being hunted by the Witness across the Stars, that's why the Witness came for Titan when the Blackfleet attacked and took a bunch of Planets, it tried to finish the hunt for Ahsa Ahsa luckly manged to fight off the Taken thil Titan came back, shortly before that Sloane and Ahsa met and teamed up
It's explained in the lore of the season but I guess it's not mentioned in the dialogue, Ahsa is the same race as the Leviathan from the Book of Sorrows, and the Worm Gods are the same, but corrupted
Sloane,Zavalla,saint,and Saladin talk about titans on titan am I right lol. I believe the planets where also gone for about 2 years and a couple months so from right before beyond light all the way to after light fall. We also are still missing IO and Mercury so no Vance but we did get a lot of Asher in defiance but maybe if we get IO back we could save him somehow
I take it you've never played Gambit? The Derelict is the drifters ship, also gambit pre game area, and beginning of prophecy. Also, I dont think anyone really knows what that thing is tnh lol
My partner forced me to play Gambit back in 2022 when we were trying to get into the game. It was neat but I don't like pvp and suppressed that time in my memory 😂
Chioma and Mya are wives. It was mentioned in the very first log we heard from Chioma Also, MSund12 is one of Maya’s copies in the vex network. … you have so many lore videos to watch. I wish you luck lol
i dont know how correct this info is and or if its a spoiler buth i heard somewhere that the statue is supposed to represent the final shape traveller (the person) the veil (the blanket or whatever it is covering it)
So fun fact about Asha, she is a Proto Worm God, her species were the Worm Gods before they were introduced to the Sword Logic by Rhulk, Asha escaped and its hinted that she traveled and swam through the Ascendant Plane and ended up on Titan after a while
Not only that but before humanity even found the Traveler. She grew up watching us evolve and grow as a civilization, and when the colonists of Titan's arcologies discovered her she was friendly and gentle with them!
@@merilynnshark6144 that's so cute! And her first name by Drifter was "The long boy in the soup"
1:02:00 Kelgorath was guarding one of the warmind locations in Seraph as a Hive Knight. He's got his own storyline. Basically Starscream of the Destiny universe.
I'd say more the Taniks of the Hive, he always comes back.
He’s the new punching bag.
@@beckhornig7910 having a strike boss "Kelgorath and Taniks, Final Shape" and it be a fused monstruosity of them both lol
Not only that, he got promoted when we killed him in the start of Lost, then was confirmed to be ascendant when he came back for the Ager's Scepter Quest. Then shows up in Seraph later.
42:23 IIRC the working theory everyone is going with is that as he fell toward saturn, his body got caught in Titan's gravity and pulled into the moon as it orbited saturn
Gravitational slingshot
It was said that the witness left a gravitational anomaly on Titan, so it makes sense
“Nooo” from Saladin will always get me 🤭 man really yelled in lower case
@@eranronen573 I gotcha 5:09
That’s been a soundboard in my server since this season released
SAME MAN. He sounds like a rebellious teen 😅
Of all the takes of that line that were possibly recorded for that one, specific moment, *that's* really the one the writer, director, or engineer went with?....
So, about Kelgorath: he has indeed appeared before. He was in the first mission of Season Of The Lost, the Ager’s Scepter Exotic Mission in Season Of The Lost, the final mission of Season Of The Lost, he was then reborn as a Darkblade Knight in Season Of The Seraph, and has now returned in Season Of The Deep as a Taken Knight.
MSund12 was referenced at least as far back as the red war. At the ending of the insight terminus strike, one of the possible closing dialogues mentions that username as one that previously accessed data in that terminus
Maya Sundaresh and Chioma Esi go all the way back to D1 lore, though I'm not sure if they're ever mentioned in-game (possibly in some Ghost dialog during Venus missions).
Maya also appears quite a bit in the Clovis Bray logs from Beyond Light lore, and is mentioned in the Spire of the Watcher dungeon (or at least its lore) and the Winterbite quest. Nimbus also talks about her a little during one of the Partition missions.
About Maya Sundaresha and where you might've heard of her before:
Iirc, Maya Sundaresh was first introduced in Grimoire cards in Destiny 1. She was part of the team that was caught up in a Vex radiolaria experiment and found out they could simulate almost anything in basically realtime. There is a card that showed what happened when she figured out the Vex unit had no less than 113 active simulations of her AND her team. Simultaneously. The trippy part? The Vex unit they were experimented on was a basic Goblin.
Eventually, a few of the simulated Mayas agreed to go into the Vex network and find out what goes on in there.
37:18 "Aiat" is a Hive term that kind of means "it is so" or "it is true". Hive who love each other will end their conversations with it. And the type of Hive Incantation that is intended to erode the fabric of reality between what the caster wishes and the physical truth opposing it will also conclude with it.
2:03:59 There's also a forked copy of Maya from using the vex future sight machine, and a Vexmind Simulation of Maya that infected Clovis Bray when he was alive and tormented him nonstop until he did the thing with the AI and the Exo, although we aren't completely sure what happened to that Vex Simulation.
How long did Chioma live? I'm not sure, but I remember that Golden Age Humans could live to like 300 and still be pretty active and healthy. Who knows how Chioma might have extended their lifespan beyond that given Neomuna and Ishtar technology.
"Long-girl" explanation: Way back in the early days of D2 when Titan still existed as a destination in the game, there was a place very deep in the New Pacific Arcology that a couple missions sent you to (including Cayde's Will) and could also be reached by travelling out of bounds. This area had windows to the murky methane sea, and if you hung out there long enough, you could see the shadowy silhouette if a sea serpent swimming past. The community dubbed it "the long-boi in the deep" and speculated about its species and origin for years. Bungie loves making community memes canon, so now that we know the "long-boi" is Ahsa, Drifter refers to her as "the long-girl" and the name appears to have stuck.
Speaking of memes, there's one point in a D1 cutscene where Zavala intones "indeed" with such excessive gravitas it quickly became a meme as well. "Indeed" is basically synonymous with Zavala, and so of course Bungie got in on the joke by not only giving him that line as often as humanly possible but also making other references to it. During a strike, Caiatl says "indeed" in a very Zavala-esque way, highlighting her as the Cabal equivalent of Zavala as well as the [platonic] chemistry she and Zavala have with each other.
Sloane, surprisingly, shows up all the way back in D1 lore, as one of the Guardians in the battle of Twilight Gap. You can also see her in the background of a Twilight Gap flashback in one of the Destiny comic books (yes, those exist, and yes, they're canon).
She was also a close friend and mentor to the legendary Trials of Osiris fireteam: Shayura, Aisha, and Reed-7. Reed-7 was the Guardian we saw get sliced up by the Witness in the Lightfall intro cutscene, and when Aisha breaks the news to Sloane after Titan's return (per the lore tab from the Season of the Deep Trials of Osiris sparrow), it comes as a double blow alongside Amanda's death.
Xivu voice actor is played by Kimberly Brooks she absolutely destroys the voice of Xivu. She nails the voice and emotions especially about losing Oryx and now being the last hive sibling to still have her worm. Kimberly brooks is the same VA as Ashley in the Mass effect series. So shes refined and veteran VA in the industry but man she was such a perfect choice to voice Xivu. Also i just notice that the guardian player your reacting to is dribbling baby eliksni as if it was a basketball at 41:20.
To answer your question about how long the planets were gone: Mars was gone for about a year, and Titan was gone for just over 2. Io and Mercury have yet to reappear, but can be seen amongst the planets in the planets encounter of Root of Nightmares.
WAIT THOSE WERE ACTUALLY THE PLANETS IN RON?! I just thought they were pretty facsimiles of them lol
@@terabellumMercury, Io, & (Titan I think?) are the 3 planets in the center of the room
@terabellum it's unclear whether or not they're the actual planets or just copies, but since Mars appeared amongst the collection in the final cutscene of the Witch Queen (time rifts and all) I would lean towards them being highly-detailed "miniatures," so to speak. The purpose of the planet room was to study planets the Witness had collected for information, which is what the Explicator boss was doing - he was studying formerly-Cabal worlds the Witness had taken for some unknown purpose. The last four weeks' TWIDs have some lore about all the Pantheom bosses, if you haven't checked them out already.
Yeah I thought that yellow one in the middle looked like Io
@@grizzlybehr1902 Titan reappeared months after that raid. Its reappearance has not ever been stated to have been linked to anything we did in that encounter to my knowledge, unless you can provide a source to the contrary.
A lot of people are saying that Oryx's body just naturally crashed into Titan, but that's not accurate. When the planets and moons were taken just before Beyond Light, Oryx's body was still floating in orbit around Saturn. The capture of Titan happened amid a massive gravitational anomaly that _also_ swallowed up Oryx's corpse and teleported the research ship watching it to the opposite side of the planet. Oryx's corpse got fused with Titan _as a direct result_ of the Witness capturing it.
To answer your question of how Oryx's body got to Titan & what The Final Shape is: firstly when the Witness took Titan (moon of Saturn) it left an anomoly & altered Oryxs trajectory. & The Final Shape is existence w/o unpredictable chaos since the Witness sees Light as chaos, essentially an eternal "perfect" reality of the Witness's design, as Ahsa says "they found the means to carve away the chaos of existence & calcify it into a Final Shape, eternal & perfected."
Also Oryx' Dreadnaught, which was his inside-out Throne World, was parked in Saturn's Rings so it already wasn't that far from Titan when we kicked him out the window in King's Fall.
1:12:47 I mean, they were introduced in the first log as Chioma Esi and her WIFE Maya Sundaresh
1:04:50 if you want more history on the Drifter, including the period of time he called himself "Germaine" and some of the reasons he despises the Iron Lords, read his backstory in the lore book A Man With No Name.
When you play Season of the Wish be careful, the season finale is available even before finishing the rest of the quests. Avoid Veiled Threats and Closer to the Heart mission
Oh my god I was literally about to start recording my game play. THANK YOU for this warning!
@@terabellum LOL close call hahaha. Veiled Threats and Closer to The Heart are the VERY END of the story right before Final Shape, so play them last!!
Back on venus, the Ishtar Collective managed to isolate a single vex goblin from the rest of vex. When they hooked it up to equipment to analyze it, they found that single goblin had enough processing power ro simulate hundreds of possible futures of just their team. Made them wonder if the researchers themselves were simulations. So they brought in Rasputin to observe as well, to overload the predictions so that the team knew they were real. The real team managed to contact the simulated teams and convey what happened. The simulated teams then broke away from the predictions and are now digital signals traversing the vex net. So there are several dozen Mayas and Chiomas out there, and that what she was wanting to find, a Maya that hadnt yet gone through obsessions, inside the vex net.
The alien artifact Chioma Esi talked about is the artifact on the moon. It's in the center of the crucible map called "The Anomaly".
It is the subject of the K1 lore.
This deserves more upvotes.
1:15:40 - for more of Drifter's backstory outside the solar system, read the lore tabs from the Warlock version of the Ancient Apocalypse armor set.
Such a narrative burst with the witness reveal!
Concerning veil containment info and MSund12, I highly recommend going back to parse through some of the lore on Ishtar collective regarding (ironically) the Ishtar research team’s experiences on Venus.
I also highly recommend you play “The Insight Terminus” strike on Nessus more than a couple times, and listen to the ending dialogue :)
Kelgorath is indeed a familiar name!
If you go back and look, he is in Season of the lost, a knight you fought in the starting mission of that season, Kelgorath, Risen from Bones
You kill him, and he is brought back stronger by Xivu arath. You actually fight him again in the mission where you get Ager’s Scepter; he is the knight who breaks into the vault, and he is much larger than before.
Lastly, in the season’s climax, you fight him as the a huge knight that arrives to interrupt the exorcism of Savathûn’s worm.
He makes a return in Season of the Seraph, as Kelgorath, Darkblade.
(See the “Judgement of Kelgorath” glaive lore tab for details)
Lastly, after so many failures, he offers himself up to be taken, which Xivu takes him up on.
(See weapon lore tab “A Distant Pull”)
Most others make fun of him because of his failures, but Kelgorath is my Beloved. If the world is against him I will oppose the world
To clarify this for you, at 42:10 you ask how did Oryx's body end up on Titan if when he died her ragdolled towards Saturn.
Well, Titan is the biggest moon of Saturn, bigger than ours, and even bigger than Mercury.
Also, at 54:37, I like to imagine Saint on his desk, talking close to the mic only for him to lean back with his arms in the air while laughing, only to go back close to the mic to say goodbye to Saladin. Saint's a treasure, and I would do anything to protect that man.
Titan is also pretty far from where the dreadnought is orbiting, but the next best explanation is gravity assists from the innermost moons
25:47 this Savathun revelation is actually revealed in the Root of Nightmares raid, and a random dialogue during patrol first
Hey Terra, just wanna say as I've been following your journey, i've been VERY impressed by your ability to recall story moments, big and small to help put together the main picture. Playing it so spread out really makes you forget how it really feels like one overarching narrative. Its definitely not perfect, but your playthrough and passion has really given me a fresh look at these expansion, free of bungies drip fed delivery. Its been a great honor watching you advance through Destinys dense and messy story. Thank you and I so very much look forward to continuing your (and mine, eventually) journey alongside you!
Re: Ghosts of the Deep -
The event Xivu was referencing here she “had a blade at our throat and we slipped past her guard” was Rasputin’s sacrifice in Seraph. She nearly had the means to conquer Earth then, but couldn’t.
Also, Titan is a moon of Saturn, so yeah. Oryx’s body was in Saturn’s orbit.
Re: Kelgorath -
Yes, we’ve seen that name before. He was in Season of the Lost AND Season of the Seraph, as a Hive, working under Xivu Arath. Now he’s Taken. Some people think he’s gonna be the new Taken King soon.
The Gardener and Winnower were first presented to us in Shadowkeep. We had weekly messages that were presented through a creation myth of the universe. The Witness believes The Traveler is this Gardener, and that by merging their civilization they became The Winnower (or an avatar of it)
Kelgorath was the final boss in the season of the lost but he was revived by xivu multiple times
THANK YOU! I could not figure out why that name was ringing a bell.
@@terabellum He was also in season of the seraph as the boss of the mars strike
@@terabellum He also has a weapon named after him; Kelgorath's Judgement. As a funny community tidbit, Kelgorath has appeared as a reoccuring boss so many times that he's become a bit of a joke. He's the embodiment of the "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man" meme.
26:00 Both Sov twins have said it. It was Uldren's last words, and Mara says it right after the Savathun/Osiris reveal.
1:01:51 just so you're aware, we killed Kelgorath thrice in Season of the Lost, once in Season of the Seraph, and again here in Deep. So don't be surprised if we see him again
Titan is one of Saturns moons. It’s actually quite interesting irl, one of the systems largest moons, think atmosphere and most interestingly the only body other then earth with surface liquid.
Basically Oryx floated all the way to Titan because it’s one of Saturns Moons.❤️👍
Love to see that you are watching esoterrick playthough. He is literally the guardian that everyone strives to be. Been watching him solo grandmasters for years.
The whole thing about what two entities used to be one, it's the traveler and the veil. They are separated pieces that used to be one whole.
Also Ahsas species are proto worm gods!
So in Root of Nightmares. The control room for taking the planets(The Witness Cutscene end of The Witch Queen) is an encounter. We relinquish control of it(not sure exactly what it did). I assume it may have weakened the technology used to hi-jack the planets, at least in this instance.
42:07 Im pretty sure that Titan is one of Saturns many moons (like europa) maybe he was caught in orbit and slung out onto the seas of titan which was probably at the correct alignment at the time
42:20 Titan is a moon of saturn, it likely caught him on his way down
sidenote, this video did ghosts of the deep dirty. Best dungeon in the game IMO, though the traversal section is too long. The reveal of Oryx's body is crazy when you see it for the first time
Exo Minds can be broken down into two parts.
The “self” and The Memories.
When an Exo is reset it’s only the memories that are reset, the basic mind is untouched, and can make new memories in a new life.
The Veil however was completely wiping ALL data in the Exo body, reducing them to empty shells.
Hey Terra! I don’t usually write a comment until I’ve finished the video, but I just wanted to say that if you haven’t finished recording for Season of the Wish yet, I **highly** recommend reading the lore tab on the exotic ship you get for completing it. No spoilers on any of the details surrounding it though!
With the reveal of the Witness's origin, makes u look at the certain humanoid statues on the Pyramids differently, u can hear some of them screaming.
Also if u want a deeper understanding of the Witness, I suggest reading the Unveiling, Inspiral, & Entelechy lore. (Unveiling is from Shadowkeep although that one is a Parable that we dont know to be 100% true or not in areas, Inspiral from Root of Nightmares, & Entelechy is from The Final Shapes collectors edition so u might have to Google for the last one)
Unveiling details about the Winnower, not the Witness.
@@ArvindRajAgnosticAtheist it's still related to the Witness as it gave it to us aswell features its iconography on the cover & other things. & the Winnower debate is something we entirely don't know to be true or not
the urn looking things on the ships too
@@ArvindRajAgnosticAtheistThe Winnower and Gardener is just the mythos the Witness came up with for the true story to justify it's actions.
So tiny clarification, we knew Savathun messed with the Witness's plans all the way back in witch queen, which prevented humanity's extinction. In root of nightmares Nezerac says she stole the veil from the Witness and hid it. Probably on Neptune because of the "magnetic storms" or whatever that the lore books talk about that make Neptune almost impossible to scan. Now weather she put it there just a hiding place or for a specific reason, we don't quite know yet.
Also I'd HIGHLY suggest reading the lore entry on a ship called "Akashic Revelation" you get it from the season of the deep reward track in the helm, and you dont need to own the ship to read it. The lore entry describes what the guardian who tried to go through the portal before getting crushed. While not critical lore it kinda starts to frame whats going on with the portal and what the witness did, and whats up with veil and all its "memory and physic" stuff covered in the Logs
Also I love what they did with Xivu's character. Like Savathun said back in Lost, Xivu is terrified of being alone, the last sibling. And the dialog she gets during the season you can tell shes still in full on "god of war" mode. But the memories in the dungeon show the cracks, she watched her brother, who she very clearly idolized, get cut down and no body take his place, effectively spitting on their beliefs. She watched her sister betray her and the Witness and go to the light. And shes watched us time and time again, beat back her forces. All causing her beliefs to weaken a bit, but you can tell she also knows shes in too deep, where Savathun, nopped out and started a plan to move away from the Witness ages ago. Xivu is maybe stating to think that now but has no good way out and is in the head space of "this all has to be worth it.....right?" Like believing something for literally thousands of years, only to see keep unraveling, and despite everything she still just wants to be with her family.
I'll also say with no spoilers, they arn't done with her character she will be popping up again soon.
This is D1 lore, in the Golden Age the Ishtar researchers discovered copies of themselves while studying a Vex unit. With the help of Raputin they released around 250 copies of each researcher in the Vex Network. MSund-12 is most likely one of those copies
The symbol you see in the cutscene is also in Vow of the Disciple, its actually carved into "The Upended" (the box Rhulk loved talking about).
If Veil Containment unlocked after the raid instead of the following season Lightfall's reception would have been better
Joxer, the guy that went into the portal and got fused with the ship, has been a guardian known in lore for quite some time. he really didn't deserve this
Also Sloane was lost 2 and a half years. The real time of Destiny the game is also in the game itself. A year of time in our world is the same as in the game
One lore book you may want to check out, possibly even worth a short video, is called "Unveiling". It was revealed to us back at the end of Shadowkeep, and represents the first ever "contact" between us and the Voice in the Darkness...
Something to mention in case you haven't seen it, you mentioned Vow of the Disciple where that symbol was shown, there's a kind of secret room you can find in the raid where it has a wall full of those symbols, I won't spoil what it says too much but it's supposed to be some kind of prophecy and ends on kind of a cliffhanger. It uses the symbols from the raid since they all have names and words attached to them. Highly recommend you take a look at it if you haven't! It's VERY interesting and supposed to give us SOME kind of hint for The Final Shape, and as you can guess none of it is very good.
Feel free to ask your circle about it just to be safe, it's called the Vow of the Disciple prophecy wall, they'll let you know if it's worth knowing about :)
One thing that I don't think was ever mentioned in the story until next season. Is that Ashia is a proto WyrmGod. Rhulk and the Witness's original puppets to bait and pursued the Krill into becoming the Hive
1:18:07 The thing she just describe reminds me of Eramis, Kell of Darkness of Europa.
Something you should know about Ghosts or the Deep. Throughout the dungeon, these are like memoirs of Xivu Arath scattered throughout it. Also know the bosses in this dungeon were former Hive Bosses turned into Lightbearers. Ecthar was the Blade of Oryx. You see him in the cinematic cutscene of the Talen Ling, talking to Oryx. That’s him. Simmumah was a boss in the old Nokris strike during Warmind. She was of his brood before we killed her and she was reborn.
something cool to note, oryx isnt dead, we just knocked him out so when they are trying to bring him back with a hive ghost its not working because he is alseep, maybe he will return
This is an interesting speculation but there is no evidence supporting it in the lore. Everything we know about Oryx says that he is fully dead (apart from whatever scrap of his will still exists in the Touch of Malice weapon).
Kelgorath is the Hive's resident loser. He abandoned Savathun and pledged himself to Xivu Arath. Ever since, he's faced failure after failure, thanks to us, and has been altered/punished more severely each time.
Just as a heads up from that winterbite quest: the Spire of the Watcher dungeon that has you go into the golden age pillory bunker was made to mainly house a prediction AI so powerful that even the vex would have had a hard time rivaling it. It predicted the collapse and warned Rasputin, who told it to send out an alert for every colony ship to launch an RUN. Clovis didn't like this and trapped the AI, destroyed all but one of the colony ships which the AI was partially able to escape to. That colony ship eventually became Neomuna, and the half of the AI that escaped on the colony ship got merged with the vexnet. The other half of it can be found in the exotic bow from the dungeon.
Those things in the drifter's ship a the beginning are the spore plants you find in Presage and on the Leviathan.
next season is very cool yeah , and I don't want you to miss this specific lore entry so I just gonna tell you to check out in advance : AFTER you finish the next season story , check out the lore entry name Proportionality of the book Rites of Passage . You won't be disappointed
destiny moves roughly at real world time, so each expansion is about a year
The reason why Titan came back was probably the Macrocosm encounter on the Witness' ship in Root of Nightmares.
You know, I never considered this before.... interesting idea.
@@kylemccormack1785 Savathun on 2 truths, 2 lies: power to move worlds will soon be yours. Guess that one was truth.
Drifter's ship is on another dock, it mostly happens in lore but future seasons have more
The first episode after the final shape is called echoes and has a vex on the cover. Getting caught up on the vex, praedyth, and the Ishtar researchers may be useful
Xivu arath talks about the season of the seraph when she mentions slipping past her guard. She had us in a lose lose situation. But because we held off and Rasputin sacrificed himself to save the travaller we avoided her deathblow
" We are Cabal. We eat the mountains; We drink the seas. "
From the time of beyond lights release to season of the deep, the planets were gone for just a little over 2 years
The planets were missing for as long as they were sunset in real life, so a few years.
Terra, believe or not in the Winterbite quest, it reveals that a Vex Mind runs the CloudArk. The quest was to rescue it from vex that sought to kill it. When you defeat them, the mind sends you that message before going dormant again
1:58:03 not sure if you remember but Maya Sundaresh is the founder of the Future War Cult
The vex simulated Maya sundersesh. They used there vex powers to simulate them on Venus. It was only through Rasputin power that they were freed from the simulation. In the strike on Nessus the strike you hunt the psion at the end you receive a message from MSUND12
How did The Witness come to be?
Oh you know, just an entire civilization having an existential crisis
Alrighty I finally finished the video proper! Man. Season of the Titans, I mean er, Deep. Between the Veil Containment logs and the main story there were a lot of revelations and I loved every minute of it.
I think someone else mentioned it as well, but it bears repeating. Asha is *technically* the same species as the worm gods, just prior to their corruption/recruitment to the Witness I think. She’s described as a “proto-worm” in the lore.
Chioma Esi and Maya Sundaresh are actually really old figures in the lore. They’ve been around since the very beginning of the franchise as Ishtar Collective researches. It’s interesting to see their journey conclude here, even if it is pretty tragic in some senses. But there are other Mayas and Chiomas out there in the universe/vex net who are still together, so at least there’s that.
The last HELM radio message with Zavala and Sloane is the last time we hear Lance Reddick voice the character. I’m still really sad he isn’t here to see his character through to the end, but as far as conclusions go, this is a pretty good one I think. It’s a good note to end on, all things considered.
I look forward to seeing your thoughts on the last two seasons, and especially Final Shape since you’re going in blind.
xivu arath lines got me feeling things all over again 😳
Oryx's Dreadnaught orbits Saturn right inside of its rings, and Titan is one of Saturn's moons. After we killed Oryx his lifeless body floats off and crashes deep into Titan's methane sea.
Some poor newbie Titan, thought they said, "Crayons colored in that portal." Titan raised his hand said "I'll go!"
The Titan is Joxer, a former Crucible legend Drifter recruited to smuggle weapons for Gambit and beta-test Gambit Prime. His whole team got killed by a Primeval - all final deaths - and he basically quit after that. It's a shame this gruesome death is the first we've heard about him in years.
@@mozeytown Hehe if he is such a legend, why is he wearing the old starter Titan armor lol. I just feel sorry for his ghost.
I hope you know season of the deep was the last ever recorded voice of Lance Reddick as Zavala who passed away peacefully in his sleep
Can’t wait for you to watch season of the witch! That season was crazy!
I can’t wait for you to catch up and to experience The Final Shape when it’s out but I hope you’ll be able to avoid spoilers. I’ve gotten spoiled on Lightfall before i got a chance to play it 😅
This was Lance Reddick's last season. Rest in peace, Commander T_T
0:49 RIP Joxer. Also happy week before Final Shape.
My God I can't wait for season of the Witch. It IS my favorite season, and we get to work with my favorite character.
Have you SEEN the final shape trailer that just came out??, holy shit
Well he’s probably gonna go into it mostly blind
Don't you think that would be a spoiler when he hasn't finished watching everything ?
He did say that he wants to go in blind for Final Shape. But it does go hard as fuck!
I REALLY want to watch it but I'm staying as blind as I can on TFS 😭
@@terabellumunderstandable, king
And with this seasons end, so ends Lance Reddicks time as Zavala. Rest well commander. 💜
Haven't finished the video yet but yes! This is the very first time in more than 10 years that we heard Xivu's voice!
As for the questions about Maya Sunderesh, yes, she worked with Clovis Bray for a long time and eventually left once he started his most controversial experiments started, she is related to the Spire of the Watcher raid, and she's the one who wiped out several archives from Bray's library as means to hide her tracks and the findings Clovis could potentially weaponize. He also deleted all of her access and a lot of her stuff bc he was bitter she told him he was a jerk to his face.
They didn't show it in the cutscenes or dialog but Ahsa is a so called Proto-Worm, the original form of the Worm-God's of the Hive
Before the Witness came to corrupt the Hive, it first came for the Proto-Worms, Rhulk dove down into the seas of Fundement, beat the Leviathan and then took the mother of the Worms and corrupted them in the Witnesses name, Ahsa was the only one that didn't give in and was forced to flee from her home and people because she was being hunted by the Witness across the Stars, that's why the Witness came for Titan when the Blackfleet attacked and took a bunch of Planets, it tried to finish the hunt for Ahsa
Ahsa luckly manged to fight off the Taken thil Titan came back, shortly before that Sloane and Ahsa met and teamed up
It's explained in the lore of the season but I guess it's not mentioned in the dialogue, Ahsa is the same race as the Leviathan from the Book of Sorrows, and the Worm Gods are the same, but corrupted
We can and have undone Takenness. In the Last Wish raid and the Dreaming City strike we save Sedia, Shuri Chi, and Kalli from being Taken.
Good god deep dive ost slaps, I'm gonna miss it a lot
Sloane,Zavalla,saint,and Saladin talk about titans on titan am I right lol. I believe the planets where also gone for about 2 years and a couple months so from right before beyond light all the way to after light fall. We also are still missing IO and Mercury so no Vance but we did get a lot of Asher in defiance but maybe if we get IO back we could save him somehow
full offence but I hope vance stays gone. that man is insufferable
After playing more Avalon I have the distinct feeling Asher would not WANT to be saved. He has access to SO MUCH INFO being a part of the Vex. 😅
I take it you've never played Gambit? The Derelict is the drifters ship, also gambit pre game area, and beginning of prophecy. Also, I dont think anyone really knows what that thing is tnh lol
My partner forced me to play Gambit back in 2022 when we were trying to get into the game. It was neat but I don't like pvp and suppressed that time in my memory 😂
@@terabellum That's completely fair, gambit is also pretty bad ngl 😂
Season of the Deep was the last dialogue recorded by Lance :/
My heart... 💔
Titan is a Moon of Saturn. We killed oryx in Saturn orbit and his body fell into its moon Titan
I think there’s a lore book that details drifters extra-solar adventure
Chioma and Mya are wives. It was mentioned in the very first log we heard from Chioma
Also, MSund12 is one of Maya’s copies in the vex network.
… you have so many lore videos to watch. I wish you luck lol
The planets have been gone for about 2 years or so.
The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge.
For catharsis, read the season of the witch lore with saint after the video.
i dont know how correct this info is and or if its a spoiler buth i heard somewhere that the statue is supposed to represent the final shape traveller (the person) the veil (the blanket or whatever it is covering it)
Family guy death is wild😂😂😂😂
I think oryx fell from saturn’s rings and landed on the titan ocean
Fun fact if your a Steven universe fan the voice of xivu arath is actually the voice of Jasper
Also Ashley Williams (Mass Effect) & Barbara Gordon/Oracle (Batman: Arkham Asylum).
Out of curiosity, are you able to stream your final shape run through? I would love to watch your full experience.
not to hurry you but will you watch the final shape trailers before it releases or no? im just really excited to see all your reactions!!
40:50 Season of the Seraph